A/N: I'm a D/G shipper. I spun out this little idea this morning and wound up writing it just to get it out of my head. Anyways, if you're nice, you'll review. And if you don't, well I hope you enjoyed the story.

Disclaimer: I don't' won these characters *points to JK Rowling*, she does.


"Sod off Malfoy." The red head ground out between clenched teeth.

"Or what?" Draco Malfoy passed the angry redhead's book bag to one of his cronies, maybe Crabbe, maybe Goyle. "Or you'll hex me to the next dimension? With that wand? I think not."

He sneered at her.

Ginny's eyes sparked underneath her wisps of curling red hair and her hand went to her wand. An old scratched thing she had gotten from Charlie. Second-hand.

"This is it Malfoy, last chance you – "

"Get away from her!" Came the shout followed by the pounding feet of the dream Team. Ginny groaned inwardly but was glad at their arrival. The Calvary was here. She smirked at Malfoy as his head whirled to see the angry red face of Ron Weasley followed by Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

Ginny's brown eyes glinted and she seized her opportunity.

Malfoy's attention elsewhere, he didn't see Ginny's knee coming up in a swift movement until too late.

Even Harry grimaced as he watched Malfoy moan in agony on the floor. Ginny looked at him and his grey eyes flashed at her as she daintily stepped around to where Goyle had her bag hanging limply in one fist, his mouth agape in shock as he stared at his injured master…er...I mean friend.

"This isn't over Weasley." Malfoy ground out between gasps of breath for Ginny's ears alone.

Ginny turned her back on him with a small humph and walked jauntily away. Draco Malfoy wasn't worth her time. She didn't grin until she was around the corner and pelting it back to the common room, the Dream Team coming right behind her. 

They piled through the portrait hole, Ron was clutching his sides in laughter, or maybe it was a stitch from running so hard.

"Oh Gin, justice is sweet." Hermione spoke up between fits of giggles. "So glad I was there to see that."

Ginny grinned as Harry patted her on the back. "Never thought I'd see the day when Malfoy was sacked by a girl."

The dream team went off in fits of laughter once more, gaining the attention of those few students in their common room.  Soon they had all assembled laughing or chuckling as they told the story of how Ginny kneed Draco Malfoy. The boys groaned a bit in sympathy.

One lyrically gifted student made the story into a singsong ballad to the amusement of the crowd. Most memorized it to sing tomorrow whenever Malfoy walked by.

Ginny walked up to her dorm room later that evening amid pats on the back and words of congratulations. 

Once in bed though and huddled under her blankets she frowned slightly at the memory of the pure menace flashing in Malfoy's grey eyes. Would he get her back? Attempt revenge? She sighed and her brows furrowed sleepily. She'd ask Ron if he could watch out for her between classes tomorrow. Maybe she could stick around him and Harry and Hermione. Finally she succumbed to the lull of sleep, letting her dreams over take her.

While in another portion of the castle, down on the dungeon level, one blonde haired, grey-eyed boy smiled grimly as he thought of the perfect revenge before rolling over and letting sleep overcome him.

Thursday dawned bright and grey. The skies where white with the far off cloud covering that held the promise of snow. Students woke up, brushed their teeth, showered, changed, gathered their books and made their way down to the great hall. Ginny was no different. She woke up blissfully unaware of the events of the previous day. It didn't hit her until she was in the shower, furiously scrubbing her scalp. She paused in shock and there was a queer tightening of her stomach.

The sound of the water pounding around her echoed loudly in her ears as she slowly began to move again. She had nothing to worry about. What could he do to her really? She was a sixth year student and he was a seventh year prefect. He'd get in so much trouble if he was caught breaking the rules. Still though, hanging out with her brother seemed like a good idea today. Safety in numbers and all that. In that case, she'd better hurry.

Malfoy's face had bright red spots on it underneath stormy grey eyes. Gryffindors had been signing him a song since he had started to walk to the great hall this morning. And now the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were learning it too.

Students looked over to where he was with grins on heir faces, quickly looking away as they caught sight of his livid face. 

"Geez, Malfoy. What crawled down your pants and died?" Blaise Zabini asked with a sly smile.

Blaise stuck up his hands in mock surrender as Draco turned his glare onto him full blast.

"No pun intended." Blaise grinned cheekily.

Draco snarled angrily and stabbed at his breakfast with his fork. Stupid Weasley, make him the laughingstock of the whole school. Damaging his reputation.

Inevitably his plans for revenge passed through his mind after thinking about the stupid redhead and a sly grin lowly made its way across his face. He looked rather like a good-looking version of a hunchback as he sat grinning to himself with his shoulders hunched over and a vacant expression on his face as he went over his plans for revenge. Oh it would be sweet.

"The song must really be getting to him." Murmured a Ravenclaw, passing by the slowly rocking Draco.

Ginny listened to the three friends talk in hushed whispers. They agreed to protect her, though by now she was starting to doubt that Malfoy was going to do anything to her. But their agreement to protect her didn't affect how excluded she felt as she listened to them talk. They cast wary glances at her now and again to ensure that she wasn't listening in.

Could they be any more obvious? She snorted derisively to herself.

"You say something gin?" Ron asked curiously.

"No." She muttered, casting a glare at the back of his head as he turned back to Hermione.

Youngest Weasley, only girl, needed a protector. She bit her lip softly, staring at indifferently at the open book in front of her.

" I think what I really need is a bloody friend." It came out as a whisper as a feeling of solitude pressed itself down around her.

Every since she'd met Tom, she blamed it all on Tom, she'd been different. She knew more, well as much as Tom had, and her knowledge wasn't all…good. Sometimes she thought she should have been in Slytherin. Then she'd meet a Slytherin in the hall and she'd change her mind right back.

All this is to say that her encounter in the Chamber of Secrets had somehow warped her. And she honestly didn't mind it. Potions was a breeze, Transfiguration was a breeze, everything academic was a breeze. But it wasn't just in academia and she figured that's why she had no friends. Well, studying with Colin Creevey didn't really count.

Ginny sighed in exasperation. Okay, the protection thing was getting boring. It was Friday night, she had no homework to do until later and the three stooges over there would probably find someone else to watch after her (goody) while they went off and did something against the rules again while everyone else pretended they didn't' notice.

She shut her book with a bang and shoved off from the table in the library.

"Gin! Where do you think you're going?" Ron's voice called out minutes later just as she reached the door to the library.

"Common room." She called back quickly before fairly running out of the library. The sooner she could get her pyjamas on and curl up with her book the better.

Draco paced quickly in his dorm room. Everything was ready. He grinned in satisfaction. Friday night, the perfect time to exact revenge for his damaged reputation and his damaged…er…yes.

He grinned and with a swirl of his robe left the dorm room. Blaise watched him leave form his bed with a look of interest. "Wow. Someone's going to get it tonight. He only does the evil robe thing when really, really pissed." He half muttered to himself, half to Crabbe who was watching a spot on the wall with interest.

Ginny pulled on her pyjamas quickly, a tight green tank top over a sports bra and old sweat pants that used to belong to Ron. Sighing she flopped down on her bed and pulled her book bag to her.

Rifling though it looking for her book, she cursed. "Crap. I left in the library."

She contemplated her options. Go running around the school in my nightclothes when everyone is still awake and moving and get my book? Or stay here and do homework?

"Ha. I'm no Hermione." She muttered and leaped out of bed. "Forward march soldier, the library awaits us. I mean, me." She grinned and bounded down the stairs, excited for no reason.

The halls weren't as full of people as she had expected them to be, mostly everybody had decide on their evening activities by now.

Ginny twitched nervously as she picked up her pace. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Her wand was tucked in the elastic band of her sweat pants and she drew it out into a slippery palm. She walked a bit faster. Was it her imagination or was there an echo to her footsteps? Like someone was following her? She began to jog, who cares what people thought about crazy Ginny Weasley anyways.

The library entrance came into view and Ginny pelted through the doors, stopping suddenly as students looked up at her.

A blush rose to her cheeks and she quickly tried to hide her face as she made her way quickly to where she could see her book on the floor underneath a table.

The Dream Team had left already, leaving a broken quill on the table and ink splatters. She shook her head. Slobs.

She reached down and picked up her book. Once in her grasp, she breathed in relief. Her mission was complete and she felt safe now. Doubtless she had just been paranoid earlier. Her face grew red at the thought. Crazy Ginny, always scared now from one encounter with evil personified. "I'm paranoid." She muttered as she began to walk back the dorm, her book grasped in one hand, wand back in its position in the band of her pants.

Her scream was muffled as a long hand clamped down over her mouth. "You're not paranoid." The whisper came and Ginny grew slack. Tom? No! It couldn't be. Then it was…Malfoy! She grew angry and started to struggle wildly.

His hold grew tighter as he pulled her down an empty hall, one arm around her waist. A door squeaked and into an unused classroom they went. Malfoy drew her wand out of the back of her pants and she flinched.

He released her and she spun around in fury, ready to grab her wand back and give him the beating of a lifetime. But Malfoy had been expecting that and was ready with a curse. Her mouth was open to scream at him in rage.

"Silencius!" Malfoy said firmly and Ginny couldn't talk. Her hands flew to her throat.

Her wide angry eyes flew to Malfoy's smirking ones. He had two wands pointed at her, his and hers.

"If I was you, I wouldn't move Weasley." He said softly, his voice laced with satisfaction.

Ginny stood stock still, her fists clenched at her sides and glared at him, gulping wildly. It felt as if something was lodged in her throat. 

Malfoy smirked at her. "Poor little Weasley, where's Potter and his friends when you need them." He smirked. "Too bad, it's just you and me." He sneered and drew closer.

"Now you see Weasley, I struggled with what to do with you for a while; couldn't decided which sort of revenge I wanted to exact." He grinned ferally and the light from the hallway streamed into the room casting a menacing aura around him.

Draco raised his wand and backed up a step. Ginny's eyes flew about, searchgin for anyone to come help her. He muttered a spell, and Ginny had only started dodge the curse before it hit her.

She fell to the floor quickly.

Draco lowered the wands and tucked his back away as well as Ginny's. Where once a sixth year student had lain, a little black kitten with a dainty white socks and a white patch over its left eye was sitting blearily.

Draco squatted quickly and scooped up the kitten. Suddenly it began to fight and snarl and hiss.

Draco's hand held it away from him, tightening painfully about the kitten's middle, squeezing its ribs. He pointed his wand at it quickly.

"I warned you Weasley. You had his coming. You want me to de-claw you as well?" he hissed at her.

The kitten struggled for breath and Draco loosened his grip on the transfigured Ginny.

Strong hands brought her near to his face. "Well, well, well. I think I'll call you Kitten. Because," He grinned maliciously at her "You are a kitten." With that he rubbed his hand over her head and holding her firmly against his chest set off out of the classroom, back to the dungeons.