I feel like the last chapter was a little rushed but I wanted it out before I had forgotten it.

Eh, if you got questions feel free to ask

Not sure where the hell I'm going with this

Still don't own anything


I was timid around my three masters and the guard, wanting to be on my best behavior. The last punishment…

I never want to make them mad ever again…

"Bell?" Renata poked her head in my room. My only friend, my only light here…

"I want you to be free…Bell."

But she can't make that happen. How selfish would I be if I put my happiness above her getting her head cut off?

That is what will happen to her; just liked it happened to…

She didn't want to be immortal so she gained the trust of my masters and the guard to allow me to go for a "run" but then human things happened around us and she told me to out run them.

"Just try, yes?!"

I did and I…


I was a prisoner for eternity…

I could kill myself…

I gasped.

I could but I would have to see Carlisle one last time.

"Bella?" Renata said worriedly, her eyes wide and sad. She still kept her distance but I saw she was inching closer.

"Y-Yes?" I smiled gently at her and gestured her closer.

"Actually, I'm here to retrieve you." My eyes widened,

"I-I've done nothing wrong-"

"Just come. You're not in trouble," Renata chuckled, smoothing the stands of hair out of my face and smoothing my light blue dress. She grabbed my hand and led me out of my room.

When we got to the throne room…


Still beautiful, just as I remembered, golden hair and those warm orbs that lit up. We embraced and I honestly don't know how I ended up in his arms so fast when I had only been across the room. His scent put a raid out and I felt my soul brightened. Well…

I guess that I can go on with it since my last request has been granted.


I had to come back, just to see if she was alright but no…

She looked exhausted and frightened and I saw very faint bite marks on the top of her cheeks.

They were biting her on her face?

"You're still beautiful as ever," I said, bringing her back into my embrace. It had been a long time and Esme, my new wife, said that I should come and see her. I had start a little family of my own since I arrived in the New World and had graduated from many colleges to received many certificates in the medical field because I wanted to help people as much as I possibly could. I couldn't die and I couldn't get sick, so I was able to research diseases and get closer to individuals without contracting. That's how I was able to achieve my son Edward Cullen during the wave of the Spanish Influenza. His mother knew of what I was and begged me to save her son before she died.

He was my first…

While I had undergone the transformation myself, I found quite fascination watching him undergo the change. I had to place him in a room and board the room up to keep his screams muffled. It gave me a moment to reflect that I had his blood in my system, the first drop of human blood I had since becoming this cursed creature. I was surprised that it had not woken the lust for human blood but I made sure to be boarded up with him just in case to bring the lust under control. When he woke, I was nervous because I wasn't sure how he would react. Nobody was there for me during my transformation and I felt alone and abandoned. I didn't want Edward to go through what I had gone through. I wanted him to have a better start to his second life than I did. We moved from Chicago to Wisconsin, where I recalled Esme, having met her a few years prior to changing Edward. She had suffered and was still suffering when I met her again from the lost of her baby boy. She had tried to commit suicide and was on the line between life and death. I gave her death for life and since then we were inseparable. She was my wife and Edward was our son.

Bella would be perfect for Edward. We had come across a girl named Rosalie, a beauty who had been raped by her future husband and his friends and left to die. I thought she would be suitable for Edward but they were oil and water but she had found her love in a boy name Emmett. He had been attacked by a bear and Rosalie pleaded that I changed him. I was amazed at her self control, her person covered in blood and I could not say no. She couldn't take the screaming when Emmett was in the midst of the change and I tried to ease it with painkillers.

The venom burned them upon impact.

They were currently in the forests of Paris for their honeymoon. I had come with them but continued my journey to Italy. I had a family, not a coven.

I wanted Bella to be a part of that. I could give her an education; teach her how to live among humans. Esme was excited to meet her because I spoke highly of her and I missed her. I was frantic when I thought about her. It would soothe me if I knew she was safe and not being used.

She's close to cracking

"I'm not going to take 'no' for an answer, Aro," I started. I knew what he was capable of, who he commanded but he said if I ever needed or wanted anything then I had him to call upon.

Bella is what I want

He knows I would never do anything to her.

I know I can trust my wife and children not to slip.

"W-What?" Bella asked, peering curiously at me.

"If you want Bella then you can join me and if you want me to, I extend the invitation to your family. I'm especially delighted to meet Edward-"

"No," I interrupted. I heard Bella gasp and I was also shocked at how cold my voice got. Aro noticed for his red eyes narrowed.

"Then you're wasting your time-"

"Would you deny her this? You have given her everything she could ever ask for but this?"

"I-It's okay, my angel. I-I don't mind it h-here and you're r-right, I have e-everything I could ever ask f-for." She reached up to stroke my cheek softly and she smiled gently but her eyes…


What kind of angel am I, if I can't even save her? I've saved Edward, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett but I can't save Bella?

I looked up at Aro…

"Trust me; let me prove to you that you can trust me with her. What would be different from when you allowed me to take her to Rome?"

"Are being smart with us?" Caius hissed. I bowed in apology.

"No, forgive me if it came off that way but I meant was, she spent two days alone with me and I brought her back in one piece. My wife and children would never hurt her because that would hurt me."

It was silent except for Bella's soft breathing.

Aro stared at me for the longest, his look neutral.

"I'll keep you updated every day and if anything should happen then you have my head."


I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Judging by Master's face, he seemed as almost as if he was considering it. I felt butterflies in my stomach but I couldn't show my excitement. My eyes flashed to Renata to find she was staring stone faced at Master.

"You're not considering this, are you?" Master Caius asked.

Please say yes…

I took a deep breath and I pulled from Carlisle and went to Master Aro, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the room off the throne room. It was a small room that had a small desk, chair, a bookshelf, and a small lounge.

"M-Master…I have n-never asked of anything except to be with Carlisle. W-When it's time for me to come b-back then I will come, without a-any questions or c-complaints and I-I will be y-yours b-but I w-want this…p-please. I-I'll do anything just for a moment of f-freedom," my breath caught and my heart twisted.

"Anything?" He was there then, tilting my head up. With wide eyes, I nodded. I said nothing as he picked me up and sat me on the desk.


I was drowning. It was smoldering and then freezing.

"M-Master, p-please…too much…Ah," I cried out. I was drunk and high and I was searching for leverage. He held my legs opened, his red eyes intent on me and he kept biting and sucking that part of me that came alive with pleasure. I was licked and suckled there but never bitten. I began rubbing against his face as I gripped the edges of the desk, the top of my breasts coated in red and my moans were loud and sinful. I heard him moan as he sucked deeper.

"Give me that drink I love so much," he demanded.

"M-Master…p-please…" Ice turned into heat again and I was melting, stirring, and I was slowly erupting.

"No, no…il mio piccolo cigno..." Master Aro chuckled. His eyes were bright red despite the faint cloudiness that was taking over.


I gripped the edges of the desk and gave him want he wanted and he drank it with need. I became drunk, as the infection dug into every nook and cranny of my insides, searing and then cooling as it slithered across organs, veins, cells, muscle, and bone and I was left out of breath.


I took a deep breath and it ended with a cry of sin. He bit again…

"G-Give more t-to Bella," I cried as he nibbled, opening the sensitive skin of my lips.

When will he take me?

When will he fill me?

He laughed devilishly but he did nothing more except continue his feast and I was left to my own undoing.


"You will call every day and inform me of everything that you do. I don't want to hear it from Carlisle. I want to hear it from you," I said. A beautiful sight lay before me. Isabella splayed out on the desk, her thighs wide, dress hiked, and me dripping out of her…

I loved it. I heard her heart stop racing and her breathing slow.

"Y-Yes, Master," she panted. She did something brash and reached down to swipe at her wet blossom and brought her fingers to her lips, moaning as she licked and sucked her fingers.

I joined her, except I was feeding it to her, her tongue cleaning my fingers off.

"Understood?" I shoved my fingers down her throat but there was no affect because Heidi, Chelsea, Renata, Sulpicia, and Athendora taught her different ways to suppress her gag. She nodded, her tongue slithering across my fingers. I pulled my fingers from her warm mouth and I internally sobbed at the lost of the warmth. But it was not too long for I found another source of heat between her thighs and soaked up the addicting fluid and shoved my fingers back down her throat again and she moaned in pleasure, her eyes closing.

"Look at me!" I snapped, roughly gripping her chin. Bella's orbs revealed themselves to me with dilated pupils. She nodded frantically in clarification.

I smirked and with just only the fingers in her mouth, I pulled her to sit up, every sound she made was muffled and I felt every gulp she did.


"She's safely on the ship, Masters," Demetri and Felix said, bowing. I waved them off and they left.

"Are you sure about this, brother?" Caius asked.


"We have to trust Carlisle. He has been good friend to us and good to Bella. It's time for her to live human for awhile."

It dawned on me that it has been multiple centuries that Bella has never been around humans.

We owed her that

No matter how terrible our human lives were, we all had a human life story to tell. With the exception of the twins but that was because I didn't have a choice. I was all ready for them to be adults when they came to me but fate had other plans.

Bella was human, had been for centuries but never had a human life. She was quite young when she was given to me but her existence has been at the mercy of the undead.

"When has being human ever worked out for anybody?" Caius retorted.

He's furious I let her go

As is everyone else but they knew not to say anything to me about it.

"Bella has been such a good girl. We'll give her…her time and when we deem fit, we'll call for her return." I explained pleasantly.

I feel like I'm going to throw up

"I want her back now," Caius said nastily.

I chuckled.

"As do I but she would hate us and would be even more stubborn if we told her she had to come back. I couldn't bear it to see that adorable face scrunched up in tears if we forced her to come back home. The time will go by quickly and I'm sure one of Carlisle's idiot children will screw up somewhere…"

Bella's free motherfucka's!

And starts the Twilight story…

PM me with questions or to tell me you love me lol