Legends speak of a man who was a king to a vast kingdom. But his land was soon threatened by a enemy that his people had never experienced before, Demons. His army was soon put to the test once the demons were upon them, but they were found wanting and slaughtered. The only advantage that humanity had was the light of day, for the demons could only come out at night, but soon the demons set out to take even that advantage away from the humans. In time the demons developed a corrupting form of magic that would slowly engulf the world into endless night, and this became known as the Starscourge...

The king and his people prayed to the gods to help fight this threat to their existence, and the gods answered in the form of a vast meteor. Once the meteor struck the ground, humanity was gifted with the materials to craft magical weapons and spells. And with this newfound knowledge, they began to turn back the tides of war in their favor...

But the king knew that even with this new form of power, the threat would always remain unless the demons were stopped at the source. So the king used a powerful form of magic to seal up the demons within him, forever sealing them away. But once he returned home, instead of being hailed as a hero to the people, he was exiled by the very people he had sacrificed so much to save. He vowed revenge against those who betrayed him and then disappeared without a trace...

While many people tell this story to their children at night as a legend, what many people don't seem to realize is that most legends are based off of some form of the truth...

And the Mad King was only bidding his time within the shadows, waiting for the day that he would destroy all of humanity...

(A/N: So tell me what do you think of this as a new story? I kept this chapter purposely short to entice the reader like so many great stories have before me. This is a FF15 crossover story with a mix of both Neglected Naruto as well as Emperor to the west. Since no one else seems to be doing this crossover, I thought that I would take a crack at it. There will be some other characters from other stories as well, but not too many. So here's to hoping that this story excites you alongside my other story or stories if you are reading this when and/or if I write anymore after this one. So enjoy!)