Original cover for Shape of You rightfully belongs to Ed Sheeran. McDonald's parody cover for Shape of You rightfully belongs to Fandroid. Please support the official release.

Fandroid and his Fan

Shape of You

You started out as a huge fan of his, then you miraculously met him at a YouTube con, and now you were one of his closest friends and hung with him all the time.

Yes, you were talking about the one and only adorable musical robot: Fandroid. He truly was adorable. When you first started watching his videos, many, if not all, of his faces were just so cute, hot or sexy. He was irresistible, in your opinion.

And now, you couldn't be happier to be his friend, especially since you never expected it to happen…you also never expected to fall for the robot so easily. You couldn't help it!

"Hi, (Y/N)!" the voice you knew all too well greeted happily, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when you realized it was none other than Fandroid. The said robot YouTuber was standing on the other side of the counter of the McDonald's you worked at as a cashier.

"F-Fandroid? H-Hi! What're you doing here?" you nervously stuttered.

"Well, I've finished making all my videos for the day and your shift is almost over, so I thought I'd pick you up."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that, Fan! You know I live close enough to work to just walk."

"Well, why not? We're friends aren't we?"

"Yeah, but…"

"Than there's nothing wrong with a gentleman being civil-like towards a lady!" As if to be funny, the robot bowed and grabbed your hand, grinning up at you while lifting it.

"Fandroid!" you couldn't help but giggle and blush, and then the timer on your phone suddenly went off to alert you that your shift ended for the day, "Oh…alright, I'll ride home with you."

"Yay!" Fandroid cheered.

You then removed your uniform hat and stepped out from behind the counter, walking out of the restaurant with the YouTuber to your car. But as soon as you two hopped in and put on your seatbelts, an idea popped into your head.

"Wanna grab some dinner together?"

"Hmm…sure, and I think I know the perfect place that's still open and pretty cheap." You scoffed from nearly laughing at Fandroid's cocky smile, as you know exactly what he was referring to.

You then started your car and drove all the way around McDonald's to get into the drive-thru, chatting a little with one of your fellow employees, whom you were also good friends with, and you two ordered your food.

"So, what'd you upload today?" you asked nonchalantly as you waited at the second window for your food.

"I played chapter three to Bendy and the Ink Machine," Fandroid replied boastfully.

"Really? What happened?"

"Nope! I'm not spoilin' it for ya. You'll just have ta watch my video for yourself, Missy."

"Jerk." Fandroid laughed when you playfully punched his metallic shoulder, but then your food was brought to the window shortly after, and you drove away to a park you and Fandroid liked to visit occasionally, parking in a nice spot under a huge and old oak tree.

You then began unpacking and preparing your food: two large fries, two diet cokes, and a Big Mac for Fandroid while you had a six piece chicken nugget.

"Mm! Ya know, I'm glad you work at McDonald's," Fandroid informed with a mouthful of burger.

"Why's that?" you questioned before putting three fries in your mouth at a time.

"Well, for one obvious reason, everyone loves McDonald's, so you're just all that more likeable in my book, (Y/N)." He was just so sweet and cheerful sometimes, and you couldn't help but blush again.

"Aww, thanks…"

"And second, with you being an employee there, you get a fair discount on all your meals."

"Touche. Hey, want the radio on?"

"Oh, sure!"

You leaned forward to turn on the radio, and Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You" came on, and with perfect timing since it came on just as it started.

"Ooh, I love this guys music! In fact, I was thinking of writing a parody song of this one," Fandroid pointed out with excitement, but then his smile drooped, "But I haven't come up with a creative cover yet…"

Both you and Fandroid stopped eating for a moment, as you wanted to help him think. And once more, a brilliant idea came to you.

"What about a McDonald's cover?" you suggested with a bright smile.

"A McDonald's cover?" the robot asked in disbelief, but still looked up at you in great curiosity.

"Yeah, like…" you paused, trying to come up with some clever lyrics on the spot, "~And last night, we went through a drive-thru, and now my bed sheets smell like food. Everyday, we're ordering something brand new. I'm in love with McDonald's! E-I-E-I-E-I-E-I-O~"

After singing all you could think of on short notice, you sat there in silence and looked at the robot expectantly, but he only sat there in silence with wide eyes. Eventually, your smile turned into a frown and you blushed once more, but only out of embarrassment.

E-I-E-I-O?! Seriously?! You're such an idiot! You scolded yourself in your mind.

"Whoa…that's…" Fandroid began, and you looked away when you heard the disappointed sneer in his tone, "INCREDIBLE!"

You certainly weren't expecting that answer.

"W-what?" you asked sheepishly, turning back around to find him smiling with one of his giant smiles that took up nearly half of his screen, and his eyes were big and sparkly too.

"That's genius, (Y/N)! Did you really just come up with that now?!"


Fandroid's giant smile then turned into a conniving grin again, and her stared at you with the same sly confidence. He clicked his tongue and pointed at you, "Ya know, you should be a lyricist."

"What? No, no, that's your department, not mine…"

"Maybe. But you could really help me write songs."

"You want my help?"

"Sure! If you want to, that is."

"Of course! I'd love nothing more than to help you, Fandroid!" You felt your cheeks heat up with excitement again, and when you saw Fandroid smile another one of his adorable smiles, you just lost it.

You suddenly lunged into the passenger seat, wrapping your arms tightly around the back of the robot's large square head and pulled him into a passionate kiss on the lips.

Fandroid just remained frozen but shaking in his seat, not sure what to do or say as his eyes twitched in fear and confusion.

But it wasn't long before you finally realized what you were doing, and you soon let go of him and leaned back in your seat, blushing even redder than ever before. The two of you just stared at each other awkwardly, the tension in the air only growing as you both remained silent. You then reached over and turned off the radio, interrupting Ed Sheeran's song.

"F-F-Fandroid, I…I-I swear, I have no idea where that come from, and I am so sorry!" you frantically apologized, your eyes darting everywhere to avoid anymore eye contact with the robot.

But then you averted your attention back at the radio when it was suddenly turned on again, still continuing Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You" as he sang "~I'm in love with the shape of you. Push and pull, like a magnet do; although, my heart is fallin', too. I'm in love with your body~"

You realized Fandroid could've been the only one who could've turned it on, so you reluctantly stared back up at him, and you were greeted with deep sincerity in his eyes.

"(Y-Y/N)…do you…really feel that way about me?" he finally spoke, his voice was meek yet surprised.

"I…I don't know…we've been close for so long, and I don't want to ruin our friendship," you admitted sheepishly, but you gasped when you felt his cold pincer claws gently cup your chin to make you look up at him.

"(Y/N), if you have something to say to me, than just say it." He was firm but soft, and you could see it in his eyes, given he was making one of his intense focused faces.

"Ok, ok…I…guess I…" you sighed and sulked your head in defeat, "I really like you, Fandroid…like, like-like you."

"You do?" he sounded shocked.

"Yeah…you're just so…so irresistible…with your unique robot voice and numerous cute faces, I couldn't not like you."

"That's a double negative."

"I know!" you snapped, "And now, you probably hate me!"

"Is that what you think?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I? I confessed something so embarrassing, and now you think I'm just the most pathetic girl with a hopeless crush…"

"Aww, (Y/N)! You couldn't be more wrong!"

You looked back up at him complete shock, and you saw his big and sparkling teary eyes with a dopey grin.

"You don't know how relieved I am to hear your say that! I've really like-liked you too!"

"R-really?" You swore you felt like you would start welling up with tears of joy, too, "But I always thought with your huge music and gaming life, you'd never notice me like that."

"Wrong again! To tell ya the truth, I've kinda had the hots for ya since we met," Fandroid admitted, his face turning even more embarrassed with a large blush.

"What?! Why?! I'm nothing special!"

"Don't say that, (Y/N), for I am in love with the shape of you!"

As if on cue, Ed Sheeran's song finally ended, and you turned off the radio deciding you'd had enough music at the moment.

"You're not just copying Ed, are you?" you asked with a smirk.

"Of course not! It may be funny, but I mean it!" Fandroid declared dramatically, and then gently took your hands in his metallic claws, "I love you, (Y/N)."

"Aww!" you blurted out and suddenly pulled him into a hug, and he immediately hugged back, "I love you too, Fandroid."

Original cover for Shape of You rightfully belongs to Ed Sheeran. McDonald's parody cover for Shape of You rightfully belongs to Fandroid. Please support the official release.

A lot of other YouTubers get their own XReaders, so why not Fodnroid, too? Besides, he really is irresistibly adorable:3

Also, yes, if you have any requests with Fandroid, whether being rated K-M, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!