Why hello there!
Thank you for taking the time on checking one of the thousand self-inserted Fire Emblem Awakening fanfiction of which is mine!
Here's a little heads-up about what is to come from that fanfic :

- Me and four of my friends have been sent to the world of FE Awakening because... reasons.
- My friends' life-partners have already been decided. But not mine. Eventually, a poll will be made so that you can choose between one of four different possible partners.
- To limit the number of OCs, only my character will have an Original "Children of the Future".

If you have any questions, ask away and I'll TRY to answer them properly.


Fire Emblem Awakening
- We Meet Again -
Chapter 01

The water feels nice.
A bit cold, but…
I mean, I always loved swimming.
When I was a teenager, I used to hold my breath for a whole minute before the time I-


Wait a minute.
I'm drowning.

Coughing with surprise, I curse at myself for letting out bubbles of important oxygen out of my mouth.
At least, the said bubbles leads me toward the surface that I can barely spot from my position.
God dammit!
Lungs urging for air.
Muscles hurting like hell.
Swim, Guillaume, swim!


Air! Sweet air!
Deep breathing! Need to breathe! Deeply!
Aw shnuts! It's raining.
No wait. It's a storm.
Well, that's better!

"Land… I need land…"

Through the thunder-storm, I spot a bunch of trees.
Without thinking twice, I swim toward the sho-

Without thinking twice, I swim toward the shore.

I don't know how long I swam, but once my fingers finally caught a grasp of sand, I set foot on land and walked (more like crawled…) toward the forest.
The wind is strong. The storm is loud. And the rain just won't seem to let go of its fury.
Missing the strength to decently lay down, my body falls under a tree.

"Can't dry any clothes right now… Unless I find…"

A house? A town? A cavern?
Right now, my body hurts WAY too much to even move a muscle and my consciousness is slowly fading away.

Hey. I'm wearing a hooded-cape?
At least I can cover up a bit...
While I…

It's hot.
I can barely feel the refreshing breeze through my blanket.


I push away the cover from over my face.
Ack! Sun! Eyes!
I rub my eyes with the palms of my hands.
And I slowly peek at my surroundings.


From one side, the forest.
The other, water as far as my sight can see.
The ocean, perhaps?
Wait. The ocean… Last night!
I was in the ocean last night?
Yeah… I remember. I woke up underwater.
And I… reached the shore…
The rest is pretty hazy in my head.

Then I look at my knees.
A white colored cape is covering my laps right now.

"… That's not my cape."

I have my share of medieval costumes at home.
I've been doing LARPs for years now and I got myself quite the collection of accessories.
But THAT cape isn't mine.
I mean, seriously. At night, you usually don't want to get spotted by the enemy.
A white cape is NOT helping in those situations.

Now that I notice, my pants are white as well.
… Oh yeah. I do not possess white pants either.
And yet, here they are "clamped tightly around my buttocks".
This is gonna be a pain to wash the stains off…

In the end, I find out that not a single piece of cloth that I'm wearing is of my property.
The blue long-sleeve shirt with shoulder pads made of brown leather, the brown clothed belt and the leather boots.
I do not remember any friend or acquaintance that lend me such costume.

My head hurts…

I can hear a rumble through my stomach…

And… I can't remember.

I can't remember the events that happened just before I woke up in the ocean.

"What the hell?..."

I mean, come on. If I'm wearing a costume, it surely means that I was attending a LARP, right?
But then, since when have I attended an event so close to the ocean?
I live in Montreal. I wouldn't go THAT far to attend a LARP.
And, once again, I would never dare wear white clothing in the forest.
A convention sounds even less plausible of an explanation…

"Where the "eff" am I?..."

I pick up the cape and stand up.
Hey. The cape is dry.
And I don't see a single stain on it.
Same goes for my pants.
I don't know what kind of fabric this is, but my cosplayer friends would be SO jealous right now.

I raise my head to only notice the trees and the ocean.
Once again.

"Ah. Road!"

Found some kind of hiking trail.
If there's a path, it means that there's civilisation around!


Can't help shouting aloud my happiness.
Hey. Maybe there's someone around?

"Hellooo? Anyone heeere?"

Nothing but the sound of the wind through the forest.
Seriously, that is one of my favorite sound in the world.
So soothing.


But yeah. Right now, I would have preferred an answer from an individual instead of the wind.
Try again.


No answer.
Anyway… better follow the trail…
And, preferably, find someone or something that can give me answers.
… food would be nice too.

My… stomach…
Like an endless… void…
Sucking the very existence out of my guts…


Well. The good news is, I can finally see the end of the forest.
A few steps and I-

"… Ha…"

It's a beautiful scenery.

A large meadow surrounded by mountains and filled with fields of various vegetables, wheat and-

"Wait. Are those apple trees?"

I run toward the fruits with my hands forward.
Being tall (six feet, four inches), I grab an apple from its branch and clap it between my teeth.
Like the great Spike Spiegel once said "Hunger is the best of spices".
Well, this is without a doubt the BESTEST apple I have ever devoured in my entire life.
Gosh, I already finished it? I grab three other apples and sit down while eating them.
I might get a stomach ache from eating all these, bu-
Aaaaaand, they're all gone.
I lay down on the grass with a satisfied look on my face and the hoodie of my cape on my eyes…

"I'm alive again…" I let out with a sight.

"I reckon you enjoyed those apples, son?"

My eyes are wide open.
I raise up my hoodie, and I see a tall bearded man in his forties looking down at me with a pitchfork pointing at my forehead.

"I'm really sorry, sir!" I say while raising my hands as a sign of surrender. "I was completely lost and hungry. I couldn't help myself…"

The man has a severe expression on his face.
Really badass for a farmer, if you ask me…

"On your feet, stranger."

With both my hands still reaching for the sky, I slowly stand up on my feet.

"Donny! Go git the rope, son."

Oh great. A kid is watching too?
Man, first time I meet people and I get the reputation of a thief…
Such a beautiful da-
Wait, "Donny"?
Where have I heard that name befo-

"There ya go, Pa!"
"Hold me fork, son."

Ten seconds later, my hands are tight together behind my back.

"Turn aroun', stranger."

I don't make him wait.
I turn around and my hoodie slides down from my head.
And that's when the surprises begin.


Is… that really?
A young kid, not too tall, blue shirt, dark-grey-purple-ish hair and wearing a golden saucepan over his head…
The confusion gets the better of me.

"No… this is… what am I…?"

But, something else takes me off-guard.
The two villagers are wearing an expression of surprise on their faces.
They stare at me with disbelief and fright.

"Wh- What is it?" I ask.

The father points once again the pitchfork at me.

"M- Monster…"


Now, that's just rude.

"What kind-a monster are ya?" the father asks me, brandishing his tool closer to my fa- Woah! Danger!
I back up to avoid getting my eyes balled off my sku-
Wait, is that an apple under my foot-?


I fall once again on my back.

"Are ya some kind of a-demon!?" the old man shouts. "I oughta impale ya where ya standin!"

Donnell. Your Pa is crazy.

"What are you talking about!? I'm a human! Just like you!"

"Then explain' the long ears, foul beast!"

… Rude.

I turn toward Donnell with a confused face, as if demanding an explanation.
… Now that I think about it, why should I expect any friendly help from him?
I sure do know him, but he doesn't even know me!
Surprisingly though…

"The long pointy ears, mister the demon." he politely answers. "They' long and a-pointy like carrots…"

Pointy ears?...

"Pointy ears?..."

"I reckon ya got some explainin' for that?" Donnell's father asks.

… Are they kidding with me?
I try to reach my head with my hands, but the knots around my wrists ain't helping.
I turn my head around on the ground and…
What a weird feeling…
I can definitely sense the grass scratching my ear.
I mean… WAY more grass that I could feel with my ear.

"What the hell?..."

I turn my head toward Donnell's fa-

Head… hurting.
Worse than this morning.
Back aching.
This is definitely not a comfortable position that I am in right now.

I feel like I am glued to a tree…

Close enough.
I'm tied to a post.
Standing in the middle of a village.
With a large public of people staring at me.

Definitely NOT a good day.

"He's waking up!" a man in the crowd shouts.

I can hear the gasps of the mothers around me, pulling their children towards them.
I've never felt so humiliated in my life…
It's… wait.
Donnell's father knocked me unconscious with his pitchfork, right?
Oh. Speaking of the devil.

"You oughta be careful, elder."
"It's okay, Dell." the older man answers. "He cannot harm anyone like this."

So, Donnell's father is called Dell?
The elder is getting really close to me. He doesn't seems scared, but rather curious.
He looks at me straight in the eyes.

"What business do you have here, manakete?"

"You are a manakete, right?" asks the old man. "Am I not mistaking?"

Sorry. Just trying to process the informations in my head…
The elder turns toward Dell.

"You probably went too hard with the pitchfork, Dell."
"Wait!" I interrupt. "A manakete? You're saying I am a... a manakete?"

The old man faces me again.

"You seem rather confused."

That's when I remember the little "discussion" that I had with Donnell's father earlier in the morning.
The pointy ear stuff.
I had to see it for myself.

"A mirror…" I say.
"I need a mirror! A reflection!"

Dell looks at the elder with a wary expression.
But the old man nods as an answer.

A minute later, a woman that I recognise as Donnell's mother comes back with what seems to be a round shield of steel.
Dell takes the shield in his hands and faces it toward me.

And I can see them…

My two usually round and very human-like ears are now replaced with pointy and very elf-like ears.
But then, it gets better…
My hair have turned to a dark-green color.
Not that I remember dying them like that.

I can't believe what I am seeing…

Actually, I can't even believe what's going on right now…

It's hitting me really hard in my consciousness…

I have been turned into a manakete in the world of Fire Emblem Awakening.