MARCH 13 2000

Harry's POV

I had waited long enough, today was the day I was going to do it. Today was the day I was going to tie the knot between Ginny and I. I was going to ask her to marry me, and I knew exactly how.

"Ginny?" I called after finishing my breakfast. "Do you want to go on a date later today? I mean, I don't have auror training and you don't have Quidditch Practice. It might be the the last chance we get for a while."

Ginny nodded and said flirtasiously, "Why would I not want to go on a date with my hot boyfriend."

I grinned and stepped closer to her so I was right in her face. "Can't keep away from me, can you Weasley." I then left, calling out the time to her.

"3pm Gin, be ready and dressed in something hot."

I heard her giggle, "Don't worry Haz, I will."

Now the time was settled and Ginny was on board, I need to actually set my plan into action. I had bought a ring months ago, just waiting for the perfect day to come. I quickly made some arrangements and in no time it was 3pm.

"Gin, are you ready to go?" I called up the stairs.

"Coming!" She yelled back and then there were hurried footsteps coming down the stairs.

Ginny looked beautiful as always, and as always I stared. That was never going to stop happening, she was too beautiful for her own good.

"Ready?" I asked holding out my arm. She nodded not questioning where we were going and grabbed a hold of my arm ready to side apparate. I spun on the spot, gripping tightly to her, after the strong vomiting urge I always get, we were there.

Outside the gate of Hogwarts.

Before Ginny could adjust to her surroundings I quickly covered her eyes and put a blind fold around them, I couldn't let her see where we were going.

"Harry. What are you doing. I want to see where you are taking me." She said half laughing.

"But that will ruin the surprise." I said teasingly walking her into Hogwarts.

I kept her walking until we got to the tree. Our favourite tree. The one I never thought we would see again. I told Ginny to stand there with the blind fold still on, while I got down on one knee.

"Okay, you can take off the blindfold." I said gettting nervous. Would she freak?

She starred at me, I just continued with what I had planned.

"Ginny this is the place I first met you, this is the place I got to know you, this is the place I fell in love with you. I know that we have only been together for two years, but it feels like a lifetime. You are the only thing that matters to me, you are my life line. That is why I want to ask you, Will you Marry me?"

For a second I thought she was going to say no, then all of a sudden she jumped into me and kissed me with all her might.

"I take that as a yes." I asked after coming out of it for breath.

"Yes!" She half screamed. "I will marry you Harry James Potter."


Introducing the Potter Children...

James Sirius Potter- Tom Holland (Born: July 16 2004)

Charlie Fleamont Potter- Harry Holland (Born: March 23 2006)

Lily Luna Potter - Ellie Darcey-Alden (Born: November 19 2008)

Remy Gideon Potter - Paddy Holland (Born: December 15 2010)

Grace Minerva Potter - Willow Shields (Born: December 15 2010)

To the Platform again

Harry's POV:

Ginny and I walked towards the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 with our 5 children, passing directly through it onto platform 9 and 3/4. It may have been 11 years but all our kids would finally be at Hogwarts. Finally freedom for Ginny and I. I looked across at James, Charlie, Lily, Remy and Grace, they were all growing up so fast. James was in his final year, Charlie in his 5th, Lily in her 3rd and both Remy and Grace were starting their first year. I think I was more excited than them.

"Mum,Dad," I heard Remy say, "what house do you think we will be him."

I knelt down to his level, "Remy, you can be in any house you want." I told him, "You will be accepted by any house, no matter what the sorting hat picks. It would be nice to have a Hufflepuff in the family though," I chuckled.

I stood up and spotted Gin hugging James, Charlie and Lily goodbye. I stepped over to them and did the same with much retaliation from James, who was looking at something or rather someone. I followed his gaze and saw a red head in Gryffindor robes, she then looked up and winked at James. I practically swooned and whispered what I saw in Ginny's ear.

"Well looks like we have a 3rd gen Potter, Red head relationship on the way then." She smirked as we helped everyone onto the train.

"Have a good year Grace and Remy!" I said waving at them from on the platform, "Don't forgot to write back every week and make sure Charlie, James and Lily look after you.

The two eleven year olds nodded and waved as the Hogwarts express departed the station, leaving Ginny and I there wondering what we would do with all our free time.

Sorting Ceremonies:

''Potter, James'', McGonagall read from the list with the slightest of smirks on her face.
James sprinted up to the stool beyond excited that he was finally at Hogwarts. McGonagall placed the sorting hat on his head, well let's be honest it barely even touched a strand before it yelled: "Gryffindor!".
James hopped down from the stool proudly and walked over towards the Gryffindor table, boy was he glad that he could make his Mum and Dad proud, and finally replace his Dad as chief Hogwarts mischief maker.

"Potter, Charlie" McGonagall called eyeing Charlie with a smile on her face. Charlie slowly walked up to the stool, nervously looking around at all the students eagerly awaiting the sorting to be over. He sat down as McGonagall placed the sorting hat on his head. Charlie turned out to be the exact opposite of his brother, he was a hat stall. The sorting hat kept on talking quitely to itself as Charlie waited patiently for it to make it's decision. Nearly six minutes after Charlie first stepped up to the stool the sorting hat finally made it's desicion. "Of Course, I know... Slytherin!" It shouted.
Charlie stumbled down from the stool towards the Slytherin table on the right side of the room. A boy with bleached blond hair which he had seen being sorted earlier hopped up and waved Charlie towards him. "Hi! I'm Scorpius!" the boy said, and it was perhaps the start of the most interesting friendship that Hogwarts had ever seen.

"Potter, Lily" McGonagall called, she smiled again and thought to herself 'three potter's down, two to go". Lily walked up to the stool confidently, she didn't care what house she was put in, it was the fact that she was finally at Hogwarts that really mattered. Lily sat down on the stool and McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her head. It thought for a moment, but was quick to decide, "Gryffindor!" Lily jumped off the stool and walked towards her brother James who was standing with open arms at the end of Gryffindor table. Lily walked into them and gave her Brother a hug before sitting down beside him. She was so glad that she was in the same house as him, James was her hero.

"Potter, Grace" McGonagall called from her parchment. Grace stumbled, looking to Remy for support. Remy lightly pushed her and Grace nervously walked up to the stool, McGonagall lightly smiling at her with a glisten in her eye. She placed the sorting hat on Grace's head and left it to think. It thought and thought whispering to itself before yelling much to everyone's suprise "Ravenclaw!" Grace stepped down from the stool and walked over to the Ravenclaw table where her cousin Rose was smiling at her. Grace sat down beside her, and looked back up to the front on the great Hall where Remy's name had just been called.

"Potter, Remy" McGonagall called, he was the fifth Potter that she had sorted in 7 years and she couldn't be prouder of all of them. Remy stumbled up to the stool nervous as he was certain he wouldn't be put in Ravenclaw with his twin sister. McGonagall placed the sorting hat on his head and the whole school waited. Where would Remy go, he could go anywhere at this point since his sister hadn't been sorted into the coverted Gryffindor. The wait wasn't long and within two minutes the sorting hat made it's desicion, "Hufflepuff!" Remy looked up, there was a part of him that was surprised but also a part of him which was proud that he could bring the Potter genes into Hufflepuff and make his Dad proud of him for being a Hufflepuff.

The Potter Sibling Gathering

It was Friday, and do you know what happens on Friday? The weekly Potter Sibling Gathering. It was the time where all the Potter Sibling's met up in the room of requirement and just talked about anything and everything since not all of them were I the same house. This week on the agenda, James was coming clean. About what you ask, well that was a mystery to all of them but Lily.

James nervously rubbed the back of his neck, he could do this it was only his siblings. Lily held his hand full knowing what James was about to say.

"Well spit it out," Charlie said sneering at his brother.

"Yeah come on James, what do you have to say, we've all said something." Grace edged him on.

"Fine," he looked down at Lily, "I have a Girlfriend."

"About time!" Remy and Charlie yelled and they all clapped. "We were beginning to think you were gay, you with your Potter good looks and no girls begging at your feet." James chuckled at that.

"So who is it then,"Grace asked curiously.

"Ava Summers, the girl with the red hair." James said almost ashamed of himself.

"Well Dad always said, Potter boys do have a thing for red heads." Remy said, "We can't even try to deny it now because 3 generations on, it's still true.

The 4 other Potter Sibling pushed James onto the couch, and hugged him like he'd die tomorrow. They might all be in different houses and some may struggle to get along, but all together they were a force to be reckoned with.

Another Red Head?

Ginny's POV

"James Sirius Potter, you tell me what you're up to right now." I yelled to my eldest son. He was now a seventh year and something was up. There was something he wasn't telling Harry and I.

"James, what's going on?" Harry added trying to sound persuading, but we all know he's the softy out of the two of us.

James rubbed his neck, a very Potter thing to do when they're nervous.

"Well Mum could I maybe just speak to Dad, privately?" James questioned.

"Fine." I said and left the room winking to Harry, he would tell me anyway.

Harry's POV

"So, James what's up?" I asked sitting down across the sofa from him.

"Uhh, well there is kind of this girl I really like." James said.

I started to grin, then stepped forward and patted him on the back.

"Well guess what, James you have come to the right person. I should really call your grandfather over, he gave me this talk multiple times. But I probably know it well enough by now to do it myself." I said going on and on excited. It was my oldest son's first crush after all.

"Dad! I don't need 'The Talk'." James said disturbed.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean that talk. Plus you're not stupid. So where shall we start." I grinned rubbing my hands together. "How bout' whats her name?"

"Umm... Ava Summers. You know the red head in my year." I jumped off the couch and ran out of the living room.

"Ginny! Ginny! GUESS WHAT! Our son is crushing on another red head." Ginny shook her head.

"I guess I can't deny it now, 3 generations of Potter boys all ending up with Red Heads."

"Mum!"James said walking into the room, "I'm not even with her yet."

"You will be son there is no doubt about it." I piped in, there was no way he was going to lose this Red Head.