Final chapter!

See you at the end...

One year later

The Cullen house, London.

Wednesday, 5.25pm


I'd stopped off at a florist on the way home to pick up the bouquet I'd ordered for Bella. Our one-year anniversary was definitely something to celebrate. Bella had changed my life that day in the museum. Maybe not on the outside. I was still quiet and pretty grumpy with other people, I still worked for the force, but I hadn't gone undercover since that day. No, Bella changed me in a much more fundamental way. She gave my life lightness and hope that I never knew was missing. With her I laughed and joked, I smiled more, although she did love it when I 'got all growly' as she put it.

Within days of meeting, I'd convinced her to move in with me. With only a few months left on her student visa, I didn't want to waste a moment. If I was honest with myself, I also knew it would make or break us. I was convinced we had the foundation for something amazing and I needed her to see it too. In the early days, I fretted over everything. Did she think I was too old for her? Bella was twenty-three, and I'd turned thirty-four that year. Would she want to stay in the UK or was she determined to go home? Could I move to the US? I practically gave myself a stomach ulcer worrying. As usual, Bella surprised and impressed me. She calmly and reasonably told me that I was an idiot. She'd spoken to the University about continuing her studies here and had a plan if I wanted her to stay.

If I wanted her to stay, was the woman crazy?

I unlocked the front door and stopped dead in my tracks. My gorgeous wife of two months was sat on the stairs, her hair a riot of curls and dressed only in one of my shirts. Her long toned legs were slightly parted tempting me with what was hidden between them.

I came out of my stupor long enough to slam the door behind me and throw my jacket and the flowers to the ground.

"Lovely flowers, were they for me?" She purred leaning back on her elbows.

"Later." Was all I could grit out.

"Perhaps I should put them in some water. I don't want them to wilt." She made to stand, and I caged her in my arms; my hands on the step beside her head supporting my body as I hovered over her.

"Trust me sweetheart, the only thing wilting tonight will be you," I growled low in my throat, the way that I knew got her instantly wet.

She moaned softly.

Running my lips up and down her neck I made sure no other part of me touched her. She undulated, her body trying to touch mine, her eyes scrunched closed, and her plump lips parted.

Fuckin' beautiful.

I quickly captured her lips in mine and fisted the sides of the shirt. She'd only closed one button, knowing she wouldn't be wearing it for long. As much as I enjoyed seeing her in lingerie, nothing worked me up faster than her in my shirts. I sharply pulled the two sides apart and dragged it off her quickly. I couldn't wait any longer.

"This is going to be fast Bella. I can't wait any longer." I huffed in her ear knowing I wouldn't make it up to the bedroom this first time.

I undid my trousers while sucking one of her nipples into my mouth and lashing it with my tongue. She clutched me close, grinding herself against my erection but my knuckles were in the way causing her bare, wet pussy to rub all over my hands. I groaned long and low pushing my trousers down and off then returning my hands to her.

I moved my mouth to her neglected nipple and gently bit down as two fingers pressed inside her. Smooth, warm, and so slick. My fingers played with her, circling, plunging, coaxing until her legs began to tremble against mine. I quickened my pace and captured her mouth in a bruising kiss swallowing the moans of her climax. My earlier desperation had abated slightly now I was touching her.

Without pausing, I withdrew my fingers and dropped my weight onto my hands again beside her head. My cock was like a bloody divining rod, poised at her entrance. I pushed inside her savoring the tiny aftershocks of her first orgasm of the night.

"Bella" I moaned softly against her collarbone. Unable to believe she was actually mine.

"Please, Carlisle." She whined, wiggling and trying to get enough leverage to move on me.

"I've got you." I soothed. Pulling her leg over my hip, I thrust into her firmly. I moved one hand between her shoulder blades so her back wouldn't grate on the carpet of the stairs.

Bella's free leg found purchase on the same step as her bottom, opening her up wider for me. I ground against her, dragging againstover her clit as much as possible.

"Ungh, Carlisle, yes!" She gasped. I leaned back slightly, tilting my hips so that my dick rubbed against that fuckin' magical place inside her.

"Fuck, harder. Harder." She clutched at my arms frantically. I complied pushing in firmly and slowly withdrawing only to slam back inside her tight sheath.

"Like this? Do you want it, hard baby? Do you like making me so crazy I have to fuck you on the stairs?" Her moans grew louder, and I watched in fascinated as a bead of sweat trailing along her neck. I bent down to lap it from her soft skin, needing to consume everything she had to offer.

Unable to hold off much longer I picked up the pace and pushed her other leg to the step. She was completely spread open for me in this position. I knelt on a lower step and used my now free hand to stroke her clit. The quick flicks she preferred soon left her writhing and panting. Just as her legs began to quake, I felt the telltale tingle of my impending climax.

"Come for me. Bella. Come now. I want to take you upstairs...unf...lick your pussy until you come at least three times." She let out a long moan, her body shaking. I continued, "Then after I make love to you slowly...ahh...I'm going to fuck you. Hard." I growled harshly at her sending her over the edge. Her pussy clamped down on me, her teeth bit into my shoulder, and a muffled cry broke free from her. I erratically pumped inside her three more times before I shuddered and collapsed onto my stunning wife.

I wrapped my arms around her small body ensuring her back wasn't pushed against the edge of the steps. Her legs were stiff and shaky as they moved from their position. I tilted back, so her weight shifted to my chest and gripped an arse cheek in each hand. Her wobbly legs tried to grip my sides, but I lifted her up without their help. A soft giggle escaped her mouth making me grin.

I felt myself slip from her body and slowly got to my feet. Keeping her cradled in my arms, I walked to our bedroom and draped her across the bed. I stood looking at her for a few moments. Admiring her flushed skin, pouty kiss-stung lips and the slightly glazed look in her soft eyes.

"Carlisle." She said sweetly holding her arm out for me to join her on the bed. Instead, I leant over and kissed her reverently before getting a wet flannel from the ensuite.

"What are you doing?" She asked before I'd reappeared. I came back into view holding up the cloth before gently wiping her thighs and pussy.

"Hmmm. That feels nice." She sighed dreamily as I pressed firmly on her clit with the warm fabric. The intense desire that had receded just minutes before roared back to life.

I dropped the flannel to the floor and stalked her on my hands and knees. I left little biting kisses up the inside of her legs until I got to the juncture of her thighs and took a long, firm lick. She bowed off the bed, calling my name.

"I hope you got enough rest today Mrs. Cullen. I think it's going to be a long night."


Well, that's all she wrote!

I hope you enjoyed it. I love reading your reviews and try to answer all of them, so please drop me a line if you fancy a chat!

Thank you for reading

AA (Anniversary Acrobatics!)