Title: La Vie En Rose
Author's Note: A series of drabbles based off the song, "La Vie En Rose." I thought the lyrics worked perfectly for a lot of couples I liked, especially the Nohrian couples. I used the cover by Youtube user 'annapantsu.'
This is also meant to be a small update in place of my normal stories. I've had a busy weekend and have a hellish work week coming up, so I was more in the mood to write something fluffy. I hope this suffices!
Please enjoy!
Hold me close and hold me fast
It had all happened so quickly.
One moment, Leo recalled fighting on the battlefield with his legendary tome, Brynhildr, securely in his arms. No enemies had been able to withstand the force of his attacks as he moved his way seamlessly across the battlefield atop his galloping horse. Hoshidan forces fell before his eyes, unconscious but not dead. Nobody else in their army, even his royal siblings, could keep up with him.
Feeling overconfident, the young man had dashed ahead of the troop to attack the last hoard of enemies over a small knoll.
The last thing he saw before his vision flashed bright white was the glint of a steel sword in front of his eyes.
It was a sneak attack.
In his hurry to showcase his power, he'd failed to notice the ambush awaiting his arrival.
Unable to fight off the surprise opponent from such a close range, Leo could only shut his eyes and await the terrible pain he knew the blade would inflict upon him.
However, the pain never came.
Before his vision had faded, he'd caught sight of a familiar figure step into his vision. The figure wore black with white accents, which was typical in Nohrian fashion. Perhaps he'd been mistaken, but he also swore he'd seen a flash of…pink?
The next thing he felt was the sensation of soft, black velvet on his cheek and the back of his neck. It reminded him to the luxurious fabrics that decorated the chambers and throne room in Castle Krakenburg.
Moments later, a woman's voice brought him back to reality. The voice was girlish but still deeper in pitch, made only deeper due to the unevenness of her breathing due to what he assumed was exhaustion. The tone carried a realness to it that seemed to free him from his daze and ground him back in reality.
"Are you alright, milord?"
Finally, he was able to open his eyes and saw the kindly maid Felicia looking down at him.
Just as he expected, the attack had knocked him off his horse and onto the ground. However, it seemed that Felicia had been able to step in, deflect the attack send a dagger into the opponent's leg at the last second. While the injured unit retreated from the battlefield, Felicia used a staff to heal whatever damage there might have been to the young prince's head from the nasty fall. Thankfully, Leo had no grievous wounds that required more urgent attention. He was lucky he hadn't broken his neck.
"Milord?" she asked again, eyes reflecting increased concern due to the lack of an immediate reply. "Are…are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Leo said, trying to maintain a calm disposition. However, he couldn't completely mask the shakiness in his voice and had to suppress the urge to shudder as he recalled the nearly fatal attack.
Felicia immediately noticed the prince's apprehension and tightened her grip. He turned his face slightly into the crook of her elbow while trying to push himself up. He felt the swell of muscle beneath the black fabric, and instantly knew that he would have been dead without her strength and quick thinking. The young woman seemed to read is mind and continued to comfort him by threading her usually clumsy fingers through his flaxen hair.
"You're okay, Prince Leo," she promised.
The pink haired maid smiled down at the prince, who was still wide-eyed in her arms. As he sat still and gripped the hem of her dress, the rest of his body was limp against the softly billowing grass and sweet-smelling earth. The soft breeze combined with the warmth from the woman near him was almost enough to calm his racing heart.
"I healed your injuries," she explained with a kind whisper, her delicate fingers skimming the planes of his face and velvety areas of his neck as she cradled his head in her lap. "I don't see any other cuts or scrapes. Are you hurt anywhere else?"
As he continued to wear an expression of absolute bewilderment, she couldn't resist laughing.
"Don't look so stunned! After all, you're not the only one who can use magic…" she lightly chastised, tapping the tip of his nose playfully.
The act caused his cheeks to swell with blood. To cover his embarrassment, he cleared his throat with forced casualness and reluctantly sat up.
"Well, I suppose I should thank you…" he said. The words were spoken with such formality that Felicia couldn't suppress a second giggle. The sound was so sweet and joyous that it brought a smile to Leo's otherwise stoic face.
In an instant, the terror he'd felt was alleviated and all he wanted to do was return to the comfort of the astral plane after their arduous battle. The prince had a craving for tea, and there was no question in his mind who he wanted to share a no doubt perfectly imperfect cup with.
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose