The sun was dipping into the green horizon of the Amazon Jungle, the countless stars in the sky gleaming brighter as the night took its place.

Jewel dragged Roberto into her hollow, kissing him deeply, passionately as they ravaged each other with their wings. Roberto pinned her against the wall, running his wings through her plumage, her crest and back as he kissed her, his tongue exploring every inch of her beak.

Jewel was the first to depart from the kiss, her breathe quivering from the pleasure. "God, Beto," she moaned, lowering her beak down to his neck, nipping at the feathers there. "You're such a good kisser."

Roberto did not even bother to give her a reply as he placed a wingtip beneath her beak and locked their beaks together once more, kissing her even more fiercely, his tongue stroking hers. Jewel moaned, her wings strapped around his neck as she gave into his touching, his kissing. God, he was so good at pleasuring her.

Roberto continued to run his wings along Jewel's body, leaving deep traces in her plumage, a sense of satisfaction spreading through him as he felt her quiver beneath his touch. But this time, Roberto let his wingtips travel in-between her legs, stroking her bare patch of skin gently, lovingly.

Jewel unlocked her beak from his, her breathing heavy, controlled, as Roberto stroked her flower in a way that had her letting out small whimper. She rested her head on his broad chest, her entire body quivering, her eyes closed as Roberto continued to stroke her, his pace quickening, becoming slightly rougher.

"God, Roberto, please," Jewel mewled out as Roberto's pace became quicker and quicker. Roberto would've thought she was about to cry, if he couldn't see her expression.

"It's okay, Jewel. It's okay," he said, wrapping one wing around her. He further quickened his pace, reaching deeper between her legs, his wingtip already soaked with her juices.

Jewel tightened her grip around his neck and clenched her flower shut, eyes closed, wanting the feeling of having her lover touch her and pleasure her in her most intimate area last as long as possible, before she came. But then, Roberto began to stroke her in a circular motion, his wingtip touching every sensitive part of her flower with the perfect amount of pressure. Jewel clutched at Roberto, her moans loud and wild as she grew closer and closer to the edge.

"Roberto ," she pleaded, "Roberto, please." I'm going to cum, she wanted to say, but could barely put together words as his rubbing became aggressive, constant. It was too much. Jewel came, her head thrown back, her beak opened in a silent scream as Roberto drew out her climax, whispering sweet, lovely words to her all the way through. Though, the whispered words didn't matter to her, only the kisses and affectionate nuzzles Roberto gave her as she slowly climbed back up from her fall over the edge. She rested in his wings for what felt like an eternity, cuddling his broad chest, his plumage beautifully soft.

Roberto grinned at the sight of her resting form as he held her in his wings, close, never wanting to let her go. She was the most beautiful female he'd ever seen, and he could only think how lucky he was to have her as a lover.

"I love you," Jewel whispered, softly, as waking from a deep slumber. She held her closer to him, breathing in his scent, taking in his warmth.

Roberto's grin only widened, and he lowered his head down, locking their beaks together for a long kiss. He glided his tongue along the palates of her beak before flicking her tongue with his own. After a few moments, they unlocked their beaks, a bridge of salvia remained between them. "I love you, too," he whispered back, then nuzzled their beaks together, a smile spreading on both of their beaks.

The full moon was now visible in the night-sky, its white, soft beams of light streaming into the hollow. And when Roberto's ocean blue eyes met Jewel's turquoise, the moonlight beamed on her plumage, making every one of her sky-blue feathers glow, as if she were an angel—perhaps that truly was the case. He was breathless at the sight of her beauty, stunned, so much so that all he could do was gaze at her, take in every inch of her. This female who loved him and adorned him… he did not deserve her.

"Ju Ju," he breathed, forcing himself out of his trance. He wanted to make love to her, right here, on the spot, and he didn't care who saw. He kissed her, deeply. "I want you, Ju Ju. I want to make you mine."

Jewel gazed back at him, taking in his every beautiful feature, the way the moonlight gleamed on his feathers, before saying, "Then, you can have me, Beto." She kissed him back, before leading him to her room, to her nest.

She laid back in her nest, displaying her chest, her belly and her wet flower to him, her eyes never leaving his as his gaze traveled down her body, stopping right at that moist spot. He blinked, snapping out of his trance, a smug grin curving on his beak. He moved towards her with a lover's grace, slow and smooth, his ocean blue eyes locked with hers.

The arrogance, the smugness his every step suggested had her need for him growing. She pushed back the temptation to rub herself with her own wingtip, to calm herself down just a little bit. She wanted him, she wanted him so badly, and that urge only became stronger when he caught a glimpse of his wet flower glinting in the dim light as he walked towards her.

"Please." The words came out before she could stop them. "Please, Roberto." Jewel swallowed her pride and began rubbing herself, letting out small whimpers as her pleading eyes met Roberto's. "Please, Beto."

Roberto took hold of her wing and moved it away from her flower, his smug grin widening. "I see you wanted it as badly as I do, Ju Ju," he said.

A small, meek sound was her only response.

Gingerly, he climbed on top of her, finally mounting her, propping himself up with his wings, his muscled body above hers. And for a few moments, they stayed in that position, staring into each other's eyes, silent. The only sound between them was their slow, heavy breathing.

Jewel leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on the beak. "Seal our love together, handsome."

Roberto gave her a true smile, one that hid no emotion from her. "Always." He said, as he slowly lowered himself onto her, bracing himself.

Jewel looked down, to where their flowers were about to touch. The rise and fall of her chest became more rapid as the excitement for the pleasure and love she was about to feel grew closer.

Finally, their most intimate regions kissed. Both lovers gasped at the sensation, at the pleasure surging through their bodies, from in between their legs. Roberto started off slow and soft, being gentle with her, his flower slipping across hers as he thrusted his hips up and down. Jewel was squirming beneath him, her breathing growing faster, deeper, with each time they made contact. Her talons curled into the moss of her nest as Roberto locked his beak with hers, kissing her, exploring every inch of her beak.

She moaned deeply into his beak, arching her back into him as his thrust became powerful and swift, her flower beginning to spasm as she felt another climax lurking near. Once again, she strapped her wings around his powerful neck, holding on for dear life as Roberto thrusted up and down, up and down, up and down, faster—and faster. And harder. Harder.

She unlocked her beak from his and came with a mewling cry, her cum spilling out of her, small droplets escaping that connection between them and slipping down her tail. But Roberto didn't allow her to rest as he thrusted his hips, this time side to side, changing up the sensation.

And… God… she could already feel herself growing close, her ravaged flower not being able to hold it back, to relish the sensation. But she could feel his flower twitching, clamping down, trying hold back his own climax. He was close, they were close. And she wanted to cum with him.

She tightened her grip around him, holding him close to her. She arched her back into him, every sky-blue feather intwining with his dark blue, her release nearing. Roberto began panting, heavily, his eyes clenched shut, his strong, built muscles helping him maintain his fast, strong pace.

Jewel held him close to her, her moans mixed with soft whimpers of his name. She could feel his body trembling against hers, trying to savor the moment as she was. "Jewel," he whispered through his ragged breath, his voice broken but filled with so much happiness. And it made her happy. She wanted to be with him, until the end of time itself and beyond. So, when she heard Roberto whisper, "you're my everything," she began thrusting her own hips as well, fast and hard.

Roberto grunted and Jewel let out a blissful scream.

Their climaxes tore through them, making the world around them seem nonexistent. It was only the warmth their bodies provided and the pleasure surging through their bodies.

And when it was done, Roberto fell on his side, holding Jewel in his wings, close. They lay there for a long moment, silent, their heavy breathing being the only sound between them.

Jewel then snuggled her head into his broad chest, letting out a small moan, knowing she was safe in his wings. "I love you, Roberto."

Roberto smiled, kissing her on the crest. "I love you, too, Jewel."

Sleep claimed them both quickly.

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