"Let's have one more round of applause for Marvin the Magnificent and his daring escapes! Next up, we have..."

Simon droned out the announcer's voice, his own thoughts taking priority as he squirmed a little, peeking around the stage curtains. Of course the crowd was in an uproar of applause... He pulled away from it to adjust his bowtie nervously. There just had to be another magician act, didn't there? The first two were nerve wracking enough, but now he would be the fourth! And judging from how much cheering had erupted from the audience, Marvin was a pretty darn good one too.

Winning the talent show wasn't exactly his end goal, just to get as far ahead as he could. But with what he's seen so far, it would take a miracle for him to even come in third place at this rate.

"Alright Simon... No worries. You can still do this." He said to himself as he walked around the backstage area, moving pass some of the other contestants as he fussed with the tuxedo he wore, making sure the thing was straight and neat still. Where was Jeanette...? She had agreed to be his assistant, but he hadn't seen her since she went off to get into costume. She had really insisted he didn't see it beforehand, though...

It'd still be good to check on her though. He had the time for it.

As he reached to push the door open, however, he nearly stumbled as it opened up before he could. "Hey Simon, I got your cape... Uh, where are you going? It's not time to go on yet, right?"

Simon wasn't able to answer her, however. Jeanette's outfit was far beyond stunning, for lack of a better word.

Jeanette wore a similar tuxedo shirt that he did, though hers extended at the end into two coattails that reached her knees. Along her legs she wore fishnet stockings, which would have been more revealing had it not been for the pitch black skirt that reached to her mid thigh. Her long, brown hair was let down, some of which kept under the top hat she wore.

Her boyfriend's slack jawed expression caused her to laugh, shaking her head as she threw the cape at him. "Oh, stop that! Surely you're not that surprised~"

"I-I, uh... expected something a little more modest, really." Simon stammered, averting his gaze from her as he tied the red and black cape around his neck, hoping that his blush wasn't noticeable. "Either way, we're going to have to change our routine. I'm afraid that we might not... J-Jean, what're you doing?"

She had draped herself on him, giving him a hug from behind. "My my, Simon... you aren't doubting what we can do, are you? What's the matter?" At this point, Simon noticed her soft white gloves as she rubbed his cheek with a thumb. "You're not getting cold feet, are you~?"

Simon bit down on his lip, a little bead of sweat trailing down his face. "Jeanette, I don't think the school stage is a good place for this..."

"There's ten whole acts in front of us." Jeanette whispered in his ear. "How's about we disappear for some last minute practice, huh?" Simon would have protested, but the kiss on his cheek sealed the deal.

Against his better judgement, Simon pulled free from her, grabbing hold of her hand as he quickly lead the way from backstage, exiting to the hallway.


"Of a-all the places to do this, Jean... aaah... this i-is by far the worst yet..."

Down between his legs, Jeanette didn't answer. With her mouth full of Simon's throbbing cock, it would have proven difficult anyway. She hadn't even settled down in the little room(usually preserved for a band student to practice) when Simon had unzipped his pants and let her get to work.

Pulling off enough to breathe, Jeanette wiped her mouth, careful to not smear any of the purple lipstick she was wearing. "Ah... you're the one who dragged me here, remember?" She reminded him, grabbing his shaft at the head while she kissed up his length, leaving behind a mark each time.

Simon groaned and leaned further back in his chair, resting his head against the wall. "Just k-keep going, please..." he moaned, thankful for the room's soundproofed walls.

It wasn't that much of a surprise for Jeanette to suddenly be in the mood anymore, and neither of them really complained about it either. But she had been taking more risks with where she had him dropping his pants. Adventurous, sure, but ultimately dangerous for whatever reputations they may have had. Although... Most of the time, the risk of being found out seemed to keep them both excited.

With a shaky hand, Simon cupped her cheek, the little gesture encouraging her to go back down, which she did without hesitation. Jeanette turned her gaze up to watch him, taking pleasure in knowing just how she was making him feel. And how he'd be paying her back for it. Later~

"Mmmnh~" Jeanette adjusted herself, now resting on her knees as she grabbed his hips, keeping him completely still as she went to bobbing her head along his dick, making sure every last inch of it was soaked with her drool. Just like he liked it!

The salty taste of his precum smeared onto her tongue pleasantly, pooling up before she swallowed it down, all while doing her darnedest to not get too excited herself. Even with the dark clothing, being soaked on stage wouldn't be the most comfortable experience.

"O-Ohhhh Jean..." Simon grabbed the back of her head, setting her hat off to the side as he stirred his hips as much as he could, getting his pre to spread all around her mouth. "You're amazing!"

With a sultry wiggle of her hips, Jeanette's gaze met with his again. Her left hand took hold of Simon's fur covered ball sack, giving it a good squeeze and tug, both of which making Simon's moans get louder. What a lovely sound he made too! Of course that's something that could be expected for him. Just the way he whimpered a little with each moan of pleasure was simply intoxicating~ Jeanette let her hand venture down, rubbing that silky white glove up against the dark purple panties that covered her crotch.

His praises were always a bonus to her bliss. Something about him commending her work just felt... right. It made her grow a little wet between the thighs to hear him moaning out her name, showing her his appreciation to all senses.

Simon then pulled himself out of her mouth, panting as he sat up in the chair, taking hold of his shaft and stroking it off in her face. "Jeanette! O-Open up!" He moaned, eyes shut tight as he continued to play with himself, desperate to rush his nearing orgasm. All too happy to comply, Jeanette sat patiently, her tongue trailing up and down his balls while she rubbed her nose up along the underside of his pulsating length, egging him on to release.

After a few moments of squeezing, stroking, and Jeanette's soft little coos of encouragement, Simon found himself grasping at the edge of the chair, pleasure flooding his body for a split second before taking hold like a vice. Jean had to quickly engulf the head of his shaft to keep him from making a mess, her eyes closed pleasantly as Simon fed her his fresh spurts of warm spunk, the slightly sweet cream flowing down her throat as she drank every last drop he had to offer. Jeanette had even reached around him to keep his hips in place.

By the time his afterglow had settled in, Simon was a panting mess, slumped down in the chair while Jeanette busied herself with cleaning up his mess, her tongue rasping up and down his softening cock and all around his balls. He was too tired to protest the action anyway.

"Aaahh... You just keep getting better at that..." Simon mumbled, wiping his forehead as he recovered. Smiling at him, Jeanette stood up and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "Why thank you Si~ Now zipper up before someone notices we're gone, okay?" She said, stroking his cheek with her thumb.

Simon got to his feet shakily as she went to the door, almost getting it open before Simon grabbed her hand. "W-Wait! We had so many people ahead of us... Why don't we just keep going for now? And only go if we run out of time?" Hearing this, Jeanette turned to him with a smile. "Oh, don't you worry Simon. You can just take good care of me later." She said with a sly grin on her face. "Now, please, lead the way~"

That tone in her voice... Simon bit his lip as he nodded his head, taking the lead as he went out of the room, making his way on back to the stage.

Jeanette was definitely not one to make an empty threat.