Chapter 5: A Rude Awakening

So here's the starting chapter of the story. I wrote this in the original mindset of wanting to do something other than slave over and get this idea out. With how the first few chapters are gonna be a cluster f##k in terms of timeline I might as well start now.

'Quote: This is just a random update. Unquote.'

P.s. Happy Halloween.

It was dark.

Much like what most days on Cybertron were like. Without a sun to orbit, the metal world was a orphan planet that it's only light mostly came from the cities that covered its landscape.

In the grand city of Iacon, a place of peace, politics and history, the Hall of Records stood proudly in the midst of the bustling city. Deep inside its wall, in a study chamber nearly as talk and wide as a 16 story apartment building, dozens on dozens of screens lined the walls as information whizzed by. On a central lift that was slowly descending, a young mech, roughly 16 feet tall, stood at the controls as three monitors displayed data files he had selected.

Orion Pax loved his job.

He loved being secluded in a way that left just him and his reading to be alone. Data files, long enough to reach across the equator 5 times over, would take an average bot a deca-cycle to fully read. With how much he enjoyed and learned from it, Orion could read it in less than 4 megacycles and have a full report on it within 2. He just loved to be emerged into Cybertron's old tails. Of space exploration, the Knights of Cybertron, The Thirteen, great warriors over the eons fighting for others. He absorbed it like a turbo rat to energon.

But in a quick triple beep from his left hand screen showing a timer in yellow. His work day was now complete. Shifting his hand over the controls, he twisted a large dial to the left and pulled up. In a lurch the platform started slowly descending back to the ground floor. Orion calmly bookmarked his place in the dozen files he had currently and stored back any he already read or didn't get too. The platform continued on past the now blank screens as the storage area, that looked like a massive circular server unit, let out a soft blue glow from its ports as the door came into view.

Sinking all the way into the ground the sides folded out covering the floor as the control console folded up. Grabbing his data slate, Pax walked off the platform towards the door as within 12 feet, the 4 panels folded back to allow access to the halls.

The halls themselves were a sight to behold. They towered nearly 200 feet tall to the very top and wide enough to fit two high class transports through. All around assortments of others went out about their business. Drones flying high up to avoid hitting some if the taller bots on the head, other archivists like himself either chatting amongst themselves or focus on a data pad in their hands. On each side of the hall was two elevated skyways that allowed bots to use their vehicle modes to travel around in case they needed to get somewhere quickly. Turning to the left, he made sure to stay on the left side as he stepped up onto a small platform that he was accompanied by another bot.

"Senator Shockwave?" he was surprised to see such an important figurehead present in the hall with being notified.

The mech turned to Orion with his blue optics and a smiled. The senator reminded Orion much of his brother, being that the mix of blue, red and white gave him a calm and collected look as his frame, from a clear view was a flyer, made him have a relegated look that many looked up to.

"Greetings, Pax. Leaving from duty I see."

Pax nodded and grinned, "Another successful day. But may I ask, what are you doing here?"

"I came by to ask Alpha Trion some information regarding the 'events' in Kaon. As I feel that city holds some kind of significant meaning that his underground blood ring is drawn to." Taking a moment both bots transformed into their alt modes; Shockwave's being more like a Hikari Super Express Shinkansen bullet train with actual wheels while Optimus resembled a forward cab semi with parts of black paneling in some areas. "Farwell, Orion."

Turning off down the hallway Orion waited as the train went passed him. Waiting for a moment to follow as he turned in the same direction but turned again down another hall. Going a steady 35 mph, despite the limit being 45, Pax casually drove through the maze of halls until he enter the central hub. The area was as large as a stadium with dozens of other doors and paths leading to other places around the building. At the center of the room stood a 60 foot tall statue of Sentinel Prime in his relegated armor and cap holding up a scale model a Cybertron that lite up the entire room.

Slowly drifting towards the off ramp that lead to the ground floor, the archivist descended onto a two way path for vehicles as he traveled out passed a laser barrier that acted pretty much like a screen door. Once down the stairs of the record hall, Orion transformed back into his bipedal form as he took in the orange sky that the setting sun produced over Cybertron.

"Orion!" A voice yelled out to him.

Looking to his right, he saw two familiar bots that always brought a welcoming smile. A mech, mostly 3 shades white with bits of light blue dotting his frame, was waving over to him while a femme bot that was mostly a hot pink color with mixed tones of black stood beside him with her arms crossed. Clearly frustrated by the mech's display.

With a roll of his optics, Orion transversed the small distance over to his company.

"Orion!"Magnus greeted his brother with a wide smile and arms. " About time you arrived. Was starting to get worried that you were sucjed into one of your stories ag-*CLANG* OWW!"

Orion winced when he heard the loud smack on the back of Magnus's head. Despite being four heads shorter than the brother, and only 2 to Orion, Ariel's reach was still prime to hit its target.

Rubbing the sore spot on his helm, Magnus let out a chuckle, "We were gonna head over to the Oil Rig in downtown. Figured you'd want a drink after working nonstop for days."

"Thank you for asking, Magnus. Though I could use a little refreshing, I wish to retire to my home for the night and recharge some."

With a sigh, Magnus knew that his brother wouldn't be swayed by any excuse he would think of to get the red and blue mech out of the data slats. With a sigh he turned back to face the roadways, "In that case, I'll see you around, brother."

In a perfect fluent motion, Magnus's body collapsed on itself transforming into his cargo truck mode. The vehicle was the same as Orion's. Only that it was white with the rear wheel base the light blue and instead was a flat nose design. Steadily driving off to get to his favorite bar, Ariel walked up to the mech with a shly smile.

Orion gave her one back. He knew that look, it was the one a sparkmate would give before showing off.

And she did, reaching up as she gave Pax a quick peck on the cheek. Orion giving her one on the forehead as she stepped back.

"Hey Guys!" a voice called as a familiar truck came rolling back essential killing the mood. "What's the hold up? The place is gonna be packed by the time we get there."

"Why can you not just enjoy your surroundings, brother?" Orion spoke in a calm but annoyed voice. "Simply drinking night the away is not something you should do every time. Maybe you should try spending some time in the library. Or perhaps joining me in some star gazing." He pointed his hand to the sky. Looking up as well to see the beautiful vastness of space.

What he saw right now, greatly dumbfounded him. And his company clearly noticed

"Orion? Is something wrong?" Ariel asked placing her hand on his chest.

Orion couldn't answer, the event above him took every ounce of his attention. The dance of the two masses in burst of red, blue, yellow and purple made it feel like a celebration was going out of control.

"Do you see it?" he pointed to the sky.

Both Ariel and Magnus looked up to the sky in where the direction Pax was pointing. Only to see a clear sky that had a few aircraft passing by.

"I don't see anything, Pax. What the scrap are you-" his voice cut silent.

"Magnus are you-" Ariel's voice then cut as well.

Looking behind him Orion was thinking they had finally seen what he spotted. What he saw was nobody near him. He looked around half expecting to see they either running to the halls or even driving somewhere to get a better view. Only when he looked around him did he fully take in the dead silence that Iacon had never heard.

Then there was the roaring sound.

Not like a dangerous animal, but like what something would generate when it was traveling at blazing speeds with the space around it being disoriented.

Then he looked up again.

And nearly fell back in pure shock at what he saw.

A giant vortex, with 6 long claws encircling a center point, had just finished devouring Luna-1 with the second moon crashing into the planet's surface some thousand miles away. A thick layer of heat covered the massive mouth as a tempest of wind started picking up anything not bolted down into the sky and oblivion. Buildings , nearly 3 miles high, began to violently shake and crack as they were ripped to pieces. Skyways and roads being ripped up like wiring. Fuel lines of energon being uprooted and emptied.

Orion couldn't believe it. It was literally the apocalypse. He had to run. He turned to run, quickly transforming as all 6 of his wheels screamed against the ground. He gunned it as hard as he could, but Orion found himself going up, not forward. Cybertronians are reached with hover systems in vehicle mode; it allows them to move more easily and stay on the roads. But Orion knew his wasn't engaged. He transformed back. Arms flailing as he tried to dig his hands into the metal ground.

But it was too much. He felt like a flyer without wings or thrusters. He felt himself suddenly be spun around to face the falling sky as the tops of buildings disappeared. Heading straight for the dark void in the center, Orion could only compare it to literally the End.

Snapping his optics shut, he prepared for his destruction.

Moments past, and he knew he had entered the abyss. But he didn't feel himself get torn apart or decimating.

But… bulkier.

He felt more weight on his person than he knew he should have.

Opening an optic, his vision glanced immediately to the top edge of the mouth plate he felt adoring his face. He felt his shoulders and legs heavy. Like they were 4 times their size. Looking down, he saw his chest was now further out, like what a transport vehicle mode would have. Only it was covered in hundreds of scratches, clear sign of extreme conditions. Speaking of conditions, he looked around his environment to see everything was now a light smokey gray instead of the dead black. He felt his body actually laying against a hard surface now.

'What just happened?' he thought as he felt his digits brush over an uneven surface. Not damaged like someone made a hole, more like it was junk just thrown over the ground.

Slowly, Optimus Prime arose to his peds. Holding his head with a hand to ease the ache that the past several moments had just done to him.


He stopped his movements. Removing his hand as he looked to the ground around him.

What he saw, truly made his energon run cold.

It was Autobots.

A literal sea of offlined Autobots as far as the eye could see. In the mix was even Decepticons; making it like a red, purple and black floor that the moment Optimus stepped back in horror, heard the crunch sound of something under his ped. Glancing down, he was let out a small gasp at what, or who he was standing on.

His dark blue body, a large cube like chest with a large window in the front with a dark Decepticon insignia, and a now shattered visor that was caved in thanks to the Prime's foot.


Only his torso and head remained. Both arms looking like they were cleaved off by a blade while his waist looked like something he expected Grimlock to do as it was twisted 5 times over.

Optimus stood up, looking over the waste land. He felt his optics betray him; this wasn't real. It couldn't be. None of this was possible on any scale during the war and even before.

But this wasn't just a warzone, it was a literal graveyard, of his friends and soldiers. He scanned the ground, hoping to find some sliver of life. Careful to step on only parts and not full bodies and, in some cases, just heads. He felt disgusted by walking over the dead, it dishonored their names for him literally walking all over them. He looked over each one, trying to make some sense to this place, hoping not to see anymore familiar faces.

He was wrong.

His internal compass telling him in his northern direction was someone he knew heavily. And was about half way out of the dead sea. "Ironhide!" he called to the bot. Weaving over to the falling warrior.

Ironhide however, was different than he remembered. He still looked the same, save for the extreme damage and and X-18 scrapmaker that replaced his left arm was cut in half, he had a lot more black to his coloration with his shoulders and torso being more bulky but yet smoother than he normally was. His helm was heavily cracked and leaking energon while most of his body was covered in hundreds of bullet holes.

Upon hearing his leader's voice, the weapon specialist groan as he tried formulating words.

"Opti...mus…" his voice was heavily cracked and border lining static. His optics, or optic, as his left eye was literally dangling by 3 tiny wires, looked up to him in agony. Kneeling down he gently reached back behind Ironhide pulling him up from his position, but quickly retracted when he hissed in pain.

"Ironhide," Optimus held onto his friend's side. "What happened?" It was a question that truthfully, Optimus didn't want to know. The sight around him spoke for itself.

Ironhide prepared to speak, licking his energon bled lips to tell his old friend what had transpired. But he stopped before making a sound, as another was filling the air, and growing louder. Ironhide knew what this sound was, and choose his next three words.

"I'm… sorry, Prime…"


In a swift move that even the red and black bot surprised himself with, he knocked his busted weapon off of Optimus's chest forcing him back some distance. Prime stubbed back a few feet surprised by the motion, but more startled by the 3 words he spoke.


Ironhide exploded into bits by the blast of purple energy. His remains smoking a thick black that forms from burning energon with his head, now with a hole blown straight through where his broken eye once was, had his mouth wide open as it too smoked.

"Ironhide!" Optimus yelled out to his friend.

"Such heroic nonsense." A voice spoke out. Causing the Prime to freeze in place.

Slowly, he stood to his pedes with his fist and teeth clenched tightly. Turning to his right, he was soon blinded by a bright light, as he turned directly into the face of a sun just pinching its bottom to the horizon. What got his attention was the newly formed hill of bodies. Standing at the very top as if the uneven ground was affecting them, a large mech, seemingly taller than Optimus, stood staring down at him. On his right arm was a large, and now smoking fusion cannon connected to a very jagged arm with massive claw like hands. The chest was pointed, yet flat, as colors of mostly a silver grey dominated their form with mixes of red, purple and rusty gold was placed in various places.

But those eyes, those eyes, however now purple from their original color, were clear signs of who this mech was.

"Optimus Prime…"

"Megatron-" "SILENCE!"

Before Optimus could react to his enemy's words, the warlord leaped from his mountain of bodies as a sudden wave of purple energy raced across the air. He had little warning to the blazing pain that sky rocketed through him as he was sent flying back harder than he ever was hit by. Bouncing off the body ground twice before landing on his stomach as he corrected himself. Digging his hand and right foot into the ground to stop his movement. Once his body stopped, he glanced up to the warlord with anger starting to fill his mind.

"Wh-atR-errkkkkkkkk." his optics widen in shock.

He couldn't speak, he felt the words go to his mouth, but it was like a wrench was literally shoved into gears that, instead of the smooth music of its spinning whirl, was like a grenade blasting shrapnel into everything. Lifting a hand to his chin, he could feel the wet energon leaking from his mask. Feeling it over he could feel a series of large gashes that, when he went to lick the liquid off his lip, found he was unable to do so. He bought his hand up, running his digits over his once rounded and smooth mask. What he felt was something that was equivalent to Bruticus using yos blade shield in cutting down Autobots. The entire mask was ripped to shreds all the way through his jawline with his vocal processor just newly smashed in. He could feel his old scar practically grow on his face as he held his hand tightly against the damage to stop any leaks that most likely would of been made after the hit.

Lifting his gaze up, Optimus was suddenly met with a sight that further surprised him. In Megatron's right hand was a sword, but this thing was different. Unlike his original sword that was mostly grey and black with purple infused in the blade, this thing was a solid dark purple with a slightly lighter color near the outer edge. It had a bit of a curl to it with 5 jagged points along the top and bottom as it ended into a dark gray hital and handle. The dark glow didn't leave Prime wondering what this weapon was made of; Dark Energon.

Megatron, seeing the look in Prime's eyes, spoke, "An amazing piece, is it not?" he held it out yet close. Looking over every detail of the 14 foot blade. "Forged from the very blood of Primus's opposite: UNICRON!"

'That's not possible…'

"I call it, the Dark Star Saber. The slayer of Primes!" Taking a battle stance, Megatron firmly grasped the handle with both hands as he spun around, bringing the sword in a sharp arch as it launched a massive wave of dark energy.

Immediately Optimus brought his left arm up in front of him. A small opening formed on the top as it rapidly transformed its size from a small disk to his large shield. Once fully, deployed, the more clear areas ignited orange as the wave came straight at him. The wave came full force, like a charging leaper but with a more powerful booster pack. He felt his feet give digging into the bodies as energy rippled across the outer surface. Optimus's shield was a custom version of its model; being adapted with a absorber that took in any attacks done to it, collect its kinetic energy, and allow him to fling it back. But he greatly underestimated the sheer strength behind it. This wasn't normal energon, it was Dark energon, it reacted differently, and so did his shield

Once the attack had passed, he quickly reached over grabbing the connecting hinge on his arm and pulled. Taking the shield completely off his arm he chucked it away. Sliding a bar from his wrist, he engages his own sword as he took a defensive stance. This time readying himself for whatever attack Megatron could do.

The warlord smirked, "PREPARE TO DIE, FOLLOWER OF PRIMUS!"

Charging with a war cry, Optimus ran straight towards the tyrant. Megatron leaped from his place performing a perfect back flip as he brought the sword forward. Immediately Prime jump into the air to meet the blow head on. With a slick of both blades trying to overpower each other, Megatron's blade collided its reformed crystal against the sharpened metal in a blaze of sparks as it chipped in Prime's .

Optimus was the first to see the position they were locked in. It was the same like on the haul of the Ark, with destruction all around them they paid no heed to it at all. Only focused on battle.

Prime tightened his grip, Megatron, with whatever changes he got, was already almost at the break point. With his energon pumping faster, he began to slowly inch forward. Going passed the halfway point that made Megatron frustrated and angry. In a single push, the mech suddenly found himself having his legs suddenly missing from under him. Falling forward his shoulders were grabbed, then brought down as his face smashed into the other's knee. Raising two fists that were brought down like meteors on the mech's back as he was then picked up by the shoulder and thrown out some distance.

Optimus groaned as he quickly stood back. But despite the small aches of pain in his body, he charged again. Megatron effortlessly slashed the air with his sword cutting another wave of energy. The Prime immediately brought his sword to try and block, if possible, cut it, but what he underestimated was the sheer force that came when his blade impacted it. The high grade ore that was used for all melee based cybertronian weapons had breaking points; rather they be too over used, too much force, or a force applied to a point that the material couldn't handle it.

And it would shatter. Just like the sword before his eyes, the large dark gray and red weapon became dust from a foot above the hilt and up a foot as parts became flying shrapnel. Because of it not even making a dent in stopping the wave, the dark energy smacked against his chest as it tumbled to the ground rolling multiple times over the bodies.

Once he stopped, he steadily got back into his hands and knees. But not standing straight back up. His eyes at become transfixed onto the ring of severed heads he saw in front of him now. It ached in his spark to see such lose.

'How could this be happening...?'


Optimus suddenly felt as if he was hit with a tidal wave, as he was forced forward onto his hands and knees. Catching himself as a splash of blue flew everywhere. Looking down, he saw the sea of bodies become engulfed in energon. As if the bodies themselves were purging it out and covered by the liquid.

"And now, you shall suffer the same faith as every other being who stood in my way!" he another swing of his sword, another energy wave came racing at him.

Acting quickly, Optimus turned to his wheels for help. Spinning around as he transformed and gunned his engines. Causing a huge wave of energon to splash at his sides as his tracker told him he had past what would of been 105, he could still feel the burning energy right behind him.

'MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!' his mind demanded the command.

Instantly his smokestacks erupted like volcanoes of fire as he went from 110 to 200 in seconds. Easily outpacing the wave as it faded out. But he did not dare to stop. He needed to get away from Megatron and figure out what is happening.


A purple blast sailed passed him. Narrowly grazing his right side.


He instantly started weaving in trying to dodge the blasts. Going hard right to avoid the first two then back to the right for the other. Looking back with his scanners, he found that another vehicle was following him. It was a cybertronian tank, but this tank had so many spikes it was hard to tell where it started and where it ended. However, the large cannon on the top that was the source of the blasts was enough to know who it was.

Deactivating his overdrive, Prime turned his wheels all the way as he turned completely around to face Megatron. Not having to apparently worry about driving into something, he shifted into full reverse as he turned to face the tank. Bringing out his missile launchers, he fired 2 twos at the face of the tank. Both doing very little to slow it down. With a mental yell he began emptying his clips. Going through 60 rockets before going to his next clip. He was rapidly running out of ammo, and Megatron showed no sign of stopping.

Megatron on the other hand, was becoming greatly annoyed by his foe's failed attempts. Sparking an idea, his form began to change. His treds becoming purple hover emitters as they were pulled over his body. His cannon soon following as it split apart to its sides as the main body of the tank curled up into a more pointed yet streamlined form. His engines than gave a powerful burst as he went into the air; bringing them to his back as orange purple flames blasted out.

Watching this sudden action, Optimus quickly reversed his direction once again to drive forward. Quickly hitting his overdrive again as the sound of a sonic boom filled his audio receivers. He couldn't see Megatron from his scanners, yet he knew he was in the air somewhere.

Not wanting to know what he was up to, Prime focused to his path ahead.

Only to suddenly see a silver massive flying straight at him and transform into a mech.

Hitting his brakes, he tried to slow down. But with his speed and the energon, it prove to be a futile action.

Closing the gap, Megatron lifted his cannon arm and blasted a massive dark energon shot right in front of Optimus. The force being strong enough to kick up his front bumper and send him flying as if he had just jumped off a broken skyway.

Transforming as he bounced one before skidding on his knees as he was covered in energon. He groaned, feeling the strange electrical current phasing out of his systems as he heard a distinct set of foot steps. Accessing his weapons again, he immediately turned his right hand into his icon weapon. Spinning around, he raised his Ion Blaster, hellbent on taking down the insane Decepticon.

But just as he was about to send the mental signal to fire, he froze in shock. He felt his gun jam up and lock as his spark dropped a degree colder.

In Megatron's grasp, with both his legs dangling and arms trying to break free, a yellow Autobot, with his entire right side blasted out, with cracked red highlights and energon stained faceplate, looked up at his leader pointing a gun at him and the warlord.


"Optimus…" he choked out. Prime was a little taken back by at him speaking his original voice after so long of just clips and beeps. But the yellow scout let out a sharp gasp as a sharp claw dug its way into his neck. He tried reaching out to the red and blue mech, just like a young sparkling trying to reach for his sire.

"See THIS, Prime. THIS is what happens when you defy ME." Megatron held out the scout just out of reach from Optimus.

'LET HIM GO, MEGATRON!' he shouted/thought. He didn't know if this was a vision, reality, or something, but he knew; he had to save Bumblebee.

He stood up, his joints aching, pleading for rest, but he didn't let them. He charged forward, running faster than what his body wasn't thought to he capable of, and reached out. Hoping to grab the scout out of Megatron's grasp and get him away. But just as he was feet away, he stopped. His body literally frozen in time as if it became a floating statue. He tried to move, asking, no, ordering his frame to move.

But it didn't. Only his eyes could move from their place.

Megatron had a devilish smirk on his faceplate. "Pathetic, Optimus. What a shame you don't know the power of what this nice relic could do."

From behind the scout the Prime could see Megatron's chest pieces move and arrange themselves in a way that it exposed his insides. What really scared Prime, was the purple glow that leak out like a heavy fog.

"For example, to manipulate the matter around us. As in, crush it." He glanced at the scout. The glow suddenly reaching out like arms as they encircled Bumblebee in a vice like grip. Making his whole body become rigid. His yellow armor quickly spider webbing with breaks as his body began to shrink.

"OPTIMU-aaaaAAAAAHHHH!" his body started to rapidly crack and chip.


All Prime could do was watch in horror as one of his most closest friends was literally reduced to scrap parts. His legs folding in each other in a unnatural way as they were brought into his chest. Crumbling like a piece of tinfoil being balled up. In seconds, the scout's body had become nothing but a scrunched up ball of metal and circuits, except his head. His head remained frozen with the same expression on his face as Megatron's hand was the only thing dividing it from his destroyed body. In a sickening snap, the ball dropped from its connection to its head as it fell into the energon with a splash.

Rearing back his arm, the Decepticon let go of the head as it was sent flying to Prime. The effects of the energy had finally let go of the mech dropping him back into the energon as he never strayed away from the flying head. It bounced off the surface, as if hard ground was just a inch underneath, as it rolled several times before stopping.

Looking straight at him.

Optimus felt his spark run cold. It felt like itself when he saw Bumblebee jump in front of the shot meant for him back on the Ark. He was powerless to know what he would do, but this made his anger rapidly build.

And Megatron could see it. He could feel it. Like being next to a generator it gave off a aura of power. He felt the shard of dark energon in his chest flare at the slight increase in dark power, and knew that his nemesis was just reeking of it.

"Look at you… eons of battle have made you into an even weaker being! And Now." his voice suddenly crack. Glancing up Optimus could see the veins of dark energon rapidly grow in intensity. Megatron's body was quickly consumed by a purple flame that emitted from his form. Raising the jagged sword into the air with both hands. "You shall join every other foolish being who dared to stand in my way!"

He brought the blade down. A hard whoosh being the indicator of a killing blow.

Optimus prepared for the darkness to envelope him again. Only this time, instead of fear, the unholy feeling of his spark being extinguished.

But just as there was miller meter of a gap between his head and the blade, the sword disintegrated into a mist that washed over him. Megatron was shocked beyond what his mind could fathom. His entire weapon had literally turned to dust in his bare hands.

"No…" he looked at his hands. His fingers disappearing into the same mist that traveled up his legs and arms. "NO! I WILL DESTROY YOU, PRIME! MARK MY WORDS!"

Those were the last words he spoke before vanishing altogether.

Optimus sighed, thankful that it was gone. But not his echoing voice. It literally scratched itself into his mind as it combined itself with the pain and exhaustion. Rolling to his side, sighing through his broken mouth plate as he felt what could happen next.

What did happen next confused him.

The smokey skies was slowly changing colors. Becoming a normal blue as if wind was blowing the clouds away. Only that the blue that became white, which he had thought was now the sun, was becoming more golden. Moving a bit, he rolled onto his back as he sunk into the energon to stare up at the strange sky.

It was like earlier at Iacon. But what he saw as darkness from before, was now a shining light that he felt itself crease his spark. There was a shape, a head, arms and not knowing the distance, the figure was easily 30 times as large as he was. If it wasn't for the golden blue and white light making it nearly impossible for him to see even with his hand raised to block it and the shape, he could of confused it for combiner or titan.

Slowly the environment around him began to break apart. Like embers of a fire burning away a broken image. Optimus himself felt his body chipping away. Only instead of being broken apart, felt the wounds be literally ripped from him and replaced as whole again. He looked to the figure, now facing directly at it as his feet dangled in the non existent air. He stared at the strange being, feeling his spark be enveloped by a strong force that fed into it.

It stopped just a body's length away. Its o angled down to the Prime as its right hand slowly raised up facing him. And in a voice that sent a chill down his back, utter disbelief in his mind, and recognition, the strange mech glowed even brighter to the point of blinding Prime's vision.

"Arise, Optimus Prime…"

'...Systems Rebooting…'

'...Optic Sensors Damaged...Weapon Systems: Offline… Transformation Cog: Offline… Nerve Structure: Critical… Armor Structure: Critical… Energon Levels at 13%... Armor Integrity at 9%, Onlining Optics and Audio Sensors…'

Optimus Prime groaned under his mask as his systems began to online like a broken 1980s computer. He slowly cracked one, or really, now, his only eye as a electrical blue glow returned to his eye and then the optic shield (I'm following that his real eyes look like his TFP version while it's literally a full face battle mask covering his eyes) became a softer blue. Static and dozens of warnings flashed in his vision as he tried to figure out his situation; his body ached, barely even his digits could move a twitch. His chest still stun of the gaping hole that was torn through his stomach and chest from Megatron's sword. He could still feel his spark burning within him. He could feel the Matrix envelope it in a blanket of warmth and protection.

It wouldn't let him pass on to the Allspark. He knew this. Moments before his fall he felt it like a energon crystal just one hit away from shattering. But now it was as if a steady grade of liquid was filling in the cracks and holding it together.

He could go for some high grade right about now. Just to numb the pain of what the remains of his nerves could register.

Speaking of nerves, he sent several diagnostics through his body. He could remotely feel his protoform and armor still held together, by just copper wires at best, and felt underneath him… softness?

It wasn't the kind of soft he would think is possible for a cybertronian to feel. Despite feeling maybe 5% of it. The kind of soft he was use to was either a nice warm drink of energon after battle to fill his empty tanks, to sit in his office chair to read scouting reports or just on his berth to rest for just a bit. Even a great leader like him needed some R&R once and a very while.

He twitched his digits again, trying his best to curl them into a crude attempt at a fist, to feel what he was apparently lying on. It sunk a bit into a really soft material, the same he felt was all over his backside. It definitely wasn't metal. It was soft and squishy yet, still held firm, even against his weight.

It was strange, it was the hard surface he remembered practically landing on and just about died on. He was moved. But to where?

What he expected to see through his colorless view was possibly a medical room. He knew Ratchet kept some sort of foam in his unit as a way to do emergency patch work for energon leaks when the breech was through armor. But this was far from it.

What he saw instead was a large form loom over his own that obscured the overhead light. His optics, due to the damage, made most of the images either shades of white or black, and what he saw was a dark black face with its sides reaching down like a helmet with two smaller horns at the top bent upward. A closed mouth was covered by darkness, but two eyes, the eyes themselves were a shade of gray, as the iris was of black.

Optimus was a collected, well kept bot who made sure to keep his emotions in check and think things through. But at the sight of the face before him, color just barely picking up a red tint in those eyes, what the image that popped into his mind was followed by shock, disbelief, and pure rage built up over countless years of fighting.


Gently floating just a inch off the marble floor, the Creation God calmly moved her way through the halls on her way to her guest. Beside her, was the ever reluctant Mewtwo, who had grown a heavy curiosity to what strengths the alien possessed.

It had been, in the terms of time on Earth, no almost a month since the found the Autobot falling to their little world. Palkia was tasked to find any sign of other beings similar to Optimus. If what he said was true, that countless others of his people had fled their world to the stars, there must be some chance of seeing signs of them. But so far the results have come up short.

That was just one of the many things to come up. Because of his size, something bigger than any being on Earth, they didn't have a bedchamber that could house him. So using her powers, she shifted the whole dimension the Hall of Origins was in. Making everything significantly bigger for the time till they could know more. In context, if Optimus and her were human, he would stand at nearly 10 feet while she was in the high 5s to 6s. This allowed them to simply push two beds together so that his entire body was elevated.

Or what was left of it.

Parts of him was literally falling off. Each time they made him move slightly they could hear hissing coming from underneath his mask as they tried to make him comfortable. They tried healing him, every legendary with a healing move, rather it be themself or in pairs, tried in vain to help him. Some going down to earth to find some way; but coming back with very little success. At most, they saw his color return in slightly less damaged areas. The hole in his chest had turned almost black as his damaged leg was a dark gray that had a ring of faint blue.

It hurt Arceus to see such a being in pain. True, there was those people who deserved the pain for what they did. But here was a unknown story that already spoke of tragedy. Even her powers weren't making much progress on fixing him, and it was starting to annoy her.

"So what progress as it been in figuring out what power you found." Arceus, if her masked wasn't there, would show the scowled on her face.

"Unfortunately none as to what I could say is progress." Mewtwo answered with his head falling towards the floor in disappointment. "Until we can truly ask him himself about it, I fear we won't be able to know anything-"


Both suddenly stopped at the sound of a rage induced voice that held a semi-familiar tone.

Slowly turning to look at each other as they immediately accelerated their speed flying through the halls like jets in a canyon. A large red would door with what they had put on Prime's people's mark, or what they assumed involved his Autobots, was perfectly placed on the center of the door with the middle being cracked by the two doors.

A bright yellow light flashed from the edges as the heavy grunts and shouting followed by a heavy mass hitting the ground.

Running to the door, Mewtwo held his right hand up as the doors were covered in a purple glow. Both suddenly forced open as the two beings flew in to see a shocking sight.

Optimus Prime, from what they remembered, looked almost dead to the naked eye. Barely able to be moved without falling apart and in pain, was right now holding down the deity of the Reverse World to the ground with his bare hands as he stood of Giratina who with his strength, couldn't get out from underneath the titan.

What both Arceus and Mewtwo saw however was something they did think Giratina could ever show. And staring into Optimus Prime's broken eyes, they could see what emotion was running through them was the kind making the pokemon fight desperately to escape.

"STOP THIS! NOW!" Arceus's voice boomed around the room like thunder. Snapping the massive robot out of his state.

Optimus seemed to freeze for a moment, reality coming to him like a frag grenade as he began realizing that his hand was firmly grasped around the neck of the being under him with his other reared back and ready to punch the living scrap out of it. Slowly easing his grip, Prime's mind finally began to stabilize and see the situation. Seeing his chance, Giratina flew out from under him and dashed over to Arceus. Staying abnormally closer as if a scared dog to its owner.

"I'm… sorry. I'm so... terribly sorry for… that." he moved slightly back. Looking down at his damaged hands in confusion. His systems were just screaming at him, that he shouldn't possibly be standing or moving at all right now. He was sure that Ratchet would have a spark attack if he saw every message Prime was getting and bluntly ignoring.

Arceus looked into Prime's eye. Searching for any sign of his aggression. Surprisingly, all the sudden blood thirst and rage had completely vanish. Leaving a confused and hurt being before her.

"Giratina, what were you doing here?" the creator pokemon asked her son.

"I sensed a dark force within the halls. Like the one from the vision, but much stronger. I followed it to here when I examined the machine, I attempted to enter his mind to see if I could face this unknown or even see it. But he had awaken before I could begin. I was however, completely taken back by the robot's reaction." he turned a glance at the Prime. Not of anger, but surprise, at how he could move in such a condition.

Contemplating this, Arceus focused back to Optimus. "Apologies myself. I did not know one of my own would spark such a reaction."

"He…" Optimus's words ground to a halt. His eye had become frozen on the 3 very odd beings in the room. What was surprisingly was that despite him leaning a good bit, the center equine figure stood now almost to his chest. Moving from it to the other, his optic finally caught onto what he was about to say, "Reminded me of… someone."

Arceus nodded. Not wanting him to have a reaction similar to the last one. So she changed the subject. "I am sure you have many questions, Optimus Prime."

His eye widened at the reveal of it knowing his name and nodded.

"For how we know of your name, your… message was played when we found you. You stated what your name was and are the leader of the faction known as Autobots."

He nodded again.

"Then allow me to welcome you to the Hall of Origins. My name is Arceus, The Creation Pokemon. The figure you met in an unfortunate way is my son, Giratina, who controls the Disoriented World. The being to my left," she gestured to the smaller being beside her.

Even though he didn't show it, Mewtwo was extremely tensed up right now, and confused. This robot literally pinned a creation legendary by its sheer strength while literally being on the verge of falling apart. "Is Mewtwo. A powerful psychic pokemon and a advisor."

"Greetings. Optimus Prime." he spoke in a calm tone that actually reminded him of Ultra Magnus. But Optimus nodded a thanks anyway. "I am sure you must understand our current situation regarding your… arrival. But it is not common that you met a sentient being from another world come crashing down to Earth."

To further emphasize his point, Mewtwo stretched out his hand as a pinkish white sphere formed in front of them. It slowly expanded in size until it was roughly 6 feet wide displaying the vast oceans and many islands.


That name, it sounded… beautiful. And the image of the planet before him. It made him feel… shocked.

Wasn't this like the target world Megatron was going for? The one Grimlock had spoken about when he managed to get into contact after disappearing. It looked so much like it; though the land was more broken up, it looked like the one he had addressed his generals on the Ark during launch. He felt himself go stiff. Almost developing tunnel vision as he thought of the thousands of lives on the Ark

"Are you alright?" Arceus asked seeing distress come across his eyes.

"The space bridge… Megatron and his forces… they followed us to the space bridge… me and Megatron… Bumblebee…" his eye widened in shock and worry. The three legendaries all stared up to him as his body went rigid, then started to gradually shake.

"My Autobots…" his voice went from exhausted to complete fear. " THEY'RE IN DANGER!"

Dashing forward Prime immediately went straight for the door. Only that due to the damage to his nerves, failed to realize the condition his form was in. In one swift step the mech came down on the ground hard, except his leg didn't stop moving. It collapsed over itself like he was transforming, but the limb suddenly bulged out and burst like a dam of metal and sparks.

"AGGHHHH!" He fell to the ground, further caving in his injury as he tried to catch himself. Only for his hand to slip out from under him and move him forward towards the open door. The right side of his head taking a sharp impact as the entire side of his helm including the horn, audio receptor and other important pieces was smashed off.

The head piece, along with bits of scrap and electronics flew through the air, landing in a heavy thud at Arceus' hooves. Laying on his damaged side, Prime could do nothing to hold his wound from gushing out a green fluid. All the Legendaries stood shocked at just in a single step, the mighty bot was further crippled. A piece of his head, that now exposed a swarm of wires, made them all cringe, not knowing what level of pain he was feeling.

"I… need to go… I need to go now…"

The three pokemon watch with mild emotion; though they felt sympathy towards the injured mech. Summoning her psychic plate, Arceus carefully wrapped Optimus in a ball of gold energy as he was lifted from his slouched position. As he was lifted, more bits of his crumbling armor fell to the ground in piles of brown dust. More liquids started coming from new and old wounds that his internal healing had tried to fix. His optic shut tight, resisting the urge to let the pain sound out. Slowly he was lowered back onto the bed. The bed itself, due to his size had several dozens of pillows at the head board. Turning his form so that he faced back upwards, she made sure to add a few more to allow him to (hopefully) sit up. She knew that his parts on his back side, the sets of wheels on his legs along with 2 fin like panels directly on his back with more wheels and his shoulders with the smoke stacks made it a bit difficult to position him. But with her precise experience, managed to get the Prime in a spot where even he sighed from the newly returned comfort.

Beside her, Mewtwo stepped over picking up the broken head piece in his hands. Hovering in the air he flew over to the Prime's head; letting the piece flow in a aura field he pulled at the broken wires that had busted to be pulled slightly upward. Aligning themselves with the piece he carefully pushed it together. Holding it there he then formed something similar to hex bolts and pieces of metal made of pink energy as they formed pairs around the curve of the robot's head. Carefully drilling in and securing nearly 24 bolts and the piece in place.

Feeling his helm be balanced again, Optimus turned to the psychic type, "Thank you…" he muttered. Glad to feel his helm be balanced again.

Just barely letting out the tiniest of smiles behind her mask, Arceus turned to Giratina, "Notify the others that our guest has awaken. We will hold a meeting once he has recovered some more."

The legendary nodded as he turned back towards the door. Swiftly wanting to distance himself from the Prime. Arceus noticed this odd sensation from her son, if she could her brow would of arched in confusion, but in her mind she figured it would be better to wait till later. Floating over to the opposite side of the bed, the god moved herself opposite of Mewtwo as she took a look over the bot's condition. The most noticeable things were the missing pieces of armor that had rusted away and broken off, his larger injury on his side was close enough for her to peer down inside to see the mess and even part of the bed. His leg made her physical jerk back a pinch. His entire foot had completely crumbled into his large leg making him have more like a peg leg than foot.

She shook her head, from what his message had described to finding him drifting through space, Arceus knew that the being before her had endured something that very few beings on Earth could not compare.

"Heal Pulse." she spoke as a pinkish ball of energy formed on top of her head. Bending her neck down she let the sphere fall from its place and onto his chest. The orb flash once as it widened. A pink wave going over every part of his body as it began working its magic.

"hmm…" He moaned. Earning a confused look from the god.

"What is it?" Arceus asked.

"My energon levels… have risen slightly." he glanced to the god, "What did you do?"

He wasn't displeased by the action, In fact, his body fully welcomed the feeling of being repaired to at least some form and the pain slightly easing up. But the slight intake on energon was a welcoming sign to his aching systems.

Once the aura had done what it could, Optimus let out a happy sigh as he felt himself settle more into a sleep than coma.

"Thank you."

Arceus inwardly smiled. "You are much welcomed. Now, rest. You must begin recovering your strength. As I do not doubt you have many questions. As do I.

Somewhere in space,

Sometime ago...

In the dark, cold reaches of space, Megatron was fast approaching what was calling for him. His body long since changed from its previous form

Growths started sprouting all over his armour as strains of dark energon broke through and crystallized in old and 'new' wounds that form small yet raw shards of the deadly material. His helm was more damaged than it was, as it was riddled with many holes caused by him blasting through space objects on his course.

With his energon levels low, he had shut down everything but his senses. Just border lining complete stasis lock. His internal clock had completely lost track of how long he was traveling; only letting the unknown 'force' drag him. It was a bit unbearable; it was like Starscream ranting on how great of a leader he would be, which lasted a pathetic 3 days before he got blown apart by his upgraded tank form. Troops complaining about their 'suicide runs' which, once again, was suicide to speak of if Megatron was within hearing range or Soundwave recorded it and told him. Thus resulted in the designated clean up crew of 40 bots to scrubs his throne room clean of any parts and energon from the poor bastards that were personally introduced to his fusion cannon. He just loved giving them a false sense of 'hope' for about a 10 seconds to beg for their lives as he charged up

But after so long now, it being so quiet, he was missing the sounds of gunfire, explosions and the cries of his enemies falling.

'I swear to Primus something better happen before I lose it even further.'

"Megatron…" a cold voice called into his echoing desolate mind. Almost like it was leading him through a confusing maze to the end.

Cracking his faded red optics open, the warlord glanced up from his slouched position to see what the strange feeling was calling to him.

It was big. Very big. It was easily a planet, possibly as big as Cybertron. He could see tints of orange and blacks mixed with dark blue and purple as a massive ring dawned itself around the sphere of the object. It Was metal, he could see the millions of different parts littering the landscape. But this was far from what he had come to see a common picture of cities in dust and rust. Angling himself to move forward, he glided towards what seemed like a large opening on the front of the planet.

"MEGATRON." The voice called again. This time gaining the mech's attention.

(NOTE: Megatron is speaking in his G1 voice as his vocals are damaged.)

"Who… goes there?" he slowly drifted towards the metal surface. Looking it over till he found the large clawed opening.

"I AM UNICRON." the beam of light flashed, forcing Megatron back. "I HAVE SUMMONED YOU HERE, FOR A PROPOSITION."

"Nobody summons Megatron!"


"Dark energon…"


"Then what do you want from me?!"


"Optimus… he had perished in the space bridge explosion."


Megatron fought back from being flung into space again. Correcting his body from spinning out of control as the force of the wind washed over him. Blowing even chunks of metal and debris off his body as new cracks form. But hearing what was technically a god's words berate him on not killing Optimus Prime!

He didn't know the legends of Unicron, but he knew he didn't know how many times the Prime and he fought to take the other's spark. He knew Prime was too weak to take his spark, and it further frustrated him to literally the edge of his sanity that every time they did encounter each other, no matter how many blows, shots, stabs, burns or shrapnel, he couldn't kill him!



Without warning, cracks of purple energy erupted from the opening flying straight at Megatron. Latching themselves onto every tiny shred of dark energon, the mech clenched his helm and teeth, trying to hold back the pain.

"AAARRRR-GHHHAAAA!" He yelled as he felt the very wires of his mind being threatened to pop into dust.

But to his utter relief, the sheering pain subsided. The bolts of energy fading into space as his systems tried to correct what further damage was done.


"An intriguing offer. But what do I get in return?"

Megatron was no fool, and Unicron could see it. It was the reason he had named his faction Decepticons. But thinking it over, he looked over Megatron's mind. Passed the dark energy to see how the bot ticked. It was no surprise to see what his desires where. The banners and flags of the Decepticon logo on massive buildings, massive crowds chanting one word as Megatron sat on at the top of Dark Mount with on his throne. With the head of Optimus Prime displayed on the top for all to see.

He say how he fought, he fought with honor, yet dirty. No mercy for his victims; only completely obliteration. Unicron could see it now; he knew that Megatron would turn on him when he got the chance, but for now, he would give the cybertronian what was needed to accomplish this task.


Megatron thought of the deal. He knew there was much to consider, but the feeling of getting back in the fight made him all the more anxious to tear apart Autobots.

With a smirk, he nodded. "We have a deal."

Immediately after he said those words, a bright ray of yellow and blue light flashed from Unicron. Digging their way into Megatron's body as the dark energon shards sunk back into his form. Debris started breaking away as metal started moving. His whole chest caved in on itself yet becoming bulkier and more military styled with his arms and shoulders sucking back in their spikes that made both grow in mass. His helm popped out, feeling as if thousands if scraplets were running underneath his faceplate as he felt it retract a bit and yet grow. His teeth becoming more jagged than before as his optics flashed a bright purple that became a deep blood red. He could feel his legs shift, becoming less bulky yet more layered with armour as 4 sets of tracks formed to cover the front and back halves of h8s leg to his thigh, knee and ankle. And his cannon, oh did he grin when he saw it; the silver gun had been flattened out some yet grew in size. A new longer black tank barrel making it nearly triple its original length. With a new infusion of fresh dark energon, Megatron's new form erupted into black and purple fire as he maliciously hollered out in twisted laughter.

(TF: Covenant of Primus Body)

"So… much... raw… power…" he spoke in his original voice. Examining his nearly sharpened claws for hands.


"I shall see to it, that ever Autobots will die! And Optimus Prime will become one with death!"


Flipping around in the air, Megatron engaged his newly upgraded T-cog as his body began transforming. He saw he had two brand new mides in top of his tank. The one with wings caught his attention the most at the prospect of flight.

In seconds, despite the stinging pain every cybertronian gets when transforming after being reformatted, Megatron's new jet form closed tightly together to almost form a mini version of his warships but with more spikes and guns than the real thing.

Powering up his engine, which was his cannon now divided into 4 parts, the gun itself was slight in half and placed on top him as the barrel was divided and connected under the wings. He knew the first place to go: Cybertron.

In a burst of fire, the jet screamed through space away from the giant planet. Leaving Unicron to 'watch' his new minion leave to do his bidding.


So this will pretty much set the tone for much of the story. Blood shed on this scale will be a reoccurring thing.

As for reason, some major characters (only Transformers) die and/or get rebuilt in a different incarnation of themself. For they play roles that affect the story. Those seen in the dream were selected in the sense that Optimus wouldn't think of them being dead. As for Bumblebee and Elita-1, both play into part of what happened in Transformers: Prime and what will happen for a later time (no spoilers ;) Megatron in the dream is based on a more cybertronian version of his Last Knight Mode as Shockwave is based on his IDW Senator form before becoming 'Shockwave' and Ultra Magnus his G1 form. Ariel is too her G1 self but with more like a IDW body. While he is still in his TFP Orion Pax body I decided to make his vehicle form as the Fireguard Optimus Prime semi truck.

For both bots, Optimus' situation is pretty much him in Cade's barn from Age of Extinction, while Megatron is a crossover of the G1 movie and Predacons Rising.

The units of time I'm using is based on the Beast Wars version. And as you can tell I'm trying to balance out the use of TF terminology.