disclaimer: I do not own Jean Grey or any of the X-Men. They are all owned by Marvel, I'm just "borrowing" them to write this fic.

"Hey, wait up!" Annie yells from behind me.

The bottoms of my sneakers slap the wet pavement as I race home. My best friend, Annie, trails behind me a few feet. I look over my shoulder, her blond hair, that was once tied tightly into a knot, is now flying freely behind her. Her book bag bouncing off her back as she runs.

I push my vibrant red hair from out of my face. The rain water makes the strands stick to my forehead and neck.

I stop at the busy intersection of Albany. Annie comes up behind me, "hey," she huffs, "you're fast."

I smile as I situate the strap of my book bag.

We wait a little while for the red hand to disappear and the green person to appear. Awhile ago Annie and I named the green person Bob. I don't know how that even got started, but now, everyday after school we wait for Bob.

Finally, Bob replaces the hand and the cars on the left side lane stop (there were no cars in the right lane).

Just as I'm about to cross, Annie drops her lunch box, causing a half-full pack of Goldfish crackers and an Apple to scatter onto the ground.

I bend down to pick up the closest cracker, "go ahead home, Jean, I can handle this."

"Are you sure?"

"I spill stuff all the time. You got to get home because your parent's are waiting." She gathers the goldfish and tosses them into her Winnie the Pooh lunch box.

"If you're sure." In reality, I'd rather stay and help Annie then go home to where my obnoxious Aunt is visiting for the weekend. However, I did have to get home. So, I give her a quick side-hug. I look both ways (even though Bob was still glowing) then cross the rain-covered street. Little did I know this would be the last time I see her alive.

I'm almost all the way to the other side of the street when Annie starts across. I step onto the sidewalk when I hear her scream and then a sickening, Thump.

I turn around to see a blue Jeep stopped in the middle of the road, a middle-age man steps out and looks down onto the pavement. I follow his gaze, dreading what I'll see.

I run out into the road, Annie is sprawled on the pavement. Her left leg is bent in a weird direction and a deep cut her head oozes blood.

The man is kneeling beside her when I get to Annie.

"Are you her friend?" He asks.

"Yes." I say, kneeling down next to her head. I grab her sticky hand.

"Jeannie?" She asks, her voice cracks.

The man dials 9-1-1. Then pain begins to bubble up in my leg, "you're going to be okay?" I say. Pain climbs its way up to my pelvis and belly, then increases greatly, causing me to double over. It reaches my arm and hand and I have to loosen my grip on Annie's hand.

Soon, I feel like I've been hit by a car myself. I close my eyes and feel tears swimming behind my lids. "You're going to be-" I lose consciousness, but Annie loses even more that day. Her life.

to be continued

Author's notes: what do you all think? Is it worth continuing? Like I said, this is a redo of The Marvel Girl Comic. The beginning is sort of the same (spoliers if you haven't read the Marvel girl comic or her wiki page sorry, LOL) but the story will be different. This is the way I wish the story had gone. The rest of the chapters will also be longer, but This was too important to add anymore onto it.

So feel free to comment, give criticism, ask questions and suggest scenes. All of those things are welcome and greatly appreciated! Also, I was debating on writing this until I read, Sonofcoul27's story, X-Men Origins: Angel, so totally check that one out too if you want to read an awesome redo origin story about Warren Worthington III :).

Ps. I will probably be posting the next chapter on Thursday or Friday. I'm just finishing up another fic that is posted on Mondays and Thursdays (it's called I am the whisperer if you want to check that one out too [little self-promotion there:)] ) that would be awesome! I want to get that one finished before I dive into this one. Anyway, see you all then! Bye