After another couple minutes of hugging and kissing, we finally made it back into the car. Emma and I both texted our mothers to tell them to meet us at the house in about an hour. Finally, Emma started driving away from the hospital.

However, after only a few minutes of driving my stomach began to rumble. I poked Emma on the shoulder.

"Emma," I whispered.

"What?" she whispered back.

"Can we stop by Granny's before we go home?"

"We don't have time, Regina," she replied. "We told our family to meet us at the house in less than an hour."

"I can take it To Go," I pleaded. "I'm starving!"

"Oh, you are, are you?" Emma said raising an eyebrow.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "I never pegged you for cruel, Miss Swan."

Emma laughed. "Hey! Don't you 'Miss Swan' me! We can stop by Granny's on the way," she conceded. "Why don't you call ahead so we can get out quickly?"

I leaned back, a triumphant smirk on my face. "Well, look at you, being the responsible adult," I teased.

"Well, look at you, being the impulsive child!" she retorted.

I gasped and slapped her in the arm.

"Ow!" she exclaimed, laughing.

"How dare you!" I exclaimed playfully. "I am a Queen, and a bit more refined."

Emma chuckled again. "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I think it's cute."

I glared at her again, dialing the number on my cell phone. After two rings, I heard a very bored voice answer. "Hello, thank you for calling Granny's Diner. How can I help you today?"

"Hi, Ruby. It's Regina."

"Oh." Her voice changed immediately. She still maintained a polite discussion, but I could hear a hint of sarcasm underneath. "Hello, Regina. What can I do for you today?"

"Emma and I are on our way and wanted to grab something To Go."

"Wait, Emma's with you?" she asked, surprised.

"Yes, and she'd like her usual, please."

"Okay, then." I could hear the sound of her scratching the order on the paper. "And would you like your usual as well, Madam Mayor?" she asked.

I thought about it for a moment. " I think today I'll have a classic burger and fries."

I saw Emma's eyes widen as she turned to look at me, surprised.

Ruby, too, seemed to be shocked by my order. "Oh! Um, okay. Anything else?"

"No, thank you."

"Alright, Madam Mayor, that should be ready for you in about ten to fifteen minutes."

"Thank you, Ruby. See you soon." I hung up and leaned my head back on the seat. It took me a moment to see that Emma was smiling smugly.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing," Emma said, shaking her head. "I just never thought I'd see the day you'd eat a burger, that's all."

I shrugged. "I don't know, it just sounds really good right now."

Emma chuckled under her breath. "Pregnancy brain," she murmured.

"It's not pregnancy brain!" I denied.

Emma nodded slowly. "Right," she said sarcastically.

I folded my arms and rolled my eyes. There was no convincing Emma once she had an idea in her mind.

It only took a few minutes to get to Granny's. Emma parked an ran inside to grab the food. After about ten minutes I started to get impatient. There were no cars out front and they weren't busy, so what was taking so long? Finally, I saw Emma running out of the door, paper bag in hand. However, she had a smirk on her face that made me suspicious. When she got in the car she was chuckling to herself.

"What took you so long?" I demanded, snatching the bag from her outstretched hand and immediately reaching inside for the burger.

Emma shook her head. "Don't worry about it," she said. "Let's just go home."

"Don't tell me what and what not to worry about! What happened?"

Emma sighed. "Fine. Ruby was just trying to be a good friend."


"And she was chewing me out for taking you back," Emma admitted.

"What?!?" I asked through a mouthful of burger.

Emma chuckled. "Hungry?" she asked.

I glared at her, but nodded, my mouth still full.

Emma suddenly became serious. "Look, she doesn't know about what Doctor Whale said, so as far as she knows..." Emma trailed off.

"As far as she knows I cheated on you," I finished. "But, still, why is it any of her business?"

"Storybrooke is a small town: everyone knows everyone's business," she replied. "Also," she added, " when I wasn't speaking to you I spent a lot of time at Ruby's apartment."

"Well, that would explain her tone," I surmised. "Did you tell her?" I asked.

Emma shook her head. "Not yet."

"Well, why not?" I asked. "Right now the entire town thinks I cheated on The Savior! Shouldn't we clear that up before there's a mob at my door?"

"We will, Regina," Emma assured me, "but if Mother hears that we told anyone else before her, the town would be the least of our problems."

I contemplated that for a moment, then shrugged. "I mean, you're not wrong," I conceded. We both laughed for a bit, then I tore into the rest of my sandwich like I hadn't eaten in months.

By the time we arrived at the house, there was nothing left of my lunch but the bag and the faint smell of fries. I lingered in the car for a bit, taking one last whiff, and finally followed Emma to the door. David's truck was already parked in the driveway, meaning they'd used the spare key. Just before Emma opened the door, I grabbed her arm.

"Wait," I said, "how are we going to do this?" I asked.

Emma turned and lightly gripped my arms. "I know you like to handle these things head on and by yourself, but please let me do the talking," said Emma. "Because they might not be as...receptive to you right now."

I nodded. "I suppose that makes sense," I conceded, "even though I don't like it very much." Emma smiled gratefully and opened the door.

Immediately, I heard David's booming voice echo through the house. "Mary Margaret! Emma's here!"

"Oh, good!" I heard her yell from upstairs. "I'm dying to know why she asked us to meet here."

Here we go

Mary Margaret stopped dead in her tracks as soon as she saw me, one foot still poised to reach the next stair. She stared at me for a few seconds, her mouth hanging open in shock. Finally, her mouth snapped closed into a hard line.

"Emma..." she said slowly, carefully, never taking her eyes off me, "what are you two doing here...together?"

"Mom, I can explain..." Emma began. But before she could say anything else, a large cloud of purple smoke suddenly appeared between us. Mary-Margaret yelped in surprise. She yelled to her husband, who was still absent, "DAVID!" Emma immediately leapt in front of me, one arm wrapping protectively around me, the other grabbing her gun on her hip. As the smoke cleared, I heard everyone in the room let out a breath of relief.

My mother was standing in the middle of the hallway with Eleanor on her arm. She looked at Mary-Margaret's still-shocked face and Emma's hand on her gun, and said calmly, "Well, isn't this a warm welcome."

As of on cue, David burst into the room, a long ceremonial dagger poised and ready to defend against the "intruders." "Mary Margaret! What-" Then he looked around, realized there was no imminent danger, and slowly lowered the knife. "What are all of you doing here?" he asked Mother, not maliciously, but genuinely confused.

"We were invited," Mother responded, "just as I assume you were."

"What is the meaning of this?" Mary Margaret asked. "What are we doing here?"

"Look, I know you must all be confused and concerned, and I promise we'll explain everything" Emma said calmly. "But first, why don't we move into the living room where we can talk more comfortably?" Everyone hesitated, but eventually agreed, and we all moved the the living room.

"Okay, we're here," Mother said, "now will you please explain what we're all doing here."

Emma took a deep breath. "Okay, so as all of you know, Regina is pregnant." No reaction, other than David's eyebrows narrowing slightly. "We've finally figured out what happened. Or, at least...part of happened." Emma took another deep breath, planning her next words carefully. "The mine."

Silence. No one spoke, or moved, for a long time. I worried that the shock might have...broken them. Suddenly, Mary-Margaret jumped out of her seat. "I knew it!" she screamed. "We were right! Congratulations, you two! Ooh, now I get to plan the baby shower!"

"Wait, what?!?" I exclaimed. Of all the scenarios I'd pictured, this was NOT one of them.

"Yes, yes you were right," Mother conceded. "And when will that be? I need to be sure to have the gifts ready in time."

"I promise to have a date to you by the end of the week," Mary-Margaret continued, ignoring Emma's and my shocked expressions.

"I'll hold you to that," mother replied. "I'm actually thrilled that it turned out this way, even if I have to yield the baby shower to you."

"Wait! Hold on a moment!" I exclaimed, holding my arms up and silencing the room. "Did you bet on who the baby's parent was?"

"Oh, well I wouldn't call it betting, really," Mary-Margaret said. "We just agreed that whoever was right could plan the baby shower."

"That's betting, Mom," Emma said incredulously. "That is the literal definition of betting on something!"

"And did you bet that I cheated on Emma?" I asked my mother in disbelief.

"No no no!" She assured me. "Nothing like that! I just hypothesized that it might have been a part of some nefarious plan...I mean, it's not unheard of..."

"Really, Mother?" I shook my head.

"Hey, I took the side that would make me win either way!" she said. "If it was nefarious, I got to plan the baby shower. But since it wasn't, I'm still happy for you two!"

I couldn't think of any way to respond to that. All I could do was look at Emma, who was looking back at me with an equally bewildered face.

"Look," David said diplomatically, "it was a hard time for your mothers when you two weren't speaking to each other, so they were just trying to lighten the mood until you two sorted things out."

Eleanor nodded in agreement. "And even though I wasn't too happy about the...arrangement when I first heard about it, but later realized that it was just their way of coping and keeping hope that you two would make up."

Emma was about to say something, but I grabbed her arm to stop her. I was still upset about the whole thing, but that's not what we were there for. Also, Eleanor might of had a point. I knew that our mothers were just being...well, them, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon.

"It doesn't matter," I said. "You are our family, and we wanted you to be the first to know."

Everyone smiled, and Mary-Margaret walked over to us and hugged us both tightly. "We love you two, and we're so happy for you!" she whispered. "I'm so happy all of us could be here for this!"

I thought for a moment. "Well, not all of us," I said quietly to myself, looking at the stairwell.