It was long but the new translator is really motivated.

In barely a week, The-One-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named translated chapter 15 and is already working on the sequel. I really hope that you will like it and that you will forgive me for having waited so long!

Good reading!

- Dementia…

- I'm ready Harry

- You've been telling me this for half an hour, said the young man while going back to sit on the stairs frustrated.

This is where Snape found him twenty minutes later, looking desperate.

- Harry ?

- Yes father ? the young man said with a sigh

- What's happening?

As an answer, Harry shrugged and showed his sister's room in an accusing manner. Snape smiled, he knew how his daughter's time notion could be.

- Come on, he said suddenly, I'm taking you.

Eyes wide in surprise, Harry followed his father outside the manor to the apparating point. Seconds later, they were in front of Grimmauld place. Snape knocked briefly on the door and Sirius was prompted to open.

-Snape? What are you doing here ?

- I'm bringing your godson before he decides to kill Dementia. I'm leaving, he said while turning to Harry. See you in a few days. Have fun and don't forget what I told you : everything is known eventually.

- Of you Father.

He waited until Snape apparated again to fall in Sirius's arms who welcomed him.

- Everything alright ?

-Yes, I'm happy to be here. Dementia shouldn't be long but I was tired of waiting and I think he was tired to see me waiting in the stairs.

Sirius laughed and brought Harry in the kitchen where the Weasley children were doing their homework under the watchful eye of their mother. Hermione was among them and she was smiling each time one of them were sighing.

- Oh Harry,said the red hair mother, how are you dear ?

- I'm good mrs Weasley, very good.

- You're sure ? Everything alright ?

- Yes, I swear.

- Harry, began Hermione,as soon as mrs Weasley let go of her friend, we're doing our homework, you wanna join us ?

- No thanks.

- Harry..., said the young girl

- I finished them yesterday…

- What ?

Harry laughed watching his friends half suspicious face and told her how his father had checked his homeworks so he could have two weeks off. But he eagerly accepted to help Ron for the defence's homework and took place at the table with all his friends.

Twenty minutes later, Hermione had finished half her homeworks, Ron two of them and the twins and Ginny were not far behind.

Hermione did not say anything regarding the twins and her best friend but she assured mrs Weasley that her and Ron would finish their homework the following day if they worked two hours instead of one. Ron didn't seem happy with that but Harry promised him that he would help him and reminded him that they would then be free.

They had just put their stuff away when Dementia entered the kitchen.

- You could have wait, she said to Harry

- That's what I did for half an hour, protested the young man .

- I was almost done !

- I have been there for an hour !

Dementia opened her mouth to answer but she saw Sirius, standing at the entrance of the kitchen, with laughing eyes. She maturely showed her tongue to Harry and went in her lover's waiting arms.

- Why is everyone against me when it's a time matter, she asked/told Sirius

- Because nobody has your time notion mind. But that's what makes you charming.

- I hope you were a better liar in Hogwart !

Sirius began to laugh and kissed her quickly. Mrs Weasley frowned. She will need to have a few words with Sirius she thought. This girl was half her age...And she was strongly doubting that Severus was aware of their little adventure.

The day he would make noise...and if he learnt that everyone knew but him he would be even more mad...again something that could fall on Harry.

Yes, Sirius would hear from her….

She watched the couple and smiled...they were quite cute together...she didn't remember seeing Sirius that happy….maybe she would only tell him to be careful.

Molly shook her head and gave the boys some decorating boxes with an order to get out of the kitchen and to make the place look like christmas eve.

Remus Lupin was reading in the living room but he accepted to stop his reading to help the the twins, Ron, Ginny and Hermione were begining to unbow the decorations, he took Harry apart.

- Everything alright Harry ?

- Yes prof…. uh Remus, corrected Harry to whom Remus told many times before to use his name.

- Are you sure ?

- Yes… did he tell you ?

- did he tell me what ?

- I am under your responsability while he isn't here. He'll ask you if I obeyed you.

- You never disobeyed me Harry, I don't see why it would begin, and anyway, I do not plan on making him a report.

- He said that everything is known eventually…

- Harry, Remus, sighed, quite being worried. There aren't many chances of you doing something wrong.

Harry nodded et went back to his friends.

- Harry, Remus called back, if something is wrong, if Severus is giving you a hard time, I want you to warn me ok ? I might not always give you reason but I would prevent him from hurting you.

Harry would have like to tell Remus to not worry and that there will never be a reason when he would need him. But a little voice at the back of his head reminded him of Umbridge's punishment. That's why he smiled shyly at his former professor.

- Alright. Thank you.

He went back to Ron and Hermione who gave him candles to decorate the tree while she put other decorations everywhere in the house. She then put the mistletoe above the kitchen's entrance. The twins who where coming down from their room, saw her standing there and gave her a kiss on each cheek. Hermione let out a startle cry and Molly made the boys go away. Both lady then laughed.

The children spent 3 days decorating the house and helping Mrs Weasley prepare christmas eve's dinner.

That days finally came. Severus, the only one who wasn't living at the square would be coming at the end of the afternoon. He would then go back home to sleep and come again in the morning to give their presents to his daughter and to seul invité à ne pas résider au square, devait arriver en fin d'après midi.

He arrived at 5pm, one hour before dinner.

- Did you behave yourself ? He asked Harry as soon as the door was closed.

- Yes, and I am ready to swear this under veritaserum said the young man while smiling.

- That won't be necessary, smiled Severus who could read the truth in his son's eyes.

He said hello to Mrs Weasley and Remus and nodded in Sirius's direction. Dementia was playing cards with Hermione and the Twins were having a conversation with Ron about pranks. Arthur was still at the ministry but wouldn't be long. Molly told the children that dinner who be served as soon as he was there.

While discussing with Remus, Snape moved a bit so Molly could enter the kitchen and he found himself under the mistletoe, though completely unaware of that little fact. Dementia who saw that, went and kissed him on the cheek which left a big red mark from her lipstick.

- What the hell, said the potion master while taking a tissue from his pocket to remove the red mark.

As an answer, Demi showed the mistletoe and snape was prompted to get away from under it.

Arthur came at 6pm et Molly made everyone come in the kitchen. She served dinner with the help of Hermione and G Dementia proposed her help, she told her she didn't want to make her tired because the young lady would have to have all her energy. Demi blushed under Sirius's blank stare. Snape rolled his eyes thinking that his daughter had a date later that night.

The meal was a very large success. Sirius had drank half the wine by himself and ron had ate half the desserts.

Before leaving, Snape gave a potion to Harry.

- Have your friend drink this to prevent a stomachache.

Harry nodded and smiled. He then went upstairs to give the potion to Ron and then to put himself in bed.

Snape then gave another potion, this time to Sirius who took it, frowning.

- Anti-hangover...

- And why are you giving me this ? asked Sirius with mistrust.

- I do not want Harry's christmas being darkened by your tomorrow's mood.

Once Snape was gone, Sirius went to his room where he found Dementia wearing a red and green silk bathrobe.

Sirius closed the door while smiling at Demi.

- There is one gift that I can't let you open in public tomorrow said the young woman while kneeling on the bed.

The poorly closed bathrobe opened itself showing what was underneath….

- So, said Dementia seductively, are you coming to open your present ?

Sirius swallowed and put a silencing charm on the room.

Harry opened his eyes wondering what caused him to be woken up. He was beginning to close them again when a pillow hit his face. He sat up suddenly facing a laughing Dementia.

- You coming ? Dad arrived a quarter of an hour ago. We are all waiting for you to open the presents.

- Go on, I'll just use the bathroom quickly before coming.

He was down not ten minutes after.

- How do we proceed ? asked Sirius.

- Everyone give their presents to their recipient said Demi, when everyone has all their presents the we can begin to open them.

Harry gave the presents he had bought to all his friends, Remus and the Weasley parents.

He hesitated a bit before giving the one he had bought for his father who made a surpirised face.

- Thank you Harry.

- Wait until you see what is is before thanking me said Harry shyly. I have no idea if you'll like it.

- I have no doubt I will like it.

Then He went to Sirius and gave his last present. He took place on the floor next to his godfather where everyone had put their presents for him.

- First, the adults declared Dementia who enjoyed making the teens wait.

She opened the first present who came from her foster parents and laughed seeing the wall clock. She then took Harry's present and opened it. There was a jewel with a beautiful seahorse.

- Oh Harry, It's beautiful.

- Do you like it ?

- Of course I do, how did you know I love everything sea related ?

- You ask that knowing the time he spends hiding in your room said Snape with an amused tone, referencing to the marine decoration of he room.

Dementia smiled and opened her last present. The one her father gave her. It was a silver watch.

- Am I supposed to get a message ? How should I take this ?

She laughed before kissing her father on the cheek.

- Thank you dad. It's beautiful.

It was then Sirius's turn to open his presents. He opened Harry's first. And he didn't know what to say.

- Harry…waow! How did you...I mean you are a minor and...I waow…

- Don't worry. I didn't lied about my age or anything assured Harry. I didn't go in the shop alone he said while thanking Severus with a smile.

Sirius was surprised to learn that his worst enemy had helped Harry with his gift but he didn't make any comments and just hugged Harry while thanking him.

It was then Remus turn to open his presents. He also didn't know what to say when he opened Harry's present.

- Advanced counter-spells and protective enchantments against dark magic he read….Harry...this isn't out until next….thank you so much.

He hugged the young man and Harry told him it was nothing. He deserved it for all he did for Harry.

Severus was the last adult to open his present. His first opened Dementia's then Harry's. And did not speak for a few seconds.

- The properties of forgotten ingredients...Harry this is a wonderful gift thank you very much.

-How did you find these books asked Remus who was impressed.

- Il asked a slytherin smiled Snape before explaining the situation about his old student.

It was now the turn of the teens to open their presents. First they opened to ones they made each other.

Harry thanked Hermione for the book she got him. He also thanked Ginny, the twins and Ron for their presents.

All of them then opened the presents from the adults. They all thanked Mrs Weasley for the traditional christmas sweat. Harry opened his presents and blushed furiously when he discovered Dementia's. He promptly tried to hide the packet.

- Hmmm…thanks Demi… it's... uh… interesting.

- What is it ? Asked a smiling Remus.

- It's… nothing… whispered Harry while trying to hide it even more.

But that wasn't counting on Sirius's curiosity who took the present before Harry got any chance at hiding it. He read the title of the book and began to laugh.

- Sexuality and flirting technique explain to teenagers by Dementia Snape.

- What ? exclaimed Snape. Have you lost your mind ?

- What ? Said the young woman with a big smile….we need to share our expericence with our youngers.

Harry took the book from Sirius's hands and put it away while taking another present to open rather quickly.

- Guide of the apprentice Auror...thank you Remus. You think I'll be able to be an auror ?

- Without a doubt. But I must tell you to read this book very soon.

- Why ?

- Because an old friend of mine, Kingsley Shacklebolt, who is the current director of the aurors, accepted to take you and both your friends on a little three days training before you go back to hogwarts.

Harry was speechless for a minute or two or maybe five.

- Can I go ? He asked his father.

-Obviously. Remus told me about it beforehand.

Harry hugged remus.

- Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you !

- Pleased to see this present suits you said the old prossefore while smiling.

Harry took his last present, which was Sirius's. It was a big book. On the cover was written: the most amazing slapped taken by James and the most amazing pranks by the Marauders.

He opened it, the inside was covered in pictures and in his godfather's handwriting with tells of all the pranks they did as teenagers.

- The most amazing slapped ? Asked Harry.

- Oh yeah, laughed Sirius. Before your mother accepted to go out with James, Remus, Peter and I we had took the habit to bet how many time she would slap James during the day or how many minutes he could speak before taking one.

- Yes, said Snape, she was laughing all the time time telling me Potter's latest invention to make her fall in love with him. She was even sure that the idiot would be sad if she didn't slap him.

Remus and Sirius laughed.

-For the pranks, said Sirius, when he stopped laughing, I didn't put the one who, with time, didn't have anything funny about them at all.

While saying this, he had looked in Severus's direction who understood the meaning and nodded.

- Thank you Sirius. I love all the pictures of mom and dad….thank you so much.

Severus chose that moment to speak.

-My gift couldn't be packed Harry he told him while giving him an envelope.

Harry thanked him. And he was completely speechless when he took what was inside. He gave the parchment to Ron who read it for everyone to hear.

- Kevin Xorcelton, captain of the Falmouth Falcons, is pleased to invite Mr Harry Potter-Snape and Mr Ronald Weasley to assist at their training.

Waow ! Professor ! How did you do that ?

- Well, Mr Xorcelton began Hogwarts in 1981 ans was sorted in slytherin. I became a teacher and the director of the house the same year.

- Father whispered Harry...thank you so much.

- I am glad you are happy with the gift Harry.

- This is the best christmas ever.

- I am happy for you. I find this chritmas pretty satisfying myself.

It was decided that Harry, Ron and Hermione would do their auror training during the week and then Snape would come to take the boys to take them to the Quidditch training. He would then take them back directly to Hogwarts.

When everything was sorted. Snape left for his manor.




Dementia stretched. The trio was with Lupin. and the Weasley parents had taken the rest of their children for a walk on diagon alley.

Which meant that her and Sirius were...alone ! Well the man was currently fast asleep.

Someone knocked on the door.

- Come in, said Dementia, knowing that only Kreacherr was inside the house.

The house elf opened the door and came in the room with a bit package in his hands.

- Miss Dementia ? You're father's owl brought this for you.

- Thanks Kreacher.

The elf put the package on the bed and bowed before departing. She was amused. Kreacher insulted everyone but her. She knew he dreamt of belonging to Bellatrix and being her daughter was an amazing this for the elf.

She took the letter that was on the package. Her father's handwriting was on it.


You received this, this morning. It passed the protection barrier so I don't think it conaites anything dangerous.

Dementia rolled her eyes while opening the package.

An envelope fell out of it. Dementia was written on it with an handwriting she did not recognized. She opened it to read the letter.


I do not know where to start. There are so much years to get back to...the last time I saw you, you were about to turn 5….and now you are going to be 19.

I am not mad for the errors you did. I know they are only due to some missing parts in your education. Your father missed in what he had to do.

If only I didn't let him claim you,you could have grown up with my sister. But you are still so can still learn the rules of our lives.

The dark lord asked me to send you his respect. DO you realize ?! His respect ! If you knew how proud I was…

I'm sending you a cape. I am sure it will serve you one day. This is the cape that I was given when I joined the close circle. I hope you understand the significance of this present.

But the most important gift I am giving you is repairing your errors.

I do not hold you accountable for anything.

I managed to procure an exemplary of your magazine on which there was of big picture of you. You are so beautiful. You look so much like your aunt Narcissa.

I hope to see you soon my dear. Be certain that I am not forgetting about you. Stay pure.


Dementia put her hand on the writing while looking at the last word.

- Mom, she whispered.

This word made her feel something strange. LIke she wanted to cry, like something was missing. She loved Isa as a mother and had always called her mama Isa but never mom. She had forgotten that she had a mom somewhere.

The letter itself was troubling. It was clear her mother wanted her to join the dark lord.

- Never. I am sorry mom but you're asking for too much.

She was wondering what her mom meant by repairing her errors. She shrugged and went to throw the letter away when she realized there was something else in the envelope.

She put the letter on a desk before taking a...photograph out of the envelope. At the back on it was written merry christmas. She look at the front and yelled.

Sirius woke up hearing her scream. He saw Demi fixing a picture she had in her trembling hand.

- Demi? Darling ?

The young woman did not respond. She didn't even seem to have heard him. He got up and slowly took the photograph from her hand. He frowned when he recognised Bellatrix's handwriting on the back. When he look at the front he was surprised to see a man. Who was on his back and clearly dead.

- Demi ?

She did not react.

- Dementia ? Darling ? You know this man ?

Dementia turned to him with a lost sight and teary eyes.

- It's Jason. Jason Parker… My first husband.