Naruto Uzumaki was just supposed to help his best friend Kiba Inuzuka into getting a date with Hinata Hyuuga, but how did it end up with him accidentally falling in love with the girl of his best friend's dreams. Main pairing NaruHina. One-sided KibaHina. One-sided NaruSaku. My first straight multichapter story. Rated M in later chapters. Highschool fic.

Accidentally In Love

Chapter 1

The Plan

It was break time just before the last afternoon class and standing in the hallway was Naruto Uzumaki, a junior who excitedly ran out of the room as soon as the bell rang in order to wait for a special someone. A few minutes ago, while a boring class was on-going, Naruto had been busy watching Youtube videos on his phone, sneakily hiding it under his desk as he watched for the recent popular videos. One movie trailer caught his attention and after watching it, he was hit by a great idea of asking Sakura Haruno, his longtime crush to go watch the movie with him the next day considering it would be a Saturday. And that was why he was waiting for her so that he could ask her out. After around 30 seconds and flocks of other students passing by, he caught sight of Sakura.

"Hiya Sakura-chan." Naruto greeted his crush with an ear splitting grin. The pink-haired girl immediately frowned upon seeing him although she tried her best to hide it to the oblivious blond. "I was wondering since it's Saturday tomorrow, I uh... wanna ask if you have any plans 'cause I just saw a trailer for this movie and maybe you would wanna..."

"Naruto for the 100th time, I'm not gonna go out with you." groaned Sakura in annoyance before Naruto could even finish.

"Bu-but, come on Sakura just let me take you out on a date, even if just one." Naruto pleaded with his palms together in a sort of prayer position. "I promise we'll have fun."

"No." Sakura denied firmly.

"But why not?"

"Because I... because I don't want to. Now let me pass through 'cause I need to get to my last class." she grumbled with irritation.

"We can go together, I mean we both have the same cla..."

"No." the pinkette cut him off quickly. "I can definitely go there on my own."

And with that Sakura walked pass Naruto who still tried to call out to her but almost as if expected was once again rejected for a date with her.

'Ugh, why won't she just give me a chance? Just one date.' Naruto sighed to himself. He couldn't even count on his two hands and two feet the number of times he tried asking her out. She would always say 'No', no matter how many times Naruto asked her. He's asked her out to eat lunch, to eat at Ichiraku Ramen, to watch movies, and even offering to help her with homework quite a few times before.

Sometimes Naruto wonders if he should just give up but he knew he just couldn't. He was just too smitten by Sakura that he'd do anything just to get even one date with her. Just to be able to chat longer with her, to be able to admire her close as they eat dinner in some fancy restaurant or even enjoy a day in the amusement park with her.

'Why do I like you so much, Sakura-chan?' he asked himself, like the many times he's already done so before.

"So, got denied again?" a voice suddenly asked him from behind along with a tap on his shoulder which made Naruto jump out in surprise.

"Ki-kiba! Don't fucking do that. You scared the shit out of me." Naruto said as he turned to see his best friend.

Kiba Inuzuka was in many ways a lot like Naruto. It was the reason why the two of them had been best friends since they were kids. Their personalities are so much alike. Both are also around the same height and built, Kiba just an inch taller. The two are athletically inclined sharing the love of basketball. Both of them are naturally tan although Kiba was more tan and they both have messy hair. Where Naruto's hair was golden blond and spiky, Kiba's was a chocolate brown and shaggy, like a bedhead.

Another similar thing about them was they both had special markings on their faces which were the most distinguishable things about them. Naruto had three horizontal marks on each of his cheeks which were some sort of discoloration that he had since birth. It made him look like he had whiskers and it made everybody who first met him very curious as to how he got them. He didn't have an explanation to give them though, only that his older brother Kurama has the same markings too.

Kiba on the other hand had two red fang markings on his cheeks. Unlike Naruto's, this was a tattoo that was given to every Inuzuka by the age of seven. It was some sort of tribal ritual that's been passed on from many generations. Also, Naruto had bright blue eyes while Kiba's was a dark brown.

"You know I don't really get why you just couldn't go for another girl." Kiba said as he shook his head.

"Well maybe I should be saying that to you too because the same goes for you with Hinata." Naruto retorted.

"Yeah sure I still can't get her to go out with me but at least she's nice. Sakura is just so... harsh?"

"She's not harsh. She's just naturally like that. She's just focused on school stuff that's why she won't go out with me." Naruto defended.

"Keep telling yourself that. We both know Sakura is in love with Sasuke that's why asking her out ain't gonna work." Kiba told him.

"Grrr. Stupid Sasuke Uchiha. Why can't he just fucking get a girlfriend so Sakura-chan could agree to go out with me?"

"I bet hell needs to freeze before I see him dating. The guy's asexual. With all the girls flocking over him he should have already went out with at least one. He's probably gay if he's turned each and everyone of them down."

"Yeah. But if he is then we just gotta prove it so Sakura-chan can finally stop thinking about him. Now we need a plan to..."


"Aw shit that's the warning bell. We should go." Kiba said.

"Yeah, let's go." Naruto agreed. The two hurried across the hallway and reached their room just before their Physics teacher Asuma Sarutobi arrived. The two took their seats on the back.

"Good afternoon class. Now before we start our lesson for today, I'm going to give you your pairings for a project due two weeks from now." the heavily bearded man said. "Now I suggest you keep quiet and listen. I have already paired you randomly. Now let me call on the names."

Ino Yamanaka and Shikamaru Nara were the first pair to be announced. This had Ino groaning at why it could not be with Sasuke or Sai, two of the boys in their class that she adores. Shikamaru on the other hand, the one with the most gifted mind in the entire 11th grade class just muttered a 'troublesome'.

Next, Karin Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha

A loud 'yes' was heard from the back, coming from a certain red-haired girl while the other girls in the classroom could only mourn the lost chance of being paired up with Sasuke, the school heartthrob. Sakura was one of those girls and Naruto could see just that. Sakura might not like not being paired with the Uchiha but that meant Naruto still had a chance to be paired up with her. Sasuke on the other hand crossed his arms and sighed. He hated paired assignments, especially when being paired up with a girl who wants nothing more than to get in his pants.

The list went on and Naruto sat there with his heart on the edge, just waiting for either his name or Sakura's to be called and wishing they would be called one after the other. It was a long wait because almost all the class had been called except for four people. Naruto, Kiba, Sakura and Hinata.

Both Naruto and Kiba looked at each other, almost celebrating the possibility of being paired up with the girl of their dreams before it was even known.

Sakura Haruno

"This is it, this is it!" Naruto muttered in his seat. "Please let it be me, let it be me!"

and Kiba Inuzuka

"WHAT?!" the two boys shouted out in disbelief.

And the last pair is Hinata Hyuuga and Naruto Uzumaki.

"And there will be no more changing of that. No exchanging of partners, got it?" Mr. Sarutobi clearly iterated.

"But you can't be serious?" Kiba stood up as he complained to their teacher. "Why can't we exchange our…"

"Because I said so!" Mr. Sarutobi cut him off. "As I've told you, this list was made randomly. This is to at least make the pairings fair. Now I suggest you take your seat Mr. Inuzuka before I take your name out of this project that's 10% of your grade for this quarter."

Kiba instantly sat down, his body unable to move due to fear of Mr. Sarutobi. He's never felt so intimidated by a teacher in his entire life. Naruto who was just there sitting beside him could only frown in frustration.

"Ah damn it Kiba. Why'd you have to be the one paired up with Sakura? Why couldn't it be that my name be called before yours?" Naruto mumbled as he let his head rest on his desk in defeat.

"I'd tell you how I'm wishing right now for that to happen. I'd give anything to be paired up with Hinata. But we can't do anything about it." Kiba let his back lean lazily against his chair as he kicked his desk a bit in annoyance. "This sucks."

"Yeah." agreed Naruto. He was almost paired up with Sakura. If that happened then he wouldn't even have to ask her out to be able to spend time with her. It really sucked.

"But wait, maybe we can make something good out of this." Kiba excitedly said as he straightened himself up to look at Naruto. The blond turned his head up to see the look on Kiba's face which told him that his best friend had likely just come up with a good plan.

"You know how this project would take at least a week to do?" asked Kiba.

"Uh huh."

"That means we'll have to spend quite some time with our partners. I with Sakura and you with Hinata."

"Yeah I know but how does that sound good? I want to work with Sakura and I'm sure you want to work with Hinata." Naruto reminded him sadly.

"Well of course I do but…"

"MR. INUZUKA and UZUMAKI! Both of you will get one hour of detention and you're serving it after this class." Mr. Sarutobi yelled at them from the front of the room, making the two's hearts jump out from their rib cages.

"What? But we were just…" the two complained in unison but both stopped as they saw the look on Mr. Sarutobi's irritated face. The two realized that if they spoke one more word that the one hour of detention would probably be turned into two. Or worse.

"Now, let's talk about how this project will be done." Mr. Sarutobi continued as both Naruto and Kiba sat helpless. The project was about creating circuits, different types to be used for housing lights although on a smaller scale. Still, the task was complicated enough that a pair would really require someone who can design the circuits and someone who can build them.

When the clock hit 3 PM, the bell rung indicating the end of the class, which was their last class of the day. The students went to find their partners to be able to discuss as soon as possible what their plan would be on making the said project.

"So uh, I guess I'll go see Sakura and talk a bit about the project before we go to detention." Kiba announced.

"Well that should be me," Naruto said with a pout. "But yeah, I should go see Hinata."

"Fuck this really sucks. I don't even speak much with Sakura." groaned Kiba.

"The same goes for me with Hinata."

"It's not like we can do something about it but after detention I'll tell you my plan. I think you'll like it."

"Does it involve finally getting Sakura to go on a date with me?"

"Possibly. And maybe I can finally convince Hinata to go out with me too."

"Sweet." Naruto grinned. "Well then, I'll see you later Kiba."

Naruto waved off to his friend and then scanned the room for his partner. Long blue-violet hair, pale eyes and a cream baggy jacket. He checked first from the right side of the classroom because that's where she usually sat and to his luck she was still on her seat, tucking away her notebook and pen inside her bag. Naruto approached her and waited until she was finished packing her stuff.

"Hiya Hinata." Naruto called out to his partner. This caused the timid girl to tense in surprise before she turned to face Naruto, her cheeks beginning to glow red.

"Na-naruto ku-kun. Hi-hi." she struggled to say back. Naruto looked at her studyingly, wondering why Hinata always spoke like that whenever he spoke with her.

"So it looks like we're going to be partners for this project. This is the first time I'll be working with you as part of a dyad so I promise to do what I can."

"Oh. I'm sure you will. So, are we go-gonna be ta-talking about what to do with the project now?" she asked, continuing to stutter.

"I was planning to but you know how Kiba and I got detention again." Naruto said, chuckling as he scratched his head in excuse. "I was wondering if you would just want to talk about it next week Monday. It's not due in two weeks anyway."

"Oh okay. I suppose we can just di-discuss it next week."

"Great. Well then, I'll see you next week Hinata." Naruto said before he went his way out of the classroom to find Kiba.

"Yeah. I'll see you, Naruto-kun." Hinata said softly, only for herself to hear then she gave a huge sigh of relief once Naruto was gone.

'Oh my, I'm actually going to be working with Naruto-kun. Finally I get to spend time with him and then maybe he'll...' Hinata thought and her face turned red even more. Realizing this she quickly scanned the room to see if there was someone who might have seen her like that and was relieved to find she was the only one left in the room.


"Hey, so what did you and Hinata talk about?" Kiba immediately asked once Naruto caught up to him on the way to the detention room.

"Oh that, I just told her I'll do my best with the project and that we should just talk about it next Monday 'cause of detention."

"I'd probably skip detention so I can talk with her longer if I were in your place. But anyway, I just got threatened with a punch to knock me out to next week if I don't do my part in the project. Sakura is scary man, come on, girls shouldn't be threatening like that." Kiba said with a shiver.

"She's just worrying about her grades so I suggest you do your best with this project Kiba. I can't have you pulling Sakura-chan down." Naruto warned.

"Ha, as if. Setting up electrical wires are easy. She just needs to tell me what to do and I'll get it done. Anyway, we should hurry and get this detention over with so I can tell you my plan."


And so the two served their one hour detention, trying their best to not cause any more trouble and keeping themselves quiet. When the teacher finally let them go home, they hurriedly ran out of school and on to the direction of Naruto's house which was just 3 blocks away downtown.

"So, what's this plan you've come up with?" Naruto asked as soon as he could, umable to contain his curiosity anymore.

"Yeah, that. I don't know if you've also thought about this but since I'll be working with Sakura and you with Hinata, maybe we could help each other out."

"Help each other out? But on what and how?"

"You'll try to find out what Hinata likes and I'll find out what Sakura likes. In that way once we know more things about them, we'd have a better shot at getting them to go out with us. We can be subtle and they might not even think we're doing this for each other." explained Kiba.

"So we're gonna like spy on them for each other?"

"Yeah. Although not only that. Maybe I can try to talk Sakura into giving you one date and you can convince Hinata to go out with me."

"But how?"

"Don't worry. I know what I'd do with Sakura. As for Hinata, I'd like you to find out why she doesn't wanna go out on a date. She's always telling it's because her father doesn't want her to date until she finished college but I think there's more to it than that. Then like I said, you can also try finding out about things she likes, let's say food or hobbies. Maybe that's just what I need to be able to get her to go out with me."

"Oh. So I'm just gonna pretend like I'm asking random stuff but I'm actually gonna ask her in your place?"

"Exactly. And I also thought about another thing we can do to get Sakura to date you."

"Re-really? Come on tell me." Naruto demanded excitedly.

"You remember how Sasuke's partner is your cousin Karin?"


"We both know Karin likes Sasuke. So what I'm thinking is, if we get Sasuke to date Karin, then Sakura might lose interest in Sasuke and finally agree to go out with you." stated Kiba as if it were obvious.

"What?" the blond looked at Kiba in disbelief. "So you're saying that I'm just some sort of a last resort?"

"No. Of course not. You're not a..." Kiba defended but realized that it did sound like that, now that he thought about it. "I mean, do you have a better idea?"

"Well no. I've tried everything in asking her out. She just always declines me. I tried asking her out for movies, for something to eat, asked her if I could help her with her homework, even walk her home but she won't even let me finish with my words." Naruto complained.

"That's because you're asking her out for the wrong things."

"The wrong things?"

"It's too obvious. For movies you ask her to go watch action movies and do most girls watch that? Of course not, especially not someone like Sakura. She probably likes chick flicks. Second, you always ask her out for ramen and she's a girl who's probably concerned with what she eats to keep her body in a good shape. She's not gonna eat ramen. Third, you offer to help her with assignments and yet you're the one who probably needs help from her." the Inuzuka pointed out.

"Ouch Kiba. I know I'm not the smartest kid but you didn't need to tell me that last part."

"Well sorry but I was just pointing out some facts here." Kiba defended. Naruto just sighed knowing Kiba did have a point.

"Yeah I know. But why are you telling me this only now? If I'd known earlier I probably would have asked her out to some other things."

"I only figured it out now. And besides, that's exactly the reason why we're gonna help each other in getting to know them better. So, are we gonna do this or what?"

"I don't really understand what you're planning but as long as I get to have my beautiful Sakura-chan, I'm game."

"Well then..."

"...let's do this!" the two said with resolve as they bumped fists in the air, determined smirks showing on both their faces.

A/N: And that's it for my introductory chapter. This is my first time writing a multichapter straight pairing story. If you've been following me before, you'd know I write mostly KibaNaru multi-chap fics (3 of them) and lemons, SasuNaru one-shot lemons, and NaruKarin lemons (most popular). You might be surprised I decided to write a straight pairing this time so let me just tell that I want to try something new.

This story's gonna contain more drama than my other fics and would involve more characters in relationships. Also I will be keeping the chapters at around 3,500 words, unlike the usual 5,000 words with my previous stories. This is so that I can update more often and not to feel as burdened.

So, I wanna ask your opinion on this story. Is the plot too cliche? Should I continue it? Leave your answers in a review and we'll see if I'll be continuing this story. And if you're a beta who specializes in NaruHina, I'd be glad to have your help. Just PM me if you want to be my beta.

The story title is also subject to future change, depending if I'll be able to think of a better one. Suggestions are welcomed.