Heyo~! So, it's time this story came to an end and here it is. I made it nice and long for you guys. I hope you enjoy it!
Warning: sex and stuff, beware.
Chapter Eight: The Unforgettable Morning
Soul grumbled as his alarm squawked at him loudly and, turning over, his hands slammed down brutally on the snooze button. Fuck work, fuck life, he liked his bed that was warm and had a soft, small body clinging to him as he flipped back over … it had a soft, small body clinging to him … it was warm and smelled like flowers and holy fuck! Maka was in his bed! The Maka. Last night came rushing back to him and his chest swelled. He felt disgusting, dry sweat and … other liquids all over his body, but by golly, it was real, it had actually happened! Maka stirred, grabbing his attention at once. Her eyes slowly opened and blinked away the tired before a yawn overtook her adorable face. She was so stinkin' cute and she was in his bed! After a moment, her head turned to him and she smiled, and this smile melted him. She was a dangerous sort of enchanting; the kind that made an emotionally stunted player become a sappy, love-struck dope with hearts in his eyes whenever she looked at him. She had changed him, morphed him into something he never thought possible for himself without his notice. He had no chance against this beauty, not a single one.
"Mmm, good morning." She stretched, arms coming up over her head until she cringed. "Ouch…" she muttered. It was not an exaggerated 'ouch' by any means, not very loud and not full of too much pain, but he immediately had his hand on her stomach as he leaned over her.
"Are you okay? Where are you hurt?" She smiled up at him, arms lifting to circle around his neck and bring him down for a kiss. It was soft and sweet and took his breath away, and as they parted, their foreheads remained pressed together.
"I'm fine, just sore from last night's … activities." She could feel his stomach tremble against her side as he chuckled. His nose brushed along her cheek down to burrow between her hair and neck, his arms wrapping around her waist to pull her more securely against him.
"Sorry, we probably should've taken it a bit slower."
"Don't apologize, I don't regret anything. I'm sure the pain will go away soon." Maka moved to get a bit more comfortable, arms around his neck and back as she brought her left leg up and over to tangle with his. "But I probably won't be able to go to work today. Would you mind calling in for me?"
"Sure." Soul kissed her collarbone before shifting. "You want breakfast, too?"
"Don't get too spoiled," he chuckled. Getting up, he grabbed his phone and headed for the bathroom to relieve himself. He heard a playful whistle before he could reach the door, and turning around with a smirk on his face, he found her eyes glued to his bare ass before she met his stare, giggling when he started walking back to her. He reached for the sheets to pull them off of Maka, but her arms had them securely around her.
"What do you think you're doing, Mr. Evans?" she laughed out.
"I think it's only fair that I get to see your naked body as well."
"Mmm," came a sound of protest. "but it's cold…" The pout on her lips had him shaking his head, the realization that she had him wrapped around her little finger dawned hard on him. He pecked her little nose with arms on either side of her before pushing himself back up.
"I'll retreat for now, but you'll get yours, just you wait."
"Is that a promise?"
"You can bet your britches on it, babe."
"I hope so." Who was she? So forward this one … he didn't know if he could handle it. Seemed it was true what they said about the quiet ones … though she wasn't all that quiet last night.
She was smiling while biting her lip, something he had never seen her do before, and he couldn't help but go back in for another kiss, a real one with passion and sparks flying and all that lovey dovey shit. He made it last as long as he could before pulling back, sucking hard on her bottom lip as he departed.
"I swear I could kiss you forever," he sighed, kissing her cheek.
"I should be the one saying that. You're the better kisser."
"Maybe so, but your lips are very kissable."
"Just my lips?" she asked, her head tilting to the side, a coy look overtaking her features.
Soul pulled back, adorning a wolfish smirk. "Should we explore this topic?"
"Definitely, but later. Breakfast first." They stared at each other for a moment only for Soul to nod and lift himself off the bed once more, searching for some boxer briefs to hide his goods away … for now.
"Awwww…" A laugh escaped his lips at her sound of disapproval.
"Later," he teased, finally reaching the door and exiting the room to call in sick for both of them. He must pee first, though, he really needed to go. After fulfilling both objectives, Soul made his way to the kitchen and went about making everything and anything that he felt like. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, he got yogurt and orange juice out of the fridge, set up the table all pretty-like with big plates and silverware that they almost never use. He was even humming as he did it, goddammit.
Maka walked in just as he set the last of the cooked food on the table. He looked up with a toothy grin to find her wearing one of his shirts. It covered her well and she looked sexy, with her hair all tousled and wavy over the black cloth; her legs bare and long.
"Isn't that my apron?" she asked, a cute smirk overtaking her features as she sat, Soul scooting in her chair for her.
"Isn't that my shirt?" He took off the apron and set it aside, not caring to go get a shirt or any other article of clothing to cover himself. He wasn't shy.
"In fact, isn't that the one you stole from me?"
"Mhm," she affirmed, chewing on a bite of pancakes. "Months ago."
"You're so hot when you talk dirty."
He couldn't hold back the smile as he shook his head. She laughed at him as he shoveled in a mouth full of food, covering up the fact that he didn't know how to respond to that.
"Cat got your tongue?" He swallowed his food and looked up at her through his bangs, his tongue tracing over the bottom of his top teeth.
"Actually … I've been known to tame a pussy or two with this tongue." Now it was her turn to be at a loss for words, sitting there with her mouth opened, slightly upturned as she tried not to laugh.
"I can't believe you just said that …" she scoffed jokingly.
"I thought you liked it when I talked dirty?" Sexual tension was not lacking during the duration of their morning meal; no shortage of innuendos or heated stares. There fell upon Soul an abundance of moments in where Maka would purposefully eat something in a seductive manner, keeping eye contact all the while. He was bewitched.
Soon, there was no more food, both of them full to their heart's content. Maka stood slowly because of the slight ache still in her thighs and genital area.
"Let me get that, just relax." He was very caring of her now, all he aimed to do was please. He didn't want her to have to lift a finger.
"Thank you, but I'm fine, Soul. If I don't move around a little bit, it could just get worse." So, he allowed her to stand and take her dishes to the sink, Soul following her with his own. He felt a little bad and a little awkward, not knowing how to make her feel better as he watched her tense every so often, shifting from foot to foot. "I wouldn't mind a back rub later though?" Had she noticed? He glanced down at her as she handed him the next dish to dry, sultry and beautiful and fuck the dishes.
Soul put the plate down on the towel and slid the tip of his fingers up her bare arm and into the sleeve of her shirt - his shirt - intent on giving her a rub, be it her back or wherever he felt necessary.
"Soul, …" she breathed. "The dishes …" His nose was in her hair, nudging behind her ear, and his arms were circling around her waist.
"Can wait," he finished, deep with finality. He began to lead her backward, away from the sink, as his lips danced down the side of her neck. His hands slowly glided down her body to her thighs, grabbing the backs and gently lifting her to sit somewhat awkwardly in his embrace. Still suckling her neck, he made his way to their living room and sat down on the couch with her in his lap. The large shirt she wore had ridden up, baring her lengthy legs even further. His hands roamed her body with tenderness, careful to not hurt her already sore body.
Soul found that he could live in the crevice of her shoulder and neck; there was something about the way her body reacted to his advances there. She shuddered at the slightest caress he placed from the back of her ear down her neck and it drove him mad. His left hand traveled up the front of her body, gliding over stomach slowly, to meet her small mounds. She hadn't put on a bra, leaving her breasts relaxed as he massaged the flesh.
"Mmmmmmm," she moaned, her head falling back on his shoulder, and he was once again drawn in by her, his eyes watching the muscles in her neck as she stretched. His right hand moved up her knee then, the tips of his fingers dragging, slightly digging into her skin, as he grazed her thigh. He discreetly made his way beneath black fabric to be met with a pleasant surprise - she wasn't wearing underwear either. His middle finger dipped down into her folds, finding her already wet, as his tongue delved into her ear to elicit another moan. She was absolutely enchanting; a siren singing him into blissful oceans. She began to roll her hips against his hand, inadvertently grinding into his hardening member.
"Fuck, Maka," he whispered, the gush of air from his lustful sigh making her shiver intensely as it mingled with her still damp cartilage. Her back arched as his hand found her sweet spot, the aching of her tired body being ignored as pleasure overpowered it. She was gripping the couch covers fervently, knuckles turning white. His hand moved faster between her wet folds as she rode his fingers and she came with a muffled cry; his left hand wrapping around her jaw lightly; his teeth nibbling at her neck. He found her clit with his thumb just as she peaked, making her orgasm more intense and longer lasting.
"Oh, god, yes … mhm, just like that, ah!" she mewled, her head rolling in pure delight as her body shook. She soon came down from her high, Soul's fingers still moving in slow circles under her shirt.
"Feel good?" he asked knowingly as he kissed her shoulder, peering up at the side of her face as she breathed. His lips trailed across the top of her shoulder and up her neck to her ear sensuously. "It's later, Maka, and I'm ready to explore. Are you?" She answered with a mere whimper, words not coming to her in her current state. His left hand began its descent, lightly pinching a nipple on its way. With his hands under her, Soul lifted her and stood, turning to set her back down on the couch, and then kneeled at her feet. His eyes glazed over as he inspected the abused flesh of her neck, the skin already a light purple from his intense ministrations. She was gazing down at him, a look of want spilling from the depths of her mossy pools. Soul felt his member twitch as he watched her hand fall between her own legs, entranced as she began to play with herself. She watched him watch her and it turned her on all over again as his large hands drifted over her thighs, gripping firmly to spread her legs far apart. He leaned in, biting his lip as he was absorbed into the way her fingers massaged her dripping folds.
"Jeez, Maka, you're so fucking hot…" And then his face got closer and closer until he finally licked across her fingers, the taste of her arousal igniting his appetite further. He grabbed her hand, moving it aside, as he planted his tongue deep into her sex, aggressively breathing her in through his nose. The smell of her desire made him hungry; he was coaxed by her scent to suck on her - hard - making her writhe.
"Oh, fuck!" Her hands shot down to grip his hair, attempting in her hazy state to be gentle on his scalp. He let go of her clit with a soft 'pop' and went about using his hands as well as his tongue, wanting to send her higher. Soul smirked to himself as his thumb circled inside her pussy, coming out drenched with her juices as it made its way down to her anus. She jolted as she felt his thumb poke and prod her hole. It was a completely new sensation to her, one she wasn't sure if she should welcome or not. She waited, however, as Soul spit on her, rubbing it in and then licking and, oh, god, did it feel amazing. Her hips bucked as his left hand continued to play with her clit, his mouth venturing down to do unmentionably nasty things to places she never saw as erotic before. She felt a single digit slide in as he used the wetness from her womanhood. Soul slowly pumped in and out, his mouth still sucking and licking and biting … and she came harder than she had ever come before. Her whole body shook and her eyes rolled back into her head, mouth open in a silent scream as the pleasure consumed her. She didn't know what to do with herself and for a short moment, she blacked out, only able to feel.
Soul slowed his pace as she came back down again, moans finally filling the room as she found her voice once more. Her hands ran through his hair, silently requesting him to come up from between her legs. She kissed him fervently, the taste of herself strong on his lips as their tongues danced with each other. She gripped his hair and yanked his head back, their eyes meeting with want. Maka slowly leaned forward, kissing a sweet trail from his cheek to his ear.
"My turn," she whispered heavily, filling Soul with more lust than he knew what to do with. He watched as she stood, with her right index finger under his chin leading him to follow her up until he towered over her. She turned them and pushed Soul haughtily to sit on the couch. Licking her lips, she bent down, her knees meeting the floor; eyes never leaving his gaze. Her hands gripped the waistband to his boxers, small, dainty fingers drawing fire to scorch his insides. She pulled them down with patience as she watched Soul attempt to keep his composure. Finally, his large member was released from its restraints, bouncing up into the air almost comically. Maka was, yet again, surprised by his size, remembering exactly why she had awoken so sore this morning. She continued to pull the material down his legs, over his knees, to drop to the floor around his ankles. He lifted his legs slightly, allowing her to dispose of the unneeded article of cloth. Her eyes hadn't left his manhood, gulping slightly at the thought of that being in her mouth. It could fit … maybe, but she would have to be extra attentive with her teeth.
Maka's hands grazed their way up his legs and up his torso, wrapping around his neck to bring him down for one more kiss before she did the deed. It was rough and passionate and had all of her worries flying away. Soul found himself reaching for her rump, squeezing like his life depended on it. Maka sunk back down to sit on her heels as she prepared herself, right hand circling his member to be met with a slight hiss. Her eyes widened as she looked up to find Soul's head hanging back, his breathing slightly jagged.
"... You okay?" she asked, hesitant to resume her ministrations.
"Just fine and dandy." His lustful eyes met hers once more, encouraging her to continue. Maka smiled and began to slowly pump him up and down, using his precum as a lubricant so that her hand didn't feel so rough against his tender skin. She felt him twitch in her grasp and she suddenly had the urge to lick him, wanting to taste him. It was a little weird, but not as gross as she had previously been told. She made herself comfortable as her mouth bravely engulfed the head of his dick, making him groan. She glanced up to find him intently watching her, looking so damn relaxed and cozy even with his face flushed and eyes glazed over. She had nearly lost her mind when he ate her out only moments ago; she wanted to drive him up the wall like he had done to her. Maka began to suck, just enough to get him a little unsteady, her eyes never leaving his. She could see, feel, his body tense. She took more of him into her mouth, her tongue gradually circling around his length as her hand continued to pump him.
"Oh, fuuuu-," he breathed, his head falling back against the couch. "Maka, … fuck, you're perfect." She was thankful for the praise, but still felt slightly unsatisfied with how composed he seemed to be when she was trying so hard to make him go crazy. This was her first time ever doing this, but she wanted it to be the best blow job Soul had ever had in his life. She wracked her brain for answers, attempting to think up some unicorn of BJ tricks she could possibly use to make him completely unravel at her hands. Her other hand came down to play with his balls, sucking harder as her tongue swirled, not quite realizing how hard he had become.
"Maka, I'm gonna … come. You might wanna st-stoooaawwww, oh, fuck!" Soul tried to yank her head away so he wouldn't ejaculate in her mouth, but it was too late. Her mouth filled with his cum as he groaned loudly, his hands digging into her hair as he inadvertently began lightly thrusting in and out of her mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he yelled, his climax high and exceedingly pleasurable. He came back down gradually, falling back in a heaving fit on the couch, his hands rubbing up and over his face. He heard a loud gulp and he immediately felt horrible, falling sidewards, hands still covering his face in shame.
"Wow, um,... I didn't think I was doing that good…" she mumbled, making him groan. She could see that he was embarrassed or maybe even guilty? But she was feeling pretty proud of herself as she licked the last bit of his juices off of her lips before she stood. "Soul?"
"I am so, so sorry. I should've warned you sooner." He sat up with a huff. "Why didn't you pull away?"
"Because I didn't want to," she shrugged, a brilliant smile on her face. "It's not like it tasted bad or anything, it didn't taste like anything, to be honest." Maka slowly guided herself down to straddle him on the couch, her hands cupping his face. "I actually kind of enjoyed it."
"Stop lying."
"I'm not! It was an interesting experience … that I probably wouldn't oppose to doing again." Soul couldn't help the smile overtaking his face, his arms encircling her waist.
"Neither would I … you know, you did a really good job. Like, insanely good. I don't think I've ever come that quickly."
"Of course, who do you think I am?" They laughed before kissing again, sweet and still as they enjoyed the other. Maka pulled away, resting her forehead against his with a sigh. "God, I love you." Soul smiled at her, kissing the tip of her nose.
"And don't you forget it."
And there it is. I've really enjoyed writing this story and want to thank you all for all of the encouragement throughout its progression. I look forward to writing more stories for you all and will work hard to update them when I'm able.
Thanks so much, everyone!
Much Love~!