"Hey, wanna hangout tomorrow?" Zach asked me once after dinner on the day before town day. I remember myself, shocked but kept a poker face which Zach saw through.

"Sure," I replied a little quickly and then I broke into a HUGE grin and giggled, to which Zach's smirk grew big (not that it was small, anyways) and probably his ego, thinking about it now. I quickly said bye, walked to my dorm room where Bex was doing her nails, Macey was reading magazine and Liz was obviously doing some cra-cra thing on her laptop. I was still wearing that goofy grin when I walked in. I walked, more like danced, over to my bed where I fluttered down.

Macey was the first one to notice me, well actually being spies in training, they all noticed me coming in but they couldn't be bothered to look at me. So, when Macey looked at me and saw me, she nudged Bex and nodded towards me. Bex stared at me and yelled at me:


To that, I jumped and so did Liz which caused her to scream "Oh gizmos" which was so not Liz. But Macey and Bex didn't even bat an eye because they were too busy studying me to see if they will get any info from me but they already know that I'm the Chameleon and I don't give any info out, but now it was getting creepy so after a while I just blurted it out:

"Zach asked me out for town day!"

"WHAT!?" Macey, Bex and Liz shouted at the same time.

"Zach asked me if I want to go with him on town day and I said sure, and then I GIGGLED, then I said bye or hi I honestly don't know and then he smirked really big and I walked away to this and-" I rambled, but Bex interrupted me. Apparently, they were all still shocked that Zach asked me out.

"Zach asked you OUT!" screamed Bex, emphasising on 'OUT'

"OMG" that was Liz who looked like she just hacked into some huge business.

"I knew it! He sooo likes you!" squealed Macey, obviously, I mean she IS the boy expert.

All I could do was nod. Then…

"Cams, you need to sleep!"

"We need to get you ready tomorrow!"

"We'll wake you up early"

That's when they all smiled devilishly and I just knew tomorrow morning was going to be the worst morning ever.


I remembered how I was woken up the next day. Can you guess? Was it a) bucket of water, b) a fire alarm, c) an impression of Zach done by Macey or d) simply shouting 'Wake up Cammie'?

Well it was d), you thought it was c) didn't you? Liz woke me up so now you know why d) was chosen. Anyways, because of the way Liz woke me up, I wasn't grumpy that morning but it didn't take long for Macey and Bex to ruin my mood. They first pushed me into the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a shower. Then the torture began…

Let me tell you this, they had a whole routine done out. Bex was doing clothes, Macey was doing make-up, which leaves Liz doing my hair. Bex was up first, so I went to her first.

"Okay Cams, I have the perfect dress for you, try it on!" Bex practically squealed. I think she was more excited than me. I nodded and grabbed the dress without looking at it properly. I went into the bathroom and looked at the dress properly. It was a light blue summer dress, with white polka dots. It was cute and it wasn't that showy. Perfect for the chameleon! I put it on and it hugged me in all the right places. I loved it!

When I came out, Liz squealed, Bex was shouting "YES" and Macey was wearing a look that said, 'my turn!'. I went over to Macey and sat in a chair. Macey started putting on my make-up, while telling me all kinds of advice such as 'let him make the first move', 'be a lady' or 'stay still or else!'. Actually, I think the last one was from when I blinked when Macey was putting on mascara. When it was done, I looked… different, hot even.

Lastly, I went over to Liz and she did my hair silently. She first straightened my hair, then curled the ends so it was flowing down my back. She added a pair of sunnies for me to wear on top of my hair and then gave me white 3-inch heels. I think my mouth dropped along the way to my feet. Along with Liz, Macey and Bex noticed.

"What's wrong?" asked Macey with fake innocence.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" asked Bex batting her eyes, as if it made a difference.

"What's wrong!? These heels are what's wrong! I am NOT wearing heels!" I argued, my happy chappy mood changed into a grumpy grandpa mood. Due to my slight outburst, Liz, Macey and Bex had a silent conversation using their facial expressions, which I was not part of, but that was not on my mind at that moment. Finally, they finished their… conversation, and looked at me.

"Look, you'd look sooo much better with the heels on…" Macey started staring at the heels in awe.

"But since you like flats better…" Bex continued.

"We have some white sparkly ballet flats." Liz finished, handing me, a pair of glittery white flats.

"Thanks!" I smiled at them, and then slipped on the flats. They relaxed at the smile and we went down to breakfast. By the way, we were late to breakfast.

When we opened the doors of the Grand Hall, everyone stopped and stared at us. Liz, Macey and Bex were all dressed up too. The boys wolf-whistled and the girls squealed and giggled while we just stood there. After what seemed like an eternity, my mum came up on the stage and asked through the mic:

"Why are you late, Miss Morgan, Miss McHenry, Miss Baxter and Miss Sutton?"

I felt Liz tense next to me, and I squeezed her hand a little. It might seem like a normal gesture but what it really meant was 'keep calm and put on a poker face'. Liz got the message, and did so. Macey and Bex had already put on poker faces. I waited until Macey or Bex said something but either of them did. I looked at them, and saw their fear in their eyes. I was taken back, and I knew I had to speak up...

Okay, i know this was a HUGE cliffhanger.
