Chapter One: You are a Host



Feliciano gripped the top of his dress as he politely dodged people in the hallway, just desperately trying not to trip. It was his first day at the academy, and although a dress wouldn't be his first choice, he supposed worser things could have happened. He knew Lovino didn't mean to order a girl uniform for him, and sure the cream colored skirts were atrocious, but they were much more comfortable than the boy uniforms.

Besides, despite the mix up, the day went relatively smoothly for his first time there. He befriended some nice girls who asked for his advice on face products and some even shared cramp stories. He couldn't exactly relate on a personal level, but he knew they were just trying to be social.

But even so, Feliciano was ready to go home. He was tired, his feet hurt, and he really wanted to get back in time for dinner. But for some strange reason, he couldn't find Lovino. They were in the same year but he hadn't seen him since class had ended for the day.

With his mind unfocused and his backpack hanging off one arm, he ran full speed down the hallway not even registering when someone stepped around the corner in front of him. Feliciano barrelled straight into the noticeably tall man's chest and fell backwards on impact.

At that instant, the Italian was much too worried about the pain on his butt to even think about the boy in front of him, but after a few shaky moments Feli peeked up through his bangs. He worked his gaze from the boy's feet all the way up to his face. The blonde who stood before him, who was quite attractive Feliciano noticed, looked scandalized.

His face was flushed and he was half holding his hand out as if he wanted to say something. "Ahh..miss.." He nodded his head at the teen on the title floor.

Feli widened his eyes and he quickly glanced down at himself. To his horror, his skirt had been flipped up, and the way he was half-laying-half-sitting revealed the awkward black shorts he wore underneath.

"Ah!" Feliciano chuckled in a lame attempt to cover up his embarrassment. He quickly fixed his skirt and held up his hands, waving them around frantically. "H-hi! I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and I was looking for someone and I couldn't slow down and I'm sorry I flashed you-!"

"Just calm down, will you?" The boy, or man seemed like a better word to describe the voice, butt in. He had a strong accent and Feli had to hold in a chuckle at the sound of it. But he wanted to hear it again.

Feliciano stared with wide eyes as the boy held out one hand and rubbed his temple with the other. Feli could feel the smile forming on his face and he happily accepted the extended hand.

Once on his feet again, Feli met the other teen's eyes and was met with striking blue. No mix of any sort, just plain blue like the sky on a cloudless day. He also noticed the blonde wasn't blushing anymore and he had a stern set on his face. He had a well shaped jawline and his hair was slicked back, no strays even daring to stick out of place.

The blonde released his grip before quickly swooping up Feliciano's backpack and dropping it in his hands. "Make sure your eyes are open before running down the hallway. It's dangerous to not pay attention."

And with that, the accented boy who Feliciano now identified as German, nodded his head and walked around the auburn haired boy, continuing his journey down the hall.

Glancing over his shoulder, Feli's eyes followed the stranger and subconsciously played with the strings on his backpack.

Even from far away the man looked tall and through his royal purple uniform Feliciano could make out his toned muscles. Clutching his backpack to his chest, Feli sighed dreamily. After another moment of his scattered mind making up scenarios about his and the German's next meeting, he finally remembered that it was still his top priority to find his missing twin.

With a swift glance down the hall he realized few students were still around. He shook the thoughts (pleasant thoughts that he was not ashamed of) from his head and swung his bag over his shoulder. Then he quickly fixed his dress and ran a hand through his auburn locks before checking every room he came across.

At last resort, Feli tried the boy's room, which he highly doubted would harbor his brother for he knows how much Lovino resents using public bathrooms. He also claimed they were too icky, which wasn't something most people blamed him for.

But low and behold, Lovino stood in front of the mirror dabbing his pink cheeks with tissues.

"Lovi?" the younger Italian cried.

Lovino's head whipped around and he dropped the tissues on the floor. "What do you want?!"

Feliciano bounded over, throwing his arms up and his eyebrows furrowed in worry. "What's wrong?"

Lovino's eyes darkened and he looked away but he didn't make any harsh movements when Feli placed a hand on his shoulder. "This new school sucks! The jerks are jerkier than the ones at our old school and they're all fucking dickheads!"

"Oh Lovi! It's not that bad!" Feliciano replied bubbly, earning a death glare from Lovino. Feli had always known Lovino had a harder time in school than himself, but with his prayers and positive thinking he was sure Lovino would have a great year! "Besides! This is where Grandpa Roma went to school! So we have to go here!"

The older Italian slapped his palms on the counter causing the younger to jump. "I know you stupid idiot! I'm not dumb!'

Feliciano hummed in agreement, already used to his brother's common outbursts he patted his back. "I have an idea! Let's go find the art room! I've wanted to do that since I got here!'

Grabbing Lovino's limp hand and ignoring his shout, "That's your thing not mine!", Feliciano dragged his fuming brother out of the restroom.

"Come on! It's gotta be around here somewhere!" the bubbly brother gushed.

"You look damn ridiculous in that dress!" Lovino complained loudly, his voice echoing down the halls.

"Really? I look like a real girl though!" Feli giggled and stopped in his tracks for a moment. He randomly selected a door and continued toward it, still dragging Lovino's weight. "Besides," He spoke on, pushing the heavy doors open. "This is quite comfy and-!" He stopped mid sentence when he realized this was not the art room. Or maybe it was, and a group of attractive boys were posing for a painting?

Feliciano still had his hand gripping his brother's wrist and the other had his skirt bunched up in a fist. In front of the twins stood, and sat, approximately seven men. At first glance he noted there were many blondes, two dark haired boys, and one with silverish hair. Feli couldn't remembered what people called those...Anyways, all the boys, minus about two, had friendly smiled on their faces as if they were expecting the Italians to do something.

Feliciano cocked his head to the side but cracked a smile. He released his hold on Lovino and his dress. Glancing at his brother, he picked up on Lovino's sour mood and the scowl on his face didn't prove he was trying to mask it. "Well? What the hell is this?"

Without a second to spare and a swift movement, the teen who was sitting in the center of the red velvet couch stood up and practically glided toward them. His longish wavy blonde hair was pulled back in a ribbon and draped over his shoulder. His grin was gorgeous, Feli noticed, and his wink probably caused girls to faint. "Welcome to the Host Club! Mon amis, we have not seen you around here before, so let me introduce myself. I'm Francis Bonnefoy, the king of the Host Club! These beau folk behind me are my subjects."

Behind Francis, another voice which strongly contrasted with Francis' French accent, in fact it was British, muttered an, "Oh sod off! No one calls you king!"

Feliciano peeked around, confirming the voice was coming from a blonde boy, who appeared to be shorter than most of them, with green eyes. He had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Next to him stood a taller golden haired boy with his arm draped around the Brit's shoulder. He sported glasses, and unlike the former, he had his uniform unbuttoned revealing his undershoot and loosened tie.

"Yeah Francis! Artie's right dude!"

Francis irritably looked over his shoulder. "Would you two keep your stupid mouths shut please?"

The short boy clicked his tongue in annoyance and the tall simply laughed at an unnecessary volume.

Francis turned back towards his guests with an apologetic smile. "Sorry you guys had to witness that." Two boys snickered behind him and the blonde promptly ignored them. "Now may I ask your names?"

Feliciano grinned widely and stood up straighter. He clasped his hands behind his back and began bubbly, "Hi! I'm Feli Vargas!" He turned to his brother who looked highly uncomfortable and a little more than ticked off. "And this is my big brother Lovi! Well, his real name is Lovino but I call him Lovi!"

"Shut up!" Lovino hissed.

Francis seemed amused by the two's antics and he stepped closer, gently cupping Feli's chin with his hand. "So what's your type?"

Feliciano blinked.

Francis stepped back and held his arms in the general direction of the boys. "Is it the hero type?" Francis tried, causing the blonde with glasses from earlier to place one hand on his hip and do some sort of salute with the other.

"Ha yeah dude!'' came his reply.

"Or the tsunder type?" Said tsunder, the other blonde from earlier tightened his crossed arms and pointedly looked away. All they got was a "Hmph!" in response.

"Maybe the mischievous type?'

The silver haired boy, albino's the word Feli remembered, displayed a toothy grin and his impressive muscles. "Yeah! I'm AWESOME! I'm sure you could sense my awesome before walking in this room!"

Ignoring the Mischievous Type's remarks, Francis continued with, "Oblivious type?"

The boy he was referring to displayed a sincere, beautiful smile. He was obviously Spanish and his accent didn't prove otherwise. "Si~! That's me!" He ruffled his hair attractively. "But I still don't get why they call me that!"

The previously introduced boy flicked the Spaniard in the head who began whining in his native tongue.

Francis waved his hand to a short little Asian boy, though Felli wasn't sure what his cultural background could be, who was sitting on the couch next to where Francis had originally been seated.

He had a laptop sitting on his thighs and a calculator sitting next to him. "What about the distant type?" At his cue, the Asian boy help up a simple peace sign but had a blank look on his face.

"Or...'' The blonde leader dragged on dramatically. "The serious type?"

Feliciano finally cocked his head when he caught sight of a relatively familiar face. He hadn't changed since he saw him those countless minutes ago. How Feliciano had not noticed the gorgeous German was beyond him. Maybe he was just so caught up in the excitement


Nevertheless, the German merely blinked in response to his introduction, his posture straight and eyes stern. But they were directed right at him.

Feli closed his gaping mouth before hopping on the balls of his feet and flattening out his skirt. "You!" he giggled and pointed straight at the targeted boy.

The others immediately responded with chuckles or surprised looks, the albino going as far as to say, "MY BABY BROTHER'S ALL GROWN UP!" before collapsing on the ironically taller man's shoulder.

Francis' eyes were wide in mock astonishment. He didn't even get to introduce his type! Even so, Francis flipped his hair and purred, "Really..? A ball of sunshine like yourself for the serious type?"

"Ludwig~!" The oblivious and mischievous boys sang.

Ludwig, as Feli just learned, put a hand to his forehead and shrugged his brother off him. "No you idiots. She just recognized me from when she ran into me in the hall earlier."

Francis waved his hand dismissively and stepped away from Feli, he then turned to the brooding brother. He scooped up the boy's face smoothly. "What about you?" He purred out before Lovino stepped back uncomfortably with a jolt and a loud curse.

Francis tapped his lips in amusement. "I'm pleasantly surprised that a new student would be so openly gay."

At that indication he turned bright red and held up a fist, taking another step back. "What the hell! I'm not gay you dick!"

Feli smiled supportively and bounded over to Lovino laying his head on his shoulder. "Oh don't lie Lovi!"

When a few of the other guys snickered, Lovino's ears pinkened further and he was genuinely afraid his face would catch on fire. "Shut up Feli!" He growled before pointing the finger at the others. "SHUT UP BASTARDS!"

Before them, the Spaniard boy was leaning over the back of the couch and swingling his legs in the air childishly. He raised his head and said with a pearly smile, "Hey Lovi! If it makes you feel any better, I think you're so cute!"

Lovino's eyes widened.

"Antonio, give the kid a break," the tsunder muttered. But even he was suppressing a smile.

"Sorry!" Antonio gushed and placed both hands on his cheeks. "He just looks like a little tomato!"

"Yes!" Feli jumped up waving his arms wildly and making on eye contact with the giggling Antonio. "Lovi loves tomatoes! They're his favorite food ever! When we were six he picked the perfect tomato and tried to raise it like a baby but it quickly went bad and he cried and-!"

"Feli shut up!" Lovino shouted furiously and pushed Feli harshly, sending him across the area and right into an extremely expensive looking vase.

This antic hardly had time to shatter before Feliciano was down on his knees, tears in his eyes and asking for forgiveness. Lovino, on the other hand, was standing next to his brother waving his arms and reprimanding him for being so stupid.

"Damn," the Hero said. "That's not good, is it Arthur?"

Arthur blinked, as if in indifference. "No Alfred, it's not. Such a shame, that was going to be sold at the next school auction for thousands of dollars."

Alfred shrugged and returned to his place with his arm wrapped around Arthur's shoulder. "That's alright! The school cost so much money, you've gotta be rich to even attend this school!"

The brothers both looked at each other with the same terrorized expression.

"Well," Feli sniffed.

"You dickwads don't get it," Lovino cut in. "The is where our grandpa went to school. If he found out we caused fucking trouble on the first day he'd fucking end us."

Feliciano looked away as if having war flashbacks. "Punishment would be worse than any amount of money we have to pay."

The others stared back speechless, not sure what to say. Antonio muttered an, "Awww.. Gilbert look at them."

Suddenly the Asian boy, who Feli was almost positive was Japanese now, stood up and stepped next to Francis. "Well, if you can't pay for it, there's another option."

Lovino nodded, the terrified look still in his eyes. "Y-yeah. Sure, Feli will do whatever you want."

Francis' eyes met Kiku's, and when he got the nod of approval he needed, he smirked. He dramatically pointed his finger at the boys and announced, "To pay off your debts, you will be the dogs of the Host Club!"

Both boy blinked.

Francis shrugged his shoulders. "The Host Club is where a group of boys, who have too much time on their hands," he nodded his head toward the men behind him.

"Trust me, this is not how I wanna spend my time." Arthur murmured.

Francis ignored him and continued, "Entertain beautiful girls, who also have too much time on their hands."

Feliciano blinked and slowly raised his hand.

Gilbert pointed at the boy almost instantly and shouted, "PERMISSION TO SPEAK!"

Feli slowly cocked his head, his hand still raised. "Yeah..Um..What?"

Lovino whistled sarcastically and held up his palms. "Okay, yeah, I get it." He propped his arms up behind his head and casually walked toward the door. "You guys may have tons of time on your hands, and for as much as I would love to be surrounded by pretty girls, I don't have time. Feli will take care of it.''

But before he could even grab the doorknob, Antonio and Gilbert slid in from either side, blocking the door.

"HAHA! Not so fast noodle boy!" Gilbert cackled. "You can't get past my awesome!"

Antonio laughed awkwardly and did the hair ruffle again. "Heh, sorry."

"Mr. Lovino," the French accent purred and Lovino felt a rush of panic when he felt two hands on his shoulders and a voice in his ear whisper, "You are both responsible. Both you and Feli will serve at the Host Club, or I will personally, through a servant, tell your grandfather."

The older Italian shoved the Frenchmen off him again and looked around. Everyone stared at him expectantly. Francis looked smug, Antonio looked hopeful, and Gilbert...frankly, with his grin, Gilbert just looked evil.

Lovino turned to Feliciano who just stared at him with a blank face. What could he do..? Ugh! He really hated talking to people!

"Fine! You stupidass dipshit! I'll join your fucking creepyass group!" He snapped suddenly.

Cheers broke out among the room and Francis hummed approvingly. "Yes. Well, you'll have to attend a future stop-swearing-bootcamp with Gilbert and Arthur, but other than that it's perfect."

"Fuck off Franny!" Gilbert shouted at the same time Arthur cursed, "Oh screw off you bloody Frenchie!"

"Yay!" Feliciano cheered. "We're part of the Host Club!"

"Ahem," Ludwig cleared his throat loud enough to get everyone's attention and stepped forward. "Do you really think you'll have a positive effect on the Host Club?"

Feliciano's cheeks tinted pink and he threw his arms up and spun on his heel, his skirt fluttering in the process. "Absolutely!"

Lovino narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "I can do anything better than you asshole."

A spark of agitation seemed to cross through Ludwig's face at Lovino's words. But he took a deep breath and said, "fine." He nodded his head and continued, "Welcome to the Host Club, then."

Then he walked around the couch to the other side of the room to attend to other business.

"Ludwig approved!" Feli hopped in place. "That means were dogs of the Host Club! Wait, can we be cats of the Host Club? Cats are cute and I love them-!"

Once again, Feli was cut off by the Frenchie's hand on his chin. Feliciano watched as Francis raised his eyebrows in what seemed like confusion, before returning back to his regular smirk. "You can be whatever you want to be, Miss Vargas."

When he was released, Feli smiled warmly. He then felt an arms drape around his shoulder and looked up to find Gilbert who was grinning like a maniac. He had his other arm around Antonio, who in turn had his arms wrapped around the albino and Lovino.

"Yay! New members!" They both cheered as Lovino desperately fought out of their grip.

Within seconds, the little Japanese boy stepped forward. He bowed politely and spoke softly, "Hello there, I'm Kiku Honda. It is very nice to meet both of you."

Still laughing from the friendly poke he received in the side from Gilbert, Feli held out his hand. "Hi! It's nice to meet you too! Do you like pasta? I make pasta for all my friends, I should make you some pasta!"

For a moment, Kiku looked a bit overwhelmed, but when he hesitantly took the other's hand, he visibly relaxed. He glanced at Feli's dress and scanned his up and down. His mind took a moment to register, but Kiku cracked a smile.

The next day was the first official day the dogs served the Host Club. And Lovino was pissed. As fuck.

"I cannot believe those bastards made us go home just to bring them home made pasta!"

Feliciano waved his hand dismissively, a cheerful smile gracing his features. "Yeah, but can you blame them? Home made pasta is the best!"

Lovino frowned. He couldn't help but agree, though there was no way he was doing that out loud.

Once pushing open the oversized doors (or kicking in Lovino's case) the boys slowly eased into the room. It was filled with girls of all different shapes, race, and size. It really was a melting pot.

Quickly, Kiku raced to the door to greet them. "That was quick," he stated. "Thank you for doing this. Francis was just desperate for you guys to serve him. Excuse me a moment." Kiku turned and made his way to Francis, who had three girls sitting with him and a group of maybe twenty two appeared to be waiting their turn.

Kiku tapped the self-proclaimed King's shoulder and pointed in the twins' direction. Francis' attention quickly shot to them and Gilbert and Antonio seemed to have popped up to his sides out of nowhere. The blonde said something to the girls before the three rushed over, snatched up the pasta without as much as a thank you, and ran back over.

Every female in the room quickly gathered around, trying to get as close to the trio with the food.

"Wow! It looks so yummy!" Antonio praised, causing some girls to giggle.

"Yeah!" Gilbert agreed. "I've never seen anything like it before!"

Feliciano's jaw literally dropped and he held up his arms in a distressed manner. "You guys have never had Italian food?"

The Spaniard shook his head. "Our chefs usually make our food and they normally stick to our own culture! Though lots of it is similar..."

The Vargas brothers shared bewildered looks. "No wonder these people are all stupid as shit." Lovino stage whispered.

Francis must not have caught it because all he did in response was step up onto a stool that was conveniently there and announced, "I will eat this pasta!" He slowly and carefully twirled some onto his fork and put it into his mouth. He slapped his lips together and nearly shouted, "This is delicious!"

When both Antonio and Gilbert insisted they wanted some Francis quickly forked fed both of them. They both hardly finished chewing before they began squealing in glee.

"I WANT SOME!" A familiar loud, voice boomed through the room. Alfred came to a stop when he stood in front of Francis and snatched up the fork. Not caring in the slightest that three people used it already, he took a bigger forkful than the other three combined and shoved it sloppily into his mouth. Alfred didn't seem to mind Francis' openly cringing face and chewed thoughtfully. "Wow bro! I love it!"

One girl held up a hand. "Let me try some!" Several other girls followed her lead after.

The more level headed members of the club, who consisted of Arthur, Kiku, and Ludwig, stood off to the side. Ludwig was literally facepalming.

With plates now distributed, Alfred filled his with more noodles. "Who made this?" He asked through a mouthful.

Feliciano smiled sweetly. "Our nonno did!"

Antonio wiped his face on his sleeve, earning a look from Francis. He smiled sheepishly and turned to the Italians. "Can you two cook like this?"

Lovino scoffed and placed his hands on his hips pridefully. "You kidding? Of course we can! Back at home it's usually us cooking and serving for the chefs!'' Most faces in the room looked exceptionally impressed, to Lovino's enjoyment. He hated everyone, but he loved doing things no one expected. No one ever expected anything good out of him.

Soon, after everyone finished eating, the groups dispersed back to their original positions. The Hosts went seperate ways and their loyal subjects followed. Once again, Feli and Lovino found themselves next to Kiku, who had a laptop under one arm. He set it down and picked up two trays full of all sorts of snacks and handed them to the brothers.

Feli accepted his excitedly while Lovino muttered a few swears under his breath. "What really is this club about anyway?" Lovino piped up, trying to delay his slave labor he was forced into.

Kiku nods and smiled. "Well, Francis started the club. As he said before, it's where all us Hosts entertain the females of the academy. Every Host has his own specialty or trait that may appeal to each individual girl and it's his job to keep her happy."

Feli found himself nodding as his eyes drifted over Alfred and Arthur who sat together. "Why do some have more than one guy?"

Kiku kind of shrugged and nodded at Antonio and Gilbert who seemed to be telling a story about something that involved ... a cow? "Well when Francis started the club, the three of them would all be in a group together, telling the stories of the Bad Touch Trio. But Francis became independently popular. He occasionally groups with the others because the three are practically inseparable but it was just easier for him to be on his own. Gilbert and Antonio just never separated, though we did consider it."

Kiku's eyes drifted over to the blonde boys who were currently arguing about something trivial. They were seated on two separate couches, but they were pushed together so they were sitting back to back.

"Arthur and Alfred technically have their own stations. But the two of them have known each other since childhood. Alfred insisted that they would work better together because their stories always involved each other." Kiku smiled softly at the pair. Currently, Alfred was continuously poking the back of the Brit's head, and you could tell that at any second he would snap. "Also, Arthur's tsunder tendencies kick in when Alfred is around and I think the girls prefer that."

Lovino switched the tray to his other hand. "This place is damn freaky."

Feliciano doesn't hear the comment, as his gaze was fixed on Ludwig, who was straight across the room from where he stood. Many girls filled in around him, though he didn't look too interested. He nodded politely and would feign semi-convincing smiles. "What about Ludwig?"

Kiku glanced at Ludwig and began to open his mouth to say something when he felt an arm drape around his shoulder and heard obnoxious laughter in his ear.

"Well people come and see Ludwig because he's a total hunk! Duh!" Alfred pumped out his chest as Kiku tried to untangle himself from the boy. Arthur crossed his arms and began verbally scolding him.

Alfred released Kiku but waved a hand dismissively at Arthur. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Artie." He turned back to Feli. "Girls love guys like that, don't they Feli?"

The Italian flushed as Lovino scoffed. "I mean, probably!" He agreed.

Alfred's smiled dropped for a mere second to share a confused glance with Arthur. They both shrugged and the smile returned.

"Anyway," Arthur coughed into his fist and took a step in front of Feli. "Pardon my asking Feli, but are those combat boots you're wearing? I noticed they don't match what the other girls wear."

Feliciano raised his eyebrows and glanced at his feet. He let out an awkward laugh. "Ah yeah.. well the girls' dresses fit me perfectly, but the shoes were a little harder to manage..."

Again Arthur raised an eyebrow at Alfred who just shook his head. "The girls uniform...?" He trailed off.

"WE NEED MORE MUNCHIES!" A thick German accent, one that did not belong to Ludwig, announced. Knowing that that was their cue, Feli eased around the older boys. "Excuse me!"

"Move bastards!" The older and more impolite twin shoved between them.

That was enough to break their trances, and once Lovino was out of earshot, Arthur stuck up his nose. "I don't like that git's attitude. He needs to watch his bloody language. "

Alfred grinned and elbowed his life long friend in the side. "As if you're one to talk, Artie!"

Arthur forced a smile onto his face. "Alfred, I've told you numerous times, I hate it when you call me-!"


In the middle of the room, the dogs of the Host Club lay on the floor rubbing their heads, surrounded by all sorts of snacks and their trays.

"Sorry! We'll clean it up!" Feli cried.

In fact, that's how the rest of the evening went. Feli and Lovino stumbling over each other and spilling trays. Just being overall, bad servants.

When club was over and all the girls were on their way, the Vargas' stood in front of the door while all the Host stood across from them at the couch, much like the previous day.

They all stood quietly for a moment, until Antonio broke the uncomfortable atmosphere by jokingly saying, "Wow! You guys are really bad at this!"

Both brothers fell forward onto their knees. "I'm sooo sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm not used to this and I don't usually wear a dress and I haven't eaten dinner or had my siesta so things are kind of of!"

"I'm sorry don't blame me! It was Feli's fault! It's always Feli's fault! I'm not a klutz and i don't deserve to get in trouble because it's you jerks who forced me to do this! Just don't tell grandpa!"

The incoherent rambling went on and on until both were apologizing frantically in fluent Italian and waving their arms around.

The younger German in the bunch placed his hand on his forehead irritably and sighed. "I knew this was a bad idea." He shook his head.

Alfred, not being the sharpest tool in the shed, just pointed at them and smiled. "I don't know dude! It's really cool to hear them speak Chinese out loud!"

"Idiot," Arthur muttered, giving the American a nice smack in the back of the head.

Antonio smiled fondly at the nearly crying Italians. "Aww! They're so cute when they are terrified!"

Gilbert nodded and held up a hand. "Especially Feli. She is really fucking adorable."

Francis nodded. "Of course she is." He stepped forward and held up a hand. It took a moment, but the blabbering boys finally noticed and belted up. "You guys do indeed suck.. But I have another plan...! You two can be hosts!"

From behind Francis, Ludwig raised his eyebrows and cupped his chin. "A female host?"

Kiku smiled with his hands clasped together behind his back. "That's actually not a bad idea. That would open the club furthermore to the school, many of the boys would love the opportunity." Kiku then shrugged his shoulders and held up his palms. "Aside from that, many males have most likely wanted to come in here and talk to you already existing Hosts, but haven't out of sake of tradition and embarrassment. This will give them an excuse."

Gilbert threw his fist in the air. "Sounds good to me!"

Antonio threw his arms around Francis and the albino. "Yay!"

Grabbing the Brit's shoulders firmly and shaking him uncontrollably, Alfred shouted, "YEAHHHH!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Arthur muttered through his whiplash.

Ludwig's eyes grazed over the Italians for a moment and raised an eyebrow in concern. Francis patted Antonio's arm, which was still around him. "Good. From this day forward, you two are Hosts!"

Both boys blinked in confusion, which was starting to seem like a common occurrence. Feli shook it off and threw his arms up. "That sounds exciting! That's good right?"

Lovino scowled and elbowed his glowing brother. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't even let you pay me to get me more involved in your whore house ways!"

"Ahhh Lovino!" Francis sang and Antonio chuckled next to him. The Frenchman poked the younger boy's nose, who nearly bared his teeth in return. "Let me remind you of your situation!"

With nothing else to fight back with, Lovino took a few steps away and looked at the floor.

"Well if that's settled," Arthur cut in and walked forward. He motioned toward Feli and said, "There is no way she can wear that rag during club. The girl uniforms at this school, I swear, the designer had a screw loose."

Francis nodded. "Oui, something we can agree on mon ami."

"Yeah," Alfred piped in. "We have some totally rocking dresses that will look awesome with her combat boots bruh!"

Francis snapped his fingers. "Right! Gil! Toni! Show Feli where she can change her clothes!"

"Okay!" Antonio cheerfully obliged.

"Don't tell awesomeness what to do!" Gilbert complained. Nevertheless, both boys snagged Feli's hands and began dragging the younger Italian through a door. Lovino quickly followed. Once in the new room, a changing room of some sorts, Gilbert began rummaging through the closet. Once deciding on one he liked, he yanked it off the hanger and eagerly shoved it in Feli's hands.

"This will be your uniform from now on so you'll have to put it on before club! Go ahead! Try it on!"

Feliciano held the dress, that even at first glance was much prettier, to his chest. "Ahh.." He blushed staring down at the bunch of fabric awkwardly.

"Do you need help putting it on?" Antonio asked, oblivious to how inappropriate the question was.

"Well.." Feli flushed.

"Uh no!" Lovino growled, pushing past his fellow Hosts and grabbing his brother's shoulder. "I always help Feli get ready, so neither of you assholes are going to do it!" He shoved Feli behind the curtain, sent a rather dark glare towards them, then harshly closed the curtain behind him.

Antonio and Gilbert glanced at each other. "Wow..." Antonio said aloud. "He must really care about his sister."

Feliciano strolled into the Clubroom after school hours, sporting his new dress. It was a green dress with a poofy skirt that came down to about his ankles. It gave a maid vibe, possibly originally used for a Maid Cafe of some sort, the white apron and large bow contributing to that. On his own, Feli found a cute bandanna to wrap around his head. Not only did it add more to the maid effect, but it also made work easier without hair falling into his eyes.

Overall, the outfit went much better with his combat boots.

"Wow Feli you are so cute!" Antonio gushed right away.

"Yeah! My awesome pick of that dress was awesome!" Gilbert half-praised-Feliciano and half-praised himself.

Francis ran straight over, joining the cooing fest. "You'll make the most adorable little Host!"

Behind them, Lovino stood against the wall, arms crossed and scowl hard. He bit down hard on the inside of his cheek and turned away.

Feli grinned enthusiastically but undoubtedly was scanning the room for someone in particular. His heart skipped a beat in startlement when Francis unexpectedly stepped onto a stool and announced, "Excuse me everyone!" All the girls attention turned to him. "We have two new Hosts! First up is the beautiful Feli!"

Murmurs broke out across the room as Feli waved happily and did a little curtsy. Surly they whispered about the assumed gender of the Italian.

"And then there is Feli's kid brother, Flavio!" Francis grinned knowingly.

Lovino quickly stood up straight and his whole face burnt red with anger. "It's Lovino! And I'm the older brother!"

Francis waved his hand dismissively. Antonio patted the Italian's head in amused sympathy but Lovino pushed him away.

"Anyway! Feel free to talk to them!"

Girls from all over were drifting toward them, and soon they began to approach. A group of five or six girls found themselves in front of Lovino who was still propped against the wall. For a moment he looked rather overwhelmed, but at his old school he was somewhat of a ladies' man. Quickly remembering those days, Lovino regained his composure and put on a rather convincing smile.

"Hello bellas." The girls nearly swooned.

As for Feli, tons of girls ran up to him, asking him hundreds of questions.

"How did you get to become a host?"

"You're not dating any of them are you?"

"Where did you get that dress?"

"How are you so pretty?"

"What is Francis' phone number?"

In all honesty, it was extremely confusing but he enjoyed it. He had tons of cute girls around him and they all wanted to be his friend! But in an instant he caught a glimpse of Ludwig, no girls around him, across the room. The swarming girls kind of lost his attention.

"Excuse me girls!" He said apologetically before running toward the blonde rather dramatically.

"Awwww!'" The girls left behind cooed. "They must be dating!"

"Ludwig!" Feli's endearing voice sang until he cut off by face planting right in front of the German man.

"Aww!" the girls continued cooing as Ludwig reluctantly offered his hand. "You are too clumsy for your own good." He irritably shook his head.

"Haha, yeah.." Feli nervously wrung his hands, but his eyes lit up when he remembered what he came over for. "Like my new dress?" He spun on his heel to showcase his new attire.

Ludwig knit his eyebrows together but nodded. "Ah.. Yeah sure." He placed his hand gently on Feli's tuft of hair. "just behave yourself in the club room."

Feliciano nodded. He stood straight with his feet together and held his hand up in a salute. "Aye aye Luddy!"

Ludwig released the boy's head with an eyeroll but a smile twitched slightly at his lips. "Do it with your right hand." He corrected.

Feli quickly glanced at his hands, piecing together he was using his left hand and switched. "Like this?"

The blonde nodded approvingly which caused the Italian to jitter in excitement. He opened his mouth to add something, when he heard a feminine accented voice call, "Oi, Ludwig? Can you assist me over here please?"

Both boys looked up and standing off to the side near an abandoned table was and averaged height girl with a slim figure and light blonde hair down to her waist. She had a bow sitting on top of her head and she was actually able to make the hideous school uniforms work. She stood waving him over.

Ludwig nodded in acknowledgment to her. He turned to Feliciano and said, "Excuse me," before walking off.

Feliciano watched as he greeted her. He even caught the glare she sent his way. Deciding that she was kind of cute and that she was probably having a bad day, he blamed the lighting.

Feli roamed the halls after club hours, desperately looking for his backpack. Lovino already left for home at his own insistence. His brother was in a better mood now that those pretty girls raised his self esteem, but he was still pissed at Francis for butchering his introduction. Being the great brother he is, Feli told him he could manage on his own and that he would be home soon too. But it didn't seem to be looking too good.

In defeat, Feliciano's eyes welled up with tears. He dragged his feet to the nearest window and pressed his forehead against the cool surface. After a few deep breaths, he blinked away the tears and focused out the window. Lo and behold! Outside, laying in the fountain, was his kitten shaped backpack! And every single assignment he had received this week!

Feliciano gasped loudly and ran for the stairs, completely out of breath when he reached his destination. With a small whimper he kicked off his shoes and pulled up the skirt of his dress. He didn't want his club uniform to get soaked. He hopped in and winced at the sudden shock of the cold, before rummaging through his soaked papers.

He hummed silently to himself, something his grandpa taught him to do when he needed cheering up. But that only lasted for a moment, because he soon heard footsteps behind him.

He squawked like a parrot and dropped all the papers that were in his hands, loosing all the progress he had previously made. He spun around on his bare feet and gold eyes met blue. "Oh Luddy! It's you! I was scared for a moment! What are you still doing here?"

Ludwig had an eyebrow raised, wondering why Feli was asking questions when the Italian was the one splashing around in a fountain. But Ludwig just blinked away those thoughts and answered the question. "My bruder, the Frenchmen, and Antonio always go off to cause trouble somewhere, and Arthur and Alfred go off to one of their houses. That leaves Kiku and me to clean up after them. And I don't even know why I'm surprised, but why are you in a fountain?"

Feliciano's pout returned and he threw his head back. "My bag magically appeared out here! I don't know why! The tooth fairy must have done it because she's mad the last one didn't come out naturally and Lovino punched it out, but that's not my faul-!"

Feliciano lifted his head back up when he heard water movement. He cocked his head to the side curiously as he watched Ludwig wade into the water, socks and shoes abandoned on the concrete path.

"Don't make me regret helping you.." The German mumbled.

Feliciano broke into his infamous smiles and saluted- with the correct hand this time.

They proceeded to pick up the floating and teared papers in silence when Feli broke it by saying, "I think you're a really nice guy for doing this Ludwig!"

Ludwig only pinkened slightly at the compliment and handed Feli his flood of papers. Feli happily accepted them, now letting his dress drag in the water.

Unknowingly to them, a certain blonde girl watched from the second floor window. Her hand in a fist and a scowl plastered on her face.

The next day, Lovino was once again, to his pleasure, bombarded with requests from girls to meet with him.

"Wow!" Antonio strolled up next to him, pausing to lick the ring pop on his hand. "You're way better at this than I thought you would be!"

Lovino narrowed his eyes and poked the Spaniard in the chest who innocently stuck the ring pop back in his mouth. "What? You though I wasn't going to be good at it?!"

"No Lovi! You're adorable!"

The girls around swooned and Lovino broke out into a rage of Italian words, that if the girls knew what they meant, they probably wouldn't be smiling.

Antonio smiled heartwarmingly. "Oh Lovi," he patted the younger boy's head, which only made him rant harder.

As everyone settled in, Feli set his sights on Ludwig and barreled toward him, embracing him in a hug as soon as he made it to him. Ludwig quickly pried him off himself and steadied the Italian boy by gripping his shoulders. "Feli! Can you not be crazy and energetic for one time?"

Feli just giggled and clicked his heels together. "Not today Luddy! I'm so excited, we're gonna make pasta when I get home and I looove pasta!"

Ludwig shrugged, contemplating on whether he should comment about his interest in Italian culture when someone next to him cleared their throat. "Ahem, may I talk to Feli if she's not busy?"

Ludwig glanced at Feli who smiled. "Uh, of course Natalia."

Moments later, Feli found himself seated next to Natalia on a couch and she was giving him a not-so-nice-look. He wasn't sure it was the lighting's fault this time. "Um..hi?"

Natalia held up a hand. "I'm gonna stop you there. Look, you might have fooled everyone with your air-headed cute little girl ways. But let me tell you, you're just a stupid little kid who wont last two weeks here, and Ludwig can't stand you." She glanced at her nail. "so yeah. Do us all a favor and leave."

Feli's eyebrows furrowed and it took all his might to keep the tears from falling. "W-why are you being so mean?" He sputtered out, his hands forming into frustrated fists on the couch beside him.

Noticing this small detail, Natalia fell back on the couch and kicked a cup off the table in front of them. It shattered and the room went silent, all attention on them. "Owww!" She fake cried, cupping the side of her face. "F-feli! Sh-she punched me! W-why wou-!"


Natalia's fake tears stopped when water began dripping down her face and red rubber fell off her head. "What the hell!" She spat.

Across the room, Alfred and Gilbert held a bucket of water balloons. Alfred aimed another, throwing it with all his force, but accidentally nailed Feli right in the chest. The Italian let out a loud whine and Alfred bit his lip and scratched his head awkwardly. "Ooops! Sorry Feli!"

Natalia sat up quickly, forgetting to cradle her supposedly injured face. "Why are you apologizing?! She punched me!"

Francis stepped forward. "Feli would jamais!''

Ludwig then made his way to the club's king and gave Natalia his hardest look. "Natalia, we'd appreciate it if you leave and not come back. We have no room for people like you at the Host Club."

Natalia's eyes widened, and as she watched each individual person give her the same look, she was at a loss for words. Tears ran down her embarrassed face and she bolted for the door. Lovino glared at her the whole way and muttered a "good riddance."

Kiku stepped forward and helped Feli to his feet. "There is a new set of clothes waiting for you in the other room."

So Feli was sent back to the changing rooms, and in a moment of sympathy, Ludwig stood outside the curtain. "Feli? I brought you some towels...?"

"Come in!" The voice of Feli sang.

Ludwig considered leaving them outside, but assuming the invitation meant the Italian was decent, he let himself in.

What he did not expect to see was Feli, the girl who had been working with him at the club for the past week now, in trousers and shirtless... and male!

Feliciano fiddled with the shirt in his hands and turned toward Ludwig with a smile. "Hi Ludwig!"

Ludwig froze, the towels slipping out of his hand. He then slowly stepped back and closed the curtain. He was pretty sure he didn't blink again until Feli reammerged. The small boy stepped out in the full boy's uniform, same girlish smile gracing his features.

Behind him, Ludwig's fellow host filled the room one by one. "So you finally figured it out, mon ami?"

"Hhah Luddy! You're all red!" Gilbert cackled and slapped his kid brother on the back.

Antonio placed his hands on his hips. "And they say I'm the oblivious one!"

"Shut up Toni! You're still number one in that department!" Gil ruffled Toni's hair.

"Ha! Thanks amigo!"

The present Brit held up his palms. "It didn't take bloody Sherlock to figure it out! It was kind of obvious!"

Alfred situated his hands behind his head. "Haaha! You were just crossdressing this whole time!"

Ludwig blinked at a loss for words. "Wait... You guys knew..?"

When everyone nodded, even his ridiculous brother, his whole face nearly caught fire.

Lovino elbowed his way around Francis and Arthur and pointed at Ludwig. "Wait you actually believed my brother was a chick?"

Ludwig held up his hands and opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out.

Feli's eyes sparkled at Ludwig and he giggled. "Oh Luddy! You're so silly! Feli is short for Feliciano!"

Ludwig had to keep himself from mentioning that everyone referred to him as a girl and he didn't bother to correct them. "Feli..ciano..?"

"Yup!" Feli chirped and the two both stood there as if they were the only ones in the room. Ludwig stared down at him in awe as Feliciano, fully dressed like a boy, smiled charmingly up at the flustered German.

Kiku cupped his chin with one hand and tucked his laptop under the other. A smile pulled at his lips, and realizing he had to be the designated narrator he said, "Could this be the start of love?"

Only Alfred seemed to notice and he grinned a, "Did you say something buddy?"

Kiku smiled and shook his head. Alfred accepted it rather quickly and snapped his attention back at the brothers. He pointed at Lovino and shouted, "WAIT! Are you a real boy?"

Lovino's jaw dropped and deep pink splashed across his face. "Of course I am you dumb


Francis snapped his fingers and the rest of his trio appeared at his sides. "Let's check."

Lovino's eyes widened and he shrieked, "NO!" his voice nearly cracking. He pushed between Feli and Ludwig, breaking their trances, and hid behind them.

Ludwig glanced down as his and Feli's arms brushed.

"Come on Lovi!" Toni whined, trying to peek around Ludwig's large frame. "Can we at least see what you look like in a dress?"

In response, all he got were two middle fingers.

Yup, I should be working on 'Kind of Homo' but...

Anyway, I just finished AP testing and school is almost out so hopefully I'll update more. This might be a one shot depending on the reactions i get, but I actually was really excited to post this.

This took forever though. And I know Natalia isn't obsessed with Ludwig but whatever lol. Hopefully if I continue this Ivan will come him.

Favorite and review!

