I have been gifted some enlightenment through reviews (you guys are so sweet, so thank you) that perhaps I did not leave my Fire Alarm story in the best place for a finish. So, fast forward a little while into the future and please accept an encore.

Chapter Eight:

"That's it!" Mr Utamagi shouted in the courtyard over the fourth fire alarm of the New Year. Every month or so the wire in the north corridor of the fifth floor would slip out and cause another drill. "I've changed the sensors, I've replaced the coding and covering. I've rebooted the system and still this infernal system insists upon tripping every month." The peaceful landlord was all for fire safety but the unit on the fifth floor was driving him batty and it had run down his patience to the last crumb.

Kakashi leaned against the far wall, watching the tirade turn from the reasonable to the insane. "It's haunted!" the landlord announced to the patronage in the courtyard. Thankfully it was mid-June and the weather was more than welcoming than previous drills. "The entire fire alarm system is haunted!" he jabbed his finger at the console, specifically at the red flashing light above the indicator for floor 5. "There's a ghost in the building."

Kakashi had another mission in two days time, it would take him into mist territory and probably last over a month, possibly two. If there was ever a perfect time for a fire alarm, it was now.

"I highly doubt there is a-" but the calm and rational response of a genjutsu user was all but ignored.

"I'm cursed. The building's cursed. It needs to be exorcised. I need to be exorcised. I need a priest." His eyes were darting for an answer in the crowd.

The crowd was slimmer than usual, most nins out working on the new alliance with wave country and helping the rebuild on the border to Sand. It was a good time for the countries, alliances were strong, but with strength came the possibility of attack to the home hub.

The crowd felt smaller this time too, there was no pink haired med nin dancing on her toes because she forgot her shoes. Kakashi smiled to himself. No tiny warrior to tease with his chakra as she stood trying and failing to look innocent and virginal. But for the last three weeks, Sakura had not been in the apartment block. She hadn't been in the country technically.

"It must be the ghost of an arsonist. I knew the village had history but I did not move here to house a freeloading arsonist ghost!"

Alarm number 502 was the second on the fifth floor and used solely by chakra switch linked to Sakura and Kakashi's imprint. It started after the first night they got together, after an awkward pause and avoidance, Sakura had been summoned out of shameful hiding by the fire alarm and there had been Kakashi, standing against the west wall looking like sex reincarnate.

She hadn't taken much persuasion to get back into his bed and spend the night in his arms. The next time, it was Sakura's work schedule on nights that made it hard to arrange, she had walked back in after a long shift, and instead of knocking on his door, she just pulled the entrance alarm and met him outside. After that it simply became a routine that when one wanted the other, the alarm would be pulled.

After a week of nightly alarms, they decided to use it for a more important purpose; establishing a pavlovian response of foreplay when the other was returning from travelling out of the country. All they needed was chakra on a scroll and the alarm would ring out to signal the other would be back within 10-15 minutes.

"I need the best priest I can get. One with experience of this. A high priest!"

Kakashi scanned the streets around the block, she'd be on her way back to him at any moment. She had made it very clear when she came back she expected a massage first, but he was sure he could change her priorities. His skin itched at the idea of holding her again. His dick twitched at the thought of drilling into her. His chakra burned him at the thought of mixing with hers in the heat of passion.

Anticipation was sweet but it was putting him on edge. Not on the outside though, he was cool and collected like all career nins. He lifted the Hitai-ate casually into his hair and unleashed the sharingan on the village in front of him. He was only too familiar with her chakra, he could feel it out blindfolded, he could smell it from miles away, he could breathe it in from pure memory alone. But even with the spinning tomoe he couldn't locate the position of the woman he was sharing himself with.

"No." the landlord stopped suddenly, the pacing pause mid-movement as an idea struck him. Eyebrows rose to his hairline, revealing dark and crazy eyes. "I'm going one higher." Higher than the archpriest? "I'm going to call the manufacturers of this infernal system and they're going to personally come out and fix it. They will live here until I know it's been fixed."

"At what point do we say we've gone too far?" Sakura's voice melted his anxiety entirely. He remained as he was, standing with the tenants who were trying not to react to the landlord's breakdown.

"He's fine." Kakashi answered quietly as the pink haired phoenix stepped in front of him.

"He's falling apart. I could hear him yelling about ghosts from the village gate."

Familiar lightening chakra wrapped around her as a warm hand took hers in a discreet manoeuvre.

"We need it." Kakashi spoke, his chakra running into her at a slow pace. After months of playing with chemicals in each other's blood and pushing chakra into each other, it appeared their bodies had a kind of co-dependency on the chakra mix now. Being away from each other could be physically painful if long enough. Chakra depletion could never fully be cured without a splash of the others taint. It was probably something medical journals would love to hear, but that would mean admitting they had a relationship and Tsunade was far from Kakashi's biggest fan.

"We should at least change the alarm call point from time to time."

"I like this one." Kakashi mused, a smile playing on his masked lips as his landlord began listing how he would keep the system's designers locked up until they believed the problem and then fixed it.

"You're sadistic."

"If you want another adventure into BDSM, just ask." he smirked. "You don't have to call me names."

"You're pitiful." she whispered affectionately.

"Oh, so you want to play dominatrix this time, do you?" His chakra flashed through her, stirring a cloud of lust just enough to start her own chain reaction.

"You could just say you missed me, you know."

"We both know you missed me more though." Sakura leaned back into his body invitingly, pressing her hips against his groin.

"It's true. My travel companions were hardly up to standard in the bedroom department." Kakashi gripped her hip hard in response to the tease.

Too wrapped up in their own bubble, they missed the landlord's announcement and refocussed as he flounced past them in outrage, muttering about ritualistic exorcisms. His eyebrows were raised unevenly making him look every part of the crazy folk he was portraying.

With the recently flurry of fire alarms, several other patrons had learnt how to cancel the siren and re-establish entry to the building. Mostly, it fell on Hanko, fire-user and specialist in all things flammable. Kakashi watched over Sakura's head as Hanko once again stood up to the system, cancelled the siren as a test alarm and reset the building to full functionality.

Nin re-entered and settled back into their apartments.

Sakura and Kakashi dawdled until their witnesses were all but gone on the stairwell and floor 5 was emptied.

His lips crashed to hers the second they were alone, his body driving her backwards and further to his apartment door. The handle jabbed into her back as they arrived so she tossed their position over, grabbing the key from the pocket of his jonin vest while tangling her other hand in his wild hair.

His hands pulled the shirt from the shorts as they entered, allowing his wandering hands to touch skin.

Sakura managed a three second scout of the apartment before Kakashi's wild hair was in her vision and he picked her up, claiming her lips in the same breath. Three seconds was all she needed to see the loaded travel pack sitting prepared and ready to collect. Kunai's freshly sharpened and the smell of oil and iron in the air.

"You're leaving again?" she asked between heavy kisses.

"Hn." He was as articulate as an Uchiha when he had sex on the brain.

"When?" she asked, batting at his attempts to undo her chest bindings without taking off her top first. "Kakashi," she giggled when his frustration at the bindings turned into a growl. "When?"

"Possibly tomorrow." It depended on how well the negotiations with Mist went.

"We were going to detour through Sand on the way back." He growled at her again, this time at the possibility she would have not returned in time and missed him. "If Hinata hadn't mentioned being back for her clan's anniversary, I would have made up an emergency." She laughed then stopped suddenly as he dragged a kunai he had summoned, down from her neck to her navel cutting both top and chest bindings. "Impatient." she accused. "That is the only short sleeved top I had without blood stains on!"

He didn't care. Just hiked her up on him, palmed her ass and walked her down the path to his bedroom, his tongue duelling herself for dominance. "You owe me a new top." she breathed out, holding his head to the pulse on her neck as he kissed her length. "And a massage." she continued with a slow moan. "And your life, like three times over." she laughed again, rubbing her hips against his erection as best she could while she clung to him.

As soon as his knees hit the bed he controlled a drop to the bed, his lips tagging onto her peaked nipples, his tongue carefully twisting chakra into her through the sensitive buds.

She writhed on the bed, desperate for his attention to continue.

Suddenly he stopped and sat back on his heels, trapping her legs between his thighs.

Sakura sighed as she noted his head tilt of 'I had a new sexual idea I want to try out.'

"You haven't even heard it yet." he chuckled, anticipating the persuasion needed.

"I haven't had you for almost a month, how about we just go old school before your perverse side gets an argument going." She sat up and put her hands on his jonin vest, her fingers slowly unzipping as she spoke. "And, maybe, if I still have any energy left in me, then we can try whatever your brain has cooked up." She pushed the vest off of his body, letting it slide from her finger and drop off the bed. "And, perhaps after that, I can show you a new chakra trick I copied from a Kunoichi seductress."

"Tease." he groaned. "You should have led with that."

"And what are you leading with?" she countered, expecting and setting the customary fight for dominance before sex. Instead, he smirked his usual plotting smirk and lifted the Hitai-ate from his hidden eye. The metal clinked as it fell to the ground and they clashed eye to eye.

Sakura met the spinning red and black swirl for a second and in the next second she was fully naked and on her feet. She was in Kakashi's arms, his hands supporting her as she leant back, his mouth back on her breast. She didn't enjoy losing time with his sharingan sports, but she always liked the end result of waking up in an entirely different scenario.

But extra hands snaked around her waist from behind. Sakura flashed open her eyes to see Kakashi behind her, his warmth pressing into her, his lips catching hers in a kiss over her shoulder, his fingers tangled in her hair.

Then hands on her thigh, lifting one leg from the floor to touch what felt like a shoulder. Sakura ducked from Kakashi's kiss to see another Kakashi on his knees, kissing up her thigh and closer to her sex.

Three Kakashi's.

She flashed out her chakra to identify the chakra clones. The one behind her and the one biting her nipples were frauds of chakra, but the Kakashi that knelt before her, gliding his eyes up her naked body to give her the eyefucking of a lifetime, he was the one and only god in the room made only for the purpose of making her scream. The imitations were beautiful and glorious, but she felt they would always pale in comparison.

"You wanted a foursome?" she breathed in question, trying to focus despite the flooding to her senses. Lips to her neck, her nipples, her thigh. Hands to her breast, her ass, her hair.

They all wore the same jonin pants and nothing else, but three hard erections were making themselves known in their own ways. Kakashi had his own depraved desperation, but had staked his claim on her sex and parted her lips with his fingers to dart his tongue between.

Sakura let herself melt into the sensations, held up by strong arms she trusted and pleasured by a man who knew every inch of her body, it couldn't get any better. The tug and pull of hands and teeth at her nipples were sensational, flooding her sex with arousal. The clone at her back ghosted his long fingers up her neck to guide her chin his way and reclaim her lips. His tongue danced the same as Kakashi's did, wrapping over hers and insisting she let him win and battle for superiority. The man's kiss could and would make her knees weak every time. She let the Kakashi hands guide her as he wanted her, lifting her off the floor and into the position they each needed for maximum pleasure. He had yet to slip so much as a digit into her and she was already losing her mind to pleasure.

"Kakashi." she moaned aloud around familiar lips, a calloused fingers rubbing her clit as a tongue drank her deep. "Oh god, yes." Nails ran lightly across her skin in several places. "Kakashi, Kakashi." she chanted. The man had a fetish for hearing his name from her, even to the point of chastising any other words she may moan. "Oh Kakashi." She felt her muscles wind up tighter and tighter, like they did before she would come apart at the seams and scream his name into the nearest pillow. But she had a menagerie of muscles around her, no purchase to the ground and all she could do was coil in waiting arms as his teamwork sent her over the edge. Kakashi behind her stole her lips, robbing her of the cry as she came. But the attention didn't stop, not until she had actively begun batting at him from oversensitivity.

He rose from his knees and swiftly caught her as he dispelled the other clones.

"Don't get tired on me now."

"Can't handle me by yourself?" she teased through a ragged, desperate breath.

His smirk returned and he threw her from him, she landed with kunoichi reflexes safely on the bed. "Round two?" she suggested with a smile.

Sakura rolled over at the sound of the fire alarm, her mental association telling her it meant Kakashi would be coming back, but she rolled over to a warm naked body under her touch.

"It's not real." The warm body grumbled on a breath and went back to sleep.

"But, it's not us." Sakura's sleep addled mind stumbled through logic. "It must be a drill." Sakura sat up and slid to the end of the bed. "Do you wanna lose your apartment?" she taunted.

Her mood dropped when she smelled his sparking crisp chakra flow into the room, and felt him drop his body temperature and chakra systems to not be discovered by the landlords heat signature scan for tenants in the building. Sakura hadn't the technique to pull the jutsu as affectively nor risk her apartment on it. She pulled on a red hoodie she had left on a previous visit and her black shorts whilst making progress to the door.

She pulled open the door intending to bomb it through 5 flights of stairs to save her beloved closet space, but there was a face on the other side she wasn't expecting to see.

"Eh, oh, um… Ohayo Tsuande-sama." One disapproving look said it all.

"This explains a lot." The Hokage simply spoke and placed a hand on her apprentice, taking both of them in a swarm of lily petals from the apartment block to her office tower.

Sakura waited in awkward silence until the pseudo-mother spoke.

"I had a visit from your landlord last night, stating he needed a Sannin to rid him of the ghosts in his apartment block." Sakura looked down at her chipped nail polish. The Hokage had summoned Kakashi by missive, but his absence in the room was obviously not going down well for her. "Imagine my surprise when I find out it houses my most competent nin. So when I personally have to go down to the apartment block and find a chakra trip switch on the fire-alarm which links to your chakra signature, it seems a little off." Sakura fought with her free will to not wring out her hands like she wanted to, it wasn't exactly a picture of innocence. "But then I find a second signature belonging to the very nin you were complaining about a few months ago."

"Tsunade-sama, I-" Tsunade cut her off from her argument about not being sober. It wasn;t her fault she was very pissed off at Kakashi by him refusing medical attention and forcing her to patch him back up in his bedroom again.

"And then there's this." Tsunade continued to place in piece of well worn paper in front of her.

It was her medical results from three months ago.

They'd come out fine, except for some chakra depletion due to extensive work in the surgical department. "This has been the bane of my existence for months on end, and you've known why all the time. I have been driven mad researching this, thinking you were on your deathbed."

"What? I don't… understand." Sakura drifted out of her confusion as she read the italics that were missing on her own copy: there was two distinct chakra signatures co-existing inside of her.

"You know where we see this?" Tsunade asked, hands slamming to the desk, the paper crushed under manicured nails. "The dead, the dying, or the nin sparring partners who've spent over 30 years training together and pouring their charka into each other." Sakura felt herself shrink further into the chair as Tsunade leaned further into the desk and towards her apprentice. "And apparently, now we see it in lust sickened fools who won't stop pouring their chakra into each other's hormonal network!" Tsunade was all but a decibel off screaming at her pupil. Sakura was red faced embarrassed and ready for the ground to swallow her.

"Yo." A perfectly calm greeting from the Hokage's window was all it needed to trip the situation from dangerous to downright deadly.

"And you! How could you be so stupid?! Perverted deviant, I understand. Reckless fool, I understand. I even believe you'd be damaged enough to chase after girls a third your age." The Hokage's over-exaggerated screaming was no doubt heard throughout the village but her finger had jabbed towards Sakura with the last comment and made her feel utterly alone in the world. She wasn't a third his age. "And now, you've gone and linked your damn chakra to a med nin. Are you out of your mind?!"

Kakashi didn't seem to acknowledge the distressing hatred pouring off his superior, he simply remained perched on the windowsill like a good soldier awaiting his next order. "I need her in the hospitals. I need her operating on my villagers and injured fighters. I do not need her playing hide the jutsu with your sex addict body." Sakura dropped her head into her hands, she couldn't have gotten any redder in her face and could feel thick black waves of embarrassment steaming off her. "If there was any way to undo this, I would. I'd force you apart and starve your bodies of chakra until you come to your senses. But…" Tsunade took a long and hard deep breath before dropping into her desk chair, the seat protesting the force with an unhealthy squeak. "I cannot." she finally spoke calmly and reached for her Saki. "At least not without killing you both." she mused sadistically, pouring a generous drink and throwing it down her throat in the next second. "Of all the nin…" she muttered to herself quietly.

"Tsunade-sama?" Sakura dared to whisper in the silence. When she only met sharp eyes and no order to be silent, she found her voice a little stronger. "We've been managing it since we noticed at the start of this year. It doesn't impact upon our ability to work or serve the village."

"Dismissed." Tsunade just replied, pouring another long drink.

Sakura looked to Kakashi but he was already shrugging it off and turning back out the window. "Wait." Tsunade suddenly recalled, standing and pointing a finger at Kakashi before spinning it back to Sakura then between the both of them. Sakura expect the second wave of anger, or perhaps some profound advice. Instead, Tsunade was just ticking another box in her list of duties. "The apartment block has been exorcised, so there would be no reason for another fire alarm to occur out of cue. Ever." Her eyes pierced to Sakura then span to Kakashi. "Because if there is another fire alarm, that would mean I would need to come back down to that apartment block and sort out the problem with a more permanent fix." She tipped the shot back into her mouth for all of a seconds pause before locking her eyes to Kakashi's one focussed one. "It's been a while since I've castrated anyone."

The next morning, Kakashi trundled up to the main gate, only 30 minutes late to his agreed time and feeling slightly disappointed he didn't want to stall any longer. Where had the joy gone?

What he didn't expect was the pink haired beauty with full pack by the side of his teammates, chatting animatedly.

"Ne, Kakashi the medic says she's saved your life before." Kakashi spun his eyes to the medic in question. Was she on a mission in the same direction? Was she tagging along for the travel protection?

"You working?" he nodded to the backpack.

Sakura passed across a scroll to the team captain who had very successful defiled her last night and in the early hours of this morning.

"Tsunade-sama has issued a medic to your mission, she insisted I go with you for the full duration." Sakura smiled. "I hope that won't be a problem."

"Of course not." He pulled out his usual 'I haven't had my dick in this woman 4 hours ago' behaviour and opened the scroll.

It contained five words in the Hokage's script.

Don't make me regret this.

He cast hand symbols over the scroll and it was consumed with a flame. This next month was going to be very interesting. He grinned for the team and ordered them out of the village gates. He reached into his pocket for his usual reading material and his thumb stroked the scroll linked to the fire-alarm on floor five of the apartment block he lived in.

Temptation was sweet.

It was a full month away from Tsunade-sama at the very least. It was unlikely she would castrate him anyway. Perhaps he should risk it.

"Seriously?" Sakura hissed behind him, knowing exactly where his mind had gone with his thumb over the chakra scroll. "If she cuts it off, I can't fix that for you!"

"He's so close to calling an actual exorcist." Kakashi whined like a petulant child. "Just once more."

"I will cut it off myself." Sakura snapped, walking ahead with an extra sway in her hips.

Okay, so no fire alarms.

But nobody had said anything about his chakra trigger on the security panel of the main door.

Kakashi sinfully smiled to himself behind his copy of Icha Icha, whistling a made-up tune as the sirens screamed out from the apartment block summoning an ANBU force to the 50 yard radius of the building.

He had a good feeling about the next month.

And that, my dears, is the finish. Like the finishy finish of the finish. And I will change the story to complete and go back to my mental writing den to contemplate some more Kakashi goodness. For a cartoon figment of fiction, he is very very delicious.

Thank you for reading, reviewing and pushing inspiration to write a chapter eight.