Hello, and welcome to FNAF: Broken Bridges Rebirth. This is a reimagining of my original story with all* the plot holes fixed and a lot of stuff cleared up. Overall this is going to start similar to how the original Broken Bridges Started however, changing quite a few things, fixing lore issues and so on. So without further ado, allow me to re-present Five nights at Freddy's Broken Bridges:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!" Everyone cheered, especially his little brother, Mikey. David smiled, blowing out the candles on his cake before turning to his brother.

"want some cake Mikey? It's chocolate!" The small boy nodded to his brother, trying to get into his chair. After some help from his father Mikey smiled and his eyes widened when he saw the rather generous helping he'd been given, his mother tossing her hair slightly and winking at him. Mikey smiled and began to dig into the food. Both he and David ate rather quickly making a mess of themselves in the process. After finishing David got down out of the chair and walked over to his little brother.

"Hey Mikey! Let's go see the guys up on stage!" David said, taking his hand. They were stopped by their father however, who looked down at the two chuckling slightly. He some scarring on his face but instead of getting it treated, he'd opted to keep it as a reminder of what had happened, not to mention his wife Freya often said it gave him an adventurous look.

"You two need to get cleaned up first." He said, still stifling his mirth at his two sons and their chocolate covered faces. After a quick clean up with some wet wipes he let the two run off, standing by his wife.

"There they go" he said, smiling. Freya laughed a bit as they both watched them tear through the pizzeria the party was being hosted at to go see the main attraction of the small restaurant, the animatronics.

When they walked into the room they were both stopped by the large bear animatronic who tipped his hat to them. He was tall, even by adult standards, reaching nearly 6'5". He got down on one knee and put an oversized paw on David's head.

"You're our birthday boy today, aren't you?" he asked, a slight draw in his voice, it almost imitated a southern gentleman, but was offset by his, well, bear appearance. David smiled and nodded, holding onto the large paw atop his head.

"Well, I'm Fredbear Fazzbear! Let me introduce you to the gang!" Fredbear said, walking with the two boys up to the stage. They both looked around and then at the massive red Bull animatronic sitting with a golden rabbit animatronic, the same color as Fredbear. David followed Fredbear, trailed closely by Little Mikey. The golden rabbit waved to them both and mike hid behind Fredbear's leg. The Golden Rabbit got up and walked over to them both, crouching down.
"Hey there little guys, I'm Spring Bonnie, but my friends call me Springy. Are you two my friends?" She asked the two. David smiled and nodded but Mikey was still hiding behind Fredbear's leg. Spring bonnie smiled and held out an oversized paw to him with a couple of carrot shaped chocolates. Mikey slowly inched around Fredbear's leg to put a small hand on her large bunny paw, rubbing the soft smooth paw pad and fur between the pads.

"Your hand is really soft miss springy" Mikey said before taking one of the chocolates and sitting on Fredbear's foot. The large Bull laughed at that as Fredbear sighed, smiling a bit. Fredbear gently picked mike up, putting him in Spring Bonnie's lap as after she got resettled with dozer. Mikey had eaten the chocolate, though it seemed like most of it had only covered his face and he smiled. Spring bonnie tousled his hair and smiled as well.

"Alright, well I'm going to take David here to the prize corner on account that it is his birthday" Fredbear said, before walking with him over to the prize corner. The large bull nodded to Fredbear, before switching his gaze to the small boy in Springy's lap. The boy was now listening to the Rabbit read him a story until a scream went through the pizzeria like an express train. His head shot up and all of them looked for the source of the noise. Both Dozer and Springy's hearts sank when they located it. David and Mikey's mother had let out the scream as she saw Fredbear's flat square teeth sunk into David's skull. Their Father quickly followed, taking the phone on the wall and calling an ambulance. Freya rushed over and scooped mike out of the paws of Spring bonnie, checking him carefully before hugging him tightly.

"What's wrong with David, momma?" Mike asked as she quickly walked out with him, but not before mike saw what Fredbear had done to his brother.

"David?" Mike asked once before the doors closed and mike was taken home by his aunt, the entire way trying to understand what had happened.

Engineer here! Well I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1 of Five Nights at Freddy's: Broken Bridges Rebirth! I know that this chapter is shorter than the normal one that I did for the original, and want to alleviate any fears before they happen; this was just the first chapter, and as such was a bit shorter. As we go on they'll return to their normal length soon™ and please forgive any grammar/spelling errors. While writing this I had an idea for another fanfiction, if you guys are interested let me know and most of all, let me know what you thought of the first chapter of the rewrite! I love hearing from you guys. Alright, well I have more writing to do so see you in the next one!