Quick Note: I couldn't fit this into the summary but this takes place at the start of the second movie but it doesn't follow ANY of the actual plot other than the fact that Groot is out of his pot. Please enjoy!

"Why is it, that whenever I try to get some goddamned sleep, everyone ends up shouting and arguing?" Peter Quill yelled as he stomped into the common area, where he found baby but-out-of-his-pot Groot staring with his big eyes and a bag of sweets, watching the argument. Rocket, Gamora and Drax were in front of the small plant arguing their heads off. Well, they were before Peter had yelled at them.

"Now that you've shut up. Either tell me what you're arguing about or shut the fuck up!" Peter said with blatant anger. The green skinned alien glared at Rocket before speaking,

"Rocket decided it would be smart to accept a job without consulting you because he is a piece of shit who doesn't think about the safety of others."

"Wait what was the mission?" Quill suddenly asked,

"It was a simple in and out-"
"Except it is on the planet of the Glyki. They are aliens with elasticated arms. They are strong. They are also very intellectual." Before Drax could continue Quill interrupted,

"Enough with their advantages! Do we know of any weaknesses?" He asked and there was a long pause before Rocket answered,

"They are quite…vulnerable. Their bodies can easily be penetrated-" Gosh Peter hated that word "-therefore knives, bullets, etc. easily damage them." Quill released a long painful sigh as he placed his head in his hands.

"I'm assuming that we are already on our way there."

"Yes. We should arrive in 2 or 3 hours." Gamora informed him

"What do we need to retrieve?"

"An artifact. Not much description but the Nova Corp said it would be protected and obvious when we saw it."
"As long as it ain't another bloody stone that'll destroy the world, I guess we should be able to come out with so much as a graze." Oh, the irony.

With a plan in place, they arrived at the dull looking planet. Rocket and Peter were going to go in, whilst Drax and Gamora distracted the guards and people in general. Nothing should've been able to go wrong. It was supposed to be a simple in and out like Rocket said. But then why did everything go wrong the minute they entered the tall building?

"Oi Quill! Hurry up will ya!" Rocket yelled as he ran ahead to the elevator as Peter was shooting the enemies down.

"I'm trying to watch your goddamned back Racoon! So just open the fucking elevator." Quill yelled back clearly pissed off. The elevator opened and Quill quickly dived in just as it began to close. They went straight to the top level, fortunately, they knew it wouldn't be that easy to just walk out of the elevator, so Rocket climbed through the little hatch above the elevator and sat atop of the moving piece of metal whilst Quill was a distraction. Unfortunately, Peter was dragged straight out and thrown onto the floor before quickly being surrounded by several of the Glyki. Looking up he realised he had been thrown to the feet of what Peter would assume was the Leader of the Glyki. He was harsh looking and had two devil-like horns protruding from his almost Terran like head.

"What do you want foolish Terran?" The Leader spoke harshly and breathlessly.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to look around really. I mean I've travelled to a lot -and I mean a lot- of planets, but never this one." Peter stated as he stood up and began to look around as though he was a tourist, but really he was trying to spot the apparently obvious artefact, which he managed to. Watching as Rocket peeked his small head into the vast room, Quill used his eyes to point where the artefact was before turning back around to face the Leader who was looking down at him with narrowed eyes.

"If that was the case then why is there a large, muscular, shirtless and tattooed man along with a green woman outside killing my men?"

"Hmm? There is? I didn't come with anyone. I am a lone ranger, I travel alone. Quite sad really. Hey, maybe you guys would like to be my friends?" Quill lied, as he impersonated a ditzy sort of person.

"He's lying Master. I saw him enter with a small creature. He is not alone. He has allies." Stated a soldier from behind Peter.

'Well fuck.' Quill thought, hoping Rocket would hurry up. Maybe Peter had hoped a little too much as Rocket had managed to get the artefact…whilst setting off a very, painfully, loud alarm. Peter quickly shot down as many of the soldiers as he could before ducking behind a bookshelf.

"Rocket I could do with some help!" Quill shouted through the earpiece,

"I'm on it!" Rocket yelled back before muttering "I have to do everything around here." Rocket, however, despite being behind an object in cover, didn't notice the approaching soldier that is until Quill shot the guy down. The furry creature then realised that the only way they were getting out was if he set off a bomb. The problem was the only bomb he had on him was a very damaging one. In other words, it would most likely cause the building to collapse.

"What's holding you up Rocket? Fuck" Quill started to say before muttering a curse.

"Quill! The only way we can get out is with my bomb!"
"Well fucking use it," Peter said clearly in pain. Taking a brief second to look at the Terran, Rocket noticed that he was holding onto his leg with one hand, whilst the other was firing away. His leg had a large knife in it, which was causing a lot of blood to flow out of his body, he wrapped some fabric he had found, around it.
"Quill! The problem is that it will destroy the building." Rocket informed Quill

"Fuck! Do it! Just fucking do it Rocket!" Quill yelled at the creature, knowing that Rocket would be fine. The truth was Peter Quill had secretly attached a parachute-like thing on his armour as they got inside of the elevator. Why? Because Quill had a feeling that they may need to jump out of the tall building and Quill would be able to fly due to his jet boots.

"Are you crazy? We'll both die!"
"No, we won't! I put a parachute-like thing on your suit. If you pull that piece of string on your top left pocket, a parachute will activate. I've got my jet boots on so I can fly. Just do it!" Quill shouted as he grabbed his two guns and shot the soldiers again. Rocket growled and set the bomb. They had five minutes to leave. he quickly ran over to Quill and began to shoot the glass window beside him.

"Jump Rocket! I've got your back!" Rocket was hesitant but soon found himself falling and pulling the parachute.

"I hate you, Quill!" Rocket shouted as he realised that the Terran had thrown him out of the gap he had managed to make in the window.

Now that Rocket was out safely, Quill turned to the Leader who had been watching as Peter took out his men. Peter was not ready for the large man to suddenly flung him across the room with his extended arms, making Peter further away from the place he needed to jump from.

They began to fight physically, Peter was on the unfortunate side as he was smaller and not as strong as the Leader, but he had also managed to make the alien bleed….a nasty black thick liquid. Quill could just see that he had about 10 seconds to get out of that building. Mustering up his remaining energy he jumped from the ground, kicking the Terran looking alien to the floor. Grabbing his gun he raced to the window, jumping through the glass as it wasn't smashed enough for him to necessarily get out. As the bombs final quiet beeps seemed to echo across the room, Quill took a run and leapt, smashing through the glass as the bomb went off.
Peter went flying, the bomb had thrown him further out of the building than he had previously been. As he fell amongst the debris of the building, pieces hit him, he felt blood drip down his body -more than previously. He turned his flight ability on which slowed his fall down, but as a large piece of the building was flung into him, it broke his jet boot attachment and knocked him out.

The last thing Peter Quill remembered was the strange and sudden slow fall, then a painful landing and the screams and shouts of what he thought was his team.

Authors Note:

Right, so this is my first Guardian's of the Galaxy fanfiction. It's only going to be a small one, no more than 3 chapters. Updates will be quite quick as I have already started the final chapter. I've suddenly gotten really into Guardians of the Galaxy because the newest one was bloody brilliant! If you haven't seen it already, I recommend it!


Thanks for reading,
Hope you enjoyed,
Please review,
