Author's Note

Thanks again to all who followed, favourited and reviewed this story. It took me a long while to complete it and when I got down to the last five chapters or so I lost interest (can't remember if I said this before, but I wrote this story some time ago and I've been re-editing all the chapters before I reposted them).

I know there are unanswered questions (Neville, Luna, Harry, Winky, even what Severus endured) and I plan to write a Part Two of what happened in the Original timeline when Xhara chose to leave Daemon Ari back at Mentor Roh's cottage. I'm not that good at writing romance in my stories, so I might not be writing a sequel (for after the Epilogue above) unless of course, I tie it into Part Two... aaand now that I've written that, I got a great idea and I just might call Part Two a Sequel. However, the romance will most likely NOT be fluffy and cute...

Let Me Address Some Issues

This is in response to a somewhat inappropriate PM that I received. I'm no longer angry about it and so I decided to separate this from my epilogue with proper explanations for the behaviours of my characters.

It is unfortunate that some of my readers cannot understand my story and I'm sorry, maybe I need more practice and that's fine with me. Although, that's what my fanfiction writing is... practice. Besides, I don't like to spoon feed my readers. For instance, Daemon Ari means Demon Guardian or Demonic Guardian. I chose this name because I was going to turn him into a Wizard for his loyalty to Xhara (Charmed fans will understand what I mean). When Xhara (as Lily) and Severus were kissing in the library, the 'jealous eyes upon them' was Daemon. I decided to leave it as a family/familiar/friend jealousy instead of morphing it into a weird and creepy love he was going to have for her when he turned into a man/Wizard.

I like to make my readers think, and all of my stories are like this in some way. They have untold stories within their stories, and those untold stories spark my creativity. That said, my creative writing is self-taught (online tutorials and YouTube, etc), I have no fancy degrees or whatever in writing; just a love for writing stories that I want to read. There are many things I don't know or understand when it comes to fiction writing, but I'd like to think that my writing is not as confusing or as horrible as some readers make it out to be. So the following is my explanations for Xhara's and Severus' behaviours.

Xhara has cared about Severus since she was seven years old.

She has known him since he was seven and up to fifteen years old... the same ages for her.

Xhara doesn't really know the thirty-five-year-old Severus Snape, even if she's known him her entire life.

I will never have Severus Snape pursue a fifteen-year-old girl Soulmate or not (no offence whatsoever to reviewers); I have no problem with writing stories like that at all, but Severus is a gentleman to the woman he wants. If it wasn't for the Soulmate Bond, he would not have been so irrational in my story and yet still, he was willing to wait until she turned seventeen or left Hogwarts.

Severus Snape is still the hurt, sarcastic and irascible man that everyone hates (no matter if Harry thinks he understands him better now).

In Severus' mind, (though he knew better later on) he had been friends and in love with Lily Evans for his entire thirty-five years. He'd been hurt by Lily and James (and the rest of the Marauders) as far as he was concerned.

Severus does not KNOW Xhara Diya; you have to remember, Xhara was not always there in the past with him and Lily had been using him (I hoped I had made that clear in the flashbacks). He knew she was kind and loving and that she cared about him because Lily Evans didn't, but he hasn't really wrapped his mind around it.

Xhara - as far as she is concerned - has loved this man all her life and when Severus couldn't return or show it (it should be understandable why now) or pursue her eagerly (as he ached to do, but... fear...) she gave up on him and left.

They both have issues.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings. Thank you all for reading What The Soul Wants.

In the meantime, have a look at my other completed stories and WIP

Pretend To Love Me - Romance - Lavender Brown and Percy Weasley - Completed

Devotion - Mature - Bellatrix Lestrange and Voldemort - Completed but Part Two (different couple) is on the way

Storm & The Half-Blood Prince - Fantasy - Ororo Storm Munroe and Severus Snape - Completed

Essence Of Infinity - Fantasy - Multiple POVs - Sequel to Storm & The Half-Blood Prince - In Progress