She didn't go to the jubilee as planned…

Of course she didn't. How could she possibly after the events that transpired not even an hour ago?

Cheryl Blossom. Cheryl Bombshell Blossom. HBIC Cheryl Blossom just attempted suicide.

Fortunately, she wasn't successful like her father was a mere 24 hours ago.

Veronica insisted she take Cheryl to her place to warm her up, while the others took Archie to the hospital to get his most likely broken hand fixed up. In hind sight Veronica admits, Cheryl probably should have gone for a checkup too, but Veronica had a one-track mind, and the only goal she had was to get Cheryl in front of a warm fire.


After convincing her mom to go to the jubilee, Veronica made her way back across the room the still shivering girl in front of the fire. She ran her hand over Cheryl's shoulders a moment, whispering a soft "be right back" before disappearing to her room. She arrived a moment later with a dry set of pajamas. "Here, they're a little less glamorous than your usual, but they're warm."

Cheryl takes them from Veronica with a soft smile, and turns back to the fire. They sit in a slightly uncomfortable silence for several minutes before Cheryl gets up to excuse herself and change. Veronica takes the opportunity to change her own clothes, finding another comfortable set of sweats to wear.

The two girls reconvene at the fire minutes later, still not talking. Veronica felt like she should say something, something comforting, but she was at a loss. What do you say to a girl you hardly know, who just tried to kill herself? She instead settled for placing her hand atop Cheryl's, gently rubbing her thumb back and forth.

Almost immediately, Cheryl took that as a invitation to cuddle up close to the brunette. Veronica wrapped her arms around the redhead who buried her head in Veronica's neck.

After some time, Veronica shifted slowly, grabbing a nearby pillow, and pulled them in a more comfortable laying position. Cheryl never cried, or she did a very good job of hiding it Veronica thought. Instead she was incredibly quiet and still. Veronica lightly squeezed the redhead every now and then to remind her she wasn't alone.

They laid like that for hours, until they inevitably fell asleep. It wasn't until Hermione got home around 11, Veronica woke up.

"Mom she tried to commit suicide today. I'm not leaving her alone." Veronica pleaded, trying to convince her mother to let Cheryl stay the night.

Hermione glanced over Veronica's shoulder at the still sleeping girl laying in the living room. She agreed and excused herself to her room for the night, but not without a glass of wine.

Cheryl woke up to Veronica gently stroking her face, "hey why don't we go sleep on something a little more comfortable?" The brunette extended a hand to help her up. Veronica lead them to her room, while not as large and lavish as the redheads, it still contained an air of upper class charm.

Cheryl let's Veronica practically tuck her into bed like a child. She's never been cared for like this, and she's savoring every second she can get. She knows she should say something, explain herself, but she also found herself at a loss.

Minutes after they settled into their previous position from the living room, Cheryl curled up into Veronica's side, Veronica resting her head atop Cheryl's and arms wrapped around her, Cheryl broke the silence, "you found me"

Veronica didn't hesitate to answer the redhead, "Archie did really, he–"

Cheryl cut her off, "but I only sent you that message, you are the reason I'm here." She lifted herself up to look into Veronica's eyes, "Thank you."

Veronica felt bad taking all the credit, Archie really did the most, breaking his hand in the process. Her face must have given her away cause Cheryl chimed in as if she read the brunette's mind, "don't worry, I'll be thanking Archie, Betty, and Jughead later, but I don't think you realize how much I owe you."

Veronica's eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment before her face softened, "Cheryl you don't have to do this."

Cheryl reached out, quieting Veronica's protests, "No, please, I need to at least say this before I chicken have been one of the only people whose showed me real kindness since Jason died, and I've been too stubborn to accept it. I think that's part of the reason why I sent you that message, that you might actually care enough to try to stop me."

Veronica just nodded, trying to keep herself from getting emotional, she felt had to be strong for Cheryl, she took the redhead's hand in her own, "Cheryl I can't begin to imagine how you must feel losing Jason, your dad, but I hope you know now you're not alone. Betty, Archie, Jughead, even Kevin, we're here for you if you let us. And no matter what you'll always have me." She released her hand to push a stray hair behind Cheryl's ear.

"I know that now." Cheryl's voice cracked, the tears that evaded her for most the night finally caught up with her, silently falling with increasing veracity. Veronica, much like before, pulled her in close eventually lowering them on the bed so they could rest more comfortably. "I'm still cold" Cheryl muttered after a moment, snuggling as close to the brunette as possible. Veronica let out a soft laugh at this and pulled the covers up around them. She placed a soft kiss to Cheryl's temple before squeezing her tighter. And for the first time since Jason died, Cheryl fell asleep feeling like she wasn't alone.