Amy tosses and turns all night after hanging up with Sheldon. Sleep is elusive as she pictures all the ways this tall blonde, Olympic swimmer could ruin her life. She wants to rail on him, forbid him from seeing her. However, she knows that's not the answer. That so far Sheldon has done nothing wrong. Showing him she doesn't trust him will only push him further away. Amy does trust him. It's Ramona that she doesn't trust. From 3000 miles, away there is only so much she can do. Essentially, she is powerless and has to let the events unfold as they may. The only other option is to fly back home. Amy knows that really isn't an option at all.
So lays awake picturing her life without Sheldon. She survived 30 years without him. She would live on after he was gone. Only now she knew what it was like with him. The last seven years had been the best of her life. Especially the last year living with him. Knowing what it was like to fall asleep next to the one you loved and wake up still in his arms. To have someone to come home too. To share your day with. To talk to about any little thing that popped into your head. The loniless that had weighed so heavily on her. That had settled into her bones. Was gone, and she never wanted to feel like that again. Perhaps she would get a cat. Live her life as a lonely spinster staring out of windows imagining what could have been.
At six o clock as she is finally pulling herself out of bed to get ready for her day. She hears her laptop start to chime signaling a Skype call. It would only be three in the morning Sheldon's time. It can't be him. Still curious she answers it. Elated when Sheldon's face pops onto the screen.
"Sheldon, this is unexpected." Amy says laying the laptop on her bed and lying beside it.
"I know, I hope I didn't wake you up." He says. She can see he is in his pajamas. The grey plaid ones with the blue stripes that bring out his eyes. Which seem even bluer up close on the computer.
"I was just waking up. Its late there. Or is it early?" she asks and he ducks his head in a boyish shy manner, that makes her heart leap.
"It's late. I can't sleep. "he admits.
"I had trouble sleeping as well." She tells him.
"It seems we've grown so accustomed to sleeping with each other. It's become difficult to sleep apart." He admits and she smiles at him.
"Is there anything troubling you? Making you lose sleep?" she asks thinking of Ramona and her smile fading. He looks like he is considering it before he speaks.
"No, I just find myself craving your body heat. The sounds of your breathing. The way your arm always finds its way around my waist in the middle of the night. It used to startle me awake when you did it. Now I startle awake to find its not there." Sheldon says and then he pauses. "Although now that I think of it something Penny said is troubling me."
"What did she say?"
"Penny said that I was a limited-edition toy and that Ramona was after me." Amy feels her heart start racing.
"What did you say?"
"That she was being ridiculous of course. I could never have any romantic interest in Ramona nor she in me. I've made it very clear that my heart is yours and your alone." Sheldon tells her looking worried. "I've just enjoyed the intellectual conversation Ramona provides in your absence. That is all. Even then she is nowhere near as intellectually stimulating as you are." Amy feels her anger evaporating. How could she ever doubt him.
"Sheldon, can you see how you could be perceived as a bit of a catch?"
"Of course, but I'm your catch."
"Be that as it may. You should probably have a conversation with Ramona. Make sure you both on the same page regarding her intentions. Ramona may see things differently than you do." Amy tells him and he nods.
"You always give the best advice." Sheldon says gratefully. Then he bites his lips and looks like he is thinking something. "May I ask you a favor that may be overstepping a tad?"
"Okay?" Amy says cautiously.
"Could you sing me The Imperial March until I fall asleep?"
"Of course Sheldon." Amy says and he moves out of the frame as he moves and lays the laptop beside him so that he is laying on his side looking at it. They are both laying the same way just on opposite coasts. "Like this it almost feels like we are together." Amy tells him and he smiles sleepily.
"Almost but, not nearly as good." He admits as she starts humming him the theme and he starts drifting off to sleep.
At work Amy still feels unfocused and scattered. She feels better about Ramona after her talk with Sheldon. However, her lack of sleep is catching up with her. By lunch time she is dragging and she almost forgets to call Sheldon at their scheduled time.
"Hello Amy" he answers looking chipper.
"Hello Sheldon. Were you able to go back to sleep?"
"I was! I sleep very well after your lullaby."
"Good, I was worried about you."
"Don't worry about me."
"I just miss you."
"I miss you too."
"I'll let you go. I called later than normal. Your probably about to leave for work." She says as she hears Leonard knock on the door and call his name.
"Yes, I'll call you tonight. I love you."
"I love you, too." Amy says hanging up.
The rest of her day passes in a blur. By the time she gets back to her apartment she so tired she barely has energy to make a bowl of cereal before passing out on the couch. When she wakes up it is dark and she feels disoriented. She checks her watch and sees that it's only eight o' clock. She's only been asleep a few hours. She gets up and drags herself in the shower. Letting the hot water wash away the stress of the day. Hopping out she dries her hair and wraps herself in her robe.
Energized from her cat nap she goes back into the living room. Amy get her laptop from her bag and makes herself a cup of tea. Blowing on it she settles in on the couch again. Admittedly today had not been as productive as she would have liked. Still, she had gotten a good amount of research done. If she buckled down tonight she could analyze the data she had collected and make a report. It was still a few hours before Sheldon's goodnight check in. As much as she wants to call him and see how is talk with Ramona went. She refrains, he'll tell her when he is ready. Amy is a little disappointed that Bernadette and Penny have not texted her all day. She decides to take that as a both a sign nothing else has happened and that she needs to get some work done.
Amy gets to work and she starts to feel like she is getting ahead. Erasing a day wasted being in a worry fog. As she starts to translate her findings into a report she hears a knock on the door. Startled she looks up who would be knocking on her door at this hour of the night? She's not been here long enough to even meet a friend yet. Then she hears Sheldon call her name. She fell asleep again and she is dreaming. That is the only explanation. Still even dream Amy feels the need to answer the door. At the third knock she is at the door. As she opens it she knows for sure that she is dreaming.
Not only is Sheldon at her door. 3000 miles away from where he should be. He is on one knee. Holding out a black box. In the box is a ring. Amy can barely process what she is seeing. Before the words are out of his mouth. Four little words that changes everything.
"Will you marry me?"
Amy is shocked, stunned, speechless. There are so many questions swirling around her head. How did he get here? Why is he here? Why didn't he call her? Why now? Why not before she left? She can't breathe before she can answer she realizes that she is gasping for breath. Tears are brimming in her eyes threatening to spill over. She feels like she is about to collapse. It is their fist I love you's all over again. Hos face changes from calm and earnest to worried in a flash.
"Amy! You're having a panic attack!" he says jumping up. The ring disappearing into his pocket.
"NO!" Amy wants to scream but no sound will come out. He grabs her hand and pulls her to the couch. He sets her down gently and then sits down beside her.
"Lay down." He demands. " Put your head in my lap. All she can do is nod and follow is instructions, he begins to gently stroke her hair. "You're wondering how I got here?" all she can do is shake her head yes. As his large hands stroke and soothe her. "I had my talk with Ramona. I asked her bluntly if she had romantic intentions. Her answer was… her answer was to kiss me…" he says sounding pained.
"What!" Amy says attempting to get out of his lap. He lets her and hangs his head.
"I did not ask for it. Nor did I return it. Her lips were upon mine before I could remind her that I was with you."
"What did you do after?" Amy asks tears in her eyes now for a different reason.
"I said 'Excuse me for a moment'. Then I got in a cab, then on a plane, then another cab. Then right to your doorstep."
"That was a tad dramatic." Amy says.
"Not from my perspective. From my perspective it was the only thing to do."
"Sheldon, are you sure that you're not here because you feel guilty. That some part of you liked that kiss. That you feel like you have to do this because of that fact." Amy asks him and he looks shocked and angry and he scoots closer to her and takes her face in his hand. His look is so serious that it makes her nervous.
"Amy the first time you kissed me. That drunken night. Was the first and only time another person's lips touched mine. I expected to feel revulsion. I only let you to be polite, I valued out friendship. Fare from revulsion. I felt a rush. I closed my eyes and let the sensations wash over me. It was wonderful. I felt lighted and giddy. I couldn't process it all back then. Yet I knew that your lips would be the only ones that could ever make me feel like that." His face as moved closer to hers just inches from her face.
"And now?" she gulps. "What did you feel from her lips?"
"Revulsion, disgust, and the desperate need to get to you. To make you mine officially so nothing like this ever happens again. Like I was planning on doing before you left for Princeton."
"Like you were planning on?" Amy asks uncertainly and he nods yes. Amy jumps on him and attacks his lips. Pressing him backwards onto the couch and climbing on top of him.
"Amy." He says pulling away. " I know this is kind of sudden but if your interested." He asks and she jumps up and grabs his hand pulling him to the bedroom.
"I am." Amy starts pulling at his clothes undressing him between heated kisses. As she gets to his pants he stops her. He pulls the ring out of pocket again and sinks to his knee once again.
"Amy before we go any further. I need to know. Amy, will you marry me?" he asks this time more nervous.
"Yes!" Amy says and his face lights up. Looking at him shirtless on one knee his face alight with happiness she feel like her heart could burst. "Yes, Sheldon I can't wait to marry you."
Just a little one shot. I would be open to doing Sheldon's perspective or a dirty version if there is interest.