A Hellsing fanfic
Author's note: I do not own Hellsing, but I do love making sure Enrico goes through as much physical abuse at the hands of Integra XD
Enrico Maxwell hated confession duty. Sitting in a small box waiting for someone to come and confess their sins. The worst part was actually listening to the parishioners as they prattled off a list of their 'sins', their identity protected by a screen divider. But Enrico could tell who was who, by their voices. So it made no difference to him. It was just boring…. the door is opening, time to pretend to be the loving priest that cared about this poor sod's soul.
"Forgive me Father, for I am about to sin."
Wait…. what? Why did that voice sound so familiar? That accent…was that cigar smoke?
Suddenly two gloved hands broke through the screen, grabbing Enrico's neck and pulling him right through screen. His stunned face was merely a couple of inches from the very pissed face of Integra Hellsing's.
"Do not think for a minute that I did not hear the disgusting flatulence noises you were making every time I spoke at today's meeting, Maxwell!" she practically snarled. Before Enrico could respond however, Integra had him in a headlock and was soundly beating his face in. After a couple of minutes of facial abuse, Enrico was finally released, but not before Integra decided to put out her cigar out on his cheek. She lit another cigar. "Remember this the next time you have problems with your gas, you pissant."