Authors Note

Hey everyone just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, and a Happy Holidays for the Month of December that comes in about 3 days.

I thought that the best thing to do for Thanksgiving is finally put all my future Projects aside and finish up Chapter 18, of Adventure Time Insurrection.

I appreciate all of your patience, and loyalty towards my work, it only makes wanna work on this story even more. Be sure to write down a review once you've completed this chapter, as reviews and feedback keep this story going.

-15 Minutes Earlier, Before Finn's Encounter in the Corolla Ocean-

Prior to Finn's encounter with the Electrogians in the Corolla Ocean, both Flame Princess and Ice King continued to follow Finn's path through the fields, as Ice King continued to follow his gutt while at the same time attempting to remember which direction Finn had disappeared to, despite having to have disappeared into the clouds, Finn did leave a trail of water drips that were dropped by his liquified wings which for some reason only he was able to spot, he couldn't really understand on how Flame Princess could not see them, but a part of him figured that it might be due to elemental wise, as with her being a girl of fire, that anything made of liquid or water could not be spotted by her, and since his elemental ability alone is Ice, he thinks he is able to easily spot water more quickly than anyone else in Ooo besides Finn.

"Are you sure Finn went this way Ice King?" Flame Princess questioned as she continued to follow the elderly wizard while looking around, only to see nothing but more and more open field in each direction she turned her gaze upon. "Trust me, this is the way" Ice King stated as he continued to look down at the grass while still moving forward, this got the young fire princess confused. "Why are you constantly staring at the ground? You look weird," She expressed both concerned and confused at the same time, only for Ice King to just turn and shhh her, "We're getting close, I can feel it." Flame Princess just groaned with annoyance as she placed her hands on her hips, she didn't know what was worst, being without her powers, severely wounded from both her fight with Finn or Ice King jabbing his crown into her, or the fact that the Wizard that was supposed to be helping her out was completely out of it.

As a matter of fact, a part of her wanted to just bypass the elderly Wizard and find Finn herself, but she knew that in her powerless state, she would not last long against her adversaries, so as much as she really hated it, she really needed to rely on Ice King in order to help her find her boyfriend, even if it meant him being a crazy old Loob. "Fine whatever you say old man" the young flame queen said with quite a bit of annoyance, even though deep down inside she's still believed that he was just being his normal traditional crazy old Ice Wizard that he has always been, this eventually led to a grunt from the annoyed Ice Wizard, "Hey! I can hear that you know!" He grunted before continuing to follow Finn's trail.

The two continued moving through the plain until all of a sudden, Ice King perked up at such a fast pace that it even startled Flame Princess, where he then held a hand up, which told her to stop much to her confusion. "What is it?" She asked looking around only to see nothing, but a wide open sea ahead of them. "He went this way, there is no doubt about it," Ice King stated while constantly staring at the sea. "What? How do you know?" Flame Princess asked a bit confused, as Ice King simply pointed to the grass, revealing his trail had vanished, signifying that he had flown over the sea not long ago. "His trail ends here, this means he was flying towards the Corolla Ocean." Flame Princess face palmed with aggravation. "Oh Terrific! So how in the Glob are we going to follow him now?!" She barked with intense irritation, as Ice King was careful to scan the surroundings, only to see what appeared to be a small ruined dock in the distance. "Over there!" he called out with excitement as he raced for the docks much to Flame Princess's confusion, "Hey wait for me!" Flame Princess called out as she ran at fast speed trying to keep up with the elderly wizard, which by some surprise was moving even faster then her. This experience both angered and embarrassed the young queen as she tried to keep up, but was having a hard time in doing so, she couldn't figure out if this had to do with the fact that she was powerless, or maybe just maybe she wasn't meant to run that fast, but deep down in her heart she believed it was because of the 1st suggestion, on why she wasn't moving as fast as she anticipated.

As the 2 reached the small dock area, which seemed to house both an old shack and rickety wooden plank area, Ice King stopped in his tracks, "We just found it," He stated with even more excitement, only for him to hear Flame Princess panting heavily from exhaustion. "Found what?" She barked both angry, and exhausted, "You know for an old man you run faster than me, how the Glob is that even Possible! That doesn't even center around any diasper of scientific logic?!" Flame Princess then added as she just had to complain about this embarrassing experience much to the laugher of Ice King, who was struggling hard not to let loose a huge laugh on the young royal. "I swear to glob if you laugh I'll-" The put out you fire Heiress growled revealing her fist only to be met with Ice King just simply saying one simple sentence, "You gotta go fast kid, if you wanna catch your boyfriend." and with that he burst into a chuckle, but still fought the urge to laugh, Flame Princess struggling to ke her anger under control, instead brushed off her damaged queens armor, placed her hands on her hips and firmly said, "Well what was so interesting that we had to trek all the way here?! What did we Find?!" Ice King smirked and held a finger up, "The answer to our problem, my dear." Flame Princess groaned in aggravation as she looked around but saw nothing but the Corolla Ocean, and the rickety Wooden dock area, including the run down shack that appeared to be made out of both wood and stone, but she could not find any solution that would solve their current problem, she then focused her glares back towards Ice King and snapped, "Is this some kind of joke old men play on young girls like me?! Where is the solution to our problem?!" She growled, her anger about to erupt again, but Ice King showed no fear, in fact he still maintained his smile and simply said, "Look around once again and you shall see." Flame princess puffed smoke out of her nostrils as she looked around again, but all she saw was the same things she saw earlier, so instead of just confronting Ice King about his stupidity, and how he is wasting both of their time playing this ridiculous game of his, she decided to play dumb and describe what she sees, in an attempt to get the elderly man to open up his eyes and face the reality of his stupidity. "Okay let's see, I see the ocean, I see an abandoned dock, I see an old destroyed house, and I see an old man wasting my time," she snapped, before taking a deep breath while struggling to control her temple, "So where's the solution?" she said through her teeth, as calmly as possible, but in fact was a mir head away from losing her temper, as her eyes began glowing.

ice King still showed no fear, and instead still maintain his smile, while looking at her. "Look one last time over there," he said one last time at flame princess, while pointing at the ruined pier. This time fire and smoke started coming out of her nose revealing that she was seconds away from blowing her temper, as she snapped her gaze back towards the direction ice King was pointing at, she decided to look one last time, if there was nothing there, flame princess's anger will explode, and she will go on to attack ice King for wasting her time on nothing.

-On the Corolla Sea-

15 minutes were quick to pass the wind blew through the waves as Ice King rowed through the water, he looked up and was able to see that he had traveled quite far from the coast of Ooo, Flame princess was looking around scanning the horizon. "Wow, I really hope Finn went this direction, because it looks as if we are going to the middle of nowhere." She stated rubbing her head. "Trust me kid, he is around here." Ice King stated as he continued rowing. "Yeah I hope." the young fire queen said as she sighed looking at the horizon, until all of a sudden something caught her put out fire nostrils. "Wait a second." She crawls over to Ice King and stops his hands. "Stop Rowing!" She stated causing Ice King to panic and hold his hands up as if he were surrendering. "Okay okay." He stated a bit surprised at Flame Princess's reaction only for his mouth to get covered by her put out hand. "Shhhh I smell smoke." She stated removing her hand as she looked around, all of a sudden without any warning a large Shield force field soon rained down from the sky and behind the boat, Ice King was puzzled at the sight, as he banged it, and realized they were inside what appeared to be an invisible dome that was now established. "What on Earth?" the elderly Wizard stated in confusion, as Flame Princess noticed it too and continued to look around, until she saw what appeared to be the fiery wreckage of a ship not far on the horizon. "Over there!" She called pointing over as Ice King turned and smiled seeing the wreckage. "Well looks like we are going in the right place."

As quickly as he could, the elderly Ice Wizard turned the boat in the direction of the wrecked partially sunken ship and began to row towards it. "Just how in the glob were you able to sniff out that smoke or even smell the flames on it?" The Ice wizard asked in equation, only for Flame Princess to smile and playfully poke at her forehead. "Helloooo" She stated with a chuckle, as Ice king laughed he got the message quite clearly. "Oh yes, of course you're made of fire." As the boat soon approached the ship it slowly came to a stop as the tiny hull of the boat bumped into the side of the sinking ship. "Wow, what happened to this thing, it looks as if it was sawed in half." Ice King stated, as he looked up and down the vessel, only to see a couple of slash mark from a blade, including a drill hole in the bottom hull of the vesel. Flame Princess placed her put out hand on the vessel and shut her eyes for a second, them opened them. "He was here." She stated only for Ice King to look at her with a confused expression. "What?" Flame Princess looked over to Ice King, "Finn was here, this boat must have been engaged with him, and didn't stand a chance, but I've never seen a boat like this before, nothing in Ooo actually had this much armor, not even in my Kingdom did we develop such weaponry." Flame Princess said in complete amazement. "Maybe it was just a prototype?" Ice King stated in hopes of lightning the mood, much to no avail. "This is no Prototype Ice King, this ship looks to be well done, and well armored, who ever made this had plenty of time to construct it properly." Ice King did something once again. "Maybe the gorgeous Candy Princess created it." Flame Princess laughed at Ice King's theory and simply looked at the elderly wizard with a hand on her hip, "IK, there is no way on this glob green earth that Princess Bubblegum would create this, she doesn't have the technology nor the resources." Ice King was about to protest until Fire Princess interrupted him before he could even say a word. "Plus every vehicle and weapon that she makes is out of candy, this is not made out of candy not one bit of it." She finished off sending two hits onto the destroyed hull of the ship with her fists. "Besides there is no way that candy brain would be smart enough to create something like this anyway," Flame Princess couldn't help but add with a small laugh.

Ice King looked at her puzzled, "You sure about that? I mean she was able to defeat you back in your kingdom." Flame Princess gave Ice King a look of annoyance, then laughed it off sitting back down. "Oh please, the only reason she won was because she was hiding behind a fire suit, if she wasn't in that fire suit I would have melted her into goo, and she knows it, which is probably why she didn't compete with me when I was dating Finn the first time, because she knew I would destroy her if I found out." She stated with a smirk. Ice King sighed, but in a way he decided to just let it go, as he had to admit that with Flame Princess's explosive temper, even with her inventions and gadgets, Princess Bubblegum would never stand a chance against the young Fire Queen. "Okay, I got ya there." He stated with a smile as he began to row once again. "Now lets see if we can find out if Finn is close by, maybe he-" Just then Ice King's voice stopped as he looked out in shock. "What is it?" Flame Princess asked as she crawled to Ice King and waved her hand in front of his face. "Hello? Anybody Home?" She snaps her fingers to no avail. "What are you looking at?" She demanded only to turn and become shocked herself.

The boat had drifted farther away from the first sunken ship, revealing the debris and remains of the former fleet that had been previously bombarding Island of Taulia. The whole area around the Island were filled with smultering ship wrecks some were sunk completely, while others were still in the stages of sinking. Several destroyed turrets were also shown as the boat drifted passed the wreckage of the formal fleet. "Holly Mother of Ooo!" Ice King called out with complete shock. "This is. Unrealistic!" Flame Princess added in even more shock.

-Debris Field Around Tawolia Island-

As the Boat continued to drift farther into the debris field, the more concerned both the elderly wizard and young queen become. "Finn did all of this?" Flame Princess asked looking around. "He had to," Ice King said, before soon spotting something on a nearby wrecked destroyer and pointed it out quickly saying, "Look there are a few slash marks on the hull of that ship." Flame Princess was shocked, but her trance was soon interrupted when Ice King then spoke up again and said while pointing at another object floating around in the water, "And look that turret in the water looks as if it was slashed clean off. " Flame Princess looked and saw that a turret was drifting in the water slashed completely in two, before sliding off the upper portion and splashing into the water. "And look at that Ship!" Ice King then pointed out, as Flame Princess looked to see one more destroyed sinking ship that was blown in two with a giant hole in the hull that appeared to have cut through the whole ship to the point that it ended up on the other side of the vessel.

"Is Finn really that powerful?! How is this possible?!" Flame Princess stated in complete shock, she didn't know how to respond to this, she couldn't even believe it when Finn told her about the time he submerged the Kingdom of Agonath, or the way Ice King mentioned to her on how he plowed through a whole army in the Candy Kingdom, but the one thing that she really couldn't understand was the way of how Finn was able to successfully Invade her Kingdom and take on her whole army while she was at the Palace, apart of her were still enraged that he destroyed her Kingdom, but at this point, what really got to her is the fact on how her older brother Flint had waited until last minute to tell her about Finn's attack, she wondered if the outcome of her Kingdom's destruction would have been prevented, had Flint had instead of choosing to fight Finn with his army at Camp Ignition had instead just did what Salmora had said, and came to her, maybe she could have talked him out of it, but at this point she didn't know what to think.

While Flame princess was lost in her thoughts, Ice King was keeping his eye on the horizon in hopes of locating Finn, if he were still around the site, until all of a sudden, he spotted something partially sunken in the water, he gasped as he recognized the symbol, as flashbacks of the strange music propaganda video he saw back in the Raliorvo Ruins began to return to his mind. Flame Princess snapped out of her thoughts as she turned to Ice King in concern, she can tell by the look on his face that he was staring at something in both horror and shock.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked quite concerned, "I-I Recognize that Insignia," He stated pointing at the wreckage. Flame Princess at first looked confused as she looked at the elderly wizard? "I?" she turns to look at the direction that Ice King was pointing at and was able to spot the wreckage that he was pointing directly towards only to see that the insignia that Ice King was pointing out was half way or if not mostly under the water, she could hardly see it "I don't see anything," She stated looking back at him raising an eyebrow, only for him to point again and say this time with a bit more panic as if he wanted her to see that symbol as if she needed to. "There, where I am pointing, Look closer." He stated much to Flame Princess's confusion as she turns and looks again, this time placing a hand above her eyes in order to get a clearer view of the object. Upon looking much closer, Flame Princess was finally able to see what Ice King was pointing out, and sees the letter I Insignia, due to the wreckage of not being that deep, and the letter being quite clear to see despite the water rippling over it.

"An I?" Flame Princess said with confusion, while looking at Ice King who couldn't stop staring at it with horror in his face. "W-What's so scary about the letter I?" Flame Princess couldn't help but ask as she cocked an eyebrow. "1 Word kid," he replied in fear. "Insurrection." Flame Princess became even more confused, as she had no idea what the elderly wizard was talking about, she placed a hand on his shoulder and simply said. "Insurrection? what are you talking about?" Ice King, could not believe, that he had forgotten to mention about the propaganda video that he saw back in the Raliorvo Ruins, and was quick to turn to Flame Princess and simply pointed out this time with a look of both horror and determination. "Remember back at the ruins, when I told you I discovered something while you and Finn were out cold?" Flame princess looked at him and simply said, "Yes?" Ice King was quick to explain everything on what he saw back in the ruins, prior to returning to Finn and Flame Princess. "I saw back in the ruins this strange military movement, one who harnessed the power of Electricity, and how they were able to amass everyone not just Ooo, but every continent on Earth." He started off at first, but was talking through so much panic and speed, Flame Princess began to get confused. "Slow Down, your losing me," She stated in an attempt to try and calm the elderly Wizard down, which apparently wasn't doing anything to calm Ice King, as he started to become even worst and talk even faster then he did before. "They are mad, Nuts! All of them, They were able to Unite all against Finn and formed a Powerful Army!" Flame Princess grabbed both Ice King's shoulder's before slapping clear across the face. "Keep it together Grandpa, Now tell me, slowly What Army?" Flame Princess instructed, as Ice King slowly Answered. "Insurrection." Flame Princess looked back at the debris containing the I, before Ice King continued. "Now it all makes sense, this whole Armada, is the start of it, trust me, within a few more days they will be worst then just a few Electrofied beings running around, and it will get to the point that, no one not Even Finn will be able to stand against them."

Flame Princess at this point now started to get more worried for Finn's safety, but before she could say anything else the sound of a roar caught both of their attention, as both moved their gaze upon the Island of Tawolia. "What was that?" Ice King stated in confusion only for Flame Princess to look horrified. "We gotta get to the Island now, Move!" She cried grabbing another Ore as Ice King and Flame Princess pedalled faster and faster until finally there row boat beached itself, where not long after Flame Princess leaped out and ran down the pathway. "Hey Wait for me kid." Ice King called out as he struggled to get off of the boat only to fall face first into the sand with a flop. "Ouch! Why am I so clumsy at times, Even Gunther mocks me, when things like this happens." He stated with annoyance as he got back up and grabbed his crown placing it back on his head and running down the beach following Flame Princess's footsteps left in the sand.

-Tawolia Island-

As Flame Princess raced through the fiery Ruins of the Island, she stopped looking around, in a panic. "Finn! Finn!" She called looking left and right, but can't find anything, until she looked down at the ground and noticed a small puddle of liquid water on the ground, near the opposite beach. Running to it, she kneeled down and with her put out hand she gently placed a finger in it, then looked at it closely. "He was here." She then looks down the pathway that Finn had previously had taken after his battle with the Insurrection Armada around the Island. "Don't worry hun I'll find you," All of a sudden the sound of a tired old man comes up running behind her. "You know, I'd really appreciate the urge to fly again, is that too much to ask." he groaned, as Flame Princess just held her hand up in front of Ice King's face. "He's close I can feel him, come on!" She instructed grabbing Ice King's hand, and took off with the elderly Wizard yelling "Wha!"

As the group makes its way down Finn's path, Ice King is currently trying to talk or at least slow down Finn's worried and concerned girlfriend. "Look kid, I know you love your boyfriend, but this island is Insurrection territory, and we don't even have our powers, how are we going to-" JHe was then cut off by Flame Princess who simply said, "We will find a way, just keep moving!" Ice King sighed in annoyance as he realized Flame Princess was just flat out ignoring his warnings, which indeed was something that he was already use to, on the count of him having to kidnap princesses over the years, in order to marry them, and how they would often ignore everything he says, when he was actually able to succeed and capture one, but deep down, Ice King couldn't help but praise Flame Princess's bravery, despite being like Finn injured and torn apart, she was willing to put herself in danger in order to try and find the one she loves, which was no different then Finn before he went crazy.

As the two made their way through the burning village, they are soon stopped by the sudden formation of Electric entities, some armed with spears another group armed with strange weapons. "Oh great!" Ice King muttered with annoyance. Each one of them wore an I Insignia on their armor. "Out of my way freaks!" Flame Princess growled angrily. "You want us to move, just try and get through us fireless little girl!" one of the Insurrection soldiers challenged while the others laughed. Those words made Flame Princess's eyes glow red, sure she was young, but she hated being referred to as a child, it was really insulting and it was very annoying. "Okay then, lets go!" She growled as she grabbed Ice King who looked confused, then with a huge yank with all her strength she sent Ice King flying straight towards the group of soldiers with him screaming, knocking 5 of them down like a bowling ball receiving a strike after knocking down all the pins. "Yes!" Flame princess stated with confidence, as the other Electric soldiers soon fired what appeared to be guns that shot dangerous volts of Electricity, one grazed Flame Princess's left cheek just above the cut she got during her fight with Finn, but she was able to miss multiple others. Before long she broke a piece of flaming wood off one of the charred houses and tossed it towards the group, one of the soldiers dodged but the other was socked in the face causing him to accidentally shoot and destroy three of the other soldiers, who were just about to attack Ice King from behind as he got up. He soon looks behind and noticed all soldiers go down around him "Wow, that was lucky." He stated with relief. As Flame Princess battled what she can through the other Electric soldiers, most now with spears, she dodged multiple electric bolt attacks, before stopping one spear with her hands and shoved one of the soldiers into the other, but another Electric soldier came from behind and jabbed the spear directly into Flame Princess's shoulder, where it easily melted into her queens armor and came out the other side, as she screamed in agony, feeling the intense shockwaves going through her body.

"You are so Weak child, Go back to school." The soldier hissed as he insulted her, shoving the Spear out as she felt her shoulder. Angered, she attempted to attack the Electric soldier only for him to smack her to the ground. Ice King gasped, as his mind raced. "I gotta do something, but what?!" He stated looking around, until an idea came across him. He was able to see an electrified gun on the ground, but he cringed knowing it was going to hurt once he picked it up, but he had only one shot to do this, otherwise Flame Princess was dead.

As Ice King ran over to grab the Electrified gun, as Flame Princess struggled to maintain her strength, but she is soon yanked up by her put out hair as she yelled. "Let go of Me!" She screamed, as the Electrofied soldier simply said. "My pleasure," He started off before tossing her hard toward a structure, "Brat!" He concluded before sending her screaming and crashing through a wooden structure as it collapsed on top of her, with the soldier laughing, as the wounded fire queen climbed out of the ruble, glaring menace at him. "Having fun yet?" the soldier insulted, as the fire queen charged him again, this time grabbing a metal rod that was sticking out of the ground at fast speed. And swung hard screaming like an angry banshee, it was blocked, as the soldier laughed it off, until all of a sudden ZAP! The soldier screams in agony, as he falls to his knees. Flame Princess is confused at first until the put out fire girl looked up and noticed Ice King had shot him from behind. Smiling at him Ice King soon smiled back only to realize that his hands are on fire, and he quickly lets go of the gun. "Ouch Ouch Ouch, who ever knew that those Electric guns were that powerful and painful," He stated grunting in pain as he looked down at the charred wounds on his blue hands. "i'm going to feel that for the next 2 years!" Flame As the Electric soldier grunted in pain, Flame Princess grabbed a betal pike that was coming out of the ground and approached him, anger and vengeance in her eyes. "Go ahead, ya brat! Do it!" The soldier laughed while in pain. "Even if you destroy me, You will never save your Boyfriend." He insulted her, as her grip on the pike grew tighter, as Ice King approached the 2 standing by Flame Princess's side. "You hush! You know nothing about Finn." the young Queen barked loudly, only to receive an even bigger laugh from the soldier. "Oh I know a lot more than him then you even think, As a matter of fact I've known him before you were born child!" He claimed while smirking at her.

Angered the young queen grabbed his neck hard, with the pike in the other hand, and with her strength was able to force the wounded electrofied soldier toward her face, her eyes red with fury. "You're a Liar!" She growled her grip tightening on the soldiers neck, causing him to cringe in pain, but despite this he fights through it and takes one look into her red eyes and laughs, saying. "Oh you thought he was 16, He never was sweet heart, you'll find out, once my people has him destroyed, just like how we had your mother eliminated!" He quarked as Flame Princess became horrified, not by the fact of Finn could be older, that was one part of it, but the strongest part was when she learned about her mother. "What do you know about this kids mother?" Ice King demanded, actually quite concerned and demanding himself.

"What do I know, ha" The Electrofied soldier laughed, "I know much about the Fire Kingdom's founding, and the Past of Fire Queen." He stated with a smug look on his face, as Flame Princess was still shocked.

-16 Years ago-

16 Years ago, Flame Princess's mother was shown in the Fire Kingdom looking out at the kingdom with a smile on her face, her queens armor Black and orange, and her flaming fiery hair down to her waste."Your mother used to run the Fire kingdom, before your father took over." Fire Queen is shocked to see Fire King running the Fire Kingdom's military, as he ends up leading a raid against innocent fire beings. "She was always a goodie goodie too shoes, and always prevented your father from having the real fun." Fire Queen battles Fire King's soldiers and with a large long Fire bladed metal sword. "This resulted in your kingdom ending up in civil war." The FIre Kingdom is shown in ruins, as the armies of both Fire Queen and Fire King clashed against one another. "Your Father actually had the losing edge and was cornered at the Fire Palace, until he counter attacked through the use of my Species." Fire King is shown under siege, but is seen talking to an Electrical warlord, until all of a sudden one of his flame soldiers soon broke inside with word from the front that his forces are getting overrun at the palace gates. "We really surprised your mother." As Fire Queen is shown marching with her army toward the palace, Flashes of light soon to spark in and around the palace, which literally almost blinded the FIre Queen along with her whole army, where not long before Fire King and his army along with support from Electrogians soon surprised Flame Queen and slaughtered her men, Flame Queen who was injured, was able to sneak away out of the field.

"We slaughtered your mothers army, and your father resumed his rightful place on the throne, but your mother was still at large." As Flame King's resumes his reign amongst the Fire Kingdom, Flame Queen is shown conducting multiple sabotage attempts against the Fire Kingdom in order to hurt Flame King both physically and politically. However after conducting all of these raids she is then seen entering a cave where the sound of a baby is crying where her lit body walks over to a rock with a warm smile on her face. "Your mother loved you dearly, and was always a coward hiding you, instead of preparing you like your father wanted." Flame Queen is shown holding her daughter and kissing her on the forehead, as a young baby Flame Princess is shown smiling and happily holding her mother's cheeks. "Oh you are so cute my little Fiery Phoebe." Flame Queen said warmly as she sat down on the rock and cradled her. "She like all cowards before her was to be eliminated, because of her aggression toward the fire state, She had no idea, that I followed her." Unknown to Flame Queen, was that while she was holding her daughter, the very same Electrofied soldier that Flame Princess and Ice King would hold hostage 16 years later was watching the whole thing, before smirking and giving the signal.

Before she knew it, Flame Queen gasped as electrofied soldiers appeared into the cave, with Flame King standing behind them with a smirk and arms across his chest. "Found ya." He winced. "Fire King don't do this, our daughter doesn't deserve this, she deserves to rule the Kingdom in peace not under a dictatorship!" Fire Queen barked angrily. "Oh she will run this Kingdom. and the world before it. Eliminate her." The Fire Dictator ordered as the electrical guards charged the queen.

Quickly placing in a safe area, Flame Queen summoned her long sword and began to fight hard against the Electrogian forces as Ice King watched in amusement. "Your mother fought hard, and was able to defeat some of my men, but little did she know is that her guard was down." As she fought more and more Electrogians she was able to defeat a large amount as she growled angrily at Flame King who smirked at her, where unknown to the fire Queen there was another soldier coming up from behind her. "Its over Fire King, I'm going to do what I should have done 30 years ago, I'm ending this once and for all." the Fire Queen cried out as she charged the Fire Lord who didn't even move or change his expression, dodged out of the way slashing at her back with her fire whip, Baby Phoebe watched in horror as she cried loudly. Unphased, Flame King and Queen duel it out, as the electrofied soldier waits for the perfect opportunity to strike.

After a few minutes of watching the duel, her guard was down, as the Electrofied soldier smirked as Fire King slashed Flame Queen in the cheek, but she still didn't give up and continued to fight. "And while she chose to continue to show off her weak attacks I eliminated her!" Within moments the Electric soldier that was behind Flame Queen then tossed the electric spear like a Harpoon at Flame Queen where it punctured through her chest, causing her to scream in agony. Flame King smirks and looks at her directly into her eyes and with a tone of cruelty, he said. "You Lose." As the Fire Queen gasped to get some air, Flame King smirked as he looked at a nearby Geyser that was behind her. "I must say, It's a pity, you and I would have ran this Kingdom well had it not have been for your treachery, but let's think what were you going to say when you thought you could defeat me?" Fire King stated with a big smirk on his face. "I'd love to see you fall, well now I get to say that to you. Fionia Flame of the Fire Kingdom I'd love to see you fall." Within moments Fire Queen had a look of horror. as Flame King just tapped her forehead, and she went falling into the Geyser screaming, landing on a hard rock, where not long after the whole area was starting to rattle out of control, she weakenly crawls herself toward the edge of the rock only to gasp in horror as Water was rapidly coming up toward her. With no way to escape, Flame Queen could do nothing but Scream in Horror as the Water consumed her and killed her burning her out, As a large cloud of Steam and water shot out through the Geyser, filling the cave with Steam, as Flame King and the Electrogians were shown holding Baby Flame Princess in their grasp. The look of Horror on baby Flame Princess's face is severe.

-Back to Present-

Back 16 years later in the Present Flame Princess was completely horrified, and Ice King had his jaw to the ground. "That's right, you will never be your mother you brat, You can act all good and tough all you want, Your mother wanted you to be that way, and look what happened, She would have got you that way, I killed her, right in front of you" And with that the ELectrogian soldier laughed hard, as Flame Princess's fists gripped the Pike and her fist balled up, her eyes turning Red. Within moments there was silence with the sound of a Pike being jammed into the Soldier, with Ice King screaming "Flame Princess No!" It was too late, Flame Princess had jabbed the spear into the Electrogians chest, and grabbed his neck dragging him. That was for my Mother and for me, and this Is for Finn" She growled as she tossed the Electrified soldier into a nearby pond where he screamed in agony .

Ice King was horrified, as he stared at the wounded Fire Princess as she storms passed toward him and says "Come on!" without even looking at him. Ice King looked back at the Electrofied soldiers as his screams of pain and agony echoed throughout the Island, until finally at least he sunk into the pond, and exploded leaving nothing left of him but his armor, which by now had just shorted out and turned to chard dust.

Ice King couldn't believe this, this was the first time Flame Princess actually killed someone out of anger and malice. This had fear spread amongst the Elderly Wizard, if Flame Princess continued down this route, she would end up like Finn. his thoughts were soon interrupted by the scream of the Impatient Flame Queen. "Come On Old man Lets go!" Not wanting to anger her any further, Ice King was quick to race and catch up with the fire teen as the 2 made their way toward Mount Coralious, which by now was completely covered in flames.