Last time on Total Drama All-Stars: Our teams had their first challenge to determine living arrangements. It was Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty, diving into shark-infested waters in search of the one key that would unlock the door to the all-new McLean Spa Hotel, for the winning team only. Thanks to Sammy and Courtney, they were able to get their beautiful team into a much more beautiful Spa Hotel. And while Heather may not hold that key, she did hold the key to the updated cabin for the Brainy Buzzards. As for the Brawns, well, now they're cramped in a tent meant for half as many people on their team. Tonight, we face our first elimination. Will the Beautiful Butterflies prove that they just had beginners luck as another team takes the prize? And long will I be able to keep myself from purposefully hurting these campers without consequence? Find out right now on Total… Drama… All-Stars!

The Spa Hotel had just been settled in by its new residents, and sleeping arrangements were about to me made. There were four rooms on the top floor with two queen sized beds each. Each room also came with a balcony, a full bath with a jacuzzi and shower stall, a walk-in closet, and a phone for room service from the hotel staff, along with other hotel amenities. The only question now, who shall be sharing a room with whom? The seven Beautiful Butterflies, eight including the robot, were sitting in the lobby as Courtney mapped the arrangements out while doing her best to keep her composure.

"I think it's obvious that I'm not sleeping anywhere near that inferiority," Amy argued. "Not like I wanted to sleep near you, sis," Sammy snapped back. Courtney cleared her throat in an attempt to keep the twins from bickering. "As I was saying… Topher and Justin, since you two are the only boys, you two will share a room. Lindsay, Dakota… you two decide which twin you'll take as a roommate," Courtney instructed as Lindsay raised her hand. "Yes?" Courtney asked. "So… why are you the only one who has a room all to yourself?" Lindsay asked. "I won't. I'll be sharing one with the robot," Courtney answered. "Yeah, because it's the only member of our team willing to listen to you," Justin shot as the rest of the team, save for Sammy, began to laugh. The robot just beeped.

Courtney: Ugh! Will it kill for anyone to show me at least SOME respect?! Not only was I a CIT, I currently have an internship with a prestigious law firm! I'm the only one on my team with a guaranteed future! The least they could do is not trash talk me!

Outside, the Brawny Buffaloes were living the bad life. The tent was so cramped that the contestants were practically sitting on top of each other. "Man, this is a lot more uncomfortable than the time Harold filled my mattress with rocks back in season two," Duncan complained. Scott scoffed and further complained, "I hope we lose the next challenge. At least we'd get a little more room is this damn tent." He immediately regretted saying that as Jo glared at him. "If you throw the next challenge, you're going to get it!" she threatened.

"Hey, it could be worse. This tent would be a lot more cramped if Jasmine and Shawn didn't decide to sleep on that tree outside," Tyler pointed out as the two were sleeping rather comfortably on the outside tree. "You know what, I'm gonna try it their way. LeShawna needs room to rest," the female spoke. "Heck, this tent is too small to fit just you anyway," Scott joked, earning a kick in the gut as the large female stormed, rather, crawled out and set up her camp at the tree's base. And with five people in the tent instead of eight, it still felt crowded, though even less so now. "So… anyone else wanna leave to make this place a little emptier?" Duncan asked. The silence he received in response gave him his answer.

Scott: If LeShawna plans on sleeping on a tree branch, hopefully it won't be able to support her weight. [eyes dart back and forth] Don't tell her I said that.

Elsewhere, the guys and girls of the Brainiac Buzzards were settled in their cabin, which was surprisingly larger than the two traditional Wawanakwa cabins put together. In the middle of both rooms was a common area to privately discuss strategy, or hang out in case someone else wanted to sleep in peace. Thankfully, much to Heather's pleasure, the rickety bunkbeds have been replaced with sturdier, more comfortable full-sized beds with plenty of headroom, two by each of the windows with the other two along the perpendicular wall. She of course took the bed by the window with the view of the ocean. Now if only the rest of the girls will let her sleep.

Gwen was drawing in her sketch pad while letting her music play on the radio, Izzy was hopping around like a hyperactive bunny rabbit on steroids, and Dawn was chatting along with her animal friends. Heather gave a low growl as she covered her head with her pillow in hopes of drowning out all the noise to no avail. When she felt Izzy landing on her back, she finally had enough. "Will you yappy freaks keep it down already?! I'm trying to sleep! And get off my back, Izzy!" she shouted. Izzy just barked as she hopped over to her own bed, then to Gwen's and then to Dawn's.

"You speak deer too?!" Izzy asked. "Why yes. I can communicate with just about all of these lovely creatures," Dawn answered. Izzy in response got down on her knees. "Marry me?" she asked, to which Dawn just blinked. Izzy chuckled afterwards, stating, "Joking! Marriage is just a conspiracy by the government." Yeah, proof that Izzy is still as crazy as ever, not that she cared. She was very proud of the fact.

Meanwhile, on the boys' side of the cabin, things were going rather well. After unpacking, all four of them were playing poker. Max gave a smug grin and placed down his cards. All five were cards of diamonds. "Read em and weep, losers. A flush. Beat that," he said. B and Harold put down their cards and they were worth nothing. Feeling very confident now, Max looked at Cody. "Evil always wins. What are you waiting for, Cody? Put down your cards already." Cody gave Max a grin of his own and put down his cards as he said. Max gasped and widened his eyes as he saw Cody's cards. Cody got the hardest and best hand possible in the game: a royal flush.

"What?! Not possible!" Max shouted in dismay. B and Harold were also shocked. "Whoa. The probability of getting a royal flush without cheating are one in 649,740," Harold pointed out. Cody emptied his pockets, revealing some spare change, his EpiPen, but no extra playing cards. B silently applauded Cody while Max pouted.

Max: You may win this time, Cody, but mark my words. I'll defeat you so hard next time, you'll cry. Evil always prevails. [and cue maniacal laughter]

The next morning came and breakfast was being served. The Mess Hall was filled only with the Brainiacs, perfect for talking strategy. Gwen took part of her breakfast to the tent sitting next to the cabin, looking for her boyfriend. She was puzzled at two of his teammates sleeping in a tree, but then spotted him sleeping at the base of said tree. Sitting down next to him, she nudged him in the side, waking him up, because she wasn't sure if the pancakes would've done it.

Sammy walked onto the Spa Hotel balcony and noticed Courtney was eavesdropping on Gwen and Duncan yet again. She walked up to Courtney and said, "You really shouldn't spy on them every time they're together. It's not good for you." Courtney took her eyes off Gwen and Duncan for a moment and answered, "Easy for you to say. Those two could be scheming at this very moment to get me kicked off."

"I really hope you aren't scheming yourself to break them up with lies and trickery. That would be stooping to Heather's level," Sammy said with concern. "I'm not like Heather. My strategies in my past seasons didn't involve lies and trickery," Courtney reminded Sammy. "Besides, those two backstabbers deserve each other. I wouldn't want to tear them apart, otherwise they'd hurt other people." Sammy blinked. "That's… oddly nice of you," she stated. "Come on, breakfast is ready." Sammy then took Courtney by the arm and led her downstairs.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Duncan were fully aware of Courtney spying on them again. "Does that girl have anything better to do?" Duncan asked. Gwen shrugged and answered, "Well, you know Courtney. She's not a woman who can easily let go of a grudge against people who have wronged her." Duncan just blinked. "You're saying that as if you did something wrong," he stated. Gwen was about to retort when the familiar reverie sounded. "Campers, meet me on the beach for your first elimination challenge!"

When the contestants made it to the beach, they noticed three colored platforms. The Brainiac Buzzards climbed up the orange platform, the Brawny Buffalos up the green one, and the Beautiful Butterflies up the purple one. Courtney and Sammy struggled to lift the robot to the top of the platform, but they managed to place it on the platform with them. Courtney glared at her teammates and said, "Can't you five lazy bums help me and Sammy move this robot just once. It weighs a ton." Before anyone on her team could answer, Chris started telling the rules of the challenge.

"Bonjour, mes campers. Some of you will recall our season three Parisian Find and Build a Sculpture debacle. Well, this time our interns have buried 3-D puzzle pieces all over the beach. Eight pieces per team. Find all your pieces and assemble them on your platform to recreate one of the landmarks visited on our World Tour. First to finish, wins a prize and is safe from elimination. Second gets no prize, but is also safe from elimination. I'm sure you already know what happens to the third place team."

Courtney: Terrific. Since the robot likely can't search or dig for a puzzle piece, my team is practically at a numbers disadvantage. Judging by the laziness of most of my other teammates, chances are that Sammy and I are on our own to find the eighth piece.

Lindsay: I really don't like hearing the word "Paris" or any mention of that place. Not only was I arrested there for smudging the "Mary Linda" at the Louvre. I also got eliminated in my last season there.

"I'll give you ten minutes to deliberate before the challenge starts," Chris informed, allowing all three teams to huddle. "Might I suggest dividing our section of the beach into eight quadrants and we each take one to search for a piece?" Dawn asked. Heather just rolled her eyes and answered, "No. That sounds dumb. I suggest we each search eight different areas of the beach to find our pieces." The entire team just blinked. Didn't she just say Dawn's idea with different words? "I like Dawn's idea," said Cody. B nodded in response along with a chorus of agreement from the rest of the team. "Fine… we'll go with Dawn's plan…" Heather begrudgingly decided.

"Then what?" Gwen asked. "Then we shall annihilate the competition and and take over the world!" Max answered, laughing maniacally. Izzy, of course joined him. "So we all come together to build afterwards?" Harold questioned, clearly ignoring his two crazy teammates. This immediately met with him being hit in the head with Izzy's backhand. "Shush! Listen to the evil overlord," she scolded.

Max: Hmm… That Izzy character intrigues me… Hello new sidekick!

"How about two of us stay on the platform and arrange the statue as the rest of us deliver the pieces?" Jasmine suggested. "Yep. Totally on board with that plan," Shawn quickly quipped. "You're just agreeing because she's your girlfriend, aren't you?" asked Tyler. "Just because you do it with Lindsay, doesn't mean I don't actually think my girlfriend has good ideas," Shawn said, and already causing friction within the team.

"I like Jasmine's idea, but that was kinda low," admitted Brick. "Hey! It's not Tyler's fault that he's dating the dullest crayon in the pack," Jo followed, causing Tyler to get upset. "Excuse me! S-Sure, you're right, but Lindsay's smarter than you give her credit for!" he snapped. "Knock it off, will you?!" LeShawna snapped, causing her teammates to quickly end their quarrel. Now was not the time to comment on Tyler's choice in women.

Tyler: Admittedly, Lindsay is far from the smartest person in the world, but unlike Shawn, she's smart enough to know that there are no such thing as zombies. How does Jasmine put up with Shawn's constant mention of his idiotic fear?

Jo: How does that clumsy jock put up with Lindsay's stupidity? She can't even remember the shortest and simplest of names.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Dakota. "We need diggers, runners, and builders. Now, this is going to require everyone's contribution, and I do mean EVERYONE," Courtney instructed. "I volunteer to do none of that," offered Justin. "Oh! I'm good at running! Can I do it?" Lindsay asked. "Sure, you can deliver pieces to our builders on the platform. Anyone else before I start assigning jobs?" Courtney asked. "I'll build," offered Topher. "Can I join him? I don't want sand in my nails," Dakota volunteered. Rolling her eyes at Dakota's vanity, Courtney answered, "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

Justin raised his hand. "That's a good idea. I'll build too. The less sand in my beautiful nails, the better," he said. Courtney shook her head and answered, "Oh, no, you're not. Two builders is enough and Topher and Dakota already called those two positions. So, you're either running or digging whether you like it or not." Topher and Dakota gave smug grins to Justin, who stomped his foot in frustration. "Fine. I'll run," he said. "I'll run too," Amy suggested, leaving Courtney and Sammy as the diggers and the robot doing… nothing. Of course no one else wants to do the hard work.

Courtney leaned towards Sammy. "We'd be able to cover more ground faster if we had one more digger," she whispered. "Don't worry. I can talk one of our runners into helping us dig," Sammy said before turning to her sister. "Hey, Amy. Why sit back and watch me and Courtney do all the hard work when you can prove yourself as the better twin by digging up more pieces than me?" Amy just gasped, fuming. How dare her younger, more inferior sister try to use reverse psychology on her! If she denied, Sammy could take credit for winning again. If she agreed, she'd actually have to, you know, work! "Fine… I'll dig." Courtney smiled.

The sound of a whistle meant deliberating had come to an end, and Chris was tired of stalling. "On your marks, get set, START DIGGING!" And the race was on. Everyone who was tasked to dig and search for pieces began to do so, covering the entire beach. Of course, Chris being Chris, he neglected to mention one tiny little thing, and Jo was the first to encounter that little thing, being met with a crab to the face. Upon noticing, Chris laughed, turning to the camera, he confessed, "I left some booby traps along the beach."

Amy started digging quickly, desperate to be the first one to find a piece. She actually felt something in one of her hands and quickly pulled the object out of the ground. "Ha! In your face, Sparemy. I found a piece before you," she gloated. Sammy and Courtney looked at each other before snickering. "What the hell is so funny?" Amy asked. She got her answer when she looked at what she dug out of the ground and saw that it was just an empty plastic bottle rather than a puzzle piece.

Amy growled before she tossed the bottle behind her. It wasn't long before she heard someone say, "Ahem." Amy looked behind her and saw Dawn holding the plastic bottle and glaring at her. "What do you want, Nature Freak? And what are you doing on my team's area on the beach?" Amy asked, returning a glare. Dawn shook her head and answered, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Whenever you find a littered object, you're supposed to dispose of it the right way, not litter it again. Do you have any idea how bad litter is for the environment? You and I are going to have a long talk about recycling and the evil of littering later." Dawn walked back to her team's area of the beach.

As she watched Dawn leave, she heard Courtney and Sammy say at the exact same time, "Ohh, burn." Amy pounded a fist on the sand, which triggered one of the booby traps, causing a pie to be flung in her face. It wouldn't be too bad if the pie crust wasn't caked with sand. Courtney and Sammy, along with their teammates started to laugh at her. "Perhaps that pie in the face will make you more sweet," Sammy joked as she continued to laugh.

Amy: [wiping her face with a rag] You'll get yours, Samey. You, your CIT friend, and the Nature Freak all will.

Courtney: Seeing Amy get a sand pie in the face was funny, but I probably literally would have died from laughter if I saw Duncan suffer that fate.

It wouldn't be about an hour into the challenge when someone finally found the first piece to their sculpture. "YES!" Heather cried as she raced to her team's platform, holding a grey piece. Not too long after, B and Dawn also found pieces and joined Heather to place their statuette together. Soon enough, Jasmine and LeShawna both found black colored pieces and rushed to give them to Shawn and Brick, who quickly began to piece it together, or at least attempt to do so if they fit.

As Jo continued to dig, she activated another of the booby traps. A decomposing arm shot out of the sand, surprising Jo. Shawn saw this from the top of the podium and instantly became terrified. "Oh, my god! A zombie!" he shouted in terror before starting to scream and run around in circles. While some of the cast were looking in amusement at Shawn making a fool of himself, others were getting annoyed. Jo took the decomposed arm out of the sand and threw it at Shawn, hitting him in the head. "Will you shut up already?! It's just a Halloween prop!"

After Shawn had calmed down and the Brawny Buffalos resumed the challenge, LeShawna turned to Jasmine and asked, "Have you ever even tried to convince that white boy that zombies don't exist?" Jasmine sighed and answered, "Yes, but nothing I did changed anything. He's still traumatized by a prank his cousins pulled on him as a child. One night, they dressed as zombies and snuck into Shawn's room while he was asleep. They made zombie sounds, which woke him up and just one sight of his cousins' zombie disguises was enough to scare the crap out of him and start a lifelong paranoia about the undead." LeShawna seethed at Jasmine's story while Tyler just rolled his eyes.

LeShawna: And I thought Duncan's pranks on Harold were bad. Those pranks are mild compared to what Shawn's cousins did to him.

Tyler: THIS was the guy who was in the Final Two last season? He's so… how do I say this? Crazy as a loon. No wait, scratch that. He's a thousand times crazier than a loon.

Max went over to the border between his team's and the Brawny Buffalos' sections of the beach and decided to pull one of his evil schemes. When no one was looking, he searched for one of the Buffalos' puzzle pieces and, much to his luck, found one quickly. He started digging a hole in his team's section to hide the stolen puzzle piece when Izzy popped up from the sand like a gopher. "Hey, whatcha doing there, Max?" Izzy asked. "Well, new sidekick, I'm burying one of our opponents' puzzle pieces on our side of the beach to make it impossible for them to finish their puzzle," Max answered with an evil grin. "Wow, sinister and mischievous. Just like me," Izzy said with a giggle.

As Max walked away to find another spot to dig for one of his team's pieces, he stepped on a booby trap. A trap door opened up behind him and a swarm of angry bees flew out and started to attack Max. "Bees! BEES!" Max screamed as he started to run with the bees in hot pursuit. While his teammates felt sympathetic for the self-proclaimed villain, they didn't interfere in fear of getting attacked themselves and decided to just continue looking for pieces.

As Harold watched the scene, he decided to point out another one of his fun facts to B since he was next to him. "Funny thing about bee stings is that some people actually believe the venom from the stings can help cure multiple sclerosis. While it's not conclusively proven that bee venom therapy works, some multiple sclerosis patients who went through the practice claims that the bee venom worked like a charm," Harold pointed out. While B didn't really care, he decided to be polite and let Harold continue talking.

The Brawny Buffaloes were getting desperate as they had the least amount of pieces found thus far. They frantically continued looking for any pieces they could find, unaware that there were only seven in their area. Max, who was covered in bee stings, snickered as he watched the team struggle. "My best evil scheme yet," he proudly mumbled to himself.

Eventually, two more pieces have been found, each by the twins. "Hey! Found one before you, Samey!" Amy bragged, waving her piece in the air before Justin grabbed the white statue piece and ran to his team's platform. "Does it really matter?" Sammy asked as she gave her piece to Lindsay. Both ran to Dakota and Topher who began piecing the statue together… all while the robot just watched.

Robot: [series of beeps and boops which translate into, "Curse this metal shell! I can't do anything in this thing! Curse you, Chris!"]

As time went on, more pieces were found, and soon the Brainiac Buzzards have all eight of their pieces. "YES! EAT SAND, LOSERS!" Heather taunted, causing the other teams to start using drastic measures to get their pieces to their teammates as the Brains began putting their statuette together. Some of them even resorted to outright throwing their pieces to them, hitting them in the head if not having them fail to catch it altogether.

One such piece on the Brawn's team found its way heading towards the platform of the Beauty team, crashing into the metal torso of the robot. The robot in turn fell off of the platform, thankfully landing perfectly on its wheels. Due to the sand on the ground, it thankfully didn't roll away on its own.

However, Amy saw it on the ground and got an idea: they only had one more piece to find, so maybe she can send the robot out there to activate any more booby traps that might be hiding, that way she didn't have to suffer for it… again. She took the robot and pushed it with all of her might towards the ocean, letting it roll and beep in a panic.


Everyone looked up a saw a humanoid figure flying up into the air. Everyone squinted their eyes until they finally identified the shaggy and bearded figure. It was season three's "slippery eel" antagonist, Alejandro Burromuerto. The contestants were surprised, but not as much as Heather who yelled, "You have got to be kidding me!" Alejandro seemed to ignore the fact that he was falling from over a hundred feet and happily screamed, "FREEDOM!" as he continued to fall.

Alejandro: Last thing I remember I was burnt to a crisp by the volcano back in the season three finale and Chris sealed me up in that robot suit to [air quote] "heal." It feels so good to be free after all this time. I'm not sure whether to be mad at Amy for using me to trigger that booby trap or if I should be grateful for her since she inadvertently freed me from that robot.

Alejandro finally hit the ground, feet first, and the contestants continued to look in shock. Lindsay was the first one to speak up. "Jalapeno? Is that really you?" she asked. "No, Lindsay. It's the King of England," Amy said sarcastically before yelling, "Of course it's Alejandro, you dimwitted loon!" As soon as he said that, however, he fell over.

Alejandro: I was trapped in that suit for who knows how long! So long, in fact, that my legs have gone numb. [tries shaking his right leg] Wakey-wakey… nothing.

Fortunately, Alejandro was able to handstand his way back over to his team. Is there a thing he can't do? Courtney and Sammy helped him up to their team's platform so that he can help Dakota and Topher build. There's still the matter of that last piece though. But that wouldn't matter as the Brainiac Buzzards have already finished assembling their statuette of Liberty. All eight members cheered as it became apparent that they won.

Heather: Alejandro's back. So what? My team still won regardless. It's not like I was distract―WE! We weren't distracted by his sudden return… and his sculpted abs, and his… off voice.

The other two teams stopped in disappointment, knowing that they have lost. All of them, however, snapped out of it when Chris blew his air horn. "Hello! Second place is still available…! Move it!" And with that, the contestants were back in gear, each still searching for that last piece. When dusk was almost upon them, finally someone found the last piece that they needed. "YES!" Amy cheered as she held the last white statuette piece. "Damn, damn, damn, damn, DAMN!" shouted Shawn as his team nearly dug their entire section of the beach up desperately searching for that last piece. Alas, all hope was lost when the Beautiful Butterflies completed their statuette of the Eiffel Tower. All that was missing from the Sphinx of the Brawny Buffalos was the nose. No. The entire head.

"And the Beautiful Butterflies secure second place. Woo-hoo…" Chris announced unenthused as that respective team cheered. "Brawny Buffalos…what happened?" The mostly-brawn team collapsed from exhaustion. They were not in the mood to admit last place… again. "Well, as for the Brainiacs, sure, you didn't win the Spa Hotel last time, but how about a trip to New York for a night on the town?!" And with that, the Buzzards cheered. "Trust me, there's something in it for all of you. Now, go before I die of being too nice!" Chris shouted as he truly believed that being this nice would kill him. He overdramatically collapsed and pretended not to be able to breathe as all just stared at this sad, pathetic man.

Duncan: I'm sorry, but McLean's gotta be the absolute saddest man on Earth right now. [chuckles] And I find it hilarious!

Max: Success! [maniacal laughter, then pauses as he hears someone laughing with him]
Izzy: [sitting on Max's shoulders] Muahahahahaha! … What?

After the challenge, Dawn kept her promise to talk about the goodness of recycling and the evil of littering to Amy. Much to Amy's dismay, Dawn did not confront her alone. A bunch of animals had followed Dawn and were glaring at Amy too. Under threat by a few skunks of being sprayed with their rancid chemicals if she tried to run, Amy had no choice but to listen to Dawn and try to hold her temper.

"So, Amy, what did we learn today?" Dawn asked. Amy groaned and answered, "That littering is bad for the environment and if I want my children's children to live in it, I should be more cautious." Dawn pleasantly smiled. "Very good… I see your aura's already this lovely green… though it could just be from the jealousy you have of your sister," Dawn theorized, causing Amy to get defensive. "Why would I be jealous of my sister? She's inferior to me!"

Meanwhile, Sammy and Jasmine were watching all that with an amused look on their faces. "I'm just glad you're able to hold out. Nice trick with the shirt, by the way," Jasmine complimented. "Thanks… sorry for the loss though," Sammy apologized. "Who do you think's going home?" Jasmine sighed. "I don't know, really. None of us screwed up badly enough in the challenge to be completely responsible for our loss. Thus, it's a tough call." she answered. "Though I'm worried about Shawn though… he and Tyler kinda had a spat."

"I regret to remind you that his conflict with Tyler is a very mild problem for Shawn's chances of staying in the game long compared to the fact that he made it to the finale last season. That fact alone can convince everyone that he's the biggest threat and must be voted off ASAP," Sammy reminded Jasmine, causing the latter to sigh. "B-bu-but who knows? Maybe he'll be safe…?" Sammy suggested in an attempt to cheer up her best friend.

Jasmine: Oh crap, she's right. But then again, not a single past finalist in the previous seasons has gotten last place in the next season they competed in. [sigh] Let's just hope history repeats itself.

Sammy: Me and my big mouth.

Soon enough the Brawny Buffalos were making their way to the new and improved Bonfire center. Instead of short stumps, there were logs arranged in a semicircle, with enough room to fit all twenty-four contestants. In between each log was a tall torch with small fires on top of each, brightening up the location even further on this dark night. Also added was a proper podium with Chris' shameless grin plastered on the front. Out of all of the changes, this was one Chris liked the most and the contestants liked the least. For one of them, however, this will be their only time seeing it.

"Welcome, Brawny Buffalos, to your first elimination ceremony," Chris introduced. "Since you've all been here before, I need not explain the rules to you. However, I will have to explain rules for the team good enough to not be in your shoes tonight, but not good enough for first place." He then gestured to the bleachers behind the losing team. Sitting in there were the entirety of the Beautiful Butterflies team, Alejandro included. "Yeah, Chris. Why are we here?" Dakota asked.

"Well, two things. One, the second place team gets to watch someone from last place give someone the boot before going back to their quarters," Chris explained, causing a few members of both present teams to roll their eyes. "And two, I kinda neglected to mention the, let's call it 'special reward' for the team who did good enough to avoid elimination, but not good enough to win the prize. I'm going to need one of you to volunteer to claim this prize." At that, Amy immediately stepped up and walked over to Chris.

"That should definitely be me then. I was the one who rescued Al from the robot suit and I was the one who got us our last piece," Amy bragged. Sammy immediately got up to rebut, but Chris promptly cut her off before she had the chance. "Very well, Amy. Your reward is a night in exile on Boney Island!" Chris announced, causing Amy to stammer before she could come up with a coherent response, "Wait… what?! How is that a reward?" Chris didn't answer, and instead allowed Chef Hatchet to carry her off to the Boat of Losers, waiting at the end of the Dock of Shame for old time sakes. "You'll see!" Chris shouted back at her before turning to the last place team.

"Now then, all eight of you have cast your votes, and I have seven marshmallows on my plate. You know the drill: if you don't receive a marshmallow, you are eliminated from the game," Chris explained. "When I call your name, collect your marshmallow. First, with zero votes, Duncan." Duncan immediately claimed his marshmallow before going back to his seat, smirking at his ex in the Peanut Gallery as he did so. "LeShawna and Brick, you two also have no votes." And with that, the two of them collected their marshmallows, leaving Jasmine, Jo, Scott, Shawn, and Tyler remaining on the chopping block.

"The following only have one vote each. Scott, Jo, and… Jasmine." Jasmine claimed her marshmallow, but then looked back at Shawn, as he was in the bottom two with Tyler. "Shawn, Tyler, this is the final marshmallow of the night. By one vote, the last contestant safe is…" Chris began, then went on with the dramatic pause that he loves to abuse so much. Can you blame him, though? The underscore that goes along with it is his ringtone. Soon enough, he had to get on with the program and give the last marshmallow away. "… Tyler."

Tyler sighed in relief, collecting the last marshmallow, leaving Shawn in a state of shock. "Wait, what?!" Chris just shrugged. "Them's the breaks, zombie boy," he answered. Shawn turned to his teammates and asked, "Why me? I'm not a useless competitor. I won last season." Duncan rolled his eyes and answered, "You just answered your own question, dude. Winners are the biggest threats and have to be gotten rid of quickly. So, see ya."

"No. This can't be happening," Jasmine said in dismay as she walked over to her eliminated boyfriend. Shawn gave his girlfriend a hug and said, "You've got to be strong for both of us. You can win this. I know you can." Jasmine smiled at that until she saw Shawn look at Chris with a nervous face. "So, Chris, how do the eliminated contestants leave the game this time?" Shawn asked. With a groan, Chris answered, "I'm glad you asked, Shawn. I WAS planning on introducing a new elimination device, like every season. It was gonna be awesome!" Chris answered as he led Shawn, as well as the remaining Buffalos to the Dock of Shame, where the familiar Boat of Losers awaits. "A giant toilet so I can flush down all eliminated contestants down…

"Unfortunately, due to my parole, and so I don't risk losing my funding, we had to go with the boring Boat of Losers. Yippee…!" Chris finished with an unenthused cheer. With one last hug from his girlfriend, Shawn boarded the boat and waved to his former team as the boat carries him away. Then the thought suddenly dawned on him: "Who's driving this…?" Shawn then looked towards the front of the boat where a scrawny driver, obviously not Chef, was operating. Then the figure turned, and Shawn screamed.

Meanwhile, Chris was laughing at the prank he pulled. "What? I've gotta have SOME fun!" Jasmine just glared and kicked him into the water. The rest of the team soon followed her back to their tent. Chris quickly came back up and parted his now wet hair away from his eyes, slicking it back so he can do his outro. "Well, we're down one freak, with twenty-three more to go! Will the Butterflies continue to narrowly avoid losing? How will Heather cope now that Al is back? And just what's awaiting Amy at Boney Island?" Chris asked. "Find out next time on Total! Drama! All-Stars!"