I do not own naruto

For my first love and childhood friend, Who I didn't run after in the end.


Part One: Childhood Memories

"Where to, Boruto?"

The question came from Himawari who was walking in front of him and she stopped, turning to him, flipping her long hair.

It was a particularly hot day that summer, the sun radiating across the town giving everything a golden glow. The Heat wasn't to unbearable but it was heavy in a pressing against your skin kind of way.

Boruto and his friends had decided the day was a good one to spend together.

They rarely had days together anymore.

Boruto had fallen in step behind the group, he had that dazed, faraway look in his bright blue eyes and he shook his head and winced, "What did you say?"

"Where to, Boruto?" Where had he heard that before?

The sentence struck a cord in him.

Himawari tilted her head to the side, "I asked where to? As in, where would you like to eat?"

He sat down on a nearby a row of colorful shops in the busy plaza and he huffed tiredly, arms crossed, shutting his eyes against the warm and inviting heat.

A man was playing a guzheng outside one of the shops in a melody as smooth as a river flowing against pebbles. It relaxed Boruto and combined with the warm sun he began to doze off.

Himawari pouted, waving a hand over his face, "Boruto?...Boruto!" He ignored her, drifting to sleep.

Shikadai leaned in frowning, dark eyes furrowed, "Why is he so out of it today? He's such a drag."

"He was pretty terrible in training to, more than usual." Inojin added with a raised finger.

Mitsuki smirked, narrowing green-gold eyes that resembled spring leaves, "It's because of Sarada."

"Oh yeah she's coming back today!"

"No wonder Boruto is like that. It's been a long time since we've all seen her."

"Two years."

"Sarada's been gone for two years."


Boruto caught her name and was already dreaming himself back to a memory of when they were kids...

...two impressionable kids without a care in the world...

~6 years ago~

"Are you sure this will work Boruto?"

Boruto grinned at Sarada as they sat at the computer desk in his room, "Of course it will. I'm the king of pranks!"

More like Prince.

The two had been pulling pranks all day and now the objective was to prank their dads.

Pranks weren't Sarada's thing but she would do anything to run into the seventh.

So Boruto had convinced her with that since Mitsuki was busy.

To Boruto's dismay her prank on his dad was lame and couldn't even qualify as a prank.

She switched out his rice with pasta like the wimp she was, giggling over him.

Her little crush on him bothered him, why'd she like him better than Boruto?

He honestly didn't know why she liked his dad so much. He was just a stupid old man.

Boruto would show her how a real prank went.

He finished typing the email and sent it through with a click.

"What did you write to my dad?" Sarada asked in curiosity.

He grinned, hands on his hips, "Oh nothing. Just that you and I were having fun...by ourselves in my room."

Sarada paled and punched Boruto's arm, "No! Unsend that! That's too far! You idiot!"

Sarada grimly recalled the time she and Boruto were caught showing each other their privates when they were little.

She remembered how easily they pulled their pants down and frowned in confusion.

In reality they wanted to see if those were weak spots so they'd know where to hit each other.

They were five so they didn't know any better and when Naruto and Sasuke caught them, Sasuke just stared darkly, Naruto laughing nervously.

Sarada knew better than to joke about those kind of adult things.

Her dad was sensitive to those kind things.

Boruto frowned, "Too late now. Relax. It's just fun and games. Lighten up."

He got up and tripped in the process, trying to hold onto Sarada's shoulder and then bringing her down with him.

Somehow, he had managed to have her pinned underneath him and they both glared, cheeks pink.

This was totally weird..

"Get off!" Sarada hissed.

"I'm trying!" Boruto hissed back.

Suddenly the door creaked open, Sasuke and Naruto standing there.

Naruto cringed at the sight, face turning red, "B-Boruto...Sarada!"

Sasuke just stared at the sight of them together on the floor.

Sarada winced, this was it. She was dead. Boruto was dead.

A silence.

"Boruto run!" Sarada shouted.

But before Boruto could react Sasuke shouted, rasengan and threw the power at Boruto making him fly back into the window, shattering it.

He fell outside to the street and Naruto went after him.

"We're going home," Sasuke hissed, grabbing Sarada and pulling her out, a dark aura around him.

As they passed Naruto picking up Boruto on the street, Sarada glanced sheepishly at them.

Boruto pouted but then grinned, his prank had worked.

And now...Sarada would get to spend time with her dad.

"Mom, who was your first kiss?" Sarada asked.

Sakura's eyes widened as she recalled giving cpr to Naruto when he was dying.

Sasuke frowned from across the table, "Why are you interested in this subject?"

Sarada had hoped mom would recall kissing dad for the first time, so her parents could reminisce in the memory.

She sighed, "It was Naruto."

"Eh..?!" Sarada and Sasuke both said in surprise.

This was news to Sasuke as well and he had assumed he was Sakura's first kiss.

Sarada turned to her dad and winced, "Uh...dad who was your first kiss..?"

Please say mom...please say mom...

"Also Naruto," he muttered without missing a beat and Sarada paled, a vision of the seventh grinning with a peace sign flashing across her mind.

That was enough questions for the night...

But it was a good night. So, that's why she was surprised when it all changed.

"Boruto! Pass!" Sarada shouted.

He ran and threw her the ball and she took it with an electrifying kick, knocking out Shikadai on the other side of the net.

"Yeah!" Boruto cheered, "3 to 1! We win!"

Mitsuki watched as his teammate was knocked down, "Volleyball has never been so scary."

Sarada and Boruto grinned, posing back to back in triumph, Sarada in a red two piece, hair in pigtails. Boruto in dark blue shorts.

What a team.

They were at the local beach and it was slightly windy since gray clouds were out, so there weren't a lot of people there that day.

Shikadai picked up the ball and frowned, "You guys are drags."

Mitsuki took the ball and was set in determination.

Boruto and Sarada prepared themselves for the hit, Mitsuki was really strong.

Mitsuki struck the ball and it went flying past Boruto and Sarada and to the dark blue ocean water.

"I've got it!" Sarada shouted and ran into the water, diving in.

They waited.


A full minute passed and she hadn't resurfaced and Boruto knew something was very wrong.

He got a tight feeling in his chest and stomach and without thinking, he took a deep breath and ran into the water.

His byakugan activated by itself as he swam through the water and he found Sarada, passed out underwater. Her ankle was stuck between rocks.

He immediately grabbed her and kicked at the rocks, breaking them and setting her free. He held her close underwater and he resurfaced with her in a choked breath.

He stumbled to the sand as she was in his lap and he shook her, "Sarada?"

She looked asleep almost, sea breeze blowing at her face.

He pumped her chest harshly and shook her again.


He began to panic.

He contemplated then...if he had lost Sarada in that moment.

Thought of a life without her in it.

Would he ever live a normal life again without her...?

These fears seeped into his heart as he continued shaking her, "S-Sarada! This isn't funny wake up!"

"She might need CPR!" Shikadai told him firmly.

Boruto looked down at Sarada firmly, "Okay...if that's what she needs...I'm willing to take one for the team."

He closed his eyes and leaned in, lips puckered right before Sarada's eyes snapped open and she punched him straight in the face.

Was he really about to put his lips on hers? And in such terrible CPR formation?

"Idiot. You're supposed to pinch my nose to increase oxygen flow," she grumbled.

She sat up, pushing wet hair from her face, cheeks pink and looked at her red and swollen ankle.


"Are you alright?" Mitsuki asked her. She nodded as Boruto recovered, rubbing his face and glaring.

Some thanks that was.

But the feeling of fresh relief washing over him made him sigh.

Sarada tried to stand up but her ankle was sore and she grunted.

"Alright. Don't be dumb..." Boruto glared at her, he slipped his black and red jacket over her and before she could protest, pulled her onto his back.

Sarada's cheeks burned as he carried her through town.

"Oi Sarada...you should maybe lay off the ramen for awhile.." Boruto joked and she hit his head, "You idiot!"

"Ow sorry, I'm sorry!"

Sarada then smiled to herself slightly, gripping his dripping wet back.

He had saved her.

He never admitted to her that, on that day he thought she had died. He thought she was gone forever and he couldn't handle that feeling.

That was the first time he lost Sarada.

"Go to your room."

Dinner had been uncomfortably silent all night and although her parents were calm, Sarada new they were fighting from the way they couldn't meet each other's eyes.

So Sarada wasn't surprised when her mom randomly looked up at her and told her to go to her room.

Sarada felt her heart pound hard as she obeyed, gingerly getting up.

Their fights had gotten more common lately.

What were they fighting about now?

As Sarada shut the door to her room with a sharp click, her back slid against it until she sat and she fought the urge to cry.

Uchiha's don't cry. They were tough.

It was grimly ironic how just as she thought that, she could hear the faint cry of her mother.

Despite her mom being loud and a strong woman, she was more delicate when she was with dad.

Like...he made her vulnerable in a way. That scared Sarada.

Her parents fought differently from other parents. They didn't yell or scream or throw things. They were very calm. Extremely calm.

Yet, although their voices were low between the walls, the words they threw at each other were sharper than knives.

"You're a terrible father."

"You're always blaming me for your mistakes."

"So you're saying our daughter is a mistake?"

Sarada felt her throat close up and she gasped, eyes watering.

Sasuke sighed, "No...that's not what I meant..."

"Then what did you mean Sasuke?"

Another pause. "I mean...Sarada isn't the problem here...I meant...maybe we made a mistake. The problem is us."

"...you really think that?" Mom's voice cracked.

Sarada had heard enough. She knew where this conversation was going and she didn't want to be there to hear it.

She had been anticipating this like a huge wave crashing over. So she was prepared.

She slipped off her clothes and put on some of her dad's old blue clothes from when he was her she. As she looked in the mirror she realized she looked identical to him.

She grabbed a book bag she had packed earlier and she pushed her window open stepping over and jumping out into the dark night. As simple and smooth as that.

Her heart pounded in excitement and fear.

She was out. She was officially running away.

No turning back now.

Now as she walked in the darkness on the deserted street she got a sinking feeling of fear. She couldn't run away alone. Sarada was strong but not enough to fend for herself.

She would need a partner.

The first person to come to mind was ChouChou but getting her out of bed at this hour would be like trying to wake a corpse.

Then she thought of Sumire but no she was a goody two shoes she wasn't bold enough to do something like this.

Mitsuki would just lecture her and that was all of her closest friends.

Well except...no way.

Not him.

He was the only one she could conjure up in her mind as she walked down the street of the dark night.

Yet the more she walked, the more anxious she got.

She knew despite him being an annoying brat...he could protect her. He was strong.

As she struggled with the thought in her mind, her feet were already leading her to the route of his house she knew so well.

When she reached his house, she picked up a pebble and flung it up at Boruto's room window. It made a light tap. She picked up another one, and another one and flung them to the window.


Sarada huffed, pushing up her glasses and grabbed a rock, throwing it with all her force.

At that same moment the windows were pushed open by a sleepy Boruto and the rock hit him smack in the face, knocking him back.

Boruto got back up twitching, griping his red forehead and glaring down at her through the darkness.

"Sarada? What the heck are you doing?!" He whispered loudly, frowning.

"Come down here and I'll tell you. And wear your dad's jacket." She whispered back just as loud.

He sighed and went off in his room for a moment and quickly jumped out of his window and slid down his rooftop, landing in front of her in his red and black track suit except he wore his dad's old orange jacket.

A post with a blue light illuminated them on the block.

"Do you know how late it is?" He yawned, "And why are you dressed like a guy?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Boruto... I'm running away...and I want you to come with me."

His blue eyes got wide, "What! This is crazy! Why?"

"I'll tell you once we're away from here..."

He crossed his arms, "You expect me to just run off with you so easily?"

"I know it sounds crazy but I'm made up my mind and I'm doing this...are you with me or not?" She demanded, gripping the straps of her book bag.

He shook his head, "No Sarada. Not without a good reason."

"You're just...going to leave me alone...by myself...you said...you'd guard me..." Sarada whispered and she began to sob pathetically into her hands.

Boruto's eyes got wide and he cringed, patting her back, "Don't cry! Okay I'll go with you!"

She immediately recomposed herself and smiled making Boruto frown.

She took his hand making his cheeks turn light pink at the warm contact and they ran down the road together.

After running for awhile, the sky getting slightly lighter, they reached a heavily wooded area on the outskirts of the village.

When they reached a clearing by a grand tree, Boruto slumped down on a log and let out a tired breath, "I can't...I'm-can we take a break here? I'm dying!"

Sarada frowned as they stood in silence, the wind blowing lightly. It was probably four in the morning now.

They both tensed when they heard footsteps crunching over leaves. Boruto grabbed Sarada's arm, and lead her up the grand sycamore tree beside them.

They hopped over the branches like steps and sat on a branch high up, glancing down in anticipation.

"They couldn't have gotten far, keep searching!" Konohamaru shouted to a small group of their friend's parents that roamed around.

"They're looking for us." Boruto breathed.

Sarada wasn't surprised, their parents were quick. They were probably looking on the opposite side of the village.

"We can't let them find us. We have to show them we are smarter than them " Sarada told him quietly as they held on to each other on top of the branch.

Boruto glanced over at Sarada, seeing her better now since the sky was lighter, "So you are running away from your parents?"

She pushed up her glasses slightly, "I have to. They were going to break up." She felt tears bible in her eyes as she realized this, "I don't think my parents love each other anymore."

"That can't be true Sara," he said firmly, using her nickname.

"But it is. He told her they were a mistake...it was all a mistake." She wiped a tear, hoping Boruto didn't see her weakness.

Boruto held her arm tightly, partly to keep her steady on the branch and partly to keep her steady in heart.

"Parents can be really stupid sometimes," he told her with a frown, "You already know my dad is never around. People tell me at least I have my dad but It's almost as if he's not there. Parents don't realize how dumb they can be."

He turned fully to her, "So running away is a great idea! We have to defy our parents! Show them we are better than them!"

Sarada grinned, wiping teary eyes, "Yes! We could run off to the hidden stone village! We could be a team, side by side! It wouldn't be easy at first but I will be Hokage and you will be a powerful shinobi!"

Boruto grinned back, "Its a promise! I will guard you."

It sounded simple enough.

Boruto's stomach growled and he smiled sheepishly, "Err sorry.."

She took two chocolate truffles and handed him one and they began eating them like starving wolves.

They glanced at the view at the miles of the cheery blossom trees over head in hues of pink, red and white. It looked unreal.

"Let's promise to never be like our parents." Sarada whispered gripping his hand, "You told me once if I ever wanted to be Hokage, that I should be single. Because the Hokage is a nuisance to his family. Let's never fall in love like our parents did.

It seems to only be a nuisance."

Boruto winced, when he told her that he was angry at his father and he still was but he imagined Sarada alone in the future and it made him strangely sad.

Although he himself knew from first account happily ever after only existed in fairytales.

His parents never fought but they never spent time together either...they'd just nod at each other in deep respect.

And although he was convinced they adored each other...they didn't love each other in that firey way. It convinced Boruto that, that kind of love didn't exist in real life.

Not the kind of love that stories were written about.

"I promise and anyways...You're better off," Boruto smirked, trying to lighten things, "So you don't spread your cooties."

"So you were the one who started that stupid cooties rumor!" Sarada gasped, "You don't actually believe that do you?"

He shifted, "Of course not.."

She leaned in close to him, "So you won't mind if I kiss you?" She didn't want to kiss him, she was testing him.

He panicked and leaned away, face red, "What are you doing..?"

Sarada could see the idiot actually believed it himself.

She smirked, "You're scared of cooties? I didn't know the all mighty Bolt could be scared of anything."

He frowned, embarrassed, "I'm not scared!"

"Sure you're not." Sarada responded with a small smile.

They are childhood friends and rivals, and she is always watching him, so Boruto feels the need to look good in front of her.

He had to prove her wrong.

Boruto took off Sarada's glasses making her wince.

Her eyes weren't so dark and they were wide and warm looking, to Boruto's surprise.

Boruto's eyes were like two bright oceans and she could see herself reflected in them.

His hand shook as he moved a strand of hair from her face, the leaves and her hair blowing in the wind. Her lips looked soft...the corners of her mouth smeared in chocolate.

His was smeared in chocolate as well she realized as he got closer.

"Boruto..?" She said in slight fear, stomach tightening.

The sun was peaking out from under the sky and the sky was a kaleidoscope of orange, pink and purple, the cherry blossom trees swaying under them.

He leaned into her easily with closed eyes but too quickly and their lips smushed together harshly.

Her lips were as soft as he thought. It wasn't amazing but it was warm.

The kiss tasted of chocolate and lasted for two seconds when they pulled away in shock and matching faces of red.

Their first kiss.

They both said eww reflexively and Sarada pushed him off of the branch, grabbing her glasses from him.

He flew down with a shout, landing on his feet, heart pounding.

Sarada touched her lips absently and shook her head.

Stupid Boruto.

They made their way to train station, sneaking past the sleeping conductors. They climbed the still train easily into an open cart and the train jerked forward.

Boruto slipped off his bolt necklace and slipped it over Sarada.

She winced at it, "What is it for?"

"It's a bolt. A bolt by itself is useless. But paired with something else it becomes something great. It's my gift to you as a reminder of my promise that I will guard you when you are Hokage." He told her with a grin.

She winced and grinned back and they bumped fists.

They sat and watched as the Hidden Leaf village passed by them quickly on that early morning.

Sarada looked over at a Boruto, "Where to, Boruto?"

"Wherever this train leads us," he responded, yawning and leaning back against cargo.

Sarada yawned with him and her eyes fluttered as her head fell on his shoulder.

Boruto stiffened and blushed scarlet but soon relaxed and put his head on hers and drifted off to sleep with the slow rumble of the train.

They were awakened by Konohamaru shouting, "I found them!"

Boruto and Sarada squinted as Sakura came running and hugged Sarada tightly.

"I was so worried!" Sakura shouted.

"I'm fine mom!" Sarada moaned.

Next Naruto came which made Boruto's eyes widen.

Naruto hugged Boruto close and sighed in relief.

The two parents stared at their kids. They looked just like Naruto and Sasuke as kids.

"Thank you for everything. I'm sorry you went through the trouble." Naruto told Konohamaru.

Sakura glanced at Naruto with tears eyes, "Thanks for helping me find her."

Naruto smiled at her endearingly, "Of course Saku."

Boruto caught the glint in his eyes for a split second and his mom came then, tackling him in a hug.

She covered him in huge kisses and made him gag, "Mom stop!"

Then Sasuke came.

There was a silence and coldness as he stared down at a Boruto and Sarada sitting beside each other.

"What is the meaning if this?" He hissed icily.

Sarada winced in fear and Boruto spoke up, "It was my idea. I wanted to runaway and- when Sarada found out she tried to stop me...it was my fault." Sarada winced at him, her throat tight.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and took Sarada by the arm. As they walked out Sasuke glanced at a Naruto, "It would be convenient if he stayed away from her for a while."

Sarada looked back at Boruto slightly as she was led away by her dad, she mouthed a reluctant thank you.

Sakura and Naruto's eyes met for a split second, wind blowing and she left, not going unnoticed by Hinata.

When they left Naruto face palmed, "Do you have any idea how worried everyone was? How worried your sister was?"

"What were you thinking?" Hinata asked with crossed arms.

He didn't respond because all he could think of was the kiss with Sarada.

~Present time~

"Boruto...BORUTO!" Himawari shouted in impatience. She shook him until he woke up and he frowned at her groggily.

His friends were all looking down at him waiting for him to say where he wanted to eat.

"Can you please just say where you want to eat? We're starving!" ChouChou whined.

"Anywhere with noodles is fine." He replied rubbing his eyes.

Everyone cheered in triumph and a voice came from the other side of the street,

"Have room for one more?"

Everyone turned and eyes got wide.


Boruto felt his stomach drop as he saw her for the first time in two years.

She was different. Very different.

She was taller and had developed a more womanly body, slender like her mother, yet still left much to be desired in the chest area.

She still wore a red combat dress as it was her preferred color. A power color.

She had let her hair grow to his surprise, long dark wavy hair to her waist and past her elbows. She had a red agna chakra stone on her forehead and she had gotten rid of those glasses of hers.

Her eyes looked bigger now without the glasses, dark onyx eyes, as precious and wise and volcanic rocks.

Her face...was still hers but she...she looked different for some reason.

She looked more radiant and...

The man playing a guzheng made the song soft and light making it seem like a moment from a movie.

And yes, just like in ever story ever told,

Time stopped.

Her dark eyes met with his and they stared at each other for a moment, wind blowing, lips parted.



Their moment was cut short as everyone crowded around her.

Mitsuki pulled her into a big and long hug, warmth seeping through her from one of her classes sets friends. He pulled back and smiled down at her, "Your finally let your hair grow."

Sarada smiled at her friends as they asked her questions and talked over each other.

It was good to be back home.

"Can we continue this in a place with food?" Himawari asked laughing and Sarada nodded.

God Hima was so big now. 16 now? Time sure did fly.

Sarada didn't miss how Boruto kept his distance and didn't look her way, walking carefully, hands in his pockets. She could also tell there was tension between him and Sumire.

Two years...

Boruto had changed...

When they got to the restaurant it was a rush of telling each other stories about missions and funny moments and eating in between.

Boruto listened intently as he ate noodles, sitting far from Sarada on the booth.

He caught a glimpse of Sarada laughing and he studied her face carefully. She caught him and they had a moment but he looked away quickly.

When they finished eating, ChouChou and Sumire had to go followed by Shikadai and apparently ChouChou and Shikadai were a thing now.

The sun was lower in the sky now, but the sun still as hot, the road was warm as they walked down town.

"Can you guys believe the festival is this weekend?!" Himawari asked, "Its going to be so fun!"

"Has anyone asked you out to it yet?" Inojin asked her slyly.

Mitsuki smirked at him as he walked beside Hima, "Are you trying to ask her out?"

Boruto frowned behind them, hands in his pockets, in his typical overprotective brotherly way. He had to keep his eye on his not so kid sister.

"Inojin you better calm down," he warned them darkly.

His attention was taken by the only girl who could distract him from taking care of his sister, Sarada walked to him.

The sun illuminated the road giving it an orange look and Boruto felt warm to, sighing slightly.

Sarada matched his steps and she glanced at him, "Hey you."

He smiled slightly in response, "Hey you."

She smirked up at him, "...you're taller than me now. You look older to.."

"Yeah...guess so..." he replied uncertainly.

"...and me...do I look more womanly..?" She asked softly.

He smirked, eyeing her, "You haven't changed at all."

She punched his shoulder and smirked back.

"Are you going to the festival?" She eyed him carefully.

He gazed at her and shrugged, "I guess. I don't know..." He was strangely nervous around her.

She really looked at him now. He had grown a lot. He was taller than her and had the body of a man, that wild blond hair slightly calmer. His face was no longer round and had no traces of a boy, his features were sharp and mature.

Still those whisker like markings on his face were marked on his cheeks.

He had dark blue tattoos on his right arm and the over his right eye, which had something like a faint knife scar.

It gave him a rugged and rough look.

He also overall seemed more calm and serious, much like her father to her dismay.

Yet, he still wore a black and red track suit, something familiar.

"You used to love festivals when we were kids." She told him.

"That was a lifetime ago." He told her meeting her dark eyes with bright blue ones.

She looked away, his blue eyes had a way of cutting into you.

There was like a huge space in between them, an undeniable space.

They all climbed over the train by the station, Sarada and Boruto sitting across from each other, eyes locked as Hima, Inojin and Mitsuki sat on the far end, talking about the festival.

The wind blew at Sarada's hair, making it float in the wind as the train bolted forward.

"Why did you get rid of your glasses?" Boruto asked her.

She laughed, "I've been gone for two years and you want to know why I got rid of my glasses?"

He frowned, "Well what else am I supposed to ask? What kind of food you ate?!"

She smirked, there was the hotheaded Boruto she knew so well, "I ate fish mostly. There aren't a lot of trees in the hidden stone village." She joked, "But about my glasses, they were really bothersome in battle, especially as I fought more of the time. So I got rid of them."

He smirked back, "It's not like you couldn't see in the first place. Four eyes."

They both knew she only wore them as a comfort because it was a gift from Kuvira.

Boruto was one of the only persons who knew that.

Instantly, they connected in the way only childhood best friends could.

"I hope you didn't miss me too much in these two years." He told her with a proud smirk.

"Oh I cried every night!" Sarada said sarcastically, "The real question is, did you cry?"

"Like a baby," he laughed and the train flew on.

Himawari smiled as she watched them, "Its been a long time since I've seen Boruto act like his old self."

Mitsuki nodded, "It has been too long."

"But really. Things weren't the same without you." Boruto told Sarada more seriously, blue eyes as bright as the blue sky above them.

Sarada felt her cheeks flush lightly and they just stared at each other as they flew passed the colorful building in a blur.

Two years...

~two years ago~

"Boruto and Sarada, you're up."

Konohamaru shouted and Sasuke watched carefully behind a tree.

Boruto and Sarada stood in front of each other, hands drawn up in protective form.

"Sorry Bolt. But I'm going to have to beat you." Sarada grinned.

"Think again Sara." Boruto grinned back and made two shadow clones appear beside him.

Sarada threw out ninja stars in a shurukenjutsu at the clones making them disappear in a puff.

"Do the move I taught you Boruto!" Konohamaru shouted and Boruto nodded.

Boruto clasped his hands together, "Sexy Jutsu!" He shouted and he was engulfed in a white puffy mist before revealing a tall long blonde haired and very naked female version of himself.

The mist concealed the more private parts but it was still shocking and Sarada let out a scream.

"Boruto? I did not mean that move!" Konohamaru screamed, his nose bleeding.

Mitsuki just winced unfazed while Sasuke smirked slightly.

Boruto transformed back as Sarada twitched in shock.

He grinned at her, "Guess I win!"

Sarada glared at him, "You idiot! How dare you use such a disrespectful and degrading jutsu!" She threw out her fist and punched him straight in the face, knocking him back.

"Actually this jutsu was the seventh's jutsu." Konohamaru, "It was the first one he taught me."

"No way," Sarada shook her head as a Boruto rubbed his cheek in pain.

"Legend has it the seventh defeated Kaguya with that jutsu." Mitsuki said matter of factly.

"It's the truth," Sasuke confirmed, "I witnessed it myself."

Sarada's mouth was agape in shock.

The Hokage...used a jutsu like that..?

"You are way too serious, lighten up. The jutsu is not so bad to look at either," Boruto grinned and Sarada glared at him again, "You are an idiot."

This time she didn't punch him but instead she stormed off.

Boruto stepped forward to go after her but Konohamaru put a hand on his shoulder, "Let her go. You need to give her time to cool off."

Boruto frowned as he watched her walk away, "But what did say? I didn't say anything wrong."

"You guys are not kids anymore, you guys are sixteen, this is a time of a lot of change. A lot of things are different now." Sasuke said slowly walking up to them.

Mitsuki raised his white brows, "What do you mean? It's her time of the month?"

Konohamaru twitched, "Eh..no!"

Boruto scrunched up his nose, "What does that mean?"

Mitsuki turned to a Boruto, "You see every month a girl bleeds from her-"

"Stop! Stop...He means," Konohamaru said, "That your friendship with Sarada has changed."

Boruto's brows softened as Sarada disappeared from view.

Had things changed?

And how had he not noticed it?

Later that day after training, Mitsuki and Boruto headed to the bathhouse down town. They had agreed to meet the other guys there to unwind after the long night day.

As he walked into the scolding hot water, he sighed and sank in waist deep, a fog all around them.

Shikadai smirked across from him, "Oy Boruto, looks like you're not a shrimp anymore."

Boruto turned slightly red and glared, "Screw off loser."

Inojin sighed as he was so relaxed he almost fell asleep.

"Denki what's with the shorts bro?" Shikadai asked and Denki sank lower into the water.

"It's too bad Metal lee couldn't come. He's always training." Mitsuki said absently, his shoulder length white hair tied up.

Boruto shut his eyes and leaned back, the heat relaxing, skin perspiring, "Well it's his loss. Damn this feels good I'm so tired."

Iwabe was seated far away from them leaning against the mural of Mt. Fiji on the wall.

It was all sighs and quiet until there was the sound of soft voices from the other side of the wall.

"Dude, you guys have got to come see this! It's the girls!" Iwabe told them as he looked through a small crack in the mural.

"You're such a pervert Iwabe," Inojin frowned.

"Yeah cut it out," Boruto added slurring, eyes still closed.

"They're about to get undressed! Oh I can't wait to see those perky brea-" Iwabe was interrupted by an annoyed Boruto, "You really are a pervert."

"So you're telling me you don't want to see beautiful naked girls?" Iwabe countered and turned to him with a dark raised brow.

"Sure, but not now dude, cut it out. It's creepy."

Iwabe narrowed his eyes at him, "Not even if it was...Sarada?"

"Sarada Uchiha would be totally have a great body. She trains a lot," Iwabe grinned.

Boruto's eyes snapped open and he walked over to the crack, pushing Iwabe aside and stuffing a cloth in it to block the view.

Sarada...naked..? It had never crossed his mind. That was his friend...basically his family...

He was sure many guys probably imagined her naked, she had always been pretty popular with the guys, even more so now. It was an Uchiha thing.

He sat in front of the crack to guard it. He had to protect Sarada's dignity.

Iwabe rolled his eyes, "You're too soft. You can't deny you'd want to see her naked. I know you've got the hots for her."

"Dude leave him alone," Inojin cut in.

"So do you? Do you like Sarada Uchiha?" Iwabe asked.

Mitsuki glanced at Boruto, golden green eyes wincing in curiosity.

Boruto winced and looked away, the heat of the room heavier than before.

"I...I don't like her, we're barely friends." Heresponded quickly without thinking really, "Shes my rival okay. Now stop being stupid."

He didn't mean it really and he doesn't know why he said it but it was the easiest response.

"Well she's probably flat-chested anyways. Now Sumire is cute...I wouldn't mind seeing her without clothes...that ChouChou girl is packing it to." Iwabe grinned.

"Seriously why do we hang out with him?" Shikadai groaned.

On the other side of the wall Sarada was neck deep into the water, her dark hair pooled around her, face red having heard everything.

"I...I don't like her, we're barely friends." Boruto's voice rang in her head.

"Sarada?" ChouChou called out to her the of the other side and she snapped out of it.

Iwabe later said he had to go to the bathroom but snuck into the girl's locker room, finding Sarada's stash and taking her pink bra.

He would teach Boruto a little lesson.

Boruto then announced he was going to the bathroom and Iwabe hooked the bra to the back of his towel and grinned.

When Boruto was walking out of the baths to go to the bathroom across the hall in only a towel, he bumped into none other than Sarada.

His face instantly turned red as he gripped the towel close to his waist.

This was probably the first time Sarada saw him shirtless since they were kids. He was pretty toned from years of training but she was so mad she could barely meet his eyes.

He glanced at her fully dressed form, "You leaving already?"

She just glared at him through her red glasses, "I'm looking for something..." She walked past him.

"Hey hey!" He grabbed her arm, "I'm sorry about today okay? I didn't mean to disrespect you with the jutsu.."

She sighed and when she turned her eyebrows twitched as she caught sight of her bra hanging on his towel. Her face turned red.

He winced and looked down to, screaming, "Wh-Where did that come from?!"

She ripped her bra from his towel and kicked him straight in the face, knocking him back.

"PERVERTED IDIOT!" She shouted. He rubbed his face, "Sara-I didn't take it!"

"So it just magically appeared then?" She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes, face red, turning to go.

He got up and grabbed her arm, "...no Sarada I swear!"

She pulled away from him, "...whatever...it's okay...I'll see you later Bolt..."

As he watched her go, he realized it wasn't okay at all.

"That'll be 300 yen."

Sarada paid for the groceries and stepped out into the night.

She held the two bags in her arms and sighed, she was tired.

As she turned the corner of the street she saw a man with a red scarf sitting on a bench illuminated by a post light.

She tensed slightly, ready to defend herself if necessary, "Don't try anything old man.." She mumbled but as she got near she realized it was none other than the seventh.

Her eyes got wide as she stoped in front of him and she bowed slightly, "F-forgive me lord Hokage I thought you were a stupid old man. Sorry! I-"

He looked up at her with tired blue eyes and smiled, "Don't worry. I get that a lot." He glanced at her groceries, "Do you happen to have green apples?"

Sarada nodded quickly and fumbled to get him one, shakily.

It was no secret she had admired the seventh. She even had an innocent crush on him in his younger years. He was kind, strong and a legend. She saw no flaws in him.

Now she noticed how strikingly his face resembled Boruto's.

He smiled and took the apple from her, eating it happily. "Join me," he patted the space beside him and she sat down gingerly.

"Boruto tells me you want to be a Hokage someday, is that true?" He asked.

Sarada turned red, oh god, "Umm..yes..I..yeah..."

He looked at her, "Why?"

She swallowed, "Because...the Hokage connects with everyone in the village...you...you connect with everyone...and I want that. I want to be able to connect with a lot of people and change their lives."

Naruto smiled lightly, "I see..as long as you don't give up...you can do it."

"Eh...don't you want Boruto to be..Hokage?"

"..no. Boruto...he's different. He wants to follow a different path, his own ninja way and I'd rather him do that than to do something he doesn't want." He told her.

Funny thing. The son of Naruto wants to be like Sasuke and the daughter of Sasuke wants to be like Naruto.

"By the way...Boruto hasn't been bothering too much has he?" He asked her, tugging at his red scarf.

Sarada blushed slightly, "No!...well...a little...I dunno..."

"Give him time, he will come around. You know you guys aren't genin amymore. Soon enough he will mature to. Trust me I was just like him at that age and still was until I got married to a girl I loved."

Sarada smiled, "What was it like...? Falling in love?"

She had resolved never to love and had never seen it firsthand from her parents...but she was curious.

Boruto's parent's love story on the other hand was something like a fairytale.


"You know I have a nine tailed fox inside me..? Well...that feels like a fire is constantly burning inside of me, but not in a bad way. It's the same thing when you fall in love. It's like wildfire and you get burned a lot. But it keeps you alive." He sighed dreamily.

Sarada sighed softly, "It's nice that you married your fire."

Naruto winced at that and realized he had just described the opposite of his relationship with Hinata.

His love for Hinata was nothing like a fire he realized for the first time in that moment.

Their love was like the scarf she knitted him, well put together and comfortable.

Firey...for some reason an image of Sakura punching him came up. Why? He was happily married with kids and that was years ago. He was talking to Sakura's daughter for crying out-

Sarada noticed the conflicted look on his face and furrowed her brows.

"Well I...have to get going now...Sarada...I would walk you home but I have to get some work done but you are your mother's daughter so I know you can take care of yourself." He ruffled her hair and smiled.

He walked away and she winced at him, wondering why he looked so sad.

It was pretty late and it wasn't like her to walk home at night but she was tough.

The only places open at this hour were the bars and as she walked by one, a group of very drunk academy boys came stumbling out.

They were arm over shoulders and stumbling in laughter when they caught sight of Sarada walking. "Let's have some fun.." one mumbled.

One of the guys stumbled to her and put his hand on her shoulder, making her turn.

"Leave me alone." She frowned, pulling away.

Just in that moment Boruto and Shikadai stumbled out of the bar arm in arm.

"Oy Boruto you sai-you said we would...only drink one!" Shikadai said in a slurred voice.

Boruto winced red eyes, "You're the idiot who made it a competition!"

They weren't supposed to be drinking obviously and if they got caught by their parents they'd be in huge problems.

"Well I'm going home before mom comes home, if she finds..out I'm dead.." Shikadai walked away mumbling, what a drag.

Boruto turned, grinning and but then caught sight of a group of drunk guys messing with someone.

"I said go away!" The girl shouted.

He caught the voice of Sarada and when he saw her pulling away, he was more alert despite his drunken state. He got ready to fight with fists raised.

Sarada balanced her grocery bags in one arm and with the other she concentrated her chakra into her fist and slammed the ground in front of the guy's.

The road cracked and rumbled, the guy's stumbling over each other.

Sarada smirked at them as they stumbled and ran off in horror.

That'll show them to mess with me.

Boruto winced in awe and lowered his hands.

It was in that moment of drunken stupor that he realized Sarada was not a person who had to be saved. She wasn't a damsel in distress like most girls. She was capable and strong.

Although...he already knew this.

She caught sight of him, "Boruto...what..." as she walked closer to him she saw the redness in his eyes and the smell of booze that radiated off of him.

She glared, "Are you...drunk Bolt?"

He shook his head, "No...I-I just had a few...drinks..."

"You idiot! Do you have any idea what the village will think to see the Hokage's underage son has been drinking?" She hissed.

He shook his head again and she sighed putting her arm under his to support his weight and she walked him.

"What-what you doing?" He pouted feverishly.

"I'm going to get you fixed up. I can't let people see you like this. Especially your family. They don't deserve that." She told him firmly.

She blushed slightly as his head bobbed to her shoulder, his hot breath on her neck.

She noticed faintly he was an inch or two taller than her and she wondered where the time had gone.

There was a slight cold wind cutting at their cheeks and they shivered lightly.

The way to her house was slightly longer as they swayed side to side the whole way there until finally, she pushed the sliding door open.

He was a giggling mess as she pushed him into her house and onto the couch in the living room.

He was napping slightly as she fixed up a very cold bath. She dumped ice into the tub for good measure and then grabbed Boruto by the arm.

"I wan-to nap!" He pouted and Sarada sat him on the toilet.

"Undress yourself." She ordered and he looked at her with pink cheeks.

"Are you...going to rape me Sara-chan?" He frowned, head swaying.

"Just do it you idiot.."

He just continued swaying and wincing, face red.

She sighed...he was going to owe her one for this big time...

She sat him up straighter, his head bobbing as she slipped off his red and black jacket and headband.

She slipped his shirt over his head and she blushed slightly at the sight. She turned away, "Boruto! You need to take off your pants..."

He sighed as he lazily pulled at the waistband of his pants. Sarada uncomfortably had to help him and she looked away, her heart beating octaves higher.

When his clothes were a pile on the floor and he was completely naked save for his bandages on his leg, Sarada dropped him into the bath.

Sakura had come unknown to them and her eyes widened as she listened to them from outside the bathroom door.

When his warm skin made contact with the water he yelled out, eyes wide.

"Ah! Damn-ah Sarada! I can't it's too much!" Boruto cried, more alert now.

"Shut up!" She glared, "You need to push through!"

Boruto shivered and thrashed but Sarada held him down and he accidentally hit her arm.

"Boruto! Ow!" Sarada hissed earning a sheepish apology from a red Boruto.

Oh...Sakura thought. Oh my they are...

Sakura backed away quietly and dashed out of the house to find Hinata who was walking on the dark street.

"Hinata! Hina!" Sakura gasped and caught up to her.

Hinata tensed. Sakura and her had really been on good speaking terms. Yet sometimes...she still felt a barrier there.

The events of their lives had been too deeply intertwined that now...she thought they'd go their separate ways.

It was hard to do that when their kids were best friends.

Hinata looked at her with confused white eyes, "..yes..are you okay?"

"I have great news! I heard Boruto and Sarada...you know..in the act!"

Hinata gasped, covering her mouth, "Oh! Are you-you sure...they- What?!"

Sakura grinned, "Yes! It is just as we wanted! They finally realized their feelings for each other. This is great right?!"

"...I-I suppose but...they are just so young to be...doing those kind of things..." Hinata whispered, face red.

"Don't worry. This generation is faster than we were and besides, those two are going to get married. It's only a matter of time." Sakura held her shoulders.

"You are not worried that Boruto will be taking Sarada from you...?" Hinata asked.

Sakura shook her head, "She was Boruto's from the moment he saw her."

"...but...maybe it's best if our kids...didn't end up together..." Hinata began.

"What..why not? What can we expect. They're on the same team. Being on the same team gives them a strong bond no one can understand."

Hinata's eyes widened slightly at that and an image of young Naruto hugging Sakura flashed in her mind.

The notorious team 7.

The countless battles they fought together, moments they saved each other. Moments they cried together.

So many years that Hinata had missed and even though she spent married years with him, Sakura had been with him by his side in his glory days.

While Hinata was always in the sidelines.

Sakura had always been...by Naruto's side.

"I have a feeling we aren't talking about our kids anymore..." Hinata said, narrowing her eyes at Sakura.

Sakura's eyes widened and they were still as the wind blew, "..Hina...that's not.."

Hinata gave her a stern look, "But it is isn't it? You know Naruto better than I do, despite being married to him for more than 16 years...regardless he was in love with you for all of his life until he grew tired and gave up. So he married me."

Where was this coming from...? Why was Hinata saying this...

Was it her stressing about not getting to see a Naruto much..?

"Hina no we were just good friends! Why do you still think like this? I thought we had gotten over this?" Sakura's temper rose.

Hinata was slightly glaring now, "I know you're thinking it. That its one thing to hear his stories at night and another to have lived those stories with him. Yes you lived that with him, But here's the thing Sakura. You messed up and let him get away. You were too late and I married him. Not you."

Sakura winced and then looked back at her firmly, "It's sad to see that the issues in our youth is still here in our adulthood. I thought we could get past all of it. It's not my fault he loved me Hina."

"I won't let your daughter take my son away the way you almost took Naruto," Hinata whispered, eyes teary.

"Our rivalry isn't our kids faults! I helped you and Naruto get together Hina. I never chose Sasuke over him! He left me no choice! Naruto left, he told me he never truly loved me. It was not me! Why can't you see nothing is there?" Sakura shouted.

Hinata shook her head sadly, "I pity you. I really do. You ended up with Sasuke yet...you're not happy...you know you made a mistake in letting Naruto go...but that's not my fault. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to meet Naruto in his office. I don't want to leave him waiting."

Hinata's eyes softened and she regretted her words, she didn't mean to hurt Sakura.

She was just tired of being quiet.

When she walked away and disappeared, a single angry hot tear slipped down Sakura's cheek and she sobbed loudly into her sleeve.

Because as much as she hated to admit it,

Hinata was right.

Meanwhile, Sarada was fixing up Boruto sandwiches and coffee.

"Sarada...I need a towel." Boruto's voice came from behind her.

"Boruto you need to stay in the ba-" she turned and her eyes got wide, mouth dropping open.

He was standing there, dripping wet and very naked. The first time she had seen any man naked.

Naturally her eyes caught the sight of his member that twitched lightly in the air. It was bigger than she had would have thought.

Her face immediately turned beet red and Boruto blushed slightly as well, covering it with his hands.

The alcohol was definitely messing with his judgment.

She couldn't manage to speak she was so shocked.

She walked past him awkwardly, grabbing a towel and some of her dad's old clothes, throwing it at him.

It was at this moment he was aware of his own very evident sexual awakening.

And it was right in front of Sarada. His lifelong friend and rival.

He went off to get changed as Sarada recovered and tried to erase the image of naked Boruto from her mind.

Hard to do.

He came out again after awhile, towel around his shoulders. He was still stumbling slightly as he sat on a stool in the kitchen, rubbing tired eyes.

Her cheeks still burned at their awkward moment.

Sarada put the sandwiches and coffee in front of him, ordering him to eat. He obliged and began stuffing his mouth ravenously.

She forced him to drink three cups of coffee after he ate five sandwiches and afterwards to down a pitcher of water.

His eyes were not red anymore but his cheeks still had a pink blush.

His face was not as round anymore Sarada noticed absently.

"What?" Boruto asked with a raised brow as he caught her staring at him.

"Just wondering why you're head is so big compared to your small brain." She deadpanned.

Boruto frowned but then sighed tiredly, "Okay I guess I deserved that...I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to find me like that..."

"As long as your family doesn't see you like that." She replied and waved a hand in front of his droopy eyes, "But you're still groggy and if you go home your mom will definitely know something is up. Her byakugan will detect it. "

Boruto groaned, "..damn..."

"I can't let your mother go through that disappointment, so you will stay here tonight." She told him.

His eyes widened, "What? That's...no! Your parents would kill me if they found-"

She rolled her dark eyes, "My parents won't be coming home tonight and I can sneak you back into your house in the morning."

Light rain began to fall outside as Sarada lead Boruto to her bedroom. He fidgeted behind her, noticing for the first time that her she had slightly more hips and that her hair had grown slightly past her shoulders.

How had she been growing up right in front of him?

She opened the door and flicked on the light to her neat and well made room. It looked a lot like his own room he now realized.

She motioned for him to lay on the bed and he blushed, crawling into the bed carefully and instantly relaxing. Her bed was mellow and the covers were warm, cherry blossom scented.

Her bed was warm.

"I'm sorry...I upset you the other day...I swear I didn't take your bra...I'm not that kind of a guy..." he slurred and Sarada shook her head, "It's fine...forget it. It was nothing. Now shut up and sleep."

Boruto apologizing...since when did he do that?

Sarada sat at her desk and began typing on the computer, slipping off her glasses, doing work as Boruto sighed, "My head...is hot."

Sarada got up, leaning over the bed and placing a hand on his warm forehead.

"I'll get you a-" she began.

"No...your hand is cool...stay." Boruto sighed and grasped her wrist making her cheeks flush.

He noticed she had exaggeratedly long eyelashes. Something he hadn't noticed before until now.

He had known this girl all his life, why had it seemed she had changed in one night?

Sarada carefully got on the bed over the covers, facing him and her heart hammering at the closeness.

Her black hair entwined with his yellow hair and they winced at each other.

The moment was so soft and peaceful she wondered why he was ever her rival in the first place...

Oh yeah the strong Uchiha and Uzumaki bloodlines.

"Remember when we used to sleep over all of the time when we were kids?" Sarada asked.

Boruto smiled lightly, "Our parents thought we were playing but we were actually figuring out fighting strategies."

"Some friends we are..." she mumbled.

"But we are friends. Best friends but also rivals. " he winced at her.

She smirked, "I have a feeling I'm always going to be fighting with you."

He laughed low and the rain picked up over them.

"Thank you...Sara." He said lowly.

"Just don't do it again," she warned in a sigh.

He vowed to never drink again.

"You always look after me," he mumbled tiredly, eyes closed.

"You, always look after, me," she said softly to him.

The rain outside picked up in a pitter-patter on the roof above them, Boruto fell asleep, snoring lightly and soon Sarada's eyes fluttered closed.

He snapped them open again and for some reason, may it be the way her face looked soft or the alcohol in his senses...but he leaned in and..

He kissed her for the second time in his life. It was very quick and he was shocked he did so and he thanked god she was asleep.

He shut his eyes again and Sarada's cheeks turned pink, she had not yet fallen sleep.

Why had he...? It was the alcohol, it had to be. Her rival would never willingly kiss her.

Still, she kept her eyes closed until morning.

The next morning Sarada woke up to a loud crack.

Her eyes snapped open and she immediately turned red as she saw that she and Boruto had involuntarily embraced in the middle of the night and were very close, his face in her neck.

His breath was warm on her neck and their legs brushed together smoothly.

Then she pulled away, blood leaving her face as she saw her dad at the door.

The crack she heard was him breaking the door in half with his fist.

Boruto woke up groggy next and his face paled as he saw Sasuke and he jumped to the other side of the room.

Sasuke's eyes were red and wide, looking as angry as ever.

"Dad nothing happened! We just..." she began but he continued to glare at Boruto.

"You have ten seconds to get out of here before I obliterate you." Sasuke threatened coldly.

Boruto's eye twitched, "What?! Sensei I-!"

"One...two..." Sasuke counted, fist slamming into the wall.

Boruto moved and Sasuke moved to him, tripping him and shouting, "Rasengan!" Before blowing Boruto away into the window, the glass exploding and Boruto flying into the street.

I thought I had ten seconds...Boruto thought as he groaned on the ground.

Sasuke started to go after him but Sarada got in front of him, eyes wide.

"Dad are you crazy?!" Sarada glared.

He glared back, "You are prohibited from seeing him ever again. If I see him even breathe near you I will kill him. What were you thinking? Letting an Uzumaki into your bed?"

"Nothing happened dad..." Sarada told him carefully.

"It doesn't matter. Lying with a man outside of marriage and an Uzumaki no less brings disgrace upon your family name," he growled.

"I thought the Uzumaki's were our friends?"

"That isn't the point. The point is, I will not let some dumb schoolboy ninja have you." He glared.

Sarada glared back, "No one can have me. Ever. So don't bother worrying."

This surprised Sasuke, back then she would of killed for him to show worry or any emotion really.

She must've got tired of waiting all those years. It made him wonder how much he had actually missed.

Sarada pushed past him and ran out into the street to a groaning Boruto and helped him up.

"Let's go before dad kills you!" She whispered.

Together they walked arm over arm to his house, it was the early morning, the sun not yet risen and hopefully they had been unseen.

Sarada threw pebbles on Himawari's window and soon the 14 year old rushed to open the door for them.

"Boruto slept over at my place to rest.." Sarada began and Hima squealed in shock and her smile got wide.

Sarada shushed the excited girl, "No Hima not like that. Look just get him back to his room and make sure your parents don't see.."

Himawari put her arm around Boruto and he glanced at Sarada with those blue eyes, "You still have the necklace I gave you."

Sarada glanced at the bolt necklace around her neck and smirked, "Obviously. You made a promise to me. I'm holding that to you."

She poked his forehead, "I'll see you around Bolt."

As she turned and walked away Hima led Boruto inside and demanded to know the details as he sighed in exhaustion.

Hinata had been looking out the window and seen the whole thing, heart heavy.

She recognized that look in their eyes all to well.

Later that night there was a knock on Boruto's door.

To his surprise it was his dad.

"Dad...what are you doing here?" Boruto frowned.

Naruto sighed as he looked at his son. He was taller now, not a little kid anymore.

"I'm here to talk to you about...safety..." he said sitting down at his bed.

"Safety for what? I'm not a little kid." Boruto frowned.

"Safety when you're...with a girl. Now Sasuke told me all about what happened with Sarada and you're lucky Sasuke didn't kill you...eh...Were you two using...protection? You know she could end up pregnant. Is because of those magazines that are going around-"

Boruto screamed, "You stupid old man! We were not doing...that! Are you crazy what the Hell! You are not giving me the talk right now!"

Naruto sighed, "Just listen okay. You only have sex when you are ready to have kids...or you're married."

Boruto put a pillow over his face.

"Now I'm going to explain the importance of safe sex-" Naruto began lecturing.

Could things get any more awkward?

"Sexy Jutsu!" Sarada shouted and there was a puff of smoke as a slightly older and curvier version of her appeared, long haired and naked.

Boruto's eyes widened and he screamed as blood trickled down his nose.

He had never seen a Sarada naked before but this jutsu just gave him an image of her very pleasant body, crushing any rumors of her not being woman enough.

Iwabe had been watching from the bushes and he to passed out.

Shikadai and Inojin followed suit, fainting and bloody nosed. Mitsuki held his composure well as Sasuke glared at Konohamaru.

"You taught her the sexy jutsu?" He growled.

Konohamaru began to cry, "I had to! She came to my house last night and wouldn't go until I taught it to her! I'm sorry!"

"What can I say? A jutsu made by the seventh is a jutsu I want to do!" As Sarada changed back to herself laughing, Boruto winced at her.

She really was changing.

Mitsuki to put his hands together and shouted, "Sexy Jutsu!" He to turned into a naked curvy girl version of himself with long white hair and Boruto flew back again, nose bleeding.

Okay Mitsuki as a girl was totally hot!

"Not you to Mitsuki!" Shikadai cried as he hugged Inojin.

"That's enough for today..." Konohamaru sighed and Mitsuki switched back smiling.

The group decided they should go to the festival that was in town.

"There are a lot of cool rides we could try," Boruto grinned and he glanced back at Sarada, "Sarada you coming?"

"You bet!" She grinned with a raised fist and their eyes glinted towards each other.

Sasuke put his hand on her shoulder, "I need to talk to you first."

She looked up at her dad in surprise and Boruto nodded, "Come by my house so we can go later!"

He ran off laughing with the rest of the group and Sarada turned to her dad, "Yes? What is it?"

He sighed, "I have news...I meant to tell you earlier but...now is as good as ever...how would you feel about going on a trip with me? You, me and mom. To the hidden stone village."

Sarada's eyes got big, "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! Oh this will be the best week ever dad! We will train and when I come back-"

"Sarada. The trip isn't a week. We won't be coming back for a long time...do you understand? We leave today."

Her smile faded and she winced as he explained to her the rest.

Sumire was walking down the street when Hinata went up to her.

"Hello Sumire, would you mind helping me with my groceries?" Hinata smiled. Sumire blushed and nodded, taking a bag.

As they walked Hinata smiled at the girl. She was a lot like Hinata in appearance and very pretty. With long purple hair and delicate features.

"Sumire...tell me do you like to cook?" Hinata asked.

"Yes ma'am!" Sumire nodded.

"You know...you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger. I like you," she told the young girl.

"Really?" Sumire's eyes widened.

Hinata nodded, "Yes...I also happen to know for a fact...that my son has a little crush on you."

This was a lie but Hinata assumed maybe he would like her.

Why wouldn't he?

Sumire turned red, "Wh-what?"

Hinata smiled as they reached the house, "Yes. He's just shy when it comes to girls. Let me tell you something though. You need to be bold. You need to let him know your feelings or you will just stay watching from the sidelines as another girl takes him."

Sumire blinked and Hinata sighed holding the girl's shoulders, "Look...here's a hint..if a boy puts his arms on his neck...it means he wants you to kiss him.."

Sumire winced and Hinata opened her house door, "Wait here..."

As she went inside, Boruto was running down the stairs.

"Boruto!" Hinata said and approached her son, who had now gotten slightly taller than her.

"I'm heading to the festival with Sarada," Boruto told her and Hinata cringed.


She was already taking a Boruto away..

"What do you think of Sumire?" She asked him and he frowned, "I dunno she's okay I guess. She's just weird and quiet all the time. Why?"

Hinata swallowed, that's what Naruto had thought of her.

"Well she's outside right now...you should invite her to the festival." She told him.

"But I'm going with Sarada," he said and there was a shine in his eyes.

That undeniable glint that he probably didn't even realize he had when he said her name.

"Please...for me?" Hinata asked softly.

Boruto couldn't say no.

He stepped out of the house and Sumire jumped, blushing slightly.


Now that he really thought about, she reminded him of his mother.

"..hi...Boruto..." she stammered.

"Would you like to go to the festival with Sara and me?" He asked awkwardly.

Sumire looked away, "..Sarada..oh um..I-"

Be bold...

Sumire sighed and looked at him with purple eyes, "Do you like Sarada?"

Sarada was running down the street, clouds forming over her as she panted.

This would be the last time she ran through the hidden leaf village.

Would it all still look like this when she got back?

Where was she running to? She was surprised that her legs led her to the route of a Boruto's house.

She was just told she was going to leave for a long time and who did she want to see first?


"Boruto...idiot..." she whispered.

Her cheeks were pink.

Boruto...he was her best friend...he...

A series of memories with him flashed across her mind and she smiled slightly.

That idiot.

"You take care of me..." he had told her.

She had to stay...and take care of him...keep him out of trouble...

Besides she wanted to fight with him always.

She didn't want to go...she had the choice.

To go or stay.

As she reached Boruto's house, smiling wide and panting she realized she would stay for him.

She would stay.

"Do you like Sarada?" Sumire asked again.

Boruto winced, frozen.

Did he...

His heart pounded in his chest and he swallowed, "...no..." he replied quickly.

Sarada's smile fell as she stood a few feet from where Boruto and Sumire stood.

Boruto put his arms behind his neck, "Why are you asking...?" he blinked.

Sumire blushed and remembered what Hinata told her. Sumire mustered up her courage and leaned into him, making his eyes widen.

Sarada was surprised when Sumire leaned in.

She was even more surprised when they kissed.

Sarada froze and the air was still around them. The kiss lasted second after unbearable second, cutting into Sarada's stomach.

He had promised...to never...fall in love...

When Boruto and Sumire pulled away, he was very surprised and winced in shock, face red.

What had just...?

There was the sound of rumbling and he turned to see Sarada with a hand in the air, drawing lightning to her open palm.

She looked very hurt as she ripped off the necklace Boruto gave her and in one tremendous hit, she punched the concrete ground with her electrifying fist.

The road cracked under her strength as she yelled out in pain.

If he couldn't keep that promise...then he couldn't keep any promises.

Boruto's stomach dropped and he got chills as she met his blue eyes with sad dark ones before turning and walking off unevenly, eyes wide.

"Sara!" Boruto called out but she was running off.

It began to rain lightly, the sky gray and Boruto walked to the crater she left in the ground, the necklace he gave her at the center.

He picked up the useless necklace, eyebrows knit together.

Why did he feel like he betrayed her...?

He'd give her time.

As Sarada ran through the village, rain pouring down.

Someone grabbed her by the shoulders before she could run further and stopped her.

He was coming back from the store, bags in his hands.

"Sarada..?" Mitsuki asked looking down at her with those golden eyes.

She broke down in front of him and hugged him by the neck, sobbing into his chest.

He dropped the bags, eyes wide.

He winced, surprised and hugged her back slowly, rain falling hard.

He said nothing and just held her, but that was enough.

As Sarada got on the train, her head down she glanced around the station, expecting Boruto to come bursting there.

"Three minutes to board!" The conductor shouted.

Sakura and Sasuke sat on either side of Sarada as she looked down sadly.

Sarada turned to the window of the train behind her.

Come after me Boruto...don't let me go...come on...

"...you ready to go?" Sakura asked her softly.

Sarada shook her head, "...I..need to look at it one more time." She stepped off the train and put her hands beside her mouth.

"BORUTO!" She shouted out as rain poured on her lightly.

Sakura and Sasuke tensed at the sound of her voice but said nothing.

Sakura gripped her skirt and swallowed.

Is this what Naruto felt when he left the hidden leaf village...when they were young..? Would he miss her...like she missed him?

Naruto smiled at his kids as he walked through the door, "Lots of rain today. Sorry the festival got cancelled."

"It's okay daddy I just hope we can go tomorrow," Himawari smiled as she ate cookies.

Naruto sat down and glanced at his gloomy son, "You look down...is it Because Sarada is gone?"

Boruto's eyes got wide and his breath hitched and Naruto realized he didn't know.

Boruto stood up, dizzy and Naruto stood up with him, "..son...I thought you knew..l-"

Boruto could feel a great pain in his chest.

He glared at nothing.

How dumb was she? Didn't she know she was going to be gone for a long time?

Didn't she know she was supposed to keep fighting with him?


Boruto burst out of the house after Naruto explained the Uchiha family left on a mission of Sasuke's.

Boruto ran and ran through the town that now looked gray, but it was far too late.

Sarada was already gone.

He had images of Sarada through the years, his very best friend and greatest rival.

Is she leaving because I fought too much with her...was it because-

He fell to his knees on the road, clutching the frail bolt necklace.


What was this terribly strong feeling...

He gripped his chest, heart aching and pounding.

So that's why they call it heartbreak?

Who was he going to fight with now..?

He let out a devastated scream that turned into a cry towards the sky as rain poured down on him,


The train she was on was far away from the hidden leaf village now, the village getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely behind trees.

Sarada could of sworn she heard the sound of her name cut through the sky from the distance.

Her head snapped up and she turned back sadly at the sound of Boruto's yell.

She turned back away, tears slipping down her cheeks silently.

She was far from the hidden leaf village now and would be for a long time.

It was too late now.

The rain soon freezes over and turned to snow.

When autumn left, so did she.

That was the second time he lost Sarada.

~present time~

Boruto and Sarada turned to Mitsuki who sat in between them.

"We should go on a mission, like old times." Mitsuki told them.

Boruto smirked as the train passed a row of trees, "Sounds good to me but I don't know if Sarada's up for it. Her jujitsu must be kind of rusty."

"Of course I'm up for it you idiot!" Sarada growled.

"I'll join to." Inojin put in and he glanced at Himawari who shook her head, "No thanks, I'm meeting some friends to pick out dresses for the festival. Sorry guys."

The train came to a halt and they all jumped off, Inojin trying to catch Himawari but Boruto pushing him and catching her instead.

Hima smirked up at him and glanced at Sarada who jumped off on her own.

"Don't be too much of an idiot in front of her okay? And invite her to the festival. " She told him lightly before walking off and waving goodbye to them, meeting her friends at the end of the street.

"All right lets go!" Sarada slammed a fist into her hand.

"We need to split up," Boruto told them as they stood outside of the temple behind large rocks.

The temple was large and made in ancient Japanese style, a deep crimson red.

The mission was to retrieve a scroll hidden inside for the seventh. The thing was the scroll was guarded by a set of traps made there by monks in their time. It was a supposed to be a simple mission.

"Sarada and I can go together to the west end." Mitsuki said and Boruto glanced at him as he took Sarada's hand and walked the side of the temple.

"Boruto-Hey let's go!" Inojin whispered to him snapping him out of it.

Inojin and Boruto crept up to the opposite side of the temple and stopped when they got a closed opening from underneath.

Inojin slammed a fist into the glass of the opening and unlatched it open. He and Boruto hopped in.

It looked like they were in the very foundation of the building, it was dark and humidity tight. Boruto felt up the top until he found a blunt piece of wood and pushed it up.

Inojin and Boruto nodded at each other and climbed in, glancing around the dark eerily.

They carefully walked down the hall when suddenly the floor gave out underneath them and they gripped onto the walls.

"It's like our academy days all over again," Boruto muttered as they crawled to the next room.

Boruto activated his byakugan and scoped the room in a circle.

Inojin drew up knives and looked around carefully, when Boruto warned him, "Inojin! Look out!"

Inojin's eyes widened as lightning filled the room and struck him.

How did that..?

"Boruto...go on without me..I'll be okay.." Inojin told him getting up and clutching his chest.

Boruto didn't want to leave him but then remembered how he flirted with his sister.

Boruto nodded and ran out through the dark guided by his eye.

The room had a lot of dark chakra. How was it holding it in?

Meanwhile Mitsuki and Sarada were blocking hits of knives that were flying at them from openings in the ceiling, lights on on their end.

They shielded themselves easily and entered a dimly lit room.

"Is this the room?" Sarada asked as they walked carefully.

It was strangely empty.

Sarada activated her sharingan and scanned the room when she pushed Mitsuki out of the way and wooden spinning dolls with knife edges came at them.

More came from the walls and Sarada knocked down a few with ninja stars.

Mitsuki stuck his arms out and blocked some from her, "You go on. I've got this."

Sarada nodded and ran off.

She finally reached the last room and the scroll was placed there in the middle.

No traps. Nothing.

Sarada suspiciously approached and grabbed the scroll easily.

That was almost too easy.

She turned and was face to face with a large bear.

She tensed as it growled at her and Boruto came bursting in.

"A panda?!" He glared and used the chakra in the room to do lightning style and aim at the bear.

The bear ran towards the wall and burst through it, running away.

It had a scroll tied to its back.

The one Sarada had gotten was a decoy.

Boruto and a Sarada ran after the bear and Sarada prepared to take it down when they reached a clearing but Boruto jumped over her and shouted, "Shadow clone jutsu!"

The bear pounced on Boruto, scratching him and Sarada threw an electrifying punch at the animal.

At the same time of his clones swiped the scroll and threw it to Boruto, the panda running off.

"Yeah you damn panda!" He grinned.

Sarada glared at him, "That's a bear!"

"Well it's a bear that looks like a panda!" He retorted.

So they had come full circle. It's like they were kids again.

"You're...bleeding." Sarada told him and glanced at his red stained shirt.

He sighed, "Yeah it's nothing."

"I can wrap you up. Take off your shirt." She told him pulling out her first aid pack.

"I'm good Sara-" he began but she glared at him and he complied.

He slipped off his shirt to reveal a few scratch marks, some deep.

She tied her hair back and began opened her pack and Boruto noticed again her changes.

She really was all grown up now.

Sarada focused and began disinfecting his cuts and cleaning them up.

"Ow!" He glared and Sarada glared back, "Just hold still and shut up!"

Her soft fingers grazing the skin of his abdomen. He frowned lightly but couldn't deny the strange feeling he got when she touched him.

She noticed older scars from years before. Scars with stories.

"I didn't know you were a healer," Boruto said smirking.

"Well my mom is a medical ninja. What can you expect?" She replied as she began wrapping bandages around his toned stomach.

"All done." She told him as the were kneeled on the grass.

They gazed at each other and Boruto ruined the moment by flaunting the scroll in his hand, "I win."

Mitsuki and Inojin came to them then and frowned as they saw Sarada chasing Boruto for the scroll, punching and cracking the ground. Boruto laughing and jumping away.

Some things never changed.

The sky was dark now, the moon peeking out in a crescent as Inojin waved goodbye to them.

It was just them three then, walking down the dark street, a few windows in town lit up in light.

"Is your dad in town to?" Mitsuki asked and Sarada nodded, "Yeah there's some things he's been meaning to discuss with the seventh."

"How's your mom been? Ever since the divorce?" Mitsuki asked then and Boruto's eyes widened.

Divorce?! Sarada caught the shock in Boruto's face.

"You know. It was hard at first but it's been a year and a half now so she's better." Sarada replied.

Sarada then asked how Konohamaru was doing and Mitsuki told her about their much loved sensei.

Boruto couldn't help but notice how Mitsuki and Sarada seemed so connected despite the 2 year gap.

Mitsuki eventually left off to his house, hugging Sarada warmly and waving at them goodbye.

It was just Boruto and Sarada now.

They didn't talk for most of the walk and it was just awkward silence. Sarada was sure she could hear her heart pounding.

When they neared her house, the front light on, she turned to him.

"Thanks for trapping the bear with me Bolt." She grinned.

"You mean the panda," he grinned.

She laughed and he sighed turning more serious.

"I didn't know your parents divorced." He burst out.

He still couldn't understand how Mitsuki knew.

Her smile faltered slightly, "Yeah they did."

"I'm sorry," he told her, "I didn't know."

"It's ancient history now. I'm okay. Dad still loves mom but it was for the best." She told him, "They weren't the same ever since we ran away that night...but my parents are still friends."

Boruto nodded and she smiled, "But anyways...deliver that scroll to your dad and say hi for me."

Invite her to the festival. Hima's words rang in his head.

Sarada poked his forehead and he winced rubbing his forehead.

Why did she always do that?

He sighed as she opened her door and smiled back at him before turning, shutting it closed.

She was back now but he felt even farther from her than ever.