Amelia's POV

I've lived with my grandparents for basically my entire life. They raised me for the most part. Dad was just sixteen when I was born, and he went too collage, then dropped out, and somehow he got the money to start his own business. That's how hebecame
a billionaire.

I use to visit dad almost every weekend. When I got older though, I stopped seeing him as much. I know dad is very intemadating, and when I was younger he would scare me. I'm still a little nervous with being around him.

Uncle Elliot is the complete opposite. He's funny, and easygoing. I get along with uncle Elliot. He likes to joke around, and can be very immature, but I like it.

Aunt Mia moved out when I was six. I remember being devastated when she moved out. Aunt Mia visits almost often though. Like, I've never been a fan of shopping, it's not my favourite thing. I'll only go with aunt Mia though because she makes everything

There is one week left beforeChristmas holidays are over. I'm not too thrilled about going back to school, but it is what it is. I mean school isn't the worst place on earth. I do go to a public school. My grandparents get to pick the school

since I live with them. I know dad isn't happy I don't go to a private school. I am happy I go to public school, it is where I fit in.

"She will be down when she's awake." I hear grandmas voice coming from the kitchen. Who the hell is she talking too?

"Grandma?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen. I'm shocked too see dad here.

"Amelia." Dad says in his business voice. "Sit down. We have somethings too discuss with you."

"Why are you here, am I in trouble?" I ask nervously. I don't recall doing anything that would get me into shit.

"Can't I come over, or is that a problem?" Dad asks sarcastically. "And why would you be in trouble?" Dad now frowns.

"I-I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. "Is everything okay?" I ask as I turn over to grandma.

"Sweetie... grandpa, your father, and myself think it's best if you move in with your father." Grandma speaks softly. What the hell? "Semester two is just around the corner. Grandpa, and myself are going to Paris for two weekstoo visit Mia, and

we just think maybe living with your father wouldn't be such a bad idea." Grandma explains.

"What!" I yell in anger. They can't just do this too me! "Are you serious?"

"This isn't a joking matter." Dad says sternly. "We think it is best if you live with me."

"What the hell, no." I snap at dad who stares at me with his stone cold face.

"Watch it, Amelia Grace." Dad glares at me. "You have two days too pack. Taylor will pick you up Friday. I expect you to be ready by then."

"No fucking way." I hiss. "Grandma you went behind my back!" I yell. "I don't get a say in this too?"

"Language." Dad snaps at me. "And you don't. You are fifteen years old."

"Christian, she isn't exactly wrong." Grandma says softly. "Amelia, we are sorry. Sweetie, I'm sorry."

"I don't give a shit." I cross my arms. Dad is instantly by my side.

He grips my arm, and stares down at me so our grey eyes meet. "Apologize to your grandmother. Now."

"No." I shouldn't have to apologize. This is unfair!

Dad whispers in my ear which makes me shiver. "Apologize, or else. Do you want me to punish you?" He's really pissed off.

"No, and no." I say.

"Fine. Go upstairs, and start packing." Dad snaps at me, and gives me a shove out of the room.

How dare my own grandparents go behind my back! Dad is now pissed at me, feelings are mutual. I feel betrayed because that's literally what just of all my fifteen years, why now?

I am definitely worried by a few things. Will dad put me in private school since I'm going to be living with him? Do my grandparents hate me? Why does my dad want me too live with him now?