Indi climbed up the wall and back onto the roof. He knew that female human was terrified of him, yet she seemed dangerous herself. He could sense it. Then there was that swirling mass of cold crystals that formed near her hand.

Running along the top of the structure, his arms and legs pumping. Leaping off the structure, he flew over the wall before landing on the ground, spraying up dirt. Looking around, he saw that he was alone. Straighten up, he started walking back to the queen's nest.

The walk back was quiet. The moon was full once again, not that he needed it. As he approached the cave, he heard a loud shrieking. He ran at full speed and burst into the cave.

Looking over at the Hostages, he saw that the queen was watching them intently. There was a large, round object about waist high that were placed in front of each of the bound humans.

"Come, my son," the queen said. "It is time." Indi walked over and stood next to the queen. He watched intently as the eggs opened. The humans began struggling and making loud noises that hurt his head.

As two small multi-legged creatures crawled out of the eggs, Indi smiled. They promptly jumped onto the screaming humans and wrapped their many legs around the humans' faces.

After a moment of struggling, the humans stilled.

"Now, did you find anything?"

"I did," Indi hissed. "I found a female human."

"Where is it?"

"In the largest structure of the human nest. I was about to attack when more humans appeared. Also, this female human had some strange thing on its hands." The queen looked intrigued. "It had some sort of cold prisms floating around its hands."

The queen was silent for a moment. "Can you see how it works?"

"If I can get close enough," Indi breathed out. "I will try."

The queen hissed in approval, and Indi went and picked up his weapon from the wall of the cave. Strapping it to his back, he walked out of the cave.

Elsa could not get the image of that creature out of her head as she pushed the food around on her plate. What was it doing here? Where did it come from? Were there more? Was it even real, or had she merely been hallucinating?

"Elsa!" a voice said, crashing into her consciousness.

"Yes?" Elsa said, turning to her sister, shaking her head. "Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts."

"I could tell," Anna said, smirking. "What were you thinking about?"

"The ball tomorrow," Elsa lied. She did not want to scare her sister.

"Oh! Could I be of any help?"

Elsa forced a smile and nodded.

As Anna began rattling off ideas, Elsa ate her food, only paying enough attention to her sister to be sure that the princess would not feel like she was being ignored.

After dinner, the royal sisters parted for the night.

As Elsa walked through the halls alone, her thoughts were fully on the creature. She felt that it was fully dangerous, yet she did not know how to handle the threat. She stepped the king's office to do some late night paperwork and froze. Standing there, examining the portrait of the previous king of Arendelle, Elsa's father, was the creature. It had not noticed her, focusing intently on the picture. Its tail hung in an arch, the blade hovering over her desk. Elsa backed out silently and shut the door. She took a deep, calming breath and formed her hand into a fist, readying her powers. She formed her face into a snarl and threw the door open and punched ice into the room at the creature.

Or, at least, where the creature was. She saw that the creature had vanished and the area beneath her father's portrait was now covered in icicles.

Looking around, she saw the creature was upon the wall on the opposite side of the room. It cocked its head at her and its dark eyes blinked.

"Get out," Elsa said sternly. The creature pulled its lips back and bared its teeth, hissing. Elsa pointed to the open window. "Get out!"

The thing dropped to the floor and slowly approached her. "Stay back!" Elsa yelled. She threw her hands out, sending a stream of magic that froze the bladed tail to the wall.

Indi screamed in pain when the cold hit his tail. Turning, he bent his tail, pulled back his hand and clawed away the cold hard substance that encased the tip. He tore his tail free and swung it around, being rid of the last of the substance. Turning around, he saw that the female human had disappeared.

Snarling, he stalked out, his tail snaking out the door behind him.

Running through the halls, he could easily sense where the human had gone. Rounding a corner, he saw the human disappear around another corner down the hall.

He immediately jumped onto the wall and began crawling along quickly.

Seeing the woman ahead, he pushed off the wall, arms outstretched. As he landed on the floor, he wrapped a hand around the human's foot, dragging her down.

Elsa screamed as she hit the floor. She flipped onto her back and saw the creature getting up from its stomach to all fours. She drew back her leg and kicked it in the face. The creature scrambled back, shaking its head. It wiped its nose, smearing a green liquid that leaked from one of its nostrils.

Suddenly a loud voice came from behind Elsa. "Back, demon!" Looking up, Elsa saw that one of her guards had arrived. He spun his sword and aimed it at the monster, which rose onto its legs.

It snarled and swung its tail.

The guard held his sword firmly, not removing his gaze from the beast. "Your majesty, I suggest you go and get help. I can hold this thing off." Not disagreeing, Elsa scrambled to her feet and ran off, hearing her guard yell. "Come on!"

As Elsa ran off, he heard her guard yell in pain.

As Indi pulled back his lips, exposing his teeth, this new male human charged. It made a loud noise and swung the sharp metal object. Indi ducked, sensing that this was no mere display, but an attack.

Snarling, Indi jumped back before climbing up the wall and hanging from the ceiling. The human made a loud noise, which Indi responded to by swinging down (hanging by his hand claws) and jabbing with his tail. The human yelled and fell back, clutching at his shoulder.

A moment later, the female human returned, accompanied by more male humans, all wearing some sort of metal.

"What on God's green earth is that?" General Johnson said. The beast looked down at them with wide eyes. A thick, red substance dripped from the blade on its tail and dripped onto the floor. The guard on the ground groaned in pain, getting everyone's attention.

"Take this man to the infirmary," Elsa told another guard. Soon, the wounded man was being helped away by a comrade. Looking back at the creature, Elsa cocked her head at it, a motion that the creature imitated.

"Can it be killed?" a guard asked. The creature turned its head to look at the man.

"Well, it bleeds," Elsa said, noticing the creature turn to her. "So it can be harmed."

"Should we kill it?" General Johnson asked. It turned to look at him. "From what I know, this might be a new species. I'm sure that those naturalists over in London would have a grand time examining it. I think it would be worth more alive than dead."

Elsa pondered this for a moment. "They will be fine with a dead one. It would be safer to transport anyway."

Johnson nodded.

The beast snarled, and turned around, before beginning to crawl off.

"Oh, no you don't!" Elsa snarled. She punched a shot of ice at the creature, stopping it in its tracks.

The creature turned its ugly head and snarled. It dropped down to the floor with a light thud, snarling like a mad dog, before shooting off into the darkness of the hall.

"Get it!"

Indi charged through the corridors. Behind him, he heard the thundering of the humans' feet, chasing after him. He ran back to the room where the human female first found him. He climbed out the window, clinging to the wall.

Looking back inside, he saw the female and the group of male humans rush into the room. The female whipped her head around, until, her eyes caught him peering through the open window. He ducked as she shot more of the cold substance from her hands at him.

He hissed, before climbing away.

He climbed up the wall and went to the roof.

Elsa slowly sat down in her chair, her eyes wide.

"What do you want us to do, Your Highness?" General Johnson said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Call a meeting," Elsa said. "Gather the members of my court, as well as my sister." Johnson nodded and turned, leading the soldiers away.

As she watched the office door shut, Elsa felt the unnerving feeling of isolation. Noticing the patches of jagged ice that dotted her office's walls, she waved her hand, making the ice disappear.

Walking over to the window, she shut the panes, firmly latching them. After giving one last glance outside, she walked to the meeting hall.

As she made her way through the halls, she kept glancing to each dark corner she could find. As she rounded a corner, she jumped when she saw a maid who was dusting a vase. The maid jumped as well, sending the vase teetering on its pedestal.

Elsa quickly froze the base of the keepsake to the pedestal.

"Apologies, my queen," the maid said, bowing her head.

"It's quite alright," Elsa said as she unfroze the vase, setting it back in its place before continuing on her way. As she passed by a window, she looked at how the moonlight cascaded onto the carpet in the middle of the floor. As she entered the pale beam of light, she gasped: snaking along the floor was a shadow of a bladed skeletal tail. Elsa's head whipped to the window, where there was... nothing, save for the courtyard, a section of the sleeping town, and the calm sea.

She shook her head; she had to think clearly, for a queen could not be seen as flustered. As she rounded the corner, she saw the members of her court entering a room. As she entered the room herself, she saw that she was the last to arrive. She took her seat at the head of the table, General Johnson to her right and Anna to her left.

"Elsa," Anna whispered. "What-"

Elsa held up a hand, gently shushing her.

"I thank you all for coming so quickly," Elsa said, rising. "I have brought you all here to tell you of an attack that happened just moments ago.

"As I was going off to the royal study, a beast attacked me. I managed to hold it off until the guards came to assist me. One of them was seriously injured, yet the creature still managed to escape."

"What did this creature look like?" said George Helstein, Arendelle's Minister of Finance.

Elsa quickly created a life-sized ice sculpture on the table.

The creature, now in a hue of sky blue, seemed slightly less menacing; but only just. It was slightly hunched over, its arms slightly extended. Its face was contorted into an aggressive snarl, and its tail snaked over the table, the blade hovering over Anna.

Everyone examined the statue. Anna stood up and ran her hand over the tail blade.

"This creature is extremely fast," Elsa said. "It can crawl up and along the walls. If there is enough room, it will use its tail as a ranged weapon."

"Where did this 'creature' come from?" Fredrick Miller, the Secretary of Public Relations asked.

"We do not know," Elsa said. "It is possible that it snuck here from a ship, or, may God forbid the possibility, it could have been something from the devil's realm."

"So it's a demon?"

"I do not know," Elsa said. "I will call upon Father Brutus tomorrow, as see if he knows anything about these creatures."

"And what of the ball that is set for tomorrow?" Miller said.

Elsa thought for a moment. Canceling the ball would not look good for her with the people, as she had been planning it for a month. "I will set up more guards to protect us from the creature should it arrive during the ball."

Everyone nodded; this seemed reasonable.

Indi walked back into the cave. He saw that the queen was resting, and the multi-legged babies had fallen off the humans and died.

The humans were awake and watched him with terrified eyes. Indi hissed with distaste.

Suddenly, the male human began to scream and wristed in pain. A moment later, the female human started to do the same as well. Red fluid started to seep through the coverings on their chests and drip from their mouths.

I plan the next chapter to be really good. Stay tuned.