DISCLAIMER- all of these ideas are the wonderful JAMES DASHNERs. i am not capable of coming up with such a great book idea. i only own my little character. i'm not sure what her name is yet but you will find out in the next chapter. :) hope you enjoy

I woke up gasping for air. Sweat dripping down my face. My head was pounding. The sound of scraping metal was all around me making my ears hurt.

It was completely black. I could tell I was moving but I didn't know where I was going. I shuffled backwards to hit a cold metal wall, hard. Ow! I sat there waiting for the movement and the screeching to stop.

Suddenly the cage stopped so abruptly I got thrown up and slammed back down into my sitting position. I jumped when a blinking red light came on in the corner of the box. It aluminates the small cage with a red tint. I realize i'm not alone, there are boxes stacked high to the small ceiling.

I stay there trying to catch my breath when a blinding light shines through a crack at the top of the box that grows bigger. The sound of a lever being pulled fills my ears. Someone's opening my box!

I put my hand up in front of my eyes trying to let them adjust to the sudden light. I saw shadows of figures. not sure where I was. Gasps came from up above. I squinted upward trying to make out faces.

"What the clunk."


"She's hot!"

"Who is she!?"

"A girl!"

"Wonder what keeper she'll get?"

"What's going on here?" Voices erupted all around me. They intertwined with each other making it louder.

"Don't just stand there shuckfaces, throw the rope down there for her!" A looped rope came flying down into my small box. Not sure what to do I looked up once again with a questioning look on my face.

I could make out some shadowed faces now that my eyes where better adjusted.

"Put your foot in it!" Someone yelled down at me. Oh wow I feel dumb. I mentality face planted myself. What else where you supposed to do with it? I asked myself.

I slipped my foot inside and held on hoping I wouldn't get dropped. Once they had pulled me up I stumbled out onto the grass. I looked around into the crowd.. they where all boys. No wonder they where all shocked to see me.

"Where am I?" I stuttered.

"What's your name?" Asked a boy with dark skin and stern face. Wow they didn't even answer my question.

"I'm.. I can't really remember." i paused "I actually can't remember anything. Is that normal?" I stood up and pretended to brush off the imaginary dirt that had got on me when I climbed out of the cage.

A blonde headed boy stepped out of the crowd.

"It's normal. You will remember it in a couple of hours or so." He had a warm smile and eyes that lit up when he did so. He also had a thick accent that I couldn't place. I felt reassured when he told me this.

"Alright! Get back to your jobs!" The dark skinned boy who asked me what my name yelled this. It startled me from the sudden out burst of noise. I must have jumped pretty high because a boy with sandy brown hair snickered and had an evil smirk plastered to his face. I looked down so he wouldn't see the red in my checks from embarrassment. Please just get me out of this situation!

When he walked past me to help retrieve thinks from out of the box he bumped into my shoulder.

"Watch it greenie." He looked back at me still with a smirk on his face.

I turned around to see the dark skinned boy and the blonde headed kid starring at me.

"Come with me greenie. I'll show you around." Spoke the blonde headed kid. "Hey just ignore that kid that bumped into you. That was gally, he's just trying to start trouble." I nodded my head in agreement

"And what's your name?" I asked him

"Oh sorry about that! My name's Newt and that shuck face over there, (the dark skinned boy) his name is Alby. He's pretty much the leader of this whole thing. One of the first ones to arrive."


"Like to come up in the box. One of the first people to be living in the glade." I'm assuming they call this place the glade.

Newt gave me a tour of the glade and showed me the homestead.

"I hope you don't mind but you will be sleeping in my room until the boys get used to a girl being around."

"Oh I don't mind, as long as I have somewhere to sleep." I smiled at him with a shy smile to let him know I was comfortable. He smiled back at me.

"Alright greenbean your free to explore until dinner time. tomorrow you will start to try out jobs, okay?"

"Ok thanks!" I smiled and turned to head out of the homestead when I slammed right into someone full force

"Ow! Why are we in such a rush greenie? Got somewhere to be?" It was Gally. Oh great!

"Nope. Are you?" I replied trying to add some sass into my reply. I didn't stick around for what he was going to say. I headed outside to the woods to do some thinking.