Futa-Genderbent! One-Shots

Draco711: Testing, one two. Are we on?

Naruto: I don't know. Double checking, one two.

Natsu: Yeah, we're on. Just in case, triple checking, one two.

Happy: Aye, we're on!

Draco711: Welcome to another one-shot of the project Futa-Genderbent! One-shots!

Naruto&Natsu&Happy: Alright!

Draco711: One-shot fifteen is here, and as I mentioned before, I'm trying to keep the one-shots one page of paper length with two being the absolute maximum.

Natsu: So this way, he can posted them quicker

Happy: But he haven't lately.

Naruto: Mainly because of lack of time to do them. Or managing time when he does have time.

Draco711: But I am here with an update so hurray! Now on to the Disclaimer!

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime/Book/Movie/etc. that may appear in this project.

Draco711: With that completed, lets get on with the one-shot.

Draco711&Natsu&Happy&Naruto: Hobey ho let's go~!

Ch. 15

Night has fallen, and the residents of the Leaf village is beginning their nightly rituals. That's either heading home for the night or opening their stores. Currently at the Yuuhi residents~

The sound of Kurenai's bed shaking filled the bedroom, the headboard hitting the wall roughly as if its trying to break through. On top of the bed, surrounded by messy sheets and misplaced pillows was Kurenai and Naruto. Kurenai had Naruto on his back, thrusting hard and deep into his ass with her massive shaft. Naruto had his legs wrapped loosely around Kurenai's waist. From their sweat covered bodies and semen coating nearly the entire bed, they been at this for quite awhile.

"Fuck Naruto…your ass is so tight…" Kurenai grunts, impaling her shaft deeper into Naruto.

"Ah…and you're s-so…ah…big…" Naruto moans, his manhood flopping against his and Kurenai's stomach.

"If you think I'm big, wait till Hinata gets ahold of you," Kurenai whispers "She's going to fuck you silly…hrn…like she's doing to Sakura right now…only there is no telling when she will stop with you." Across from Kurenai's room was the guest room. As far one can tell, the only thing seen is the very intense shaking bed and the sounds of the headboard crashing into the wall, Hinata's primal grunts and Sakura's uncontrolled moans/screams of pleasure.

"Oh…I'm close…" Kurenai moans, picking up the pace.

"M-Me too…" Naruto moans also. With a few more deep thrusts, Kurenai came into Naruto. Naruto moans out Kurenai's name as he climaxed from his own shaft. A minute passed when their orgasms died down.

"Ah…that was amazing…" Kurenai breathes, her shaft slipping out of Naruto anus with a light splat once it hit the bed.

"Y-Yeah…" Naruto agrees.

"I hope you're not too tired Naruto because your night is just beginning." A voice said. Naruto and Kurenai looks over and saw Hinata in all her naked glory, her twelve inch shaft standing at attention with cum leaking and a sly, sexy smile on her face.

"I assume you fucked Sakura till she passed out and desire your turn with Naruto now." Kurenai spoke.

"Yes." Nodding, Kurenai slid aside and off the bed as Hinata climbed into the bed. Hinata didn't waste no time before thrusting deep into Naruto, stretching him pass his limit and began pounding away into him causing him to let out a silent scream of pleasurable pain. Kurenai smiles lightly as she left out and into the guest room. She saw Sakura wasn't really passed out, but the way her eyes were rolled into her head and tongue hanging out her mouth, she might as well been.

"I better get Sakura home," Kurenai thought "Chances are she's going to be limping for quite a while. And maybe stop by Anko's or Tsunade's place for some fun." With that thought, she lift Sakura up and headed out just as she heard her bed break. She laughed softly as she imagined Hinata fucking Naruto throughout the night.


Draco711: And complete.

Naruto: Oh man...I wouldn't mind that happening.

Natsu: Of course we know you wouldn't.

Happy: Aye.

Draco711: Honestly, I been had this done but I forgot to post. I realized this when I was working on chapter 16, and happen to check here and saw fifteen was missing. Check my pages, and saw I didn't post it because I forgot.

Natsu: Well...you did finish at night and had to go to bed for work.

Naruto: Yeah.

Draco711: Yeah...but anyway, chapter 16 should be posted on Tuesday as I'm off that day. If not, then I'm just being lazy.

Happy: Draco711 also like for you to make requests. If he knows the Anime/Movie/Show/etc., he can make a one-shot between two characters you choose.

Naruto: But it might not be posted right away.

Natsu: But he will work on it when he has the time.

Draco711: So if you like this one-shot, review your thoughts and follow and favorite it.

Natsu: Till then, stay fired up and awesome!

Happy: Aye, and eat lots of fish!

Naruto: And never go back on your word.

Draco711: Till we meet again.

Draco711&NarutoNatsu&Happy: And so we go~