Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters, ideas and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended
A/N: Olivia Winchester – Victoria Justice.
Chapter 7:
The demigods were unanimous in their certitude: while dinner with the gods had an atmosphere impregnated with slight tension and strained conversation, it was thankfully, less awkward than lunch and, while conversation didn't occur as naturally as it did in the future, it wasn't stilted or forced but of an evasive nature. The gods were not used to having their wants denied or faced with outright disobedience from their mortal children, but with the Fates as their benefactors, all the gods could do, is practice patience. The threat of getting smote no longer held power as they would then face the Fates' wrath; furthermore, the gods couldn't harm their child or risk angering said demigod's respective godly parent.
During the entirety of the lavish banquet, Poseidon attempted, many times, to catch Percy's eye; unfortunately, his son was unforthcoming when it came to divulging the dangerous aspects of the future, such as his quest to the Underworld of all places, the uncommon monsters he encountered, his stint in Tartarus!, and the list of gods who dared threaten his son with death and/or bodily harm as, according to Thalia Grace and Annabeth Chase, Perseus had a knack for "pissing off the gods". Also, the Sea God yearned to comprehend how exactly the Great Prophecy had come to pass, Percy's role in it – because there was no denying that Percy wasn't involved, Zeus would not offer any demigod, especially a son of the sea, immortality. Percy smartly avoided his many transparent attempts of capturing his attention and kept his eyes peeled on his plate. Sighing forlornly, Poseidon was desperate for information; he'd settle for simply about this 'Smelly Gabe' and leave the more important topics that affected them all for whenever his son decided to be communicative. Alas, Poseidon decided to utilize patience and allow Perseus his privacy, let him approach when he deems it fit.
Hades shared his brother's desideratum for answers, and while he exhibited more subtlety than Poseidon, Nico and Hazel would have to be blind not to notice the Lord of the Underworld's intense and penetrating gaze he incessantly fixated them with. For now, he decided to put aside the baffling and inexplicable revelation of demons, unsummoned ghosts and the probable existence of Hell, to concentrate on the conundrum his children were obnubilated in, their mere presence and Bianca's mystifying absence obscure. The demigods' recent slip up in regards to the Great Prophecy was a great aid, allowing Hades to come to the conclusion that in the future, he sanctioned Bianca and Nico's release from the Lotus Hotel & Casino in the hopes that either one of them might one day become "the child of the eldest gods" that the Prophecy referred to. He had never known Nico to be without Bianca, and that terrifying suspicion overwhelmed him with grief, but he stubbornly chose to remain in denial and hope that Bianca wasn't deceased and that the Fates simply chose to omit her from the mission, perchance due to the fact that she hadn't been a major player in future events unlike Nico. Hazel, his Roman daughter, produced a myriad of questions and absolutely no answers, and try as he might, he couldn't decipher that particular puzzle piece.
On the other hand, Aphrodite sat ruminating on, not her mortal child like the other gods were cogitating about, but Clarisse La Rue, the daughter of her one true love. The love goddess felt some sort of an obligation to repair, or at least build, the father-daughter bond. While she understood the importance of the many masks her lover religiously wore, Aphrodite loathed the various adverse opinions everyone, even Homer, thought of him, painting him as a hotheaded and heartless villain who thirsts for naught but war and bloodshed. …Fools, she thought acerbically. As the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite would never have fallen in love with, or wasted millennia on Ares, if he held naught but hate in his heart, body, mind and soul.
Suddenly, the back of Ares' fingers brushed her high cheekbone, the tenderness of his touch prompting her kaleidoscopic eyes to morph from a dark navy blue to a more lighter shade resembling the sky during a bright, sunny and cloudless day. "Affie, your mind's somewhere far away," he stated in his husky voice. Blinking, her eyes flickered back and forth, realizing only her and Ares remained in the dining hall and she gave her lover a questioning look. "Told 'em we'll catch up. You barely said a word through dinner, that's very unlike you," his large hands settled on her arms, caressing them. Aphrodite smiled; translation: he was concerned.
Brushing her lips against his prominent cheek, she gracefully stood, Ares following her movements, and said, "I have a little errand to run, my love. I'll meet you in the Throne Room."
"You want to meddle," Ares effortlessly translated, an eyebrow arched in amusement.
Parting him with a tinkling laugh and a cheeky wink, Aphrodite sashayed to the largest guest chamber assigned to the demigods, only stopping once she reached the door that had been left ajar, the children congregated in the communal living room. Knocking lightly on the open door, Aphrodite beamed at them, her eyes lingering on Clarisse, "I was hoping to have to have a word with Clarisse. You don't mind, do you, dear?"
All eyes were on the daughter of Ares, shocked surprise the main emotion on her features. Slowly, she inclined her head in agreement, knowing that while Aphrodite posed the question in a polite way that gave her the option to refuse, in all actuality, it was a demand and that she was expected to obey.
"Lovely!" the love goddess chirped, hands clasped together in a thrilled demeanor. She stepped into the room as the children hesitantly trickled out, all except for Chris who stood protectively next to Clarisse, his expression a mixture of obstinacy and uncertainty. Laughing gaily, Aphrodite shook her head at the son of Hermes as though he were acting silly, "Young man, your worry, endearing as it may be, is wholly unnecessary. I merely wish to have a little chat with Clarisse. Privately."
Leaving Clarisse to assure her boyfriend, Aphrodite examined the myriad of seating furniture with a critical eye before choosing the modern truffle-colored Monty Sofa. Crossing her legs, she smiled encouragingly at Clarisse and lightly patted the space beside her, "I don't bite, dear."
"I don't want a makeover," was the first thing to come out of Clarisse's mouth the split-second her derrière hit the sofa.
Throwing her head back, golden-blonde curls dancing merrily at the sharp movement, a bubble of bell-like laughter emitted from the goddess, her eyes twinkling incandescently as a result of her blunt words. Recovering, though her eyes still shone with mirth, Aphrodite reached forward and patted the brunette's folded hands, "I wasn't offering. Although later, if you do want one, I'll be happy to oblige. No, I wish to speak to you about your father."
Defenses as thick as a brick wall were erected and if possible, Clarisse's hesitance intensified, "What about him?"
"You tell me," the love goddess's expression sobered. "Whatever plagues your mind, you can tell me. I shan't breathe a word of this conversation to anyone. It's between us girls."
But Clarisse remained unconvinced, "Why? I mean, in the future, you never bothered. What's in it for you? Why now?" Suspicion and a hint of surging fear coated the demigod's inquiries and Aphrodite's eyes shuttered as the realization hit her, "You are terrified of him." At the look of surprise she found herself on the receiving end of, she smiled sadly, "Love may be the most paramount and foremost of my domain, but my powers are not limited to that certain province. If only you knew of the diverse jurisdictions I possess and the power I wield."
"Seeing you own Athena gave me an idea," Clarisse mumbled.
A diabolical smirk pulled at Aphrodite's pouty lips and she casually brushed a hand in the air, "Oh, that? My dear, that was simply child's play. I barely made a dent in her." At that moment, Clarisse could comprehend Percy's indomitable belief regarding Aphrodite being one of the most terrifying Olympians. "I sense an echo of Terror, a mark my son Deimos left on you. He touched you with his powers. A mother always knows," her smile held many secrets, though it also held sadness. "You've succeeded in overcoming your paterphobia, but not eradicate it completely. You still fear his ferocious temper. You do not wish to disappoint." Omniscient kaleidoscopic eyes observed her with suffocating intensity and they widened a fraction, "I also sense a father's pride. You received acceptance from Ares in the future-" she held up her hand, halting any interruptions, "-I do not need to know. In time, all shall be revealed. However, psychoanalyzing you and uprooting your fears was not my intention; healing the rift in whatever opinion you may have formed of your father, is."
Lips compressed together, Clarisse exhaled loudly and started to rant and rave, her suppressed emotions and thoughts bursting through like a tidal wave, "He harbors so much hate for Olivia. I try to understand why, but I, I can't. She's brave, she's strong, she's so, so awe-inspiring, an idol worthy of praise and, and he's so cruel to her. And… his misogynistic opinion, the only exception being immortal women, I just, I don't think I want to understand. There's no excuse! I mean, Darla was an excellent swordswoman but because she died two hours into her first quest he bans all his future demigod daughters from participating in quests?!"
She contemplated the young demigod for a brief moment, "Tell me, Clarisse, what do you know of Alcippe?"
Frowning in thought, Clarisse nodded in response to the non sequitur and promptly responded, "She was a daughter of Ares who Halirrhothius, Poseidon's son, attempted to rape."
"It was no attempt, young one," Aphrodite hastened to correct her, eyes tight, the subject clearly not of her liking. "Alas, I cannot say I am not surprised in terms of history's inaccuracy. It seems to be a trend when concerning Ares. Halirrhothius raped poor Alcippe, Clarisse. Ares' rage-" an expression of unadulterated awe colored the goddess's features, a distant quality to her eye as though she were currently reliving that momentous incident, "-was a sight to behold. He appeared at his daughter's summons and, like an avenging god, his vengeance was swift and deadly. Halirrhothius didn't have a chance and he never saw it coming because the general consensus to be believed is that Ares cares not for his children." She directed a pointed look at the rapidly paling and astonished demigod. "His anger was so raw and potent, even Zeus feared his wrath; his infamous rage generated the first trial in history. Poseidon was the only one who dared challenge Ares, only until the trial began and he immediately rescinded his accusation, horrified and disgusted and ashamed at his son's vile act. Ares' rage and the honor he sought for his daughter knew no bounds the Areopagus was named after him."
Concealing her awe at the details that were left out of the history books, Clarisse grunted, "While I appreciate the history lesson, I don't see what the point is, of you telling me this…"
Clasping her hands together, the love goddess arched an eyebrow at her, "Despite our immense power, we are subject to divine laws, dear one. Before the formation of the Ancient Law, it was an unspoken rule that we are not to interfere in our children's lives, especially our mortal children. And although we were more lenient in ancient times, we tried to keep our distance. And yet, when Alcippe summoned Ares through her fear, her pain, her tears, he didn't hesitate, nor did he ignore her and, he did all he could to exact justice and lay fear in the hearts of those in the future that would dare to harm even a hair out of any child of his." Staring down at her, Aphrodite lightly brought a matter to her attention, "Did your father ever abandon you, Clarisse. Ponder hard."
Memories of her quest infiltrated her mind. The night before she was to set sail for the Sea of Monsters, Clarisse prayed for her father's aid and he didn't disappoint. He berated her, threatened her, and demanded that she bring honor to him, and when he claimed one of her brothers were more deserving of the quest, her heart hardened, masking her hurt. But… knowing what she did now, Clarisse effortlessly pieced the puzzle pieces together, detecting the hidden meaning behind that memorable interaction. Her father worried for her wellbeing – after Darla, he ensured Chiron banned all daughters of Ares from seeking an audience with the Oracle. He utilized fear and uttered threats in order to keep her alive, using it as a motivation at the risk of her hating and fearing her own father…
Blinking, Clarisse gaped at the smug goddess before her. However, in true daughter of Ares fashion, she was unwilling to surrender, and so, she barked out, "What about Olivia?"
"Olivia is…complicated," she regrettably answered, expression somber once more. "I have my suspicions, but it is not my story to tell. What I can divulge however, is this. It is a rarity for a god to conceive an unexpected child with a mortal. A demigod is conceived if and only if, the god found the mortal worthy, if they grew fond of, or even fell in love with said mortal. At times, we notice something special in a mortal and decide to procreate with them."
"So my mother…" Clarisse trailed off, restored hope alight in her eyes.
Aphrodite bestowed her with a comforting smile, "Meant a great deal to Ares. He wasn't in love with her, but he did grow to care for her. You were no mistake, Clarisse. Abandon such thoughts." Her smile turned sad at her next words, "Olivia Winchester on the other hand, I regret to say this, but… Ares never meant for her existence to come to be. I have said more than I should," the goddess elegantly stood up, gesturing for Clarisse to mimic her. "I hope you mull over our conversation on your own free time and not think too hard of your father, hmm."
But before they departed the guest chambers, Clarisse had to ask, "You're different than I expected. I thought you'd be jealous of my father's lovers and despise his children. I mean, he cheated on you countless times, didn't he?"
Her hand pausing on the doorknob, Aphrodite glanced at her, amusement sparkling in her eyes, "My dear child. You mistake me with Hera. Ares and I have an… understanding. Technically, it is not called cheating if we are both aware of the respective lovers we choose to entertain. In the past, both Ares and I were susceptible to envy and loathe I am to admit, at times we would end up killing each other's lovers. However, as time progressed, we evolved and learned from our mistakes."
As the goddess and the demigod joined the others in the Throne Room, Clarisse decided to take Aphrodite's advice and ponder the entire conversation at her own time, preferably before bed. Snuggling into Chris' side and ignoring the many inquiring looks her friends aimed at her, she sought her father, deftly masking her smile at the sight of Ares shooting suspicious looks at Aphrodite's innocent expression. Flaming sockets flickered towards her direction and pinned her under his intense stare. Suppressing an embarrassing yelp, she buried her face in Chris' chest and kept her eyes on the blank screen, willing the latest episode to start, though the feeling of being watched by those intense orbs didn't leave her person.
Actuated by Clarisse's pleas, the screen gained color, showing the interior of what looked to be a dorm room where two girls were discussing clothes; a girl with a russet complexion and frizzy black hair was attempting to convince a brunette with no defining characteristics, who seemed to be on the fence, to dress "hot" for her date. Towards the end of the girls' interaction, Aphrodite nodded her head in wholehearted agreement while Artemis' face adopted a prominent scowl, her disgust and disapproval in regards to donning such revealing garments palpable, no words needed to articulate her personal opinion.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," the dark-haired girl cheekily advised. Ready to leave, the brunette, her hand on the doorknob, laughed, "There's nothing you wouldn't do."
Smiling to herself as the brunette left, the dark-haired girl shamelessly agreed, "That's true."
"Tis nothing to be proud of," Artemis sneered. "I'm appalled with the young women of this era."
Hera, of course, was in complete agreement, the distaste on her haughty features mirroring her step-daughter.
Leaning into Hermes' personal space, Apollo, his eyes brimming with mirth, whispered, "To each their own."
It was nighttime; the scene cut to an abandoned road where a car pulled up. The camera focused on a tall figure with a hook standing behind the trees as the brunette's voice spoke in the background, "I thought we were going to the party."
"Well, we can't arrive on time," a masculine voice retorted just before the camera shifted to show the interior of the car. The brunette frowned lightly as she turned to face the boy, "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you brought me here on purpose."
Feigning shock, the boy pressed a hand to his chest, "What? I'm offended."
"Do not question the girl's intelligence," Artemis hissed, the mortal boy's playful demeanor lost on her.
Apollo shrugged, not finding anything wrong with the picture, "I don't see what the big fuss is. Many couples engage in casual, sexual encounters in the privacy of their vehicle. It's been happening for countless decades."
Thinking of the brief kiss Rachel parted him with in Paul's Prius before mounting Blackjack and leaving with Beckendorf to the Princess Andromeda, Percy sheepishly dipped his head in agreement. Annabeth's gaze narrowed on her boyfriend; while she had come to terms with Percy and Rachel's brief, kind of, relationship, she was still prone to jealousy.
"Speaking from experience, brother?" Artemis glared at the cheeky wink Apollo chose to respond with.
"Yeah, I'm sure," the brunette shot back sarcastically. The couple smiled at each other and leaned into each other for a long kiss. Suddenly, her cellphone rang, interrupting them and they reluctantly pulled apart. Looking down at the screen, the caller ID read 'Dad Calling'. Huffing, the boy asked, "You wanna get that?"
"Talk about bad timing," Piper mumbled.
Scoffing, she silenced her cellphone, "Definitely not."
Grinning, the couple resumed kissing.
"Despicable. One must never ignore a father's call," the goddess of the hunt snarled through gritted teeth.
Zeus did a double take, an eyebrow arched in surprise and eyes brimming with mild amusement towards his daughter. "I seem to recall you deliberately ignoring my explicit summons countless of times, daughter of mine," Zeus dryly pointed out, prompting Apollo, Ares and Hermes to snicker.
Red-faced, Artemis indignantly retorted, "Extenuating circumstances were involved, father. I cannot just abandon my Huntresses betwixt a hunt nor could I simply up and leave whilst recruiting somebody to my cause. You have the worst timings."
"Hmm," Zeus rolled his eyes. "Pretty excuses they may be, they are still excuses nonetheless."
"This young lady cannot leave in the middle of a romantic sojourn, Artemis. Why does your hunt take priority to a tryst?" Aphrodite snapped in a condescending tone.
But before Artemis could volley back some form of judgmental retort, Hera interjected, daggers aimed at her husband, "Personally! I've lost count the amount of times my darling husband ignored my calls due to him being in the middle of charming his latest concubine or in the throes of passion with some harlot."
A gush of fury, pain and vitriol pervaded the room as a result of Hera's statement and Zeus shifted uncomfortably in his ostentatious throne. Clearing his throat, he awkwardly announced, "Yes, well, uhm, we shall now proceed with the, uh, yes…" Trailing off, he flapped his hand at the screen.
"Hmph!" Hera crossed her arms tightly against her chest and indignantly looked away.
The boy's hand slowly slid under the brunette's halter strap and she promptly pulled away from him, slapping his hand away. "No," her tone was firm. He, however, ignored her. "It's okay," he coaxed her, making her uncomfortable. The camera shifted to show the figure with the hook slowly move away from the trees and approach the car.
"Yeah, yeah, bad feelings all around," Leo blurted out before the Oracle had the chance to say a word.
Shaking her head, Hazel shakily spoke up, "Honestly, I don't know what's more concerning. The fact that some freak with a sharp hook is approaching the defenseless couple with obvious evil intent, or the fact that the guy's forcing himself on his girlfriend!"
Artemis fumed in silence.
Back inside the car, he began kissing the brunette on the neck, his hand under her strap again. More uncomfortable than before, she pulled away, "Hey, I mean it!"
A terrifying growl rumbled from Apollo's throat, "When a woman says "no", she means no, meaning STOP!"
Touched at her brother's genuine fury, Artemis decided to maintain her silence. After all, Apollo said it all.
Recalling her conversation with Aphrodite, Clarisse clandestinely observed her father and he didn't disappoint. Ares looked positively furious, and frighteningly so. Though, to those who weren't looking, they would translate his emotion as annoyance at the lack of action and bloodshed.
At that moment, a loud screeching noise permeated the air and shifting to the exterior of the car, the camera focused on the hook as the figure dragged it along a Dead End sign. In the interior of the car, the freaked out girl was looking around wildly, "What was that?"
"A monster with a hook?" Travis skeptically commented, an eyebrow jumping to further prove his point.
Katie tapped her chin in thought, "Who said it has to be a monster? It could be some psycho serial killer…"
"The Winchesters don't hunt humans, Kat," Annabeth pointed out.
"That we know of," she retorted.
Smirking, Connor suggested, "Maybe its Captain Hook come to life."
"Connor!" Travis, Chris, Katie, Clarisse, Annabeth and Rachel half-heartedly scolded him amidst laughter.
Nico grinned widely, "I got that reference!"
"Same," Hazel laughed, gold orbs twinkling at her brother's childish enthusiasm.
Connor feigned wiping sweat from his forehead, "Phew. Explaining pop culture to you guys can be a bitch-"
"Language!" Hera shrieked as Katie smacked the youngest Stoll across the head. She then turned to glower at an amused and unconcerned Hermes.
"I don't know," he replied in a hush, also looking around. The piercing sound intensified and the hook was shown getting dragged along a different sign, one that said '9 Mile Road'. "What is that?" he demanded, opening the car door. The brunette reached forward to pull him back inside, "No! Rich, no!"
Artemis sniffed in disapproval, "I don't see why she should concern herself with his fate."
The sun god inclined his head in agreement.
"He doesn't deserve to die," Annabeth snapped, staring at the twins in horror. "She obviously cares about him and we don't know if he wouldn't have stopped."
Hestia smiled at the demigod's compassion while Athena stared at her daughter, appalled.
Rich turned to her and said, "No, just wait here," then got out of the car, shutting the door on the brunette's terrified face.
"The mortal cares for her safety. His chivalry and concern proves that he would not harm her, thus, meaning he never planned on forcing himself on her," Aphrodite reasoned, eyes moist. 'Oh, how I hate seeing love die…'
Torn, Artemis clamped her mouth shut, eyes intent on the screen.
Outside, Rich scanned his surroundings as the screeching sound continued; turning around, he made out a long scratch being made on the side of his car, but the perpetrator remained unseen. "What the hell?" he stared, bewildered.
An irritated groan emanated from a vexed Hades. "Another ghost," he sneered.
Letting out a sympathetic sigh, Persephone clutched her husband's hand in both of hers and offered him a comforting smile.
"Rich, let's go!" the brunette screamed just as one of the tires from the back was punctured. Her screams intensified as she called out her boyfriend's name and she frantically rolled up the windows and locked them. "Rich, where are you?"
Percy grimaced, "He's not answering which can only mean one thing-"
"Don't say it," Leo groaned.
"-he's dead," the son of Poseidon finished.
Leo scowled at him, "You just had to say it."
"Me saying it won't change the fact that he's 99% dead," Percy defensively retorted.
Jason shot him a baffled look, "And 1% he…what?"
"Ran off," Percy said, sheepishly ducking his head.
Banging and scratching on the roof of the car could be heard and, still screaming, she jumped from the passenger seat to the floor of the backseat. The noise suddenly stopped, her heavy breathing the only sound interrupting the eerie night. "Ok. Ok," she attempted to calm herself before getting out of the car. Just as she started to run, her eyes widened on Rich, who was suspended from a tree, upside down and above the car. She screamed just as the screen turned black.
"His last moments were devoted to keeping the girl safe. Perhaps I judged him too…harshly," Artemis forced herself to say through gritted teeth, and though her words sounded forced, her expression truly portrayed sorrow.
"As did I," Apollo sighed, threading a hand through his hair.
"Are you, are you crying? Oh, Aff," Ariadne sent the love goddess an empathic smile.
Dionysus rolled his eyes. "At least there is a body to mourn and he wasn't gobbled up," he absently remarked, flipping a page.
Many eyes flickered to concentrate on the wine god in shock.
"Is that, is that supposed to be comforting!?" Aphrodite yelled, aghast.
Blinking in bemusement, Dionysus asked, "Was it not?"
Hermes masked a snort behind a cough.
"My husband means well," Ariadne began, a scowl on her pretty face. "He, unfortunately, lacks tact."
"Thank you, dear," Dionysus smirked.
Ares rolled his eyes, "It wasn't a compliment you drunk loon!"
Unconcerned, the wine god pecked his irritated wife on the cheek and conjured a can of Diet Coke.
"At times, I cannot help but wonder where Semele went wrong with him," Zeus muttered for only an amused Poseidon to hear.
The scene opened to show an outdoor café where Sam stood nearby on a payphone.
"Alright, thank you for your time," hanging up, Sam made his way to a table where Dean was working on the laptop and Liv was enjoying a cup of coffee.
It was an instinctual reaction, done without conscious thought; the appearance of the Winchesters lightened up the somber ambience and elicited a few smiles throughout the room. After witnessing the death of a young boy at the hands of an entity that, for all intents and purposes, should not exist, and in Aphrodite's case, another couple forcibly torn apart, observing the dynamics of the Winchesters was a benison, alleviating the amassed tension and muting their personal concerns.
His eyes never leaving the screen, Dean jutted his chin toward the drink in front of Sam, "Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is gettin' cold over here, Francis."
"Bite me," Sam sat next to a smirking Liv.
"It's a good drink," Leo defended Sam's choice of beverage.
"So anything?" Dean asked. A crease between his eyebrows, Sam shook his head, "I had 'em check the FBI's Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Doe's fitting Dad's description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations."
"Smart," Apollo remarked with a small shake of his head. "Though it's a long shot. Hunting 101 must have a section for evading trouble with the law. From what I've managed to put together, John's too smart to get any traffic violations."
Grinning, Percy stated, "Hunting 101?"
"Must be a manual somewhere," the sun god smirked.
Hera sniffed. "Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for those three. They've tangled with the law twice already," and while she sounded slightly condescending, her siblings and husband sensed the sincere concern in her tone.
Taking a particularly large sip, Liv dabbed her lower lip with a napkin and glumly sighed, "I think it's time we accept the truth you guys. I don't think Uncle John wants to be found." Disappointed, Sam parted his lips to interrupt and probably argue, but Liv held up a hand and continued with her line of thought, "I mean, think about it for a sec. Uncle John's the master at leaving behind clues. He's been doing it for years… If he wanted us to find him, we would've done so the moment we stepped foot in Jericho four months ago."
Hermes' comment of, "Liv's got a point," was drowned by Artemis' exclamation of, "Four months! It felt like weeks, a month at most!"
There was an overlap of exclamations as the inhabitants in the Throne Room reacted to Liv's revelation, vocalizing their shock.
"It is problematic," Hecate grimly stated. "Other than the Wendigo, we are blind to the exact dates of the other hunts the cousins participated in."
A contemplative expression on his handsome features, Will abruptly spoke up, "I've just had a thought… what if the cases we witnessed the Winchesters solve weren't the only ones. I mean, think about it; to get from one destination to another, and… apparently, according to Liv, four months passed since they dealt with that Woman in White… what if there were more hunts interspersed between the few the Fates had us watch?"
"That's-" Poseidon let out a long-drawn-out breath of surprise. "Apollo's boy makes an interesting argument."
"I believe it's safe to surmise that the Moirai specially selected hunts of great importance. If we were to observe the cousins' day-to-day lives in excruciating detail, why, we'd never complete their mission," Hestia, the voice of reason, announced.
Despite Hestia's reasoning which assuaged the room in general, the pronounced frown on Artemis' face didn't waver. She yearned to rid the world of those filth. But such a feat now proved to be impossible without the correct detailed knowledge. The goddess of the hunt was now blind and she was severely displeased.
Dean gave his disappointed brother a sympathetic smile that portrayed he was in agreement with Liv. Abruptly changing the subject, he flipped the laptop around to show Sam an article, "Check this out. It's a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It's only a hundred miles from here."
The demigods, excluding Frank, squinted at the screen.
"It's about Rich's death," Rachel informed them with a smile, having quickly read ahead to satisfy her friends' curiosity.
Sam read aloud, "The mutilated body was found near the victim's car, parked on 9 Mile Road." When his expression turned skeptical, Dean gestured for him to keep reading. "Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible."
"Sucks to be that girl," Piper mused out loud. "Unable to withhold evidence but saying the truth would mark her as insane… I feel for that poor girl."
Jason agreed, pulling Piper into his arms, "Whatever she chooses to do, it won't end well for her."
"Mortals," Dionysus muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes as the empty can of Diet Coke dissipated with a lazy flick of his hand.
"Definitely our kind of thing," Liv absently commented, taking another sip of coffee. Dean lifted a brow at Sam, "Could be something interesting."
"I love how interesting for them is considered nightmarish to us," Katie pointed out.
Thalia appeared pensive, "I don't know about that. The nightmarish factor, yeah, I'm definitely with you. But revealing the ghost's identity could be interesting. I really want to know what the deal is with that hook."
"Captain Hook wannabe," Connor grinned.
Athena frowned, "I still do not comprehend that connotation."
Mulish, Sam said, "Or it could be nothing at all. One freaked out witness who didn't see anything? Doesn't mean it's the Invisible Man."
"The Invisible Man?" Hazel cocked her head to the side, perplexed.
Apollo perked up, "Oh, it's a science fiction novella by H.G. Wells that was first published in 1897."
A sudden hush filled the room as all eyes were on him. Even Dionysus dropped his scintillating magazine in shock to gape at the god.
"What? I read!" the sun god indignantly exclaimed.
"Yeah, erotica, mayhap... but, science fiction!?" Athena gaped unattractively at the self-proclaimed god of knowledge. Privately, she knew envy was a great factor that fueled her mixed denial and rage but still, all these millennia and Athena still had trouble admitting, even to herself, that the sun god was on par with her, and more powerful at that.
But, to the goddess of wisdom's frustration, Apollo's respond to her backhanded insult was a knowing smirk. That accursed brother of hers always knew how to ruffle her feathers. "Thena, sister, green doesn't suit you. Makes you look like a hag," he grinned boyishly.
"Right, so, The Invisible Man…?" Hazel hesitantly inquired, cutting into Athena's shriek of anger.
Beaming at the daughter of Pluto, Apollo obliged, "The book is basically about a scientist named Griffin who has devoted himself to research into optics. His research inadvertently has him learning the secret to invisibility. Griffin successfully carries out the procedure on himself but unfortunately, fails to learn how to reverse the process after many attempts. It's an interesting read."
"You continue to surprise me, brother," Artemis fondly admitted.
Apollo winked, "I aim to keep you on your toes, sister dearest."
"I'm sorry… can we, let's just forget about the book for a mo.! Am I the only one here that's annoyed at Sam's hypocrisy?" Thalia groused out, electric blue eyes flaring. "Regardless of the fact that he was right about that shapeshifter in St. Louis, he forced Dean and Liv to go there, not based on a hunch, but because he's adamant his friend's not a killer. There wasn't anything remotely suspicious about it and yet, Sam made them go, but when he reads about a girl claiming her boyfriend got whacked by something invisible, he's skeptical. Really? Really?!"
"I sense you feel strongly about this," Hermes stated, a hint of humor in his tone that prompted the daughter of Zeus to train her glare onto him and he raised his hands in peace.
Shifting in Chris' arms, Clarisse shrugged, "He's just being thorough. Nothing wrong with that."
Thalia rolled her eyes, "Only 'cause you like him."
"Oi!" Chris snapped.
"Alright, that's enough you two," Percy authoritatively spoke up. "Yes Sam's being a hypocrite but it's obvious his only focus is finding his Dad, he's either not thinking straight or doesn't want to. Let's just leave it at that, 'kay?"
Grumbling, Thalia and Clarisse gave each other one last glare before focusing on the screen, leaving the gods to stare at Percy in wonderment, noting he had the qualities of a leader and awed at how easily he got the two strong-headed demigods to obey him.
Poseidon beamed proudly at his son.
"Right. 'Cause an invisible killer is an everyday occurrence," Liv commented sarcastically.
Thalia nodded furiously in agreement.
Sighing, Dean said in a tone of finality, "Dad would check it out."
"And Sam folds," Nico stated in a singsong voice.
The scene then cut to the Impala stopping at a fraternity. The frat boys stared in confusion as Sam and Dean got out of the car. Leaning into Dean, Sam asked, "One more time, why are we here?"
"Victim lived here," Dean hissed back; his green eyes then narrowed at a couple of frat guys that wolf-whistled at the sight of Liv as she stepped out of the Impala and leaned against the hood.
Unconsciously imitating Dean, Ares' glowing red eyes narrowed into slits at the offending punks, his jaw clenched.
The brothers approached a group fixing a car. "Nice wheels," Dean commented, prompting them to look at him strangely. "We're your fraternity brothers. From Ohio. We're new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay," he grinned, easily fooling them as they immediately bought his lie. Sam then turned his head a fraction and nodded at Liv who, after winking at him, put on a pair of shades and leaned back against the hood.
The scene then cut to the interior of the fraternity house; a shirtless frat boy in yellow shorts was painting himself in purple as the brothers knocked on his door.
"Wait! What about Liv?" Piper frowned, noting the female Winchester's absence.
Hermes promptly responded, "The ruse is for Dean and Sam to parade around as transfers from another fraternity. Liv's presence would've just ruined that."
"She can't imitate a police officer," Apollo added. "The cousins have to blend in."
Kaleidoscopic eyes widening, Aphrodite exuberantly cried out, "Olivia must have to join a sorority!"
The moment Aphrodite mentioned the word 'sorority', the god of war was sucked into an expeditious tour that reached completion in a blink of an eye, all the sorority girls he bedded, flirted with and led on, as well as the wild parties, nonstop drinking and drugs, and their skimpy outfits that didn't leave much to the imagination, infiltrating the recess of his mind, which prompted him to instinctively and instantaneously bark out without thinking, "Absolutely not!"
"And why not?!" Aphrodite demanded, brows narrowed and a challenge in her eyes.
Coming up with a plausible excuse on the spot, Ares, his face a mask of forced nonchalance, growled, "She doesn't look the part, sixteen-year-old runt!"
Disregarding the degrading 'runt' slur that was beginning to lose its touch as it became too overused, Apollo stared at the war god, a knowing shine in his bright eyes that unnerved him. "Ah, c'mon, Ares. You know she fits the description. She'd made a phenomenal sorority girl," the sun god matter-of-factly stated, enjoying the storm his words generated and he calmly watched the turmoil brew in those flaming sockets.
Detaching his orbs from the god of war, Apollo winked at Aphrodite, wordlessly passing on his observation. A secretive smile materialized on the love goddess's face which she hid with the back of her hand, lest her lover caught on.
"Who are you?" the frat boy stopped painting to stare between the brothers. Dean smiled, walking over to the boy, "We're your new roommates."
Nodding, he held out the brush and can of paint to Dean, "Do me a favor? Get my back. Big game today."
At that, Demeter wrinkled her nose, "I do not pretend to comprehend mortals' fascination with painting themselves with such volatile chemicals."
Latching onto that, Athena brusquely nodded, "I see your point. They give off volatile organic compounds. To list a few out of the variant chemicals, toluene, xylene, glycol, methylene chloride-"
"Thank you for the chemistry lesson, Athena," Dionysus dryly interjected, purple orbs flaring in irritation. "Now I can pass tomorrow's quiz," he snidely remarked, prompting bouts of laughter from the demigods.
Furious, Athena, a light blush on her face, sneered, "I shan't allow your words to affect me, for I know how taxing it is for you to simply pronounce such words that are outside your comfort zone."
Not the least bit offended, much to Athena's aggravation, Dionysus placed a hand over his heart, "Oh! Your words wound me, Athena. Truly, they do."
"Enough!" a weary Zeus interjected.
"He started it!" Athena petulantly retorted, an offending finger pointed at the wine god.
Dionysus rolled his eyes and emitted an amused huff, "What are you, five?"
Pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, Zeus barked, "I said enough!"
Dean automatically pointed over at Sam. "He's the artist. Things he can do with a brush," he exaggerated with a mischievous grin. Mortified, Sam had no choice but to accept the brush and can.
Laughter ensued.
"Ah, I can always rely on Dean to make me laugh," Jason grinned.
The scene then alternated to the Impala. Liv, shades covering her eyes and a forearm draped against her forehead, was lying down on her back on the Impala's hood when a shadow fell on her. "Whoever you are, move it. You're blocking the sun," she muttered snippily, not moving an inch.
"Oohh, do I sense a frat boy trying his luck with her?" Aphrodite mused, eagerly sitting on the edge of her throne in anticipation.
At the mere thought, Ares ground his teeth together and clenched his fists.
"You're not a frat boy," a modulated, mischievous voice permeated the air, the shadow still blocking the sun.
With an annoyed huff, Liv propped up on her elbows to better meet his gaze and lowered her sunglasses to the bridge of her nose to unveil her eyes. "What an excellent observation. Give ya a solid A+," she sarcastically retorted.
"Good one!" Thalia cheered, greatly enjoying the interaction.
However, as the man emitted a fruity laugh, the camera honed in on him and nearly every female in the room gasped as they shamelessly raked his form and admired his attractive features. He was gorgeous; simply put. He was six feet, two inches of pure muscle; he wore a white Henley that clung snugly to his long and lean, well-defined chest, the sleeves rolled up to reveal tanned muscular forearms, and a pair of indigo jeans that outlined the long lean muscles in his thighs. Short clustered light brown curls at the top of his head swayed lightly with the breeze; he had a clean-shaven face that showed the beginning of a five o'clock shadow and a straight-sloped nose, a hard jaw, strong cheekbones and rosebud lips that appeared as though they were always lifted in a smile. Hazel-green eyes twinkled at Liv as she, like most of the goddesses and every single female demigod, stared at him in appreciation.
"I approve!" Persephone exclaimed.
"As do I!" Aphrodite crowed, "My, my, my. What a stunning specimen."
Ariadne, Amphitrite and Demeter nodded in wholehearted agreement, their eyes as round as a drachma and pupils dilated with lust.
"I'll take that as a compliment," he grinned before holding a hand out. "Rob. Rob Cruise."
She raised a brow and stared at him a moment longer before shaking the proffered hand, "Olivia." Her other eyebrow rose when he smoothly bent over and brushed his lips against her knuckles, and cheekily said, "Is that like Cher?"
"And they say chivalry is dead," Annabeth smiled, full teeth on display.
Piper giggled, a smirk on her face, "Oh believe me. It died ages ago. He's just bringing it back."
"Amen," Katie breathily agreed, wide eyes fixated on Rob Cruise in palpable admiration.
Percy, Jason and Travis scowled at their respective girlfriends, "Hey!"
"No offense," the three girls echoed.
And, in complete unison, their boyfriends grumpily retorted, not missing a beat, "Offense taken."
Annabeth scoffed, playfully bumping her shoulder against Percy's, "You'll get over it."
"Not likely," he mumbled, though he failed to suppress the subtle quirk of his lips.
"Is that a problem?" she retorted, showing a bit of attitude. He raised both hands before tucking them into the front pockets of his jeans, "Nah. I like a girl with mystery."
Smirking, Liv blatantly flirted, "Then you'll love me."
"She's flirting," Apollo stated, grinning.
Hermes chuckled, "Stating the obvious there, bro."
The god of war grew incensed at the interaction between the runt and pretty boy, but he kept his mouth firmly shut. He didn't want anybody to misunderstand his rage for protectiveness – he mentally sneered at the mere thought. He cared not for the runt, he just wanted action. 'That's all!' he convinced himself.
"Cocky," Rob commented. Mirthful eyes then admired the Impala, "Got a sweet ride. Yours?"
Poseidon cocked his head in contemplation, "I believe this mortal is sincere in regards to his appreciation of the vehicle. However, I sense he is fishing for information."
"He appears to be a little old for a fraternity. Does he not?" Athena regarded the mortal with a suspicious eye.
Chris shrugged, "Must be a senior. Or he could have been held back."
"A friend's," Liv lied convincingly.
A mild frown formed on Ariadne's features, "They seem to be going for a different angle than the norm."
"I don't see the need to lie about their relationship," Rachel remarked, disapproval in her eyes. "Their story could be that their family moved from Ohio to Iowa and they're transferring. No need to go through all that trouble of concocting some elaborate tale."
"Maybe Liv just didn't want to give some random frat guy her real name," Katie hypothesized, shrugging a shoulder.
Clearing his throat, Dionysus surprised them all, not only at his contribution, but his smart deduction, "You all seem to have forgotten an important detail regarding Dean Winchester's current deceased and criminal status as far as the public is concerned."
Nearly everyone appeared to be taken aback, staring at the indifferent wine god in various states of shock.
"Right!" Apollo snapped his fingers in remembrance, "Completely slipped my mind."
But Percy found himself leveling Dionysus with an accusing glare. "Wait a minute… how is it you get Dean's name right, but ours wrong?!" he waved a hand in the general direction of himself and the demigods.
Meeting the sea-green glare with disinterest, Dionysus absently stated, "I have no idea what you are blathering on about, Pedro."
"It's Percy!" Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico and the Stolls intoned in exasperation.
Returning to his magazine, the wine god batted a hand in the air, "Whatever."
"You really are something, D," Hermes smirked, shaking his head fondly.
The scene alternated back to the brothers; Sam, a pinched look on his face, was painting the frat boy's back while Dean was lounged in a comfortable chair, a magazine in hand. "So-" Dean prefaced, glancing at the name on the magazine, "-Murph. Is it true?"
"What?" he asked, one brow cocked. Radiating innocent curiosity, Dean probed, "We heard one of the guys around here got killed last week."
"We heard some dude got murdered. Let's join his fraternity," Connor scoffed, his tone laced with sarcasm.
There was a subtle quirk of Hecate's lips, "It does raise some questions."
"But it's also natural to ask questions," Clarisse pointed out. "I would if it were me attending that university."
Aphrodite shot her a genial smile, "Does that mean you're attending University?"
Flaming sockets instantaneously flickered in her direction, curiosity roused.
"Yeah," she grunted, appearing modest. "University of Arizona. Just started actually before I got zapped here."
Athena gave her an appraising look, "Well done. Tis rare for a demigod to reach to that certain point in their life. I expected less out of Ares' spawns."
Pride was quelled by rage and Ares shot the goddess of wisdom a withering glare.
"Right," Clarisse dryly uttered, glowering at the goddess. "Thanks for the backhanded compliment," she quipped.
She merely sniffed in response and haughtily ignored the dual glares boring into her person, courtesy of Ares and Aphrodite.
"Sorry!" a mortified looking Annabeth mouthed at Clarisse.
When Murph sadly expressed an affirmative, Sam inquired as to what happened.
"They're saying some psycho with a knife. Maybe a drifter passing through," Murph responded, a sad pout on his lips. "Rich was a good guy," he added.
Artemis couldn't quite hold back a scoff that claimed she thought the complete opposite.
"He was a young mortal with a lot more to learn, Artemis," Hestia admonished, displeased with her niece for thinking such ill thoughts of the dead, especially one as young as Rich.
Ariadne hummed in agreement, "Regardless of his improper exuberance, he died protecting his inamorata."
The virgin goddess harrumphed and looked away.
"Rich, he was with somebody?" Sam inquired. A look of awe settled on Murph's face, "Not just somebody. Lori Sorenson."
Dean's eyebrows rose, "Who's Lori Sorenson?" His expression screamed mischief as he, in afterthought, turned to Sam with a shit-eating grin, "You missed a spot. Just down there." He pointed at the spot on Murph's back. Sam glared, annoyed.
"Dean is such a little shit!" Thalia tossed her head backwards and barked out a laugh.
Connor shook his head in commiseration, "He's like, the perfect example of an annoying older brother."
"You tryin' ta say somethin', bro?" Travis arched a brow, an expectant look in his mirthful blue eyes.
The youngest Stoll simply shrugged, "Just stating a fact."
"There seems to be plenty of facts in need of stating," an amused Amphitrite mused aloud, her gaze mostly intent on Dionysus.
Morph grinned, "Lori's a freshman. She's a local. Super-hot. And get this." His voice took on a conspiratorial note, eyes flickering between Dean and Sam, "She's a reverend's daughter."
"That is interesting," Apollo's lips slowly pulled into a Cheshire smile.
Realization dawned on the love goddess, "I believe I am beginning to comprehend Lori's disinclination to Rich's attempt of seduction."
Hazel's brows knit together. "Having a reverend for a father isn't the exclusive reason when somebody isn't willing to put out. Maybe Lori just wanted to take things slow. Maybe she didn't want to do that-" she blushed furiously, a hand manically gesturing in substitute of the word, but adamantly continued, "-in a car in the middle of nowhere. Or just maybe, she's waiting for somebody special to come along, or perhaps marriage."
Aphrodite emitted a noise that sounded like a scoff and a mocking laugh, and she waved a hand in the air, staring at the daughter of Pluto as though she was some ridiculous specimen. "Marriage? My dear girl, commendable such a thought may be, I am going to have to disagree with you. Sex is a, an... it is an indescribable act of passion, a physical act meant to express oneself! Sexual intercourse is magnetic and amazing and exhilarating! It is, it is…" she trailed off, searching for a more precise description to an act that cannot be described by mere words.
"Euphoric," Demeter inserted, dreamy-eyed.
Whipping around to face the goddess of agriculture, Aphrodite enthusiastically clapped her hands together and squealed, "Yes, Demeter, euphoric. Euphoric!"
"Magical," Persephone breathily added, prompting Hades and Zeus to stare – the former in lust, eyes darkening until his sclerae were almost nonexistent, and the latter in mild abhorrence; he didn't want insight to his daughter's sex life with his brother, thank you very much.
A wide grin pulled at Aphrodite's face as though it were about to split her face in half and she waved grandly at the Queen of the Underworld, "Magical! Exactly, Seph."
Demeter wrinkled her nose, her dreamy-eyed and wistful expression melting as she glared daggers at a smug and extremely aroused Hades.
"Wild and unrestrained," Amphitrite's voice lowered with lust, oceanic eyes dilating as they connected with Poseidon's.
Aphrodite made a giddy noise.
"Amphitrite!" Poseidon exclaimed, mildly breathless. He sounded a mixture of shocked and aroused.
Sea-green clashed with sea-green, both Percy and Triton staring agape and nearly paralyzed with horror.
"Barf!" Percy managed to spit out.
Katie and Piper glared half-heartedly at Hazel.
The daughter of Pluto blinked at them, confused at the dual glares penetrating her person. "What?"
"Don't what us! You just had to bring up sex before marriage. Well, now you've done it!" Piper exclaimed, histrionically throwing her entire arm out in the general direction of the aroused gods and the contesting goddesses, most embarrassing of all: her mother.
The daughter of Demeter buried her face in her palms, "This is soo embarrassing!"
And then, Hera decided to have her say. "Intimate!" she shrieked. "Sexual intercourse is an act of intimacy, one of connectedness. Naturally, waiting for marriage is the smart and only decision."
"Oh, shut up!" Aphrodite, Persephone, Demeter and Amphitrite snapped at Hera, their eyes still locked with their respective significant other.
Hera frothed at the mouth, "Why I-"
"Merchandise must always be tested before they are sold at the markets, Hera," Ariadne calmly spoke up, a mischievous light in her warm orbs. "Sex is the same. Test runs must be made to acknowledge the skillset. What if one waits for marriage and the sex is abysmal. Dionysus and I had many trial runs before our wedding."
Having had abandoned his magazine at the word 'reverend', Dionysus leaned in to his wife's personal space and clasped both her hands in his, "Oh we did. Only one test run was needed, the others that followed were merely us obeying our libido's demands."
"Oh gods!" Rachel clapped a hand to her mouth, slightly nauseous at the vivid images attacking her without mercy.
Travis, Connor, Nico, Percy, Thalia and Annabeth turned an odd shade of green. "We didn't need to know that!" they intoned in disgust.
"Too much information," Will groaned, though he was grateful his father decided not to join in on the fascinating fulmination against sex before marriage.
Leaning into Annabeth, Thalia whispered, "Don't you find it strange that Artemis hadn't spoken a single word?"
But before Annabeth could offer a verbal affirmative or even a small nod of agreement, the Goddess of Chastity and Maidenhood snapped out of her stupor and screamed, "I'VE HAD IT! Sexual intercourse is an atrocious and most disgusting act. Arguing about its pros and cons in front of the children-"
"Hey!" the demigods, Rachel and Grover yelled in affront, but Artemis paid them no mind.
"-and don't get me started on the plethora of sexually transmitted diseases, the risk of pregnancy, the nasty exchange of saliva and bodily fluids and-"
Incensed, Aphrodite sneered, "Oh put a cork in it, you frigid biddy! Nobody asked you, we already know where you stand on that particular subject."
"Alright, that's enough. Zip it!" Ares snarled, shocking the room in general. As per the norm, they expected Zeus or Hestia to demand silence and actually receive results, not the war of god. "Discuss your personal opinions on your own damn time!" Rendered speechless, everyone kept their silence – but mostly out of shock. Aphrodite arched an inquiring eyebrow at her lover, who leaned in, placed a kiss on her cheek and huskily whispered, his words ringing with promise, "Sorry, my love. I was seconds away from dominating you right here, in this room, regardless of our audience. My control was waning. But the second we're done here, you're going to be screaming my name throughout the night until you fall unconscious from pleasure."
She shivered, kaleidoscopic eyes dilating with a heady combination of lust and love, her desire for him building. "Oh, mon amour, you always know the right things to say. Later," she vowed, giving him a sultry wink that had his member stir almost painfully and he found himself impatiently waiting for the night to end.
"You wouldn't happen to know which church, would ya?" Dean casually asked.
Alternating back to the Impala, Dean and Sam scowled simultaneously the moment they stepped foot out of the fraternity, eyes narrowed on Liv and Rob.
"Who's this?" Sam demanded, glaring at Rob.
"Ugh, cock-blockers," Rachel murmured. Or at least, she thought her voice was a murmur.
All eyes were fixated on her, some amused, some horrified and only Hephaestus appeared neutral.
"Rachel!" Annabeth shrieked, mortified. However, the quirk of her lips belied her expression.
"Ah, I do believe I am starting to warm up to you, Raquel," Dionysus huffed out a laugh.
The Oracle didn't bother correcting him, too embarrassed to speak, let alone maintain eye contact with anyone. Voice muffled due to the fact that her face was buried in Connor's chest, which was shaking with silent laughter, Rachel said, "I said that out loud, didn't I?"
"Yes!" Percy chuckled.
But before Liv could get a word in, Rob swiftly intervened, hand extended, "You must be the mysterious friends I heard nothing about." His eyes then fell to the key in Dean's hand, "Gotta say, man, love your car." Those must have been the magic words, for Dean instantly shook his hand with much vigor, followed by a reluctant Sam. Rob then shot Liv a winsome smile, "Anyways, gotta go. See you around, Cher!" and, parting her with a wink, Rob disappeared inside the fraternity house.
"Cher?" Sam snidely parroted.
"How adorable!" Ariadne crooned, "They've already progressed to the personal nickname stage."
An expression that bled of mischief was prominent on Percy's face as he turned to face Clarisse, "Huh. Clarisse and I sure progressed fast. Gave me my own nickname and all the moment I stepped foot at Camp."
Clarisse snarled, "Shut it, Prissy." She then playfully smacked her boyfriend, who was trying and failing to smother his laughter.
"Love ya too, Claire," Percy smirked, pearly teeth on full display.
The daughter of Ares narrowed her orbs into slits, "Don't. Call me that!"
"Fine. I'll just call you Claire-Bear," his smirk didn't waver for even a second, not even in the face of Clarisse's glare of promised death.
Her voice dropped to a menacing hiss, "You better sleep with one eye open tonight, Prissy."
Percy simply rolled his eyes.
Hestia let out a long-drawn sigh, her warm orbs flickering between the demigods and their light-hearted, carefree exchange with an air of longing.
Liv shrugged, "Mind your own business, Sammy-boy."
"What did you tell him?" Dean took over before Sam could start arguing, his expression solemn. Rolling her eyes, Liv patted Dean and then Sam on the chest, "Relax, wouldja! Told him my name's Olivia, said I'm here with friends from Ohio and that I'm a freshman thinking of pledging to Theta Sorority. I was very vague, so chill."
"Theta Sorority?" Hazel appeared bemused.
Rachel promptly explained, "Lori must be a member."
The god of war yearned to take his explosive rage out on somebody or something… anything! And he loathed that feeling, that damn protective sentiment he was currently attempting to squash like an irritating bug.
Grudgingly, Sam nodded, "Good cover. Lori's a Theta. You could get close to her."
"Seriously?" Jason gaped at the frozen image of Sam. "If my sister or little cousin decided to attend a sorority, I'd flip out and do my best to change her mind."
Thalia smirked, "Good thing I've got no notions of joining one then, huh, Jase."
"And if she did get a sudden impulse to join a sorority, nothing you say or do would change her mind. She's too stubborn," Nico scoffed, a small smile playing on his lips.
The daughter of Zeus glared at Nico for at least five beats before she pursed her lips, quelling a smile, and inclined her head, "Ah, can't argue with that."
"Lori?" Liv frowned, confused. Dean however, cut in, his face shrouded in a mixture of suspicious contemplation, "Hey, Liv, what'd you say that guy's name was again?"
"She didn't," Piper instantly pointed out.
Liv arched a brow, "I didn't.
Piper looked smug.
But his name's Rob Cruise. Why?"
"Every time they repeat his name, my mind automatically goes to Tom Cruise," Rachel remarked, her tone breathless and a dreamy quality in her emerald orbs.
Aphrodite squealed, recalling a conversation that took place during the hunt of the ghost in the lake, "Oh! Remind me to share a detailed account of my weekend with dear Tom. Perhaps tomorrow during breakfast, hmm?"
Piper, Rachel and Katie enthusiastically uttered an agreement, staring at the love goddess in awe.
Artemis and Hera rolled their eyes aggressively.
"He didn't seem familiar at all to you?" Dean's green gaze traveled between Liv and Sam, both of whom were staring at Dean with identical nonplussed expressions. Slowly, Liv shrugged a shoulder and shook her head. "No? Sammy?"
Expression unchanging, Sam replied with a negative, "Dean, he's a random frat guy, where would we have seen him before?"
"Maybe you ran into him on a hunt," Liv postulated.
Dean rubbed his forehead with the ridge of his palm and though he nodded, it seemed half-hearted, his voice coated in disbelief, "Maybe…"
"Something isn't right," Apollo murmured, though he ensured his voice could be heard by everyone. "Dean's got good instincts. He says the frat guy looks familiar then he looks familiar."
The ambience was saturated with worriment.
"You don't think this man followed the Winchesters, do you?" Persephone dubiously inquired.
Apollo did an uncertain gesture with his hand, "Can't tell for sure. But something is definitely off."
"Liv has a point, though. We don't know how many people the Winchesters interacted with throughout their lives, passing through cities and hunting monsters… maybe Rob was a victim or somebody they interrogated when he was younger," Will reasoned, closing the subject.
The scene then cut to the interior of a church where the Reverend was giving a sermon, "Our hearts go out to the family of a young man who perished. And my personal prayers of thanks go out as well because I believe he died trying to protect my daughter." The camera shifted to focus on Lori, who appeared embarrassed with the attention.
"He did," Connor pointed out.
Rachel sharply shushed him, her intense gaze never leaving the screen.
"Oh, gods, don't tell me you're religious…" Connor gasped in realization.
The Oracle frowned deeply. "And what if I am?" she demanded, tone sharp.
Connor smartly maintained his silence.
"No, seriously, so what if I attend Sunday Mass and pray to God…? My Dad may not be a family man and he won't be winning any Father of the Year awards anytime soon, if ever, but him and my Mom are devout Catholics and, so am I," Rachel concluded her impassionate speech with a challenging glare, almost daring her friends to mock or ridicule her.
Zeus scoffed and employed a condescending tone as he addressed her, "You are aware of our existence. You, the Oracle of Delphi… you, who's Patron is Apollo, believe in God, in an alleged Supreme Being that outrank us. Sacrilege!"
Hades couldn't repress himself from rolling his eyes at his brother's incessant need for dramatics. Maria di Angelo was a devout Christian, a Roman Catholic to be exact, before and even after the formation of their relationship, and he knew for a fact that Zeus entertained, and grew to care for, many monotheistic mortals.
"Now, now," Apollo went to appease his father, flashing a comforting smile at his speechless Oracle. "Everyone's entitled to have a belief, Father. Rachel can be both, Polytheistic and monotheistic, no matter how contrasting it sounds."
The King of Olympus tossed Rachel a withering glare but eventually, conceded.
"Our Mom's big on Christianity. She's a nurse, so, she has to be…" Travis hesitantly piped up, subtly defending Rachel.
Hermes had a fond smile materialize on his face, "Yeah, Leanne, despite her shock, was quite open-minded when I revealed my identity to her after she discovered she was pregnant with Travis. It's what made me attached to her. Why I continued to pay her visits and had you, Connor."
"Really?" the Stolls echoed, happy with the new insight since their mother had a habit of being extremely vague whenever they inquired after their father back when they were ignorant.
He must have sensed their thirst for knowledge, for Hermes offered his sons a sad smile and said, "I'll recount some stories later. It seems you're going to be here for a long while. We have time."
"Cool!" they eagerly intoned, smiling from ear to ear.
Such a small concession shouldn't prompt radiant smiles out of his sons. In Hermes' opinion, Travis and Connor should know the story of how he and Leanne met, of why he made an exception and conceived Connor instead of abandoning Leanne the moment she was impregnated with Travis. They should know, and not for the first time, Hermes cursed his Father for reinstating the accursed Ancient Laws.
"And now, as time heals all our wounds, we should reflect on what this tragedy means. To us, as a church-" suddenly, a loud disturbance echoed in the church as the door slammed shut behind the Winchesters. The congregation went silent and turned to stare at them. Disregarding them, Reverend Sorenson proceeded with his sermon, "-as a community, and as a family. The loss of a young person is particularly tragic. A life unlived is the saddest of passings."
The camera focused on the Winchesters as they sat on a pew; Lori stared at Sam, who offered her a weak smile.
"I see sparks fly!" Aphrodite squealed.
Hera shot her a vicious glare, her tongue heavy with vitriol, "Her significant other just died, Aphrodite!"
"And…?" the goddess of love posed her question in genuine confusion.
Artemis looked outraged, "And, a mourning period is given!"
Defending Aphrodite, Persephone quipped, "Lori must have missed the memo then."
Features tight with exasperation, Artemis hissed, "It is simply an innocent look, Persephone!"
"If you say so," Aphrodite dubiously retorted.
"So, please, let us pray. For peace, for guidance, and for the power to protect our children," Reverend Sorenson concluded. Everybody bowed their head in prayer, except Dean. Realizing this, Sam elbowed him, a pointed look on his face coupled with disbelief. Scoping his surroundings, Dean quickly bowed his head.
Poseidon found himself overwhelmed with confusion, "How odd."
"What is, brother?" Hestia calmly inquired.
"It seems to me that Samuel and Olivia are religious. Their response to the Reverend's sermon came to them like second nature and yet, Dean needed the added push," Poseidon verbalized his observation; he, unlike Zeus, was quite open-minded to the diverse beliefs mortals pandered to. He had always been a staunch believer of free will; after all, he was the Sea, unrestrained and unchained, wild and free.
A few holes bored into Ares' forehead, expectant.
Grunting, Ares reluctantly revealed, "Victoria is…was a devout Christian." His slip of the tongue didn't go unnoticed and the sparse looks of sorrow that were sent his way had his blood boiling with fury and indignation.
"Makes sense," Athena uttered indifferently, gray orbs hard. "Didn't Victoria own a crucifix necklace that she passed on to Olivia shortly before her death…?"
Apollo inclined his head, "And based on that, Liv decided to follow her mother's belief, probably to honor her memory. Or perhaps the Winchesters are devout Christians as well. It would explain Sam's reaction to the sermon."
"But not Dean," Hecate added.
Hesitant, Travis piped up, "Maybe Dean chose a different path. I mean, our Mom's really religious, but Con and I, at first, we let her take us to Sunday Mass and Christianity was all we knew… but then, well… once we arrived at Camp Half-Blood and our parentage was revealed, we aren't as devout anymore."
"Mom wasn't happy," Connor unnecessarily revealed, grimacing.
Hermes cringed, "Nope. Definitely not." He did not want to be a fly on the wall when their sons admitted their lack of faith to Leanne.
The scene cut to the end of Mass, the congregation leaving the Church and the camera honed in on Lori, who stood with her roommate, talking. "I can't. It's Sunday night," Lori was saying.
"It's just us girls. We're gonna do tequila shots and watch Reality Bites," her roommate attempted to persuade her.
"Ethan Hawke is a total hottie! I love that movie!" Piper gushed, googly eyes on the screen.
Katie smiled cheekily at the daughter of Aphrodite, "Tell me about it!"
Unlike the two girls, Annabeth was glaring at the screen in disproval, "What a horrible, insensitive friend! Her boyfriend died and they want her to watch some stupid romantic comedy-drama and indulge in shots!"
"Ice cream and alcohol helped Silena," Clarisse confessed, her voice barely audible and a sheen of tears in her muddy brown eyes. The unspoken 'when Beckendorf died' was heard loud and clear by the demigods, Rachel and Grover and the cheerful atmosphere dropped abruptly as they silently mourned the loss of Charles Beckendorf and Silena Beauregard.
Unaware of the sudden solemnity engulfing the children, Aphrodite beamed, "What about Silena?"
She cleared her throat, and Clarisse, her voice thick with tears, managed to assemble an intelligible sentence without giving herself away to the goddess, "Just that she was a huge fan of tequila and Rocky Road."
"Oh, how wonderful," she exclaimed. Her forehead puckered all of a sudden, and her bright blue eyes darkened to navy blue as she scoped the room, "Just out of curiosity, why isn't my Silena here?"
Wary looks were exchanged that didn't go unnoticed by Ares, Apollo, Hestia, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus, Athena, Hades and surprisingly Dionysus.
With a clandestine push, Thalia urged Percy to speak up, him being the unelected, though self-evident, leader. Sea-green eyes gauged the heart-breaking emotion palpable on Clarisse's features and the remarkable front of insouciance she was trying to put up, and that, more than anything, prompted Percy to speak up, his tone one of confusion and forced nonchalance. "Don't know. The Fates have their reasons, I guess," he shrugged a shoulder for emphasis.
Content, Aphrodite sat back on her throne and snuggled into Ares, allowing his muscular arms to encase her svelte form. From over her head, Ares met Apollo and Poseidon's worried gaze, a bad feeling consuming him in regards to Silena's true whereabouts...
"My Dad makes dinner every Sunday night," Lori explained her hesitance.
But her roommate huffed indignantly and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Come on, Lori. I know this has been hard, but you are allowed to have fun."
"It hasn't even been a week. Give the girl a break!" Annabeth snapped, glaring daggers at the frizzy-haired girl. "I don't like her," she petulantly decided.
Lori sighed, "I'll try." Rolling her eyes, her roommate grudgingly agreed and embraced her before leaving. Just as she left, the Winchesters approached her, with Sam inquiring if she was Lori, to which she responded with a hesitant affirmative.
"My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean-" Dean waved, "-and cousin, Olivia-" Liv gave her a tight-lipped smile, "-we just transferred here to the university."
"She's not very friendly. I've noticed that. Liv isn't interested in playing nice and getting people to like her," Rachel observed, squinting for some unknown reason.
Clarisse rolled her eyes at the redhead. "She's not there to make friends. She's there to hunt. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to mix business with pleasure. And besides, I wouldn't want to make friends with somebody that could possibly be murdered by whatever it is I'm in town to hunt," she rationalized, her tone impassive.
"That's harsh, Clarisse," Rachel couldn't help but stare at the daughter of Ares in pity.
"Bite me, Crazytown," she rudely retorted.
Meanwhile, Athena made a different observation, "What about the ruse? Samuel didn't stick to Olivia's story."
"What story?" Apollo scoffed, his question rhetoric. "She called Dean and Sam 'friends', and for once introduced herself as Olivia instead of Liv."
The goddess of wisdom sneered at the sun god, "And if this Lori knows that mortal frat boy? What then?"
"Before I made it to Camp Half-Blood, I considered my cousins to be my best friends," Katie interjected, unaffected by Athena's annoyance. "Liv could easily maintain the ruse if Rob happens to know Lori."
Gesturing grandly at Katie, Apollo smirked at Athena, "Exactly my point."
"I saw you inside," Lori remarked, smiling kindly. Sam returned her smile in kind, "We don't wanna bother you. We just heard about what happened and…"
Covering Sam's awkwardness, Dean adopted a sorrowful expression, "We wanted to say how sorry we were."
"I kind of know what you're going through. I-I saw someone get hurt once. It's something you don't forget," Sam commiserated with her, ignoring Liv's aggressive eye roll. Lori nodded slightly and as her father approached, introduced him to the Winchesters.
"It wouldn't hurt Olivia to empathize more," Hecate commented.
Athena sneered at nobody in general, "It's not in the nature of War or its spawns to show empathy to anyone. I doubt they even have a heart, in the figurative sense, of course."
Clarisse looked about ready to pounce at the uppity goddess and claw her eyes out if it weren't for Chris' fast reflexes, pulling her back and circling her midriff with his strong arms.
Before pandemonium could ensue, and before an apoplectic Aphrodite could rise to her lover and his children's defense, Ares surprised them all with his calm posture and equally measured tone, "Coming from a brain child, I think I'll let that comment slide, Thena." The smirk that tugged on his lips was positively callous and vicious, and his words equally so, "After all, you are knowledgeable, however, I do wonder, your title, 'Goddess of Wisdom'… if you hadn't spouted from Father's brain, what would your title have been? The Goddess of Insults? No… perhaps, the Goddess of Insensitivity, lacking all compassion and sentimentality, her heart as black as the acid she regorges. My emotions may stem from the negative side, but at least I possess emotions in general and I am quite capable of love. You, not so much."
"How dare you!" Athena rose from her throne, spear at the ready.
At the same time, Zeus bellowed, "SIT DOWN ATHENA!"
"But Father-"
"No!" he hissed, electric orbs spitting electricity and the scent of ozone heavy in the room, "You had your say, you expressed your barbs, you initiated an unneeded altercation. You sit down and keep your tongue behind your teeth. I do not want to hear any more out of you! You hear me!?"
Eyes bright with moisture and voice sharp with venom, she reluctantly snarled, "Yes, Father."
Annabeth looked away, unable to meet her mother's gaze, shame coursing through her as she buried her face in Percy's chest.
Dean shook the Reverend's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. I must say, that was an inspiring sermon," he said, laying it on thick. The Reverend smiled serenely, "Thank you very much. It's so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord's message." Dean chuckled and the Reverend's eyes zeroed in on the silver crucifix around Liv's neck, his smile growing wider as he appraised her.
The God of the Sky rolled his eyes, his lips compressed mulishly.
"Listen, uh, we're new in town, actually," Dean nudged Liv and together, they led Reverend Sorenson away from Sam and Lori. Liv's voice could be heard saying, "I don't really feel comfortable transferring here if there's a killer on the loose, so…" her voice drifted off and the shot honed in on Sam and Lori.
Disregarding the tension Athena generated, Aphrodite smugly announced, "You see! Even Dean and Olivia noticed the sparks between those two."
"Affie, not the time," Apollo murmured, making a cutting motion with his hand.
The Goddess of Love shrugged, wholly unperturbed. 'I didn't say anything wrong…'
Sam shifted from foot to foot, "Tell me, Lori. What are the police saying?"
They started to walk aimlessly and Lori shrugged, "Well, they don't have a lot to go on. I think they blame me for that."
"What do you mean?" he sharply inquired, brows knitting in confusion. Lori stopped walking to squarely meet Sam's gaze. "My story. I was so scared, I guess I was "seeing things"," she sarcastically quoted.
"Honestly, I'm surprised Lori isn't a suspect in Rich's murder," Apollo mused aloud. "She's the only witness, the only person in the area when he was killed. There's a lot against her."
Rachel nodded her agreement, "Yeah, but she's also the Reverend's daughter. They can't be hasty and point fingers without solid proof."
"It all amounts to who you know," Connor smirked.
That comment had him on the receiving end of a light smack, courtesy of Katie.
"That doesn't mean it wasn't real," Sam indignantly stated, meeting her gaze.
The scene then shifted to the interior of a Library.
In comical unison, Annabeth and Athena sat ramrod straight, and while the goddess felt pride at the similarities between herself and her daughter, Annabeth couldn't shake the feeling of her skin crawling, not liking the parallels between them.
As though he was listening in on her thoughts, Percy tightened his hold around her, prompting an ugly scowl out of Athena who loathed the proximity her daughter had with the sea spawn.
"So you believe her?" Dean asked Sam, and when he replied with an affirmative, the elder brother smirked, "Yeah, I think she's hot, too."
Liv rolled her eyes, casually planting a foot on the table and then her other over it, crossing them together, "She's not bad looking."
"Not bad looking!?" Dean exclaimed in disbelief, Sam spluttering his shock in the background. Rolling her eyes again-
"Jeez! She does that a lot. It's a wonder her sockets aren't permanently stuck backwards!" Percy exclaimed, unable to hold it in any longer after watching Liv roll her eyes for the umpteenth time.
Thalia smirked, "She does it more than me, huh?"
"Don't get too excited. You're a close second and Annabeth's third," Jason quickly added Annabeth in afterthought when her lips parted to volley some smug remark. The daughter of wisdom snapped her mouth shut and glared at him, her eyes twitching as she struggled with not rolling them.
Percy suppressed his laughter, eyes flickering between Thalia and Annabeth, "You want to roll them, don't you?"
"Yes!" they huffed, a desperate quality heard in their simultaneous exclamation.
-Liv said, "Oh, come on, the only reason Lori Sorenson is highly sought after is 'cause she's the forbidden fruit." When Dean and Sam stared at her blankly, she elaborated with much more enthusiasm, "Look, having something forbidden is exciting. Lori's the Reverend's daughter and a virgin to boot. All the guys want a bite of the apple, but the grand prize is eating it whole-"
"Did you just use an apple as a euphemism for popping some chick's cherry?" Dean asked, an air of incredulity in his tone.
Dionysus perked up upon hearing more slang, "I know that, I know that. When you kids say 'pop her cherry' you mean-"
"Yes!" Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Will, the Stolls, Katie, Rachel, Chris and Clarisse hastened to exclaim, not wanting to hear the Director of their Camp, who they'd probably encounter on a daily basis once they return to the future, speak about sex and virginity, lest they stab themselves in the ear.
"Hmph. I don't see what the big fuss is about," the wine god mocked an expression of affront, though Hermes and Apollo could clearly detect his amusement. It was common knowledge in Olympus that Dionysus adored torturing demigods, in the psychological sense.
Sam shook his head in utter disbelief, "No. Liv's stealing the story of Adam and Eve, using the Forbidden Fruit from the Garden of Eden as a euphemism for why Lori's so famous around here. Wow, Liv. That's a new low."
"Hey! First of all, I'm borrowing not stealing. And secondly, dude, come on, I'm just simplifying it for you," Liv casually waved a hand overhead before examining the neon blue polish on her nails. "All I'm saying, is that if Lori was some regular Joe's daughter she wouldn't be some big fish on campus. Capish?"
"Hate to say it, but Liv actually has a point," Frank shrugged, smiling sheepishly when Hazel fixated him with shocked gold orbs. "What? She does," he insisted, raising both hands up in an innocent gesture.
Apollo did an inclination of his head, "Liv did hit it on the nail. Nothing gets a red-blooded male's blood pumping than a girl who says no. Lori might not do it on purpose, but she plays hard to get and that, more than anything, initiates the chase. Until that cherry's popped, she's gonna find herself a lot of suitors hounding after her."
At Artemis' aghast expression, Hermes chimed in, "And he means that with complete sensitivity, don't you Apollo?"
"Oh yeah!" the sun god hurriedly affirmed, smiling winsomely at his appalled twin. "This is me speaking from a purely educational perspective."
Aphrodite choked out a laugh and muffled it inside her palm, looking away when Artemis' blazing gaze snapped at her general direction.
"So that's why guys chase you around then?" Sam suspiciously inquired, his eyes narrowed. The strong air of casualty Liv had been radiating vanished at Sam's question and she became as stiff as a board, adopting a deer in the headlights expression. Dean nervously cleared his throat and swiftly changed the topic, "You were saying you believe Lori…?"
"AHA!" Aphrodite childishly emitted a cry of victory, her gorgeous features arranged into an expression of smug superiority, especially when her bright blue eyes, currently turning a shade brighter due to her exuberance, focused on a horror-stricken Artemis, "I told you! If this isn't proof enough, I don't know what is. Olivia is not a virgin!"
To those in the room in possession of enhanced hearing, the clear distinctive sound of liquid dripping onto a hard surface could be heard. One by one, the gods and goddesses swiveled around to stare at the miniscule puddle of ichor pooling on the ground, following the trajectory of the golden drops to the source: Ares' hand which had a death grip on the sharp blade of his knife.
All triumph forgotten, Aphrodite swallowed a gasp and hurriedly reached over to extricate the weapon from his vice grip. "Ares!" she halfheartedly scolded.
Blinking in confusion at the combined expression of concern and guilt on his lover's face, the War God frowned, "What is it?"
"Your-, Ares your hand," Aphrodite gestured to his hand, not releasing the ichor coated knife from her hand. Blinking down at the deep wound in his palm that was slowly knitting together, he shrugged and willed the smeared ichor to vanish.
"What are you looking at, punks?" he growled at the group of teenagers that had been outright staring at him with wide eyes and agape mouths. His irate bellow snapped them from their trance and they abruptly disconnected their gaze.
Removing the attention from the obviously wroth father who was deep in denial, Artemis, posture set in a stubborn stance, hissed, "Until we are given verbal or visual proof, Olivia will still be considered a virgin to my eyes."
"Suit yourself," Aphrodite murmured, no longer triumphant at the realization that Ares truly cared for Olivia Winchester and that despite his litany of denials, could not quell the overprotective, paternal part in him that loathed hearing about his little girl engaging in sexual activity with others. If she were to be honest with herself, the fact that she knew Ares was in denial completely slipped her mind and she got too caught up in her selfish desire to learn about Olivia's romantic life that in the moment, much to her shame, she forgot about Ares' presence in the room.
On the other hand, Apollo swallowed a sudden lump lodged in his throat as he attempted to make sense the reason for the burgeoning knot in the pit of his stomach. 'Why… where did that come from?' he struggled to find a sensible reason, to no avail.
Glaring at his brother, the heat of it increasing when he identified Liv shoot Dean a grateful smile, Sam snapped, "I'm gonna pretend you didn't just blatantly change the subject, but I won't forget the fact that you two are keeping yet another secret from me." Exhaling roughly through his nose, he answered, "There was something in her eyes. She's telling the truth. And listen to this: she heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car."
"Is that hint supposed to mean something of great significance?" Persephone leaned forward, eyes intent on the screen as her curiosity waxed.
"Wait, the body suspended? That sounds like the-"
Liv's awed whisper of, "Holy Hell!" cut into whatever Dean had been about to say. Sam's head bobbed up and down, "Yeah, I know, the Hook Man legend."
"Shut. Up!" Rachel shrieked, her expression mirroring Liv's.
Dionysus peered at the redhead from over his magazine, "Nobody said anything, Raquel."
But Rachel was too psyched to get riled. Her eyes glittered in awe and her mouth partially hung agape.
"Is this another urban legend you attempted to ensure of its veracity?" Triton drawled, appearing bored.
"No, no, nothing like that. Unlike Bloody Mary the legends didn't speak of any possible way of summoning it," Will spoke up at the realization that Rachel was devoid of any words in her shocked state. Then, the son of Apollo smacked his forehead, eyes squinted in thought, "I can't believe I didn't see this before! I knew something about Rich and Lori was familiar."
Apollo cocked his head, "What do you mean, son?"
Nico's expression turned sour, fury crossing his dark eyes, "Is this about Dawn?"
Confused looks were exchanged as the demigods and Grover attempted to keep up with Will and Nico's line of thought. Nico's inquiry however, managed to snap Rachel out of her daze and her face too morphed into one of indignant rage on Dawn's behalf.
The split-second Will dipped his head in affirmative, Apollo rapidly demanded, "What about Dawn?"
He may not be the best godly parent out there, but in no certain terms did that mean he didn't care about his children. Every morning, when he drove the sun around in his chariot, he ensured to maintain an eye on all his children, despite the fact he was forbidden to intervene. Currently, Dawn Richards was ten-years-old, and last he checked – before the failed summit his father arranged and the arrival of the future demigods – she was safely tucked in bed, asleep in her step-father's Mansion and blissfully ignorant of her paternity. Naturally, in the future, it wasn't the case anymore and Dawn had most likely been informed of her demigod status.
"Well, uh, you see," Will shifted nervously, stumbling with his words, uncertain on how he was to proceed and break the news. To others, Apollo may appear to be one of the most laidback Olympians who didn't care much for his children, but Will knew better and, upon their arrival in the past, it was starting to become crystal clear to every single demigod in the room that the gods were not as they seemed in the future. "You see uh…" he turned to Rachel, his gaze imploring.
With a huff, Rachel softly addressed her Patron, "For starters, Dawn's gorgeous, I mean, well, she does take after you and Mrs. Richards is a knockout. Dawn inherited a mixture of both her parents' good genes. Adding to her appearance, her step-father is filthy rich. He owns a chain of five-star hotels around the globe. Basically, guys flock around her, either for her, uh, well, 'cause she's gorgeous and rich, well, you know…" she trailed off awkwardly, not wanting to say those words out loud, especially to Apollo. The Sun God nodded sharply, bright blue eyes darkening in anger and blazing with the intent to maim or perhaps, kill. "So, um, last summer, to be very cliché, the popular jock asked her out-"
"Last summer?!" Apollo blurted out, a dark edge to his tone. "But that would make her fourteen! She's too young to date," he exclaimed and oh, Artemis was enjoying this! Watching her philandering brother get a taste of his own medicine was karma at its finest.
Will snidely remarked, "He was sixteen, too."
"Sixteen!" Apollo was seething.
Extremely uncomfortable now, Rachel pursed her lips and gestured a hand for Will to proceed. And he did… with much reluctance.
"It turned out to be a prank," Will groused through gritted teeth, blue eyes taking a menacing glint that remarkably resembled his father. "The jock dick, Shane, apparently he didn't break up with his cheerleader girlfriend. Betty was always jealous of Dawn's good looks, her money and lavish lifestyle. So she decided to make an example out of her. The 'popular' group-" he scathingly spat out, making quotations with his fingers, "-reenacted the urban legend of the Hook Man."
Apollo looked like he wanted nothing more than to teleport out of the room and Olympus and eradicate the group that psychologically harmed his little girl. Unfortunately, he couldn't, no thanks to the Fates.
A soothing rumble permeated the room; Poseidon had cleared his throat, the stern line of his lips bellying the kindness in his sea-green eyes that revealed that he too, conjured similar thoughts as Apollo. "And what of this urban legend? Who is this Hook Man?"
That was Rachel's cue. "It bears a few similarities to the first scene of this…episode. The legend begins with a teenage boy parking his car in the deserted lovers' lane to make-out with his date-" Artemis emitted an indignant noise, though she thankfully maintained her silence, knowing that Apollo was close to snapping and desired to know what exactly occurred to his daughter, "-and turned on the radio to create a nice mood. As the couple start kissing the mood is broken when mid-song, an announcer's voice blares through, his tone ominous as he warns them of a convicted murderer who had just escaped from an insane asylum, which happens to be located within a half-mile of where the boy parked. The announcer continues to describe the man, stating he had a stainless steel hook in place of his missing right hand and urges that if anyone were to see him, to immediately report his whereabouts to the police."
The redhead promptly broke off to clear her throat. Noting her discomfort, Hestia waved her hand in a half-arc and conjured a trolley with two pitchers of cool water and crystal glasses for the teenagers. Grateful, Rachel poured herself a glass, took a hearty sip and continued.
"After much convincing, the frightened girl managed to convince the boy to drop her home as they would be safer indoors and, peeved, he relented. But when they arrived at the girl's house, just as she stepped out of the car and reached to close it, she began to scream uncontrollably. …Dangling from the door handle was a bloody hook. And well, that wraps up the tale of the Hook Man," Rachel lamely concluded, shrugging a shoulder.
Exhaling and inhaling roughly from his nose, Apollo gritted out, "And this was reenacted to scare Dawn?"
"Shane took her to a deserted lane, just like the legend, except they kicked it up a notch and made it so much worse," Will snarled, his bone-white fists clenching and unclenching. "Like this episode's first scene, Betty and a few jock friends of his scratched a hook against nearby signs and tree barks and, like Rich-" he absently waved at the screen, "-Shane ordered Dawn to stay in the car and lock the doors, acting like a perfect gentlemen," he sneered. "After a while of complete silence, the scratching continued and Dawn decided to search for Shane. At this point, it didn't take much to terrify her 'cause she knew she's a demigod and had been trained at Camp, so, thinking it was a monster, she realized it must be after her and Shane was out there on his own, defenseless-"
"Monsters don't attack mortals," Athena crisply interjected, though not rudely, her face shining with compassion.
Will shrugged, "She still couldn't leave Shane out there. But, like the legend, closing the door, she saw the bloody hook and freaked out. She screamed for Shane but he didn't answer. Fearing the worst, Dawn decided to risk using the phone she kept with her for extreme emergencies and call the police, but there was no signal. She then, despite not having a license or knowing the first thing about driving, chose to drive his car to the station, but it wouldn't start." He cut himself off, breathing furiously, unable to continue.
Taking pity on him, Nico squeezed his shoulder and carried on, his voice trembling with rage; he liked Dawn. Despite her upbringing, she never looked down at anybody and had a heart as pure as gold, always willing to lend a hand to those in need, and she was one of the few Nico entrusted with his homosexuality before the catastrophic incident with Cupid. "It was all a prank. They just left her there in the cold, with no cell reception, no transportation, nothing, until the next morning. Mr. Richards, he, well he forced – to put it kindly – the police to search for her and disregard the 24-hour rule, and they tracked her phone to the abandoned road."
Speaking up for Apollo, who's explosive rage had him devoid of words, Hermes hissed, "She wasn't touched sexually, was she?!"
Even Ares, the formidable god of war, flinched at the brutal growl Apollo emitted; Apollo, who looked like he was struggling to repress his godly form from unleashing.
Rachel let out a particularly vicious snort, "Shane's only good quality was his devotion to Betty. He was too faithful to her to even think about touching her inappropriately."
Silence engulfed the room after the revelation. The demigods and Grover were furious on behalf of Dawn, and were beating themselves up for their ignorance. The incident occurred during Gaea's surging reign and therefore, could not be blamed. But still, it rankled knowing that a good friend of theirs had been hazed by mortals who didn't know better. On the outside, it appeared as though Dawn Richards was living the dream, but in reality, she, like every single demigod, spent every second of the day at risk of losing their life by some stray monster.
After Apollo had managed to force his thoughts and quell his rage into some semblance of order and tranquility, he said, "Please tell me I did something about it or those filthy mongrels were punished accordingly."
And again, Will shifted uncomfortably, averting eye contact, "You were kind of…indisposed at the time."
"Indisposed?" Zeus boomed, finally speaking up. "Explain!"
His demand however, was met with utter silence and Poseidon huffed, irked, "Let me guess, spoilers?"
"Yeah," Percy nervously responded. "But I promise, we'll get to that later."
Changing the topic, Rachel chirped, "But on a bright note, Shane and Betty's friends sang like a canary which allowed Mr. Richards to force the school into expelling them. Shane and Betty are in some sort of juvie."
"Boys!" Artemis sneered, her tongue heavy with vitriol and words laced with venom. "And you all wonder why I swore off men."
Nico frowned, eyes glowering at the goddess he hated the most, "Actually, not that I'm happy to defend him, but Shane wouldn't have done anything if it weren't for Betty. Betty asked and Shane obeyed. If anything, it's the girl's fault."
Artemis scowled, fully prepared to instigate an altercation with the son of Hades and defend the honor of the female gender in general, until Hestia intervened, "Shall we proceed with the episode and argue this matter on a later hour?"
"Fine," Apollo hissed. "But we will talk about this later and I want answers!"
The demigods gulped and hastened to nod in agreement. An enraged Apollo made an utterly frightening sight.
"That's one of the most famous urban legends ever," Dean eagerly stated. "You don't think that we're dealing with the Hook Man?"
"I'd bet on it," Liv grinned widely. "Every urban legend has a source, don't it."
Sam shook his head, torn between fondness and disbelief, "You've an unhealthy interest in urban legends. First Bloody Mary and now the Hook Man…"
Rachel frowned. "What's wrong with that?" she asked nobody in particular, mostly speaking to herself. Like Liv, she found urban legends fascinating.
"I think it's an honor to solve those cases, put them at rest. I mean, c'mon Sam, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity! How many Hunters can say they've dealt with the legendary figures that made an appearance in every child's nightmares and spoken ominously over a bonfire?" Liv was practically salivating, giddy with excitement. "All I'm saying is, it'd look good in a résumé."
Percy made a humming noise, "She's not wrong there."
Brows knitted together, Sam looked outrage, "Seriously? You're too invested in the hunting lifestyle, Liv."
"Better than an apple pie life," she retorted, followed by a scathing scoff as she got worked up. Sam scowled, "You say it like it's a bad thing."
A mild sneer formed on her face, "Well, maybe it is to me!"
"Very commendable," Artemis sharply inclined her head.
However, Annabeth was disinclined to agree, "The time will come when Liv'll have to put up her gun and retire. I mean, eventually, us demigods who've managed to survive to adulthood move on to the next chapter of our lives."
"Says who?" Artemis arched a brow, a condescending lilt in her tone.
In an obvious voice, Percy said, "Uhh, says those who aren't immortal and haven't dedicated themselves to slaughtering monsters…"
"Whoa! Back up you two!" Dean sternly interjected, green eyes narrowing at the fighting duo. "Back to the case; if it's the Hook Man, then what about the phantom scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?"
"I thought we agreed it was a ghost," Leo piped up in confusion.
Jason patted him on the back, "Yeah, we did, they didn't. Unlike us, they didn't witness the circumstances of Rich's death."
Sam tore his eyes from Liv to meet Dean's, "Well, maybe the Hook Man isn't a man at all. What if it's some kind of spirit?"
The scene then forwarded; Liv, Dean and Sam sat huddled around the table when the librarian approached, placing a couple of big boxes in front of them. "Here you go. Arrest records going back to 1851," the librarian offered them a benign smile. Leaning over, Dean blew on a box, resulting in a cloud of dust and he coughed before thanking her. Smirking, Dean turned his attention to Sam, "So, this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh?"
"Talk about a major version of Punishment," Percy histrionically expressed his horror at the thought of that much research and reading.
Athena sneered at him, "I tire of your irritating habit of employing hyperbole."
"And I tire of your unceasing need to dress down everyone but yourself," Poseidon airily retorted, his bearing lackadaisical, almost as though he were commenting on the weather. Sensing the glacial glare perforating the side of his head, the Sea God allowed sea-green to connect with flinty-gray and he smirked, "Oh, don't scowl Athena, it provokes wrinkles."
The goddess of wisdom emitted a strangled yell, most of which was drowned by the screen resuming; apparently, even the Moirai grew weary of Athena's childish and quite odious behavior.
Sam chuckled and grandly extended his arms out, "Welcome to higher education."
Liv did a small pout, a mild whine echoing in her throat that garnered a look of pity from Dean, but all the same, she willingly reached for the closest file, rubbed her eyes, made herself comfortable by propping her legs on the table and started to leaf through it.
"It is the height of bad manners to put your feet on people's tables!" Hera haughtily remarked.
Hermes hid an eye roll, "She's in a public library, Hera. It hardly belongs to anybody in particular."
The Queen of Olympus narrowed her gaze on the trickster god, her expression darkening, "Even so. It is considered rude and extremely unladylike. It appears to me, that young Olivia has no ounce of propriety and is hardly a model of rectitude." She clucked her tongue for emphasis and tossed the frozen image of Liv a nasty look that, for some annoying reason Ares was in no hurry or had no interest in exploring, rankled.
"Don't be dramatic," Aphrodite batted a hand overhead, sending Hera a quick glare. "While I shall not pretend to comprehend other women's tendency to put their feet on horizontal surfaces and while I personally prefer to cross my legs in utmost grace, by no means does it label these women as contumelious, merely that they prefer comfort over all.
Turning to face Annabeth with an expression of palpable confusion, Percy questionably mouthed, "Contumelious?"
Smiling fondly at her boyfriend and at how adorable confusion made him look, the daughter of Athena patted his hand and leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "Insolent. Kind of like…insulting behavior."
Thalia blinked, her features a conglomeration of ebullience and dismayed disbelief. Keeping her voice low for only her friends' ears, she murmured, "I didn't think I'd ever see the day where I was in complete agreement with Aphrodite of all goddesses, and! would look up to her and consider her a hero."
"Stranger things have happened," Clarisse murmured back.
And again, the scene forwarded, and it appeared, by the looks of the Winchesters' state of dress, their weary expressions and the amount of files littered across the table that a few hours had passed.
"Props to them. Seriously!" Leo gasped in potent awe.
Leo's awe however, was a pale imitation of the redhead's, who was practically vibrating with excitement and impatience. "I didn't expect them to get results so soon. They're searching for the source of the Hook Man legend, meaning they're looking for the Hook Man's identity. It's not gonna be a walk in the park," the redhead rapidly blurted out, emeralds locked on the screen.
Straightening, Sam gathered the other two's attention, "Hey, check this out. 1862. A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes." Sliding his finger through the page, he read, "Uh, right here, "some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh."
"What?" Rachel paled, her good mood diminishing at the probability that the infamous Hook Man's identity could possibly be a preacher.
Artemis turned her nose up, disdain prominent on her features, "I hope they rot in the Fields of Punishment! Soiling themselves, lowering themselves to such filthy carnal acts and tarnishing their reputations and those of women in general… they deserve worse than a bloody death."
Hades did a double take, blankly staring at his niece.
"Don't be so crude, Artemis!" Aphrodite hissed, coming to those poor women's defense. "Most prostitutes are borne of desperation, doing what they have to do in order to maintain the essential needs to survive! Not all mortals are born with a golden spoon in mouth!"
Interrupting Artemis' attempt to counter back, Hades drawled in his customary oily tone, "Whoever informed you prostitutes automatically get sent to Punishment had been grossly misinformed, Artemis. Souls are judged based on their achievements and misdeeds, their sins and virtues, not their hobbies and personal preferences."
"How outrageous!" Hera snarled, stating her concurrence with Artemis.
Inclining his head in his sister's direction, the Lord of the Dead impassively spoke, "You are entitled to your opinion."
Abandoning her file, Liv propped her chin on a closed fist, "Did Karns have a hook?"
Quickly skimming another page, Dean nodded, "Literally, yeah. Get this. Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. Had it replaced with a silver hook: the murder weapon."
"Look where all this happened," Sam pointed to another page. Squinting, Liv breathlessly read, "Same place frat boy was killed. 9 Mile Road. Bingo!"
"It can't be that easy… can it?" Chris uncertainly asked the room in general.
Apollo compressed his lips in a 'so-so' gesture, "Appears to be."
Impressed, Dean clapped Sam on the shoulder, "Nice job, Dr. Venkmen. Let's check it out."
Instantly understanding Dean's reference, Rachel, Percy, the Stolls, Chris, Frank, Piper and Katie burst into laughter.
At Nico's inquisitive look and arched eyebrow, Percy grinned and, between huffs of laughter, explained, "Ghostbusters."
"We really should educate you in pop culture," Apollo remarked, eyes flickering between Nico and Hazel.
Hermes wholeheartedly agreed, "Not knowing Ghostbusters is a damn travesty."
Emitting a dreamy sigh, Piper wistfully declared, "Bill Murray was such a hottie back then."
"Hey! Boyfriend in the room," Jason indignantly exclaimed.
Piper patted his cheek twice before kissing him on the same spot, "Awh, come on, Jase. Don't be a sourpuss. I'm allowed to admire from afar."
"You're admiring a lot," the son of Jupiter half-heartedly grumbled, unable to stay mad at Piper for long. 'I am so whipped…'
Her contradiction was instantaneous, "Right, Mr. Googly-Eyes at the mere mention of Paris Hilton."
Jason sheepishly looked away and Piper's features rearranged into a smug expression.
The scene cut to the exterior of Theta Sorority where a car could be seen pulling up in the driveway before shifting to its interior. "I know this is your first time really living alone since Mom died," Lori was saying.
"That's not it. I worry about you," Reverend Sorenson insisted, his body turned to better gauge her. Indignant, Lori met her father's gaze, "There are twenty-two girls in there and perfectly safe."
"Not from a ghost they're not," Leo cut in with yet another unnecessary remark.
Rolling her eyes fondly, Annabeth countered, "Yeah, but they don't know that, Leo."
The twitchy son of Hephaestus shrugged sheepishly though his face was set in stubbornness.
"That's exactly what I'm worried about. You don't think I know what goes on in there?"
A skeptical noise escaped Demeter, rolling her eyes at the Reverend's paranoia, "Nothing exclusive to sororities. Whatever happens in there happens worldwide every single day."
"Bottom line, one does not have to attend a sorority or a fraternity to engage in sexual intercourse, and indulge in alcoholic beverages and narcotics," Persephone scoffed, eyes keen on her long nails that were painted an acrylic black.
Apoplectic, Aphrodite firmly asserted, "While sororities and fraternities do engage in a wild, social lifestyle, you are reinforcing negative stereotypes movies are particularly fond of. A Sorority is not an institution comprised of shallow, naïve and vapid girls whose only concerns are scoring a date with as many frat boys as possible and maintaining popularity by attending parties every night. It's about the bond of sisterhood and much, much more."
In genuine confusion, Piper asked, "How do you know that?"
"I may have attended a couple of Sororities whenever I find myself having free time on my hands," Aphrodite purred, a secretive smile spreading on her lips.
Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus and even Hephaestus turned an inquiring eye on Ares.
Huffing, the God of War reluctantly grumbled, "Affie may have persuaded me to tag along once. Or twice."
A childish grin on her breathtaking face, Aphrodite held up nine fingers for everyone to see and waggled them. "Nine!" she corrected.
"Aphrodite!" Ares groaned, dragging a large, calloused hand down his face amidst his brothers' laughter.
"Dad, do we have to have this argument again? I'm over eighteen. I can live my own life," Lori stated in irritation. Her father's face started to redden in anger, "Oh, which means drinking, partying with that roommate of yours!"
Thalia couldn't fault the Reverend, "Lori's roommate isn't exactly the pinnacle of morality."
"She's young and in college. She shouldn't have to be. That's what growing up is for," Katie cheekily retorted, prompting a laugh out of Travis and the daughter of Zeus to roll her eyes.
Grabbing the door handle, Lori snapped, "I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. Good night." Storming out of the car, she ignored her father's pleas for her to come back and disappeared inside.
The scene then cut to the Lori walking up the stairs and stopping by a doorway. The camera honed in on a long scratch on the wall, leading up to the doorway Lori stood at.
"Is it just me or is that a freakish resemblance to the scratches made by the silver hook on the signs at the beginning?" Grover nervously muttered as he wrung his wrists.
Attempting for nonchalance, Clarisse pointed out, "A lot of sharp edges generate scratches like that."
"I don't think I'm receptive to coincidences right now, Clarisse," a hint of anxiety could be detected in Annabeth's tone.
Entering the room, a girl could be seen working at a computer but Lori ignored her as she continued to her bedroom. However, just as she reached over to turn on the lights, her eyes narrowed in on her roommate, fast asleep, and kept the lights off. Softly, Lori approached her bedside and called out to her, "Taylor, you awake?" Receiving no response, Lori leaves her be and ducked into the bathroom.
Wary looks were exchanged throughout the room, and Rachel, like clockwork, said, "I have a bad feeling."
"Thanks a lot, Rachel. Now I do, too!" Leo griped.
The redhead simply rolled her eyes, "No comment."
"Uh, you just did," Leo cocked his head, sincerely bemused.
"Leo!" Rachel, Piper, Hazel and Annabeth exclaimed in fond exasperation.
Connor beamed, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at Leo's general direction, "He's worse than me, huh."
Mirth dancing in his eyes, Travis smirked at his little brother, "No comment."
"Hey!" Connor pouted, letting out a petulant whine.
The camera shifted to the 9 Mile Road where the Winchesters were stepping out of the Impala. Opening the trunk, Dean rooted through the plethora of arsenal and handed Sam and Liv a rifle each, "Here you go."
Hera had to bite her tongue to stop herself from loudly sharing her opinion in regards to Liv handling a dangerous weapon.
On the other hand, Ares leaned forward, intrigued.
"Bullets work on ghosts?" Frank inquired, despite the fact that nobody knew the answer.
"If it is a spirit, buckshot won't do much good," Sam noted, one eyebrow raised as he scrutinized the rifle. A knowing smirk on her face, Liv plucked the rock salt pellets from Dean's hand and began loading her rifle like only an expert could, "Rock salt, Sammy-boy. Rock salt."
"Rock salt!" was echoed by nearly every single inhabitant in the room, confusion surging and a small amount of skepticism.
Smiling proudly, Dean inclined his head towards Liv. Sam was taken aback, "Huh. Salt being a spirit deterrent."
Taking out a coil of rope from the trunk, Dean nodded as he softly shut it, "Yeah. It won't kill 'em. But it'll slow 'em down." As Dean and Sam walked towards the trees, a frown emerged on Liv's face and, cocking her head to the side, without warning and without a sound, she split up from them.
"Where is she going?!" Katie screeched in alarm.
Face impassive, Ares spat, "Idiot runt."
"I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation," Poseidon stated, throwing a disapproving frown Ares' way. "I believe she took note of something amiss. Her senses are impeccable when compared to Dean and Samuel." He subtly referred to the changes in her biology due to the ichor coursing through her veins courtesy of being the daughter of the God of War.
Displeased at the connection, Ares glowered at his favorite uncle for a beat before glaring daggers at the screen.
Liv's disappearance going unnoticed by the brothers, Sam made an impressive face, "That's pretty good. You and Dad think of this?"
"I told you," Dean smugly prefaced. "You don't have to be a college graduate to be a genius."
Ariadne appeared to be amused, "I believe the correct term is 'street smarts', yes?"
"Yeah, Percy's got 'em in spades," Thalia mocked, smirking at Percy who looked mildly affronted.
The camera then alternated to Liv who, after hiding her rifle behind a tree bark, threw her hands forward to slam a figure against said tree, dark mahogany eyes narrowed in suspicion, "What are you doing here?!"
Blinking a couple of times in surprise, Rob frowned, "Olivia?"
"In the flesh," she snarked.
"She must have heard his footfalls," Athena remarked, impressed. She then smirked smugly at the war god, "Hmm. A 'runt' with enhanced hearing, imagine that."
He growled, "Shut it, Athena!"
"Forget that! What is Rob doing there?" Nico demanded, his suspicious tone mimicking the Winchester girl.
The shot alternated back to the brothers who, upon hearing a disturbance among the trees, had finally realized Liv's absence and they stopped walking. Sam cocked his guns and exchanged a worried look with Dean as they whispered Liv's name. A figure came out of the tree: the Sheriff.
"Ugh! Rotten luck!" Connor groaned. "I'm beginning to hate cops."
Travis nodded, "Tell me about it."
"At least Liv got away," Hazel tried looking at the bright side.
Frank shook his head, "Yeah, but for how long? She didn't go that far."
"Put your gun down now! Now! Put your hands behind your head," the Sheriff bellowed. When Dean attempted to talk their way out, he firmly ordered, a menacing quality in his voice, "Now get down on your knees. Come on, do it! On your knees!" Sam and Dean obeyed. "Now get down on your bellies. Come on, do it!"
Pointing at Sam, Dean stated, "He had the gun!"
"Is he, is he letting Sam take the fall?" Annabeth gasped, brows knit in confusion. "That's not like Dean."
His tone indifferent, Ares grunted, "Punk's got a plan in motion."
Back to Liv, the commotion could be heard by her and Rob. Dark mahoganies and hazel-greens collided and, just before a nearby officer stepped into their line of vision, Rob crushed his lips to hers, his hands sliding down to cup her ass and lifted her up against him. Almost reflexively, she wrapped her long legs around his waist and he flipped her around and backed her against the tree and she ground against him. All the while, they passionately kissed each other, their moans permeating the air.
Lips parted and eyes wide, Leo breathlessly exclaimed, "Ay dios mio!"
"That's hot!" Rachel stated in a hush.
Complete bedlam ensued in the Throne Room at the heated scene.
Naturally, Aphrodite fanned herself, her pupils dilating and irises changing colors per second. Ariadne, Persephone, Amphitrite and Ariadne had similar reactions to the love goddess, though the Queens of the Sea and the Underworld raked their husbands' forms with seductive intensity, their intentions clear.
The confusticating feeling in the pit of Apollo's stomach made an abrupt reappearance, the passionate image of Liv and Rob with their lips melded together befogging his brain and blurring his vision. Confusion surged and he struggled to make sense of whatever ailed him. For a God of Knowledge, he could be so dense when it came to matters that concern himself.
Annabeth, Piper, Katie, Rachel and Clarisse blatantly stared, awe-struck; Hazel averted her eyes, a furious blush coloring her face. The boys on the other hand, gazed intently at the screen with open-mouthed wonder, their mouths dry and rendered utterly speechless.
Dionysus abandoned his magazine and shockingly enough, Hephaestus stopped tinkering, orbs focused on his brother's frozen form in veiled concern.
For his part, Ares noticeably looked as though he had been carved out of stone. He had always made it a point to steer clear of his mortal and immortal daughters when entering a courtship, not interesting in, unlike Aphrodite, witnessing some punk touch his little girls – another blemish that cemented his brutal, uncaring front he portrayed to the world. Seeing that punk's hands on Olivia shocked him to the core, the shock stemming from the red haze that infiltrated his vision and his ichor boiling with raw rage. 'I don't care what the whore does. I don't!' he mentally convinced himself.
Sensing the apoplectic rage Ares was radiating, despite his impressive stone cold mask, Aphrodite contemplated awakening him from his trance, but Hermes shot her a warning look, knowing that it was best to leave the war god to his own device.
Sighing, Aphrodite turned away from her lover and, sparing Apollo a look of concerned confusion, focused back on the screen as it resumed.
"Hey-" the officer snapped his mouth shut, eyes bulging at Liv and Rob who instantly broke apart at the interruption. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Liv faked a look of mortification, "Oh, I'm, uh, well, we-"
Wounding an arm around her waist, Rob smiled disarmingly, "Is there a problem, officer?"
Snapping out of his shock, the officer shook his head in exasperation, "You two should clear off. I catch you two here again, I won't be as lenient. This is a crime scene not a couple hotspot."
"Smart," Athena grudgingly admitted.
"It's one of the oldest trick in the book," Hermes chuckled. "Masquerading as a couple got them off lightly. They can't get thrown into a holding cell for being horny."
While Aphrodite agreed with Hermes, she cringed at his lack of tact and side-glanced at Ares, his stiff posture greatly unnerving her. "Public displays of affection usually make people uncomfortable," she absently informed the room, her attention mostly on Ares.
"I can't wait to see how Dean and Sam gets out of this mess," Connor was practically brimming with enthusiasm.
Annabeth shook her head in disbelief, "I'm sorry, I just, I can't get my mind off this Rob Cruise guy. I mean, where did he come from, why's he there… doesn't this strike anyone as odd?"
Amphitrite hummed in acknowledgement, "I'm certain Olivia will demand answers. Just have patience, dearie."
The scene then cut to Lori and Taylor's bedroom.
"What!? No! I wanna hear the confrontation between Liv and Rob," Annabeth huffed, folding her arms across her chest and glaring at the screen.
Dionysus rolled his eyes, magazine still abandoned, "Do you not know what 'patience' means, Annie Bell?"
She threw him the stink-eye.
Lori emerged from the bathroom in her pajamas, glanced briefly at Taylor as she shifted in her sleep, and then slid into bed. The camera rotated until it stopped at the closet that had been left ajar and zoomed in on the silhouette of the Hook Man.
Leo yelped in alarm, "Holy Macaroni!"
The son of Jupiter did a double take, bemused at his best friend's odd phrasing before he shook his head, deciding he really didn't want to know.
"I don't like this," Hazel whimpered, leaning into Frank and taking solace in the comforting warmth he radiated. He stroked her arms in a soothing upward and downward motion and planted his chin on the top of her head.
Rachel stared imploringly at her Patron, "You think the Hook Man's after Lori?"
Apollo, who had been out of sorts for quite a while, snapped back to the present, his posture tense but his expression soft, "I don't know. Probably. Maybe it wants to finish the job, leave no witness alive, that sort of thing."
"Since when do ghosts care about witnesses?" Chris voiced his confusion.
Travis shrugged, unable to help but point out, "Since when are we ghost experts."
"Touché," Connor smirked, the smile of self-satisfaction insincere as his fear bled through.
Just as the screen turned black, it brightened, the camera still portraying Lori and Taylor's bedroom in the morning. Lori rolled over in bed and slowly, her eyes fluttered open, immediately narrowing in on a puddle of blood accumulating on the floor. The camera panned upwards to show blood dripping from Taylor's bed. Blood was spilled everywhere and Taylor was dead.
"Oh gods!" Annabeth, Thalia, Hazel, and Piper gasped while Katie and Rachel clapped a hand over their mouths and Clarisse clutched her boyfriend's forearm in a vice grip, all seven girls portraying various expressions of horror.
Demeter's orbs shone with moisture, "That poor girl."
"Why didn't the Hook Man go after Lori, why Taylor?!" Nico demanded, unconsciously gravitating towards Will.
Contemplation colored Apollo's handsome features as he mulled it over. Finally, he snapped his fingers, "All I can say, is it definitely has something to do with Lori. First her boyfriend then her roommate and on both accounts, Lori was physically at the scene, and yet, the spirit chose to leave her unharmed."
"This is no coincidence," Hades inclined his head towards Apollo. "This mortal girl is somehow involved."
Grasping onto his father's words like an anchor, relief shone in Nico's dark orbs at the familiarity of the spirit, "So Lori summoned the ghost and ordered it to kill them, is that it?"
Hades spared Nico a commiserating look, comprehending his son's difficulty in adjusting to the altered facts. "No, I'm afraid not, Nico. For some confounding reason, this spirit favors Lori Sorenson. Why? I cannot tell you," he sorrowfully informed him.
"Oh my God," Lori screamed. Wide, horrified orbs latched onto the wall near Taylor's bed where the words: "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?" was written in blood, and underneath, there was a large cross encompassed by four smaller crosses. Another scream emanated from her lips and the screen turned black.
Rachel was full on frowning, mouthing the words written on the wall like a mantra.
"Rach, stop that. I'm already creeped out," Percy complained.
The redhead shook her head, hands sliding into her hair as her frown deepened, "But that doesn't make any sense. 'Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light' is a completely unrelated urban legend. I just, I don't get how the two are related!"
"Maybe they are interrelated," Hecate reasoned, index and middle fingers stroking her lower lip. "Mayhap it is the Hook Man's modus operandi and throughout the years, it got lost in translation and they became two separate urban legends."
Annabeth nodded to herself, Hecate's deduction sounding sensible. "That's possible," she murmured.
"Myths, legends and even history, their re-interpretation are often distorted and regarded as inaccurate," Apollo matter-of-factly revealed.
Lips quirked in amusement, Katie said, "Wow, you totally ruined history for me."
The scene opened, the camera immediately focusing on Liv as she strode towards the police station.
"I don't understand. It looks like Dean and Sam spent the night in jail," Percy pointed out, forehead burrowing in confusion.
Hera, who was sick and tired of the incessant, inane interruptions, venomously snarled, "And I don't understand why all of you must persist on interrupting! At this rate we'll never conclude the Fates' mission."
And to the Queen of Olympus' frustration, the demigods blatantly ignored her. Annabeth craned her neck to meet her boyfriend's gaze, "What don't you understand?"
"Why, I never…" gasping, Hera trailed off in shock, grossly offended.
"Liv. Where was she? Did she confront Rob? Why didn't she follow Dean and Sam and bail them out like Sam did for her and Dean. Why wait till morning? See what I mean… there are too many inconsistencies," Percy ranted, not pausing for a short breather as he whipped out question after question.
Thalia really wanted to make a snarky comment and tease Percy about using big words. However, seeing genuine frustration on his features, she instead adopted a soothing tone and reasoned, "Like we mentioned before, it's not like we can observe every single second of the Winchesters' lives, just the important highlights. I'm sure it'll make sense soon enough."
"Cher!" Whipping around, Liv scowled at the sight of Rob jogging over to her. One hand on her hip, she marched two steps forward and poked his chest hard with the index finger of her other hand, "What are you doing here?!"
Smirking, he spoke in a tone that screamed 'obvious', "You ran off last night before I had a chance to explain."
"That's one question answered," Thalia smirked at Percy.
Hermes tilted his head, "Her concern for Dean and Sam must have outweighed her need for answers. Rob's presence at the 9 Mile Road is extremely suspicious."
"What exactly you planning on explainin'? How you knew I'd be here, or who you really are, 'cause I don't have time to listen to your excuses," Liv snapped, eyes intent and furious.
"Wait, what!" Nico exclaimed, his shock mirrored by nearly everyone in the room.
Aphrodite's perfectly sculpted eyebrows threatened to disappear under her hairline, "His name isn't Rob Cruise?"
"What on earth would make her come to such a conclusion?" Demeter rhetorically inquired.
He looked taken aback for a brief moment before his cocky smirk reappeared. Hazel-greens appraised her, "I underestimated you."
"A lot of people tend to do that," she snippily retorted. Chuckling, he carded a hand through his hair and nodded to himself, "I knew the first thing on your agenda would be to bust your cousins out. I've been waiting for you to show."
"Cousins…" Grover nervously trailed off, meeting Percy's gaze. "He knows."
"How in Tartarus' name did he know that?" Rachel exclaimed, disbelief seeping into her tone. "They didn't let anything slip around him. Come to think of it, most of his interactions with the Winchesters was Liv, and always alone."
Hera sneered at them, still furious at their lack of respect to her person, "If you stop blabbering on and on about utter claptrap, wasting our time, then we can find out."
While Annabeth bit the inside of her cheek to repress a scathing remark, Thalia had to literally pinch her lips shut to trap the insult she yearned to volley at her step-mother from hell.
Liv did a double take, wide eyes staring, "How did you know?"
"Please," he emphasized the word as though Liv was being ridiculous, smirk fixed in place. "Black '67 Chevrolet Impala," he arched a brow, eyes twinkling with mischief. "It's common knowledge John Winchester drove that Impala before he passed it on to his eldest son. The moment I saw you by that car, I knew who you were, though we've never met before now, Olivia Winchester."
A calculating glint passed through Liv's eyes, "Common knowledge in the Hunter community. You're a hunter, aren't you?"
"The puzzle pieces are connecting," Persephone commented, shaking her head at herself.
Percy stared at the screen, mouth agape, "Now it all makes perfect sense… why 'Rob' was at that road, why he seemed suspicious. He's a hunter!"
Artemis looked conflicted, "Is Olivia the only female hunter?"
"I'm certain there are plenty of female hunters, Artie," Apollo comforted her.
Her smile lasted no longer than three seconds before it vanished and she scowled at her twin, "Stop calling me Artie!"
Lips parted, ready to divulge pertinent information that would no doubt comfort his sister, after a moment of pondering it over, Ares opted to keep his mouth shut and keep the truth to himself a while longer. Since the Fates' appearance and the Winchesters' introduction, he was beginning to vividly recall events and see things in a clearer light… and as the dots connected, Ares was now 98% certain that Victoria Winchester was a Hunter and not just a mere hippy Nurse.
But instead of answering, 'Rob' deflected with a question of his own, "How'd you know I gave you a fake name?"
Rolling her eyes, Liv gestured for him to walk alongside her and the two leisurely walked forward, "Frat boys don't care for names, just numbers. When you didn't bother to hit on me, I knew."
"That's not true!" Chris snapped, offended on behalf of the male gender.
In return, Clarisse, Annabeth, Rachel and Thalia stared at him, an expectant brow raised and their lips pursed.
Reluctantly, Chris huffed, "Okay, so maybe she's not completely wrong. But not all guys are like that!" He indignantly added.
Clarisse patted his arm and smiled, "Of course not. Otherwise, I wouldn't be with you."
"Damn soap opera," Ares grumbled under his breath, glaring heavily at his daughter and her punk boyfriend's direction until Aphrodite smacked him and forcefully shifted his attention elsewhere.
The camera alternated to Dean and Sam, both of whom were leaving the station.
Confused, Connor asked, "Did they make bail?"
Flapping her hand at him in a hushing gesture, Rachel snapped, "Who cares! I wanna know Rob's real name!"
"And watch him interact more with Liv. See about those flying sparks," Katie added with a wink, rubbing her hands together in eager anticipation.
Piper rolled her eyes, "I swear, sometimes I doubt Demeter's your mother. Sometimes, the way you act, you'd make a perfect daughter of Aphrodite."
Giggling, Katie's head rapidly conveyed a negative, "I'd slaughter your half-siblings if I were to stay in the same cabin as them."
As Piper laughed, believing Katie was making some witty joke, Travis solemnly cut in with an abrupt, "She's not kidding," prompting Piper's laughter to die.
"Saved your ass!" Dean was saying, expression way too smug to be legal. "Talked the Sheriff down to a fine. Dude, I am Matlock."
"But how?" Sam inquired in confusion.
At the same time, Percy, Nico, Hazel, the Stolls and Leo asked, their state of confusion on par with Sam, "Matlock?"
Absentmindedly, Thalia flicked a hand and made a swishing noise, "He's a criminal defense lawyer called Ben Matlock in a television show called Matlock. You guys probably haven't heard of it 'cause it first aired in '86 and ended around uh, '94 or '95…" She trailed off, chin propped on her hand as she contemplated it, "Yeah, '95."
"It was '95," Apollo assured her with a grin.
A frown materialized on Annabeth's face. "I thought you didn't watch much television," she asked.
Attempting to appear nonchalant, Thalia shrugged a shoulder and pointedly looked away, burning a hole through the screen, "Didn't have much to do with an unstable, absentee mother and all." Sensing concerned looks sent her way, she harrumphed, "Whatever, I'm over it."
Zeus shifted uncomfortably as he was hit with a sudden surge of guilt and remorse. Thankfully, no more words were spoken regarding the subject of Beryl Grace and the episode resumed, filling in the awkward tension that consumed the room.
Smirking, Dean patted him on the back, "I told him you were a dumbass pledge and that we were hazing you."
"What about the shotgun?" Sam pressed on. But Dean's smirk didn't waver, "I said that you were hunting ghosts and the spirits were repelled by rock salt. You know, typical Hell Week prank."
Laughter rang in the room, Hermes, the Stolls and Chris the most prominent.
"Sometimes the truth can make the best lie," Hermes pointed out, a Cheshire smile on his handsome face.
Baffled and slightly impressed, Sam demanded, "And he believed you?"
"Well, you look like a dumbass pledge," Dean's smirk however, fell when his eyes landed on Liv, relief palpable until his gaze flickered to 'Rob' and his jaw clenched. Elbowing Sam, he wordlessly gestured at the duo and, Sam's expression turning stern, they determinedly strode towards them, just in time to hear 'Rob' telling Liv, "About that kiss-"
"What kiss?" Dean barked, glaring daggers at 'Rob'.
Artemis produced a skeptical noise, "Oh, so Dean is capable of being strict. Good to know."
Liv rolled her eyes and mockingly said, "Oh, Liv, hey. We were worried about you. How was your night? Fine, how was yours-"
"Don't be smart," Sam interjected, suspicious eyes never leaving 'Rob's' laidback expression. "What kiss?!"
Parting her lips, the glare on her face signifying the start of a new argument, 'Rob' intruded, smiling winsomely at the overprotective brothers.
"He must either be very brave or extremely stupid," Apollo noted; Dean and Sam vividly reminded him of the times when he went into a fit of overprotective rage whenever it came to Artemis and his mother, nearly every single incident concluding with a string of dead bodies or cursed individuals.
Eyeing 'Rob's' imposing biceps the tight Henley failed to shield as it hugged his form, and his well-defined figure, Aphrodite licked her lips, "I'm certain this mortal can more than take care of himself."
"You can at least try to hide the fact that you're blatantly ogling him, Aphrodite," Hera sneered, disapproval etched on every inch of her face.
Arching a sculpted eyebrow at her in-law from Tartarus, the love goddess huffed out a laugh, "And why ever would I do that? Nothing wrong with admiring a man's assets, Hera, I'm only looking. Contrary to your frigid beliefs, it isn't a crime."
Athena emitted a vulgar snort.
Disregarding the disdainful glares Artemis, Hera and Athena were penetrating her with, Aphrodite leaned into Ares' embrace and murmured, "I'm certain this mortal has been blessed by me."
"It's my fault, guys. I used the kiss to distract strategy last night. I was banking on the cops letting us off lightly if they believed we were a couple, I meant no disrespect," his hands were extended in a peaceful gesture and the brothers' glares softened, slightly. Liv on the other hand, looked like she was sucking on a lemon.
Reluctantly impressed, Hera said, "At least this one's got manners."
"Olivia looks incredibly displeased," Ariadne casually observed, a small frown materializing between her brows.
Still suspicious, Sam snappishly inquired, "What were you doing there, anyways?! Stalking Liv?"
In response, 'Rob' chuckled and clapped his hands together, "I believe we got off on the wrong foot here. As Cher accurately deduced, my name isn't Rob Cruise." A hand on his chest, fingers splayed, he introduced himself with a mischievous grin, "Clay Warren at your service. If it weren't for that Impala I wouldn't have recognized you boys. Sam, you sure gave Bigfoot a run for 'is money, aye."
"Clay Warren?" the name caressed Aphrodite's tongue and she beamed. "I like it. It suits him. Much better than Rob Cruise," she wrinkled her nose. Just as suddenly, her mood took an abrupt turn as her expression morphed into one of deep contemplation, "I sense the name 'Warren' should mean something to me… something of import…" She trailed off in confusion.
Leaving the love goddess to her inner thoughts, Poseidon pointed out, "It appears this Clay Warren has a past with the Winchester family."
"It makes sense. Dean did recognize him, didn't he? He just could remember the How or Where," Apollo stated.
Giggling, Rachel said, "Winchester and Warren… or Warren and Winchester. Sounds like a Law Firm or the title of a kickass crime-solving show."
A plethora of eyes rolled at the whimsical and extremely capricious redhead.
"Warren-" Dean cut himself off, eyes widening in realization. "I had a feeling I knew you from somewhere, it's been, wow, I haven't seen you in ages."
Clay inclined his head, "Almost sixteen years, give or take."
Hermes whistled, "That's a long time."
"Anyone find it odd they haven't seen each other since Liv was born?" Nico asked the room in general, his question mostly hypothetical.
Looks were exchanged, the coincidence appearing very odd.
"Come to think of it… yeah," Percy pursed his lips.
"Wait, hold on! You two know each other?" Liv demanded, her shocked confusion echoed by Sam. Clay smirked and nodded matter-of-factly, "Oh yeah. Sam here was too young to remember-" he then met Sam's curious gaze, "-my old man and yours go way back. They were childhood friends and joined the Marine Corps together. In fact, they were hunting partners for a time, used to bring Dean and then Sammy here over when he needed a babysitter."
Dean rolled his eyes, lips quirking in a fond smile, "Dude, you're a year older than me."
"Still counts for something, eh?" he grinned, taking Dean's proffered hand and vigorously shaking it before bringing him in for a manly hug.
"That was the last thing I expected," Will confessed.
Frank nodded, "I know! I wonder what happened that made them grow apart."
"And who said they did?" Persephone raised a brow at the son of Mars. "Such a conjecture was not explicitly stated. John Winchester and the Warren patriarch must still be in touch."
"Speaking of," Demeter prefaced, eyes alight with curiosity. "I wonder why Olivia's birth correlates with the last time Clay Warren interacted with Dean and Samuel. I refuse to believe it the result of a coincidental act. There is something missing here, a crucial connection."
Apollo wholeheartedly agreed, "I've been thinking along the same lines, Auntie."
"Be that as it may," Zeus decided to let himself be heard and cut into the brainstorming before his cantankerous wife demanded silence. "We shan't find out unless the Fates will it."
"How's your old man?" Dean asked as Clay shook Sam's hand and Liv purposely turned her back on him and sidled to Dean's side. Grinning apologetically at Liv, which she rudely ignored, Clay turned his focus on the brothers, "Worried actually." At their confused expressions, he stressed, "About you. My reason for being here isn't for the case, guys. Ever since the start of November, Dad's been diligent in finding you three since John's gone AWOL. Mom's on phone duty, calling Dad, my brothers and myself with various hunts. We split up, searching the entire damn country for your whereabouts. Yesterday, called the 'rents, let 'em know I got my sights on you and that you're alive and well."
"That's so sweet!" Ariadne cooed, large eyes unblinkingly trained on the screen, and she smiled fondly at the frozen image of Clay Warren.
Rachel cocked her head to the side, "It sounds like a family dynamic."
Percy scoffed, an obstinate set to his features, "Family doesn't abandon family. Sixteen years!? I don't think there's a good enough reason for them abandoning the Winchesters for that long."
"Gods, Perce. Why do you always have to be so touchy and sensitive whenever family's involved?" Thalia demanded in irritation.
A prominent scowl on his face, the son of Poseidon callously retorted, "Dunno. Why do you always have to be so cold and closed off whenever family's involved?"
"Dunno," the daughter of Zeus imitated him, her tone scathing.
"Can you guys stop fighting," Nico groaned, rolling his eyes at them.
Glaring at him, Percy and Thalia simultaneously exclaimed, "Shut it, Death Breath!"
Grumbling unintelligible words under his breath, Nico turned his back on them, not in the mood to instigate an argument with the belligerent duo that had a lot in common than they liked to admit.
Grumbling, Dean groused out, "It was a damn shapeshifter."
"Figured," Clay's concern morphed into a smirk as he patted Dean on the shoulder. "Anyways, now that I've found you, the search's called off and we can go back to hunting monsters instead of hunting Winchesters."
"It's obvious the Warren family cares for Dean, Sam and Liv," Annabeth randomly stated in hopes of calming Percy. "They spent months running all round the United States searching for them just to ensure they're safe without John around. That must mean something."
Grudgingly, Percy grumbled, "I guess."
Thalia scoffed, "How eloquent of you."
"Okay, that's it! Thals, turn around and mind your own business," Annabeth snapped in an authoritative voice. "Stop trying to start a fight. Jason," she pointedly gestured at Thalia and the son of Jupiter grimaced in understanding; he began whispering in her ear, to which Thalia was incredibly unresponsive.
Every time Beryl Grace's name or even the subject of her was brought up, however brief, Thalia would become closed off and too bitchy to handle.
Dean rolled his eyes, "Funny." He suddenly frowned, "Wait, that doesn't sound like the Camilla I vaguely remember. Since when's Cami okay with sitting around and doing nothing?"
Liv and Sam's confusion intensified at the unfamiliar name.
Clay chuckled, his eyes slightly rolling upward, "Mom had no choice. If she stayed in then Little Luce wouldn't have an excuse for sneaking out." At Dean's raised brow, he elucidated, "Lucy, the youngest and last Warren."
"Camilla Warren," Aphrodite murmured to herself, her frown becoming more pronounced as the name rolled off her tongue.
Concerned, Ares grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers, "Affie, my love, what is it?"
"Just a feeling…" she cryptically responded.
"Whoa. Dad didn't mention you have a sister. Figures," Dean snorted, more to himself. Sam decided to cut in, eyes intense, "You have any idea where our father is?"
But Clay's sorrowful expression said it all and at that exact moment, several officers ran out of the building behind them and sped off in police cars. The four hunters exchanged a meaningful look as the setting abruptly changed.
"Poor Taylor," Hazel murmured, sad eyes riveted at the screen.
Lori sat at the back of a parked ambulance in front of the Sorority, huddled in a blanket, her face red and puffy with tears. The shot zeroed in on the Impala as it drove by, the Winchesters assessing the scene before it focused on the Reverend. "I just want to take her home," he told the Sheriff.
"I understand that, Reverend," the Sheriff calmly responded. "But Lori's now connected to two murders, and I can't ignore that."
"The follies of mortals," Dionysus hummed, engrossed in a certain article proclaiming the opening of a winery in Orland Park, Illinois.
Emerald orbs penetrated the wine god. "The Sheriff's going by the book. You can't blame him! It does look suspicious," Rachel snapped, a tad defensive on the Sheriff's behalf.
"Yeah, but Lori's innocent!" a pouting Leo reminded her.
Mentally facepalming, the Oracle let out an exasperated breath, incredulous orbs fixated on Leo, "We know that. They do not!"
Determined, the Reverend straightened his posture and glared at the Sheriff, "Listen to me. Arrest her now, or let me take her home."
The Sheriff paused for a moment before giving a short nod, "Make sure she's available for questioning." The Reverend thanked him, approached Lori and the two left the scene, the shot focusing on the Winchesters, the Impala parked on another street.
"Hey!" Katie pouted at the screen, a line forming between her brows. "Where'd Clay go?"
Travis glared at his girlfriend, a barely audible huff of irritation escaping him.
In agreement with Katie – 'He is really good-looking!' – Nico attempted for nonchalance, shrugging a shoulder to good effect, "He did say it wasn't his hunt, right? That he stationed himself in town in case the Winchesters showed. Now that he found them, he probably left."
"Dang it!" Rachel whined, blinking sadly at the screen. "He was so good to look at."
Annabeth, Piper and Clarisse nodded wholeheartedly, "Tell me about it."
"Boyfriends in the room!" Percy half-heartedly announced, index finger pointing at, first himself, then the others.
The love goddess observed the interaction occur with fond eyes.
The trio clambered out of the car and started to walk until they stopped at the back of the sorority.
"Why would the Hook Man come here? This is a long way from 9 Mile Road," Sam voiced his suspicions, gaze flickering between Liv and Dean.
Emitting a particularly loud exhalation of breath, Hades drawled, "Perhaps this…ghost-" his nose wrinkled in distaste, "-appeared due to a summoning. It would explain its ability to wander between locations."
"Like Bloody Mary," Persephone hypothesized.
Hades inclined his head in silent agreement.
"Maybe he's not haunting the scene of his crime. Maybe it's something else," Dean suggested, just as two sorority girls exit the side entrance. Dean, Sam and Liv positioned themselves behind some bushes to remain unseen, eyes sharp. "Dude, sorority girls!" Dean eagerly exclaimed, eyes alight. "Think we'll see a naked pillow fight?"
Artemis emitted a strangled noise, expression apoplectic as she glared daggers at Dean. "Jackalope," she hissed under her breath.
Liv pulled a face, "Eugh, I hope not." before smacking Dean lightly, her tone fond, "You're incorrigible."
"That's all!" the goddess of the hunt shrieked, fist formed and index finger wagging accusatorily at the screen. "That's all she has to say?!"
Aphrodite fluffed her golden, tightly coiled curls, her eyes staring heavenwards in annoyed exasperation, "Don't be such a prude, Artemis."
"Prude-, "I!" spluttering in deep affront, a hand pressed against her chest, the auburn-haired demigod made quite an amusing sight, her thirteen-year-old features contorted in profound apoplexy. "I am merely-"
Cutting in, hands waving manically, Dionysus drolly commented, "Oh, oh, allow me to wager a guess. You were merely stating a fact!?"
Silver moon-like orbs narrowed, lips compressed mulishly and arms crossed. "No. I am merely expressing my distaste and my disappointment," she ground out, daggers alternating between Dionysus and Aphrodite as she took in turn to glare at them.
"We do not need a rundown commentary, Artemis, darling," the love goddess purred. "Every soul in this room are aware of where you stand on the subject of flirtations and innuendos; we need not hear more."
"Shall we proceed!" Hestia interjected, pointedly staring at Aphrodite and Artemis to back down.
Dean smirked, his demeanor sheepish and giving him her back, Liv balanced herself as she began climbing onto the balcony. Dean offered a slight push and she stealthily entered Lori's room through the window. Gathering herself, Liv managed to take a few steps forward before Sam and Dean joined her, toppling over each other and hitting the ground. "Oh, sorry," the eldest Winchester grunted.
"Be quiet," Sam hissed.
"You be quiet!" Dean retorted. Bitch face in place, Sam glared, "You be quiet!"
Making a sharp quieting motion with her hand, Liv snapped, "Both of you be quiet!"
Laughter ensued at the amusing scene, the sibling banter and the fact that Liv was taking charge a nice change.
"Oh, how they amuse me so," Demeter giggled.
The demigods couldn't help but draw parallels between them and Percy, Thalia and Nico, which only prompted their laughter to escalate.
The scene forwarded; the Winchesters stood in Lori's room, no longer stealthy upon observing the Sheriff leave the scene. The trio stared at the crude writing on the wall, Sam reading aloud, "'Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?' That's right out of the legend."
Dean nodded grimly, "Yeah, that's classic Hook Man all right." He then tapped his nose, "It's definitely a spirit."
"So the Hook Man legend and that one," Rachel tossed a hand at the screen's direction where the shot had paused on the bloody writing on the wall. "Are interrelated… how come?"
Smiling kindly, Hecate addressed her, "With the Winchester's profession, they must be adept at research, young girl. The dissection of legends and such must be a walk in the park for them."
"They probably have access to old tomes and books that had been long lost and forgotten throughout the centuries," Apollo hypothesized, lips quirking at the hungry gleam that passed through Athena and Annabeth's identical gray orbs. "It's not a farfetched thought."
Rachel shook her head in awe, "I would love to get my hands on them. The study of urban legends and the like is a hobby of mine."
Apollo scrutinized his Oracle with mirthful eyes, his smile fond. 'She really is a unique Oracle…'
"Yeah, I've never smelled ozone this strong before," Sam commented before beckoning his brother and cousin over, his shrewd brown eyes never leaving the writing on the wall. He pointed at the symbol of the large cross that was encompassed by four smaller crosses, "Does that look familiar to you?"
Hand lifting to clench a fist around her crucifix necklace, Liv gasped, "It's a Jerusalem cross; the same symbol as Karns'!"
"I must say, for a high school dropout, Olivia is quite an educated child," Athena admitted, her lips pursed.
Connor rapidly bobbed his head, "Especially for someone impeded by dyslexia and ADHD."
"Impeded? Sneak in a dictionary after dinner?" Thalia smirked.
The younger Stoll responded by sticking his tongue out.
"No, but seriously…" Thalia's smirk remained firmly in place, electric orbs assessing him.
Harrumphing, Connor pouted and tightened his arms across his chest, "I can be smart, you know. No, scratch that; I am smart."
"When he wants to be," Katie pointed out, mid-giggle.
"Yeahhey!" Connor halfheartedly glared at his brother's girlfriend.
The scene shifted to portray Dean, Sam and Liv standing by the Impala, and staring at their research, the camera honing in on a picture of the Jerusalem cross. Sam tapped a finger against it and smiled at Liv, "You're right. It's the same symbol. Seems like it is the spirit of Jacob Karns."
"Man! Is it totally wrong for me to feel excited at the prospect of meeting him?" Liv's genuine smile looked painful as it spread across her face, eyes shining in awe. "I mean, yeah, don't get me wrong, violent spirit and all, he's definitely gotta go. But… he's the Hook Man!"
Practically salivating, a giddy Rachel fervently nodded, "I'm totally with her on this!" Staring around the room at the various amused, impassive and disbelieving expressions, most of which were aimed at her, the redhead breathlessly inquired, "You think a spirit would show in pictures?"
Eyebrows arched in a mixture of amusement and incredulity, Percy asked, "Please don't tell me you're actually thinking of posing beside some murderous spirit and taking a picture with it?!"
"Percy, it's not just any spirit. It's the Hook Man," and the Oracle sounded eerily like Liv Winchester at that moment, it was uncanny.
Thalia, eyes wide, shook her head, "No comment."
"Crazytown," Clarisse mumbled. "Emphasis on crazy."
"Anyways!" Piper spoke up, meeting a pair of emerald orbs. "I think you're confusing Count Dracula with spirits."
Rachel shrugged a shoulder, "At this point, anything's possible."
Dean stared at her with slightly wide eyes, "There's something seriously wrong with you, Liv." Clapping his hands together and disregarding her indignant huff, he stated, "All right, let's find the dude's grave, salt and burn the bones, and put him down."
"His matter-of-fact reference to grave desecration gives me the heebie-jeebies," Katie murmured, speedily rubbing both arms in an effort to eliminate her goosebumps.
His entire form twitching, Leo sarcastically said, "Perks of the job."
Squinting at the page, Sam read, "After execution, Jacob Karns was laid to rest in an Old North Cemetery. In an unmarked grave…" He concluded through gritted teeth, looking upwards in annoyance to meet Dean and Liv's gaze, their expressions identical to his.
"Like I said, perks of the job," Leo parroted, shaking his head in a forlorn manner. "The poor sods."
Blinking his shock away, Jason inquired, "They're not actually gonna dig up every unmarked grave in the vicinity and hope they hit jackpot, are they?"
The sun god's head unwittingly shook in a negative demeanor from the moment Jason opened his mouth. "Even if they do, which I very much doubt, the endeavor would be a bust. At this point in time, Jacob Karns has been dead for nearly a century and a half, meaning he's decomposed into skeleton, and therefore, any distinguishing features would be long gone."
"Damn!" Frank swore.
A smile slowly materialized on Aphrodite's face, "I have full confidence in the Winchesters' abilities. I am certain they will find a way."
"Super," came Dean's sarcastic drawl.
Dragging a hand through her hair, Liv, her ebullience having melted to dejection, attempted to look at the bright side. "At least we know the Hook Man's identity right? And, while we don't know where he'll manifest next or even why, we do know he has a habit of sticking too close to Lori for comfort. So, we start there," she concluded, her confidence making a comeback.
"Genius," Poseidon beamed. A part of him was envious of Ares – his idiot nephew didn't have a slight inkling of just how lucky he was to have Olivia Winchester for a daughter. However, sea-green gaze traveling between Triton and Percy, he leaned back in his throne and felt pride engulf him, and he realized that while he may have a small handful of children, each and every one of them were special in their own way, a hero in their own right, and he couldn't ask for more.
Yes, Poseidon, God of the Sea, King of Atlantis, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, was a proud father.
"She is, isn't she?" Aphrodite's expression mirrored Poseidon's; anyone could easily make the mistake of believing Aphrodite was the girl's mother, her behavior one of potent pride and eyes brimming with exceptional love.
Ares rolled his eyes. "Even a runt has it's moments," he grudgingly commented, tongue vitriolic and unforgiving, allowing Olivia no mercy.
"You're a very bitter man," Demeter hissed, disappointment etched across her face as she solemnly held her nephew's gaze.
"I'm a god!" he sharply retorted, sockets ablaze – literally.
Not the least bit intimidated and unwilling to back down, Demeter sniped back, "And yet still a man."
Pride vivid in his green eyes, Dean nodded, head inclined in Liv's direction. Perky all of a sudden, Liv reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it, she handed it over to her cousins, "Swiped that from Lori's room. There's a chance she might be there tonight."
The camera zoomed in on the flyer, announcing a college party that night. The Winchesters then got into the car and the screen turned black.
"Somehow I doubt Lori shall make an appearance. Her friend died that very day, she wouldn't indulge in such a rowdy event so soon. Tis disrespectful," Amphitrite uttered, a deep frown on her face at the mere thought.
Persephone however, disagreed. "She's a teenager, Phi. Their minds work in mysterious ways," she pointed out.
Nodding, Piper said, "Lori could make an appearance to distract herself from the deaths of her boyfriend and friend. Probably go to get drunk and simply forget."
"Besides," Thalia snorted. "Deducing Taylor's personality, I'm pretty sure she'd egg Lori into going. Lori attending that party might be in honor of her."
Hazel rolled her eyes at the daughter of Zeus, "You really didn't like her, huh."
"She's insensitive," was Thalia's short response.
"Wow, talk about speaking ill of the dead," Nico stated, dark orbs intent on his cantankerous cousin.
Defensive, Thalia countered, "Technically, she isn't dead…yet."
The camera opened on the college party; bright, glowing lights cutting into the dark setting, tight crowd, loud music, animated dancing. It then focused on Sam approaching Dean and Liv, a scowl marring his face as he glared at the plastic cup in the latter's hand, "Are you drinking?"
"Hello to you too, Sammy-boy," Liv shot back with a half-roll of her eye before she defiantly chugged the entire drink down. "You're not my father, so stop acting like it."
"He really is a party pooper," Connor observed, displeased with Sam.
Chris nodded, "More like a Debbie Downer."
"She is underage," Annabeth hesitantly pointed out.
Of course, the daughter of Athena's comment prompted loud, cynical scoffs from her friends, all of them – barring Hazel – staring at her in amusement and disbelief.
"Please, Annie. Like you haven't broken the law before," Thalia judged, eyebrow arched.
Percy repressed a smirk, "I had my first taste of beer at twelve. That's way younger than Liv."
"Enough chinwag!" Hera screeched, her tone deafening and the demigods couldn't help but resemble the irksome noise to nails on a blackboard. "Let us proceed!"
Cue glares of hatred pinpointed at the least favored goddess.
Changing the subject, Dean clapped Sam on the shoulder, a wide smile on his handsome face, "Man, you've been holding out on me. This college thing is awesome!" Further proving his point, he winked and smiled at a passing girl. Sam marginally shook his head, "This wasn't really my experience."
"Ugh, nerd alert!" Leo booed, thumbs down to express his opinion. "Booze and babes, what's wrong with him!?"
Glowering at Hephaestus, Artemis hissed, "Your son is a disrespectful swine."
Grunting, the blacksmith actually disconnected his gaze from his tools and halted with his tinkering; a ball of fire materialized in his hand, his intense orbs never leaving the goddess of the hunt and he proceeded to toss it into the air and effortlessly catch it before crushing it between his fingers and the ridge of his palm, the flame vanishing. The threat however, while unspoken, was heard loud and clear.
Blushing to the tip of his ears, Leo looked away, secretly ecstatic at his father's profound defense despite the fact that he was the most reserved and taciturn Olympian. What few knew, was that despite his introverted disposition, Hephaestus was considered an Olympian for a reason, and like his brother Ares, he was a ruthless and menacing god whose temper shouldn't be tested or provoked.
"Kid's got a point though," Ares grunted, portraying his agreement with his brother's son.
Athena bristled, "Samuel is a donnish mortal in possession of a scholarly mannerism and erudite to the core. The Library is his fortress as it should be. Not a bunch of tasteless, meretricious parties and indulging in alcohol and narcotics, surrendering to their pernicious influences."
"Forget my previous comment, she's the Debbie Downer, not Sam," Chris murmured to his brothers, both of whom nodded in wholehearted agreement, eyes wide on the wisdom goddess, their mouths hung agape.
"I truly do pity you, Athena," Aphrodite remarked. "When I look at you, all I see is a flavorless soul. Are you incapable of having fun and letting your hair down?"
Gray orbs narrowed on her. "I shudder at your definition of 'having fun'," she sneered.
"Your loss."
Snapping his fingers, Dean smirked, "Let me guess. Libraries, studying, straight A's?" At Sam's nod, he chuckled, "What a geek. Alright-" he shook his head, "-you do your homework?"
"Yeah. It was bugging me, right? So how is the Hook Man tied up with Lori? So I think I came up with something." Sam unfolded a piece of paper and shoved it under Dean's nose, Liv leaning in over his shoulder. Dean started to read, "1932, clergyman arrested for murder. 1967, seminarian held in hippie rampage."
"This is a complete mindblower," Rachel huffed, disappointment etched on her features.
Travis hummed. "Kinda ruins your faith, huh?"
"I bet you the Hook Man somehow framed it that way," Rachel stubbornly insisted, arms crossed.
Liv's gaze fell elsewhere and she silently slunk off.
"She has a nasty habit of doing just that," Hecate remarked.
Eyes twinkling, Aphrodite happily mused, "I assume she spotted the dashing Mr. Warren."
The God of War didn't share his lover's sentiment, his jaw clenching at the probability and a vein throbbed in his forehead as he made a valiant attempt to suppress his rage. Funny enough, Apollo appeared to be on the exact same wavelength as Ares, except for the Sun God, confusion was a warring factor.
"Dean and Samuel should put a better leash on Olivia," Zeus looked uninterested despite his snide comment.
Artemis glowered, penetrating her father with metaphorical daggers in response to his degrading remark.
"There's a pattern here," Sam went on, not realizing that Liv had pulled the vanishing act again. "In both cases, the suspect was a man of religion who openly preached against immorality. And then found himself wanted for killings he claimed were the work of an invisible force. Killings carried out – get this – with a sharp instrument."
"Definitely framed by the Hook Man," Rachel affirmed, a crease deepening between her plucked eyebrows.
Frowning in contemplation, Dean met his brother's gaze, "What's the connection to Lori?"
"I was just gonna ask the same thing," Percy murmured, more to himself than anyone else.
Clearing his throat, Apollo sent Athena – who was green with envy – a cheeky smile meant to provoke her, before addressing Percy, "If I were to hazard a guess, I'd go with the preaching against immorality part. That's the connection."
"And the connection to Lori?" Jason inquired, an eyebrow arched in anticipation.
In response, Apollo waved at the screen, clearly as nonplussed as the rest.
"A man of religion?" Sam stated, his tone one of expressing the obvious. "Who openly preaches against immorality?" Recognition dawned on Dean. "Except maybe this time, instead of saving the whole town, he's just trying to save his only daughter."
"Can't be!" Rachel gasped, her red curls swinging to and fro as she frantically shook her head. "It doesn't feel right."
Leo smartly decided to keep his mouth shut.
"It's not that farfetched," Hermes opined, more receptive to the conclusion Sam reached than the Oracle. "The Reverend possibly believed Rich wasn't good enough for Lori, and we know for sure that he was under the impression that Taylor was a bad influence on her," he matter-of-factly deduced.
And then, a most comical sight occurred; Hermes and Rachel stared expectantly at Apollo.
Blunt fingernails pierced the soft flesh of her palms as Athena glared maliciously at the eternal bachelor.
Hedging, Apollo's gaze flickered between them. Finally, he emitted a barely audible puff of breath, "Both probabilities have merit, but sweetheart, Hermes does make a good argument, it's not a farfetched postulation." Sighing as he accurately deduced the reasoning behind his Oracle's plethora of outright denials, he softly said, "Rachel, I understand how hard it must be for you due to your beliefs, but you can't just bury your head under the sand whenever you don't like what you hear or see, you have to keep an open mind, yes? Open yourself up to many possibilities. Okay, darling?"
"Thanks, Apollo," Rachel offered him a hesitant smile and a determined nod, the respect she held for her Patron surging.
"Reverend Sorenson. You think he's summoning the spirit?" Dean asked, surprised. Sam shrugged, "Maybe. Or, you know how a poltergeist can haunt a person instead of a place?"
Hades looked disgruntled though immensely curious at the description.
"Yeah, the spirit latches onto the reverend's repressed emotions, feeds off them, yeah, okay," Dean stated with a nod, eyeing an attractive blonde girl in a micro miniskirt.
Cue Artemis aggressively rolling her eyes.
Ares however, lost interest in the brothers' conversation, his gaze burning at the screen in anticipation of Olivia's whereabouts and hating himself for it.
"Without the reverend ever even knowing it," Sam grimaced.
"So…what? They're saying somebody's subconscious has the capability to summon a ghost for a killing spree?" Annabeth asked, her shock profound.
Hades' grimace matched Sam's, "It's a frightening prospect. I've never heard of such a thing. Which makes it more worrying."
The God of the Dead truly felt obsolete.
Leaning into her husband's personal space, Persephone murmured, "I insist we confront Melinoe once we are done here. Perhaps she can enlighten us to these irregularities."
"I concur, my love," Hades expelled a long-drawn-breath, palpably disturbed.
Huffing, Dean gave his brother a pointed look, "Either way, you should keep an eye on Lori tonight."
Nodding, Sam asked, "What about you…" Eyes widening in realization, his gaze sharpened, "Where's Liv?!" Tearing his appreciative gaze from the attractive blonde, Dean whipped around and, upon finding Liv wasn't anywhere to be found, groaned, "Damn it, Liv!"
"Too little, too late," Hera sniped, her tone heavy with censure.
Hermes rolled his eyes, "Give them a break. Dean and Sam aren't her keepers-"
"But they are responsible for her," Hestia rebuked, attempting to keep her tone neutral while also drive her message home. "Dean and Samuel are responsible for her, Hermes. Olivia, despite her daily activities and her dangerous profession, and despite the fact that she can stand up for herself and protect her own, and that she had to grow up quickly, she is a sixteen-year-old girl, a child. Dean and Samuel should keep a better watch on her. She should be their first priority."
Throwing a hand Hestia's way, Hera smugly uttered, "Exactly my point. Thank you, sister."
Upon seeing Aphrodite bristle in defense of the brothers, Hestia calmly raised both her hands in a peaceful gesture, "I am not saying they are irresponsible, Aphrodite. Nor will you ever hear me claim they do not care about her wellbeing. From their dynamics, I can sense the pure love they hold for Olivia, especially from Dean. That man adores the ground she walks on and would do anything to keep her happy. I am merely pointing out that, perhaps, Dean more precisely, gives Olivia too much leeway."
Grudgingly, the goddess of love nodded in concession, though she appeared unhappy nevertheless.
Dragging a hand down his face, Dean met Sam's exasperated gaze, "Go, Sammy. I'll take care of this. You keep an eye on Lori. Leave Liv and Jacob Karns to me."
The scene then alternated to Liv who was refilling her drink when Clay appeared in front of her. "Looking for me," he cheekily stated.
Hera clucked her tongue, "She should not be drinking alcohol!"
Dionysus had long discarded his magazine the moment the Winchesters made an appearance at the party, his purple orbs flaring in enthusiasm. After all, he is the God of Revelry, though this current party was nothing compared to the infamous ones he held.
"Hush!" Aphrodite hissed, leaning forward, her eyes alight, upon the appearance of the Warren hunter. For some perplexing reason, she found herself invested in him, an anomaly she decided to dissect at a later time.
"Fancy seeing you here," she drawled out, her expression one of disinterest as she sipped on her drink. "You stalking me, Rob- Oops, I mean, Clay," she sneered, shoving past him, ensuring her shoulder purposely bumped against his.
Completely unaffected by her bad temper, Clay smirked, "Guess you're still mad at me, huh?"
"Now, what gave you that impression," she sarcastically retorted, looking at him from over her shoulder. Clay let out a bark of laughter, "Oh, come on, it's nothing that you haven't done a million times over. How many times have you given somebody a fake name?"
"He has a point," Percy commented, matter-of-factly.
Piper scowled, "That's different."
And right on cue…
"That's different," Liv snapped, pivoting around to squarely meet his gaze.
Waving a hand at the screen, Piper smirked, "See!"
"How exactly is it different?" Grover hesitantly inquired, head tilted in curiosity.
Clearing his throat, Dionysus drawled, "How about you allow Olive to disclose her reasons."
The demigods rolled their eyes in synchronization at the wine god's blatant attempt to botch every single demigod's name up.
"Is it like, a demigod thing?" Percy cut in, disregarding Hera's groan of irritation in the background. "I mean, you get Dean and Sam's names right, but Liv, you don't? It's 'cause she's a demigod, right?"
Meeting his sea-green gaze, Dionysus wrinkled his nose and feigned confusion, "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, Percival."
Throwing both hands overhead, Percy groaned, "Case in point."
"Give it up, Perce. It's Mr. D," Connor said, as though it explained everything and going by Percy's nod, it did.
Dionysus cocked his head to the side, "Somehow, I feel insulted."
Ariadne giggled, patting her husband's forearm in mock-commiseration.
At Clay's cynically arched eyebrow, Liv started poking his chest with her index finger, her scowl more pronounced, "You knew who we were. You knew who I was, all the while keeping that stupid Rob Cruise farce, making me look like a fool in the process! You have history with my family, you should've just come right out and said it instead of playing the role of ignorant civilian."
"Oh," Grover blinked in comprehension.
Smirking over at the Satyr, Apollo decided to impart a few words of wisdom, "Word of advice, kid, girls hate being lied to. If you're gonna lie to a chick, don't ever let her find out-Ouch! Damn it, Artie!" Rubbing the back of his head, the sun god glowered at his red-faced twin, her ivory complexion beginning to match her vivid hair.
"Discard his words, Satyr. Tis words from a philandering fool," Artemis spat, her eyes never leaving her twin, who no longer looked to be in pain but illegally smug. "And it's Artemis," she hissed, venom in her tone.
"Well, if you want to be technical, I never met you before," Clay's smirk didn't waver despite Liv's fierce glare. Sighing, he changed the subject, "Look, I'm not skipping town until the case's wrapped up. I know you and your cousins have it handled, so unless you ask for help, I'm staying out of it-"
Folding her arms, Liv raked his form, her eyebrow hitting her hairline, "Oh, so you're not stalking me, you're babysitting us."
Hermes cringed, "Now that was uncalled for. Hit right below the belt." After all, a man of Clay's caliber wouldn't like to be called a babysitter; Hermes knew he wouldn't.
"A metaphorical kick in the nuts," Apollo winced his agreement, though, he did feel a sort of inner vindictive pleasure as Liv gave Clay an unforgiving tongue-lashing, not bothering to hold anything back.
And then… it hit him!
Was he… he wasn't!
'I'm not jealous!' Apollo adamantly denied.
"Ouch," Clay scowled. Exhaling loudly, his expression turned solemn, "Look, I've been here keeping an eye on the kids, alright. It was chance that I ran into you. Which actually works in my favor. I've been meaning to talk to you, it's the reason why I stopped by the police station this morning, wanted to clear the air." At Liv's inquiring look, he stressed, "About last night… our kiss."
Ares' glare narrowed and his hands clenched, unfortunately he wasn't subtle enough to escape Aphrodite's knowing eyes. A vicious huff escaped him; nothing escaped that woman!
Liv stiffened, "What about it? It was a diversion Clay. I get it. What?" she let out a rude scoff, dark orbs piercing him. "Thought I'd cry into a diary while writing your name with hearts?"
"She has too many barriers around her heart," Ariadne observed, her expression sad.
Aphrodite shared her friend's sentiment, "Olivia… the poor dear is so young to be consumed by such bitterness. It only makes me wonder even more whatever happened to make her this way."
"Definitely something her previous boyfriend did to her. Remember?" Demeter turned to meet Aphrodite and Ariadne's curious gaze. "The shapeshifter did mention an ex-boyfriend."
A muted growl rumbled in Ares' throat, though his features remained impassive.
"I wonder…" Persephone murmured, intrigued.
"Men," Artemis sneered, her tone malicious.
"Is that your defense mechanism talking? Somebody burned you so you lash out," Clay knowingly stated, a touch of sorrow written on his handsome features. Glare narrowing, just as Liv parted her lips, Clay interjected, palms up and out, "I liked it, you know. The kiss. You're, God, you're one helluva sexy girl. And, a part of me wanted to yell at that cop for interrupting us. Could kiss you all day and all night." His voice turned husky and his pupils dilated with lust, prompting Liv's eyes to widen, taken aback.
This time, the growl Ares emitted pervaded the room, the menacing noise vibrating against the walls and masking the sound Apollo's teeth made as they furiously grit together.
"Wow! He definitely knows the right things to say," Piper breathed out, her olive complexion slightly flushed.
Nodding, Rachel's eyes were wide as she visibly fanned herself, eyes intent on the screen, "Liv's one lucky gal."
Annabeth gave Rachel a look, "Uhm, Rach, as the Oracle, you know celibacy is-"
"I know, I know! You don't have to spell it out for me," the Oracle huffed, a touch dismayed.
"I've said it a million times and I'll say it again, Apollo, you really should tweak the requirements for your poor Oracles. Abstaining from sex is pure torture," Aphrodite lightly commented, ignoring the glares burning into her person, courtesy of Artemis, Athena and Hera – the frigid shrews.
Taking a step back, Liv, an attractive blush on her face, said, "I'm assuming there's a 'but' in there somewhere…?"
He choked out a bitter laugh, "But, I've a brother your age and another a few years older. It's a cardinal rule of mine: do not engage in sexual activity with girls under the age of twenty-one."
"A redeeming quality. Thank the Skies!" Artemis cheered, her expression brightening.
Hera curtly nodded, "I like this fellow. There is a line and he doesn't cross it. Very admirable."
"He passionately made out with the runt. How is that admirable?" Ares growled, glaring at the two narrow-minded goddesses. "He obviously broke his rule."
Artemis brushed a hand in the air, "Extenuating circumstances. If he hadn't done that, then they would've both spent the night in a holding cell. I believe exceptions can be made."
Blinking at his twin, Apollo said, "Have I accidentally stepped into an alternate universe?"
"Such claptrap doesn't exist you mindless buffoon," Athena sneered, glacial orbs penetrating the sun god.
"Extract that stick from your derriere, Athena," Aphrodite drawled, eyes rolling at the bitter bitch.
"Oh," Liv blinked. "Huh. Gotta say that's a new one; never heard that one before. I guess, I guess I can respect that."
Clay beamed, "I wouldn't oppose to us being friends… if that's alright with you?"
"Water under the bridge," she smirked, waving a hand. Turning to leave, she hesitated, "For what it's worth, you're not a bad kisser yourself." Winking at him, she threw her head backwards and laughed at Clay's parting words as he called out to her before she could disappear into the crowd, "Maybe when you hit twenty-one, I'll give you a call, Cher."
The love goddess clasped her hands together, "Oh, j'adore! Quite a catch that one, I approve!"
"That makes one of us," Apollo mumbled under his breath, unknowingly taking the words right out of Ares' mouth, not that he'd admit it.
Hermes tossed Apollo a questioning look; his golden brother's odd behavior confusing him greatly.
The scene then portrayed Dean bump into Liv. "There you are! Where've you been?" he demanded, his voice harsh. Downing her drink, Liv shrugged, "Getting myself a refill. Where's Sam?"
Scowling down at her, Dean placed a hand on her shoulder as he began steering her to the exit, "Next time, let one of us know, would ya. Sam's keeping an eye on Lori. And you, don't think I'm letting you off easy, got a perfect punishment for you."
"This'll be good," Connor grinned, eagerly rubbing his hands together.
Chris lifted an eyebrow, "Why'd that make you happy? I thought you liked Liv…"
"Oh, I do. I like Dean, too, and he's cool. So I'm kinda curious as to what exactly he considers to be a form of 'punishment'," Connor replied, an impish smile materializing on his face.
Hermes shrugged, smiling fondly at his youngest, "Kid's got a point."
"Yeah, it's like Poseidon punishing Percy," Annabeth laughed at the thought.
Grumbling good-naturedly, Percy uttered a suggestion, "Probably force me to wear one of those outrageous Hawaiian shirts for a week."
A simple wave of his hand and the next thing the inhabitants in the throne room knew, Percy Jackson's stylish Henley shirt was gone, replaced with a lurid orange and purple Hawaiian t-shirt and matching shorts, the cherry on top being the leather flip-flops and a brown floral print bucket hat that sat atop his raven head.
Percy's bemused spluttering could barely be heard amidst the loud laughter that pervaded the room, the son of the sea's eyes running every inch of his body in shock. Suddenly, his gaze shot upwards and collided with Poseidon's. "Dad!" he whinged, a pout on his lips. "Why?"
"For your smart mouth, I believe it is a deserving punishment, don't you think?" mischief danced in the god's otherworldly orbs. "You only have yourself to blame, Perseus. I exacted the punishment you spoke of. Is the color not to your liking?" he innocently inquired, lips quirking to form a smirk.
"It's blinding, and mismatched," he retorted indignantly, ripping off the hat from his head to stare at it in disbelief.
Aphrodite wrinkled her nose, staring at the boy in pity, "It is too much, Poseidon."
"Gah! My eyes are watering, I can't even look at you," Thalia exaggerated, her expression screaming that she was enjoying the state Percy was currently in. However, sadness gripped her heart, knowing that her father would never openly tease her or treat her with the same affection Poseidon bestowed Percy with, whether there were witnesses or not.
Smirking, Poseidon said, "I will be generous with you, my son. You don't have to wear the ensemble for a week-"
"Oh, thanks gods!" he exclaimed.
"-just until the night's end," he concluded.
Percy buried his face in Annabeth's hair, her entire form shaking due to her uncontrollable fit of laughter. "Kill me now," he whined.
The daughter of Athena lightly patted his left cheek, "There, there."
The scene cut to Old North Cemetery. Dean and Liv were scoping out, both of them armed with a flashlight.
"Did they mention a way to identify which unmarked grave belongs to the Hook Man?" Frank inquired, looking around the room.
"Not a thing," Will leaned back and made himself comfortable, eyes trained on the screen and acutely aware of his proximity to Nico who sat right behind him.
Suddenly, Dean's light shone on a headstone engraved with the Jerusalem cross.
"Bingo!" Leo cheerfully exclaimed.
Annabeth grinned, "Kind of smart, huh. I would hate for them to be left with no choice but to excavate every single unmarked grave in the vicinity."
"Would've been hell," Clarisse murmured, shaking her head at the thought.
The goddess of wisdom had her nose up, sniffing in disdain, "They simply got touched by Tyche. Luck is on their side for now."
Apollo, Hermes, Ares and Dionysus rolled their eyes at the haughty goddess; it was almost as though she loathed it when somebody other than herself was considered smart.
Calling Liv over, he walked to the unmarked grave and expelled a long breath, "Here we go."
Rachel violently shuddered, both hands lifting to shield her eyes, "Don't tell me we're gonna see the nasty details… I don't wanna see it."
"Are you kidding me? It's gonna be awesome," Percy crowed, practically vibrating with enthusiasm, much like the Stolls, Chris, Leo, Jason, Nico, Clarisse and even Thalia. "Three ghost hunts and we've yet to see them actually salt and burn a corpse."
Katie, her expression one of unmitigated horror, stared at her excited friends and boyfriend. "Jacob Karns has been dead for over a century, I don't want to see his remains," she squealed.
Nonplussed, Nico cocked his head to the left, "But, he's a skeleton, Katie. There's nothing scary or disgusting about a skeleton."
The daughter of Demeter emitted a sharp snort, the sound leaning more towards the sarcastic side, "Given who your father is, Nico, I don't think I can take you for your word. Skeletons may be an everyday occurrence for you, but not for me. I'm a girl of life, flowers and agriculture, not disturbing the dead and interacting with their remains. Ugh!" Shivering, goosebumps appeared on her arms and she wrapped her arms tightly around herself.
"It's just a skeleton," Connor murmured, unfortunately not low enough as Katie pierced daggers at the side of his head.
"Personally," Hecate suddenly spoke up, cutting into the demigods' conversation. "I believe it shall be enlightening. A learning experience, don't you say? It is one thing to hear them explain the appropriate technique for ridding the mortal plane of ghosts, and another to see, no?"
"I guess," Rachel mumbled.
The scene alternated to Sam.
"No!" Percy, the Stolls, Chris, Leo, Jason, Nico, Clarisse and Thalia groaned.
On the other hand, Rachel, Katie and Piper beamed, the three girls emitting sighs of relief, grateful for the change in scenery.
He stood in front of the Sorenson house watching Lori and her father arguing through the window, their words inaudible.
"Pan! Is that all they ever do," Grover rhetorically stated; up till now, whenever Lori and her father happened to be in the same vicinity, they were wrapped up in some argument.
Percy grimaced, "Tell me about it." He couldn't imagine arguing with his mother, not only was she the best mother in the world, but she was the kind of person that never had an unkind word to say about anyone and never complained.
And once more, the scene shifted back to the Cemetery.
Cue simultaneous cheers and groans.
Liv, dirt marring her skin and smeared on her clothes, stood waist-deep in the excavated unmarked grave, a shovel in hand and an accumulating mound of soil piled nearby as she continued to dig deeper. The camera panned to Dean, who sat next to the mound, lounging lazily with a relaxed smirk on his face.
"Ugh! Deaaannn!" Liv whined, stomping her foot on the top of the square blade in order to push it deeper. She rolled her shoulders and pulled, adding more soil to the mound as she tossed it over without bothering to look. "A little help would be greatly appreciated!"
A plethora of eyes widened at that particular statement.
"She did all that by herself?!" Poseidon's mouth hung ajar, impressed warring with his surprise.
Blinking rapidly, Athena stated, "That's no easy feat. The topsoil alone is a very strong material to cut through. Unearthing a grave requires strength. I admit myself impressed."
"Huh. I guess that explains how Liv's so fit," Jason pointed out, his bright gaze tracing her well-defined figure and toned arms, her triceps bulging in an extremely attractive way.
For the very first time since Olivia Winchester had been brought into the world, Ares found himself incapable of calling her a runt, the slur almost natural at this point. No runt could produce such an outstanding feat. Excavation normally takes hours if one person is involved, and here stood his da-, Olivia, halfway done, with absolutely no help.
"Even I'd have trouble doing that," Clarisse frowned, disappointed at herself.
Her genuine observation had Ares rendered speechless and he was adamant that he keep his mouth shut. Besides, he was certain that Olivia would once again, prove herself a runt soon enough. It was only a matter of time.
'Denial, denial, denial,' the irritating, skull-bashing singsong voices of Apollo and Hermes reverberated in his head, the mantra haunting him and refusing to leave him.
In response, Dean smiled innocently and tossed over a bottle of water. At Liv's incredulous look, he raised a hand in defense, "Hey! You asked for help, there you go. Water'll keep you hydrated and energized. See, I'm helping."
"I meant physically! Like get your lazy ass up, pick up a shovel and help me dig this shit up!" she bit back, a hand on her waist as she glared at him. He arched an eyebrow, "No can do, cuz. This is your punishment remember? Next time you decide to wander off without letting me and Sam know, you'll remember this moment. Now, come on, chop, chop-" he clapped, "-we got a ghost to kill. Get goin'."
Artemis looked vehemently taken aback. "Color me impressed," she gasped. "Ingenious… and I cannot believe I am complimenting that mortal man!"
"That is a creative punishment, I must say," Athena pursed her lips, though her gray orbs no longer appeared to be flinty, but alight with awe. If Dean Winchester were anybody else – a monogamous mortal with a profession that consists of normal working hours and was in possession of an actual home – she would be interested in creating a brain child with him. If only it weren't for his philandering ways… if only.
"Supernanny's got nothing on him," Leo chuckled.
Each and every demigod in the room, the Oracle and the Satyr as well, turned to gape at the son of Hephaestus, disbelief the main emotion vivid on their features, some their eyes wide, while others blinked in shock.
He frowned at the sudden attention fixated at him, coupled with the dumbstruck looks he was on the receiving end of. "What?"
"What?" Thalia repeated, shaking her head as though it would dispel his words emblazoned in her mind.
In the meantime, Ares bit his lower lip in an effort to quell his laughter, flaming sockets on Hephaestus who had paused in his tinkering to glance at his son, his unblinking gaze assessing one of his favorite sons who had been blessed with full potential.
"You watch Supernanny… and you're asking us 'what'? Dude!" Connor managed to spit out.
Defensive, Leo sheepishly shrugged, "It's an entertaining show!"
"No comment," Rachel breathed out through her laughter.
"You just did," Leo remarked.
Eyes rolled at the typical Leo Valdez response.
Patting his back, a face-splitting smile emerged on Jason's face, "Never change, man. Never change."
Head cocked in confusion, the son of Hephaestus inquired in genuine confusion, "Why would I?"
"Leo!" Jason, Piper, Annabeth, Percy, Hazel, Frank, Rachel and Nico cried out, exasperation coating his name.
Sticking her tongue out and scowling heavily at him, Liv heaved a weary sigh and got back to work.
"You know what? I think I'll stick to wearing Hawaiian clothing as punishment, much better than digging up a grave," Percy couldn't help but comment.
Eyes twinkling incandescently, Poseidon stroked his well-trimmed beard, lips quirked in a smirk that didn't bode well. "I'll keep that in mind for next time, Perseus," his tone reeked of mock-innocence.
The son of the Sea stiffed and he facepalmed, "I had to open my mouth."
"Told ya you had a big fat one," Thalia smirked; Poseidon was quickly starting to become one of her favorite Olympian.
The scene forwarded slightly; Liv stopped digging and broke through the wooden floor of the grave to unveil the remains of Jacob Karns.
Katie, Piper and Rachel leaned away from the screen, their nose wrinkled in disgust.
For her part, Aphrodite disliked the horrid sight; however, she could stomach such gruesome scenes. After all, she was a goddess, an Olympian, the daughter of a Protogenos, and has been alive for many millennia; Aphrodite had a hand in inciting wars alongside Ares, and a myriad of altercations for love. Aphrodite, while she may not look it, was a formidable warrior with many tricks up her sleeves. In the entirety of her perpetual life, Aphrodite witnessed macabre sights and bodies beyond recognition, therefore, the skeleton of a man long deceased evoked naught but apathy in the goddess.
"Hello, preacher," Dean grinned down at the remains. He then winked at Liv, "Want to do the honors?"
All irritation dissipated from her gorgeous features as she stared from the remains to Dean in a giddy-like trance. "Are you kidding? Me, Olivia Winchester, responsible for getting rid of the Hook Man once and for all… hell yeah!" she exuberantly exclaimed as she tossed the shovel aside.
The scene alternated back to Sam.
"Aw, come on!" Percy grumbled.
In agreement, Nico said, "No offense to Sam, but I have absolutely no interest in watching him babysit the reverend's daughter."
"Absolutely no action," Ares grunted, nodding his agreement as well. In truth, the war god preferred to observe Olivia in her element, he wanted to discover more about her as he had apparently misjudged her… not that he would ever admit it out loud; Hades, he had trouble admitting it to himself!
"But there might be a kiss or two," Aphrodite pouted. While she wanted to keep tabs on Olivia, she couldn't refuse the chance to witness romance at its best.
He remained rooted at his spot, watching as the reverend turned out the light and left the room. Not a second later, Lori emerged and approached him, sitting beside him on the bench. "I saw you from upstairs. What are you doing here?" she asked, turning a fraction to meet his gaze.
"I'm keeping an eye on the place." At her inquiring look, he shortly explained, "I was worried."
"Worried that you're next on your Dad's subconscious' hit list," Connor snidely pointed out.
Rachel shook her head, "Now that's something you don't hear every day."
Fuming, Hera narrowed her glare on them, "Cease and desist with such inane accusations."
"Cease and desist," Connor silently mouthed to Travis, his features contorted in a comical fashion as he mocked the Queen of Olympus.
Travis and Katie muffled their laughter and quickly averted eye contact with the aforementioned goddess as her glare focused on them, a brow arched in suspicion.
"About me?" she asked. Sam smiled sheepishly, "Yeah. Sorry."
Artemis waved a hand, "No apology needed. His actions are commendable."
"In your opinion," Apollo pointed out. "Lori might find him stalkerish."
She shrugged a shoulder, "No, it's cool. I already called the cops." At Sam's caught in the headlights expression, she smiled, taking the heat off her words which prompted Sam to laugh. "No, seriously. I think you're sweet. Which is probably why you should run away from me as fast as you can."
A contemplative expression colored Rachel's features as she mulled Lori's words over.
"Why would you say that?"
Lori looked away, a bitter smile gracing her face, "It's like I'm cursed or something. People around me keep dying."
"I think it's possible that the Hook Man's tied to Lori, not her father," Rachel suggested.
Apollo inclined his head, "It's possible. It's either the Reverend or Lori."
"Either way, we might not find out," Hermes shrugged. "If Dean and Liv are successful, the Hook Man's gone for good, remember."
Hecate made a humming noise. "Shame. I would have liked to satisfy my curiosity," she admitted.
Her bitter statement was met with a commiserating smile. "I think I know how you feel," Sam sighed.
Aphrodite scowled, not liking the direction of Sam's thoughts. Jessica's death was absolutely not his fault.
The scene cut to the Cemetery. Dean was taking out a few items from the duffle bag; Liv reached over and poured salt over Jacob Karns' remains, followed by a generous sprinkle of lighter fluid. Lighting up a match, Liv giddily said, "Bye-bye, Hook Man!" and then tossed the lit match into the grave. Dean and Liv stood by and silently watched as the bones burn into flames.
Turning to Dean, Liv asked, "Am I off the hook now… no pun intended."
"Yes," he chuckled, throwing an arm over her shoulder.
"Awesome!" Percy, Leo and the Stolls breathed out.
Annabeth arched an eyebrow, "That's it? Seems too simple."
Piper snorted, leveling Annabeth with an incredulous look, "Says you. You're not the one excavating the grave."
"Don't forget, once they've burnt the bones, they have to cover the grave back up, otherwise they'll draw attention to themselves from the authorities," Poseidon remarked, his respect for the Hunters escalating.
Realization dawned on Clarisse, "That completely slipped my mind."
"Tough job," Leo commented, his tone flippant.
Artemis fidgeted uncomfortably; the Winchesters and Hunters of their ilk truly put the concept of hunting and her domain into perspective. She and her Huntresses, while they thrived in the Wild, dwelled peacefully and had no concerns in regards to their next meal or bed. They were large in numbers, had backup and, in the case of her Huntresses, were blessed with enhanced physiology, immortality and adept archery skills. The Winchesters on the other hand, were burdened by mortality and the fragility of their bodies, all the skills and information they possess nurtured by years of training, forcing their bodies to adapt. Why, if Artemis had been hunting a 'ghost', a simple flick of her wrist or snap of her fingers was all it took to unearth the grave, incinerate its bones and cover it back up, all without breaking a sweat.
Truly, Artemis held them in high esteem.
The camera returned to Sam and Lori as they sat on the bench in front of the latter's house.
"No one will talk to me anymore. Except you," she was saying. "The sheriff thinks I'm a suspect. And you know what my dad will say? Pray. Have faith. What does he know about faith?"
"Uhh… he's a Reverend," Rachel slowly drawled, her tone and expression clearly expressing how dim she believed Lori was as she was forced to state the obvious. "Of course he knows all about faith. Is she for real?"
Nico looked torn, "Doesn't mean just because he's a Reverend that he's all-knowing, Rachel. Didn't the Winchesters reveal the Hook Man used to be a preacher?"
"Clearly being a man of religion doesn't automatically make them a saint," Connor scoffed, throwing the downhearted Oracle a pointed look.
"Guys, leave her be," Katie snapped, placing a comforting arm around the redhead as she glared at the boys for their insensitivity.
Sam leveled her with a thoughtful look and spoke in an encouraging tone, "I heard you guys fighting before."
She nodded, her eyes staring straight ahead. "He's seeing a woman. A married woman. I just found out. She comes to our church with her husband. I know her kids. And he talks to me about religion? About morality? It's like, on one hand, you know, just do what you want and be happy. But he taught me, raised me to believe that if you do something wrong you will get punished. I just don't know what to think anymore," at the end of her deprecating speech, Lori threw her arms around a confused Sam who cautiously returned the hug.
Travis stared at the screen in disgust, "Talk about double standards."
"He's a damn hypocrite," Connor spat out, blue orbs blazing.
Poor Rachel felt like her entire belief system was slowly disintegrating, and she now knew exactly how Hades and Nico felt, capable of fully commiserating with them at the revelation of Reverend Sorenson's immorality and blatant iniquity.
"This supports Rachel's theory," Apollo suddenly put in, garnering everyone's attention. "The Hook Man latched on to Lori, not her father. She's confused," he pointed his index finger at the screen where it had paused on Lori's tearful visage. "She doesn't know what's right and wrong anymore, and discovering the adulterous affair her father's partaking in with a married woman, well, let's just say she's lost her way and the Hook Man's feeding off of that."
Hecate appeared immensely pleased at Apollo's deduction, now able to put the mystery that had been plaguing her at rest. Oh, she always loved a good mystery…
On the other hand, Hera looked like she had swallowed a lemon whole, her fair complexion mottled red, a depiction of her explosive rage. Zeus subtly created a distance between himself and his wife, not particularly having a desire to be in her line of vision when… or if, she erupted, unable to help likening her to a volcano.
In a rare display of kindness, especially to a mortal, Triton addressed the teary-eyed redhead, "Just because there's one or even a handful of bad apples, doesn't make the entire crate bad, Oracle. The Preacher and Reverend may not be a pillar of righteousness but don't let their deplorable actions prompt you into questioning your faith." The entire time, he made sure his expression revealed nothing, maintaining an impassive mask and an apathetic tone, his sea-green orbs blank with disinterest.
"Th-thank you," Rachel meekly piped up, her expressive emeralds alight with gratitude, a slow smile forming on her face.
The Sea God bestowed his son a smile that reeked of pride and, with his large hand, reached over and curled it around the nape of his neck, lightly squeezing it in a friendly manner, wordlessly indicating how proud he was; despite his son's haughty demeanor and prideful disposition, he was a compassionate and amicable god.
And Mount Hera erupted. "Such a man should not be susceptible to the sinful call of duplicity! He should not weaken and crumble when faced with a seductress! I spit on him! I spit on her! I spit on their wicked deed and the harlot's treachery! Curse them!" she screeched, sounding very much like a Banshee, her high-pitched nuance shattering the congregation's eardrums, most especially the immortal beings enhanced and therefore extremely sensitive hearing.
"Shit happens," Aphrodite shrugged, unperturbed at the happenings. As the Goddess of Love, Lust, and Sexuality – among many others – Aphrodite could honestly say that she was a goddess who had seen it all, and it took a lot to surprise her when it came to matters of her province.
The love goddess' utter nonchalance had Hera nearly spitting acid, Artemis and Athena sharing the Queen of Olympus' sentiments as they glared at Aphrodite with malicious-filled eyes.
Unexpectedly, her lips crashed into Sam's and they began to kiss. However, Sam abruptly pulled away, blinking hard. Seeing her confusion, he choked out, "Lori, I can't."
"At the very least, Samuel is faithful to the memory of his deceased girlfriend!" Hera snarled, still apoplectic at the revelation of the Reverend's identity as the married woman's – or better yet, harlot! –paramour. "This mortal brat on the other hand…" she trailed off, no words needing to describe her opinion of Lori Sorenson.
Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Aphrodite, Persephone, Ariadne and Dionysus rolled their eyes in synchronization – one would think that by now, they would have grown accustomed to Hera's opinionated behavior, but really, they weren't, the infuriating goddess always managing to push their buttons every single time she opened her vulgar mouth.
Comprehension dawned on her, "That someone you lost? I'm sorry." Just then, her father burst outside, his expression stern as held the door open, "Lori? Come inside, please."
Growing angry, Lori shot to her feet, "I'll come in when I'm ready."
"Disrespectful brat," Hera sneered, fist clenched and raised.
Eyebrows arched, Ares shot his mother a mockery of a smile, "Weren't you just insulting the good Reverend. How quick you change your tune."
"Why you-"
Emitting a weary sigh, Zeus held his sister-wife back, an arm firmly wound around her waist, forcing her back onto her throne.
Leaning over to whisper in Annabeth's ear, Thalia gritted out, "Somebody should introduce her to a muzzle."
The daughter of Athena responded with an emphatic nod, glaring at the goddess in distaste.
Suddenly, the Hook Man appeared behind the Reverend, his features distinguishable for the first time since his introduction. He was decked in black, from his fedora to his trench coat; he had dark wavy hair cascading to his chin, an olive complexion and prominent features, his lips set in a permanent grimace and his silver hook appearing more grim and intimidating in the clear light.
Without warning, just as quick as he materialized, his hook pierced through the reverend's shoulder, prompting a gut-wrenching scream of pain, and he dragged him back inside, the front door slamming shut.
"Oh my!" Ariadne gasped, clapping a hand to her mouth and recoiling backwards at the unexpected assault and the Hook Man's violence.
Grim-faced, Apollo announced, "Definitely latched onto Lori. The spirit fed on the anger she held toward her father and attacked him."
Absently shaking her head, Piper muttered, "I'm more upset that I actually find the Hook Man good looking!" She seemed appalled at herself and at her line of thoughts.
Katie exhaled a breath of relief, "Oh, thank the gods. I was scared I was the only one."
Came the simultaneous yells of astonishment from their respective boyfriends, widened eyes piercing them in utmost disbelief and a smidge of horror.
"It's alright girls," Aphrodite consoled them, a soft smile gracing her features. "Usually antagonists are incredibly sexy. The Hook Man won't be the only attractive villain to make an appearance. There is a reason why a large percentage of the female population gravitates toward the bad boys," she winked, eliciting giggles out of Katie and Piper, both of whom spared the goddess a grateful smile.
Artemis sat agape. "Preposterous! A man has been attacked and you three are calmly discussing that abomination's good looks? I cannot believe you!" she snapped, indignant.
A sly smile overcame the love goddess, "Is this you indirectly admitting you too find Jacob Karns attractive?"
Apollo couldn't help but burst into laughter, Hermes instantly joining in.
Spluttering, devoid of an eloquent response, the Goddess of the Hunt emitted a petulant scream, "ARGH!"
"Aphrodite," Zeus sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Please cease your teasing."
Sam immediately gave chase with his shotgun, running into the house and as he looked around, the Reverend could be heard screaming and pleading from the second landing. He wasted no time to ascend the stairs and the bedroom door could be seen shutting. Sam burst in to see the Hook Man looming over the Reverend, about to stab him with his hook.
"No! No, no, no!" Rachel moaned, hugging herself tightly as she rocked backwards and forwards, unconsciously parroting the Reverend.
Without hesitation, Connor wrapped his arms around the Oracle and pushed her into his warmth, allowing her back to lean against his chest, his embrace tightening around her as he offered her much needed comfort.
Swiftly cocking and raising his shotgun, Sam took rapid aim, hitting the Hook Man on the side with rock salt. The spirit disintegrated into dust and the blast of the gun shattered the bedroom window.
"Dad! Dad!" Lori frantically yelled as she too, burst through the bedroom door, coming to an abrupt stop to kneel down beside her father's fallen form. "Okay. It's okay, Dad, it's okay. It's okay." The camera then focused on Sam as he watched over them just as the screen turned black.
"Didn't the other two destroy the ghost when they salted and burnt it's remains?" Ares grunted, an eyebrow arched in question.
His keen observation had everyone pause, shock and confusion the main emotion coloring their features; the fact that Dean and Olivia were in the Cemetery and took care of the Hook Man's bones before it appeared at the Sorenson House and attacked the Reverend completely slipped their mind, too enthralled with the current proceedings and concerned for the safety of Lori and her father.
"Well, I'll be damned. That's right," Apollo snapped his fingers in remembrance. "Nothing can ever run smoothly for the Winchesters, can it? There's always some sort of a complication."
"The ghost-" Hades swallowed harshly, displeasure written all over his handsome visage, "-must have an anchor to the mortal plane. The destruction of its remains wasn't enough."
Hazel tapped her chin in consideration, "I wonder what it could be…"
"My first guess would be the hook," Percy instantly put forth his suggestion. He then shrugged a shoulder at the incredulous looks he was on the receiving end of, "What? Hook Man, hello? Kinda obvious, ain't it? Karns was obviously attached to that darn thing, it makes sense."
Thalia smirked, "When did you get so smart, Percy?"
"Shut it, Pinecone Face!" he retorted.
The scene opened at the hospital, the camera shifting from the Reverend who was unconscious in a hospital bed, Lori standing by his side, to Sam, who was talking to the Sheriff. "We were just talking. Then Lori's dad came out. And then he appeared," Sam informed him.
Nodding, the Sheriff asked, "A big man? Carrying a weapon, some kind of hook?" At Sam's affirmative, he then asked, "Ever seen him before?" Sam promptly responded in negative. Huffing, the Sheriff shook his head, "Son, it seems every time I turn around, I'm seeing you. I suggest you try to stay out of trouble."
The Stolls couldn't help but snigger at not only the Sheriff's words, but Sam's chastised expression. At Artemis' disapproving gaze, they shrugged.
Travis averted eye contact, sheepish. Connor on the other hand, defensively said, "What, it's funny!"
"You and I have different ideas on what constitutes as funny, young man," the goddess harshly rebuked him.
Hermes rolled his eyes, "Ah, give it a rest, sister. My boy's got a sense of humor, leave him be. Laughter is good for the soul." He then winked at his youngest and refocused his attention onto the screen, purposely overlooking Artemis' glare.
"At least with Sam as a witness, Lori's no longer a person of interest," Annabeth pointed out. "The Sheriff will now look at someone else."
"Yes, the blithering idiot shall search for an eternity and come up with nothing," an absentminded Dionysus drawled.
Cue Rachel's ferocious glare. "It doesn't matter! The Winchesters will deal with the Hook Man either way," the redhead snapped.
The wine god carelessly waved his hand around, completely uninterested, "Yes, yes, whatever."
The camera panned to show Dean and Liv, escorted by two officers, walk down the hall towards Sam and the Sheriff. "No, it's alright, we're with him. He's my brother," Dean was saying right before he called out to Sam. "Hey! Brother!" In unison, Sam and the Sheriff turned around; Dean smiled and waved while Liv simply rolled her eyes.
"Oh how I missed Liv's sunny disposition," Thalia sarcastically remarked, though her lips twitched as though she were hiding a smile; it was quite obvious that the daughter of Zeus was quite fond of the female Winchester and, like Clarisse, looked up to her, despite her mood swings.
The Sheriff gestured them forward, "Let them through." Leaving him, Sam approached his brother and cousin and, once they were out of earshot, Dean gruffly demanded, "What the hell happened?"
"Hook Man," was Sam's laconic response. Shaking her head, Liv trained her wide eyes onto Sam, "Wait! You saw him?!"
"And cue Liv fangirling," Rachel knowingly stated, a hint of a smile on her face.
Eyes narrowed into slits, Athena snidely reprehended, "She needs to sort out her priorities!"
"Damn right," Sam snapped. "Why didn't you torch the bones?" he demanded. Dean stared at him, incredulous, "What are you talking about, Liv did. You sure it's the spirit of Jacob Karns?"
Confident, Sam nodded, "It sure as hell looked like him. And that's not all. I don't think the spirit is latching on to the reverend."
"Took 'em long enough to figure it out," Leo shook his head, staring at the screen in disappointment as though Dean, Sam and Liv had let him down.
Katie rested a hand against her forehead, staring heavenward with imploring hazel-brown eyes. "Leo," she prefaced in exasperation. "We see everything. The Winchesters don't. They come in blind, trying to solve a case without much to go on, while we're given a lot of clues firsthand. You cannot be that dense."
Frowning, Leo pouted at the daughter of Demeter, "Rude."
"Honest," she instantaneously volleyed.
"Still rude," he grumbled, folding his arms across his chest.
She mimed zipping her mouth shut and looked away, not in the mood to start an argument with Leo, knowing that it might never end and that, if it did, she'd wind up with a migraine.
"No duh!" Liv scoffed, eyes twinkling in amusement despite her tone. "He wouldn't send the Hook Man after himself."
"I think it's latching onto Lori," Sam insisted, barely acknowledging Liv's interruption. "Last night she found out her father is having an affair with a married woman-"
Cutting in once again, Liv barked a laugh, "Wouldja look at that? The Reverend's having more fun in the action department-"
Athena wrinkled her nose, disdain etched on her features, "How uncouth. So much like her father."
The God of War responded with a simple roll of his eyes, not rising to her pathetic attempt at baiting him. On the other hand, Aphrodite shot back, "I'll let that one slide as personally, I find your comment to be a remarkable compliment, you old shrew."
"Harlot!" Athena spat back.
Aphrodite laughed, unaffected by the crude insult, having heard it many times before it had gotten old and overused. "Know-it-all spinster," she retorted in between an exaggerated yawn.
"ENOUGH!" Zeus bellowed, half-rising from his ostentatious throne, eyes glowing with power.
Rolling her eyes, Aphrodite snuggled into Ares' side, conceding with grace unlike Athena, who huffed and pouted like a petulant child.
Throwing her an annoyed glare and ignoring Dean's muffled laugh, Sam continued, emphasizing his words, "So she's upset about the immorality of it. She told me she was raised to believe that if you do something wrong, you get punished."
"Punishment is not synonymous with murder!" Ariadne breathed out in horror.
Apollo brushed a hand through the air, "Out of context, Aria. The Hook Man exacts his form of punishment, which, apparently is getting skewered by his fancy hook."
Ariadne looked put out but nevertheless she inclined her head in comprehension.
"I'm sure killing daddy wasn't what she meant by punishment," Liv commented with extra snark. Lightly elbowing her, Dean spared her a serious look before addressing Sam, "Ok, so she's conflicted. And the spirit of Preacher Karns is latching on to repress the emotions and maybe he's doing the punishing for her, huh?"
Sam nodded wholeheartedly and began ticking off on his fingers, "Right. Rich comes on too strong, Taylor tries to make her into a party girl, Dad has an affair."
"Wouldn't wanna piss that girl off," Apollo couldn't help but comment, prompting a bout of laughter from the demigods and a vicious glare from his twin that stated she was anything but amused.
Joining in, Hermes smirked, "Yeah, wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot-pole. A chick with too many issues is not my kinda chick."
An arrow whizzed past Hermes head, a hairsbreadth from the tip of his ear and he yelped. "Artemis!"
"Next time, I won't miss," she threatened him as she menacingly caressed her bow.
Zeus glowered at his daughter. "If there is a next time, I shall ensure you no longer have the privilege of using any form of weaponry, daughter of mine. Don't test me!" he snarled when Artemis parted her lips to argue further.
Playfully, and much too smug for Artemis' liking, Hermes stuck his tongue out at her, both his eyebrows wagging merrily.
Groaning, the Lord of the Sky's plea reached Poseidon's ear, greatly amusing him, "Give me the strength."
"Remind me not to piss this girl off," Dean whistled.
"That's what I said!" Apollo cheered, grinning like a loon.
Dryly, Artemis quipped, "What an honor, you have a lot in common with Dean, hooray, hip, hip."
Butting in, Liv, all joking aside, insisted, "Putting aside Lori's need for a shrink, I burned those bones, I buried them in salt, why didn't that stop the Hook Man?"
"You must have missed something," Sam stubbornly persisted. She adamantly shook her head, "No. I burned everything in that coffin. Ask Dean!"
Dean instantly backed her up, "She did. I watched the entire thing, Sam. She torched 'im like a pro. Dad'd be proud."
A sudden surge of…something, rose inside of Ares at Dean's words, a bitter taste in his mouth that he yearned to spit out.
"Did you get the hook?" Sam inquired.
"Bingo!" Leo whipped around to stare at Percy, "You were right!"
The son of Poseidon smirked at his friend, "Of course I was, McShizzle."
"Arrogant!" Thalia coughed.
Percy glared. "I heard that!" he bit out.
Shrugging, Thalia rearranged her expression to one of innocence – not that anyone bought it. "Heard what?"
"The hook?" Dean and Liv intoned; Dean sounded confused while Liv's voice was heavy with recognition. Sam nodded and gestured with his hand, "Well, it was the murder weapon, and in a way, it was part of him."
"So, like the bones, the hook is a source of his power," Dean stated in comprehension. Excited at the prospect, Sam said, "So if we find the hook…"
And in unison, Dean and Liv completed his sentence, "We stop the Hook Man." The trio then smiled at each other and the scene changed.
Aphrodite couldn't help but coo fondly, "How adorable! Look at them finishing each other's sentences."
"With the amount of time they spend around each other, it's only natural," Persephone inserted, she too, had a fond smile playing on her lips.
"Despite their differences, they're on the same wavelength, which makes them superb hunters," Artemis grudgingly informed the room. "It's an aspect that has the potential of making them an unbeatable and unstoppable force, like my Huntresses."
Nico couldn't help but glare sourly at the goddess; 'unstoppable', 'unbeatable' – empty words. It didn't stop Bianca from being killed soon after she got inducted by Artemis into her merry band of men-bashing group.
Dean, Sam and Liv were congregated in the Library again, looking through more papers. "Here's something, I think," Dean spoke up. "Log book, Iowa State Penitentiary-" his finger slid across the page as he started to read out loud; "Karns, Jacob. Personal affects: disposition thereof."
Sam looked interested, "Does it mention the hook?"
Leaning into Dean's personal space, Liv squinted hard as she tried to make out the words. Patting her softly, Dean continued reading, "Upon execution, all earthly items shall be remanded to the prisoner's house of worship, St. Barnabas Church."
"Isn't that where Lori's father preaches," Liv looked up, meeting Dean's gaze as he slowly nodded.
"Of course it is," Apollo scoffed. "Easier to latch on to Lori, no?"
Clarisse slowly spoke up, her words addressed to Apollo, who was starting to become the go-to-god to the demigods, much to Athena's fury. "You think the Hook Man would be able to latch on to somebody in another state?" her tone was laced with curiosity.
Mulling it over, before Apollo could so much as shake his head, Athena snarled, "No."
To the wisdom goddess's escalating fury, Clarisse ignored her, muddy brown orbs fixated on Apollo as she patiently waited for him to respond.
Smirking, Apollo wagged his fingers in Athena's general direction before he dutifully offered a response to Clarisse's inquiry, "I believe not. The Hook Man's anchor is his hook. Wherever the hook goes, so does he. Like Bloody Mary, when her mirror got relocated, so did she. As long as the hook stays in Iowa, Karns can't go anywhere."
"That's a relief," Rachel sighed.
Thalia nodded rapidly, "Tell me about it. I don't want no spirit to latch onto my shitload of repressed emotions."
"Language!" Hera shrieked.
"Bite me," Thalia hissed the second Hera looked away.
"Where Lori lives?" Sam asked.
Shrugging, Dean said, "Maybe that's why the Hook Man has been haunting reverends and reverends' daughters for the past two-hundred years-"
"Ugh, you mean the past hundred-and-forty-three years. He got executed in the early 1860s smartass," Liv smirked, laughing lightly. Dean rolled his eyes in a 'whatever' gesture.
"She pays attention to details," Ariadne remarked.
Hazel couldn't help but point out, "Only when it benefits her. She's a fan of the urban legend, of course she'll remember every single detail."
Sam chuckled, "Yeah, but if the hook were at the church or Lori's house, don't you think someone might've seen it? I mean, a bloodstained, silver-handled hook?"
"Maybe they washed it," Liv shrugged.
Cue laughter.
"She makes a good point!" Percy jovially exclaimed amidst the laughter. "Who would keep a bloodstained hook around? After Karns' got executed, it's only natural they clean that damn thing."
"Maybe the authorities didn't want to tamper with evidence," Grover postulated.
Hades shook his head, "The culprit had been arrested and subsequently executed; hence, all cases connected to Jacob Karns are officially closed. Evidence is no longer required."
Rolling his eyes at her comment, Dean ordered, "Check the church records."
The scene forwarded to show the Winchesters still in the library, busy researching; the silence was broken by Sam, as he read aloud, "St. Barnabas donations, 1862. Received silver-handled hook from state penitentiary. Reforged." Sighing, he met Dean and Liv's intent stare, "They melted it down. Made it into something else."
"Of course they did! Because nothing can go smoothly for them, there's always some complication," came Percy's vociferous complain, livid at the unfairness of it all.
Staring around, her eyes wild, Piper asked, "Now what? How do they find the anchor if they don't know what it is… it could be anything! A pen, a piece of jewelry, freaking cutlery, for all we know. Maybe even a customized doll! Who knows!"
"Alright, calm down, just breathe in and out," Apollo had his hands out, palms facing them in a 'calm-down' gesture. "The Winchesters will find a way. They've never disappointed us before-"
A rumbling scoff that reeked of condescension and scorn resonated in the room and the Sun God tossed a quick glower at Ares who simply glared back.
"Any bets on what it could be?" Travis spoke in an air of mischief.
Patting her pockets, Clarisse grunted, "I'm tapped out. If I knew I'd get sent back in time and start a betting pool, I'd've gotten my life savings with me." Sarcasm laced her words prompting muffled laughter and a few eye rolls from the demigods.
"No money. Just for fun-" Travis assured her.
Connor interjected, his expression claiming that he was utterly up to no good, "Or favors. Dares maybe… endless possibilities Claire-Bear."
"I'll pummel you, Connie," she retorted, crooning the feminine nickname she created to get back at him after one too many pranks he played on her during their early years at Camp Half-Blood.
The younger Stoll stuck his tongue out at her, expression contorted in disgust.
"Shall we proceed," Hestia kindly interjected before her cantankerous sister could.
The scene cut to the exterior of St. Barnabas Church where Dean, Sam and Liv rushed out of the parked Impala. Clapping his hands together, Dean said, "Alright, we can't take any chances. Anything silver goes in the fire."
"That's gonna be tough," Rachel murmured to herself, leaning closer.
Sam nodded, "I agree. So, Lori's still at the hospital. We'll have to break in."
"Alright, take your pick," Dean stated. Sam decided to take the house and, as he walked towards the Sorenson House, Dean called out, a smirk on his lips, "Hey! Stay out of her underwear drawer." Liv chuckled and Sam rolled his eyes as he walked away.
Persephone shook her head in amusement, "It's such a typical comment for Dean to make. I could almost say I saw it coming."
"He shouldn't treat the situation with levity. Tis a severe matter that should be treated with utmost delicacy!" Athena harrumphed, her stance rigid and tone austere.
Apollo rolled his eyes, "Nothing wrong with creating a lighthearted ambience, Athena."
As Dean and Liv started to make their way into the church, a familiar voice echoed from behind, "Hey! You guys need some backup?" Whipping around, they exclaimed in unison, "Clay?" Dean then took over, "Man, what are you doing here?"
"Heard about the Reverend and that Sam was involved. Thought I'd give you guys a lending hand, if you want me…" he trailed off, grinning. Clapping Clay on the back, Dean returned his grin, "The more the merrier. Liv?"
She shrugged, "Got a lot of silver to burn, another hand would help."
"I find it odd… seeing someone act all macho and protective over Dean," Katie couldn't help but comment.
Annabeth wholeheartedly agreed, "I know what you mean. I've already gotten used to the fact that Dean's the eldest and of him looking after Sam and Liv. I think it's cute, and touching. And it makes me even more curious. I really wanna know why the Warrens lost contact with them…"
Ignoring the latter part of Annabeth's remark, Thalia huffed, "He's older by like, one year, not much of a difference if you ask me."
Travis emitted a disagreeing sound, "It makes a huge difference, Thalia. They may be close in age, but Clay's still older… as an elder sister, you should know."
"I'm seven years older than Jason, Travis. That's a huge difference. You cannot compare seven to a measly one," she countered.
An eyebrow arched, Travis probed harder, unwilling to concede defeat to the stubborn daughter of Zeus, "So you're telling me if Jason was just a year younger than you, you wouldn't act overprotective?"
Complete silence met his hypothetical inquiry.
Victory shone in Travis' eyes, "Exactly!"
"Oh, zip it," she grumbled.
The scene cut to the basement. Dean and Clay could be seen throwing anything silver into a lit furnace while Liv rummaged through the basement, haphazardly grabbing any silver item and tossing it over to the other two hunters who proceeded to burn them. Suddenly, footsteps thundered against the stairs and Sam appeared, a bag filled with silver things from Lori's house in hand. "I got everything that even looked silver," he revealed, only sparing Clay an arched eyebrow before shaking his head.
"Better safe than sorry," Dean affirmed, throwing everything into the fire.
"Somehow, I don't think it'll be enough," Frank pointed out. At the inquiring looks directed his way, he did a half-shrug, his expression somewhat apologetic, "I just sense it's too… easy. Grab anything silver, burn it, and the Hook Man's gone. Doesn't seem like much of a fight."
An eyebrow rose as Artemis stared the son of Mars down, "Why should there be an altercation, young man?"
Squirming, Frank adamantly avoided his father's intense gaze, "Because, from what the Fates have shown us up till now, I've learned that the Winchesters have it hard. This ending is too anticlimactic. I feel like there's more in store for them."
Backing up her Roman half-brother, Clarisse spoke up, "He's got a point. No offense to the Fates, but… ever heard of the famous mortal saying: Fate's a bitch?"
Ares' eyes shuttered and he forcibly banished any diminutive feelings of concern. He didn't care for the runt or her punk-ass cousins. He didn't…. 'I don't!'
More footsteps echoed from above and the four hunters turned to each other with wide eyes. They armed themselves and slowly ascended, only to see Lori sitting in a pew by herself, in tears. In unison, they lowered their guns and all but Sam headed back downstairs.
"The poor girl," Artemis commiserated with the Reverend's daughter. She too, had destructive altercations with her pigheaded father, but she would never wish any harm upon him.
Hecate made a humming sound, "Yes, to feel as if she is cursed…"
"She's not far off," Hermes muttered; after all, the Hook Man had latched himself to her – if that isn't considered a curse, he didn't know what would.
"Lori?" Sam softly called out to her. Startled, Lori turned to meet his gaze, "What are you doing here?"
Dodging her inquiry, he asked, "What is it?"
Tone laced with sorrow and self-hatred, she vaguely responded, "I've been trying to understand what's been happening. Why? Now I know so I'm praying for forgiveness."
Frowning, Hazel, sympathy coloring her dark features, said, "I think Sam should tell her. Tell Lori the truth. She deserves to know the spirit of the Hook Man has attached itself to her subconscious. It'll at least give her peace of mind."
"I agree," Hecate smiled kindly at the resurrected demigod.
Indignant, Athena sneered, "Well, I don't. It's best they destroy that bothersome spirit and skip town. Leave no loose ends behind."
"Lori deserves to know," Annabeth surprised nearly everyone by talking back at her mother, gray orbs flinty due to her mother's heartless statement. "They get rid of the Hook Man, then what? Lori spends the rest of her life hating herself? That'll probably lead her to a path you can't escape. She'll be miserable!"
Appalled at her daughter's impertinent behavior and that she dared to question her in front of an audience, Athena haughtily snapped, "Tis not our concern."
"Maybe not yours!" Annabeth rudely retorted, disbelief and disappointment vivid on her visage.
Sam cocked his head, "Forgiveness for what?"
"Don't you see?" Lori was in hysterics. "I'm to blame for all this. I've read in the Bible about avenging angels."
A cacophony of intermingled snorts and scoffs reverberated, courtesy of the gods, amused and skeptical.
"Angels?!" Zeus exclaimed his disbelief, carelessly waving a hand. "No such thing."
Rachel wasn't of the same mind. Arching an eyebrow, she pointedly flicked her gaze towards Hades before squarely meeting the Lord of the Sky's, "If you recall, the same conclusion was drawn in regards to demons, and boy, were you proven wrong."
Before his father could implode and probably smite his Oracle, Apollo intruded in a timely fashion, his smile amused, though his tone benign, "And you, Rachel, you believe angels exist?"
She hesitated. Emeralds appeared to be conflicted as she steadily gazed back at the bright sapphires that belonged to her Patron. Finally, she did a half inclination of her head, "I believe but… at the same time, I don't quite believe-"
"Can you be any more vague?" Connor scoffed. "You're confusing us."
Throwing him a sardonic smile, Rachel slowly elaborated, "I'm not being cryptic on purpose. While I'm a deeply pious person who attends Sunday Mass and practically memorized The Bible at a young age, I'm not fully open-minded, I don't…I don't automatically believe everything I read in The Bible just 'cause I'm a devout Christian. On one hand, I'm kind of iffy about the existence of angels, but on the other hand, I'm more inclined to Archangels; I believe Michael, Raphael and Gabriel could be out there, somewhere… but Lucifer? The Fallen Archangel turned Devil, no."
"You're quite the contradiction," Apollo mused out loud. "Every word that came out of your mouth right now is incongruent to each other."
Sheepishly, Rachel ducked her head. "I know. It only got worse and even more cryptic after I found out mythology wasn't really based on myths," she chuckled nervously.
Shaking his head in slight amusement, Percy said, "I wouldn't want to live in your head, Rach. It's probably a bloodbath in there."
"Hardy-har!" the redhead rolled her eyes.
"Trust me, this guy – he's no angel," Sam firmly stated.
Staring straight ahead, Lori said, "I was so angry at my father. Part of me wanted him punished. And then he came and he punished him."
"It's not your fault," Sam emphatically assured her. But Lori wasn't convinced, her head shaking as she roughly swiped at her tears, "Yes, it is. I don't know how, but it is-" the camera rotated to show the Hook Man appear at the back of the church and promptly disappear, "-I killed Rich. Taylor, too. I nearly killed my father."
Eyes wide with fright, Hazel murmured, "Did you guys see him?"
"The Hook Man? Yeah," Jason frantically nodded.
Hazel breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, good. I thought it was just me for a moment there."
"Nope. We all saw him," Percy gulped, his worriment in regards to the Winchesters skyrocketing.
She spoke over Sam, anxious and desperate, "I can see it now. They didn't deserve to be punished. I do." Suddenly a sharp noise resonated from the front of the church, followed by the lit candles at the altar blowing out and the screen turned black.
"The Hook Man strikes again," Katie huffed. "I think I'm beginning to prefer Bloody Mary over him."
Apprehensive, Grover quickly shook his head as he brayed, "They're both horrible; I prefer none."
"That makes the two of us, G-Man," Percy patted his back in a camaraderie fashion.
And then, Artemis spoke up, her words prompting an epiphany to hit Poseidon and further enrage Athena.
"Lori must be conflicted again for the spirit to materialize again… I wonder who it's next victim shall be," Artemis pondered aloud.
Sea-green orbs widened as realization dawned on the King of Atlantis. "Of course! Why, the mortal girl said it. She deserves to be punished. She blames herself for the death of her boyfriend and friend and the near-death of her father. The spirit is there to punish Lori."
"Uncle P, you're a genius!" Apollo crowed, grinning from ear to ear.
Ares chuckled, flaming sockets intent on Athena, who looked like she was about to burst a vessel any minute now. "Would ya look at that…Old Seaweed's smarter than our very own Goddess of Wisdom," he crooned. Ares couldn't help but revel in baiting Athena about the 'esteemed' title she constantly overused in order to make herself appear superior to them all.
The Goddess of Love threw her head back as she succumbed to raucous laughter.
Thankfully, the screen resumed, effectively silencing Athena. However, she did spare Ares a look of promised retribution, her merciless orbs ice-cold.
The camera opened on Sam and Lori; the former was forcefully leading the latter to the basement, but before he could get the door to open, the Hook Man pushed his hook through the door. "Go!" Sam yelled. Together, they ran down the aisle and into a backroom, the Hook Man following all the while, smashing his hook through the glass of a random door. Gaining speed, he swung at Sam a few times and missed.
"Where are Dean, Olivia and Clay?" Aphrodite screeched, frantically clutching a hand over her heart as it thunderously beat against her ribcage. "Have they yet to hear the disturbance?!"
The Hook Man chased them around the room and finally, it's hook impaled Sam's shoulder, eliciting a painful scream from him.
"Di immortales!" every single goddess breathed out, it sounding more like a concerned exclamation, Aphrodite the loudest of them all.
Simultaneously, Clarisse, Piper, Annabeth, Percy, Grover, Jason, Leo, the Stolls and Hazel yelled, "NO!"
"It's a small puncture wound," Ares rolled his eyes. "No need for dramatics."
Upon finding himself on the receiving end of a plethora of furious glares from nearly every female in the Throne Room and Ariadne's scream of "You're so insensitive!", he huffed out an irritated breath and in a bored, sort of monotonous voice, grumbled, "It's small and easily controllable. All he needs to do is apply firm pressure with a clean cloth until the bleeding eventually stops and then bandage it. No need for useless tears."
Shrugging, Percy grudgingly stated, "As much as I hate to say it, but he's right. We've been inflicted with worse injuries. Much worse, and we survived."
Poseidon stared aghast at his son and, upon witnessing the nods of agreement and grim expressions from the other demigods, the godly parents in the room joined the Sea God in his displeased scrutiny.
In a swift motion, an invisible force dragged Lori on her back across the floor. Despite his injury, Sam ran over to her, "Come on. You okay?" The Hook Man reappeared and knocked Sam backwards into a wall.
"Son of a bitch!" Hermes, Apollo and Triton gasped out.
Relieved, Clarisse pointed a finger at the screen, "Sam can't stay down for long."
Sam shot to his feet and rushed to the Hook Man who stood looming over Lori. At that moment, Dean, Liv and Clay burst in. "Sam, drop!" was all Dean had to say for his brother to crouch down as three shots rang in the room, one shot from each hunter. Once again, the Hook Man turned to dust, vanishing.
"Oh, thank the Lord," Rachel breathed out, one hand plastered to her forehead and the other hovering over her rapidly beating heart.
The fact that this was real, that it would happen in the nearby future, made it all the more terrifying. Sam's shoulder wasn't drenched in fake blood – it wasn't ketchup, or paint, it was blood, genuine blood! The Hook Man wasn't some minor actor in a convincing costume, the hook wasn't shiny plastic, their actions weren't some form of stunt… it was all. real!
"I thought we got all the silver," Sam grunted. Dean's comment of, "So did I." was drowned by Liv's sharp intake of breath. Ignoring Lori's terrified form, Liv rushed over to Sam's side, eyes wide on his wound and hands frantically on him to better gauge his injury, "Sam, you're bleeding!"
A strained yet genuine smile on his face, Sam softly pushed her off him, "It's just a scratch, Liv."
"Just a- just a scratch! Sam, you've got an effin' hole in your shoulder," she snapped back, concern heavy in her mahogany orbs.
"How sweet!" Aphrodite cooed, yet again.
It truly was an endearing sight to behold – the literal definition of a family. For despite Sam and Liv's legendary quarrels, the differences between them, and the crude cutting words they traded at a constant basis, at the end of the day, they fight like dogs to protect each other and the love they held for one another was incomparable.
"Told you," Ares grunted, choosing to ignore the touching scene unlike his lover. "Just a scratch. No need for all the fuss."
Sighing, Aphrodite mumbled, "You never cease to amaze me, Ares."
Grabbing Liv's hands, Sam squeezed them and smiled, "And we'll deal with it later. Right now, we need to find the silver. We obviously missed something."
Grudgingly, Liv nodded and she turned to check Lori's condition. Unconsciously, she tightly clutched her crucifix and simultaneously, the camera focused on Clay, whose gaze narrowed on Liv's hand and then Liv, her gaze intent on Lori's smaller silver cross.
Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hermes, Zeus, Poseidon, Hecate, Hades and Hestia didn't fail to notice Clay Warren's suspicious reaction to the piece of jewelry around Olivia's neck, but, before they could draw attention to it, Olivia abruptly addressed the Reverend's daughter, prompting them to file their observation away to discuss on a later date.
"That chain, Lori, where did you get that?"
Dean, Sam and Clay blatantly stared at Lori's neck. Nervous, Lori traced the chain, "My father gave it to me."
Realizing Liv's line of thought, Dean asked, "Where'd your dad get it?"
"He said it was a church heirloom, he gave it to me when I started school," Lori promptly responded, staring between the four hunters in confusion and, when she affirmed it was silver, she yelped when Liv yanked it off from around her neck, gripping it tight in her clenched hand.
"Of course!" Rachel breathed out. "I should've known it'd be Lori's necklace. It makes perfect sense."
Face scrunched in distaste, Athena reluctantly vocalized her observation, "Apparently, street smarts is a requirement. Not just general knowledge."
"Don't pout," Poseidon mocked her.
Athena hissed in response, glowering at her most hated uncle.
Invisible, the Hook Man started to make a long scratch on the wall, Dean and Clay turning to stare. Drawing Sam's attention, Liv tossed him her rock salt loaded rifle and headed downstairs with the silver necklace in hand. In afterthought, Clay ran after her, leaving Dean and Sam to stand protectively in front of Lori and begin shooting at the wall before reloading.
"While Clay's concern is endearing, there's no need. Olivia can take care of herself," Apollo commented, surprising everyone with the mild venom in his voice, his blue gaze darkening as he glared at the screen.
Cocking her head, Aphrodite blinked as cognizance slowly flooded her kaleidoscopic eyes… 'Is he, is Apollo jealous?!' Of course, his bemusing lapse of silence and odd hostility towards Clay Warren was beginning to make absolute sense now, and Aphrodite could've slapped herself for not realizing it sooner.
Apparently, she now had two gods, deep in denial, on her hands.
The shot cut to the basement; Liv stopped before the fire and tossed the necklace in its roaring depths, Clay at her heels. "I don't need a babysitter, Clay," she huffed, frowning at him.
Giving her a smirk, he said, "Not babysitting, looking out for you."
"Kind of sounds the same," Clarisse grumbled, hiding a smile behind her hand.
Upstairs, Sam was struggling to load his rifle due to his injured shoulder. The Hook Man appeared and knocked it out of his hands. Ducking, Sam dragged Lori along and they both crawled into the corner as Dean took another shot at him, prompting the Hook Man's attention to be fixated on him instead.
Amphitrite emitted a weary sigh, "Why is it, Dean always ends up with the job of distracting entities from Sam or Olivia?"
"Because he's the eldest and takes his job seriously," Travis solemnly stated. "In order to keep Sam and Liv safe, he's probably gotten used to being bait."
Artemis wrinkled her nose, "That sounds terribly morbid, young demigod."
"It's the truth," he shrugged, not noticing the flicker of concern in Hermes' eyes as he furtively glanced at him.
The shot alternated to the basement and zoomed in on the fire, where the cross pendant could be seen breaking off the chain and melt. Upstairs, the Hook Man, who had his hook overhead, ready to swing at Dean, froze. Slowly, the hook started melting and his black coat was engulfed in flames as it slowly and then quickly devoured his entire form.
"Now that's cool!" the Stolls, Chris and Percy stared agape, staring at the screen in awe.
Practically drooling, Leo crowed, "Cool? That's awesome!"
"Yes. This is new," Hermes acknowledged. "Each ghost had a different reaction in their last moment."
Liv and Clay could be seen rushing over to join them just as the Hook Man vanished for good and the screen turned black.
"Case officially closed!" Percy exclaimed.
Smug, Aphrodite said, "Didn't I say I have full confidence in the Winchesters' abilities?"
"At least they aren't as arrogant as you, Aphrodite," Persephone fondly inserted.
Waving a hand in the air, the love goddess cheerfully retorted, "It's not arrogance, darling Seph, it's pride!"
The scene opened to the exterior of St. Barnabas Church. An ambulance was parked outside and a couple of police officers could be seen walking around the vicinity. The camera then honed in on the Sheriff who was interrogating Dean, Liv and Clay. "And you saw him, too? The man with the hook?"
"Yes, I told you, we all saw him. We fought him off and then he ran," Dean adamantly stated. The Sheriff looked skeptical, "And that's all."
A mischievous smile pulled at Liv's lips.
Ares was suddenly struck with Olivia's uncanny resemblance to Victoria – the mischievous smile attached to many fond memories, a characteristic trait he adored. Grief gripped his heart and he slammed his eyes shut, his jaw clenching as he attempted to banish the unwanted recollection.
"I know, right? Seems so anticlimactic. Why run away from five kids… do we look that scary-" Dean elbowed her sharply and Clay turned his head to hide an amused smile.
"Excuse my cousin, Sheriff," Dean sighed, giving her a look that screamed 'shut it'. "She's going through that moody, rebellious teen stage," he then shrugged as if to say 'what to do?'
Laughter ensued.
"I swear those two really do know how to brighten up a dark moment," Chris laughed, tightening his arms around Clarisse.
Ares glowered but kept his mouth stubbornly shut.
"Thalia's still going through that stage. She's permanently stuck there," Percy cheekily pointed out.
Electric blues pierced the form of her cousin, "Shut it, Seaweed Brain! At least I don't have kelp for brains."
"Stop stealing Annabeth's lines," Percy pouted.
Eyes dancing merrily, Annabeth winked at Thalia, "She has permission."
"You two always team up against me," Percy histrionically whined. "It's not fair."
Massaging her temples, Hera groaned to herself, "Must they continue to test my patience!"
Exasperated, the Sheriff prefaced, "Listen. You, your brother and your cousin-"
"Oh don't worry," Dean jauntily cut in. "We're leaving town."
"I'm surprised he didn't get his ass hauled back to a holding cell," Frank remarked.
The scene then alternated to the ambulance where Lori stood beside Sam as a paramedic finished bandaging his shoulder. "You gonna be okay?" she asked in concern.
"Yeah," he responded. Nodding, she swallowed and offered him a tentative smile, "I still don't know what happened. But I do know you saved my life. My father's too. Thank you." Her gratitude was heartfelt and Sam nodded and smiled in response.
"Heroes in their own right," Artemis mumbled under her breath.
The goddess felt torn; like Hades, she felt like everything she knew, her beliefs, her personal opinions, her obstinate unchanging stance on men… it was slowly disintegrating, the pieces morphing into something else, forcing her to embrace the fact that perhaps she had misjudged, that perhaps more than a few exceptions could be made. Olivia Winchester was incredible, despite being the daughter of Ares, that girl was phenomenal and otherworldly. Her cousins, her mortal family, all of which comprised of men, were outstanding, exceptional and genuine…heroes, warriors, true hunters.
Artemis was confused…and at an impasse.
Decision made, she decided to stew on her changing outlook for a while longer and patiently observe what else the Moirai held in store for them. Hopefully then, she would no longer maintain a bemused state.
Back at the Impala, Clay was saying his goodbyes to Dean and Liv when Sam joined them. He shook hands with Dean and Sam, pulling the former in for a brief hug before turning to Liv and, opening his arms wide, she hugged him tight, a genuine, breathtaking smile on her face.
Ares and Apollo glared daggers at the screen.
Not having missed their slightly identical and comical reaction, Aphrodite and Hermes repressed their amusement from being portrayed on their face and traded a conspiratorial wink.
"Don't be a stranger, Cruise, you hear me," Liv laughed, pulling away to stand between Dean and Sam. With a chuckle, Clay nodded, his trademark smirk in place, "Wouldn't dream of it, Cher. And…" Hesitating, he gave the Winchesters a sorrowful smile, "If I hear any news about your old man, you'll be the first to know."
Expression solemn, Sam nodded, "We'd appreciate it."
"Give my best to the 'rents, yeah?" Dean called after Clay just before he clambered into his chrome black Hummer H2 SUT. Pulling down the window, he waved, "Will do," and drove off.
Leo whistled, "Sweet ride!"
"Expensive ride," Rachel pointedly stated.
Shaking his head, Percy breathed out, "Who are the Warren family. Seriously! They're like some mystery I need to solve."
"That your ADHD talking?" Frank teased.
Mock pouting, Percy lightheartedly retorted, "Shut up, Mr. Lactose Intolerant."
"Low blow, Perce. Low blow," Frank's eyes twinkled with mirth.
Once Clay was no longer in view, and noting Sam's gaze continued to stray towards Lori, Dean hesitantly put forth a suggestion, "We could stay…"
"We can?!" Liv skeptically repeated. Dean nudged her. Frowning, she rubbed her arm and repeated in a more cheerful nuance, "I mean, yeah, we can!"
"Yeah, that's convincing," Rachel giggled.
Katie shook her head fondly, "That girl seriously should be considered as the best stress reliever."
But Sam shook his head in negative. His expression sad, Dean got into the car and stared at Lori from the rearview mirror. Shaking his head in disappointment, once Sam and Liv got in the Impala, he drove away and the screen turned black.
"Dean was serious?" Ariadne gasped in shock. "He genuinely would have put a hold on hunting for Samuel to be happy with Lori Sorenson."
Apollo chuckled, his irritation diminishing now that Clay Warren was no longer in the picture, "Well I'll be damned."
"Of course," Aphrodite stated as though it were the most obvious thing. "He's Samuel's big brother, Aria. He would risk everything to make him happy."
Hestia sighed sadly, "Alas, Samuel is still going through a mourning period."
"Yes, Jessica Moore," in the blink of an eye, Aphrodite became teary-eyed as she recalled the poor mortal's devastating death and Samuel's heart-wrenching anguish.
"Now what?" Zeus grumbled, checking the time.
In response, the screen regained color.
"I believe we have time for another episode," Hestia beamed, unlike Hera, who scowled darkly – an unattractive look on her.
Disgruntled, Hades sneered, "Let us hope we won't bear witness to another accursed spirit wandering the mortal plane without a blasted summoner."
A/N: Finally Done!
Can you believe I started this chapter on the second week of February?! Unfortunately, I kept getting distracted and had to put it on hold to update my other stories. But it's finally complete! XD
I got many reviews from my wonderful followers, most of which stated that the Hook Man was one of their favorite episodes, which, I gotta say, made me incredibly nervous while writing this! I hope I exceeded your expectations and didn't ruin your favorite episode with my portrayal of this chapter.
Nervously awaiting your opinion!
Also, for those who are excited in regards to the introduction of Angels and Lucifer (trust me, SO AM I!), I inserted a little teaser on where they stand regarding their existence. I didn't elaborate much because the introduction of angels deserves a chapter of its own, so yeah…
After much debate, and, as promised, I decided to introduce my OC early – Clay Warren.
Originally, he wasn't supposed to make an appearance until Season 2, but I decided to alter that plot-twist of mine and add him in early. Clay and his family – they are a family of Hunters, just like the Winchesters. As you can see, the Winchester and Warren family go way back as mentioned, since John and Rhys knew each other from childhood.
The Warren family is of my creation and they've got a huge twist – seriously a major plot-twister with many surprises to introduce to my story. No spoilers! You gotta just be patient, wait and see.
(Did anyone notice Aphrodite's curious reaction to the Warren's? hmm… ponder on that ;) I ain't telling – don't hate me! LOL!)
The Celebrity Face of Clay Warren is… *drum roll* … the wonderful, the sexy, the gorgeously debonair and mischievous CHRIS PRATT!
To those who watch Guardians of the Galaxy, Clay Warren's personality closely resembles Peter Quill (Starlord)… I hope I did him justice! XD
Celebrity Faces:
I only have One for y'all today!
She's the Goddess of Love, Lust, Beauty, Sexuality, Pleasure… need I say more. This goddess has a habit of changing her looks, her hair and eye colors… whenever somebody sets their eyes upon her, she morphs into the embodiment of what they believe is true beauty! Of what attracts them the most…
Honestly, I could only think of one! gorgeous woman that fit the bill: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley!
Her height, her figure, her features… everything about her SCREAMS Aphrodite! So I'm going with that.
Again, there will be another POLL for my awesome readers to pick out two characters and next chapter, I will reveal the Celebrity Faces of the two names that collected the most votes. Choose wisely! ;)
I would like to discuss a sensitive matter: Sex & Religion.
To be honest, I hate going into such deep topics because I am an open-minded individual with zero prejudice and talking about such matters normally always end in discord. I hope I didn't insult or annoy anyone with the religious views of the characters but it couldn't be avoided… and, for future chapters, a heads up, it won't be the last mentioning of religion once the Angels, Archangels, Lucifer and even God enter the playing field.
About Sex… again, everyone's entitled to their own opinion; some prefer sex before marriage and some prefer sex after marriage. Some believe that one should be at least 16 years of age to have sex, while I know for a fact that girls much younger (at least 13 or 14) start engaging in sexual activity.
You'll receive no judgment from me, like I mentioned above, I am a very open-minded person. I merely bring this up in case any of my wonderful readers got insulted by Hazel's proclamation and the goddess's inputs in regards to their opinion of sex.
BTW, about Apollo…
I received many comments that ship Apollo/Olivia … or as I like to call their ship-name: Apolia!
For that reason, I had Apollo feel somewhat jealous of Clay [BTW, how HOT was the Clay + Olivia = Kiss (Clivia/Olay)]… not the point! I have a few solid relationships planned for Olivia in the future, and when I say solid, I mean definite! – I won't be changing my mind! However, I decided it was best to keep my options open, so I had Apollo feel slightly jealous just in case I spontaneously choose to go through the Apolia route. XD
So… readers don't get your hopes up, it's a MAYBE, not a DEFINITE Ship.
Also: Should I calm down in regards to the Athena and Hera bashing? Or should I keep it up? Keep in mind that, as I've mentioned countless of times before now, every single character will become OOC and start changing as the episodes continue and they interact more with the demigods.
To all my Lovely, Lovely Reviewers, thank you for all your wonderful and inspiring comments!
To SweetSnow01: Hey! I am so glad you like my story, I put a lot of work into it. You are one of my readers that inspired the little spark of jealousy in Apollo in regards to Liv, so I hope you enjoyed that! XD …Honestly, while I'm following Rick Riordan, I also try and deviate and gather information from Wiki and the like as I believe Rick didn't cover all the known factors of the gods and goddesses. Anyways, I hope this chapter was to your liking!
To RHatch89: Honestly, I found the Bugs Episode a little boring… so I hope the next chapter will exceed your expectations. I'm gonna have to delve into a lot of research to make it special instead of a copy-paste from Canon.
To Krislyngera: If Olivia has a love interest from PJO, it will be one-sided from now as Liv wouldn't have met the characters yet. I have future relationships planned for Olivia however, that are set in stone, from SPN universe. No spoilers… XD
To Nanashi Samurai: Oh, God no! No… N-O- NO! No rape AT ALL. Hold your horses, LOL. Liv did not get nor will she ever get raped. It completely contradicts her character and that badassery thing she got going on for her. She can handle herself and physically hold her own against some low-life rapist. So don't worry. That plot isn't in the cards.
To AwesomeFangirlOtaku01: Haha, nope. Olivia is baby-free. However, if you are interested in reading about a pregnant Winchester, then you should check out my latest story: Fallen Ivy. ;)
To Karen0610: If only Charlie wasn't so far away… Season 7! A long wait. I hope Clay Warren was to your liking…? I enjoyed writing him and his interaction with Liv. Also, if Ares' inner turmoil interested you, I'm sure you enjoyed his reaction to the passionate kiss she shared with Clay ;)!
To JoySalvatore1: The best part about having Percy, Leo and the Stolls included in my story is that they could act extremely silly and it would make complete sense. I can twist their character however I want and it wouldn't be weird and they wouldn't look out of character, LOL. …Oh, I have A LOT of plans for Gabriel, after all, he is my favorite angel/archangel… and I HATE the fact that he died and Chuck continued to resurrect Castiel after his many, MANY F**k ups, and not him! *grumble*
To head reyes: LOL! To tell you the truth, my favorite stories to read are the watching the movies/episode or reading the books, so I totally get what you mean! I adore writing Liv and Dean, and Sam and her arguments are a blast! No, Olivia isn't pregnant; it's an aspect of her being a daughter of Ares and also a demigod thing that would make more sense by the Hell House Episode. If you're interested in a story about a pregnant Winchester, like I mentioned to a previous reader above, check my latest story: Fallen Ivy. Home Episode will have a few hints, but everything will be revealed by Hell House (hopefully… depends on my Muse it could be sooner or later). Anyhu, I'm glad you enjoyed my story! Your Review truly made my day! XD
To 0netflixme0: I don't know if Apollo can kick Ares' ass since he now joined him in the denial stage, LOL! And I think Ares deserves to kick his ass for beginning to have a crush on his little girl… not that he'll admit to care. I don't have a fixed date… this chapter was supposed to be out last month and I got distracted, so I cannot tell you for sure. However, Bugs will be out sometime in April.
To Guest98 & Guest 117: No, Ares doesn't exactly blame Olivia for Victoria's death. As mentioned in Chapter 2, Ares was completely oblivious over the fact that Victoria has been dead for around 15 years and it was news to him as much as it was for everyone else.
To Orion Prime: Thank you so much! Your comment helped a lot with the timeline for this chapter! XD
To letonlee: OMG thank you SO much! Your comment brought a huge smile onto my face and made my day, so THANK YOU! XD I might put your idea into consideration and create a little bump-in for Apollo and Olivia, maybe make them a future one-night-stand but it depends on how the story goes because I already have some ideas in place. Like I mentioned above, Ares just found out that Victoria's been dead for 15 years, so that's not it, XD.
To maevel: I try to write in one session, but if plans come up last minute, or my Muse gets distracted (writer's block) I divide them… sometimes (like I did for this chapter) I put it on hold, update a few other stories and get back to it. The next chapter will come up sometime in April as I want to update my other stories before my followers band together and go on a strike, LOL!
To bloody lilith: Another comment that totally made my day! Honestly, I always look forward to your reviews, I basically memorized your name! LOL! If you adored the Frank/Ares scene, I hope you loved the scene I included in this chapter about Clarisse/Aphrodite! Ares may have seemed a bit OOC, but to tell you the truth, I completely disagree with Rick Riordan's interpretation of Ares. My portrayal of Athena is kind of selfish, as I never liked her in the books, and I hated her rivalry with Poseidon – truth: Poseidon is SO much better and impressive and intimating and, just, BETTER in every single way (okay, done fangirling, LOL)! I made Liv young on purpose for that exact reason. I cannot wait to write Liv as she grows and becomes more battle-weary and mature but still keep her childish qualities. I mean, if you look at Dean, you can see the amazing balance between him as a serious person and a jokester, or is it just me? Dean and Sam's love-life… still debating; it depends on how the story goes, to be honest. I am going to keep some events canon-based, because the point of this is to show those from the past of the hardships and the loss the Winchesters are forced to go through… and Liv actually has an important part to play – unfortunately that's not gonna happen for a long time. Jo Harvelle, on one hand, I want them to be frenemies – they look like they'd butt heads a lot and fight worse than how Liv did with Sam, but on the other hand, I feel like they could be amazing friends. So I'm still debating… unlike with Charlie, who I assure you, Liv would get along with like a house on fire.