Yukino POV

I'll never get used to this…

I sigh softly, feeling a little overwhelmed at the crowd. I always hated airports. They make me feel nervous, and I can't help but keep myself close to my partner to not get lost.

Sensing my hand on his, he glances at me with a small smile. ''Hold on a bit longer. We're almost out.''

I shudder.

''That's a lie, and you know it,'' I say, briefly checking my purse to verify all our documents are in order. ''We still have to go through customs.''

Hayato looks briefly at his phone, confirming the hour. ''The plane arrived a little earlier than expected. Hopefully, we can get this over it fast,'' he answers, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

''…I second you on that,'' I answer quietly. At last, we arrive at the baggage carousel and patiently wait up for our suitcases.

After some minutes of waiting, Hayato looks up at me with a worried expression.


''What is it?''

''Did you get a response?''

I took some time to register his words. Then it hits me. How could I forget? Maybe it was because of how nervous I was. The fact that I slept the whole flight didn't help either.

I open my purse and get my phone out. Turning it on, I wait a minute or so until it powers up and starts picking up the signal. Then, I open the messaging app only to be left with a frown.

''He saw it. But no response yet…''

Hayato chuckles sadly. ''I figured. Maybe he changed his number after all. The person that owns that number now might be wondering who the hell is talking to them.''

I let out a melancholic smile. ''I don't think so. He won't even bother changing his number. I won't blame him if he decided not to reply at all.''

''I see,'' he answers. A little doubtful. ''You…you think this was a good idea? Don't get me wrong, but I don't think he wants to see us.''

''I know. But I want to. It sounds selfish. But I want some closure. I want to see if I can achieve that.''

At last, he looks at me with a caring expression. ''Alright. Let's hope.''

Hachiman POV

Holy damn…

I stare wordlessly at the pile of paperwork sitting on my desk before me, believing it would disappear if it stared at it hard enough.

Whatever. Life was never that easy. Let's work.

Normally, I'd get on a rant with myself about needing to slave myself to death, but quite frankly, I need to work my ass off if I want money. That's how it is.

Now graduated and free, I had to start looking out for a definitive work option based on my career. I got lucky at last, securing a starting position at an editing company. My work consists of proofreading drafts that are soon to be published as light novels. With most of the work I receive being amateur at best, it can sure get unbearable at times, having to meet up with these actors in person and help them out. While tiring, I feel somewhat proud of being able to help those guys out. They are looking for their place in the industry, after all.

Quietly, I begin my work, already picking up the first piece of paper and starting my corrections.

It has been almost two years since my whole ordeal with Saki went down. We have been together since. To those who say that being in a relationship is always beautiful and immensely gratifying, that's a big, fat lie.

You see, we humans are not that perfect. Life doesn't work out like in the movies. We don't meet up, fall in love with each other at first sight, and end up getting married the next day. We suffer, we get nervous, and we get overwhelmed by our anxieties. And that's quite alright. And for people like us, it becomes even harder.

You can't be in a relationship if you're not at peace with yourself. That's something my mother told me once. And she was damn right. We had to work with our lives first.

Was it hard? Yes.

Was it worth it? Over a million times.

I chuckle, realizing at how cheesy I sounded.

''Oh, that's rich. Never saw you making that kind of expression.''

I jump a foot in the air.

Instantly, the bastard who caused my despair doubles over, laughing his ass off.

''Oh man…. dude…that was priceless!''

''Yeah, keep it up. You won't laugh when I go to your car and blow your tires. Bastard.''

None of my threats seems to affect him. I'm not surprised. This is Takashi Kajikawa we're talking about. The guy doesn't give a damn about anything, even his work. Well, he kind of does, since he has to get paid, but you get the idea. That doesn't change the fact that he's an immense buffoon.

And my only friend.

Oh, the irony.

''Don't you have work to finish, idiot?'' I ask nonchalantly, sighing softly and resuming my revisions. Although I was still a little pissed off, I have become used to his episodes. To be frank, I sort of enjoy his presence from time to time.

Being reminded of the fact that he also had a pile of papers waiting on his desk made him recoil slightly as if his entire day was ruined beyond saving.

''You're no fun, Hikigaya-san. I'll do it tomorrow.''

''You said that four days ago.''


I chuckle back at him. I enjoy myself more than I should when I win.

The autumn has already made itself welcome in the streets of Chiba. The trees had long set their leaves free, for them to fall and cram the streets and alleyways. The weather feels chilly, but not irritating enough to need more than a simple layer of clothing and a scarf.

It was the kind of weather that I always found myself enjoying. Summer was a literal hell, the temperature being so damn insufferable that I needed to bring some napkins with me just to wipe off my sweat. Now, I roam free, enjoying a cup of MAX Coffee after a long day of work, heading for the library to pick up some new books for the week.

As always, the city resonates with life. I feel a sense of beauty as I stare at the distance ahead of me, the city lights merging with the last rays of the suns as it sets, creating the perfect atmosphere for a top-notch photograph. The crowds are not massive like in Tokyo, just a modest-sized group of families, friends, coworkers, and couples. The mood is already set up as Christmas approaches.

My white scarf dances with the wind. It was one Kawasaki knitted herself for me, and since then, it's the only one I use.

Finally, at my destination, I enter the library and go to business. Having read enough fantasy this past month, I settle for more traditional works and pick three. I also pick one for Saki in case she could enjoy it.

It was not that surprising to find out that, like me, Kawasaki was also fond of reading. Although I admit, her taste is quite contemporary, to say the least. Nevertheless, I took some time to indulge myself in some of the books she possessed.

It reminded me of those days.

I stop in my tracks, and for a second, the woman who checks and packs my books glances at me, confusion evident on her face.

Feeling my pocket, I reach for my phone and put my password as soon as the screen turns on.

Opening the messaging app, I am met by a few conversations, just being Komachi, Hitatzuka-sensei, Kawasaki, my family members and an unknown number at the top of the list.

Well, it's no longer unknown.

I open chat for the second time in the day.

(XX-XX) - (XXXX-XXXX) 6:32AM:

Hello, Hikigaya. I'm pretty sure you still keep this number, but if not, I'd like to apologize to the random stranger that receives this message.

I sincerely hope you're fine. I haven't heard from you in years.

We're heading back to Chiba for a while. We're making our final arrangements in finding a suitable home and decided to come personally to look some places up. I also wanted to seize the opportunity to get in touch with my family, and some acquaintances as well, including you.

What I want is to meet up. At least while I'm there.

You're not obligated to accept. I just want an answer.

Anyways. We're boarding the plane now. Just let me know.

- Yukinoshita Yukino

I still don't know how to answer that. Not only that but judging by the time of the text, it means they have probably arrived by now.

As if on cue, another chat pops up.

Shizuka 5:32 PM: Oi, tonight then?

Hachiman H. 5:32 PM: Yes.

Shizuka 5:35 PM: I'll be there by eight. And holy damn, you never reply that fast.

After leaving my contact info and paying, I consider my options. To be frank, I never expected to get in contact with Yukinoshita Yukino ever again. Not because of what happened, but because it happened years ago, and it was all in the past. Keeping yourself stuck to your past experiences means you're never looking into the future. You're stuck in a loop of endless anxiety, wishing and desiring a million of different outcomes and refusing to accept reality.

So, when I finally read Yukinoshita's text this morning after arriving at work, I just stood silent in my desk, because I didn't know what to do at all.

I considered just ignoring it and moving on with the day.

And it sort of worked for a while, but the distant pang I felt at my chest didn't leave.

Was I willing to let my past call at me again?

The sun is almost set by this time, and I start heading home.

I better let her know Shizuka is coming. Might as well tell her everything.

I let out a small smile as I dial up the familiar number.

It was cathartic, having that kind of relationship. Not one of expectations and facades, but one of complete trust and loyalty. We told each other everything, all our problems, and insecurities, no matter how simple or complicated they were. It was a promise we made, to never let the other feel alone.

And indeed, even when we were apart, she was just a call away.

At last, after two rings, I get to hear her voice. A voice I will never get tired of.



A soft chuckle can be heard from the line.

''Hey. How was your day, dear?''

I find myself unable to contain my blush at the nickname.

''Don't tell me you're blushing.''

Shit! Abort! Abort! She knows!

''It will take some time for me to get used to it,'' I answer, choking a little because of my nervousness.

I hear her laugh from her side. I always loved her laughs, since she didn't laugh often. They were soft and sincere.

''Well, you better. I'm keeping it. And the fact I can reduce you to a poor mess makes me want to use it even more.''

Oh god. What did I do to deserve this kind of harassment…this is illegal!

But in the end, I like it.

''So you admit you like my suffering.''

''Kind of. You're coming home? I was about to start making some dinner. You didn't come as early as normal so I decided to start a little later to keep it warm for you.''

I smile a little.

''…Yeah. I stopped at the library to borrow some books. Brought one for you.''

''Sweet. I'll start it tonight. I have two days free, starting tomorrow. That's a wonder,'' she whispers happily.

I chuckle, too.

''Lazy woman. Hey, it will be good if you prepare dinner for three. Shizuka is stopping by.''

''She is? Sounds good, I haven't seen her in a while. What's the occasion?''

I stop walking for a moment, glancing at the floor. I'm taking time to respond, something that Saki notices almost immediately.


''Yukinoshita sent me a message this morning.''

''…Oh. Give me…give me a second.'' I can hear some movement, followed by a brief silence.

''What…what did she say?''

I exhale. ''She came back to Chiba today. She wants to meet up.''

Some seconds pass, with no words exchanged between us. Just when I'm starting to get worried, I hear her replay on the line. ''Do you…do you want to?''

Do I want to? How many times should I ask that myself?

''I don't know, Saki. Part of me wants that, you know. It's been too long. To be frank, I was over it. But now that she's here, I'm confused. My other part thinks is a big no-no. I wanted to ask you and Hiratsuka for advice,'' I sigh softly, feeling relieved, glad that I could let my troubles out.

It's a troubling choice.

''…Hey, don't stress yourself because of it. You can do that when you're home and with your stomach full. You can never make good decisions while hungry.''

''Now that's funny, you going all philosophical,'' I laugh lightly, resuming my walking towards the train station.

''Hey, it's kind of inevitable when spending that much time around you. Guess your philosophy is contagious.''

''If you say so. Just make sure to just take the good bits,'' I answer, entering the station. ''Alright…going for the train, I'll be there in a few.''

''Great. I'll start with dinner. Stay safe, I'm waiting for you.''


I hang up as I'm entering the train. The crowd comes right after me, and I steady myself with one of the train's supports. Before I know, the train starts its journey. As we leave the station, I manage to take a glance at the darkening sky. With some scattered clouds blocking the sun, the sky is filled with a mix of yellow and blue.

Time goes by in a fast motion, something normal when I take the same trip multiple times every week.

Before I realize, I arrive at my station. Kawasaki was right. I should not focus on worrying for now.

I exit the station and start my walk home. It's not that far, about ten to fifteen minutes, depending on my pace and mood.

The wind starts to pick up a little, so I decide to pick up my pace to escape the growing cold.

It doesn't take me too long to reach my apartment complex, at last. I am met with a reassuring wave of heat as I enter the building. After climbing the stairs and reaching my door, I open it without issue, knowing Kawasaki was inside.

We have an odd style. Even two years into our relationship, we still don't live together, at least not officially. Still, she spends a lot of time at home. Normally on weekdays, Kawasaki would leave work before me, so she started to pass by and make dinner for both while I arrived. Most of the time she went home after that, other times she decided to stay with me and leave early the next morning so she could pass by her home and get ready for work. Sometime later, for the sake of convenience, she left some spare clothing and items, so my apartment eventually became her second home.

Not that I complained, by the way.

''I'm home.''

''…Welcome,'' I hear a voice come from the kitchen, followed by steps, and I am met on the way with the girl I love.

She's wearing an apron I gave her as a birthday present last year. Her hair is loose, the way she likes it while she's at home. She wears a plain white V-neck shirt and black jogging pants.

Her expression changes as soon as she sees me come in. I could try as hard as I can to disguise my anxiety, but there's no way around her. She knows me like the palm of her hand and has no problems reading my state. It's not like I don't want her to know either.

She walks to me. Her face wears an unmistakable frown. She helps me untie the scarf from my neck, stopping just short of completely removing it, and staring at me. Then, her hands let go of the scarf and she wraps her arms around me.

I deflate right there, feeling immediately relaxed. I lower my head silently and breathe into her hair. The familiar scent of my shampoo invades my nose.

''You're worrying too much about it,'' she whispers, her voice muffled. After a few seconds, she steps back a little and puts her hands into my chest. ''But…I guess that's just you.''

I chuckle. I bring up my arms from my sides and put her close to me again. She sighs and closes her eyes. ''Yeah…that's just me.''

Indeed…that's just me.

''Alright,'' she whispers again, her voice low. ''Go take your bath, relax a little. Dinner is almost ready. Hiratsuka should be arriving shortly.''

Feeling content for the moment, I release her, and she smiles back at me. I start heading towards the bathroom and she goes back to work.

The solitude that the walls of the bathroom give me is somewhat comforting. After letting the water flow for a bit until it warms up, I enter the shower and let the relaxing temperature consume me.

I knew this would eventually happen. The world is too small, and in one way or another, my past was going to catch up with me. What follows next depends on the decision I make.

I take some extra time to wash myself and set my thoughts free.

''Oh, so you're finally out. You know, I was beginning to think you fell asleep at the shower or something.''

I feel a retort coming, but I decide against it since I frankly don't feel like getting punched in the gut tonight.

''Good to see you too,'' I add, sighing. Not even a moment later, Kawasaki chimes in from the kitchen.

''Don't mind him, he's not up for it tonight.''

''Yeah, I see that,'' she replies softly. I can feel her piercing look, and I do my best not to notice.

Just as it seems like she's about to say something else, she seems to contain herself. It seems like she'd rather wait until we're done with dinner.

Less than five minutes later, and to the joy of my stomach, the food comes in. It was a simple dinner, just some curry, some vegetables neatly chopped up and rice. Simple recipes where Saki's specialty and the seasoning on the vegetables were always on point.

''Thanks for the meal,'' we exclaim in unison before digging into our food, not wasting any time.

''I got to say Hachiman, you're quite the lucky man. A simple meal, but the taste is incredible,'' Hiratsuka says, grinning, and taking another mouthful.

Compliments are definitively not something Kawasaki hears often, and she's not even used to those either. The mild flustered face she makes as a response is a perfect giveaway.

''It's…it's nothing. I'm not that talented as most women, but I can find my way around,'' she replies softly, smiling a little.

I swear I catch Hiratsuka staring at her for a few seconds after Kawasaki resumes her plate.

We spend a while in somewhat comfortable silence, just enjoying our food.

After that, we all help Saki clean up, with her doing quick work washing the dishes, and both me and Hiratsuka cleaning the table.

''So,'' says our former teacher as soon as we are done. ''Let's cut right to the chase.''

''Sure,'' I say, a little nervous. I guide them to the balcony, not before putting my scarf back on and letting them do the same.

The air feels a little colder than before, but not that excessive, either. The sky is clear, with a full moon accompanying it, its light reaching the surface and adorning the skyline.

A small reclining chair rests on the side, making it clear that I enjoy sitting here. We just decide on leaning against the railing and admiring the sight.

''Damn. Not just the woman, but also the sight. Just how lucky are you,'' exclaims Hiratsuka mockingly.

I hear Saki stutter a bit.

''Seems like someone is jealous. Oh wait, I take that back, Please don't hit me. I just ate,'' I heard myself say.

''Idiot,'' Hiratsuka retorts, and to my relief, just lets out a small laugh.

''Nah. I'm grateful, Hikigaya. Honest,'' she whispers. ''You know, Yukinoshita texted me on my way here.''

I'm not surprised. I figure she must have tried to contact sensei to get in touch with me.

''You know, Hikigaya. What did you feel that day? I never asked.''

I glance at the skyline below.

While Hiratsuka just keeps staring at the distance, I can feel Saki's eyes glued into me right now.

''I was scared. Of all the feelings that surfaced within me. Feelings I didn't even know I had. Most of all, I felt betrayed. Yeah, I think that's the best way to put it,'' I whisper, looking at the distance.

A long silence ensues. To be honest, she was right. I never had a real talk with my former teacher about what happened back in the day. I must have made her worry quite a lot.

''You know. I was pissed for a while. I wanted to be there for you, but you just and…went offline. I thought you would come to me eventually. In the end, I had to come to you,'' she says, crestfallen. ''At least you continued with your life, albeit miserable, as always. I hated seeing you like that. I still regret no trying to reach out to you sooner.''

I feel a numb feeling coming from my chest. Just know, I realize, that people indeed looked out for me. But I just decided to shut them all off.

Something distracts me then. A warm touch, coming from my right hand. I find out Saki has sensed my discomfort and brought her hand to mine. I smile, returning her touch.

This didn't go unnoticed, however

''And then,'' she adds, almost exasperated. ''The most unexpected thing happens. Out of nowhere, two of my most troublesome students end up together. Who could have predicted? I thought, oh dear, the world must be coming to an end,'' she says, laughing.

''I was worried. I'm sorry for saying this, but at the start, I didn't approve. Two broken hearts, in desperate need of comfort. And what comes after that? Yeah, you reunite, you scream, you hug, cry, maybe some pity sex, and then what? A relationship of codependency ensues,'' she adds, bitterly. ''And that's when shit gets ugly.''

She makes a small pause before continuing.

''But you two, you both proved me wrong. Yeah, you guys depended a lot on each other at the start, but you also grew stronger. Both of you. You both graduated, you both found good jobs. The…the way both of you made up for each other...I was so relieved, I felt that, with her watching over you, and you do the same for her…I could be more at peace with myself,'' she finishes with a tender tone, sounding as if telling all of this us was a big worry being released from her shoulders.

For once, I feel at a loss of words.

Did I worry her that much?

Before I can formulate an answer, I feel Saki's grip on my hand lose. In a dash, she rushes over to Hiratsuka, crashing against her with force, enveloping her in a hug, much to the former's surprise.

Soft, quiet hiccups can be heard from Saki. I feel myself deflate at the sight. Hiratsuka stands there, unmoving, before finally returning the gesture.

''Hey, you may look like a delinquent, but you sure act like a teddy bear. It's alright, really.''

''I'm sorry. I'm…I'm sorry. It's just…just…thank you,'' she mumbles, not being able to let out her words in proper order.

I for once, can help but smile.

At last, after some moments, Saki releases her.

''Well, that was something,'' I add.

''Indeed. I guess I'll call your girlfriend Mrs. Teddy Bear from now on,'' she adds mockingly, earning a pout from Saki.

''Alright, back to the matter at hand,'' she adds, returning to a more serious attitude. ''I didn't tell her much. I told her it was up to you to reply or something, not my call.''

''Well, you're not wrong in that sense,'' I say.

''Then what do you want to do?'' I hear Hiratsuka ask.

What do I want to do? That's a question I have asked myself a lot today.

I look down. Both Saki and Hiratsuka glance at me expectantly, waiting for my answer.

Do I spend the rest of my life hating on both Yukino and Hayama for their decision? Or do I put the matter to rest and finally move on?

''I think…I think I'll talk to them. Put everything to rest. It's useless to hold this grudge for the rest of my life.''

Yeah. No more grudges. No more hate. No more self-loathing. Move forward, and never look back.

''And that's the right thing to do, in my opinion,'' Hiratsuka says. ''Even if you have some trouble seeing that right now, you will feel much better after you do.''

Lying down on my bed, I glance at my phone, noticing the time. It's almost midnight.

Just after Hiratsuka left, I typed a response to Yukinoshita. Now, I just have to wait.

I can hear Saki getting out from the shower in the distance, and feel somewhat glad that she decided to stay the night.

The time goes on fast, and It's not before Saki sits beside me at the edge of the bed that I realize I was spacing out again.

Still not looking at me, she just stares towards the wall.

I can feel the faint smell of my shampoo in the air, and her hair tickling the left side of my body.

''Something wrong?'' I ask softly, reaching out and touching her hair.

She makes no move of protest, and I take that as a good sign. I start stroking it, making her sigh.

''Not really. I was just…a little shaken up with what Hiratsuka said. I never realized; you know? That she was so worried about us.''

I move up, reaching my other arm towards her, bringing her down with me. She makes herself comfortable, resting her back against my chest. Now with me hugging her from behind, she reaches for my palm and kisses it.

''I was too,'' I whisper, my voice muffled by her hair. ''I want to repay her somehow.''

''We will,'' she whispers. ''We will.''

There you go. I apologize for the short chapter, but I felt I already put everything I wanted. One more chapter to go.

What a ride…