Our Father in Heaven,

Thank You for all You have blessed us with and for all the strength You give us. Allow us all to continue to grow stronger in faith and in our personal lives. Please bless everyone here and allow us to come ever closer to You. Allow us to do what You Will and shine a light in the darkness. Let Your Will be done. It's in Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

Please pray for this story!

Any of you who followed my original 'prayers' already knows how this works. This is a place where people can come and ask for prayer and I will write a prayer for you and send it out to whoever who follows this story and we will all pray for you together. If you have a request, leave a review or send me a PM. I should have a prayer typed up within the week and if I don't, it would help for you to send me a little reminder! God bless you all and I hope this is as greatly supported as the rest!

If you are a guest reviewer, I will also use this to reply to your reviews. Thank you!