Disclaimer - I own nothing you recognise.

Written for; Can You Make It To The End; Round 2, Hogwarts Library.

Every Faith

The pile of books around him shielded him from view. Not that there was anyone still in the library of course. Even Hermione had left hours ago for Merlin's sake. Still, with the amount of work he had to plow through and the limited time he had, Harry continued on, breaking occasionally to rub his eyes.

Studying for a mastery while doing his N.E.W.T.s had seemed like a good idea when Dumbledore suggested it. It really had. Until he'd begun the work and realised that there was a reason people generally took at least two solid years to complete a mastery.

And that was after they'd finished slaving over school essays and mock tests and everything else the Professors were throwing at them at the moment.


Barely managing to suppress a groan, Harry looked up from the book he'd been skimming to find a reference, to find Professor Snape watching him with his head slightly tilted, an amused smile on his face.

"What on earth are you doing in the library at past midnight?"

Harry picked up the pass the Headmaster had given to him, holding it up like a shield against all things detention.

"Oh, relax, Potter, I know you've a pass to be here. I merely wondered why you were not currently partying with your hellion classmates in the room of requirement. It is a Saturday night, after all."

Harry snorted. "Don't have time, Sir."

"What are you looking for?"

"A reference to the spell used to defend against Dementors that people used before the Patronus. You know, the one that got people kissed on a daily basis because they were all morons."

When Snape chuckled, Harry blinked. He shook his head at himself, he'd forgotten who he was talking too. "Sorry, sir."

"You're looking in the wrong book, Potter," Snape told him, his tone surprisingly amiable. He scanned the books surrounding Harry before plucking one from a rather unstable looking pile. "Here. This is the one you need, chapter six."

"I… Thank you. You've just saved me about three hours searching."

Snape nodded. "The Headmaster informed me what you were studying for your Mastery. Quite the undertaking in the last year of school."

Harry nodded. "Can't quite decide if I'm insane for making the attempt," he admitted, flipping through the book to find the reference he'd been searching for. Upon finding it, he let out a noise of victory and conjured a bookmark to hold his place.

"As much as it pains me to admit it, you might take some time for yourself to spend with your friends, Potter. There's always time for learning, not so much for being carefree students as you are at the moment."

"I don't think I've ever been a 'carefree student', Professor, but I'll think about it. Thanks for showing me which book I needed."

Snape smiled slightly. "You're welcome. If you're ever in need of assistance, my door is open."

Looking up, Harry's eyes widened slightly. "Uh, thank you, Sir."

"Potter. If I'm correct in Albus' assumptions that you'll be wishing to use your mastery to teach, we'll be colleagues before long. Outside of class, you are… free to call me Severus. We've spent enough time together, have we not?"

"We'll only be colleagues if I can get my head in gear," Harry muttered, glancing around at his stockpile.

As he turned to leave, Severus replied, "I have every faith in your ability… Harry."

Harry was left staring at the door, mouth wide open in shock.