
"…And thus I pronounce you husband and wife!" Father Hulk declared. "You may kiss the bride."

They didn't have to be told twice. That kiss lasted so long that Hulk had to clear his throat to break them up.

The party was grand. Phil the chef did all the catering, and everyone and anyone from every town was invited. Sten performed magic tricks, Jean danced and played his mandolin, Bleu set off fireworks, and Bow and Ryu told stories and laughed the whole night through.

Ryu had gone up to get some more beef when he was called to by Father Hulk.

"Master Ryu, I've brought someone to see you." The preacher said.

Ryu did a double take. "Dad!"

"Hello, son!" Ganer said. "Been a while, huh?" He laughed as they heartily embraced.

"What? No hug for me?" said another voice. It was Patty. She noticed his confusion. "Want to go play by the dragon again, brother?"

Ryu broke into a broad smile as he hugged his sister. This was truly a night of happiness.

Nina herself no longer seemed bothered that Ryu and Katt were together, and she danced with Bow and even Sten, living the night for all it was worth. And the band played merry songs, Phil flipped his burgers, and the roaring fire burned long into the night. Ryu looked off to the east, towards the mountains, towards the dragon he knew was watching over them all.

A voice spoke in his heart… "Well done, my son. Be good."

Nobody noticed the two figures standing beyond the reach of the fire's light. The one was a hulking demon, the other a man in a black robe.

"Father Evans," the demon rasped, "These people seem so happy. Do we really have to destroy all of them eventually?"

Evans sighed, then smiled and looked up at his servant. "Naaah! Come on, want to play SSBM?"

"Sure." said the other, and they walked off, leaving the merry party and the fire behind.


"The Test Of Love" has been written by Father Hulk

© 2003 in association with PDG Network.

BENEDICTION: So? What do you think? Did I live up to your expectations? Did I do a good job? I think it turned out rather well, no? Let me know! [email protected] is my email. I'd love to hear from you. And if you like my BoF fics, check out Day Of The Deity, which is currently being authored right here on Fanfiction.net! Until we meet again, farewell!