The American Shinigami panted as he held his blade in front of him, he had already taken two hits from Arturo sudden energy projectiles and had yet to land a hit. The Arrancar in question stood just a few feet back from Nate with the shinigami's blood on the blade of his sword.

"It seems your cocky attitude was a false one." He stated as he drew his blade through the air, the shinigami's blood flying off the edge. "You really just as weak as before."

Nate's glare flashed to him before falling onto the blade in his own hands. He had been calling out to his Zanpakuto spirit for a few minutes now but there was no respond or reaction. He needed to use his Shikai to defeat this enemy but if Kurai was being stubborn, he couldn't active it.

'Kurai. If you don't help me then I am going to die.' He screamed internally at his Zanpakuto who responded with silence.

Another 'X' shaped projectile was thrown Nate's way making him give up on calling his Zanpakuto and dodge the attack.

As he jumped away from the attack, the Arrancar appeared at his side and proceed to thrust a blade at him. Quickly catching the blade with his hand, he met the Arrancar's gaze who bore a huge grin.

"You do have good reflexes but try to stop this."

At that moment, Nate saw the red of a cero build up in Arturo's free hand aimed directly at his chest. The American's eyes widen, he knew if he took a cero from this distance he would die.

He couldn't die…

he needed to save his friends…

he needed to see Sam again...

He couldn't leave her alone in this world...she would die…alone

...she can't die alone...HE CAN'T LET HER BE ALONE!


A sudden burst of incredible spiritual pressure erupted around the shinigami making Arturo dismiss his attack and distance himself from the boy.

The Arrancar stared in shock as he watched the boy mouth two inaudible words and his spiritual pressure increased once again.

The smallest hint of a smirk crept into the enemy's face as he watched the shinigami's blade change, "Finally...a challenge."

Nate's blade warped into a long slender blade with five round holes throughout the length of the blade. The end of the hilt extended taking the shape of a large circle which in encircled the shinigami's right hand.

Nate met Artruo's glare as his blade finished transforming and began to spin slowly around his open palm.

The sly smirk on the Arrancar's face grew wider as he looked the American up and down.

"Where were you hiding this? This wasn't seen in the report."

Nate let his own smirk form on his face as he gave a small scoff.

"Of course it wasn't in your report. Nobody has seen me use this before not even the man who taught me it." He replied as he continued to spin his zanpakuto around his hand.

"Is that so? Then let's see just how powerful it is."

"You seem a little scared but what should I expect from a pathetic hollow like you."

Arturo's hand tighten around his hilt as he fought the urge to attack the boy.

"Don't think you can bait me into attacking you out of anger. I'm a Numerous, much more than any other pathetic hollow."

"I don't care if you are numerous or not," Nate stated as his hand gripped his hilt tightly and rushed forward. "You will never be able to withstand my Shikai."

Arturo scoffed as he seamlessly blocked the boy's attack and thrusted his blade into the shinigami's left side.

"What a pathetic Shikia, all this effort and you couldn't even touch me."

The American flashed a pained smirk as he gave a small chuckle. "Why don't you take a look around first."

Confused by the shinigami's statement he turned his gaze away from the boy and took in what he was truly seeing.

"What-what is this?"

Nate smirked even more before pulling himself free of the Arrancar's blade and continued to spin his own blade around his hand.

"This is my Shikia and you are just about to see how powerful it can become."

The American just stared down the yellow eyed hollow before rushing forward blade drawn for the attack. Raising his own blade, Arturo waited for the predictable attack to come but the shinigami vanished from his sight when he was mere inches away.

A sheering hot pain of a blade cutting through Arturo's shoulder shocked the arrancar. As he turn turned to see Nate now behind him with a large smirk on his face.


The arrancar jumped back only to realize he jumped closer to the shinigami and his blade regards over what he thought he was doing.

The American chuckled and shrugged, "Haven't you noticed? I thought you were Numerous."

This time the comment from the boy got under Arturo's skin and he launched forward an attack that never reached the boy. For a second time the searing familiar pain of a blade cutting into him was felt through the center of his chest. The yellow gaze drifted downward toward the source only to see the bloody tip of the shinigami's blade bursting through his chest.

Blood quickly shot up his throat as he began to cough up the red substance, sending a weak glare back at the boy he hissed once more, "You bastard."

Nate kept his expression blank as he shared the dying Arrancar's final gaze before falling limp onto the blade.

The shinigami stood there staring down at the dead arrancar before pulling his blade from him and release his Shikai. Grabbing the Arrancar's limp arm before he fell, he lowered the body on to a neighboring rooftop.

Nate sheathed his zanpakuto before glancing at Arturo's body once more, his fingers gently touching his own still bleeding wound. This was no time to feel bad about killing the arrancar, he need to get back to Rukia and get her to Orihime.

Quickly he took off rushing toward where his friend laid bleeding out and dying. Within a minute the American boy got to the street from before and rushed over to a still unconscious Rukia. The deputy shinigami saw the girl's gigai containing a soul candy hovering over her.

At the arrival of his presence the gigia looked up with a look of horror and shock on her face.

"Don't hurt her anymore please." The gigai cried leaning over the fallen girl to protect her.

Nate held his hands up in front of him, mentioning her to calm down.

"Woah there. Listen Im not here to hurt her, I want to get Rukia to our friend who can heal her."

These words seem to surprise the practically sobbing gigai, "You want to help? Hop."

Nate held back a chuckle at the gigai's little phase at the end of the question. He had forgot that she did that at the end of all her sentence. She probably mumbled it earlier which is why Nate hadn't heard it before.

Jumping back to the matter at hand, he nodded giving a small smile, "Yes I want to help. Let me take her to Orihime."

The gigai stared at him for a second before nodding and leaning away from Rukia.

"Ok but promise me she will be ok. Hop."

Nate gently picking up his friend in his arms before smiling and nodding. "I promise. Now get on my back and we will go."

He offered his empty back to the gigai who climbed on gently securing her arms around his neck.

"All set. Hop." She declared to the boy who nodded and quickly flashed stepped his way toward Orihime's home.

Nate got to Orihime's very quickly and allowed Orihime to jump right into attack to heal both Rukia and himself. He only let the orange haired girl heal him to the point where his wound was sealed and he could move without passing out from blood loss.

As he stepped away from Orihime who was still focused on Rukia, a slightly battered Ichigo and Renji both appeared on the roof. Ichigo rushing forward to sit next to Orihime who glanced up slightly and continued to heal their friend.

Renji's eyes widen as he stood next to the deputy shinigami almost frozen at the sight he was seeing.


Nate frowned and placed a hand gently on the red-head's shoulder, making him jump slightly and look at him.

Sadness and worry was clearly visible on the Lieutenant's face which the deputy sympathized with.

"She will be ok. Orihime has been healing her so a bit she should be finished soon." Just as Nate stated that, the glow of the orange shield was pulled back and the black haired girl sat up, completely healed.

Renji rushed over and knelt in front of her and began to question how she was and if she was feeling better.

Nate helped back a chuckle as he watched them, Renji really did like her a lot even if he didn't want to admit it. Not wanting to linger around too much longer, the American boy took off back toward where he stashed his body.

After that fight, he made up his mind and there were a few things he needed to do before morning and went through with his decision.

Uhhh Hey Guys...I guess whose back.


Please don't hate me, I know it has been several months since I had last updated and I am sorry. I got caught up in life and honestly wanted to get caught up on a few chapters so I wouldn't keep you waiting. Unfortunately I won't be going back on to a schedule anytime soon since my life is all over the place right now. Hopefully one day I'll get back on to a schedule and you guys wouldn't have to wait months to get the end of battle I promised would be cool. Well at least my boyfriend thinks it's cool, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will be back soon with another chapter.