It was a cloudy afternoon, the skies gray, as rain poured from the sky. Cars drove down the streets, splashing water onto the sidewalk, as people walked with umbrellas up.

The rain water soaked the grass in the cemetery, along with the tombstones.

Mikasa gently placed flowers in front of a tombstone. It read "Petra Ackerman: Loving Mother, Wife, and Aunt"

Right next to Petra's grave, was the tombstone of Herrick and Akane. It had fresh Sakura petals from Mikasa.

Levi gently placed flowers over both graves as well. He was numb, not saying a word. They were both wearing black, the funeral had ended several minutes ago.

Everyone else was getting ready to leave, but Eren, Rubi, Armin and Hanji stayed. They kept their distance, to give the two time to talk and mourn. Hanji was holding little Farlen.

Mikasa was wearing a simple black dress, along with her red scarf.

"Mikasa...", Levi finally spoke, for the first time the entire day. Mikasa looked at her uncle.

"How...? How the hell...are you doing it? After losing them...", Levi had to ask.

Mikasa's eyes softened, pulling her red scarf over her mouth. "The only thing that keeps me Eren. And my friends. If I didn't have Eren, Rubi, Armin, and the Jaegers...I would have shut down years ago. I wouldn't be standing here...we would have met most likely with me in a mental hospital...", Mikasa answered, grimly.

Levi looked at her. "Don't misunderstand, Uncle. I still suffer vivid nightmares...I wake up in a cold sweat still, and Eren's right there for me...", she added softly.

Levi looked down, a look of deep regret in his eyes. "I tore our friendship apart...", he said quietly then, looking at the tombstones.

"Levi...what happened isn't your fault. Besides...Petra's in a better place now. She's with them...", Mikasa said.

Levi's eyes darkened, as it continued to rain hard.

"Do you really believe that?", he asked. Mikasa blinked, looking at him.

"In an after life, I mean. Do you really believe God exists? Do you honestly believe there's some Heavenly paradise where the dead go? After they're put in the ground?", he continued, almost sounding bitter.

Mikasa looked at him. "Yes. I do", she replied simply. Levi scoffed, his eyes still red from crying. "How? How the hell can you believe that? After everything you lost?", he demanded, frustrated.

Mikasa turned then, looking her uncle dead in the eye.

"Because I've seen it, Uncle...", she said then. Levi blinked, looking at her. "What?", he asked. Mikasa placed her finger over her scar.

"When I was hit by that truck, and my ribs got fractured...I suffered a near death experience. Eren brought me back with CPR but...", Mikasa bit her lip.

"I saw my parents. It was only for a few minutes...but I was able to embrace them one last time. And say goodbye properly. They came from a heavenly felt warm...soothing. They...were not suffering or sad either...", she explained.

Levi listened, frozen, looking shocked.

Mikasa looked up at the gray sky then. "The world is a cruel place...I know this. And...of course I've asked the question before. What kind of God...could allow that to happen? Allow my parents to die like that...but...I realized something...", she went on.

"The same day I lost my parents...Eren saved me. He appeared like a guardian angel, and wrapped this scarf around me. Maybe...if my parents would have lived, Eren and I wouldn't have as special as a connection. The world is cruel...but its also beautiful. God may have taken away my parents, but he gave me Eren...and for that alone...I do believe", Mikasa said.

Levi starred at Mikasa, speechless. His niece...was so mature. So...amazing. So strong.

"Think about it Levi...the cruel part for you is that you lost Petra. But what's the beautiful part?", Mikasa asked him then.

Levi looked down. "Farlen, and you...and..", he looked over towards everyone by the road. "Hanji...", he added.

"You're not alone, Uncle. It may feel that way right now...but you still have people who care about you", Mikasa assured him.

Levi looked down grimly. "I'm sorry Mikasa...for not being there for you. And...thank you", he said. Mikasa gently held Levi's hand.

Two Years Later...

It was early in the morning. Eren was fast asleep in bed, in the dorm. He drooled on his pillow, his video game system still on.

Mikasa was fast asleep beside him, laying on her side. It was their last week in college. Graduation was in just seven days.

They were recently turned 20 years old. Mikasa's hair was still short, and Eren looked the same as well. Rubi's hair remained very long, and Armin also remained the same.

In the two years that went by, Levi had quit his job as a professor, and opened up a Tea Shop back in the same town as the Jaeger's.

Him and Hanji ran it, and took care of Farlen, who was a toddler now.

Mikasa stirred softly, she wanted to sleep in a bit, but she was woken up by a wave of nausea. She groaned softly, curling up slightly, her hand going to her stomach.

She never drank again after the first time two years ago, so it wasn't a hangover.

She opened her dark eyes weakly, as she sat up. She rubbed her eyes, still half asleep, when suddenly the nausea got much worse.

She groaned again, clutching her belly, grimacing. Eren, who had been fast asleep beside her, heard her groan, and opened his eyes.

"Mika? Baby, what's wrong...?", he asked worriedly.

"I...I don't feel well, Eren...", Mikasa confessed, her body tense, trying hard to fight back the urge to throw up.

Eren woke more at her shaky tone, as he sat up. "What's wrong, sweetie?", he asked, urgently. Before Mikasa could answer, she groaned again, the nausea peaking.

"I'm gonna be sick..!", she covered her mouth, and bolted to the bathroom, feeling her stomach heave.

She barely made it into the bathroom, as she started throwing up violently. Eren hurried in. "Mikasa..!", he gently held her hair out of the way, rubbing her back.

Mikasa coughed, as her stomach heaved again. She threw up for what felt like forever, her hand grasped her belly, as she panted for breath.

"Easy, easy's okay, let it out...", Eren was soothing her gently, rubbing her back, a worried look on his face. What made her this sick so suddenly?

When she finally finished, Mikasa whimpered weakly. She was panting for breath, and she even groaned painfully, clutching her chest.

"Your ribs, Mika?", Eren realized, worried. "Mmhmm...give me a minute Eren...can't move...", Mikasa admitted, shakily. And not entirely sure if she was finished throwing up.

Eren very lovingly began rubbing her chest, above her breasts, knowing she was in pain.

Mikasa was white as a ghost, her entire figure shaky. She leaned weakly onto Eren, too shaky to barely hold herself up.

As Eren reached up to flush the contents, he noticed it looked like Mikasa had vomited up all the food in her stomach.

Her stomach her completely emptied itself.

He blinked, worried, pushing the handle down. Mikasa didn't eat anything different yesterday, or last night. Plus she always ate healthier than Eren.

"Sorry Eren...I don't know where this came from...", Mikasa panted weakly. "Don't apologize, baby. You're sick...easy", Eren very slowly and gently helped his girlfriend to her feet.

Mikasa clung to him, her legs shaky.

" might be some flu, I don't want you sick too..", she said, worried. "Pfft, I'll live", Eren got her a cup of water.

Mikasa drank it, rinsing the taste from her mouth.

"If it keeps up, we'll have to see a doctor", Eren stated. Mikasa nodded, as Eren helped her out of the bathroom.

Mikasa chose to stay in her white nightgown that morning, she felt too sick to change, and she felt exhausted.

Eren held onto her, as they went into the dorm's kitchen to make some hot tea.

Rubi was there, making orange juice. "Oh, Morning guys...whoa", Rubi paused, looking at her best friend.

"Hey Rubi...", Mikasa sunk into the chair, sitting at the kitchen table. "Bloody hell, look awful", Rubi cried, worried.

Mikasa groaned, not answering, too weak. "She threw up everything in her stomach a few minutes ago...", Eren explained, worried, as he began making hot tea.

Rubi sat beside Mikasa, rubbing her back. "Do you have any other symptoms, sweetie? Fever? Headache?", she asked.

Mikasa shook her head, leaning into her best friend. "My ribs are killing me from throwing up,, nothing else...", she replied.

"Still nauseous...?", Rubi asked softly. "I don't think so...", Mikasa admitted.

Rubi's eyes expressed worry, as she gently felt her friend's belly. "Nothing feels abnormal...", she concluded.

Rubi had passed all her classes and exams flawlessly. Teachers called her a natural born doctor. She would be starting medical school after they graduated, and spend four years there.

"It came out of no where...", Mikasa told her weakly. Rubi continued rubbing her best friend's back, as Eren brought a cup of hot tea over.

"Here you go, baby", he set it on the table. Mikasa pulled it close to her by the handle, and blew on it gently, before taking small sips.

"You think you can stomach anything to eat, Miki?", Rubi asked softly. Mikasa groaned at the mention of food.

"Don't even...", she cringed, gritting her teeth.

Just then, the door opened, as Sasha entered. "Oh my God, guys! I just got a bunch of breakfast from Mcdonalds! Since I work there, I get free food sooo I brought all the good stuff!", she set the greasy paper bag on the counter.

"Sasha...", Rubi warned, although Sasha wasn't paying attention, as Mikasa gave Sasha a death glare, Eren also frowning.

"This is all so good! I can't decide what to eat! The hash browns are good, but these sausage biscuits are so greasy, but the taste just melts in your mouth! And these fluffy, heavy pancakes! With extra syrup!", Sasha grinned excited.

"Oh god...", Mikasa then had to bolt back to the bathroom, her stomach heaving. "Nice going, Sasha", Rubi glared, while Eren ran after his girlfriend.

"What I say?", Sasha blinked, innocently, eating a hash brown.

The following day, Mikasa was getting ready to go to the grocery store with Rubi. She was sick again this morning, so they had a doctor's appointment set for the next day.

"We'll only be living here another six days, but we're completely out of everything", Eren sighed, as Mikasa made a list.

"Do you want any soda, Eren?", asked Mikasa. "Sure, get me some Pepsi...oh, Mikasa, shouldn't you need another pack of tampons by now?", Eren brought up then.

Mikasa blinked, pausing. Now that he mentioned it...Mikasa hadn't gotten her period in a month.

Her period was always regular, and always came every month. She froze then...looking down, but not even seeing the grocery list anymore.

Nausea...throwing up in the morning...her period was a month late...

Mikasa's eyes grew wide then, as all color drained from her face. "Mika? Hey, you okay?", Eren asked her, urgently, seeing her expression.

"I...I...I feel sick again!", Mikasa quickly lied, as she hurried into the bathroom. Before Eren could say anything else, Mikasa locked the bathroom door behind her, as her back pressed against it.

Her breathing became heavy, as her thoughts traveled. Was it...possible? Could she be...?

Mikasa looked down, and very gently placed both hands on her stomach. She closed her eyes, thinking hard.

She then froze, even gasped. She recalled a month ago, Eren and her made love. But...she had completely forgotten to take the pill for quite a few days. She had been so busy with final exams, not to mention visiting the orphanage last month.

It had completely slipped passed her. By the time she had realized she forgot, it was the day after Eren and her had sex.

Mikasa held her hand to her forehead, getting a headache. What were even the chances...? The first and only time they had unprotected sex...and it happened.

Mikasa couldn't believe it, her heart racing. She slid down, so she was sitting, her hands not leaving her stomach.

Her eyes softened then, looking down at it. If...If this was real...she...was...pregnant. She was...carrying a new life inside of her.

Mikasa felt color reach her cheeks, as she suddenly smiled very softly. It...was Eren's baby she was carrying.

Something she...always dreamed of, always wanted. Mikasa...always wanted to be a mother. She very gently rubbed her stomach.

"Are you...really in there, little one?", she asked softly then, in such a sweet, soft motherly voice. She had to be positive.

Positive...Mikasa then got up. She suddenly moved slower, not wanting to hurt her unborn baby. She couldn't tell Eren yet...not until she knew for sure.

She took a deep breath...she had to buy a test. Hell, five tests.

When Rubi and Mikasa arrived at the store, Mikasa was scanning the shelves in the pharmacy area. Rubi was buying tampons for herself.

"I can't believe Armin's actually nervous about graduation. He's a genius! There's no way he wouldn't pass", she said.

"Uh huh...", Mikasa replied, not really listening. She gazed at the different brands of pregnancy tests. She took one that said "Number 1 Brand Recommended by Doctors" It was expensive, so it seemed accurate.

"Miki, don't you need tampons?", Rubi asked then. Mikasa slightly jumped, hiding the box then. Rubi frowned, seeing.

"What's up Miki...?", she asked, surprised. Mikasa hesitated. She then slowly showed the box.

Rubi's eyes grew wide, she even gasped. "Oh my god, Miki!", she hurried over, taking her best friend's hands.

"Are you...?!", she began to ask, excited. "I'm almost positive I am...I've been throwing up, and my period's late. My period's never been late before, Rubi...", Mikasa replied.

She was smiling, practically glowing. "Oh Miki...I'm so happy for you", Rubi cried, beaming, as the girls hugged then.

"Does Eren know yet?", Rubi asked after the girls broke apart softly. "I want to wait until I know for sure...", Mikasa replied.

"Here, I'll help you pick out a brand Miki. Mom knows all the best ones", Rubi assured her friend then. "Thanks Rubi", Mikasa smiled, grateful.

The girls ended up buying five of the best brand. They wanted to be extra safe, in case one was broken or faulty.

After taking the tests, Mikasa and Rubi anxiously waited in the dorm. Eren and Armin had gone out, although didn't say where.

"Eren, what's this about?", Armin asked, the two walking in town. Eren sighed. "Armin...listen", he stopped walking, looking at his best friend.

"I'm...going to propose to Mikasa on graduation day", Eren revealed then. Armin's eyes widened, as he even gasped.

"Seriously?! Really, Eren? That's great!", Armin grinned, happy for his friends. "Yeah, but I want to pick her out a really beautiful ring...", Eren explained, nervously.

Armin smiled, seeing how nervous his friend was. "We've both known Mikasa since we were kids, I'll help you out Eren", Armin said. Eren grinned.

"Thanks Armin, you're the best. But listen, this is a secret! You can't say a thing to Mikasa, or Rubi!", Eren told him, quite seriously.

"Its a promise!", Armin nodded.

Back at the dorm, Rubi and Mikasa were in the bedroom. Mikasa was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest, looking at all the positive pregnancy tests.

She was smiling, still in shock. Rubi was sat in a sort of bean bag pillow fort, doing the math. "It would seem you're exactly one month pregnant, Miki", she concluded.

"Rubi, I'm gonna wait until Graduation day to tell Eren. I want it to be you can't tell him. Or Armin. Promise?", Mikasa asked.

"I promise, Miki", Rubi smiled, excited. Mikasa's eyes softened, her hand on her stomach.

Soon Graduation Day came, and everyone passed. Mikasa had already been to the doctors, and they double confirmed for her she was pregnant.

As the graduation ceremony ended, Eren moved through his friends, to find Mikasa. Armin was gently holding Rubi's hands, pressing his forehead to hers, while Sasha ate a riceball, sharing it with Connie.

Jean and Marco were laughing together, while Ymir held Krista close, grinning.

Eren blinked then, his phone going off. He looked to see a text from Mikasa.

"I'm over by the Sakura Tree"

Eren smiled, he hurried over to it. Mikasa was standing under it, the wind breezing through her black hair. She was wearing her red scarf, as it breezed in the wind as well.

She looked over at Eren, and smiled. "Eren!", she called him over.

Eren grinned, running up to her. "We actually did it...", he said, relieved. "No more exams", Mikasa chuckled softly.

Rubi and Armin were actually both spying from afar, hiding behind one of the trees. Armin blinked. "Rubi, what are you doing here?", he asked.

Rubi looked at her boyfriend. "Well, what are you doing here?", she asked him back.

"Eren's going to propose, I went with him to pick out a ring last week!", Armin replied excitedly.

"Really?!", Rubi cried, smiling. "Yeah...but why are you spying?", Armin asked, confused. Rubi bit her lip.

"Miki's pregnant, Armin", she revealed. "Eh...? WHAT?!", Armin yelled, shocked.

"Keep it down!", Rubi nudged him, as they two watched their friends.

Mikasa looked at Eren then, their eyes locking. "Actually there's...", they both started at the same time. They both blushed, and chuckled.

"You first, Eren", Mikasa told him. Eren hesitated, he swallowed hard then. "Mikasa...", he then took her hands.

Mikasa blinked softly, looking at him.

"I love much. We've been through so much're everything to me, Mika. You...complete my life", Eren said softly.

Mikasa felt more color reach her cheeks, her heart skipping a beat...where was he going with this?

"It's..kinda ironic, baby. When I was a kid, I didn't care about anyone but myself. I was just a delinquent brat who played video games, and had an attitude. changed me...", Eren gently caressed her scar.

Mikasa gazed into his eyes, listening.

Eren took a deep breath then. He reached in his pocket then. Mikasa watched, as Eren got down on one knee.

Mikasa's entire figure froze, as she forgot to breathe, her eyes widening. No...he wasn't...he...couldn't be...she actually felt her heart race in her chest.

Eren opened the small box, inside was a beautiful silver engagement ring.

"Mikasa...I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much...will you marry me?", Eren asked then.

Mikasa's eyes widened, as she gasped. She clasped her hands over her mouth, her shoulders trembling, as tears sparkled in her eyes. Tears of happiness.

"Eren...! Yes!", she cried, sniffling. Eren smiled, he stood up, and gently slipped the ring over her finger.

"Eren...!", Mikasa then wrapped her arms around his neck, as they shared a sweet kiss. Mikasa choked back a sob, as Eren lifted her then, spinning her, as they both laughed.

"I have been terrified for a week about this...", Eren admitted, looking so relieved, as he gently set her back on her feet.

"I love you so much Eren...this is what I've always wanted", cried Mikasa. Eren smiled, he then blinked.

"Oh...what did you want to tell me, baby?", he asked. He wondered what it could be...nothing could top what he had to say. At least...that's what Eren thought.

Mikasa smiled, her eyes softened, as she looked down for a moment, trying to think of a way to tell him.

Eren blinked...something about Mikasa's expression...was different. She almost...seemed to be glowing.

"Eren...", Mikasa then took a deep breath, she took his hand suddenly. Eren looked confused at first, as Mikasa guided it to her stomach.

She placed his hand over it, her own hand over his, as she then looked at him.

Eren paused for a second, before it registered. His eyes suddenly widened, as his heart felt like it stopped.

He looked at Mikasa in the eye. "'re...", he started, in complete disbelief.

Mikasa smiled. "I'm pregnant Eren...we're going to have a baby", she revealed.

Eren starred at his fiancee, at first in complete shock. His mind even went blank for a moment.

Mikasa...his Mikasa...was pregnant? She...was carrying a baby inside her? A new life? Eren realized...and even remembered Mikasa mentioned a month ago she forgot to take her pill.

They only had sex once last month, so they didn't worry about it.

But only takes one time.

"Eren...?", Mikasa asked softly, a little nervous. Eren's eyes lit up then. "Oh Mikasa!", he then hugged her, as Mikasa released a relieved laugh, hugging him back.

"Are...are you serious!? We're really...going to be parents?", Eren asked her, as they gently broke apart. " me. I took five tests. I'm a month in", Mikasa replied, smiling.

Eren looked at her in awe, he then gently cupped her face.

"Mikasa...I'm so happy...", he cried.

Mikasa smiled, as the two shared a tender kiss under the Sakura tree. It was a happy beginning for them both.

Author's Note: Omg guys I'm so happy with this, the Family Arc will begin very soon this week! Thanks for all the reviews and support this reboot has been getting!