The rain fell in sheets but Mika did not feel the wetness or the cold. She was numb all over as she continued to race through the forest, her hair plastered to her scalp. She was willing herself to keep moving forward. All she wanted to do was dash back to the lake where Knoton, Ichante and Honon were.

"Mika, go!" Knoton's desperate command echoed in her ears. "Don't turn back." Ichante's last instruction to her. Honon taking off like a shot to save Knoton. They were always right, she told herself fiercely. It was the best decision to leave them behind. If she had stayed, they would be worried about her safety. Still, tears leaked from the corner of her eyes as she brushed away branches and ferns. She never felt so helpless in her life.

A strong hand gripped her elbow and she looked up. Magnus stared down at her, his blue eyes calm and authoritative. "Your brother, your cousin and your friend will be fine. Your father said they were the best warriors he had ever seen." Mika was glad Magnus was with her. In fact, she was relieved Ross and Catriona were with her, too. The group have been making their way north through the heavy downpour towards the cabin for the past two hours without rest. Growing up in the Scottish Highlands had helped the Murrays develop impressive stamina and endurance. Mika was relieved she was not alone. However, the scene of Knoton scrambling to the shore, unarmed, as the renegade band flocked down towards him, stayed in her mind.

Ichante gritted his teeth as he clambered over a large rock, his feet steady and firm despite the slippery surface. Knoton's head drooped on his shoulder, his breathing weak and raspy. He and Honon had been taking turns to carry Knoton, who remained unconscious. They had bandaged him as best as they could at the lake and wrapped him in several layers of their shirts to keep him warm. They had managed to partially staunch the bleeding but he had already suffered significant blood loss. Knoton was deathly pale and his skin was icy. The rain had not helped. If they did not get him to the cabin soon, he was going to suffer hypothermia on top of blood loss.

Ichante paused to catch his breath as Honon carefully took Knoton from him. Ichante checked Knoton's wound and was sucked in a breath of relief when he saw that the blood flow had lessened to a trickle and was not gushing like it was before. As Honon heaved Knoton over his back, Ichante muttered into Knoton's ear, "I promised Mika that I would keep you safe. Don't you dare make me break my vow, Knot."

Twelve years ago

Knoton approached the communal area of the Delaware camp. His grandmother had informed him that their Mohican visitors had arrived. Apparently, they visited regularly but Knoton had not met them before. His grandmother had also told him there were two boys around his age and he was eager to meet them. He saw a blond woman coming out of a wigwam with a brave, their arms linked. He could hear them conversing softly in English. This must be the English wife of the Mohican warrior that he overheard his grandmother and her friends gossiping about.

Knoton was about to scoop himself a bowl of soup when he heard an angelic voice pierce the stillness with song. He turned around curiously and saw a white girl with silvery blond curls, who looked several years younger than his twelve years, huddled in the lap of an elderly brave, singing her heart out. The elder had to be Chingachcook, the legendary Mohican warrior. As she sang, Knoton realised it was a hymn he had heard before at church in Albany where he used to attend mass with his father. Only that he had sung it in Dutch and the girl was currently singing it in English. He found himself humming along under his breath. He felt strangely happy. He had found someone with something in common with him at the Delaware camp after all. The little English girl with the voice of an angel.


Knoton tried to open his eyes but he could not. In fact, all he could feel was a fiery pain wracking through his body. He could not breathe. He felt like ice though his heart was burning… Mika's glacial eyes sparkling with affection. "I missed you. Did you miss me?" Her lilting voice mocked him gently in his abyss of agony. Mika…

The cabin finally came into view. Mika leapt up the stairs and pounded on the door furiously, "Mama! Papa! Grandfather!" The door flew open immediately and Chingachcook stood on the other side. Mika collapsed into her grandfather's arms, her teeth chattering, "Knot… Ichante… Honon…" Chingachcook quickly snagged a thick blanket hanging on a rack and wrapped it around his granddaughter.

Magnus, Ross and Catriona stumbled through the door behind her just as Alice and Uncas appeared behind Chingachcook. Alice immediately rushed inside the room to retrieve more blankets while Uncas questioned Ross stoically, "Where are the others?" Ross coughed, "Knoton got attacked by the lake by the renegade warriors. Honon and Craven went to help him. They told us to head for the cabin first and protect the women." "It was the right decision. We don't know how many of them there are, "Uncas stated coolly

"There was so many of them, Papa. Knot… Knot was swimming and I…" Mika spilled as she huddled in her grandfather's warm, sturdy embrace. Chingachcook stroked her hair comfortingly as he nodded at Alice, "Prepare boiling water. Ready the bandages and medicinal herbs. They may be injured." Catriona went to Alice immediately, "Let me help you." The women started running around the cabin, gathering things. Uncas grimly stared outside at the blustering storm. He hope the three young men were nearing the cabin.

Honon growled, "Damn the storm." Ichante grunted in agreement as he forged ahead, clearing the path for his cousin who hefted Knoton. They were just minutes away from the cabin. He and Honon were exhausted. They had taken a longer route to avoid steep inclines as they did not want to risk dropping Knoton if they should slip. They halted in unison, panting slightly. Ichante swung around to look at Honon, "Don't blame yourself. You would have done the same thing for him. I would have done the same thing for both of you."

Honon bit his lip, "I know. It's just that…" he trailed off before angling his head to observe Knoton's bloodless complexion. "Mika's gonna lose her mind if Knot doesn't… she is gonna…" Honon broke off, clutching Knoton tighter to him. "Don't. Knot is stronger than that. Mika is stronger than that, "Ichante expressed staunchly. Honon sighed and started walking again, "I wish we could send our distress signal but I'm worried there are more of them. Your father and grandfather would be able to help us carry Knoton quicker to the cabin." Ichante silently concurred and resumed trekking forward.

Uncas saw a flash of movement beyond the clearing, "They're here." He darted out of the cabin, armed with his tomahawk and rifle. One could never be too careful. He could hear Chingachcook running behind him. He reached the group and immediately noticed Knoton slung over Honon's back. The boy was seriously injured. Uncas could tell he was barely breathing and he was as pale as a sheet. "Give him to me. I'll carry him back to the cabin," Uncas instructed urgently. Chingachcook and Ichante carefully peeled Knoton off Honon and draped him on Uncas. Once Knoton was on him, Uncas took off in a dead run towards the cabin. His father, son and nephew pounded through the rain at his heels.

"Alice!" Uncas hollered as he entered the cabin. His wife was by the fire and raised her head when she heard his voice. She gasped when she saw Knoton and jumped to her feet. Catriona, who was beside her covered her mouth with a cry. Uncas headed straight into the nearest bedroom and deposited Knoton on the bed. Alice stumbled into the room and started to help him undress Knoton. Ross and Magnus, who were cleaning up in the next room, materialised next to Uncas. "Good god…" Ross breathed when he saw Knoton on the bed, pale and unmoving. Magnus cursed when Alice unwrapped the bandage, "Bloody hell. He was shot." Chingachcook stepped into the room and bended over Knoton to examine the wound, his hands running over Knoton's torso to check for other injuries.

"Lady Mikayla! The men have arrived!" Catriona crashed through the door of Mika's bedroom. Mika, who was soaking in a tub of water, scrambled out and dried herself quickly. She hastily pulled a clean dress over her head and ran out of her room. She saw Ross hovering outside the guest room. She pushed past him and stopped in her tracks when she saw Knoton sprawled lifelessly on the bed, a huge gaping wound near his heart. Mika dropped to her knees beside the bed and gently thumbed his cheek. His skin felt like ice. "Knot? Can you hear me?" Mika croaked, her voice trembling. His breathing was shallow and his lips were tinged blue.

Alice and Chingachcook were getting ready to treat his wound, which had begun to bleed again. Uncas gripped his daughter's shoulder, "He was shot. He lost a lot of blood. We have to disinfect the wound and sew him up." Honon and Ichante went around the other side of the bed. They had changed to dry clothes. "We tried to stop the bleeding as much as we could but he just wouldn't wake up, "Honon informed mutedly. "He's young. He's strong. He will be fine," Ichante issued gruffly, looking at his sister, who looked as if her world had collapsed around her. He watched as she picked up Knoton's hand and laced her fingers through his, her grip so tight that her knuckles turned white. Chingachcook glanced up, "Alice and I will treat him. The rest of you leave the room. We need space to move around. Ichante, help your father with the herbs." "We'll keep the water boiling," Honon said before turning to leave. "Let me stay. Please," Mika whispered pleadingly. "Stay," Chingachook replied kindly, patting her back.

By the time Alice and Chingachcook was done with Knoton, Mika's face was soaked with tears. Knoton remained delirious, but had jerked and roared in pain a couple times as his wound was disinfected and stitched up. Fortunately, he passed out halfway, his entire body glistened with sweat. Alice lay a hand on his forehead, "He has a fever now. He is fighting infection. We did not manage to disinfect the wound completely." "I'll get the medicine," Chingachcook uttered before padding out of the room. "I'll get a basin of water and cloth. We need to sponge him to keep his temperature down," Alice said and left the room, too. Mika sat by Knoton on the bed, and stroked his hair which was damp with perspiration. She wanted to say something encouraging to him but no words came to her. As she brushed away his hair from his face, her other hand clutched one of his hands that balanced on top of the bandage. She kissed his cheek tenderly, "Don't leave me, Knot."

Alice paused at the door of the room with a basin of water in her arms. She watched as her daughter lovingly caressed Knoton's bare shoulder, her eyes brimming with fear and pain. Uncas came up and hugged her from behind, "Knot will be fine. He is a fighter." Alice sighed and leaned against his chest, "She reminds me of me all those years ago… when you were fighting for your life at the camp. I never moved from your side, begging you not to die. Begging God not to let you die." Uncas dropped a kiss on her forehead, "I heard you. Your God heard you. I'm sure Knot can hear Mika, too." 'He lost so much blood," Alice's breath hitched. Uncas replied calmly, "So did I and I survived." "Mika can't lose him…" Alice stammered and her husband yanked her tighter to him, "She won't."

"You need to eat. Go outside. I'll watch him." Mika peered up tiredly at Honon, who hovered over her, his expression glum. It was fast approaching the second night since Knoton was brought back to the cabin, and he remained unconscious though his breathing had stabilised. He pulled up a chair next to her and sat down, "He got shot trying to save me. I'm sorry, Mika." Mika wrapped her arms around him, "It's not your fault. I'm glad you and Ichante aren't badly hurt. You would have done the same for Knot." A ghost of a smile flitted across Honon's face, "He was right to send you back first from the lake. You can fight but those are seasoned, ruthless warriors. He would be distracted trying to protect you." Mika slumped against Honon, "There were so many of them, Honon. I just left him there…" Honon shook his head, "You came back to get us. It was the best way."

"Are you all right?" Mika raised her head when she heard Magnus' voice. She was spooning some stew from a pot in the kitchen since Honon practically threatened to carry her out of the room if she did not do so herself to have some food. It was just a few minutes to midnight. Ichante, Ross and Chingachcook slept in a huddle on the floor in front of the fireplace. Catriona was sleeping in Mika's bedroom. Uncas and Alice were in their bedroom. Everyone was drained.

She flashed him a wan smile, "Yes. Would you like some?" Magnus took the bowl she extended to him and swallowed a spoonful. He watched silently as Mika did the same. "I do not stand a chance, do I?" he remarked abruptly. Mika answered honestly, "No, I love Knoton. But I admit I was attracted to you in London. You are a good man, Magnus. Very handsome, too." "Thank you," Magnus responded dryly as he made a dramatic show of rolling his eyes. Mika could not help laughing. He was truly a dear. Magnus held out his hand, "Friends, then?" Mika stepped closer to give him a warm hug, "Always."

Knoton stirred, his entire body aching. What had happened to him? He blinked in confusion at the bandage swathed across his middle and everything came back to him. Mika. At the lake. The rifle aimed at Honon. He felt a weight on his left and shifted his attention there. Mika was fast asleep, her hair in a messy bun atop her head, dark shadows under eyes. Her head was propped on his thigh. Mika. He dreamt about her when he thought he was going to die. He refused to die before he could tell her how he felt about her. That he loved her more than anything in the world.

Mika felt something trail over her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at the long, tanned fingers resting on her skin. Jerking her head up, she gasped when she saw Knot gazing at her, his eyes suspiciously wet. "Did you miss me?" he croaked, his voice hoarse. Overwhelming relief swamped Mika and she could not find words. She simply laced her fingers through his and held him tight, tears pouring down her cheeks. "I missed you. So darned much that I couldn't die," he husked, his eyes bright with emotion. Mika's breath hitched. Love. So much love. She got to her feet shakily and gingerly arranged herself next to him on the bed. Sliding her arms around him, she kissed his cheek and cuddled against his side. "I love you, Mika." Knot whispered reverently as he kissed her forehead. Mika did not reply. She knew he had known her heart for a long time. She was simply waiting for him to acknowledge his.

Ichante stood at the door of the bedroom, smiling at his beloved sister and best friend fused together on the bed. It had taken Knot a brush with death to realise how much Mika meant to him. His parents came up next to him. "He loves her, does he not?" Alice said, her face glowing with happiness. Uncas kissed her forehead, "Yes, he does. So much he couldn't die." Mika and Knoton shared a rare love just like them and he could not be happier.

The End

I thought I'll finish this story first before working on To Believe. Thanks to all for your patience and notes of encouragement. Life has just been too busy for me to update more quickly! XXXOOOO