All completed enjoy! Updated every day!

JoJo Offerman jumped as her best friend let out an excited yell. She shook her head making her wild light brown curls brush her shoulders. "And you had the audacity to ask why I didn't want to come out with you tonight. This is why."

Her pink haired best friend, Sasha laughed. "Oh come on! You need to live a little! All you do is work, go home, then get up and do it all over again."

"What can I say? I love my job."

"To the point of insanity, that's why I dragged you out tonight. Now, let's go inside and have some fun."

JoJo stifled a sigh. "Okay, but as long as you promise we won't need bail money by the end of the night."

Sasha laughed and stepped inside of the bar. JoJo bowed her head and said a prayer for serenity once she realized her friend hadn't promised to stay out of trouble. Then she took a deep breath and stepped inside.

The blast of loud music nearly ruptured her eardrums and she fought back the urge to cough as the thick layer of cigarette smoke assailed her. As she handed the bouncer her ID, she did her best to smile instead of grimacing.

He handed the card back to her. "Have a good time."

JoJo walked over to where Sasha stood. "Come on, let's get this over with."

Her friend shook her head. "Really, JoJo? You do realize we're here to have fun, right?"

"Then we should be back at my place watching a movie and enjoying a large pizza with the works."

"Something is really wrong with you."

JoJo laughed. "I know. But remember, the first step is to admit you have a problem."

"Please don't make me regret dragging you out tonight."

"If have to suffer, so do you," JoJo responded.

"Come on crazy woman. Let's get a drink. Perhaps that will help you loosen up a little."

She followed her best friend over to the bar. The guy behind the bar was cute but he'd clearly chosen a T-shirt that was one size too small. But considering the number of women surrounding the bar with neon signs of interest in their eyes, it was working. A few minutes later he acknowledged them.

"What can I get you ladies?"

"Let me have a Sexy Devil," Sasha stated.

"I'll take a coke," JoJo replied.

"With what?" The bartender asked.

"Just a coke," she retorted.

"Are you the designated driver?"

"No. We took a cab," she stated

The look of shock that appeared on his face was amusing.

"She's kidding. Make it two Sexy Devil's please."

The bartender walked away before JoJo could refute the request. She turned to look at Sasha.

"A drink called Sexy Devil? Seriously? That sounds like it will make you do things that'll land you in jail without bail."

"Exactly," Sasha retorted. "That's the entire point. Now, all I'm asking is that you have one drink and I won't bother you for the rest of the night."

JoJo stifled a sigh. While she loved her best friend to pieces, it was moments like this when she wanted to strangle her. Then again, if it hadn't been for Sasha, she wouldn't have experienced half of the most interesting and death defying things in her life.

But at age Twenty-two her perspective on life was changing. She was financially stable and had a good job she truly enjoyed doing. Now she was open to the next phase. While she hadn't been on a date in a while she was open to the possibility as long it was with the right guy.

She did a casual perusal of the bar. There were a few cute guys there, but none that piqued her interest. She was okay with that because she didn't expected to find the guy she wanted to pursue a serious relationship with in a place like this.

A few moments later their drinks were placed on the bar. Sasha handed the bartender enough money to pay for the drinks and leave a decent tip.

"Thanks," Sasha called out over the music, before handing the drinks to JoJo. "Here you go. Now, let's find a place to sit."

JoJo followed her friend over to a somewhat secluded booth. Once she was settled, she took a tentative sip. It burned, and while she managed to hold back a gasp, her eyes began to water.

"Oh my God, Sasha! What's in this?"

"Alcohol. Lots of it."

JoJo shook her head and set the drink down. Based on how strong the drink was, all she would need was one. Otherwise she might not be able to see straight, let alone walk.

She sat and tried to relax as the alcohol burned its way through her system. Glancing around the bar, she took in the people before her. The women seemed to outnumber the men two-to-one, but it was still early.

"Now aren't you glad I made you come out tonight?"

"The jury is still out on that, Sasha. If we manage to make it through the night without getting hit on by a drunk or a fight breaking out, then I'll consider this a successful girls night out."

Sasha took a sip of her drink. "Queen Hart isn't that kind of place."

"With a name like that, I'm sure you'll forgive my skepticism."

Sasha shook her head, then began to move to the beat of a popular dance song playing over the sound system JoJo continued her scrutiny of the bar. She had to admit that most of the patrons looked innocent enough. Perhaps they could make it out tonight unscathed.

She'd just reached for her drink when a loud cheer went up across the bar. Glancing over, she saw a tall, muscular guy heading toward a group of men that occupied a few tables near the edge of the dance floor. They all looked muscular, some of them with long hair that just screamed Wrestler. Which didn't surprise , Florida was the base for the WWE developmental center, if you wanted to see a wrestler of two this was the place to be.

Not wanting to appear nosey, she returned her attention to her drink and focused on attempting to finish it. One thing was certain; this would be the only alcoholic beverage she had. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to walk out on her own.

Seth Rollins spotted some of the men from WWE as soon as he entered the Queen Hart. Going out to have a drink hadn't been at the top of his "to-do" list of how he wanted to spend his last night stateside. However, he knew a few members of his company had made plans to meet up and have a few drinks before they shipped out in the morning.

While he wasn't much of a party guy, the least he could do was show up and stay for a little while. It would be the last time they could relax and have a good time without being on high alert around the would all have to go back on the road after this, and unfortunately, they knew what to expect.

He smiled as a cheer went up when they spotted him. "Either you all are drunk or I need to get out more often."

"Probably a little of both, Seth."

He chuckled as he took an empty chair. A few moments later a waitress came up to the table and he ordered a beer. Once it was in his hand, he took a sip, settled in and began to half listen to the conversation most of the group was currently involved in.

He took another swig of his beer, only to stop as his gaze landed on a woman across the room. A grimace was on her face as a result from a sip of the drink she'd just taken. The woman across the table from her grinned at her friend's reaction. Both women were beautiful. Yet the first one he'd spotted had his attention.

He studied her for a few moments. While the lighting wasn't the best, he could tell she was very nice looking. The booth hid her body, but that wouldn't be a problem for long.

His strong reaction to the woman halfway across the room shocked him a little. As a career Wrestler, he'd intentionally avoided any entanglements that would lead to marriage or children. Years as a WWE superstar had allowed him to witness just how hard it was to keep a family together.

As one of the top guys in WWE, the skill sets that he and the talented men in the company were a hot commodity.

His job was the best, but at times it could be tiring and lonely. He always saw how the men in the company would often stray and ultimately tear the family apart. So he'd vowed to avoid attachments. It was something he'd proven to be good at.

The longer he stared at the woman across the room, the more red flags began to go up in his head. Something about her screamed stay away. Yet, something on a more primitive level said he should go over, introduce himself, and see what happened.

He tensed as another guy walked up to the table to speak with the ladies. Both women smiled and were friendly, but it soon became apparent to the guy that they weren't interested. When he moved on, Seth relaxed again. The instant a second guy approached the table; Seth knew what he had to do. While he could only offer the woman who'd captured his attention one night before he shipped out for six months, he'd make sure it'd be a night neither of them forgot.