Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I own any of the characters. If I did, Snape would have married Voldemort. (I'm just kidding about that, I love Snape.)

Harry's cries pierced the blanket of silence that covered the crisp night air. His aunt and uncle never wanted him, thus they decided to ship him away, "Shut up freak!" Uncle Vernon harshly whispered at the crying baby.

The harsh words just made Harry cry even louder, he didn't know why these people hated him so much. They had their own kid, Dudley, they treated him like a king. Vernon had left his child at home with a babysitter who had not questioned him.

Harry felt a cold breeze hit his face as the couple walked forward, braving the cold of the night. It was early November, the couple had just received the baby and only had him for a week before they decided that they didn't want to take care of him. I can't believe my wife had a sister that was a wizard. I can't believe I have to take care of this stupid child," Uncle Vernon thought to himself.

Soon enough, the couple had reached one of the biggest parks in London. "We're going to leave him here and scram before the Child Protection Services show up," Aunt Petunia mumbled, her husband nodding his head. Seeing one of the wooden park benches, they set the basket down harshly before running off.

The footsteps of the psychotic couple rang in the air as they run off, leaving the unwanted child behind. Harry was quite cold, the only thing keeping him warm was a sodden diaper and a damp onesie. It felt severely different from being with his parents, they had tended to his every need, whether it be his hunger, his desire to be held, or a mess in his diaper. Despite only being with these parents for the week, whenever he cried, he was told harshly to "shut the hell up, freak". Sometimes he was even slapped. Without anything else to do, Harry found himself crying, his screeches echoing throughout the quiet night.

Sirius Black was walking along one of the muggle sidewalks. He had been unable to sleep, the remnants of abuse were fresh in his mind. His parents had beaten him for being who he was. Sometimes he had the unforgivable curses used on him. Hehad allowed himself to be used as a door-mat before he had enough and ran away from home one day. That was the best decision he had ever made.

His sensitive ears picked up on the sound of someone crying. I must be hallucinating, Sirius thought to himself, but he heard it again. He was near one of the biggest parks in muggle London and it was almost unlikely that someone would dare to leave their child alone. It's not impossible, Sirius thought to himself.

All Harry wanted at this point was for someone to notice him, someone to hold him. He shivered at the memory of the people that just left him here, they had only fed him once a day, causing him to constantly be hungry. In that moment, his stomach rumbled, demonstrating his hunger for food. He knew no one was going to give it to him, he was all alone, yet his instincts made him cry louder, his screams piercing the air.

At this point, Sirius knew he wasn't hallucinating and he knew he wasn't alone in the midnight. He shivered from the cold and using his wand, he casted a warning spell which immediately warmed him up. Standing still, Sirius let the warmth flow through him, flowing from his heart to go fingertips. He sighed in relief as he kept on moving, following the sharp cries. He felt bad for the child, he couldn't identify being treated like this as a baby, but when he was sorted into Gryffindor, things had changed for Sirius Black. Curly hair trailed behind the young and tall man as he ran, following the cries to a park bench.

Harry stared into the strangers blue eyes, his own green eyes startling. He stopped crying just for a minute as the stranger picked up his basket and headed away to somewhere else. Sirius had picked up the baby and apparated home to the house that he shared with his lover, Remus Lupin.

Sirius gently took the baby out of his basket and was shocked by how cold the body seemed. Looking around the two bedroom flat for something that he could set the baby down on, Sirius set the baby down on the couch as he knocked on the door to the bedroom that he shared with Remus. "Remus, I found a baby," Sirius yelled, hoping his lover would wake up and acknowledge him.

Remus grumbled as he dragged his feet out of his bed. Sirius had never told him that he was going out and he was a little pissed. He didn't want to get out of the bed, the covers were warm and felt nice on his body, yet he had to see what Sirius had brought home. He secretly hoped that Sirius was joking, yet Remus had heard a tone of seriousness in Sirius' voice.

Sirius was glad to see Remus out of bed. Sirius picked up the baby, wrapping him in one of the blankets and showed the baby to Remus. "Remus, I found him at the park. Surely we can raise him," Sirius whispered, a glimmer of hope in his melodious voice.

Remus worried, "Well I don't want to endanger him with my 'furry little problem'. You know how that can get out of control at times."

Sirius swept the hair of the baby out of his face and saw a scar. It looked familiar, and then he realized something. This wasn't just any baby, it was Harry Potter. Someone had abandoned him. "Blimey, it's Harry Potter," Sirius called to Remus, an unpleasant smell wafting to his nose.

"Really, Sirius, you aren't really funny- Oh it's actually him!" Remus yelled, completely surprised. He had thought Dumbledore had left Harry with loving relatives, yet those relatives had failed Harry.

Sirius unwrapped Harry out of the blanket, and noticed how damp his onesie was. He undid it quickly and realized that Harry's diaper had leaked all over the onesie. "Oh for crying out loud," Sirius yelled, causing Harry to start crying again, "I didn't mean it, shhhhhh Harry. Remus can you see if you can find some diapers, Harry probably should have some."

Remus knew for a fact that the house didn't have any diapers in it at all, so he took out his wand, found a sock and transformed it into a diaper for the young boy. "I used one of your socks and transfigured it into a diaper," Remus called, running to the living room, "Although, you probably have no idea how to do this yourself."

Sirius nodded, he had no idea how to change a diaper. He had no intentions to. Yet there was something about Remus' tone that told him that he better learn soon.