"I ask nicely and she refuses." Adrien growled as he marched into his room. "What does she want me to do? Beg?! Like I'd do that!" He grabbed the mirror. "Show her to me!"

An image of Marinette appeared in the mirror. She was in her room talking with Pollen.

"You know Adrien isn't really all that bad." She said. "Why don't you give him a chance?"

"Why? Did he give my father a chance?" She asked angrily. "I don't want anything to do with him."

The image faded.

"I am fool!" He growled. "She'll never see me as anything as a monster!"

He looked miserably at the rose as another petal.

"It's hopeless." He sighed.


Later on Marinette eventually did become hungry and decided to leave her room. Plagg who was on watch cat duty would've stopped her but he got a little...distracted.

"Oh no." Tikki giggled as Plagg kissed her tiny hand and up her tiny arm.

"Oh yes." He teased.

"Oh no."

"Oh yes, yes, yes."

"Oh no! I've been scratched by you before."

Just then they saw that Marinette's bedroom was empty.

"Je ta lo! She has emerged!" Plagg gasped.

Marinette made her way downstairs to the kitchen where Trixx the cook was having a fit.

"I work and I slave all day long and for what? A masterpiece gone to waste!" She complained.

"Oh stop your fussing." Duusu said. "It's been a long night for all of us."

"Well if you ask me she was just being stubborn after all he did say please." Wayzz said.

"True but you must admit she has a good influence on him. I do believe that's the first time he's said please in a longtime." Duusu said.

"You're right."

"But if he doesn't learn to control that temper he'll never break the- oh! Hello dear." Duusu said as she watched Marinette enter the kitchen.

"Splendid to see you out and about Miss." Wayzz said. "I am Wayzz the head of the household at your service."

He offered her his hand but Plagg beat him to it.

"This is Plagg." He said annoyed.

"Enchante Cheri." Plagg said kissing her hand.

"Oh stop that! Now Marinette is there anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable?"

"I am a little hungry." Marinette admitted.

"You are?" Duusu said excitedly. "Wonderful! Trixx start up the oven while I prepare the tea."

"Wait! Wait! Adrien said she can't eat!" Wayzz protested.

"Wayzz we can't just starve her." Plagg said. "She's not a prisoner, she's our guest. We must make her welcome." He led her to the dining room. "Right this way Marinette."

"Thank you." She said.

She sat at the dining table while a fantastic meal was prepared for her. She enjoyed every last bite. Then she asked if the kwamis would give her a tour of the castle. The castle was very beautiful, Marinette wondered how such a magnificent place could be home to such a cruel monster.

"What's up there?" She asked pointing to a stairway in the shadows.

"Oh that's nothing!" Plagg said nervously.

"Yes absolutely nothing in the west wing!" Wayzz added at an equally nervous tone.

"So that's the west wing." She said smiling.

"Nice going shell brain." Plagg scoffed.

"I wonder what he's hiding up there." She said curiosily.

"Hiding? Adrien isn't hiding anything." Plagg said.

"Then why would it be forbidden?"


"Because it just is!" Duusu interrupted. "Now why don't you go off to bed dear?"

"Yes you must be exhausted." Wayzz said. "See you in the morning."

"Sleep well." Tikki said.


She headed toward her room but once she was sure the kwamis were gone she made her way upstairs into the west wing. She felt a chill shiver down her body as she walked down the corridor. Once she reached the door she began to think that maybe this wasn't a good idea but her curiousity surpassed her judgment so she opened the door.

Inside was a dark and cold room with scratches on the wall. The curtains and bedsheets were torn to shreds and the furniture was turned over and broken. She found a book on the floor and picked it up. It was a book of poetry and inside it was written: To our beloved prince, Happy Birthday. Love Nino, Alya, The Gorilla, Nathalie, Daniel, Rose, and Juleka your faithful servants.

"Who are these people?" She thought. "And what prince are they talking about?"

She looked around more and found a scratched up portrait of a young man. His hair was golden blonde and his eyes were green. As she looked at those eyes she couldn't help but noticed that they looked very familiar. Where had she seen those eyes before? But the thought was quickly forgotten when a light caught her eye. On a table inside a bell jar was a glowing red rose with black spots on it's petals, a black stem, and green thorns. Amazed by it's beauty, she removed the bell jar and reached out to touch it. Suddenly she tripped over some rubble and almost knocked over the table but managed to regain her balance in time.

"What have you don't to it!" Out of nowhere Adrien quickly slammed the bell jar back on and looked at her with firey eyes. "Why did you come here?"

"I'm...I'm sorry."

"I warned you never to come here!"

"I didn't mean any harm. I only wanted to look at it."

"Do you realize what you could've done!" He growled. "Cataclysm!"

Marinette watched in horror as he destroyed everything in the room with just one touch.

"Please stop!" She pleaded.

"GET OUT!" He roared. "GET OUT!"

Marinette ran out of that room as fast as she could. It was only when she was gone that Adrien finally calmed down and realized what he had done. As for Marinette she had never been so frightened in all her life and decided she needed to get out of here as soon as possible. She grabbed her cloak and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Plagg asked her.

"Promise or no promise!" She cried. "I can't stay here another minute!"

"Wait! Stop! You'll be eaten by the wolves if you go out there!" Wayzz warned.

But she was already gone. She hopped on Erik and he went off through the snowy woods. It wasn't long before they were being chased by the vicious wolves. Erik ran as fast as his hooves could carry him but the pack of wolves were much faster than him. One startled Erik into throwing Marinette off and on to the ground. The wolves stared at her with their yellow eyes and snarled at her with their dripping fangs. The scariest one lunged for her, she screamed and closed her eyes but didn't feel the wolf attack her.

She opened her eyes to see Adrien fighting off any wolf that dared to come near her. The wolves combined were no match for Adrien's beast like strength. Their leader jumped up and bit him on the arm, in response he threw him against a tree knocking him out. With their leader defeated the pack retreated. Adrien looked at her while panting heavily.

"I'm..." He breathed. "I'm sorry."

Then he collapsed into the snow. This was it, Marinette's chance to escape all she had to do was just get on Erik and leave but her mother had taught her to always forgive and never abandon someone who's hurt. True he had forced her to leave behind her father and her life to mention he was very rude and unkind to her but despite that a Marinette couldn't bring herself to leave him especially after he saved her life.

With forgiveness and compassion in her heart, she helped him on to Erik's back and took him back to the castle where she would tend to his wounds. Duusu filled a bowl with water and Marinette soaked a rag in it.

"Okay just hold still." Marinette brought the rag toward him but Adrien wouldn't stop moving and she ended up pressing down hard on accident.

"OWWW! That hurts!" Adrien roared.

"If you'd hold still it wouldn't hurt as much!" Marinette cried.

"Well if you hadn't of run away this wouldn't have happened!"

"If you hadn't frightened me I wouldn't have run away!"

"Well...Well you shouldn't have been in the west wing!"

"Well you should learn to control your temper! Now hold still this might sting but I don't clean it, it will get an infection."

She gently cleaned his wound with the rag. Adrien hissed in pain but kept still until she was done.

"By the way thank you for saving my life."

"You're...You're welcome."

Marinette then wrapped his arm up with a bandage.

"There we go. It should be better in a few days." Marinette said. "Now get some rest, we've had a long day."

Adrien nodded and departed to his bedroom.

"Thank you very much for helping him Miss." Duusu said. "It means a lot to us."

"His eyes." Marinette sighed. "They look so sad. Like all the happiness has vanished, why is he like that?"

"I'm afraid that's our fault." Tikki said. "You see Adrien was once very kind and good."

"But after his kind and loving mother died." Duusu said. "His cold and cruel father made him just as unkind and bitter as he was."

"And we just sat and did nothing but watch it happen." Plagg added. "Now we're paying for it."

"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.

"As punishment for what we did our memories and identies were stolen." Wayzz said. "All we can remember are the hard times."

"That's terrible."

"Yes but don't worry about us." Tikki reassured her. "We'll be fine. Goodnight Marinette."


Finally the young girl went upstairs to go to bed.

"Well I think they're finally done fighting." Plagg said.

"I hope so because as each day goes by Adrien is losing more and more of his humanity." Wayzz said.

"At least he still remembers who he is." Duusu said. "All we can remember is that we're his servants who were once humans and the mistakes we made."

"But we can't lose hope." Tikki said.

"She's right." Plagg said. "We must hold on not just for us but for Adrien."