This is an 'author's note.' Don't get excited.


It's been a long time. I just read this and cringed so hard it physically hurts. I got a lot of people who were like "You copied this!" which at first I was like 'these haters..' but then, I realized all these people who have said this, are so nice, as they just want the rightful creator to be credit, and stealing is wrong. I wanted to say, I wrote this so long ago, I actually forgot where the original plot was from, so if you could be a sweetie, and link it in the review section, I'd love you forever. I actually believe I credited the original plot creator, and I love her work, so if you have never seen it before, totally do that! I just wanted to create my own interpretation, and turn it into a text, rather than a video, because reading is great. I never claimed it was my own piece of work, please don't sue me XD . Hope you still enjoyed it anyway.
