AAAAAAAAAAAAAND I'm back! I wanted to post this a tiny bit earlier than I actually did, but I have had to do some things that set this back for a while. But, I finally did it, and the fifth chapter for the critically acclaimed... Whatever the name for this story is, is finally up! And long as shit- this is probably the longest chapter outside of my Christmas Omake I have made for any story of mine.

And another factoid, I set up a account last week, so now it is up and running, and available to you all to become a Patron(Though, I doubt anyone from here will become a Patron of mine, as I feel like all my followers will be the perverts who want me to write more Porn stories... Which I don't really mind as much as I thought I would, actually.), so if you would like to support me, please go to and donate to Mu Setsumei Uxukie(I would set up a link for you fans out there, but it doesn't seem to work here at ... Sucks, but what can you do?)!

And, like always, enjoy the Chapter and PRAISE SENPAI!

I can't keep this up…

I was a being made of entirely Reishi- this place had absolutely no Reishi. That spelled disaster for me WITHOUT all the screams going on inside my head because I couldn't block them out with my Reiryoku because I couldn't access it!

"You know, if I wasn't so used to you fuckers already from my years as a Gillian, I would probably be chopping off my own head and serving it on a platter with an apple in my mouth to all the rich snobs of this world saying 'Bon appetit'." I mused to myself as I traversed the Emerald Forest in the black of night.

At first I was content to just leave this issue alone when I figured out that the food tasted like ash in my mouth and that I gained absolutely zero nutrition from eating the stuff(I would probably get more of my daily doses of nutrients by drinking a mixture of my own jizz and piss, to be honest.), and that I was becoming sleep deprived because the voices just LOVED to scream at me more whenever I so much as attempted to let my guard down. Yeah, and then I almost got killed by the two Harry Potter rejects a week back because I was malnourished and going on about 2 hours of sleep(For two months.), and realized 'I need to fix this now' before the damage Penny- er, Jenny(You know, like the life of that one teenage robot.), reverted back to its original state all over again because I still couldn't eat, or sleep, or, now that I think about it, drink either(Stupid Ozpin, saying I couldn't have my fixes- I have needs too, damn it!).

And how was I going to fix all these problems, you ask?

Well, obviously not listen to authority figures whenever I want to drink, but for the other ones, I had a, hopefully easy, fix.

I heard a low growl sound behind me and couldn't stop the shit eating grin from overtaking my face if I wanted to(Though, I certainly wasn't here to be eating shit, now was I?... Well, I hope not, actually-). "And like peasants to the shepherd, they cometh forth for divine retribution!" Yeah, I know I fucked up the saying, but seriously, when you become an unholy creation of the world that can't really die, you stop caring about the religious fervor and focus more on the pleasures of life- like booze.

I really like booze.

Before the Ursa could even think about chowing down on me, my wires came to life and held it in place for me. "And now, for the fun part." I quickly tied my wire to a tree so that I could have free reign of both my hands and still have the beast tied up, and made my way over to it. "Now, this should hurt-" I licked my lips as I gripped its neck in my hands. "For you, at least- ah, who am I kidding? It'll hurt like shit for me too, probably." And with that, I bent down and bit into it's flesh(Do they even refer to this as flesh? I wasn't really sure on that, here.), causing it to roar in both shock and pain.

Hm. This tastes like shit, just like I thought it would. I continued to bite into its neck, before finally pulling back with a large portion of its now smoking neck still clenched in my mouth. "Ugh, dis tastes so… so…" I actively bit into it and swallowed a portion, before pausing. "... Delicious." Devouring the rest, I set my starving eyes on the rest of the beasts form. "I don't even think Hollows tasted this good!" Swiftly returning my mouth to the beasts neck, I moaned in absolute bliss as I took more and more of it's flesh as my food. "Can't… Even… Think… SO… GOOD!" Glancing upwards to the silenced bear, I took especial notice of the mask on it's head, and, not being able to curb my desires after eating something so tantalizingly mouth watering, I reached out, and plucked the mask off its head, causing the beasts body to dissolve instantaneously in a puddle of black tar as I placed the mask on my own head.

My pupils slowly dilated.


"Come on, Weiss, you'll have to do better than that if you want to hurt me." I taunted as the girl huffed, but still kept her composure as she deftly swung her Rapierat me once more, but I still dodged back as I clicked my tongue. "What have I told you about doing that? It not only leaves you open, but I can dodge in so many more ways than if you swing up from a downward position instead of to the side." "Well excuse me if I can't just forget years of training in a few scant months!" She panted as she fell to the floor of the Beacon training room, finally out of breath. "I don't think I can excuse you- I mean, if you didn't suck before my training I might have, but, well, you're the one on her knees, not me." I grinned as she glared at me, before she sighed and gave up. "Okay, okay, enough joking around then. There's a reason I wanted you here instead of all the others." At the quirk of her brow, I elaborated. "Your Semblance- out of all the others, I know of yours the least. I want you to tell me everything you can do with it."

She looked surprised to hear that, but told me anyway. "Well, unlike many other Hunters and Huntresses, my Semblance is hereditary, as is the rest of the Schnee families. We use what we call 'Glyphs' to support us in battles, either as distractions, or to enhance our own abilities, or just to give us a small edge in the battle. In addition to that, we can change what our Glyphs do, by adding dust into the mix, hence why Myrtenaster has chambers in which I keep dust." At that, I hummed in thought as I scratched my chin. "Sounds more like a support fighter, than anything else. Which is why I find it weird how you fight- it doesn't fit that description at all. Who trained you?" At that, she blushed and looked away from me. "M-My sister did. She th-thought the style best suited me and taught me that." "Your sister taught you that? Jeez, me and her are gonna have words if we ever meet, because that style is terrible for you with that kind of Semblance." She looked straight back to me at that, looking indignant as all get-out. "It's not her fault that I am a bad fighter! And you wouldn't be thinking like that of her if I could use our Semblance properly!"

At that, I raised my own brow and scrutinized her.

"But I thought you said when we first started training that you had your Glyph's down packed?" "I-I do… But, there's another part of our Semblance that I didn't mention before, because I can't use it like my sister, can… It's why she taught me this style, because she eventually knew I would be able to use it and that it would be better to learn this now and not have to re-teach myself a new style over one that I might learn instead because it doesn't suit with just using Glyphs to fight." "Huh." I scratched my chin again. "So, you can't control it, or you just can't use it?" "I, uh, can't utilize it, at this point in time…" "Okay, now that I can work with." She stood back up and looked confused. "Work with wha-" Her eyes widened as she sidestepped hastily, narrowly avoiding getting impaled by a massive lance. "Wh-Wha-WHAT IS THAT?!" "Hm? This? Just the Lance that I will be using to kill you with." "K-KILL?! HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" "Weiss, please. You can't go mad when you were already mad."

I mean, come on, that's just common sense.

"THEN WHY-" "Let me tell you a little factoid, Weiss: The Soul never stops growing. No matter how old you get, the Soul will continue to grow, no matter how much you don't want it to, because it has no limit to its potential. And, of course, as you grow, so too will your Soul. But, what most people DON'T know, is that certain things will make your Soul grow faster than normal- say, for instance, if you went through a very heart shattering event, once you recovered from it, your Soul will only be the better for it. Now, why does it grow more from such depressing circumstances? No one knows. It could be a defense mechanism for untimely events of the same nature happening to you again, or it could just be that the more you experience, the stronger it grows. Either way, there are a few things to speed the process along for the growth of your Soul- the one, true sure fire way that won't leave lasting effects on you psyche, however, is near-death experiences. So to help you out, I will be attempting to kill you until you can use this power of yours that your Semblance is capable of. Or, you know, until you actually die. Whichever comes first." She was still bug eyed as she sent me dumbfounded looks.


"Well…" I glanced away. "Not too many."

"But, at any rate- try not to die, will ya? I don't have the cash for a gift basket to give your family after they get the news." Housting the five meter long, and four foot wide jousting lance over my shoulder, I swung the white and black colored weapon at her like a baseball bat. "FOUR!" "YOU'RE INSANE!" The girl screamed and jumped back, avoiding the weapon as she ran and exited the room through the door. "AND YOU'RE INSANELY HOT, AIN'T GONNA STOP ME, SWEET CHEEKS!" I went to follow her, only to frown as the doors didn't open, meaning she had locked me inside. "Oh, come on! That's just not fair." "You were trying to KILL me! I am more than justified in doing this!" "Oi, get it straight, cupcake." Suddenly, my thumb flicked a switch on the handle of the lance, causing it to screech before the weapon part of it started slowly rotating, gaining speed quickly before it was a complete blur of white and black, mixing to make grey. "I ain't trying." I shot forward, shoving the now drill into the metal door, slowly grinding it way until it was fully through, leaving a large hole big enough for me to exit from as I retracted the now dying out lance, before sticking my grinning head out of the hole and looking at a horrified Schnee heiress. "Heeeeeeeeeeere's Jauney!"

Man, do I love making people pissing themselves(Well, she didn't really do that yet, but she was close- I could tell! Now if only it was that easy to figure out when they cum…).

"STAY AWAY!" "Can't do that, my little snowflake." I swiped my weapon at her again, but she ducked this time, and hastily started crawling away before finally finding her legs and running away into the halls. "Damn- hate to see her go, but I just can't find it in myself to hate seeing her run away." Quicker than even Ruby using her Semblance, I appeared in front of a now shocked heiress and slammed the blunt end of the handle of my lance into her stomach, sending her onto her ass, winded and dazed. "Sorry about this- oh wait, no I'm not." Flipping the weapon around in my hands again, I sent the sharpened tip right into her shoulder, actually skipping right through her Aura and stabbing itself right into her right shoulder, causing her to let out a scream that most likely everyone in the academy heard, and before she could let out another one when she was done with that one, I retracted the tip from inside of her shoulder and smacked her across the face, sending her sprawling and with a new black bruise across her right cheek as well.

"Man, this must look like some really messed up porn story right now." I mused to myself as the girl collected herself and ran as quickly as she could in her condition… Back to the training field? "Okay, might have hit her a bit too hard if she actually thinks going back there is a good idea." Not really caring where she would go though, because I would find her still, I meandered over to the now reopened door and stepped inside, looking around to find the white clothed teenager. "I know she went this way, and the door was opened, so she had to have come in, so where is she?" I needn't have asked that question, because as soon as I was finished, a Rapier made its appearance right inside my chest cavity, right smack dab in my sternum. "Um, okay, ouch." I turned around, still gutted with the blade, as a pale Weiss slowly back up, now seeing the grievous error she had made. "Yeah, that wasn't really the brightest of moves there, princess." I grunted as I reached back and grabbed the weapon by it's handle with my unused hand, slowly spinning it around when it was finally out of my body. "But, you certainly gained my respect for sticking to your guns and saying 'Fuck you' to the rules that would usually tell you to run the hell away. You have guts, and resolve- easily more than the rest of your friends who really have nothing to lose by coming to Beacon, unlike you." Moving faster than she could follow, I pushed her down into the ground and shoved her own blade right into her stomach, causing her scream again, though it was extremely hoarse from blood loss and previous screams she had been making throughout the entire hour here.

"But, sadly, still not enough respect for me to not kill you." "No… Please…" While the Jaune part of me was screaming to put a stop to this and try to atone for these grievous actions, the actual me part of this body and soul knew it needed to be done. "Sorry, kid. But you knew the risks of this when we started- well, I kind of just told you and started it without your permission, but, semantics, am I right?" Lifting up my lance once more, I prepared to stab her straight through the heart. "Wait… I… Have a… Request." Pausing, I let her continue. "I… I have never… With a… Boy, before…" Wait, is she trying to say what I think she was saying? "You wanna fuck? Are you kidding me right now?" "Not… That! A… Kiss." Oooooooh, okay, now that I could do.

Well, I could do the fucking too, but it would be MUCH too close to fucking a corpse for my liking(Wait, I'm already dead, what do I care about it being a corpse?).

"Well, that is fine, I suppose. So pucker up, sweet heart, because this is gonna be the best and last kiss of your existence." Stabbing my lance into the ground, I knelt down on the floor and lowered my head until I was a hair's width away from her face. "Here goes nothing then, I guess." With that, I lifted her chin up and claimed her lips with my own. "Mmm, mmmm…" Weiss just finally seemed to give up and just relaxed into the kiss as if it were going to be the last thing she did(Well, so she thinks at least.), as I slowly deepened the connection between us, and, ignoring the blood pooling at them, I licked her lips, causing her to gasp lowly, which was still far enough for me to reach in and start tongue raping her mouth, getting her to weakly moan in the process as I wrestled with her own tongue for dominance, easily winning as the virgin tongue couldn't hope to beat my own, much more experienced organ, which allowed me to play with her mouth as much as I wanted as one of her hands came up to grip at my hair. But, sadly, all good things must come to an end, and not even thirty seconds after it started, I broke the contact and stood back up, watching with pride as the girl was left panting, out of breath(Or that could have just been the sword in her gut, you never know.), with a glossy look in her eyes as she gazed back up at me in what could only be shock and excitement as I let out an inaudible chuckle.

Heh. Still got it.

Though my high was soon cut short as something slammed into my back with the force of a freight train, causing me to grunt and be sent flying forwards, past the downed girl, and into a wall, where I slowly slid down it, not at all pleased at being blind-sided. "Okay, who is the dead- bitch?" I turned around, only to blink as what could only be an albino Boarbatusk stood in front of the downed girl protectively, stamping it's hooves in anger at the person who did this to the teen.

Now, being the amazingly perceptive and intelligent man I was, I wasn't stupid enough to think this coincidence, so it could have only been this hidden power Weiss' Semblance held that she held in such high regard, and I think I knew exactly what it was, too.

"Your Semblance dyes Grimm white?"

I am so smart, it surprises even me.

"No… You, idiot… I summon… Things that I have beaten in the past…" Ah.

That was my next guess.

"Well congratulations are in order, then! I won't have to kill you!" Walking back over to her(And punting the diminutive pig runt in the process for shits and giggles-), I took out the sword from her waist and lifted her back to her feet. "When did you manage to make it, though? I didn't feel any disturbances during our little make-out session that would describe the creation of such a thing." "It was, ugh, right when you stabbed me with my own weapon." "Ah, right, you are probably bleeding out. Totally forgot. Here-" Reaching into a jean pocket, I pulled out a small green pill and handed it to her. "Eat this, it'll jump start your Aura's healing properties and should have you fixed up within the hour." Doing as told, the girl forced herself to swallow the small thing, and then sighed in relief as her Aura flared a bit, before the bleeding from the holes littering her body started to drop less of the precious liquid, and the bruise from her cheek started to lighten in color. "It also acts as a pain reliever, and a mild narcotic. So, you know- try not to get addicted to it. Though, with my type of training, I am sure by the end of the year you are going to need to go to rehab. Meh." Shrugging my shoulders, I placed a hand on her own shoulder and gently motioned for her to leave. "But just in case, go to the nurses office and get checked up there. I would go with you, but I need to make sure the room is fixed and the camera's are dealt with so that no one will come after me with a warrant." Shooing the dazed girl out of the room, I looked at the door I drilled through and sighed. "That is gonna take some-"

Hang on a minute…

"Didn't she say she summoned it before she asked me for a kiss?"

"Ugh. This place is way too cheerful this early in the day." "Jaune, it's one in the afternoon." "My point, Ruby, is that any time is too early for it to be this cheerful." I don't know how, and I don't know why, but somehow, Weiss was able to convince me to have the team go to downtown Vale by the docks(Maybe it had to do with her blackmailing me with almost killing her… Naaaaaah.) to gather intel on the opposition(She said it was just to hang out, but let's be real here, Weiss Schnee doesn't just 'Hang out'.) for this years Vytal Festival that we would be participating in.

And then when Ren learned Nora would be going, he insisted he come too(Okay, so it might have been Nora who told Ren she was going, and then she insisted he come too, but who knows? Totally not the guy who was right next to them during that entire conversation, I assure you.), and when Yang learned Ruby was going, she decided to come too(Something about 'Not losing to her baby sister' or something along those lines, I believe… Whatever that meant.), and when Blake learned that Weiss was going to be spying on the competition, she came with as well(Totally not to spy on our team, though, for the same reasons, she assured me… Even though I said fuck all nothing about her coming in the first place-), and when Pyrrha learned that I would be getting dragged along for the ride, she thought it would be swell to just have her whole team tag along for the trip(You know, you would think the girl I kicked the ass of and then torture to the seven layers of hell would be more apprehensive to be in my presence, but for some reason, she seemed to love to use all the free time not spent on training, studying, or hanging with her own team to just be near me. You would think as a celebrity she would have better things to do with her time…), and that is how all eight of us were now walking towards the docks on this absolutely shitty day.

"Ah, don't be such a sourpuss, vomit boy! You have Ren plus five hot girls- and Weiss-" "Hey!" "-Accompanying you across the city on such a lovely day! Plus, Ruby got dolled up just for you!" Yang smirked and teased her sister as said sister hissed and started slapping Yang everywhere while beat red, whisper-shouting 'Shut up!'. "Hold up, she did what?" Plucking up the red hooded girl by her outfit, I ignored her yelp and brought her closer to my face. "Are you wearing make-up?" Indeed she was, as I could tell, even with her cheeks being the same color as her cloak, that she had dabbed blush onto them, along with applying a thin coat of lipstick the same color as her burning cheeks to her lips, and even a bit of mascara as well on her eyelids! "Oh my god, that is just adorable!" I quickly brought her struggling form in for a hug, squeezing the hell out of her as I grinned wolfishly. "Little Red is trying to impress me!" "N-No I'm not! A-And let me down!" "Ah, you weren't? Now that just sucks, because it was totally working, too. Oh well." I sighed dramatically and let down the girl and walked on ahead of her stunned form. "It- It was?!"

Before she could catch up and try to 'Woo' me(Dear god, even just the mental image of Ruby trying to win me over was too precious!), I stopped and looked down the street at a taped up store-front. "Hot damn, what happened there?" Waiting for the others to meet up with me, I made my way down the street and in front of the scene where two police officers(Why did we have police officers? Couldn't we just mass produce more Huntsmen to do this kind of menial shit?) were studying the place. "Oi, Tango and Cash- what happened here?" "Eh? A robbery. Strange thing is, though, they left all the cash and just took the Dust." "What the heck could they want with all that Dust?" "Beats me." Leaving the two cops to their own work(Or not so work, as they were talking about doughnuts, now-), I met back up with the others. "Dust robbery- again." "Really? Those have been happening more and more lately. Who wants all that Dust, anyway?" "The real question is what they are going to use with it, Yang. I mean, shit, you could blow up the entire city if you get a big enough stockpile of it…" We all glanced at each other. "I don't think they'd try it- I mean, they'd get caught up in the explosions too."

Well, not unless they were suicidal, but, come on- that takes a certain amount of guts that the people of this planet just didn't exhibit.

"They are a lot more likely to use it to arm a battalion of soldiers." "Or faunus." I winced as Weiss finally made herself known. I had tried to curb stomp the worst of her radical racism over the past few months, but it was a task far harder than one would expect it to be. "And what does that mean?" And of course our resident faunus(Not that anybody but me knew about that, though.) took offense to that, so before a fight I really didn't want happening(Not unless they were both in bikinis and inside a kiddie pool filled with chocolate syrup, at least.) could start up, I pointed at a random direction. "LOOK AT THAT!" Startled, everyone hurriedly turned to where I was pointing, and saw a boat. "Uh, Jaune, what is-" "GET THAT NO GOOD STOWAWAY!" Blinking as there actually was something happening over there that was worth pointing out, I retracted my finger from it's pointed position and examined it in front of my face.

"I must only use this power for good."

Pointing it at bathhouses and hoping wet, naked women wrapped in towels come out counts as good, right?

Look at what I'm asking- of course it counts!

"Hey! A no good stowaway would have been caught! I'm a GREAT-" He didn't get much further than that, because as he passed by us, he attempted to wink at Blake, and for his stupidness, I reached out and grabbed him by the back of his open shirts collar(Seriously, what is with teenage boys and wanting to show off their 'Abs'- shit, I had better looking muscles back when I was twelve!), effectively cutting off his escape. "Oh look- a no good stowaway." "Wha- let me go!" And now he's struggling and trying to swipe my hand off.


"Hey, that's our perp, bud!" "It's okay officers, official Hunter business. You understand." Judging by their grumbling, they did. "I will be sure to take him in once I get all the information I want out of him, I assure you." At that, they nodded reluctantly and left to go… I don't know, buy doughnuts? That seems like a stereotypical cop thing to do. "Well, they just seemed to accept that a little too easily." "Cop 101, Blake- if work can be avoided, then avoided it shall be. But, besides that, what are we going to do about this?" I lifted up the shirt of the monkey faunus. "Uh… Jaune?" Looking to where Ruby was pointing, I stared blankly at the shirt- and only the shirt. "Son of a female dog in heat! AFTER THE CHIMP!" "QUICK, TO THE NORA-MOBILE!" "NO!"

Surprisingly, I was not the only one to have shouted at that, and I glanced over to Ren just as he sent a look my way. "You too?" "Since the first day."

At that, a bond was made.

Not one made through spending time together, nor one that was made through facing hardships with the other.

No- this bond, was a bond that could only possibly be created, by knowing the worst of the creator that they called Nora.

"Uh, what I meant to say was, let's split up to go after him, you know, to cover more ground." Yeah.

Exactly what I meant.

"I'll take Ren-" "I'm coming too; I can't have you two becoming together-together in my absence!" "I hope you don't mind if I tag along either, do you?" "Uh, no… I guess that leaves the rest of you to go to the west while we hit the east." And left me to figure out what the fuck together-together meant.

"Okay teams, lets find that damn, dirty ape!" While my own team left off with groans, the other team left with moans of torture while Yang, once again, sent me a thumbs up. "That one doesn't even make any sense! Apes don't HAVE tails!" "Just let sleeping dogs,lie, Weiss. It'll save us all a lot of trouble." "Yeah, you wouldn't want to bark up the wrong tree, would you?"


"Any of you have any luck finding the lost criminal?" "None." Ruby flopped down on her bunk with a tired sigh, followed soon by Nora and Weiss as they groaned to make their exhaustion clear.

Not that I could blame them- we had been searching for well over six hours, after all(I had wanted to give up after five minutes, but soon after, Pyrrha wanted to still continue looking, Nora was enjoying spending time with Ren again, outside of training, Ren… Well, Ren was just content that I was around to curb the worst of Nora's actions, and Weiss then took it as a personal assault on her skills when she couldn't find the blasted kid, so she definitely wasn't giving up, and Ruby was too nice to say no to her partner, so then Yang had to stick around to make sure nothing too bad happened to Ruby while this went on, and Blake just seemed to have an honest want to see the faunus, again, so all-in-all, it was a massive clusterfuck of a day.).

Speaking of Blake, though…

"Any of you seen Blake, actually? Last time I have, it was when I tried getting us to reconverge and change up our teams." Yeah, and I say 'Try' because that didn't go well at all(Ren didn't want Nora to be by herself without either me or him with her, and even then, was reluctant to be by himself with her, and since our bonding moment, didn't want me alone with her to face her shenanigans, either, while Nora was enjoying our presences a little too much(I know she doesn't have a perverse bone in her tiny body, but the way I've been seeing her eye me and Ren when we were talking a few times together caused me to shudder at what she was imagining the two of us actually doing.), and then I just seemed to be attracted to Pyrrha, somehow(And not in the cute, romantic way, either- she was literally using her Semblance to pull me towards her whenever we weren't already attached by the hip(Which was scary when you stop to think about the fact I didn't have any metal on my person that she could use to gravitate me towards her.), and when I questioned her on it, she just acted clueless and redirected the topic to me and my preference when it came to girlfriends.), so it became nearly impossible to actually split the teams up, again.).

"Blake? Uuuuuuuh…" Seeing Ruby trail off made me raise an eyebrow. "Something happen?" "Er, well, you could say that, I guess…" Looking over to Nora, who was oblivious to it all as she jammed out on her scroll with headphones over her ears, to an equally, if not more, nervous Weiss, and back to a fidgeting Ruby had me sighing in exasperation. "You found out she was a faunus, didn't you?" "Wha- WHAT? YOU KNEW?!" Ruby and Weiss got up in my face and questioned me on this. "Well, I mean, it's not exactly hard to figure out- her love of fish, the way she suspiciously has a bow on her head exactly where faunus usually have their ears, her anxiety any time we talk about faunus or the White Fang, plus with my super-powered nose, you'd be hard pressed to hide something like that from me." At this though, I narrowed my eyes and studied the two girls in front of me. "Speaking of which, someone's been stealing my boxers, and I'm wondering who it is, because every time I find one of the articles of clothing, they smell far too much like a girl to be coincidence. Plus they are always wet and sticky with what I can only assume is-" "ANYWAYS- yes, Blake confirmed that she is, indeed, a faunus to me, Ruby, and Yang. However, it was under… Less than pleasant circumstances, and she ran away into Vale once we confronted her here at Beacon." A suspiciously red in the face Weiss changed the topic(Though, Ruby was looking just as bad, and I could have sworn from a glance back that Nora was looking a little hot under the collar, as well-) back to what we were talking of before, and I reluctantly accepted the shift in conversation.

I WAS going to find out who stole my favorite 'Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow' boxers though, god damn it! Do you know how many fucking boxes of that terrible cereal I had to eat to win, those?!

Let's just say, that if my accelerated healing factor(Downgraded, as it was.) and immunity to illness and disease wasn't with me now, I would be injecting insulin into my thigh every hour on the hour!

"Right- so you said some bad things about the faunus, she took offense, you two got into an argument, she let something slip she didn't want getting out, and then when you most likely accused her of it, she ran away in a panic." At her not so subtle flinching, I was more or less spot on in my assumptions. "Fucking damn it, Weiss. I've told you not to become a racist, and here you are, being just as bad, if not WORSE, than those you hate." "I am NOTHING like the White Fang!" "No? You condemning faunus like they condemn hoomahns is exactly the same, only at least they used to try to work with the hoomahns to finally have peace and equality in the lands." Of course, now they were radical terrorists bent on killing everyone without ears, tails, or paws, but she was too shaken to remember that part. "Well, well, it's not my fault they are horrid animals that have no brains, and only run on an instinct to kill everything everyone holds dear and loves!"

Aaaaaaaaand that struck a nerve.

Without a word, I shook my head and made my way to the door, pausing when I grabbed the doorknob when Weiss asked me where I was going. "You know, Weiss, back where I'm from…" At that, I am sure I had everyone's full attention, because even in the months that I had been here, the most information my and my sister team had found out about me was that I was an amazing cook, a slave driver, probably as powerful as a Professor here at the academy, and that whenever anyone tried to learn something new about me, I had this uncanny ability to shift the topic to things completely unrelated to me or my past(Like when Pyrrha constantly asked me small things like my favorite color, I would just comment on how lovely the color of her hair looked, or when Blake wondered what type of books I liked to read, I would just say I was all over the place, reading anything that caught my interest.). So when I willingly started a conversation that would lead into them learning something unknown about me, everyone was staring at me with unrestrained curiosity.

"... I wasn't exactly considered normal, compared to societal standings." Did a monster that eats his own race to survive while killing reapers of the afterlife that were just trying to purify him so that he can move on to a better life ever be considered normal? "In fact, even within my own 'family', I was an outcast, because they were scared of the things that I could do- what I would do if they tried something against me. For, you see, where I am from, if you want to survive, you must, and I do mean you must rely solely on your instincts, because if you tried to use brawn, or brain, or anything in between, you weren't going to last a single day. And relying on ones instincts, comes with a great downside; that of which you don't care what you do to keep on living… Even if it means sacrificing your own brethren to make it happen." At that, everyone gasped, and I even heard Weiss whisper something about 'Wilds', which I just continued to ignore to finish with my story. "And for that, we were considered animals, beasts, monsters compared to the others in the world. They thought we were too primitive in our ways, that we shouldn't exist on the sole fact that they thought we were EVIL, when they were the ones that hunted us- either to end what they considered our miserable lives, or to just kill us for the lone reason of thinking it some kind of sick sport, but they all attempted to end us, one way or the other." At that, I sighed at the thought of where my race was now without one of their most powerful leaders, and the prominent expediter of technology, as well. "And because of that, most of our residents started hating them in kind, seeing them as inferior when they thought that killing us was the best option, and thus started a cycle of hatred spanning years upon years, with the outside world trying to end our existence, and us them." Wow, Hollows and faunus were so creepily alike, it kind of unsettled me. "So the next time you want to think about the faunus as some kind of beasts because of their actions or for how they look compared to you, just remember…" I turned my head slightly, just enough for them to see that my left eye had changed from a cerulean to an sickly yellow color, causing them to all have a sudden intake of breath.

"There will always be terrible things in the world that will make the worst of your nightmares seem like the best lucid dream you have ever had."

And with that, my eye had turned back as fast as it had changed color, and I was already out of the dorm, making my way to the Emerald Forest to get to Vale and have a quick bite to eat, pondering the ways to trap a little kitten inside an expansive area all the while.

The answer: Tuna.

… Look, I was trying to tone it down on the stereotypes and racism, but come on, you can't just make this shit up.

"... Have you heard of the White Fang?" "Well, of course! I don't think there is a faunus on the planet who hasn't. You know, those stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want- bunch of freaks, if you ask me." "... I was a member of the White Fang, once." Swing and a miss. "Wait- you were a member of the White Fang?" "You've got that right, my not-so-finely furred friend! My little kitty here left, however, when she realized that she couldn't take the raging keggers they kept having, along with her ex sort of being in a relationship with his work, already, so she went to Beacon for a fresh start." I clamped a hand down on the shoulder of a now stiff and shocked cat faunus as the monkey in front of me spat out his drink and started having a coughing fit. "Fancy meeting you at the only cafe in town that actually serves tuna sandwiches!... And the only one that serves faunus in general, but that's besides the point." "Hey! You're the guy who tried to catch me at the docks!" "Correction: I was the guy that caught you at the docks, and I have the receipt from the flea market after selling your shirt for ten Lien to prove it." "Wait, you sold it?! That was my favorite shirt, man!" "I am starting to wonder if it was your only shirt, as well…" "How do you know that I was apart of the White Fang- or more importantly, how did you know that I was a faunus?" "Wasn't that hard, really. You know I have superpowered senses, and I could smell the pussy on you from a mile away." I grinned coquettishly as I sat down at the table.

"I could also smell the cat part of you, but that's not what I really want to talk about, though." "And how did you know about me being in the White Fang? I haven't even told Yang, that." "Oh, that? You mumble a lot in your sleep; most of it is gibberish, and all of it is almost inaudible, but, you know- super hearing." At that, the monkey scooted away from me while sending me creeped out looks, while Blake coughed with a blush on her face and looked distinctly uncomfortable. "Uh, can you explain how you know that, as well?" "That? Easy, I set up hidden cameras all around Beacon that I use to spy on everyone. Your dorm is just one of many places I've put one, and no one knows about it because you're the first I've told. And a side note, I didn't put one in your bathroom, that would be pushing the boundaries, even by my standards, but for some reason, like clockwork, about five minutes before seven everyday, the damn thing seems to hone in directly to the entryway of the restroom for near ten minutes, so try not to use it then, and if you do, close the door."

I couldn't figure what the fuck was wrong with it, either, because every time I looked at it, it was working the exact way I intended it to work, it just seemed to zoom in on the bathroom at random for some reason(Which was no true harm done, really, except that Pyrrha seemed to occupy the bathroom at that time, and she always left the door open when she was fixing her hair, brushing her teeth, or getting her clothes on, and she always did it while in her skivvies- and, mysteriously looked in the vague direction of the camera each time, but that just had to be coincidence. On the plus side though, when she first started doing it she had the most grandma looking underwear on the planet, but now she was wearing things that looked straight off of a Victoria's Secret catalogue, so she was at least growing some taste when it came to lingerie, and that should get her the boyfriend she definitely needs and deserves.) at a specific time of day, but its whatever.

"You… Have cameras… In our dorm rooms?" "Yyyyyyyyyep. Never know when glorious blackmail material might present itself." Who knows when I might catch one of them picking their noses or scratching their asses? "But onto more pressing matters- you, will be coming with me, and the blonde monkey over there will go mind his own fucking business, otherwise I really WILL send him to the authorities." "Hey, you can't just-" "Shut up and have a banana." Not wanting to look away from Blake, I pulled out a banana(From where? You wouldn't want to know- or maybe you would, you kinky freaks.) and quickly shoved it into the male chimps open mouth, peel and all. "Mm mmm mmm mmmm mm?!" "Oh shut up. You're probably used to deepthroating bananas anyway, if your attired is anything to go by." "Jaune… I just can't go back! The White Fang are out there, and they are up to something!" "Oh?" I raised a sarcastic eyebrow(Yes, I have become so cynical, I even have a sarcastic eyebrow.). "I didn't know that you were the leading authority over the White Fang- or even just for Vale in general." Not giving her time to respond, I scoffed. "Oh wait, you aren't, and I will be taking full liberty as your Sensei to be reeling you back in before you do something stupid."

That was my job, anyways, damn it!

"Jaune, please! I have a lead into what they are doing, and I-" "Will be doing nothing but getting your cute behind back to Beacon where I will be sure to punish you to the full extent of the law- MY law." I was going to enjoy the next training lesson with her, that was for certain. "Really? What makes you think you could actually capture either of us, let alone BEAT us to do some actual capturing?" The annoying chimp had managed to take the banana out of his mouth by now(Or deep throated it, because I don't know what the hell he did with it if he took it out.), and me and Blake glanced at him for a second before we locked eyes again. "Like I said- Beacon, torture, spanking your delicious booty." "Hey!" "Jaune…" "No giving me the kitten eyes, Blake. I might have trained you for a few months now, but you aren't nearly ready to handle everything the world can and will throw at you, yet. And from the stories you've told me, do you honestly think you stand a chance against your old boss, because odds are, he or someone BETTER is going to be a part of whatever plot you want to interrupt, and I doubt he's one to set out a saucer of milk for lost and lonely kittens like I am." At that, she had nothing else to say and I am sure I had gotten my point across. "So now we-"

"Than come with me!"


"Blake-" "You said I wasn't strong enough to do this, but you're able to beat the top two teams in the academy by yourself!" "Wait, he can what?" "So if you come with me, then we can not only figure out what they are up to, but we can stop them, as well!" "Yeah, funny thing about that is, I couldn't care less about what a group of glorified, misfit pets do with their meager existences." "Jaune… If you do this for me, then I'll, I'll-" "You'll what? Not give me shit about the things I do to train you? Never bring this moronic topic up again? Cover yourself in chocolate syrup whilst dousing your privates in whip cream and serve yourself up on a silver platter?... Actually, that last one I might do it for, but only if I was under extreme duress!"

Oh who am I kidding, I'd go find the leader of this stupid organization and give them a spanking they'd never forget right in front of their charges with a god damn smile on my face if it meant she'd do that.

"If it means you'll help me out… Then, yes." O-kay, now where would one go to find out the location of a rabid animal with a fifty foot pole up their ass, with a following of slightly less carnal beasties with ten foot poles up their collective asses? "Why do you have to make this so damn difficult Blake?! You want me to help out? Fine! But if those pieces of filth you once called comrades try anything against either of us, they'll be finding more than a few missing limbs in their future!" Growling in irritation, I pushed back in my seat and stood up. "Seeing as how I doubt this lost little monkey boy is going to be leaving you- and by extension, me- any time soon, he will be taking point, while you take middle, and I leave myself last for when we go scout whatever stupid lead you have, here." "Uh, okay, why?" "You're both faunus- I'm not- and the White Fang members have a chance of remembering Blake, so you'll have first position while we look around while Blake will be directly behind you to give you any prevalent information you might need in this mission, while also looking out for any danger the two of us otherwise could miss, like them flanking us, while I make sure nobody ambushes from behind, whilst getting rid of any trail those butt sniffers could find and trace back to us." "Huh. Seems legit." Now while the stupid ape seemed mollified, Blake was anything but. "And what is the real reasoning for these positions?" Damned girl knew me too well.

"The blonde with the tail is going first so that if anything attacks us from the front, I can use him as a meat shield-" "WHY?!" "-And I'm not stupid enough to believe you aren't going to try something absolutely idiotic, so you are being placed in front of me so that I can stop any funny business… Well, that and if I am being forced to do this, I am most certainly getting SOMETHING out of it, and that something will just have to be watching your sweet, sweet ass walking around in booty shorts as we may or may not be leading ourselves to our doom."

Now, while most people would find hiding on the rooftops of buildings in a docking bay watching a bunch of simplistic buffoons carry Dust into freight cars and other some such carrying vessels boring, I found it to be a great time to become philosophical and ask myself the important questions to life.

Like what did I do in the past to make so much bad karma for myself to end up in this position in the first place(Well, besides the murder, pillaging, and pestilence I spread throughout the lands, at least.), how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood(The answer: Nineteen.), just how many favorites and followers was this chapter going to rake in for this story(The answer: Zero.), how many pancakes could that tiny girl Nora pack away(Too many, apparently, and it all seemed to go straight to her plump rear end and chest that seemed to rival, if not surpass that of the blonde with the chinese last name on our sister team.), when were the Chicago Bears finally going to go to the Super Bowl again, let alone win one(Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, oh, I crack myself up.), if a man and a woman don't love each other very much, how is a baby made(Lots and lots of adultery, as I've found out through the years.), or, my all time favorite, did being a millennium old super powered ghost going after ripe and nubile seventeen year olds make me a colossal pedophile(Hell yes, but still. All of the poon!)?

"So, can we leave, or am I going to keep getting quite intimately familiar with your rear bumpers, Blake?" "Not yet. I need to see why the White Fang have decided to partner with Roman Torchwick of all people, first." Sighing in resigned displeasure, I sent my somewhat annoyed gaze the monkeys way. "Bananas- really? Can you get ANY more stereotypical?" "What? They're a great source of potassium!" "And ill begotten racial slurs." I rolled my eyes and started to look away, only to see he had an entire bundle of them. "Oh come on, man, that is just-" I froze though, as I counted the three untouched bananas on the stem and the one in his hand. "Wasn't there a fifth banana?" I asked him as he paused briefly to look over the fruit he had on hand, before shrugging and resuming his feast. "Uh, yeah. I ate it, though." "And… Where is the peel?!" "That? I think I threw it… Over… There." At that, all three of us turned agonizingly slowly to down below, where the white suited hooker(Why was a hooker wearing a suit- or better yet, why was a hooker wearing so much mascara?) took a step, and immediately looked down as he(She?) stepped smack dab on a banana peel. "You, dumb, fuck." "Find the intruder!"

After that, everything went up in chaos as White Fang grunts hurriedly started scanning the place for anything suspicious while the ones carrying the Dust into containers sped up their process in case they had to take off early, and if that wasn't enough, the cat that I was going to be doing more than squirting water in the face of next to me leapt off the roof and foolishly held the master criminal at sword point(What is even the point of that, everyone and their fucking mothers have Aura nowadays anyway!), and the other blonde went to follow her, but ended up surrounded by guns and white uniformed dicks(Well, to be more politically correct, one of them WAS a cock.). "I am so making her give me a 'Sorry/Make-up' blowjob after we get out of here." Face palming once for the sheer stupidity of this situation, I then reached into my pockets and pulled out two, one foot long silver baton, which I tapped together a few times to make them span out and become two triangular daggers that had a thin, tapered point at the ends, but went down to become six inches of metal with an inch wider guard, as well(You know what, I can mass produce weapons out of my butthole like clockwork, but when it comes to describing them, I am worse than a squirrel trying to win the Texas bullfrog rodeo, so just look up a fucking Iberian, triangular dagger for the blade portion of this fucking thing.), which was connected to a strangely nylon covered handle, followed by a bulbous pommel with a suspicious flat end, completing the strange weapons. "Well, I wanted to test run these babies, and I guess that time is now. Joy." Twisting the handles of each of the weapons with my hands a bit, each flat end of the pommels opened up, revealing a small containment unit that looked just big enough to fit a couple of decent sized Dust crystals. Putting the right dagger into my left hand for a moment, I reached back into my pocket and retrieved a few crystals of yellow Dust and started to place some inside each of the daggers open compartments. "Here's to hoping- and then here's to saying 'Fuck you' to whatever deity makes this go wrong." Closing back up the lids, I quickly started to rub each end of the pommels together, hoping to spark a bit of electricity for the next part. "No, no, no, no- YES!" Finally feeling the Dust kicking in, the ends started to spark dangerously, to the point where my hands were starting to numb from the electricity running through them. "Aaaaaaaand now, I do this." Taking the right dagger slowly, I started grinding the pommel onto the blade for a few seconds, before the blade literally lit up in a dazzling display of lightning.

"Sweet!" Doing the same to the other blade, I cackled in immense glee as I know held two stun batons- only they were sharp, pointy, and liable to poke someone's eye out while simultaneously frying some poor persons brain. "Ready or not- here comes Jauney!" Flipping off the building, I landed not far from where the blonde monkey(Wait, did I ever get his name? Bah, doesn't matter.) was avoiding gunshots and various blunt and sharp objects trying to kill him. Not really in a pleasant mood, I sped into a blur before stabbing the nearest faunus in the chest, violently shocking him and ending his life as his heart couldn't take the volts of electricity to his system that quickly or in such a quantity. "You, monkey-boy." "My name is Sun-" "Yeah, couldn't care less. Go make sure Blake doesn't get herself killed before I can reach her, I'll handle the trash." Though, from the looks of it, my training hadn't gone to waste, and she actually looked to be pushing the criminal back instead of the other way around. "Uh, you sure?" Not a second later, he disappeared from the sight of my baleful glare before I returned my attention to the soon to be dead sheep to the slaughter(Yes, one of them was an actual sheep- or ram, whatever- and yes, I was going to be making quite a lot of puns in the next five minutes.).

"Quick, shoot him down!" "Yeeeeeeeah, not gonna happen." Before the one who spoke could react, I appeared behind him, grabbed his tiger like tail, and cut it off at the base, cauterizing the wound almost instantly either from the intense heat of the electricity or the friction the speed of my attack caused, but either way he started screaming in pain not soon afterward. "Yeesh, what a pussy- am I right?" Quickly reaching around, I stabbed the same dagger through the bottom of his jaw, jamming it right into brain from the angle, and ending this one's life as well. "No more screams? What, cat got your tongue?" "KILL HIM!" Flipping over the body as it was then riddled with bullet shots, I ducked into a crouch and leapt across the yard, slashing the tendons in the left shin of a dog faunus this time, causing her to yell and get forced to her knees. "Hm. Well, you certainly don't look like your in heat, but I can make a bitch of you, yet." Standing back up, I tightened my grip around the handles of my daggers, and shoved them into either side of her head, quickly frying her brain and even causing the outer parts of her eye balls to start melting from the heat inside her head. Not done with the ragtag group, however, I sped through the bunched up faunus and clotheslined the last in the lineup, sending them sprawling to the floor, winded. "Okay, even I can admit that last one was absolute garbage, but you'll have to forgive me. Killing just turns me on so much, and I can't really think of any good puns when I am this horny!" Reaching down, I cut off one of his horns, and when it went flying through the air, I slammed it down with the pommel of one of my daggers and sent it straight through his heart, not killing him yet, but certainly going to in another minute or so. "And another bites the- woah!" Rolling aside to avoid another hail of bullets, I glanced down and saw the severed tail of the tiger I killed and grabbed it before heading towards the group again. "He has a short range, make sure he can't strike you and kill him!" Letting them believe that they actually had a chance, I took a slice at what appeared to be a peacock faunus(The thing had much too colored hair to be anything else, really-), but they dodged back narrowly, managing to only get slightly cut and get a slight jolt for their troubles. "He's open, now!" Smirking, I whipped the tail at the nearest one(Ugh, maybe this one was the ugly duckling, cause it had the face not even a mother could love!) and managed to grip his wrist, and pull him to me, using him to shield myself form the bullets, but sadly for him, his poor Aura reserves couldn't exactly take the beating and was soon filled with more holes than the tiger before the others could stop their assault in time.

"Ouch, that's gonna leave some damage; don't worry though, just put it on my bill!" "What- What is he?!" I grinned maliciously. "Death, obviously." Not letting them regain any composure, I took the tail again and jumped on top of the peacock girl, making her yelp before I swiftly ended that by wrapping the appendage around her neck, choking her out. "Heh heh, now this is what I call auto-narcissistic-asphyxiation!" Tying a knot out of the tail tight enough to still cut off the air flow through her pipes, I slammed my right hands dagger down into her right arm, stabbing through her arm and into the ground, pinning it and not letting her have both hands to untie the knot with before I could come back or let it kill her(Whichever came first.), I left the blue faced faunus and headed towards the group again, who finally looked like they regained some semblance of control over themselves. "S-Stop him!" Yeah, because the other times you tried that they worked out so well. Rolling my eyes, I rolled forward, avoiding a large beast of a man, who looked like some kind of orangutan with massive arms filled with orange hair, I stabbed my only dagger into his knee-cap, causing him to roar in fury, before I kicked the other knee out from under him, making him tilt and fall forward, face first into the ground. Not giving him time to recover, I jumped as high as I could into the air(Which was actually fairy high, considering I could now see Beacon standing over the cliff where I couldn't get even a glimpse before from down there.), and soon let gravity take over, and quite viciously slammed both feet into the back of his relatively small head(Compared to the rest of his body, at least.), squashing it with no further resistance from the oversized gorilla as viscous red paste flew everywhere. "Keep your hands off me, ya damn dirty ape." Leaning backwards to avoid another swing of a fist, I backflipped as soon as the other hand of a rather rontound male faunus(A pig, if the squiggly tail behind him was anything to go by.) swung down on my position, landing a few feet in front of the now sweating piggy(Though whether that was because I dodged his attacks or because of the actual attacks was yet to be decided.). "I think this is about the time where you go 'wee-wee-wee' all the way home." And he did, but as he turned around and started waddling away, I threw my remaining dagger and lodged it into his lower back, directly in between separate points in his spinal column, causing him to fall to the ground and slowly become roast as the electricity from the weapon superheated his body from the inside. "Mmm! I love the smell of bacon in the morning… Evening… Whatever." Moving forward to retrieve the misplaced(Well, to the corpse it's residing in its misplaced.) blade, but I clicked my teeth not soon after as I jumped back to avoid a storm of bullets from two thirds of the last White Fang members. "Ah, now that's just not kosher- wait, is that sacrilegious because of Mr. Piggy over there?" Dodging more bullets, I then had to duck as a ratty looking man(The puns just keep on making themselves!) swung a knife at me, hoping to get me while I was distracted, but to no avail.

"Speaking of no avail-" As I rolled away from a hail of bullets and a very stabby man(Was stabby an emotion? Don't know, go watch ICarly to find out!... Fuck, how do you spell that shit-), I happened to land not too far from the now oxygen deprived faunus with the multi-colored hair, so I took no extra time from taking my other blade out of their arm and swiftly blocked another slash from rat man, surprising him enough for me to position my blade under the knife and knock it out of his hand, before just as quickly making sure he had no chance of picking it back up by easily slicing off the hand he used to wield it with, disarming him(It technically wasn't a pun this time, because I only cut off his hand!) and once again cauterizing the wound before any blood could be spilled, though that didn't stop the screams that then spilled out of his mouth.

Not really in any mood for a bigger headache than I already had thanks to these out of hand events constantly going on, so I reached out once he opened his mouth, and viciously stuck my hand inside the mouth, and, grabbing the back of his hand with my dagger holding hand, I pulled down harshly, silencing him and ripping his jaw out at the same time, finally letting blood escape from one of my victims as it pooled around on the ground once the man knelt down on his knees, uselessly trying to stem the flow, but failing utterly(Especially with only one hand.), and I left him to bleed out as the last two faunus shakily held their rifles towards me, now entirely sure they were fucked. But, being generous, I decided to give them some mercy. So, when I went back to the pig and got my last dagger out of the corpse, I looked over at the two spooked Fang members and grinned malevolently. "Boo." At that, they shrieked and dropped their weapons, and started running away back to the Bullheads that had appeared not long after my massacre.

Of course, that was before I chucked one of my daggers to the sky, at just the right angle for it to cut the rope holding a suspended yellow cargo vessel in the air, making it fall to the ground and subsequently smashing the two into paste once it finished its trip to the ground.

And by mercy, I mean giving them a swift death unlike most of the other members I gave to today. "Well, hope you had a nice fall, because I would say it was smashing- oh me, you crack yourself up." Shaking my head in amusement, I walked over to the freight cart and picked up my fallen dagger once it returned from the sky. "Though this thing is an eyesore, at least it covers the carnage I may or may not have created from anyone first coming into the lot, so I should have enough time to get Blake and bail… And hopefully pinning this whole thing on the monkey, but, I doubt with my luck it'll work out." Walking past the cargo, though, I couldn't hold back a groan of annoyance as, even though Blake was able to handle Torchwick fairly well, the herd of no doubt stolen Bullheads standing behind him was going to be a pain in the ass to deal with. "I don't think these things, even combined, have enough charge to short circuit those planes, sadly…" "JAUNE!" At the sound of my name from an all too familiar voice, I looked over to the top of a nearby building, and saw something that I really wish I hadn't. "Ruby…? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" "Hot-cakes!" "AND PE- JENNY TOO?! COME ON!" Not really giving me time to react, the bullheads then opened fire on the two faunus among us(Huh. That rhymed.), making them back up until they were standing next to me, and the two on the building soon followed them and landed near me, also.

"Ruby, what the hell are you doing here- and since when did you have enough hair to put into two ponytails and sling them over your shoulders?" At a closer look(How did I not notice this earlier in the chapter- fucking writer of the story…), the girl had let the back of her hair grow out, and she had put them into two ponytails, tied up by two crimson ribbons, and she threw them over her shoulders not unlike that of the lightning chick from that one Final Fantasy game. "Bah, never mind that! Why are you and the nice Professor lady here?!" "Well, you kind of went missing yesterday, so we went looking for you and Blake, and once Professor Jenny found out you were gone, she went off in search of you too, and then she found me, and then we heard explosions and gun fire from over here, and we were like 'Oh no!' but the sounds were like 'Oh yes!' so we-" "I think I can get the gist of it, Ruby- also, remember to breath." As the young girl gulped in the precious life gas, I looked back at a tired Roman with narrowed eyes.

He could have easily had the death machines behind him start pelting us in a rain of metal, but he hadn't, which meant he had another plan to deal with us, which, obviously, meant not good. "You should just give it up, Roman, baby. You might have Bullheads, but we had four Hunters and Huntresses-in-Training, plus an actual Professor from Beacon. Do you really think you have a shot of winning this?" "Ha! You mean to say you have two fleabags, a runt, a ginger with no soul, and a cocky boy way in over his head if he thinks he can match ME!" Did he just make a ginger joke?

As a former orange head myself, I could not let this slight go!

"You realize that the 'Fleabags' were beating the crap out of you before this stand-off happened, the 'Runt' ALREADY beat the crap out of you a few months back, plus you're kind of calling the kettle black here with the no-soul thing, because at least she is a natural redhead, and not a notoriously known shoddy criminal, and this cocky boy is at least not willing to bat for the opposite team, unlike someone I am currently looking at." "And what does that supposed to mean?" "I think you can figure it out yourself. Or is all the products in your hair and make-up on your face making it hard to see the truth, Mrs. 'Thot'." At that, he grit his teeth in anger and I continued. "I mean, seriously, it's like you're a SUPER prostitute or something. I have never seen someone wearing so much mascara before so willing to be brought down to their knees! But hey, I'll throw you a bone here- well, one that isn't the one you are so doggedly after, apparently, and let you be the top for once." While the other 'redhead'(I was skeptical that it was even his THIRD hair color in his entire life.) was simmering in his growing hatred for me, I was still skeptical about what he was doing just standing there and taking these insults without calling for our heads.

Though, at the subtle sound of glass shattering above me, and the near silent whistle of ablade flying through the air, I quickly looked up and deadpanned as I finally figured it out.

"Karma just absolutely hates me, doesn't she?" Grabbing the monkey boy by the tail, I slung him away from the surrounding area as he yelped, while picking up Ruby and Blake by their collars and threw them decidedly more gently than I did the blonde faunus, before looking at Jenny and slightly pushing her a few inches to the right. "Um, Honey, are you-"

And just in time, too, because as soon as I was finished with that, the red container filled to the brim with Dust crystals fell straight onto me.

"JAUNE?!" Ruby and Blake were the first to appear next to the freight container, while Sun and Jenny were still in the process of figuring out just what the heck happened. "Jaune, n-no, NO!" "HAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, I have never gotten so much enjoyment from seeing someone SMASHED to death! A shame that he was able to save the rest of you dolts, no matter how little it the fact counts when you'll be joining him in the next few minutes!" As the robot girl finally regained her senses and the other girls fell to their knees in tears, Sun angrily clenched a fist before he shouted over to the criminal. "SHUT UP! He gave up his life to save us, and I'll be DAMNED if a petty thief like you belittles his sacrifice!" Apparently, the monkey's little speech did wonders for the two crying girls, as they almost instantly went from sorrow to rage, with it all directed to the laughing villain, along with a desperate sense of hope. "J-Jaune…!" "W-Well, we can still look on the bright side as well. He-He might still be alive because of his Aura down their, a-and his, his stubbornness to live!" "FAT CHANCE! Do you even realize how much those things can weigh by themselves?! Easily a few thousand pounds, and that's not to mention it fell from a good fifty or so feet, and that it's even HEAVIER because of all the Dust inside! He's dead, and the world is all the better off because of it!"

Not a second after he had said it, he lost all the breath in his body as a screaming mass of red and black slammed into him, tumbling them both to the ground. And just as he got his bearings back, he lost them just as quick when a punch made its way into his fact, courtesy of a crying and angry Ruby Rose. "BE QUIET! I lost ANOTHER important person to me today because of you, and I'm not going to let you go THIS TIME!" "Gah- hey, any time now, you mutts!" Just as he said that, one of the Bullheads pulled onto land, and out came a dozen or so more grunts from the White Fang, ready to help(Hesitantly.) the hardened criminal, but couldn't get even get close before a black and white blur slammed into the front most member, sending them flying as Blake now took her chance to let off some anger, not really caring at this point that it was her fellow faunus that her anger was aimed at.

Sadly for them, there were still more Bullheads out there, and another pulled up and sent out more White Fang members, but this time, the other faunus interrupted them before they could do anything. And just as the last two got into position to start opening fire at the groups, an unnecessarily large shot of pure energy slammed into the side of one of the machines, making it spin out of control for a few seconds before it crashed into the ground and exploded in a blaze of fire. The other Bullhead was now wary of whatever had just destroyed its partner, but it could do nothing as a glaring ginger haired robot slammed into it head on, actually managing to send it flying back several feet before it could stop itself. Though it did little once the girl broke open the windshield and climbed inside to make a mess in there.

Back at the ground level, however, it wasn't looking so good.

While Blake was able to take on her grunts with only moderate difficulty, the blonde faunus wasn't expecting such a steep level up from the original grunts he had to fight, and quickly lost consciousness when he was caught off guard from the skill the people had and couldn't adjust accordingly in time before he was knocked out, thus leaving the rest of the grunts to move over Blake and start their battle with her alongside their comrades. And while that was happening, an enraged young girl kept pummeling a now bloody and beaten Roman until she was unceremoniously kicked off his body by a none too pleased short woman with brown and pink hair and dichromatic eyes. Not seeing this coming, either, she was helpless against the onslaught of both of them together, and quickly joined the small pile consisting of an unconscious Sun and a tied up Blake.

"Okay- so to start, you not only ruined my Dust heist, you made me waste hundreds, if not THOUSANDS in supplies, cost me a couple of Bullheads, and most importantly, MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME AND MY FACE!" Clicking his cane gun to indicate his loading of a shot, the livid criminal pointed it at the group of bodies that made up of Beacon(And, whatever school the monkey goes to-) students. "Time to die, kiddos!" And just as he pressed the button to fire, he of course didn't see red freight container headed straight for him and the rest of his ragtag group, and was thus unprepared when it finally DID hit him and the others, sending them flying like improvised baseballs as they soared through the air and landed in various positions across the yard. "Fuck… That… HURT!" The two still conscious in the group couldn't swivel their heads fast enough at the sound of the voice, and were both surprised and equally unsurprised at who it was.

"JAUNE!" "Oh come… On. Did you really think I was… Actually dead?" I gave them a grin(Or as best a grin one could give when over a quarter of your jaw bone was crushed to near dust.) and set down the cargo cart with my one good arm(The right one, as the left arm was bent backwards at the elbow, making a kind of 'V' out of my arm, with the bone sticking out the end of it- though, I say that objectively as the right arm was basically a crushed pancake at this point. A wonder I can even move it, really.) and sagged to the ground, neither of my legs being able to hold me up any longer(Considering the right one was barely holding itself to my body at the thigh by a few strands of muscle, and the left had the entire foot bent backwards with a bone- not sure which one, really, because my vision was blurry from all the blood leaking out of my cracked skull(Might have popped one of the eyes in all actuality. The left one kind of felt smushed in its socket.)- sticking out of the knee towards the sky… Which, wasn't good, actually, because I am pretty sure it was a bone that came from my thigh.). "Oh boy, feeling kind of… Light headed, now." "L-Look, just, just stay there, Jaune! We'll call for help, and you'll be fine!"

"I hope so… My brain kind of feels like the majority of it was flattened, and I wouldn't want to forget how to lick my forehead with my tongue!" "Uh, what?" "I just got flattened, here. Give me a break." "Er, right, sorry." Sighing, I let myself be guided down into the lap of a now freed Blake, and for probably the first time since the beginning of Initiation at Beacon, I found myself drifting off. "Hey… Blake?" "Yeah, Jaune?" Her voice was soft and soothing as she carefully threaded her fingers through my hair(Or what was left of it, as my skull piercing the top part of my head made some of it fall out.). "I… Hope you know where to find enough chocolate sauce to cover your entire body in, because I am going to milk you for all you're worth." Now she couldn't help but sigh as I fully went to dream land. "As long as it's for you, I don't think I'll mind it much."