C O Potter
It was the second week of December, close to midnight, Cici and Ced had finished making love. The sweaty couple separated and lay in their overly large bed, relaxing in the glow of their love, the sweat glistening on their bare skin in the dim candlelight of the room. Eventually, the two of them got off of the bed and walked to the restroom to clean up before getting back in bed to go to sleep.
When they returned to their bed, their wife was already there waiting for the two of them. She had felt everything that had gone on between her spouses. She and her wife long ago had made a choice to leave their mental link opened fully to the other whenever they would make love to their husband. There were no hidden secrets, no jealousy, no resentments, just love, trust, and respect for each other. As Ced crawled into bed, Vic slipped into his side, her head on his shoulder, her leg over the top of his, her arm across his chest. She could smell the mustiness of the sweat still on his torso. It was okay, she loved the way her husband smelled. Cici slipped into her place on Ced's other side, her head on his opposite shoulder, her leg over the top of his leg and touching her wife's leg, her arm across Ced's chest, touching her wife. Vic could smell the sweat on her wife, it was different than the smell of her husband, thank Godric! But she loved the smell of her wife, the two smells blended together was comforting to her, calming, relaxing, soothing. Their love enveloped the three of them as they drifted off to sleep.
Cici's eyes flew open suddenly as her back arched with another of her wife's climaxes ripping through her, then she lay there panting and spent. She looked over, and her husband and wife were still entangled in each other. She could see the sweat on both of them, she could smell their scents. She closed her eyes again and moved her leg over to touch Ced's leg, she moved her hand over, to take Vic's hand. Her dream had been incredible and had finished off wonderfully. Now she could lay there and bask in the afterglow again, just a few short hours after her turn, the night before. Soon she could feel her spouses stirring, and she knew that the three of them would need to get up and share a shower. As she rolled away from her lovers, mid-roll, her eyes flew open again.
"What's wrong, Dark One?" Vic asked her. She was still bathed in the afterglow of making love to her husband.
"I'm pregnant!" Cici told her clinically.
"What!" Ced shouted in surprise.
"I'm pregnant," she repeated herself.
Vic lay there, Ced was still on top of her, and she began to take mental stock of her own body. "You need to get off, babe," she told him gently, her tone neutral, but clinical.
Ced rolled over between Cici and Vic, he spread his legs so that his feet would touch theirs, he spread his arms so he could hold their hands, and he lay there quietly.
The three of them lay there not moving, silent, the two of them could feel and knew everything that Vic was thinking and feeling, but her mind was quiet, calm. Then her husband and wife turned and looked at her, Cici got up on one arm to see her better.
"Now, I'm pregnant too!" Vic told them. "A minute ago, I wasn't pregnant, and now I am! That was weird!"
Cici rolled out of bed, Merlin! She thought as she headed for the shower. "Now we're both pregnant, and all three of us have finals this week!" she shouted from their bathroom.
Towards the end of the first trimester, during a routine well-baby check, the midlevel scan that their mom and mum were running over them showed that both Cici and Vic were pregnant with twins. Hermione and Angelica both brought up the diagnostic display so all of them in the room could see. The two expectant mothers were both excited and a little fearful of the thought of having twins.
Within a month of Cici and Vic becoming pregnant, the other four women all became pregnant too. With Fred, Rose, George, and Angel all being twins, everyone was expecting for them to have twins.
"Well, at least all of our kids will be in the same year at Hogwarts!" George told the others loudly.
"That should be a plus!" Sam shouted back to him across the back garden of his and Rose's home.
Sam had gotten out of the military and gone to work with his dad in private security. He could earn in a month what he was getting paid in a year in government service. The other benefit was, he didn't have to go out of the country if he didn't want to. Ever since he learned of Rose's pregnancy, he had only taken jobs that would keep him in country. Rose had worked with him to learn occlumency and then Legilimency skills, and the Legilimency skills had paid off for him on several occasions.
It was late April when five of the six pregnant women were walking to a class that they all had together. All of them were taking classes in education, and all of them were taking classes in subjects that interested them too. For example, Rose was taking classes in art, Amber took classes in investing. But it was a sight to see, the five women, all pregnant with twins, walking to class. None of them fit in the desks that were provided by the university. So, the school had to accommodate their special situation, and the other students had to respect that the five special desks were for them.
One afternoon, Julia, whose belly had swelled the most of the six, pregnant with triplets, walked into English class to find a young girl sitting in the desk that had been provided for her.
"Excuse me," Julia said pleasantly, not wanting to draw attention to the situation. "But you're sitting at a desk that has been provided for me."
The young girl turned to look at her, "Well, if you had kept that shilling between your knees, you wouldn't need it!" she said loudly and sarcastically, intending to draw attention to Julia and her condition, hoping to embarrass her.
Julia waited for her to get out of her seat, which the girl did in a very haughty manner, looking at Julia with disgust.
"You should have used the patch!" the girl sneered at Julia.
With a quick probe of the girl's mind, Julia learned that the girl was sexually active with multiple partners. So, with a wandless wordless spell, Julia removed all of the medication from the girl's birth control patch. Then she smiled at her and sat down in her seat.
Ced stood between the two women giving birth. Hermione was delivering Cici's babies, and Angelica was delivering Vic's babies. He was holding both of their hands, as he listened to them screaming at him. The medical room of the mansion had been enlarged and a second delivery bed had been installed. The two women looked at each other and smiled, then they looked at him and scowled.
"Okay, breathe!" Hermione coached Cici, encouragingly.
"Breathe baby breathe!" Angelica coached Vic in the same tone of voice.
There were four house elves that had been trained in labour and delivery waiting by the sides, two other elves were helping the doctors with the delivery. The women had been in labour for five hours, and the babies were finally crowning.
"Okay! I can see the top of its head!" Angelica told Vic.
"I can see the top of its head also!" said Hermione to Cici.
Both women had closed off their mental links so they wouldn't cripple Cedric, for doing this to them, at least not now, maybe later.
Cici pushed one last time, and a black-haired boy was welcomed into this world.
"Time of birth is 10:27am," Hermione said.
"Time of birth is 10:27am," Angelica said as she held up a baby girl with light brown hair.
Two of the house elves moved over to take the newborn babies from the two doctors. They walked across the room to start cleaning the babies and then measuring them and weighing them, to record the information on the birth certificates. The two new mothers twisted their heads to follow the two elves as they moved around the room with the most precious things in the mansion. A few minutes later, the other two babies reminded everyone that they were still there and were ready to come into this world also.
"Aaah!" Vic screamed as the next set of contractions took her by surprise. And then she started breathing correctly.
"That's a girl!" Angelica praised her daughter-in-law.
Cici had just enough warning from Vic when her contractions started all over again with a vengeance.
With Vic's breathing back on track, Angelica said, "Okay, I can see the top of the head! On the next contraction, push!"
A moment later, Hermione was telling Cici the same thing. Five minutes later, two new lives had entered this world brought about by the miracle of childbirth. Time of birth for the second babies? 10:57am. After the umbilical cords were cut, the two healers finished taking care of the new mothers.
With mothers and babies ready, the house elf nurses brought the four hungry babies to their mums to begin nursing, two at a time.
A week later, Ced was presenting mothers and children to all of their family and friends. This was done to give the mothers time to recover from childbirth, and to help smooth out some wrinkles. Vic's old room had been converted into the nursery for the babies since it already had a door into their bedroom. One problem was, the threesome was used to casting privacy charms when they went to bed. With the babies feeding every two hours or less, the mums needed to hear the babies cry. If one started crying, that would wake up the other three! Thankfully, the house elves were able to pass through the charms and wake the mothers when they needed to nurse the babies.
"I would like to present to you," Ced began, all dressed up for the occasion. "Harold Fredric Potter," he paused for a moment. "His sister Angelica Rose Potter," Ced paused again. "And their mother, Cecilia Ophelia Potter." Cici stepped forward at the announcement of her name. Ced looked at her and smiled lovingly at her. "I would also like to present to you," Ced paused again for effect. "Daniel George Potter," Pause. "His sister Hermione Angel Potter," Another pause. "And their mother, Victoria Jeanette Potter," Vic stepped forward at the announcement of her name, and Ced finished to rounds of applause for the new family.
After they graduated from Hogwarts, Ced had gone to school to study business to follow in his father's footsteps and take over the family businesses. Cici had chosen to go to medical school, and she had two years left before she would graduate with her medical degree. Vic graduated with Ced, and she decided to study business also, it would help with the daycare/preschool centre that all of the girls had opened up. They had seen a need to help the students be competitive in the world. When parents were sending their children to school that couldn't even write their own name, they didn't even know the alphabet, or they couldn't count to twenty, the six girls had decided that this would be the best way to help Magical Britain. All of the guys had gone to school to study business and or finance to take care of the money that they had earned. All of them remembered the lessons they had learned from Zander, and all of the different people that worked to steal his money from him. George started his own wedding planning business, he had found out that he really enjoyed planning Vic's wedding, Neville's wedding, Aunt Ginny's wedding, and of course Fred and Julia's wedding, and Rose's and Angel's.
The daycare and preschool had taken off quickly with a total of one-hundred students within two months of opening, attending at various grade levels. The house elves were a huge, huge help with the daycare, especially with the younger children.