just some info before we begin that this story includes the core four pairings (nalu, jerza, gajevy, and gruvia), along with other cameos, and is my first crack at discovery writing! that basically means that i haven't outlined what's going to happen other than some basic parts, so I hope to see where this goes just like you all! I will be adding different characters and perspectives every chapter so it will be a little all over the place, but I think it's kind of cool.


City Dwellers

Republic City, United Republic

Gajeel Redfox

Location: United Republic
Occupation: Republic City's Chief of Police
Nationality: Earth Kingdom
Synopsis: Born in the slums of the Ba Sing Se, Gajeel was a petty thief and criminal with a natural talent for metalbending. He was taken in by the Phantom Lord gang when he was merely fourteen, molded by their cruelty and fierce loyalty, until he strayed from his criminal path and relocated to Republic City to begin a new life. Though some gang members resided in this city as well, the threat wasn't nearly as intense. He was soon recruited to Republic City's Metalbending Academy and was taken under the wing of the previous Chief of Police, Metallica, and became his successor as the city's most trusted protector. Though, with trouble brewing in the Eastern Earth Kingdom, Gajeel faces multiple challenges with handling threats, inside and out of his city.

Juvia Lockster
Location: United Republic
Occupation: Right Hand in Phantom Lord Gang
Nationality: Water Tribe
Synopsis: Abandoned as a child in Republic City, Juvia lived her life moving around constantly from different foster homes and shelters. Desperate to feel accepted and loved, she joined the Phantom Lord Gang after an impressed member witnessed her unusual waterbending techniques in an act of self defense against a bully. Being born and raised in Republic City, she never learned the traditional water tribe techniques, so all of her bending styles are completely unique and self taught. She grew close to Gajeel Redfox after she was sent for a hit on him, and failed to carry out her threat. He offered her a chance for a new start, like himself, but she refused in fear of being stranded alone again. She continues to work for Phantom Lord, though keeps secret ties in with Gajeel as well.

When Gajeel saw the amount of blood splotched on his uniform, he knew today was not going to be a pleasant one. What pissed him off even more was that it was his own blood- sticky and crimson as it dribbled from his mouth to his dark green shirt. Shit. his thoughts were furious. It'll take me hours to scrub that out. Heaving, he got himself back to his feet. Metal scraped together at his joints, and for a second he wished he were out of uniform. Laughing scuttled all around him. The street had long been deserted since Gajeel had stumbled across it, caught up in flurry of violence he always seemed to be running into. This time around: it appeared a deal had gone wrong between the Triple Threat Triad and Agni Kai Triad.

"Well damn," one voiced. He was dressed all in red, presumably a firebender. "You must be that Officer Redfox I've been hearin' about. Ain't no one else on MPF can possibly be that scary lookin'."

Gajeel busily wiped off the dust of his metal chestplate. He straightened his badge, and frowned at the dried blood on his collar. He stopped the gangster with one look, dead to eye. "It's Captain."

While his friends hooted, the firebender struggled with mustering a smile. Gajeel had not yet released him of his snare, his blood red eyes most unusual, especially for a earthbender. It appeared the tales had not ceased within the Metalbending Police Force's walls, how in the days before, Gajeel had slaughtered so many benders that his eyes were stained of their blood. Red instead of Earth Kingdom green or brown.

"You have quite some balls for celebrating over a lucky shot," his sights jumped from triad to triad, a smear of colored clothes; the Agni Kai were smart enough to flee when given the chance. "How about you all call it a victory and go running back to your sewers? It's a petty one, but the best you're gonna get."

While Gajeel would love nothing more than to beat the crap out of the Triple Threats, he had planned something better to do with his time. One wrong turn down a road, and here he was.

"I don't care what people say about you, you're still nothin' but MPF trash. It's three on one-you ain't walkin' out of here."

Gajeel's lips quirked. He took only another second, another stare, as paralyzing as a snake's venom, before the shrill sound of a spool jabbed at ears. Fisted in his hand, Gajeel shot out the metal rod from his arm holster. An onslaught began as the firebender dodged, a car sent wheeling down the street with a crater in its hull. All around him, water, fire, earth, Gajeel avoided with inches to spare. The scream of his metal rope was deafening in the triads ears.

Windows shattered, cars blared, up and down the street they all flew. A boulder of earth came flying as Gajeel leap from its path, a touch of his metal-toed boot enough to have it shattering into rocks. The debris stilled before pelting a window. With a swipe of his calf, Gajeel shot it back into the earthbender. The body collapsed in an alleyway.

Taking a second too long to witness the triad's fall, Gajeel paid with a slice to his thigh. He hissed at the stream of water whipping through the air. Ducking and leaping, a car door ripped off it's hinges to aid as a shield. Sharp pangs hit him roughly, sent him back on his heels, until a burst of fire sent him stumbling.

Almost. He almost fell. They were lucky enough to kick him off his feet once, but not again. Gajeel's hand turned into a fist, and so did his shield. With another lick of searing fire to his cheek, he sent the crumpled car door into the flames and into the triad's gut. A sick sound echoed as he tumbled away.

Gajeel knew better than to get distracted yet again, but a flash of blue caught his attention harder than it should've. Standing, dark in the alleyway. He stifled a grunt as several streams of water lashed at him-the waterbender had opened a hydrant to his aid. Gajeel used lashes of his own, the spool of metal rope whirring against his armor to grasp him to the buildings above. He landed upon a wooden tea shop, and brought down the sky as he jumped.

The earth levelled beneath his feet. The waterbender toppled, sent flying into a lightpole that groaned when it was bent to wrap around him. Like a snake coddling its prey.

Aside from the hisses and groans, it went quiet. Gajeel studied the damage done and cursed. Surely this would come out of his paycheck.

"Walkin' outta here my ass," he muttered. His steps were angry as he passed by the gangsters, and into the alleyway where he saw the familiar flash of blue.

"Enjoy the show?" he bitterly asked. He wiped again at the dust on his chestplate.

"You never fail to impress," came the reply. The smear of blue dissolved into the light of day, a woman in distinctly water tribe attire. She could see that wasn't what Gajeel had wanted to hear. "Oh don't be mad. I knew you could handle it."

Unable to decide whether he should be flattered or pissed, Gajeel dropped a sigh. "What do you want, Rain Woman?"

He noticed the wince that ticked her eye, but said nothing on it. She kept her voice soft. "Don't call me that."

"Right. Guess that's only for your Phantom Lord buddies to say, eh?" he said. He moved and she followed as he went to rest against some wooden crates, both dissolving back into the darkness.

"I didn't get to choose that name, you know that."

Gajeel leaned his bad thigh on another box, sucking in a hiss as he inspected the wound. Another cut in his pants, and another blood stain. It wasn't until after a moment he calmed his nerves. "Yeah. I know."

"That's the fourth fight this week." she observed, her eyes alight. "Republic City has turf wars, sure, but never this many at once. Think it means something?"

"Rai-Juvia," he corrected himself, "Those triads have been beatin' the shit out of each other for decades now. Before even you and me. They might have some drama going down, but that's all it is: drama."

Juvia moved into his sights as he poked at his wound, his big meaty fingers solving nothing of the problem. Her face was pushed into his sight. "This doesn't seem like mindless gang violence Gajeel, something's up. I can feel it."

The way she spoke that had him still. He set his sights on her, hardened, and she was one of the very few people able to hold that stare. She straightened herself though, uncomfortable with the proximity.

"Did Jose say somethin' to you?" he asked. Her rigidness didn't go unnoticed by the captain. "Juvia if you know something you need to tell me now."

A bitter, coy smile snaked its way to her lips. "You know damn well I can't do that. Jose and the rest of those assholes would have my head for it." Gajeel frowned. He knew how deep that painful truth was set. How sparing the details of that statement was merciful. "In any way, I don't know anything. Things have been weird. You're the only person I can talk to."

A mutual silence arose around that fact. If either were caught talking to each other, it would end up bloody and messy for both. The Phantom Lord Triad didn't take kindly to traitors-Gajeel knew from experience. All Juvia had to do was guess. Suddenly, Gajeel was grateful again he had gotten free from those evil clutches. That gang, Jose, they were toxic. They killed you from the inside out, and Gajeel could see it happening with Juvia. She was now how he was back then, all those years ago.

Only he knew better than to stay.

"Find out what you can." he told her. "If it is something serious, I'll need all the intel I can get."

"Okay," she agreed. Her feet shuffled; she was always restless. "But you know I can only tell you so much. If you get a lead that only a Phantom Lord Triad would know, they'll trace it back and-"

"I know, I know, quit all yer worryin'," he snuffed her, "I ain't stupid, and this ain't my first time with snitches neither."

Juvia's face crinkled at that word, but offered no reply. It had taken her a long time to get where she could trust Gajeel, and even now she still had her doubts. Phantom Lord was a fickle thing-even the best benders were scared shitless of Jose, scared shitless of their supposed friends. And Juvia was the best in Republic City.

"Just promise to keep an eye out, okay?" she muttered, "Something big is happening, I can feel it. And Jose has been quite chatty lately too. I caught him with Agni Kai's leader a few days ago. Seemed serious."

With enough poking and prodding, Gajeel rose to his feet again. The blood was beginning to clot, only a soft sting came from his muscles. He turned to her, his eyes tired. "You should be gettin' back. Someone'll notice yer missin'."

Juvia hesitated, but nodded. She didn't want to go back already. Curtly, she turned on her heels and began to leave. Her steps were rigid, back straight, forcing her head high. Her hands stayed on her water pouches.


She stopped.

"If you ever decide to leave, just know you have a place with me." Gajeel said. His eyes burned her back. "Getting out can be done."

In the shadows, he saw her head move. She almost looked back. "And what? Stay locked in your basement until they forget about gutting me where I stand?" Juvia's jaw locked. "I'm glad it worked for you Gajeel, but I've never been that lucky in this life. This is as good as it's gonna get for me."

When she heard no reply, she continued. Despite knowing Gajeel for months now, she still hoped he would have some kind of advice to save her. He never did.

As Gajeel watched her go, he sighed a curse. She was going to get herself killed one day. It would be her choice though, he reminded himself. He wasn't her keeper. Strolling back down the streets of Republic City, it didn't take long for Gajeel to run into reinforcements cleaning up his mess. He ignored the accounts of angry witnesses and pissed officers and continued on to the precinct.

Gajeel didn't even have a chance to enter the doors before a flurry of flashes and colors toppled him. Reporters from every news station in Republic City were outside the station, buzzing around like flies on spoiled food.

"Officer Gajeel! Officer Redfox! Can you answer some questions?"

"Just a moment of your time!"

"Do you have a response to the President's speech from earlier today?"

Shouting and screaming and more shouting. Gajeel's blood grew hot with rage. He shoved his way through the crowd, not caring who cried out or fell down. He just wanted some damn peace and quiet.

"Officer!" one had particularly caught his attention, "What's your opinion on the refugee migration happening in the eastern Earth Kingdom? What is our next course of action concerning it?"

Finally stopping just as he reached the doors, Gajeel turned back to the crowd pushing and shoving over each other. Metal microphones were held high in anticipation.

"First of all, and I'm only gonna say this once more-it's Captain Redfox! I ain't no officer!" he snapped, "And what the hell does it matter my opinion? If you want answers, go to President Serena. It's his job to deal with this political shit, not mine. I just keep the streets safe, so back off my ass already!"

An explosion of comments and questions blew as he stomped his way into the precinct. The noise cut off as the door slammed, the throbbing headache he'd gained in that short amount of time numbing just a tad.

Through the bustling of papers and phone calls, Gajeel dragged his feet to his office. Someone was already waiting inside though, and this time, he was sure he might blow.

"You know, maybe you should be a bit friendlier when making speeches to the entire city." Romeo advised. He was sat in his captain's chair, throwing a ball against the wall and catching it. "Like it or not, people look up to you around here."

"Punk," Gajeel greeted. The kid was barely sixteen, but had a record that would shine for years. He was smart though, and at the same time a bit of a dumbass, but what kid wasn't. Gajeel had let him off the hook more times than he cared to admit. "What'd you get caught for now?"

He shrugged. "Nothing they can prove."

With an impatient flick of his finger, Romeo moved from the chair and let Gajeel take his place. "Aren't you supposed to be handcuffed to a bench somewhere then?"

"Released already. I was about to leave before I saw that display outside. I don't think I've heard any police officer curse as much as you do."

Gajeel sucked in a sharp, terrifying breath, "I'm not-"

Romeo laughed. "You're so easy to rile up. It's amazing how people put up with you."

"I just do my job. It's not that hard to figure out," he muttered. Leaning back, Gajeel rolled his neck. He stood and began unclipping his metal armor clasps to hang up. "What do you want, kid?"

Romeo paused as he watched the captain set down his heavy chestplate, and sat in the chair facing the desk. It was the longest amount of time he went without spouting some nonsense; it caught Gajeel's eye.

"You can't talk to the public that way, you know. You just can't."

Gajeel resisted rolling his eyes. He fell back into his chair.

"The people want to trust you Gajeel, they need to trust you. I do, but some people are on the fence, and the idiots who choose the wrong side are making this city go to hell-"

"Watch your language."

Romeo was the one to roll his eyes now. "Like it or not Gajeel, you're the face of this city."

"I'm not the goddamn President!" Gajeel snapped. "Why is everyone acting like I am?"

"Because President Serena's an idiot and everyone knows it! The politicians too! You're the only authority figure in this city with a brain so use it!"

Jaw locked, Gajeel glowered at the teenager. His headache began to throb again-it definitely wasn't a good day.

"This city is going downhill fast and we both know you're the one to stop it. So stop it." Romeo said. He shot up to his feet then, a blur of firenation red and dirt. A thud as he bounced his ball again. His steps retreated to the open door.

"Plus," he added, and his eyes were alight with childish humor, "You wouldn't wanna piss off the commanding chief, now would ya?"

Gajeel flung a pen at the fleeing figure, a trail of giggles left in his wake. His blood had grown hot several times today, yet this was the only one to make it to his face. Punk.

Peace and quiet; still all he wanted out of the day. He got a few moments to sit back in his chair, before someone else stepped through the door he was sure he had to get welded shut.

"Police reports on your little incident on Kaju Way. Fill these out before you go tonight."

A thud of papers met Gajeel's desk, sending a cup of pens and pencils clattering to the ground. He sucked in deep breaths, forcing himself to exhale so not to draw himself into unconsciousness, though he so desperately wanted to. One wrong turn.

It was dark before he had even made a dent.