Azalea didn't cry out; she tried to lean over and reach for her glove box her wand inside. Her belt jerked her, prevented her from reaching it. She looked back to see boot clad feet coming slowly, mockingly towards her. She braced herself for them to feed on her she had no wood she was a goner. Just as she finally met her uncle, finally rid of Voldemort, she was going to be killed by a freaking vampire.

He blurred away, she frowned in confusion, but didn't question it. The redhead yanked at her belt trying to remove it once again, this time calmer. She looked back, and screamed to see another figure had appeared by the smashed window.

"How you doing in there?" Damon asked gently, she gazed into the familiar blue eyes. "You're stuck," he stated with a small frown.

"It's my seatbelt. I can't get it off." She said.

"Shh, shh, shh," he soothed. "Let me get you out of here. I want you to put your hands on the roof." She did as she was told, he reached over his hand on the grey strap containing her; she could feel his hand against the material of her jacket. "Just like that. You ready? One… Two… Three…"

He pulled off the belt, swooping her up into his arms; she sagged against him, the adrenaline wearing off. "I got yah. You ok? Can you stand? Anything broken?" he said softly, but she could hear the command in his voice. She shook her head, he gently lowered her legs so she could stand, her legs gave way.

"Whoa, you're fading fast, Lea," he said, forcing her yes to meet his. "Lea, look at me. Focus. Look at me ok."

She tried but it was not use, her eyes fluttered and her body dropped like strings cut from a puppet.

The concerned vampire gently lowered her crouching down so she had support, he stroked her unconscious face. He hadn't told her this, but he liked her. She had spunk, made him feel more human, less alone. A true friend, like Enzo had been… No he couldn't think of his other English companion.

"Uppsy–Daisy," he muttered as he swooped his free hand back under her legs and rose to his feet, careful to support her head he began to walk. Her long red hair swaying in synchrony with her loose limbs.

Looks like he was going to have some company…

Groggily Azalea opened her emerald eyes, she looked around in confusion to see Damon driving, it was light.

"Morning," he said cheerfully.

"Where are we?" she asked him.

"In Georgia,"

"Where's Georgia? Is it a town? Or is it a State?"

"You don't know," he snorted.

"You have 50 of them Damon how am I supposed to know them all we don't learn them in England and even if they did I wouldn't know." She snapped. "I know, New York, California, Florida, Texas, you know famous states oh Hawaii and Alaska."

"Georgia is next to Florida," he said calmly, though she could see the amused smirk.

"But that's… Damon, be serious. Where are we?"

"We're in Georgia," he said again.

"Ugh," she moaned as she felt a wave of dizziness.

"How you feeling?" His tone more concerned now.

"I – I?"

"No broken bones, I checked,"

"My car, there was… the vampire. I was going to get Elena… Alaric! Where is my phone? I need to go back. He needs to know where I am. Damn it, Damon pull over!" she yelled.

"Oh, you were so much more fun when you were asleep." He groaned as he did as she asked.

As she got out Azalea felt her back spasm with pain she hunched over holding the sore area. Before she could blink, she felt Damon's hands on her side.

"Hey," he said gently.

"I'm fine," she said. "We have to go back."

"Oh, come on. Look, we've already come so far."

"Why are you doing this?" she sighed. "Let me call Alaric," she said.

"All right, call Alaric," he said handing me my phone.

"Am I going to be safe with you?" she said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, I will not harm one little hair on your pretty little head." He said, doing that eye thing that he does. She rolled her eyes at his shenanigans, and began to scroll on her phone's contacts.

She pressed dial and within the second ring Alaric answered.

"Azalea! Are you alright? What happened? Where are you?"

"I found myself into some trouble, but Damon helped me out, apparently I'm in Georgia. I'll be ok and I'll be back as soon as he's done whatever he's come here for."

"Azalea, I –"

"I know. But I don't really have an option here Ric," she said with a sigh. "See you soon." She promised before hanging up.

"Where is my car?" she asked knowing her wand was still inside. Thank Merlin she charmed it so muggles couldn't rob it.

"Pulled it to the side of the road, doubt anyone will bother it. Now." He said clapping his hands together. "Let's get back on the road," he said enthusiastically, Azalea rolled her eyes, but got back into the passenger seat…

"Are you serious, a pub." She said in irritation as she stared up at the Bree's Bar sign. "They won't let me in moron."

"Not a normal bar, Lea," he said with a smile striding towards it. She grunted in exasperation before following him.

As soon as they walked in the dark-skinned, middle-aged woman spotted them. The redhead presumed this was Bree.

"No, no it can't be? Aw my honey pie," she said leaping over the bar and kissing him. Azalea looked at her feet.

"Listen up everybody." She looked up again to see her back behind the bar. "Here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life and ruined any and all chances of happiness." She poured the shots handing one to Damon and to Azalea.

"Drink up," she said, Azalea watched as the two drank, then Damon look her shot too, she smiled gratefully. "Whoo. So, how'd he rope you in?" she asked her.

"I am not with him, he kidnapped me." Azalea said serious tone, the woman looked at her critically for a moment, then gasped.

"Azalea Potter,"

"Seriously? Does everyone know me?" she pouted.

"You know what she is?" Damon said; leaning closer to Bree, and pressing his crossed arms on the table.

"She saved the world," Bree said to him.

"Yeah, and the only thing keeping me alive is him not knowing about it," Azalea said calmly.

"Oh honey, he won't kill you," she said sweetly. "He can't afford to piss that many people off," she said looking at him with a stern raised brow.

"Noted," he said, taking a drink.

"She's a wand carrier, three types of witches,"

"Three," Azalea gasped.

"Yes, core, channel, but channels split honey, you have elementals and then you have ancestral. Oh, and travellers but they ain't really witches."


"They draw power from only their dead bloodline."

"Wait, wait," Damon said.

"Oh for the love of… you read the Potter books?" she asked impatiently.

"Where you going with – oh right," he said, as Azaea lifted her fringe and rubbed off the makeup.

"You should know, I never gave permission for that," she grumbled, before looking at Bree. "Something non-alcoholic,"

"I'll whip you something up," she said smiling.

"Well I'll go do something while you do whatever it was you needed to do," she said hopping of the stool and exiting the bar. I went outside and called Elena.

"Lea, what happened? Are you ok?"

"Elena, I am so sorry a vampire attacked me and –"

"Wait, what?" she cried.

"He forced me to crash my car, then Damon chased him away, now Damon's decided to go on an unwanted road trip. What was wrong? Are you ok?"

"I was forced to work it out with Stefan. In a way, it was good I stayed, though not with how it happened? Are you hurt?" she demanded.

"I'm fine," Azalea assured her, she could hear Stefan in the background.

"Stefan says he'll pick you up. Where are you?"

"Georgia, and a sign over there says Atlanta. Tell him not to bother, Damon knows about me and he knows to put in the witches words 'can't afford to piss of that many people.'"

She could hear Stefan snort in the back ground.

"Glad that amuses you Stefan," she said dryly.

"What is he doing in Georgia?" Elena asked her, the redhead could tell that she was frowning.

"Talking to a witch about something," Azalea sighed. "I hope he hurries up. I just want to go to bed,"

"Let us know, if he isn't done by 5, we'll come and get you."

"Thanks," she said gratefully wondering if she would end up staying the night in a hotel or not. The teens said goodbye, and with a sigh, the redhead made her way back into the bar.

While Damon talked with the witch, Azalea played with her phone, looking at apps she hadn't explored yet, and figuring out the device a little more. Once the battery was around 30% she stopped knowing she would need some charge to let people know she was safe.

She took a pen from the bar and began to doodle on a napkin, hoping that the vampire would be done soon. Azalea felt her leg vibrating, she pulled out her phone to see Alaric calling, she checked to see where Damon was before she ducked out into the alleyway.

"Hey sorry Ric, I'm still stuck here it shouldn't be long now,"

"Sounds like a bar?"

"That's because it is, Bree's Bar in Atlanta,"

"How long do you think till he'll bring you back?"

"How longs a piece of string," she said. "Whenever Damon's done whatever he's doing, he's talking to a witch – mmmffff!"

A hand clasped around her mouth and dragged her away, in the shock she dropped her phone, fighting against her capture she soon realised that they were not human. She paled was it the vampire from the road?

"Shh, I'm not going to hurt you," they murmured, pulling her from the bar. They blurred around the corner, keeping her mouth covered the stood in front of her. "Damon Salvatore is going to pay for what he did. I know who you are. I am not going to hurt you. You are just bait."

He gently gagged her, tying her hands and legs so she couldn't move. He spoke to her gently, talking about her time in England.

"I wish you could have a quiet life, unburdened by vampires, but I suppose you were always going to have to be a part of our world –"

He turned and blurred away. She frowned trying to speak. What did he mean by that? Then she saw a familiar figure walking towards them.

She gave a muffled scream trying to warn him, but the guy who captured her had snuck up behind him and whacked the back of his knees with a crowbar. Azalea cringed as she heard the crack.

"Leave him," she heard a familiar voice yell.

"Lexi?" Azalea tried to say, the blonde vampire blurred to her holding the petite redhead at arm's length, removing the gag.

"Azalea, are you ok? Did he hurt you?" she said scanning for injury.

"I'm fine, I'm just bait," she reassured.

"Azalea, saved me, he isn't worth your no kill record," Lexi said.

"Thanks," Damon grunted.

"Serves you right," Azalea scoffed.

"I saved your life not 24 hours ago,"

"You're still a git," she said calmly.

"What?" Lexi said her eyes worried.

"Another vampire run me off the road, and Damon saved me," she shrugged.

After Damon's body healed the four of them made their way back to the bar.

"Oh I found this on the floor." Damon said handing her phone to her.

She glanced down at the spiderweb of cracks across the screen.

"Great, let's see if a repairo will destroy it or fix it," I grumbled.

"Or you could just take it to the store."

"True, I don't know –"

"I'll take you, pay for it too." He said. "I'm the reason you were here, and the reason you were kidnapped. I owe you one." He said as she opened her mouth. "Now, get in the car, we got a long way to go."

Azalea rolled her eyes, giving Lexi a hug, which she gladly returned. Getting in the car she waved at her and her partner through the window. As soon as they were out of sight she turned to the dark-haired vampire.

"You mind if I sleep for a bit?"

"No, I'd say you deserve it, I'll wake you up as we hit Greensboro."

She nodded sleeply, not letting him know she had no idea where that was, and fell into a dreamless sleep.

"So why did you bring me along?" she asked when Damon had woken her up, with some drive thru food, they were eating in the car park. She had never heard of this company, but their milkshakes were amazing. He didn't answer her at first, putting their rubbish a bin, before driving back onto the road.


"You're not the worst company in the world, Lea," with his charm smirk twinkly eyes.

"You know I am immune to that right," she said calmly.

"You remind me of someone I knew in the 50s," he said staring directly ahead; she guessed he cared deeply for this mysterious person. She didn't push the point but she too stared out of the windscreen…

"Maybe I'll start calling you Lightning," Damon spoke after twenty minutes of silence.


"You know your scar, your fast reflexes, Lightning," he said smirking; Azalea rolled her eyes but smirked in amusement.

"You do know if anyone but you had said that they'd be on the floor,"

"Well, I'm amazing, and you love me."

"Whatever Damon," she said laughing.

What do people think? You liking the bond between Damon and Azalea that's forming. The nod to Enzo, that's one good thing about writing a fanfic so late haha :P Granted I started this a while ago, I am glad I could add that. See you guys next time