Hello there everybody! Welcome to Chapter 27 of my story! For nine months, you lovely readers have waited long and hard for this chapter to come out, and it is FINALLY here. Now on to the responses!

To Atarya QueenofEgypt: Miranda is a parent, not a child, so she'd have to rely on Eric if she wanted to win the grand prize. To answer your question, what else would happen if you let an 11-year old roam freely on the darkest sides of the Internet? :P

To Tristan494: You've created a "team" for Emma? How nice of you! You'll see how well she fares in this chapter once it begins. Kokatsu probably wouldn't like the fact you misspelled her name, however.

To Ethannalon. A Hilliard: As I stated a while back ago, I LOVE near demises, and I'm quite impressed these near demises played with your mind last chapter. "You want justice, you can have it!" is also one of my favorite quotes from Chapter 25 as well. :)

To JOHNHAMMOND1993: Thanks for the suggestion, and for answering the questions. Oh dear, another person misspelling Kokatsu's name? Imagine how mad she would be if she actually existed...

To DarkEmpressVADER: I've blocked her and her two alternate accounts after reading the forum on what she's done, thanks! :)

To ThePineappleKing23: Chapter 27's out now, hooray! Eric's such an antisocial jerk, isn't he? He's very lucky to have at least one person develop feelings for him. :P

To Guest #1: Eva and Rohan won't look pretty at all after their "accident," let me tell you that!

To mattThewriter072: An American Idol-esque setting probably wouldn't be where Kevin's hypothetical demise would take place. However, if he was eliminated, it would be extravagant, and would certainly be enough to teach him and his father a good lesson in not being such egotistical little pricks. And speaking of Kevin, if you thought he was bad in Chapter 11, he'll only get worse here, but then again, so will the other children in the tour. ;)

To Guest #2: The group already visited that room, in Chapter 18. :)

To Guest #3: I'm going to interpret the Dinosour Eggs a little differently in an upcoming chapter if that's alright. Thanks for the suggestion anyways! :)

To Softkitty55: Thanks a lot for enjoying Chapter 26! I really appreciate it! As for Eric being called a mumbler, there will be plenty of time to do that. I should redirect you to this line of dialogue in Chapter 26 that had a "mumbler" joke, however. :)

Charlie (to Eric): Well, hold those thoughts my little mumbler, because we're going to send a bar of chocolate from one side of the room to another, by television.

To Chris: Perhaps Eric's attitude will improve, or maybe not. You'll have to find out very shortly. ;)

To kronoan: I definitely see where you're coming from, don't get me wrong, it's just that toning things up is my natural writing style, and it can be pretty hard for me to break that habit. But I'll see what I can do to prevent events from becoming too extreme if necessary. :)

To Guest #3: I fixed the "into into" typo! Thanks a lot for pointing it out! :D

To NoThrills: I might include that room later on in the story, but not in this chapter. Thanks for the suggestion, by the way!

To Gs33022: Don't worry one bit, that event will come into play later on in the story. It'll be referenced in this chapter quite a bit as a matter of fact! :)

So, it seems that Emma Murphy is the most popular character among the six remaining, we'll just have to see how she does in Chapter 27. ;)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: I have updated Chapter 5 to relocate Eric to Orlando instead of Washington DC. Whether that may foreshadow his ultimate fate... only I know that. I myself have actually lived near Orlando for a small part of my childhood before moving somewhere else in America. ;)

I have also polished up Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12, and bits and pieces of Chapter 22. Even though I stopped polishing up chapters at around August (with the exception of polishing Chapter 1,) I'll be sure to pick up this habit soon. :)

SPECIAL THANKS: You readers haven't forgotten about Anthony and Kokatsu, right? What if I told you that I granted the author Gs33022 permission to include them in his second-generation story, "Charlie's Chocolatey Adventure"? Well, they've made official appearances in his story, and I believe he portrayed them absolutely MARVELOUSLY! There may even be a few more of my characters that might be making an appearance later on in his story as a matter of fact! So go read his story if you have the time! You can easily access it from the favorites tab in my profile, so there's absolutely no excuse for not reading this amazing piece of work! :D

On with the long overdue chapter! Let's boogie! Have fun! :D


Credit goes to ThePineappleKing23 for unintentionally inspiring some jokes in this chapter with the help of his reviews on Chapters 5 & 26. While they're not that important in the long run, I put those jokes in anyway, because why not? :)

Credit also goes to Ethannalon. A Hilliard for asking me what time it was (in the story) in a PM discussion we had. That question serves as the basis for another joke in this chapter.

Finally, credit goes to Gs33022 for suggesting that the "elimination two-liners" (inspired by the CatCF drafts) I made during our PM discussion as a joke should be placed into the story.

On with the chapter! It's a long one, so instead of skipping to the end, why not read it in all of it's glory? Enjoy!

The group, now half of its original number, walked through the glass tube overlooking the Music Terminal.

"Three minutes? There's no reason why the boarding and departures have to take that fast! Can't we slow down?" Marvin asked as his son followed him.

"The instruments need to be fast because a delayed flight would not be good for the factory's transportation efficiency. The Oompa-Loompas love travelling from place to place, you see, and would love to have the transportation here as efficient as possible." Charlie reasoned.

"It'll be nothing more than a recipe for disaster!" Ethan said.

"Hehe. Nice pun. We're in a candy factory, you know." Jacob replied.

"I'm not joking here. I'm just saying that this fast system can easily risk a plane crash or some other kind of accident!" Ethan shouted.

"You'd be surprised at how efficient the system is. Really sir, you would. And besides, this isn't a plane. It's a flute." Charlie said politely.

The area the group was in was now dark, with only a giant, dimly lit door ahead of them. The group stepped in the door, eager to see what's ahead of them.

"It smells like a band room." Miranda commented.

"It smells like an ambulance." Emma stated as she followed the group.

"It's supposed to smell like a flute. We're in one at the moment." Charlie stated.

Every member of the group was now inside the flute, hearing a soft melody. The lights were very dark, so the group couldn't see anything worth noting.

"It's gotten a little more darker in here. Is the plane, I mean flute, even working?" Charlotte asked.

"I hear music, and admittedly, it sounds good. I feel like I'm in a café." Kokatsu said.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet." Charlie replied.

"That's because we can't SEE anything!" Eric complained.

Charlie then hit a lever, illuminating the flute in an instant.

"As you were saying, sir?" Charlie sarcastically asked.

The interior of the flute was just like a standard economy-class section of an airplane. There were eight rows in the flute, each with three seats. That made twenty-four seats in total. The seats themselves were very vibrant and luxurious. Each seat was decorated in a pleasant shade of brown, with lots of leg room, tiny televsions, and lots of cushions to boot. Snacks and drinks were behind every chair to refresh the remaining group members if needed. There were many windows, and even glass panels of the floor to boot.

"Aw come on! I thought these seats were VIP, man! These are clearly economy class seats! Not cool!" Marvin complained.

"They are VIP, if you're wondering. You just need to play around in them for a little bit. Remember that go-kart race or that game show you guys visited?" Charlie asked the group.

"Yeah! What about them?" Eric asked.

"Remember how I let you guys have fun with the room to see how it works instead of me walking you through the room." Charlie explained.

"Wait a second-" Ethan said.

"If you define fun as ruthlessly beating each other up, which is true for me." Madison interrupted, getting a very stern look from her father.

"To make my instructions clear, I'd like for you all to sit wherever you'd like. There's much more room than expected, so don't worry about a lack of space. From there, just chill out, and have fun. Just don't go into the first class area, we have a band of Oompa-Loompas in there that cannot be interrupted. But anyways, enjoy yourselves! We even have candies and drinks all prepared for you guys!" Charlie said.

"Well, of course there's room. You just killed half of the group!" Ethan shouted.

"Not killed," Charlie reasoned. "Merely-"

"NO! I've had enough of your lies and excuses! You're a torturer with no regard for human life! A murderer who feeds off of human suffering! A madman with the most twisted sense of morality!"

At this point, Charlie was getting cornered by Ethan. Charlie's expression became more stern as he glared at Ethan in a firm manner.

"I'd hate to do this," Charlie said. "But…"

Charlie immediately pressed a button to his right, separating him and the rest of the group with a shield of bulletproof, soundproof glass. Ethan began to pound on the glass, as the remaining group members stared at him.

"Good going, dude! You just made the tour dude shield us off!" Jacob said angrily.

"You bastard! You should've taken the offer to leave the tour before we entered here." Andrew stated.

"Let's just pick a seat!" Madison said as she walked away from the group.

"For once, I agree with her." Eric said, also walking away.

Miranda, Kokatsu, and Anthony then left, with their parents following soon after. Kevin and Marvin went down the aisle as well, with Emma and Jacob following the line. Ethan then had no choice but to pick a seat, and decided to sit to the one closest to where the group entered.

Meanwhile, in the pilot's room, Charlie arrived to sit on a chair near where Dakarai was, who was the flute's pilot, dressed in an appropriate uniform.

"So, how many of our young guests are left?" Dakarai asked to Charlie.

"Six," Charlie replied. "Bella, Manuel, Eva, Jaden, Clara, and Ryan are OUT of the tour." Charlie replied.

"Half of them? And you've gotten the parents too, right?" Dakarai asked, excitedly.

"Indeed." Charlie answered.

"Awesome!" Dakarai responded.

"But still, we must pick one of these kids as heirs. Otherwise, this contest will just be a waste of time and effort. On the bright side, at least we're going to give these brats discipline of the highest order!" Charlie said.

"Yeah, that is going to be hard to decide. They're all horrible. They've already done tremendous damage to the factory! Ten squirrels are still down the garbage chute, yet to be rescued, and the Television Room's television has to be temporarily relocated to the Cyber Room to be repaired in the Electro-Gelatin located in there. Wait, strike that! We can just move some Electro-Gelatin over to the Television Chocolate Room."

"Nice solution you have there!" Charlie complimented.

"Thanks! Now looking at the bright side of things, at least we have this monitor to watch the group if they DO misbehave." Dakarai said.

"Nice! While you pilot the flute, I'll go watch the monitor to observe how the group will behave during the trip, to help us make any further decisions."

"Great plan you've got there! I'll go command the band in the back of the flute to sing very soon. The guests are going to love this one!"

Meanwhile, the kids and parents were picking out their seats. Madison sat at the window seat at the very southeast edge of the plane. Kevin sat next to Madison as instructed at the tunnel above the Music Terminal.

"Oh look, a soda!" Kevin noted as he grabbed a bottle of soda behind the chair in front of him.

"Heheh, it's very nice of the factory to hydrate us." Madison remarked.

"It is. Just the treatment a celebrity like me deserves." Kevin said.

"So, you've listened to me after all." Madison said while looking at the window.

"Well, yeah. What do you want anyways?" Kevin asked.

"A simple chat of course." Madison replied.

"Um, okay. About what?" Kevin asked, even more confused.

"About ourselves. But let me try to find a way to cover our words up through the glass." Madison said as she pressed the button that encased the two seats in glass.

"So, don't you know you're talking to the greatest celebrity in the world?" Kevin asked rather smugly.

"Oh, of course darling," Madison said sarcastically. "How could I be so foolish?"

"Hmm, you seem like a loyal follower. Have you considered joining my fan club? They get to be a part of my pranks, which only makes me and my dad even more famous." Kevin offered.

"I'll give it some thought." Madison replied.

"So," Kevin said. "What chat should we have? You're wasting my oh so precious time!" Kevin said.

"You know Kokatsu, right?" Madison asked.

"Of course, the eleventh Golden Ticket winner who has a rather peculiar history. She did me a huge favor by making my dad hate that freaking Australian pedophile, who gave birth to the freakiest freak who ever lived!"

"Emphasis on freaky." Madison said before they both exploded with laughter.

"Oh dear, I did not mean to make that pun! But seriously," Madison went on. "You should not listen to her. The gossiping one, I mean, not the slutty one who just got banished to the Deep Web."

"But why can't I listen to her?" Kevin asked, confused.

"I have a feeling that she's going to expect payment for her favors." Madison said.

"Well, she did say she was going to prank me if I didn't pay her back in that simulation in the Cyber Room. I thought she meant that as a joke. Which is stupid, because I'm always a step above her." Kevin boasted.

"Hopefully you'll succeed." Madison encouraged.

"I'm certain I will." Kevin said confidently.

"So enough drama. Let's go talk about our hobbies!" Madison said.

"Well, I like having fun, I guess." Kevin asked.

"My fun is very different from your fun. I like torturing animals, worsening riots, occasionally burning down property on my own, assisting in violent crime for money..."

"Wait, WHAT? Woah girl, you're CRAZY!" Kevin screamed.

"You poison people, you nearly commit manslaughter to the people that criticize you, you shut down schools, you commit false alarm, and you've just about hospitalized everyone that attended your interview except for your father because of that stupid fireworks prank. You spit when you speak too!" Madison replied.

"Ugh, fine. We're both crazy!" Kevin admitted. "But at least I do it all for fame. Spit speaking included."

"And because of your pride and jealousy. But whatever." Madison said.

"Hey! I've got an idea, let's prank! The factory needs a taste my superiority after all." Kevin said.

"How?" Madison asked.

"I dunno. Let's make that band in first class play my music!" Kevin suggested.

"I'm sure it'll crash the plane because of how bad it is. But hey, I'll go!" Madison said.

"Well consider yourself honored to be working with the Pranking King!" Kevin replied.

"That's a funny nickname you've got there. It fits you well, though." Madison stated.

"It certainly does! Let's go!" Kevin said.

Madison and Kevin then snuck out of their seats, and headed for the first-class area right behind them. Kevin whispered something to his father on the way, and received a nod in response, before Marvin gave Kevin a speaker used for playing music out loud.

"Good luck, kid. Bring us the big bucks!" Marvin encouraged out loud.

As that was going on, Anthony and Kokatsu were seated right next to each other.

"So. Ready or not Midgetland, here I come." Anthony said.

"It's called New Loompaland." Kokatsu said, with a translator on her phone in hand just in case she needed it.

"Oi, you know what he said in the Cyber Room, that you can't send video clips or screenshots inside the factory." Anthony said.

"Yes, I do. This mission is much harder than I would have thought." Kokatsu said.

"I know, right? Just work harder, it'll benefit me in the end." Anthony said selfishly.

"I'm getting kinda tired." Kokatsu admitted.

"Of what?" Anthony asked.

"Of being a mere spy, instead of the secret-collector I've always wanted to be." Kokatsu said.

"What?" Anthony asked. "You can't possibly be-"

"Look, as much as I love secrets, I think this whole spying thing is getting kinda risky. These accidents that have been occurring throughout the tour have all been caused by misbehavior, and we are certainly misbehaving if you ask me." Kokatsu admitted.

"Well, obviously!" Anthony shouted.

"But that's the thing. If we keep spying, we will inevitably get ourselves into an accident. Then, we'll be excluded from the rest of the tour, and our spying will come to an end forever. And it's very likely our parents will suffer with us too. And I definitely want that prize at the end! That sweet, succulent prize, that could give me every secret inside of the factory!" Kokatsu reasoned.

"Hey!" Anthony said as he grabbed Kokatsu's arm forcefully. "I'll kill you and your mother if you quit. I mean it!"

"I quit, Anthony! You're on your own. Good luck on your vain ambitions. You'll certainly need it!" Kokatsu said without any hesitation in her voice.


"You're a good supplier of drama, at least. I'm telling my mother. Farewell, Anthony Slugworth." Kokatsu said.

"Noooooooooooo! NO! AUGHHHHH!" Anthony screamed before punching the window very violently a few times, stopping when his fists turned red.

As Anthony and Kokatsu were telling their respective parental guardian about their "breakup," Eric and Miranda were just sitting together, minding their own business, before Eric decided to make a statement.

"I think I'll go alone for this flight. I need to cool off my brain a little bit after seeing that autistic freak of nature being tormented by his own disgusting fantasies. You can sit in a different seat." Eric said.

"A good winner should always stick to mentors like me. Why would you risk an idiot sitting next to you?" Miranda asked sternly.

"I'll uh, learn my potential enemy more! That's wise, right?" Eric asked in uncertainty.

"Alright, but stay safe, and don't let any idiot corrupt your prestigious brain!" Miranda said before switching seats.

Eric laid back and relaxed at the window seat, staring at the wonderful architecture outside, but not really enjoying it. He didn't really get to take advantage of his newfound loneliness for long though, since when he turned around, he saw none other than Emma herself looking at him rather awkwardly.

"Missed me?" Emma asked.

"Get out!" Eric shouted after seeing Emma.

"No! I refuse. Besides, my dad already stated he wanted some quiet time." Emma said, defensively.

"Don't make me hurt you!" Eric threatened.

"I have a few razor blades in hand. I wouldn't exactly do that if I were you. Besides, I'm like, immune to pain Bell-." Emma reasoned.

"Sheesh! I AM NOT BELLA!" Eric said as a notecard came out of his sleeve. He quickly hid it, while slightly blushing in embarrassment as Emma was staring at him.

"Um, pretend you didn't see that." Eric said quickly.

"Didn't you say in your interview that you were a Spelling Bee and Geography Bee champion?" Emma pointed out.

"Yeah." Eric replied. "I'm also a-"

"Didn't you say you were also the student council president?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, bitch. Honestly, your questions are starting to annoy me! I'm the best at everything, and losers like you should have never been born!" Eric snapped.

"Then how do explain this?" Emma asked before grabbing Eric's left arm, and unraveling it to reveal all sorts of crib notes, cheat sheets, and all sorts of graffiti written on his arm.

"Look, I just, I want, I-I-I..." Eric stuttered. "Ugh! You whore! Just kill yourself already!"

"You're quite the antisocial one, aren't you? God, your social skills are atrocious!"

"Don't say that you creepy piece of shit!" Eric shouted.

"Quite the foul mouth as well. I'll let that slide though, you egotistical retard." Emma said.

"This whole place makes me want to puke. Did I seriously have to take a break from winning for this crap?" Eric asked.

"Tell me about it," Emma replied. "I just want some attention now. Maybe I'll be the first person to successfully die in this factory. Who knows?"

"And one more thing I should point out. How does a flute fly anyway?" Eric pondered.

All of a sudden, an electronic dance tune that came straight out of the late 2000s began to play. With every guest hearing the catchy instruments, they became annoyed instantly. Most of them covered their ears.

"Oh hell no! What have you done Eric?" Emma asked.

"I just made this tour even worse. Oh great!" Eric said sarcastically.

Don't be a bad guy,

Don't make people below you cry,

Don't threaten to die,

Don't be arrogant, pompous, and sly,

Don't gossip and lie,

Don't, when desperate, be sociopathic and shy,

Do fly!

Fly through the music!

Until you feel sick!

Reflect at this point in time!

With melodies so good, it's a crime.

Because we're sure you know about the six other fools.

Who clearly and blatantly disobeyed the rules?

Twelve little children, totally angels from heaven.

Bella failed her diet, and then there were eleven.

Eleven little children, Manuel got greedy again.

He's overdosed and ill, and then there were ten.

Ten little children, all cool, sweet, and fine.

Eva took that too far, and then there were nine.

Nine little children, Jaden's antics made them wait.

He's completely burned out, and then there were eight.

Eight little children, we didn't forget Kevin.

Clara became a meal for plenty, and then there were seven.

Seven little children, Ryan's in need of a fix.

He's gone to the Deep Web, and then there were six.

Six, five, four, three, two, one,

If you all go, there'll then be none!

Anthony Slugworth, the boy filled with aggression and spite,

There's no need to always pick a fight!

Eric Piker, the prestigious winner,

If you keep mindlessly boasting, your chances of victory will be thinner,

Emma Murphy, who shocks others with her near-fatal deeds,

Please be considerate of other peoples' feelings and needs!

Kevin Prune, the self-proclaimed pranking king,

Try not to boost your ego with absolutely everything!

Kokatsu Russe, the girl who loves secrets and drama,

Try to spread more positivity, we're also talking to your mama!

Madison Rivera, you'll need to make peace,

With your father, if you want your pains and troubles to cease.

A lot to learn, as we go sky high.

But we still have more in store, before we say goodbye!

The flute then flew throughout the Music Hall, as the group stared at the synthesizer walls of the Music Hall. All of a sudden the walls began to pulse and vibrate with an array of beautiful colors.

Lummiposcence. A light-based technology,

That we discovered with Luminous Lollipops with glee.

They shine and glow with the rhythm and beat,

With their colors, your eyes are in for a treat.

"This is completely illogical!" Miranda shouted.

"Lollipops? That's so immature!" Emma complained.

Just then the group passed by many beautiful features in the Music Hall. They were all too surreal and marvelous to be described as more features were being introduced, so the song did exactly that.

The heavy metal concert halls are made out of heavy metal,

The samba section is like a city of carnaval everyday!

Time travel to the 70s with groovy disco,

Or go to the operahouses, and hear grand sopranos.

The electronic synths make up the mighty walls,

And classical tunes can be heard like triumphant waterfalls,

Not just from extraordinary engineering feats.

But from rhythm, tempo, and beats

It's all pure imagination,

Without a trace of explanation,

A true musical sensation,

So just enjoy this majestic creation!

After the lyrics ended, an instrumental started playing as the guests relaxed and had some drinks, even though Anthony was still upset about losing Kokatsu. However, unlike the majority of the group, Madison and Kevin were nervous, thinking about how successful their plan would be as they approached the first class area.

"Madison, um, I think I'm having second thoughts about this plan. Are you sure you wanna go through with it?" Kevin asked nervously as he held the speaker in his hands.

"Yeah, it'll be fine," Madison said. "I hear a roll call, so it's now or never."

"Dr. Rummerstick!

"Kiki Tarr"

"Rocko N. Roll"

"Jasmine Sacks"

"Cynthia Wayve"

"Crank it up, Kevin, and throw it at them! Their humiliation will be priceless!" Madison instructed.

"Let's get this party started." Kevin said.

Kevin then threw the speaker into the first class area as it began playing extremely loud disco-pop music. The Oompa-Loompas began to take notice, stopping their performance entirely while scrambling to find the source of the loud music that was disrupting them. Kevin reveled in his victory while Madison giggled in response.

But suddenly, the plane began to quickly drop in altitude, before moving upwards at the same speed, before dropping again.

"What's happening to the plane?" Kevin asked, now terrified.

"Get the speaker! I think the music is causing it to crash." Madison said.

"No way, you get it! Didn't you want it to crash in the first place?" Kevin shot back.

"There's a band! We'll get caught!" Madison replied.

"Whatever. We're all going to die! Ahhhh!" Kevin screamed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the flute has to make an emergency landing! Please hold on!" Dakarai shouted through the intercom.

"It's crashing? We're in big trouble!" Kevin shouted.

"Relax yourself, Kevin!" Madison reprimanded.

Meanwhile, inside of the main area of the flute, everyone noticed the sudden drop in altitude.

"This is a bad day for the Slugworths!" Andrew shouted.

"Who's gonna die first? This might actually be fun!" Anthony said.

"I should seriously consider writing how to survive a plane crash on my arms." Eric said to himself.

"Ooh, whoever engineered this plane deserves to copy off of an entire dictionary!" Miranda shouted.

"Oh boy, wishes do come true after all." Emma said.

"Ahhhhhh!" Jacob yelled.

"What the hell is my son up to? He'd better be making a good video that's worth this much hassle." Marvin said.

"This has to be a joke. But hey, at least I'm dying in the place I've always wanted to be!" Charlotte said to herself, trying not to panic.

"This is going to make a juicy story, that everyone WILL be talking about!" Kokatsu said while saving photos for future use.

"Efficiency my ass! This whole system's a faliure! Where are the oxygen masks, huh?" Ethan asked to himself.

Kevin and Madison were shaking, holding their hands near the first class area.

"It was nice meeting you, Kevin. Or should I say, the Pranking King?" Madison said.

"Thanks, girl! At least I have one fan to die next to!" Kevin replied.

"STICKJAW SEATS ACTIVATED!" a robotic voice said through the intercom, before everyone (except for Kevin and Madison) were literally glued to their seats. Most of the group members were annoyed, but others were simply too frightened to care. Some drinks spilled around the glass domes the group members hid themselves in. But thankfully, there was also a dryer to prevent any long-lasting stains.

"Yup, we're screwed." Kevin remarked.

All of a sudden, the plane started to tilt 90 degrees to the right. While everyone in the Stickjaw Seats were pretty much fine, Kevin and Madison were panicked, wondering what they were going to do.

"There's a handle, grab on!" Madison said as she grabbed on to a nearby handle near the lavatory door. Unfortunately, Kevin couldn't grab it before gravity started to take an effect on him.

"I can't! I CAN'T!" Kevin screamed as he was leaning farther away from Madison.

"Hang on!" Madison said as she reached out her hand. At this moment Kevin grabbed on to Madison's hand as the plane quickly tilted 270 degrees to the right before going back to its default position.

"I think it's over." Madison noted.

"You think?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, look!" Madison replied.

The Music Hall, as seen from the windows, illuminated very bright light as the flute started to descend. Wheels, that were actually conga drums, popped out of the bottom of the flute. The flute then landed on a giant piano that acted as a runway. The flute then slowly came to a stop, as every person in the room got quiet, before a little jazz tune played.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to New Loompaland! Be sure not to pass out on your way to the exit! Climb down the stairs, and take a right at the turn afterwards! Thank you for flying with us, and enjoy the rest of the tour!" a female Oompa-Loompa voice from the intercom said.

At this moment, a door opened, which was the same door the group entered to go inside of the flute. All of the bulletproof glass panels inside of the flute were gone, as the group decided to leave the flute after the intense experience they had.

"Never again!" Anthony said as he ran out of the flute as fast as possible.

"Not in my candy factory!" Andrew said as he ran behind Anthony.

"About time this blasted ride came to an end. It was a pleasure meeting you, Eric." Emma muttered.

"And it's a pleasure to get away from you." Eric replied as he walked away from Emma.

"That was intense! I'd sure love to go on that again." Kokatsu said.

"Phew! That was close!" Kevin said, in relief.

"Indeed. We could've gotten ourselves killed." Madison said.

"Correction, YOU almost got me killed." Kevin said.

"I saved you in the end, so you have absolutely NO right to complain!" Madison shot back.

"Whatever. I'm done with you, ya creep!" Kevin replied as he walked faster than Madison to get away from her.

"Not even a thank you, huh?" Madison said.

"Madison, quit acting like that! If YOU caused that plane crash, you'll be disowned!" Ethan said as he slapped her on the cheek. Madison shoved him a little bit, and then managed to get away from him.

The group went outside of the flute, going down a synth keyboard enveloped in an opaque tunnel, which functioned as a stairway. The walls of the tunnel were completely made out of bark, as if the group was inside of a giant tree.

"Where are we even going?" Emma asked in confusion.

"How many stairs are there? I'm getting tired!" Eric complained.

"Shut up you crybaby!" Anthony yelled, causing Eric to flinch a little bit.

After a while, the group made it to the end of the keyboard stairs. The group then walked towards a fork in the road. Plastered on its bark walls was a neon arrow, pointing to the right. The left path was blocked by a giant crate that said in glowing neon letters, "THE LEFT LEADS TO A MINIATURE MUSIC TERMINAL, YOU'LL GET LOST IN THERE!"

"The sign said to go right Eric, now come along!" Miranda instructed as she marched towards the right pathway.

"It's not like we can go left anyways," Madison said. "Just a straightforward, linear path without any freedom on what to do."

"Getting philosophical there, huh?" Kevin remarked.

"There's absolutely nothing to see here. Quite boring to be frank." Kokatsu said.

The right path led to a room that was shaped like a giant, hollow cube. Every inch of the walls were covered in thick tree bark. Unlike the rest of the area, the floor was made out of metallic grates with only a red circular panel in the middle of the floor. The roof was made completely made out of fresh leaves. Once every group member was inside, a gate fell down from where the group entered the cube, trapping them in the room.

"Damn it! We're stuck!" Emma cursed.

"Where even are we, anyways?" Kokatsu remarked.

"We're in a chocolate factory, right?" Charlotte asked.

"Is this a joke?" Jacob asked.

"It's a riddle! Something we have to use our brains to get out of." Miranda shouted.

"We should search the entire room for a way out!" Ethan suggested.

"Or we can just see what this red thing does." Madison said as she stepped on the panel. And just as she did that, a loud beeping noise was heard as everyone stared at Madison, who was beginning to step off of the panel.

"TEN! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN!" An artificial voice said.

"Madison, I think you're gonna blow up the whole room!" Kevin said.

"If only it was the whole factory." Anthony replied, with a smirk on his face.

"Didn't you see what happened to Clara, Anthony?" Eric asked as Anthony ignored him.

"Say your prayers, folks! Finally, the sweet release of death!" Emma shouted.


"MADISON! I'd beat you up if I could! Come here!" Ethan shouted as he started walking towards Madison.


"Is it me, or is nothing happening?" Kokatsu asked.


All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew from the bottom of the room. The speed got faster and more powerful until...

"Jesus Christ! Help me!" Ethan cried out as he flew upwards, disappearing into the leaves at the roof.

"Hahaha! You good?" Jacob said before he flew up in the blink of an eye, screaming every second he was midair.

"Having fun in heaven daddy? Nah! You're probably rotting in hell!" Emma said before also flying upwards in an instant.

"These tour designers are disgusting perverts! What if I wasn't wearing any pants?" Miranda complained as she was trying to hold her skirt down before she flew upwards.

"This is actually pretty fun." Charlotte said before flying upwards.

"AHHHHHH!" the entire rest of the group screamed as they all flew up at once, into an unknown fate.

Once every group member flew upwards, they actually went past the roof of leaves, and into a hollow cylindrical tube that led to an absolutely gigantic room. Eventually, the group flew until they were at the end of the wind current, before crashing down into an enormous pile of scarlet autumn leaves. Charlie was standing eagerly right next to the pile.

"Hey, how come I'm still alive?" Emma asked.

"You've landed on Fall-Breaking Fall Leaves, my dear. Made from Sandy Sugar, and designed to absorb any impact from large falls." Charlie explained.

The entire group then stared at Charlie, while they were all recovering from the fall.

"Oh, um. How was the flight guys? Well, actually, there were two flights. But did you enjoy them?" Charlie asked.

"It was fun!" Kokatsu complimented.

"Not for me!" Anthony said before giving a very vengeful, almost bloodthirsty look at Kokatsu.

"Absolutely not!" Eric said while crossing his arms.

"It could've been rougher." Emma said.

"Well, we did have a severe interruption near the end. I'd say it was already rough!" Charlie said while staring at Kevin and Madison. "Thank you greatly for your feedback, though."

"So, where exactly are we?" Madison asked, trying to process the entire room.

"Well Madison, it looks like I'll let the Oompa-Loompas explain for you. Three. Two. One!" Charlie shouted before promptly speaking what seemed to be gibberish.

"WELCOME TO NEW LOOMPALAND!" A crowd of Oompa-Loompas shouted out right next to them.

"Um, is this a cult?" Jacob asked.

"DO NOT BRAINWASH MY CHILD!" Miranda shouted as she covered Eric's eyes.

"No Mr. Murphy, this city is the residence of my workers. Remember them? And Miranda, no need to panic. Your son looks quite annoyed himself." Charlie replied.

Miranda then kept her hands to herself without speaking a word.

"Just go more into detail, won't ya?" Jacob demanded.

"I'm sure you guys know about the Oompa-Loompas, right? Well, they're simply not allowed to go outside. The press would go wild if they did! Therefore, they need to live inside the factory, and this place is their residence. New Loompaland mixes the traditions and customs of the original Loompaland with our modern cosmopolitan culture. Take a look if you haven't already!" Charlie instructed.

The group then looked around New Loompaland in sheer curiosity. There were several trees located inside of the room, but the trees were all extremely gargantuan in size. Each of the branches of the trees were large enough to contain multiple buildings of many varieties. Some were based on Western cities like New York or London, while others had more ancient designs, like ancient Egyptian pyramids and Aztec temples. Many gigantic, circular pods were located below the branches, and many suburbs could be seen on some tree branches. There were also various attractions and monuments spread around the city, giving a lively atmosphere to the whole place. The entire area was covered by a roof made of cotton candy that was the color of a bright afternoon sky. The walls were the same color as well.

"It's gorgeous!" Kokatsu said in awe.

"It's hideous!" Anthony complained.

"Jesus Christ, it's hot in here!" Madison said in annoyance.

"It's even more humid than the Everglades!" Eric said.

"I'm cool with it in all honesty, it's much better than the constant cold of Montreal." Emma smugly said.

"I'm with her." Anthony replied.

"The temperature you lot are feeling right now is the same temperature of the original Loompaland, so it isn't much of a surprise that this is one of the most humid places in the factory. Don't worry, it's fairly easy to get used to, and the temperature cools down occasionally to prevent any overheating." Charlie said.

"How big is it?" Eric asked.

"It's around the size of the third smallest country on Earth. So, Eric, my little Geography Bee champion, do you know what country that is?" Charlie asked.

"China?" Eric asked awkwardly as he received a very stern look from his mother.

"Nauru, my boy! 21 square kilometers in size. Height included. We are very high up, you know, since giant trees connect each room. Imported straight from the original Loompaland!"

"There should really be some guard rails installed." Ethan criticized.

"Oh, but there are! Watch this!" Charlie said before picking up a pebble and throwing it off of the edge of the branch the group was on, only for an invisible force to deflect the pebble back onto the branch before it fell down.

"After some developments in the Wonkabot Room," Charlie stated. "New Loompaland now has electronic forcefields. Now no one can risk falling down ever again!

"As if that's a good thing." Emma muttered to herself.

"And what are the walls made of?" Miranda asked.

"The walls are made out of the very hardest chocolate in the world. If you guys paid any attention to the song that powered up the plane, you all should know about lummipops. It allows candy to simulate different lights based on a certain theme. With the Music Hall, the theme was music, obviously. But here, the theme is based on different times of the day. The lummipops were also hardened to give a more smooth effect to the walls." Charlie explained.

"And what time is it anyways?" Marvin asked.

"Check your phone, dad." Kevin replied rather rudely.

"It is 2:55 PM bro." Marvin said loudly.

"That's a lot of time we've spent since the beginning of the tour." Jacob said.

"How long must this torment go on?" Emma complained.

"And a lot of time my daughter has been complaining!" Jacob replied.

"Can you possibly imagine how long the others are suffering in this hellhole?" Ethan asked.

"It's possible their rescue is already being undergone as we speak. Now hurry up, we haven't got all day." Charlie explained.

The group then followed a path, checking out the buildings of the room, and the huge branches stemming from each tree in the room.

"Hey! That neighborhood looks like New York! I see a tiny Central Park, a tiny Brooklyn Bridge, and buildings like Staten Island, my borough! The place I love sneaking out too!" Madison said as she received a quick slap on the neck from Ethan. Madison just ignored him, and walked away from him.

"Well, only a few of these buildings are. That building's more like Chicago, and that building's more like Philadelphia," Charlie explained. "Have any of you guys checked out the Hollywood sign, or should I say, New Loompaland sign?"

The group then saw a group of giant letters on a grassy hill near the Central Park-esque area. The words spelled out "NEW LOOMPALAND." All of the letters were made up of solid chocolate.

"Oh my god, that looks awesome! I'd love a Hollywood sign in my honor!" Kevin said, surprised.

"Do you guys have a Mount Rushmore here by chance?" Marvin asked.

"It's somewhere else. Can't tell you where, but here's a face of Willy Wonka on a mountain for the time being."

The group then saw a tree branch with a slightly small slab of light gray stone resembling a mountain on it. There, a very realistic, yet very beautiful face of Willy Wonka was shown.

"That slab of stone over there is a memorial we did for him. It's the least we could for him, no really, it is." Charlie commented.

"How gorgeous." Anthony sarcastically said.

"I'm very glad you like it! Now let's pick up pace! There's still so much to see!" Charlie replied.

"I'd totally burn all of these buildings down if I could. That would be a fun stress reliever." Madison said to herself.

"Same." Anthony muttered.

"Heheh. I bet you're too much of a coward to actually go through with it. It takes a lot of practice to do." Madison said.

"Me, a coward? You know you're talking to the the same person who made many people break every bone in the body. Piss me off again, and you'll be spending the rest of your life in a hospital bed!" Anthony threatened.

Just then, a group of Oompa-Loompas were seen hanging out and talking to each other, without a care in the world.

"What are they wearing? It looks like rubbish! I'd kill myself if I had those clothes on, holy shit! Emma said.

"Ouch! Don't say that! These Oompa-Loompas are wearing their traditional clothes. They're made out of the finest plants and deerskins in the world, and they can be fashioned in any style. From ancient to modern."

The group then passed by a bunch of Oompa-Loompa children playing around, wearing leaf-woven short-sleeved shirts and shorts. Their hair was fashioned in rather fancy afros.

"Sometimes the children here go naked. It's a tradition in the original Loompaland, and is still present here. Today, we've passed a small law that makes the children here wear clothing for this special day, and this day only." Charlie said.

"I should tell all of the history teachers in Piker Middle School to make an entire unit on this Loompaland civilization." Miranda said.

"That sounds lovely my dear, but it's best to keep the Oompa-Loompas a secret. They just aren't used to the outside world." Charlie replied.

"Nah, I'm certain every face around me will hear all about them!" Kokatsu said.

"I'm sure they wouldn't believe you. Who even would in the first place." Emma replied as the group kept walking.

"Hey, check out that shitty dollar-store amusement park! It reminds me of my home in Orlando, and how much I hate these cancerous amusement attractions!" Eric shouted.

The group then saw an amusement park about the size of a small mansion. Every attraction you could think of was crammed in there. Ferris wheels, drop towers, bumper cars, water slides, and lots of roller coasters. The roller coasters and water slides went through some of the buildings, creating a stunning visual effect. Many Oompa-Loompas could be heard having a very splendid time.

"It's a bit small. A definite safety hazard if you ask me." Ethan said.

"Of course the park is small, it's made for Oompa-Loompas." Charlie reasoned.

"I'd love to ride in that roller coaster. It's something thrilling for a change." Madison said.

"You can ride on many roller coasters later on in the tour. We have plenty of those! Mark my words." Charlie explained.

"Not by my watch, if those roller-coasters turn out to be lethal!" Ethan said.

"Hey! What's that funhouse over there?" Jacob asked.

"That's not a funhouse," Charlie corrected. "That's the Tunnel of Trauma, for the adrenaline loving Oompa-Loompas. Everyone gets to pitch in and add their own fears to the tunnel. It's a work in progress. Currently we're working on a scene where a chicken gets their head cut off."

"I'll go in it!" Emma said. "I love scary stuff. Can you die in it?"

"I'm afraid we're not going to have enough time, and it's actually impossible to die in it. This place was even built right next to the hospital just to be safe." Charlie said as he pointed to an ample-sized hospital made out of beautiful pearls, with a red, ruby cross decorated on it.

"Well never mind about that." Emma said sarcastically.

"What's that building over there? It looks ugly!" Anthony said as he pointed to an Aztec-looking temple that was colored a dark shade of gray. Around it radiated heat, which the group noticed quickly.

"Why is it so hot? Is Charlie trying to kill us?" Madison asked.

"Say, what's that smell. Why, it must be my daughter's body odor!" Jacob said.

"Shut up, dad!" Emma shouted.

"It's molten chocolate. Doesn't it smell beautiful?" Charlie asked.

"It smells like a hot garbage." Kevin commented.

"So, about the design of the temple, does this town practice sacrifice or something like that? Pretty morbid, I must say!" Marvin noted.

"Of course not! Why would we?"

"Hey, I see a midget coming out." Andrew noticed.

"They don't look like the usual brand of midget. Their skin is so... different. So is their hair." Kevin noted.

The group then saw a few Oompa-Loompas coming out of the temple, with green, long hair, orange skin with some white features, and a brown and white-striped uniform.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the tanning salon! Here, your skin can change color temporarily, for 24 hours. The most popular color here is orange!"

"They're all so ugly," Eric complained. "They all look like a bunch of midget Donald Tr-"

"MUMBLER!" Charlie interrupted as Eric glared at him.

"We most certainly do NOT need any political debates at this point in the tour." Charlie said.

"Who was he talking about again?" Jacob asked.

"Shut up about that, dad. We don't even live in America for crying out loud!" Emma shouted.

"What's up with the green hair? They look ill. I'd definitely be ill if I had that hair color." Ethan asked.

"It's just a cosmetic aspect. It's the new style among the Oompa-Loompas." Charlie explained.

"Right..." Ethan said.

"And what does disfiguring your entire skin tone have to do with making chocolate?" Andrew asked.

"You have to remember that this place is strictly for leisure, and a place for the Oompa-Loompas to go to after their work. We can't keep them working forever."

"I would. In fact, that's what I do in my factory!" Andrew said.

"That would be a complete violation of human rights!" Ethan pointed out.

"Exactly, now please, we can't stand here bickering all day." Charlie said.

The group continued around their current path, checking out the architecture of the city. Kevin and Marvin trailed behind the group, talking among themselves.

"This city sucks, don't you agree dad?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah. It's pathetic! The entire factory does in fact!" Marvin replied.

Kevin then ran over to the tanning salon and grabbed a few small pebbles nearby.

"Yo dad. Film this shit, and put it in a comp." Kevin commanded.

"Yep. This stuff is gonna make us rich! Don't get too dirty though, you'll need to look good for our next photo shoot." Marvin said.

Kevin then threw the pebbles towards the amusement park, trying to hit as many Oompa-Loompas as possible. Judging by a few screams, Kevin deemed his plan a success.

"Let's save some of these for later, okay?" Marvin instructed.

"Sounds good!" Kevin affirmed before grabbing plenty of pebbles and following the group with his father.

The current path that the group was on led to a bridge made out of solid glass. It was decorated in vines, leaves, and many Imaginary Insects.

"It's those things again! I don't like 'em." Anthony said.

"They sure kicked ass in that tower. I wonder what they're doing." Madison remarked.

"They're just being part of the natural beauty here. Aren't they cute?" Charlie asked.

"Not in that room!" Emma said.

"Hey, Mr. Bucket! Why aren't there any buildings on the ground?" Ethan asked.

"Ah, good question! That's how everyone in the original Loompaland lived according to Mr. Wonka's numerous archives on Loompland. The Oompa-Loompas lived in treetops, and not on the ground. Due to the voracious predators teeming around Loompaland, ground travel is extremely deadly, and only done to find food, notably the coveted cocoa bean.

"Cocoa beans? Sounds disgusting!" Anthony said.

"If I had to choose between caterpillars or cocoa beans, I'd go with cocoa beans." Charlie replied.

"I don't know," Madison said. "Caterpillars actually taste pretty good. Especially when you tear off their little legs beforehand."

"They're only good for making yourself sick." Emma said.

"Can you two not talk about eating caterpillars?" Eric asked.

"Oh HEY there guys!" Kevin said, in an extremely awkward tone of voice.

"Oh, hello there Kevin! You and your dad must've fell behind us. Do stay with the group! You wouldn't want to end up on a rocky road, now would you?" Charlie asked.

"Indeed. Now, what's that over there?" Kevin asked. "Is there a fire going on?"

"Ooh, some arson! Alright!" Madison remarked.

"This is the Vivacious Volcano! Used for religious ceremonies! Since it's close, we should head there right at this moment."

The group then walked across the bridge and traveled to a dark brown volcano that radiated heat around its area. On the outside, it wasn't anything too remarkable, other than thick, gray smoke that smelled like chocolate coming out.

"It's kind of dull. Can we leave now?" Emma asked.

"You haven't seen the inside yet, haven't you?" Charlie asked. "We can't go in yet, due to a ceremony going on, but feel free to peep inside through the windows."

The group then looked inside the Vivacious Volcano, and saw some rather interesting things. The inside of the Vivacious Volcano itself was just a dark brown, hollow area with lots of light shining through the hole at the top. The walls were decorated with many exotic leaves and plants, and in the center of the volcano was a huge bonfire burning fiercely. Around the bonfire had a very tribal scene taking place. Many Oompa-Loompas dressed in leaf-made clothing were dancing and playing instruments as the bonfire grew larger and larger. A giant cocoa bean was lying on a podium, with a few Oompa-Loompas bowing down to it.

"What's going on in there?" Madison asked.

"What you're seeing here is a ritual for the cocoa beans." Charlie said.

"Hold up! Cocoa beans?" Jacob asked.

"Cocoa beans were the most coveted item and food in the original Loompaland. They were the primary reason why the Oompa-Loompas went to the chocolate factory in the first place. Other than a better and safer place to live, obviously." Charlie replied.

"So what impact do cocoa beans have on daily life here, considering that chocolate is everywhere here?" Miranda asked.

"Cocoa beans are the wages that the Oompa-Loompas earn, as well as the currency of New Loompaland and the entire factory itself. Dollars, pounds, or yen will do nothing here! The Oompa-Loompas even get paid in Cocoa Beans."

"Talk about serious job outsourcing." Ethan replied.

"Haha! I never actually thought about that! But let me ask you this Mr. Rivera. If money is absolutely worthless here, why would you want it in the first place?" Charlie asked.

"To buy stuff, obviously." Ethan replied.

"But why not use something else as currency? Isn't that how most civilizations go?" Charlie asked.

"Indeed." Miranda replied.

"What are you guys even talking about?" Eric asked, in a very confused tone of voice.

"Alright, maybe cocoa beans are the currency of the factory, but that's not how things work in the real world!" Ethan stated.

"This isn't the real world, this is the factory. Haven't you paid any attention to the wonders, the imagination-" Charlie noted before being interrupted.

"Just stop! Let's move on!" Ethan shouted.

"As you wish, sir." Charlie said.

"Yeah, let's move on. None of my fans would approve of yours truly wasting his time like this." Kevin said.

Every group member agreed with Kevin, and the group left the volcano as Charlie began to lead the group onto another pathway. The pathway (located on top of a giant tree branch as with the rest of New Loompaland) had lots of green grass, trees, ponds, and playgrounds, making for a relaxing area.

"Ah, this is one of my favorite spots in New Loompaland. So peaceful, and so lovely." Charlie said.

"As if anyone cares." Emma muttered to herself.

The group continued along the path until the group encountered, not one, not two, not three, not five, not ten, but rather twenty elderly Oompa-Loompas, who blocked their paths.

"Hey midgets! Move your asses out of the way!" Eric commanded.

"Uh, what the hell are they doing?" Emma asked.

"BACK OFF YOU LITTLE FREAKS!" Anthony said as he shoved them aggressively.

"Freaks? Hahahahahahaha! We're veterans! Now stop shoving me, and let me introduce myself. I'm Barry B. Lou! I'm very famous around here, but so are my friends, who are also veterans!"

"Why are you guys veterans? You all certainly don't look like veterans to me!" Marvin stated.

"Ah, you'll know why. Let me tell you guys a little story about us. We were all once a gang of troublemakers, living out our early adult years! We pulled pranks, we stole, and we didn't do our work! Shocking for Oompa-Loompas, right? It was an exhilarating life for us, traveling from room to room to cause chaos." Barry said.

"That sounds a lot like my daughter!" Ethan replied while Barry was speaking.

"We quickly became infamous and notorious for our behavior. But eventually, karma struck us, and we were all caught and persecuted by Sweet Koko himself, back when he was around. You see, we were all misbehaving in the most important room in the factory, the Inventing Room, which is a very serious no-no in the factory. As punishment, we all had to go to this Testing Room to chew a magical piece of chewing gum, that simulated eating a three-course-dinner." Barry said.

"A three course dinner? Wait, I know where this is going!" Emma said, getting slightly nervous.

"It seemed like more of a reward than a punishment at first, other than the fact that we were all separated. The dinner the gum simulated was perfect, from the tomato soup, to the roast beef, to the baked potato. But then I tasted the dessert. It tasted just like blueberry pie and ice cream, the most marvelous blueberry pie and ice cream in the whole world! But then, very weird stuff started happening to my body. My skin, hair, and even my clothes turned into a dark shade of violet. And if that wasn't enough, my body reacted very negatively to the gum, and I began swelling up painfully with what was stated to be an excess of blueberry juice, and I was even increasing in height! I looked like a blueberry, according to the scientists who were taking notes on me. It was awful, and even worse, all nineteen of my buddies were in the same condition! I was one of the luckier ones of the bunch, since a good portion of us nearly exploded. Some of us did explode, but they were thankfully patched up through some medical magic before they fermented."

"That sounds exactly like what happened to Bella!" Emma pointed out.

"Well, we were taken to this Juicing Room, we had it in store since prior testing the gum on some machines yielded the same results. We were all squeezed like a pimple, but we all came out with a violet color to our skin, and we were flexible as if we had no bones in our body. As you'd expect, our parents were mortified at our conditions, even though we were all adults. Also, despite being honored greatly as veterans, we didn't really make any new friends right after the incident. The event was just a humiliating defeat to our gang." Barry went on.

"I'm not surprised why." Anthony said.

Thankfully, we still had each other, so we devised a plan. We used our contortionist abilities to make vivacious performances. They became grander and grander, and we started to receive praise and fame, as well as a decent living. We also helped out with fixing machines in many rooms in the factory very quickly with our abilities. Soon, our skin color changed back to normal, and our contortionist abilities gradually became weaker. And yes, that means our hair is dyed. Regardless, we kept practicing the art of flexibility, so regaining our regular flexibility never really affected us. We're now celebrities, venerated for our work in testing out that strange piece of gum." Barry said.

"You're kidding, right?" Marvin asked while holding his son. "We're the only celebrities here!"

"Ooh, be careful with that statement!" Barry warned. "Let me show you guys something neat!"

Barry then did a somersault before placing his hands on the floor and flipping his head around 180 degrees backwards.

"Is he being possessed by a demon?" Emma asked.

Suddenly, the other nineteen Oompa-Loompas started to do the same thing as Barry.

"You guys look extremely retarded!" Anthony insulted.

"The cheerleaders in my school can do much better." Eric said.

After the twenty Oompa-Loompas were done performing, they all stood next to each other, from left to right, just like they were when they met the group.

"So, who are the other nineteen veterans? Tell me everything you know." Kokatsu said to Barry.

"I'll just give you a brief run down if that's alright. Here's Bill Lou, my brother. Skyler, my best friend. Fred's the comedian, Ash is the gamer, and Hazel's into Roman mythology. Oliver is really good at Twister. Sapphire and Jade love the Rock Candy Mines, Russell likes to act like a pirate, and Millian is the rich guy who likes vermilion suits. Ellen's a claustrophobe, Ruby and Marigold are the fancy girls who joined us because they're a bit lazy, and Amber is the cool girl, she gives me the chills. Strabby is a karate enthusiast while Glocky, her sister, is into vehicles. She also has a motor mouth, but then again, so do I.

"C'mon bro," Bill said. "Let's stop the blabbering and keep performing. We have guests for crying out loud."

"Fine! One more for the guests, then. Even for the rude and violent punks." Barry obliged.

The twenty veterans then proceeded to do many tricks with their bodies, contorting and twisting their bodies while performing on top of each other to create nearly impossible shapes, which impressed and bewildered the group but then, one of the members tripped on a few pebbles, causing all twenty veterans to fall down on the ground, as every group member looked on in horror.

"Hey, are you guys alright?" Charlie asked the pile of veterans.

"Uh, yeah," Bill said. "We just need a moment, and maybe a trip to the hospital. But no emergencies, right guys?"

"Right." Every veteran said at once.

"Feel free to go around us." Barry said.

"I hope you guys recover as soon as possible. I'm sorry this all had to happen!" Charlie apologized.

"Don't worry, it's alright. We'll be fine." Barry replied.

"See you lot in the afterlife." Anthony quietly said as he stuck his tongue out.

The group then silently walked away from the veterans, Kevin and Marvin grinning at their success.

"Got 'em! I knew those pebbles would come in handy later." Kevin said to his father.

"I got it on film too! Editing's gonna be a hassle though. But baby, we are gonna be rich." Marvin said as the group kept walking along the path.

"It serves this pathetic factory right, after all, we deserve all of the attention here." Kevin replied.

"Well, weren't they some interesting people? Now, I have something really cool to show you right along this way, so let's go!" Charlie said.

The path then seamlessly transitioned to a forest filled with blossoming sakura trees and many traditional Japanese pagodas, with Oompa-Loompas dressed in traditional Japanese clothing going about their business. Upon further inspection, the area also had some majestic paintings, gorgeous shrines, and waterfalls which distilled pure, crystal clear water.

"I like this place. It reminds me of back home, which I find very cute." Kokatsu said.

"Now these sakura trees you here see are made of cotton candy Have some!" Charlie said as a few group members tasted the cotton candy sakura leaves in curiousity.

"It's probably a trap." Andrew said, refusing to eat the cotton candy. His son stood next to him, refusing to even look at the trees.

"Don't eat that Madison," Ethan said as he pulled on Madison's hair and threw away her cotton candy. "You don't deserve it!"

"I admit, this place doesn't seem that bad." Charlotte said as she stood against a tree.

Charlotte's POV

I'm jealous. I'm very jealous, yet I'm not jealous at all at the same time. Many years ago, when I was 15 years old, I tried faking a Golden Ticket to enter the factory to no avail. I just wanted a chance to enter the factory, and nothing else. And because of that, I was arrested and incarcerated for six months, and I became a living laughingstock in St. Petersburg. To escape this intense humiliation, I escaped to South America to live out my adult years. But I chose the worst country in the whole continent to live in, Paraguay. Why was it the worst country? One person. Just one. Alberto Minoleta. He's not a bad man, not by any means. Well, he's sleazy, crooked, and greedy. But so am I! It turns out that he also faked a Golden Ticket as well, and was also despised in his nation, despite his reputation as a wealthy casino owner. And then, the press. The sheer press we've received together was tremendous! We had a reputation as the "criminal boyfriend" and "criminal girlfriend" respectively. We moved all around the world, and the only place we truly settled in was a Japanese city, where we had our daughter, Kokatsu.

Thanks to her, she brightened up my life, and I told her everything about myself, and everything she needed to know about Alberto. She developed an interest in secrets and drama, which carried over in her school life. No matter how bad she could be, I still loved her. I began to specialize in secret-collecting. And I would do anything I could to keep her out of trouble. Even if it meant putting the blame on others. Is it bad, not really. It's just survival of the fittest, the belief that guided my life.

And thanks to my daughter's Golden Ticket victory, I was able to enter the factory for its second reopening, when I was older than before. But that doesn't really matter. Why would I care about myself when I could care about someone else's misfortune? My life has changed so drastically, but I still love it nonetheless.

After six of the worst brats in the world left the tour, I knew that victory was getting closer and closer, thanks to our wits and intelligence. I looked at my daughter eagerly, before realizing she was giving a rather stern look at me.

"Mom, don't stay behind!" my daughter shouted over at me.

"Oh, how embarrassing of me!" I replied.

We made it to another shrine where the group was, and I promptly saw a familiar emo girl taking cotton candy, and throwing it into a river of crystal clear water produced by a gorgeous waterfall.

"It's horrible!" Said the voice of Emma Murphy. My daughter's worst enemy. A French-Canadian girl with a lot of dirt on her. She's way too stubborn open her mouth, however, and isn't even the quiet type either. She just has a simple aspiration to get attention through various threats. Yet, she has the audacity to call my daughter out on achieving her goals. If I have to ruin her life, then so be it. As Emma left the tree she was ruining in order to vandalize another one (and to stare extremely creepily at Eric), I noticed something from her dropping on the ground.

"Look mother, she dropped something! A razor blade." My daughter pointed out.

"It bet it belongs to her," I said as I picked up the blade. "Yep, thank goodness it isn't used. We could frame her with this, but how exactly would we go around doing so?"

Then, a very cruel idea came to my mind. I'd do anything to help my daughter advance past her enemies. And I had a plan that would make it work. It might be a bit risky, and it may put my daughter in an intense situation, but the reward is definitely worth it in my eyes.

"Kokatsu, darling, how much do you hate Emma? On a scale of 1 to 10?" I asked.

"11." My daughter said instantly and firmly.

Then, I whispered something in my daughter's ear. I didn't know what I was saying myself, as I was just saying what my emotions told me to say. All I knew was that my daughter seemed very happy with it.

"Let's do it!" Kokatsu said.

"Confidence, independence, and cunningness! That's what I'm looking for in my daughter!" I said.

We both snickered in response, before running along to catch up with the group. I have a feeling this plan is going to be good. I gave the razor blade to Kokatsu, and thought about what the outcome would be.

"Don't do it right now, do it later, when everyone least suspects it. Emphasize AS MUCH shock value as possible!" I instructed.

"Indeed." My daughter replied obediently.

The group and I then walked past many wonderful buildings after the Osaka-esque area, like opaque domes that were zoos and aquariums for non-hostile creatures who were originally native to Loompaland, or glass pipes that transported chocolate from the Chocolate River over to this strange city. It was all gorgeous, but I was sick of just strolling by every setpiece that came my way. I wanted more secrets, because otherwise, this trip would just be a waste of time and effort. Unless I won the factory, of course.

"Hey, why can't we see all of these features." My daughter asked.

"There's just so much time and so little to see. Wait, strike that! Reverse it!" Charlie replied, much to her confusion.

(I really wished our host would stop speaking that way. I may be fluent in many languages based on my time in prison. But the language of riddles? No. Just no.)

Eventually, while we were on another glass bridge, we came to a complete stop. Charlie walked towards a tall, blonde Oompa-Loompa sitting on a bench wearing a blue sweater and blue jeans. He was reading an astronomy book, judging by the cover.

"Ladies and gentlemen, meet one of our celebrities. He's used to quietness, but he doesn't mind meeting large crowds." Charlie explained before the blonde Oompa-Loompa stopped reading.

"Greetings! My name is Aaron Arielle. It's a pleasure, no really it is." The Oompa-Loompa said.

"What's so special about you?" Kevin, the egotistical twit asked.

"It's a long, intense story. But a fun one nonetheless. Just where do I begin?" Aaron asked.

"When did it all start?" I asked.

"Well, it all began on that one fateful day, when I tested a Fizzy-Lifting Drink from the greenhouse we have. Remember that soda in the Everlasting Gobstopper room that made the Mexican boy float?"

"Yep." Emma replied.

"Isn't that the soda you need to burp in order to get down?" Kokatsu asked.

"You got it! That's how I was supposed to get down. But its just that I was so polite. So conceited, prim, and stubborn, to the point where I was fine with floating as high as possible."

"Where did you go? Did you prove the Earth is flat?" Jacob asked.

"Space. I thought I'd be dead in an instant, but no. The soda allowed me to breathe in space! I had lots of fun, visiting all sorts of asteroids and planets, occasionally raiding a few space hotels to sustain myself. But I was still floating, so I had to position myself just right in order to avoid being stuck on the roof. It was intense!" Aaron described.

"You're joking." Eric said sharply, to no response from the other tour members.

"While I was still floating, I encountered something odd. Five dark, egg-like aliens staring at me almost hungrily. They contorted their body to form a word. The word was scram if my knowledge serves me right. Anyhow, they immediately started chasing after me, and I was so scared of my upcoming demise that I burped. There was so much pressure inside of me to the point of my belches propelling me miles away from those aliens." Aaron explained.

"That's impossible. I think you're lying!" Eric accused. I really wished he'd shut up right now.

"Oh, but it's true, how else would you think I made it here? Anyways, I kept propelling myself faster and faster as the beasts came closer and closer to me. Eventually, I found planet Earth itself! I took a wild guess on where Willy Wonka's factory would be, and with a mighty belch, l plummeted into Earth's atmosphere and into a familiar looking smokestack. I then crashed right into the Wonka Bar Room, with my fellow Oompa-Loompas looking at me in amazement. I knew was safe now, and back to where I belonged. I could now walk, and there was no more gas inside of me. I was free from my interstellar prison, and was welcomed back into the factory with glee. Even better, I got to teach astronomy in New Loompaland's one and only university, and I'm now a hero for my journeys around the galaxy itself. You should read my books if you haven't already." Aaron said.

"But what happened to the aliens?" Jacob asked.

"Well, how do I put this? They all died. They couldn't handle the trip down Earth's atmosphere, and were subsequently sizzled like a sausage." Aaron said. "It's a very sad, but very deserving fate that happens to every nasty Verminicious Knid. But legend has it that only a select few can survive the descent. Maybe there's a Verminicious Knid inside of the factory right now, who knows?"

"There already is one," I thought to myself. "Emma Murphy."

End of POV

"Well, thanks for your time, Aaron! It was a pleasure knowing you." Charlie gratefully said.

"Farewell, my dear group members. Hopefully you've all learned something along the way. Pride can be your undoing if it isn't controlled, but hopefully, you can use your ambitions to help others instead of harming others. If you cannot, oh well. I should get prepared for the festival now. I sure can't wait for it to begin!" Aaron said as he left the scene.

"Now, I want you guys to check out this next area! It's very fascinating." Charlie instructed as the group reluctantly followed him.

The next landmark the group approached was a giant tank resembling one found in an aquarium. Inside of the tank, a rainbow colored substance swirled around it, glowing very vibrantly. More of the substance came out through eleven glass pipes in intervals, which caused the rainbow-colored substance to slowly turn a rich chocolate-brown. Eventually, the substance rose until it hit the roof of the tank, where it got drained through a giant pipe in the wall, underneath the eleven glass pipes. The enormous, glass pipe transported the substance into a generator very close to an absolutely gigantic tree, that glowed brightly when it was delivered the strange substance.

"You lovely people might be asking what this substance is. It's none other than chocobromine!" Charlie introduced.

"Theobromine? Isn't that a major chemical in chocolate?" Miranda asked.

"This chemical isn't theobromine! It's called chocobromine my dear," Charlie instantly corrected. "It's the power source of New Loompaland. Willy Wonka and I discovered it in the Inventing Room, while we were doing some experiments with turning food into fuel to make New Loompaland into a better community. With a little bit of chocolate, and some of our previous ideas used, we've made a brand new chemical!"

"That's complete nonsense!" Eric interjected.

"And what were these previous ideas?" Andrew asked.

"You know, I wish you two would open your mouths up a little wider." Charlie said.

"Don't pull your games on me, or else you'll pay for it severely." Andrew said, getting angry.

"So," Jacob said. "Any specific details on these chemicals. Can they be used for healing purposes? Spiritual boosts?"

"Ouch! Damn it, that hurts!" Emma yelled, causing everyone to look at her.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just kinda tripped on the, uh, what are these things exactly?" Emma asked.

The group noticed a collection of models made of solid, chocolate-colored framework. There were models of a tropical tree, a miniature volcano, a miniature pirate ship, a statue of a whale, a bumper car, a tipi, a washing machine, a miniature clock tower, a rocket ship, and a giant battery. There were also various Easter-themed decorations, made out of the same framework.

"As you guys noticed, chocobromine can be hardened to create many statues, that can be preserved for a very long time. These in particular are not edible and are only used for cosmetic purposes. However, we are beginning to work on chocobromine statues that can be eaten by all. They'll be out in the markets by Easter." Charlie said.

"That's my birthday!" Marvin exclaimed.

"How wonderful! Now, we're also working on molding human forms with chocobromine. We're calling them Chocolate Boys, or Chocolate Girls depending on if they are girls."

"Ooh, if Clara heard that, she'd go berserk!" Kevin said.

"So, they aren't alive." Madison said.

"Nope! It would get very messy if they were. Now, here's something neat we did with them. Come right this way, folks!" Charlie said.

Charlie then showed the group a line of enormous statues made of chocobromine. All of them were decorated with candles, flowers, photos, and candy. They were very beautiful, but had a very sad aura around them as well.

"This area is a tribute to our fallen seven." Charlie stated.

"Who are they?" Eric asked.

"Well, it looks like I'll have to tell you all. Pay close attention." Charlie instructed.

"Here are statues of my four grandparents. Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George, and Grandma Georgina. An amazing four they were. They would've been so happy to see you guys all here. But nonetheless, they moved on. Here's a statue of Sweet Koko, the leader of the original Loompaland, who succeeded in his goal of bringing peace to the Oompa-Loompas. Here is Wilbur Wonka, the father of Willy Wonka. Despite his flaws, he ultimately made peace with Willy Wonka, which brought good for the both of them."

Charlie then paused for a moment before resuming.

"And here's a statue of Willy Wonka, the founder of New Loompaland, and this majestic factory. Even though he isn't around physically, his spirit still lives on within the factory, and its imagination. Now can we have a moment of silence, for our fallen seven?" Charlie asked.

Charlie then looked behind him, and realized in shock that everyone rudely left him during his speech except for Kokatsu and Charlotte. The rest stared at the chocobromine tank in boredom.

"Well, that was heartwarming!" Charlotte complimented as quickly as possible.

"Thanks for the info!" Kokatsu said just as quickly.

"No problem at all!" Charlie said. "Now let's go check on the other guests."

"So, how does this liquid become the power source of New Loompaland in the first place?" Anthony asked.

"Ah, a question I can answer. That's the role of the generator, after many years of research, we found which candy works the best as fuel. The generator is the most mysterious aspect of it all, generating all sorts of energy with the power of chocobromine. Isn't that neat?"

"Here's a question for you Charlie," Madison asked. "Why isn't chocobromine edible?"

"Well, here's the problem, the chemicals needed to make chocobromine into the form it is aren't suitable for humans in any way shape or form. It's actually quite poisonous, and only suitable for Oompa-Loompas." Charlie answered.

"Poison?" Ethan asked in outrage.

"No need to worry, Ethan, we're working on making raw chocobromine edible right at this very moment." Charlie replied.

"Damn, this is some serious scientology stuff you have right now," Jacob commented. "Can I join this cult you've got here?"

"There's not enough time I'm afraid," Charlie said. "Because I want to show you guys one of the most important areas of the whole city!"

Charlie then walked on a very wide branch the length of two tennis courts, with the group quickly following him, until reaching a gargantuan tree in the center of New Loompaland.

"Here we are, everybody! The Chief Building!" Charlie exclaimed.

The Chief Building was the tallest tree in New Loompaland, made into a building. Flashing spotlights came from every branch of the tree. On the top was a circular platform surrounded by several fireworks. The tree itself was a harmonious balance of natural beauty and technological achievement, with wood and steel forming the basis of the magnificent building. Thousands of leaves and branches casted a foreboding shadow that gave off a vibe of power and mystery to the Chief Building, making it all of the more tempting to enter.

"It's beautiful! I want to live in a building like this one!" Kevin said with a look of jealousy on his face.

"Our chief, Dakarai Bivv, works here. You can read his name on the plaque, also made of chocobromine." Charlie said to the group.

"Dakarai?" Kokatsu asked as she read the plaque. "Sounds like one of those legendary-"

"It's pronounced Daka-Ray, and yes, he gets that a lot." Charlie mentioned.

"So," Charlotte asked. "Where is he?"

"In the Chief Building, of course. But he's very busy, so we don't have any time to talk to him personally. However, I really do want to show you guys what's inside this wonderful place, so we're going in." Charlie said.

"We're going in? Cool!" Kevin said.

"I see absolutely no point in this." Emma muttered as she folded her arms.

"So what does this Dark Ray fella do?" Charlotte asked.

"He not only makes sure everything in every room of the factory is running well, but he also makes sure all of the Oompa-Loompas are alright or in need of assistance. He also plans out all of the grand festivals inside of the factory along with his council. It's a busy job alright! The Disco Festival is coming very shortly, and it will be the most extravagant show we can come up with to entertain our six families coming with us. Too bad not all of us could come, but at least we have you guys. Now everyone, welcome to the Chief Building!" Charlie said as he stepped inside the Chief Building through a golden turnstile, with everyone following him.

The interior of the Chief Building was certainly one of the most impressive areas in the factory. It was designed in a cylindrical fashion, and was very, very tall. The ceiling was made out of glass, allowing the light of New Loompaland to shine into the building, illuminating everything within. The walls of the interior were made out of wood and tree bark that was decorated very neatly in very exotic paints. But the biggest thing that caught the group's attention was all of the business going on inside. Many sweet shops were placed on the ground floor, selling lots of cocoa beans and other cocoa treats to the Oompa-Loompa customers.

"A candy factory does not need this much decor in it!" Andrew said.

"Whoever designed this tower must be overcompensating for something." Kevin commented.

"Say Charlie, you've got a nice place here! I really like it!" Charlotte complimented.

"It looks like an accident waiting to happen." Ethan smirked.

"You are an accident." Jacob replied.

"Hey, can we eat some chocolate please?" Kokatsu asked.

"I'm afraid not ma'am, but you can eat the free samples!" Charlie responded before speaking in gibberish.

"I really wish he wouldn't do that." Kevin said.

All of a sudden, twelve Wonka Bars dropped down on the ground, in front of every tour member. As Anthony was about to pick one up, Andrew stepped on the Wonka Bar meant for himself and Anthony."

"Hey, why did you do that Andrew?" Charlie asked.

"My son got ill from eating your products, and I wish not to repeat it again!" Andrew retorted.

"Can you NOT criticize my dad?" Anthony asked menacingly.

"Alright, Anthony, I won't. I'm very sorry for any misunderstandings." Charlie replied.

"Whatever." Anthony said.

Eric ate a little bit of chocolate, and put the rest in his backpack. Jacob put his bar in his pocket, while Emma ignored the Wonka Bar completely, along with Miranda. The Russes ate their chocolate without much hesitation. The Prunes threw their bars in a nearby trash can. Ethan quickly stole Madison's Wonka Bar, and also threw it away.

"Let's not stay put here for any longer. There's more I want to show you up here, but first we'll need to arrange some transportation." Charlie said.

"Like what? A limousine?" Marvin interjected.

"You'll never guess this one! I guarantee it!

Charlie then directed the group towards a giant, metallic yellow butterfly with brown spots on it. On the butterfly were twenty-five seats, which were arranged neatly in a 5 by 5 pattern. However, the seats had over-the-shoulder restraints, similar to the ones found in roller coasters.

"It's ugly!" Kevin insulted.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Butterfly 5.0. 20 percent butter, 20 percent buttercream, 20 percent butterscotch, 20 percent of raw engineering, and 20 percent of pure imagination. We have it as a butterfly, because that's what a caterpillar becomes when it grows up. A metamorphosis, in better terms."

"A butterfly? Good lord! Are you actually retarded you old ass motherf-" Eric asked before being grabbed in the cheeks by Charlie.

"Oh my, oh my! What a harsh tongue you have! We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream." Charlie said before letting go of Eric's cheeks.

"Jeez, what a creep. Go to blazes!" Eric retorted rather harshly.

"I'd rather go to the seats of this butterfly, but hey, suit yourself!" Charlie replied.

"So, how exactly is this bootleg butterfly going to get us up?" Jacob asked as Emma looked at the butterfly in disgust.

"Step inside those seats, there's plenty of extra room!" Charlie said as he picked the seat in the front row, on the third column. The children and their parents then picked their seats. Madison and Ethan sat as far away from each other as possible. So did Emma and Jacob.

"Oh no! No way! I absolutely HATE roller-coasters and amusement rides in general! I almost hurled in that Wonkamobile ride when it zoomed up the tower! And I almost lost my backpack to the water slide." Eric complained.

"Your backpack is so tiny!" Anthony said while shoving Eric a little bit. "Stop being such a coward, or I'll show you something to really be afraid of!"

"So how high is this tower again? I need to know for, uh, suic- I mean, research purposes." Emma asked rather bluntly as the remaining children and parents picked a seat.

"Nine stories tall, my curious little girl! Each story plays a crucial role in the success of New Loompaland." Charlie replied.

"Nine stories? Dude, that's TALL!" Marvin said.

"I'd love to live in a nine story tall building." Kevin said bitterly while crossing his arms.

"Now is everyone seated?" Charlie replied. "Oh Eric, we can't leave you behind! How would the group ever be the same without your constant mumbling?"

Eric then sighed and picked a seat as far away from everyone else as possible before closing his restraints.

"Alright, let's begin!" Charlie exclaimed.

Charlie then grabbed a very tiny pan-flute from his pocket, and began playing a short tune on it. Suddenly, the wings of the butterfly began moving.

"Hang on folks!" Charlie said.

"Is this a factory, or a bloody amusement park?" Andrew asked in disgust.

The Butterfly 5.0 then began to ascend, getting faster and faster as the group quickly noticed what was going on.

"This is like an amusement ride!" Eric remarked.

"How do you dismantle the restraints?" Emma asked as everyone ignored her.

"The tower looks amazing! Stellar work!" Charlotte complimented.

"Are you joking? It's just a waste of space." Emma said.

"You're a waste of space too." Anthony replied coldly.

"Thanks. I feel that way myself." Emma smirked.

"I'm getting jealous already! I bet I could build a better tower than this!" Kevin boasted.

"Build one that doesn't make me sick!" Eric replied as he clutched his stomach and zipped open his backpack to gag in it.

"Dude, are you serious?" Kevin snarked.


"Ugh alright, just make this ride stop!" Eric begged as he zipped up his backpack, nauseated.

"You look adorable when you're sick!" Kokatsu teased.

"You look like a complete retard I'd beat the crap out of!" Anthony said to Eric as the former made a threatening gesture at the latter.

"If you feel sick already," Charlie said to Eric. "I'm not sure what to tell you. Hang on tight everybody!"

"Oh god, please don't do this to me, you asshole!" Eric pleaded as he turned pale.

Suddenly, the Butterfly 5.0 tilted until it pointed upwards, going faster and faster vertically while also spinning a little bit. The Butterfly 5.0 zoomed passed many stores, malls, and business buildings during its ascent. Along with the previously mentioned cosmopolitan areas, many amusement park attractions could be seen, like roller coasters and water slides that the Oompa-Loompas used to travel around the building. Many bright and vibrant colors served as eye candy to the group, who were bewildered by it all, Eric being the exception.

"Noooooo! Why must you do this to meeee? Now I am going to be sick! Thanks a lot!" Eric yelled.

"Charlie, I think we're going to crash through the roof!" Ethan warned.

"Oh yeah! Let's do it!" Emma shouted in pleasure.

"Are you trying to kill us?" Eric asked before retching.

Unfortunately, Emma's hopes were shattered by the vertical-oriented butterfly turning upside down before going straight time as Eric screamed like a little girl. Thankfully for him, The Butterfly 5.0 tilted back to its regular position just in time before it risked hitting the glass roof or plummeting to the floor. The Butterfly 5.0 then became slower as it landed on a nearby landing platform, connected to the walkway of the top floor.

"Oh come on! Really?" Emma asked in disappointment after the Butterfly 5.0 landed.

"Ugh! Is it over? I am never doing that again!" Eric shouted.

I would!" Kokatsu replied as she received a glance from Eric.

"Awful ride, just awful! Just like the rest of this pathetic factory!" Kevin complained.

"Our factory would never have such an abortion of an idea!" Anthony boasted as Andrew nodded in agreement.

"It was okay. I wouldn't minded if it actually crashed through the ceiling though. It would've actually been pretty cool." Madison said.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the top floor of the Chief Building! This is where the festival will begin. Take a look!" Charlie instructed.

The top floor was actually quite empty compared to the rest of the building. It had no stores or shops, just one door that resembled a chocolate bar. A good portion of the walls were made of glass, allowing the group to see the vast city of New Loompaland.

"If you look through this window, you can see our gallery of songs and our collection of ancient artifacts from Loompaland, which is what the door leads to. We can't go in though, not enough time I'm afraid." Charlie said.

"And why not?" Anthony asked.

We'd disrupt the composing process if we did. Our Oompa-Loompas put in magnificent amounts of effort in their songs and performances, and that would be very rude of us if we did. Besides, the artifacts are quite fragile, and it would be awful if the history of Loompaland was destroyed.

"Who gives a damn about artifacts? How about I sell 'em to my fans! Name your price." Kevin demanded.

"They're simply not for sale." Charlie replied.

"How about we borrow these songs when we're done?" Marvin asked.

"And plagiarize their work for your profit, I don't think so." Charlie replied.

"You're making us mad! Us! The most famous people in the universe!" The Prunes shouted.

"Look, I'm very sorry if you guys are angry at me, but this is just for the preservation of New Loompaland in general," Charlie said before turning to the group. "Now, before we go down, let's take a look at this magnificent city. Right this way folks!" Charlie said.

"Why can't you guys take a look at ME, huh?" Kevin asked.

The group then walked over to a window, displaying a great view of all of New Loompaland. It was all so much to take in. The mazes of tree branches, the beautiful cities and neighborhoods, and the many gorgeous attractions all made the group awestruck at the city. Kevin, in particular was astonished, but had a scowl on his face that stood out from the rest of the group members.

"Hey, what are all of these fireworks doing here?" Andrew asked as he saw what appeared to be a balcony outside of the area they were in.

"The fireworks over here are used to begin the festival, sir. They're made out of the most carefully crafted Exploding Candy." Charlie stated.

"But why not use Nuclear Candy?" Charlotte asked.

"Because Nuclear Candy is way too chaotic until further testing proves otherwise." Charlie explained.

"Hey, who's that Oompa-Loompa over there?" Eric asked.

"That's the chief over there. The most responsible and hard-working Oompa-Loompa, who keeps the factory prospering with his amazing leadership skills. I could go on about how brilliant he is, but then we'd be here all day. For now, let's say hello to Dakarai." Charlie said as he waved towards Dakarai.

Kokatsu and Charlotte waved to Dakarai, while the rest refused to wave. Anthony even went as far as to flip him off. Dakarai then proceeded to wave and smile back at the group, and went back to work on preparing the festival.

"This scenery is gorgeous! I could look at it all day! This factory is awful, but this place, phew!" Marvin said.

"This place man! This whole freaking place! It's the most beautiful, most brilliant, most amazing location in the universe! And I hate it! I hate it so much!" Kevin complained.

"You hate it?" Charlie said with a hurt tone in his voice.

"Yes!" Kevin argued. "All of my talents are being undermined by this place by the millisecond. I thought there would be nothing in universe greater than I am, but now with this city in my way, I am jealous beyond all belief. I just cannot accept this..."

"Please, Kevin. Put your ego aside and-"

"NO!" The angry celebrity screamed. "I've got to be part of this festival, and you can't stop me!" Kevin exclaimed before running away from the group.

"My son's a very clever boy, isn't he? I think he's onto something." Marvin said.

Marvin then stared at the only door on the top floor, where Kevin ran off to.

"What if we were to go through that door? Could we start the festival?" Marvin asked.

"Marvin, no sir, please!" Charlie cried out.

"Cool it, you plebeian piece of excrement! Right here, I'm going to be the star, not you, your midgets, nor that dead candyman that deserved to die so we can be number one!" Marvin said.

Kevin and Marvin then attempted to barge into the song gallery, to no success. They kept going on, and on, banging and knocking on the door continuously.

"Aren't you going to stop them?" Emma asked.

"To keep up on time constraints, we have to return to the Butterfly 5.0 right now, I'm afraid. Come along, you two! Please stop your bickering at once!" Charlie said.

The group members then proceeded to get seated onto the Butterfly 5.0, unsure on what's awaiting them next. Then, after Charlie played his pan-flute, the Butterfly 5.0 began to fly towards the center of the area, before tilting slightly downwards.

"It looks like we're going down folks. Ready to see what's next?" Charlie said as the Butterfly 5.0 stopped in midair.

"Hey, where's Kevin?" Madison asked.

"I think we left him and his dad behind. Should we go back?" Charlotte asked.

"We'll find them soon. I promise." Charlie said. "Now it's time to drop down."

"Give me your worst!" Emma exclaimed in slight excitement.

"Oh no no no!" Eric screamed.

"We are going to drop down NOW!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Um, nothing's happening. This better not be a-" Eric said.


As you might have guessed, the Butterfly 5.0 then dropped down as fast as possible, with everyone except for Charlie screaming in terror. Once the short ride was over, everyone left the Butterfly 5.0 as soon as possible, not looking back.

"I admit, that wasn't so bad." Charlotte, the oldest member in the group, smirked.

"Sorry for the scare guys. Nonetheless, I still hope you've appreciated the Chief Building. Let's go somewhere else now. I think we've covered a fair portion of New Loompaland." Charlie said.

"And what about Kevin?" Madison asked.

"Kevin? Oh, I'm sure the Oompa-Loompas will find the Prunes and bring them to us as fast as possible. No worries, darling." Charlie reassured.

Once the group left the Butterfly 5.0 and Chief Building, they were greeted with a horrendous sight.

The floor outside of the building was absolutely trashed with ripped papers and smashed pottery. Once magnificent items belonging to the Oompa-Loompas were now in shambles, unable to be recovered without very hard work.

"Oh no, what a mess! Who would ever do such a thing? Those poor relics! Those poor song sheets!"

"Well how tragic." Eric sarcastically remarked.

"I wonder if I can get a closer glimpse at those song sheets." Kokatsu said before pulling out her phone and taking a picture at the ripped sheets. There were only seven pieces of the ripped sheets in the photo that didn't look completely trashed. Six of them were readable, the last one was not.

"Sights to Behold" (Bella and Alrigo Magro)

"A Very Spotty Situation" (Manuel and Alicia Ramirez)

"Like Palace, Like Person" (Eva and Rohan Pondicherry)

"Feeling Pure Heat" (Jaden and Kiara Lewis)

"A Whole New Low" (Clara and Lena Seltsam)

"Fail After Fail" (Ryan and Jessica Wilson)

"Hmm. Could this tour be rigged or something? Charlie needs to do a lot of explaining for this. Perhaps the seventh piece will provide even more evidence, once I can read it of course." Kokatsu thought to herself.

"Hey, I know who'd do such a thing!" A mysterious, yet familiar voice said from the very top of the tower.

The group then looked up to see Kevin Prune, standing on the balcony of the Chief Building, with him and his father tearing up music sheets and throwing pottery off of the railings.

"I would!" Kevin said as he threw some pottery out of the chief building.

"You should go out there and apprehend that brat!" Ethan said.

"Or throw him off the edge." Andrew suggested.

"That's impossible, according to what Charlie said when we first entered this place." Eric replied.

"Don't give my daughter any funny ideas." Jacob replied.

"I agree with Ethan. Discipline is the best option. This conduct is absolutely unacceptable!" Miranda said.

"I agree," Eric said. "This conduct warrants a suspender, I mean a suspection, I mean suspension." Eric said as he grinned to hide the embarrassment.

"I'd rather just wait and see what shenanigans the two will get into." Charlotte said. "If my daughter knows about these demises, she'll spread it around her school and become popular!"

Once the Prunes ran out of stuff to vandalize, Kevin decided to draw even more attention to himself.

"Look at me! Look at me, everyone! Look at me!" Kevin exclaimed.

"We are! Now get down from there this instant!" Ethan ordered.

"Now how do we even begin this festival, anyway?" Marvin asked.

Kevin and Marvin then saw a group of fireworks, all connected by wire-like candy floss. The wires then went into a purple lever in front of the path of the fireworks.

"This lever has the words 'BEGIN THE FESTIVAL?' transcribed on it. Let's do it now, and then become even more famous than we are now. Just imagine us being the stars of the Disco Festival! Wouldn't it be amazing?" Marvin asked.

"Dad, I think I have an idea!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Don't be shy! Tell me!" Marvin exclaimed.

As Kevin was whispering in his father's right ear, the remaining children decided to comment on the situation.


"Kill yourselves, you attention whores!" Anthony yelled.

"Attention whores? That's what I'm seeing right now!" Kevin boasted.

"Why don't you take those fireworks, and shove them up your butts?" Eric snarked.

"That's gayer than most of the crap Ryan spouts out. You should be proud of yourself, Eric." Kevin sarcastically replied.

"Talentless waste of human life!" Emma shouted.

"Try looking in the mirror, Emma." Kevin suggested.

"Ryan would shoot his puny little head off if he heard this." Kokatsu said.

"Screw Ryan! He's a faggot! Just like you, Kokatsu." Kevin scoffed.

"You should stop, Kevin, like right now. You're giving Charlie what he wants, I bet!" Madison warned.

"I certainly am, Madison! I'm gonna give this whole factory a prune-flavored festival, and it will be the most extravagant festival in the entire universe. I'm gonna be the most famous person who has stepped inside this factory, not that dead creep Willy Wonka!" Kevin boasted before turning to his father.

"Please, Kevin. Stop!" Charlie commanded.

"Dad! Let's show them who's boss! Aim the fireworks at that dead man's statue. Aim them at all of the monuments, in fact! Once they're all gone, every statue here will be constructed in MY honor!" Kevin stated.

"Kevin! No! Please!" Charlie shouted out.

"Enjoy the show, Charlie! That dead man Wonka has absolutely nothing on us. It's time for us to be the stars right here, right now. In honor of the Pranking King himself," Kevin said in satisfaction as he pressed the lever. "MAY THE PURE, RAMBUNCTIOUS, UNIQUE, NEW, AND EXTRAVAGANT DISCO FESTIVAL IN HONOR OF KEVIN PRUNE BEGIN!"

"Let's hear a round of applause for my son!" Marvin said as everyone stood still in shock. "Let's get these fireworks BURSTING!"

Marvin then pushed the lever, immediately causing the fireworks to sizzle and fire, but there was a very slight problem at hand. Kevin and Marvin were standing in the way of the fireworks, too preoccupied by their pride to even notice anything.

"KEVIN, LOOK OUT!" Madison screamed before her father aggressively pulled her hair.

"Why do you have to yell? It's annoying when you do that!" Ethan scolded.

"Look!" Madison replied as she pointed at Kevin and Marvin.

"What are you trying to-OUCH!" Kevin screamed.

Once the fireworks started to fire, Kevin and Marvin immediately felt a harsh pain in their backsides as the fireworks lifted both of them way up high into the air as they were rocketing towards their destination. The speed was so ferocious, the fireworks burst through the electronic barriers, leaving Kevin and Marvin to the mercy of the forces of physics.

"Help meeeeeeeee! AUGHHHHHH!" Kevin and Marvin screamed as they clinged onto the fireworks for dear life. They were aiming right at the memorial statues before they suddenly went straight up in the air, and twisting in all sorts of horrific ways. The fireworks then traveled around New Loompaland as the poor celebrities were clinging on for dear life. Eventually, the fireworks ended up changing course, going high above the chocobromine tank. And suddenly...


As you might have guessed, all of the fireworks had exploded, leading to plenty of loud and colorful blasts being made, with Kevin and Marvin being pummeled around in the blasts until no trace of them could be seen.

"Out of all of the ways to die in the factory, I'd choose this one. It seems very glamorous in my opinion." Emma said.

"They'd better not be dead!" Ethan said sternly. "Although that would be enough to qualify for a factory shutdown, which is a noble sacrifice in my opinion."

"Hey, they're alive!" Anthony pointed out. "And look! Those wankers are on fire! Haha!"

Anthony was certainly correct. After the violent blasts, Kevin and Marvin's clothes were lit on fire, and gravity soon took its toll on the duo. They screamed as they fell their way down. To be more specific, they fell into the very opening of the chocobromine tank, before plunging into the raw chocobromine inside it, changing the liquid to a rich, chocolate brown.

The Prunes began to emerge from the substance, and luckily, the chocobromine was putting out the fire on their clothes. Kevin and Marvin were both submerged waist-high in chocobromine, and their movements were painfully slow, as if they were covered in quicksand. It took a while for them to stand up, and by the time they did, they were completely coated in chocobromine.

"That prank could've gone a whole lot better! Yuck!" Kevin said as he looked at himself. "Can somebody like, get me outta here? I'm kinda stuck in here!"

Charlie and the group quickly ran their way over to the tank to check on Kevin and Marvin.

"Phew! I'm so glad you guys are here to save me! Madison, can you pull some of your magic and get me outta here?" Kevin said, his voice slightly muffled through the glass.

"I'm afraid not." Madison replied rather coldly.

"Haha! I bet you're just pulling my leg! You can't be serious, right?" Kevin asked sarcastically.

"I am being serious!" Madison responded as Kevin's face started to turn pale in fear.

"Maybe I'll just have to search in here. It can't be that bad, right?" Kevin asked.

"It's so hot in here!" Marvin complained.

"This stuff is disgusting, it looks like vomit! I'm calling my lawyer!" Kevin said as he attempted to move around in it.

All of a sudden, a ghastly rumbling sound from the chocobromine tank was heard, paralyzing Kevin and Marvin in fear.

"What's happening?" Ethan asked.

"A thunderstorm is on the way, look!" Charlie replied.

Everyone then started at the eleven pipes inside of the chocobromine tank, pouring in huge doses of chocobromine right at Kevin and Marvin. If that wasn't enough, eleven enormous showerheads above the pipes were pouring out even more chocobromine into the tank, causing the chocobromine level to rise.

"Oh no, it's rising! Make it stop right now!" Kevin demanded at Charlie.

"I can't swim, this blasted stuff is all stuck to me! I think I'm drowning!" Marvin said.

Kevin immediately felt a burning sensation on his skin, as the chocobromine started to boil his skin. In fact, it was starting to cover every inch of his body. Slowly, but surely. It didn't help as the temperature inside of the tank was high enough for the chocobromine to boil.

"Damn it! It's boiling me! Help! HELP!" Kevin screamed.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir. Try not to move, there might be a chance our Oompa-Loompas can get you out. It's effects work slower when you're calmer." Charlie instructed.

"It smells awful in here! I think I'm going to be sick!" Marvin said.

"My stomach, oh god, I AM going to be sick!" Kevin said as he clutched his stomach in pain. "I feel like it's burning by the second. My throat too! I can't take this anymore!"

"Stop moving!" Madison commanded.

Kevin then began to bend over and vomit, but something was wrong with it. It was a brown, coppery color, just like the chocobromine stuck to their skin.

"HELP ME!" Kevin begged.

Marvin was also vomiting at the same rate as his son, but then he began to cough severely as he clutched his chest in pain.

"This is all your fault, you vile, repulsive, loathsome waste of talent!" Marvin shouted at Charlie, pounding at the walls of the tank. "If it wasn't for YOU, we'd still be alive, and we'd still be famous! Look at me! If I ever got out of this tank, I'd KILL you on the spot."

A dark brown smoke then began to emerge out of the loathsome celebrity's mouth, reducing his speech to a series of unpleasant choking, gagging, and wheezing noises.

"Dad? What the! Oh my god!" Kevin screamed.

The chocobromine levels then rose up again, this time going above their shoulders. Kevin's heart began to pound rapidly as his face appeared to be more fatigued. Kevin was getting more tired than ever before, but he was still mortified at what was happening to him. Eric stood completely still in fear, while Emma looked slightly bored at the whole ordeal.

"I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die! The fans will be angry! Don't let me die!" Kevin pleaded as his breathing became more slower. His voice was more hoarse than ever as he began coughing and vomiting rapidly. A waterfall of sweat was forming over the poor boy's face, much to his discomfort. At this point, Kevin was struggling to even breathe as he clutched his aching body.

"What's going on now?" Miranda asked.

"I'm afraid his um, how do I say this without sounding weird? Ah, his organs are being dissolved from the inside out, I'm afraid. It's meant to make room for his statue form, as messed up as that sounds." Charlie said as best as he could.

"WHAT?" Ethan yelled.

"Yeah, it's awful." Charlie replied.

As the chaos unfolded, Madison noticed something suspicious sticking from Andrew's trousers.

"What's that guy doing? Bringing a gun to the factory? Hmm... if I can grab that gun, maybe I can save Kevin by shooting the tank. Not that I care much for him and his father. I only want Charlie's reaction." Madison thought.

Madison then made a quick maneuver and grabbed Andrew's trousers. However, Andrew noticed extremely quickly, and then proceeded to kick Madison.

"What are you doing, you pervert?" Andrew yelled as Madison ran away from Andrew for her own safety. She then peered at the tank to gaze at Kevin and Marvin, with the knowledge that Andrew is a much more dangerous person than she initially thought.

Marvin, from sheer exposure to the chocobromine, became paralyzed, and fell face-first into the rising pool of chocobromine, until no trace of his body was left. Kevin then began to convulse severely, coughing out occasional puffs of brown smoke.

"Why can't I be the best? Why did all of my fame and fortune get wasted in this cruel tank? This has to be a joke. I don't deserve this at all!" Kevin screamed as he began to close his chocobromine-covered eyes. At this point, his chocobromine-covered mouth began to seal shut.

"MMMMMMMMMMPH!" Kevin screamed before breathing heavily, which turned into a fierce retching noise. And then, silence. The chocobromine had finally took its toll on the poor boy.

Kevin was now completely petrified as all of the chocobromine completely filled the tank to the brim, with no trace of Kevin or Marvin left. It then started to empty, leaving absolutely nothing behind.

"As much as I liked every demise beforehand, I have to say that something was just, wrong, with this one. Kevin was probably my favorite person in the tour, and I kind of feel strange for mistreating him in the Chocolate Room." Madison commented.

"Feeling sympathy? That's rarer than Bella gaining a pound, or Manuel going on a diet, or Ryan getting a girlfriend that isn't some anime waifu, or whatever ya call it." Anthony teased.

"Madison, if you're trying to be daddy's little baby girl, you're failing miserably. It's too late to apologize. Look at him now! LOOK AT HIM NOW! He was molded into chocolate just a few seconds ago!" Ethan yelled.

"You can't look at Kevin. He's gone! And I don't feel any sympathy for Kevin, that egotistical piece of garbage got what he deserved! It's just that, he was the closest person on the tour to having my personality. And I at least respect him for that." Madison replied.

"Madison, I'm very sorry that you had to lose a newfound friend in such a cruel manner. Even though he'll have to be separated from the tour for long while, I promise you that he'll be okay. I'll guarantee it." Charlie ensured.

"I'd be alright if he wasn't okay, but thanks, I guess." Madison replied.

Suddenly, the walls of New Loompaland turned very dark, until they resembled a brilliant night sky, with stars and constellations included. One constellation spelled out "CAUTION: THE BARRIERS ON THE CHIEF BUILDING ARE GONE!"

"What now?" Eric asked.

"Look and listen everybody, Dakarai has something to say!" Charlie instructed as he pointed towards an Oompa-Loompa on the balcony of the chief building. He pulled down a lever named "BEGIN THE FESTIVAL!" which was too tiny for any human to see. This led to a pure white spotlight being shined upon him.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Every Oompa-Loompa out there! This is the moment you've all been waiting for! As a commemoration for the tour group, we present to you, something pure, rambunctious, unique, new, and extravagant. Ladies and gentlemen, the DISCO FESTIVALLLLLLL!" Dakarai said as he jumped off of the roof as everyone let out a gasp in shock, before Dakarai opened a parachute, and skydiving down safely, with Charlie and every Oompa-Loompa applauding.

"No suicides and another song? Forget this!" Emma said as she covered her ears.

The song that proceeded to play had to be the very grandest so far. In an instant, every Oompa-Loompa in New Loompaland left their house, but instead of their traditional attire, they wore very flashy and stylish disco suits, even the children and infants (who were being carried by their mothers.) They circled around the branches, and around every building. The buildings themselves started to glow a variety of different colors as the floor started to light up in colorful neon lights like a 70's disco party. A giant disco ball in the center of new Loompaland spun around quickly, reflecting rainbow colored light around the city. The Oompa-Loompas then began to dance and roller skate around the room as spotlights and lasers illuminated from every corner of the room as synthesizers, electric pianos, violins, a fast beat, a very funky bassline, and the clapping of many Oompa-Loompas were all heard in a pure, rambunctious, unique, new, and extravagant disco pop song.

And here he was, everybody's favorite buffoon,

The conceited celebrity, who goes by the name of Kevin Prune!

Always harming and tormenting others with complete unrest,

Just so he can be the very best of the best.

He's always been so smug, vicious, arrogant, and way too proud,

To unleash his horrors against every single passing crowd.

Not taking any judgement against him and his sloppy work,

And pulling violent pranks like a true egotistical jerk.

Being worshiped and honored by his toxic fanbase,

When in reality, he was a jealous and hateful little disgrace.

But now our star has become horribly sick,

For playing his extremely narcissistic trick.

His pranks have always left us quite uneasy,

But now he'll feel more than a tad bit queasy,

When he loses his body parts in complete and utter pain,

(Although we're sure he already lost his disgusting, unused brain.)

For who'd put poison in every drink or meal,

Unless they're asking for this brat's ordeal?

The one who concocted Kevin's terrible path to fame is Marvin P.

Who doesn't have a talent as far as we can see.

But he wants to be a star, though there's nothing he can do,

He's gonna be famous now for being sold directly to you!

Because before his grand finale, he was the prime suspect,

At making his celebrity chock full of disrespect.

Exploiting his son and milking his cash cow,

So he could earn fame right there and right now.

Being so perverted and creepy wherever he'd go,

While worsening his son's extremely fragile ego.

He'll only go far as a Chocolate Boy,

Where he can bring actual happiness just as a mere toy.

The perfect puzzle will then hit these two just like a bus,

So they can finally wisely listen to us!

Hopefully our lesson will leave them very much resolved,

Before their vital organs will be dissolved,

And before his liver, kidneys, and frontal lobe,

Get sold around all over the globe.

Kevin's new body will soon be yours for a fraction,

His silent screams of utter agony will only be a distraction!

But it'll only serve him right for thinking he came straight down from heaven,

And soon everyone will be laughing at, and everyone will be joking about…

The lights in the room then began to flash and sparkle very rapidly as the Oompa-Loompas held onto the word "about" for as long as possible. The colorful spotlights began to focus on the chocobromine tank as the giant disco ball in the center of New Loompaland was spinning at ridiculous speeds, and all of the Oompa-Loompas in the room were dancing and getting close together for a final pose until the last lyric was sung, loud and clear.


After the final lyric was sung, a synchronized set of fireworks began blasting in the air, creating lots of colorful, loud explosions that displayed the names of Kevin and Marvin, as well as their faces in spectacular detail. Confetti dropped from the cotton candy clouds, littering the entire room in less than a second. The lights and lasers were getting extremely out of control, getting about as bright and colorful as the entire Cyber Room until a flash of white light appeared for a few seconds, ending the music instantly. Once the light faded, all of the Oompa-Loompas were walking around New Loompaland in the same clothing they wore before the song began. They acted as if the song never took place at all, going around their regular business instead. The music was gone, the confetti and disco ball completely vanished, the lights changed back to normal, and the buildings were just the same, without any disco-themed decorations.

"Wasn't that a lovely song! A top of the line production if I say so myself!" Charlie commended as he clapped his hands. Kokatsu and Charlotte also clapped their hands as well, to look more natural.

"Top of the line? TOP OF THE LINE? So you only care about your stupid songs, huh?" Ethan yelled.

"Now's the part where he has to explain that those two knuckleheads are actually alive through some arbitrary means. Just listen!" Jacob said.

"Actually, I am curious to know what he and his dad are going to go through. Do tell us, Charlie." Kokatsu said as she stopped clapping.

"Kevin's situation isn't really any worse than the others if I'm going to be honest. He'll need to be rescued by the Oompa-Loompas before he gets completely molded into a statue, or even sold as candy worldwide, or sold as a statue worldwide. Can you imagine him showing up at Ryan's front door?" Charlie said.

"And how do you propose they'll rescue him and his dad? You can't forget about him as well!" Andrew said.

"That shouldn't be too hard! The generator has many glass tubes connecting each part of it. The Oompa-Loompas will open a tube like a hatch door and it'll spit them right out. They might be rescued, or sold worldwide. Just flip a coin and find out!"

"So, you're just gonna let those two succumb to their poisoning and die." Miranda noted.

"Not necessarily. The level of chocobromine needed to power the festival is deadly to humans. They'll need intensive care at the hospital. Stomach pumps, rubber rings, all sorts of other horrid things. He'll need emergency treatment to take care of him, but we can recover his organs rather easily, with safer doses of chocobromine. Unfortunately, the boiling chocobromine will still be stuck onto them like a latex suit or a mask, with traces of the poison still remaining in his bones, blood, chromosomes, and more. It's possible we might need to hollow their arms and legs a bit to neutralize the massive chocobromine dose. They won't see, smell, taste, touch, hear, or speak as much as they used to for a month. But I guarantee they won't become statues. They wouldn't look very pretty if they did."

"Is this a factory tour or an autopsy? Dang!" Emma said.

"They're celebrities! Their careers will go up in smoke! I've had enough!" Ethan said.

"Well I'd say you need a little more. You've seem like the fearless type. Coward." Jacob said.

"For the last time, Jacob, shut the hell up!" Ethan yelled.

"So," Kokatsu said. "Do you have any notes on the Prunes before you forget about them for the rest of the tour?"

"Well, all I can really say is this. At least they've gotten what they wanted." Charlie said.

"And that would be?" Eric asked.

"They became statues my boy, with a song and festival to boot. They were even the main subject of the festival. Isn't that magnificent? A very glamorous exit for our celebrities, in my opinion. Now how many of our sweet little children are left?" Charlie asked.

"You mean how many children are left for me to triumph over, right?" Eric whispered to himself.

"You only need to triumph over two, excluding me. Emma doesn't count as one." Kokatsu replied silently, overhearing Eric.

"Now you're mocking me? I wished I died right now to see the reactions on your puny faces, well, except for you Be-Eric." Emma whispered to Kokatsu and Eric, listening to the conversation.

"You still have me mistaken, huh? Just move on!" Eric ordered to no response from Emma.

"The answer is FIVE, you loathsome murderer!" Ethan loudly replied to Charlie.

"Five? Oh goodness gracious, you guys disappear like rabbits! That's the same number of children who attended the tour way back in 2005!" Charlie said as he observed the remaining children and their parents.

"Where are we going now?" Anthony asked impatiently. "I swear I'm gonna kill someone if this bloody tour doesn't end."

"That statement seems a bit too broad, and very violent coming from a boy like you. I'm about to show you several rooms!" Charlie said.

"They're all going to suck! Just end the tour here..." Emma complained.

"End? Silly girl, we've only just begun." Charlie said.

The group then followed Charlie as he walked around the Chocobromine Tank to a nearby set of city-like houses, arranged neatly. One in particular being decorated with flowers, candles, and pictures of Willy Wonka and his father.

"Another memorial? Good grief." Anthony said.

"This place reminds me of my mother. An awful person she was." Madison remarked.

"Here's a small recreation of the house Willy Wonka and his father used to live in. It's a place of sadness, yes, but also a place of remembrance of the factory itself. It's such an honor to show you lovely people this, no really, it is." Charlie said.

"Yeah, yeah." Emma said, "Let's cut to the chase."

"C'mon, Emma, you're always whining about death, and now your ignoring it?" Kokatsu asked.

"You're always whining about exploring everything here and wasting our time." Emma argued.

"It's better than wasting your life fantasizing about death!" Kokatsu said.

"You're starting to get on my nerves!" Emma replied angrily.

"Ladies, can we please stop arguing?" Charlie asked as everyone stared at Kokatsu and Emma.

"Yes, sir!" Kokatsu said

"She just needs some quiet time... and a pillow and blanket for her to cry in." Jacob sarcastically said.

"Shut up dad!" Emma shouted.

"Now, if this won't impress you," Charlie said. "Nothing will. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you all to the Great Glass-OOF!"

Charlie was then knocked down by a seemingly invisible force. Anthony reached out one of his legs in an attempt to kick Charlie before the latter got up quickly.

"The Great Glass Elevator!" Charlie said.

"The Great Glass what?" Anthony asked.

"Elevator, you douchey, retarded doofus." Eric said.

"It's called a lift where I live!" Anthony said.

"Does it look like I give a shit?" Eric asked smugly.

"Watch the shit that comes out of your mouth, or you'll be dead!" Anthony threatened.

"And if you did that, my mom would put you in the Chokey. Now get out of my sight, you pissworm." Eric replied as he walked away from Anthony.

"So, what's the elevator for?" Madison asked. "Another meaningless delve into the bowels of your imagination, where we'll all get punished for being naughty. Give me a break!"

"Hmm, that isn't exactly the answer I was looking for, but an insightful one nonetheless," Charlie noted. "This elevator is for transportation, obviously. It's the fastest transportation method in the factory. It's grown a little bit bigger, to accommodate larger quantities of people in situations like this tour. In fact..."

"OWWWWWW!" Kokatsu screamed in pain as everyone flinched in surprise.

"Oh my god! My baby! Oh my poor baby!" Charlotte whimpered in fear.

The group then turned around to see Kokatsu clutching her left arm in pain, while Charlotte looked at her daughter in horror. Upon further inspection, Kokatsu's arm was actually bleeding, with a very visible slash on it. Emma stood next to Kokatsu, with a surprised gaze in her eyes, but a very satisfied smirk on her face.

Six little children, Kevin isn't exactly alive.

He's just a petrified chocolate boy, and then there were five.

And that's all for Chapter 27! Sorry for the horrifically long wait! I just hope to god this chapter didn't disappoint anybody. It's just the fact that I simply don't care about this story anymore. I'm too burnt out with it. I don't want to write it anymore. There's no other way to say it. I'm simply too busy with my life, and I'd rather spend my time on better things to do. This story is now just a hobby at this point, but I will NOT abandon this story until I'm absolutely finished with it! :)

But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If you like it, leave a review, or even give the story a favorite if you haven't already. I thank you all dearly for reading this chapter, and my story. :)


(But please try to make your review as fulfilling as possible. It really does helps me when I get long, extensive, and detailed feedback, and I would really appreciate it if you guys helped me in that regard.) :)

1. What did you guys think of the seventh demise? Did it serve the victims just right? Do you think they should've stayed in the tour a little bit longer, or are you glad their reign of terror is now over? You guys can be honest with this one, so don't be afraid. :)

2. So, the demise song, did you guys love it? I put in a great deal of effort into it, even mixing in elements from the song "Juicy!" (and a very small bit of "More of Him to Love") from the 2013 CatCF Musical to write this song. I'm just curious about what you lovely readers think. :D

3. Can anyone guess what's up with Kokatsu and Emma at the end? Actually, it should be pretty obvious if you've paid any attention to Charlotte's POV segment. ;)

4. Now that the group has made it to the Great Glass Elevator, any room suggestions for next chapter? I would strongly prefer canon rooms over fanon rooms for your suggestions, if you guys are okay with that. Just one thing though. Absolutely NO FUDGE for your suggestions! }:(

(Yes, MysteriousMaker1185 is hating and bearing a grudge against a luscious bit of fudge. But don't take the all-caps part too seriously though. I had it there for a reason, but don't bother guessing why. Just don't.) ;)

(But on a more serious note, I'll limit the rooms visited next chapter to around 5-7, so be quick, and convincing as well!)

5. Who do you think is going to leave next, and why?

6. Who, out of the remaining tour members (parents included), do you despise the most? Who do you like/tolerate the most?

7. Other than the demise, what was your favorite part of the chapter?

That's all I have to ask you guys. Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions if you do end up doing so. To end my author's note, I'd like to say sayonara! :D

For now...