Welcome to this little fic that's supposed to become sort of a two shot. Though it's rather two one shots that are slightly connected, which is why I want to upload them into the same fic. Both are about Beck/Jade and smoking weed, though the second one (again) takes place during their break-up. But this one first.
As I gather, even in California, neither was it legal back when Victorious aired, nor is it legal nowadays to smoke weed if you are underage, so Beck and Jade do commit an offence/ a crime here. I won't advise you to do that or even say it's okay by writing this fic. Or to say it directly: Don't do anything illegal, kids. ;)
I got the idea for this because of the episode Breakfast Bunch, where I think it's safe to assume the gang is taking drugs. As Jade and Beck have apparently tried before...
I hope this one shot isn't too all over the place, but I tried to get a "stoned-vibe" in, so...
Yeah. Enjoy. :)

"Have you ever smoked pot?"

Jade looks up in surprise. Well, the question must have come out of nowhere for her. Sure, a character in a show they watch, has mentioned smoking weed in passing right before advertisements. Still... Jade can't know that Beck has thought about smoking weed a lot lately; she can't know he thought about it at all). It somehow has started when a classmate mentioned in a talk with Andre and him that he gets his best ideas for songs when he's stoned. Which made Beck blink a few times, while Andre didn't seem too confused. Well, they are in LA and it's not too unusual. Every adult seem to at least have tried it once. But they are only sixteen.

Beck guesses that a lot of their classmates have already tried anyway. Or at least some of them. He has heard about it before, after all.

He's sure, Jade hasn't actually done it yet. It's something you would possibly expect of her. With the way she dresses and always is just so... out there, she possibly seems like a person who would do drugs, especially as it's forbidden. Who at least would have tried it already. But she doesn't do drugs, just like she is a good student, which a lot of people also wouldn't assume.

But maybe, she has tried it after all. They are already a couple for almost two years now and usually tell each other about everything, but he think it's possible that... maybe, Cat wanted to try and asked Jade to do it with her, so Jade did and for some reason she never told Beck about it.

He doesn't know. In any case: She always has an answer. She always is smart about everything. Even if she has never tried it, she can certainly somehow tell him what it's like to smoke weed or if it's totally dumb for him to try.

Jade just looks at him for a moment, and he gets a little afraid that she takes offense, because his question may sound like he assumes she's smoking weed. But she doesn't.

Instead, she now asks: "You want to?"

That's so her, easily understanding him, understanding what he wants, even if he doesn't outright say so.

He shrugs. "Sometimes, I wonder what it's like." If it's really such an amazing feeling.

Jade doesn't look at him in a judging way after that. She never does. At least never seriously. She never thinks less of him for anything he ever says.

"I never did any kind of drug," she now answers. "But I know my neighbor smokes regularly. I could ask him for some for you to try."

Well, and again, Jade delivers the answer. Yes, he does want to try, but he feels unsure about it. He feels unsure if he can just... take drugs. He wouldn't even have known how to get some. But yeah, maybe that is one of the reasons he wanted to talk to Jade about it. Because he knew she would take it this easy and would actually be able and willing to get him the drug.

If it's this easy and he wonders so much about it... He totally should try it, right? But he has heard so much about the effects and most sound amazing, but some also don't. What if he's one of those people reacting really badly to weed?

"Will you do it with me?" he therefore asks. Just so she's around to... watch him. To make sure he doesn't go down a dark road or he does something crazy he will regret afterwards. He trusts Jade more than anyone.

Jade seems amused. "Are you pressuring me into taking drugs?"

He smiles. Obviously, he isn't. Now, he also adds: "Well, I would like you to be with me while I do it but you don't actually need you to smoke too. But... I heard that some people get really scared when they are high. I think you could help me then." Because he feels safer around her than around anybody else. "Or if I feel so giddy that I want to... start running around naked or something."

Jade smirks. "I would let you, you know."

"You wouldn't," he knows. "I trust you to keep an eye on me."

"So, I'm supposed to babysit you?" Jade asks and... well... Beck guesses he does want her to babysit him in a way, which is why he doesn't correct her.

She considers for a moment, before she says: "Then, I'll definitely smoke some as well, before I have to babysit you sober. Hopefully, we don't both react badly to it then."

She smirks again and he does too. He's pretty sure, at least one of them will be fine. And this means that Jade actually is interested in trying too and also trusts him enough to have the drugs potentially take over around him.

He's sure it will be fun. And another first they'll share.




They plan to do it for the weekend after next for which his parents leave him home alone. They travel to Canada to visit family and he has to endure some fights and a lot of talks until they leave him home alone with the option of calling them back at any time. Gosh, he's sixteen, not six. He is able to stay home alone for a weekend. On the other hand... he totally is planning to smoke weed that same weekend, so maybe his parents worry rightfully.

Jade already comes over to the RV that Friday evening. She has told her mother she would stay over at Beck's. Jade's mother also doesn't like them sleeping over all that much, but if Jade decides something...

Jade has brought a joint over, which she has successfully gotten from her neighbor. That same neighbor has apparently been glad to help out, has rolled her the joint, has told her to do her first time in a safe space, to only smoke it slowly to know when it's enough, to possibly do it in a group as it's more fun that way, to have lots of food and water ready. He has also told her how to light it exactly.

She has told him about it and now offers him the joint and the lighter she brought.

He looks down at it. So, this is it. He takes a deep breath, is about to take the joint out of Jade's hand, but... he doesn't actually know how to smoke it. He doesn't understand what Jade said about lighting it. He doesn't want to look like a total idiot. (Though it would be okay in front of Jade.)

His hesitation now makes her roll her eyes. But she understands that he still wants to smoke the weed. He is just unsure about how to do it.

"Let me start," she promptly decides and so, she does. She takes the joint between her lips and then carefully lights the tip (that seems to just consists of paper).

She doesn't take deep breaths until the fire reaches the drug itself. Then, she inhales, takes the joint out and promptly coughs up what she just breathed in.

Then, she hands him the joint. He takes it, but watches her closely.

"And? Do you feel something?" he carefully asks.

She smirks. "I don't think it will start that quickly."

Yeah, that makes sense. He should also take a hit. He is the one who wanted to do it after all. And he still does want to do it.

He inhales and promptly has to cough it up, just like Jade.



The more often they take a hit off of the joint, the easier it gets though. And Beck also quickly realizes that he actually knows the smell of marihuana. At least one of his neighbors must also smoke regularly, which he hasn't known before. All of his other neighbors therefore must be used to the smell as well and probably won't come to inquire, even if it now comes out of the RV. Which means that he can not just have the A/C running but also have the door open, without alerting anybody to what they are doing. But he's only talking shortly to Jade about it without actually getting up to open the door. He just stays where he is, weirdly relaxed.

Jade and he are both extremely relaxed and laugh way too easily. The thing is: They both know. They are even able to talk about it while they are pretty much stoned.

The joint is soon gone, so is the pizza they ordered before.

Jade seems a little all over the place. At one point, she notices herself: "I have the attention span of... like..." She looks around as if to search for something she can compare herself with. Only after a while, she looks back to Beck, blinks and asks: "God, what was I about to say?"

Beck can't help but laugh. She's serious. She wanted to talk about her short attention span and forgot what she wanted to say within the sentence. That's just perfect.

Though he probably laughs too hard. He laughs too hard about everything at the moment. He feels like every feeling inside of him is more intense, weirdly.

Jade furrows her brow and hits him harder than necessary: "Hey. Are you making fun of me, ass?"

He still laughs somehow, while rubbing his arm she hit. He answers earnestly though: "Never." Then, he shoves her himself. "Come on, lighten up."

And curiously enough: That makes her grin again.



At some point, Jade suddenly gets up and starts dancing to some imaginary tune. Or not imaginary. Beck isn't sure in restrospect when he tries to remember the moment, if Jade actually sang while dancing or if Beck just had a song in his head that fit perfectly with Jade's dancing.

She pulls him up to dance with her, though he feels so lazy through relaxation. Well, but she's always the one to keep him up his feet, to actually make him move in some way. Literally, but mostly figuratively. Not just while stoned.

So, they start dancing together, somehow moving from some cray tune to a slow one, pressed closely together.



Beck is pretty sure days have already passed, when he finally has the feeling to sober up slightly. He has glanced to the clock in sort of a panic in between, as if it could already be Sunday evening and his parents could walk in any second. But it's barely two hours when he starts getting the feeling of sobering up.

He also grows a little tired – Jade as well.

They are lying on the floor together now, where they have sort of dropped after the dancing, just staring at the ceiling. Maybe, they have also done that for hours already.

Suddenly, Jade says: "You will never get the smell out of your RV."

Beck instantly sits up. "Oh, my god. My parents will know." Because yes, he can still smell the joint now though they are long done smoking it.

Jade snorts as she sits up as well: "Don't be an even more gullible wuss than usual. Of course, the smell will get out. Your parents are gone for the whole weekend. You will just leave the door open the whole time and have the A/C running."

That quickly calms him down again. This whole up and down, which he is experiencing as every feeling seems more intense, the good and the bad, is a little exhausting. Though he thinks it would be even worse to stay all panicky. But Jade easily keeps him from that.

She now continues in a disregarding voice: "And your parents would only be angry at me anyway. They would think I made you smoke pot."

Beck stares at Jade. God, they would, wouldn't they? If his parents would ever find out about this, they would assume Jade made him smoke, though it was pretty much the other way around. But his parents always deem him perfect and Jade as the worst thing that could have happened to him. They are always out to find flaws in her. They always talk bad about her, insult her.

And Beck runs to Jade every time, because he needs to talk about it, because it also hurts him. Which is why Jade knows how much exactly his parents hate her. Which is why she gets hurt over and over again by them.

"I'm so sorry about my parents," he says, grabbing Jade's hands.

She squeezes his, as she answers: "Don't be."

And she always is so good about it. She always lets him vent, though she gets hurt much more through his parents than he does. She always calms him down and hugs him and tells him not to worry, that it's fine that his parents don't like her.

He always lets it slide. Suddenly, he feels the need to not let it slide anymore, just as rash as his panic or his amusement since he started smoking. "No. I am. And I love you so damn much, Jade."

She smirks again, beautifully like she does: "Is that the pot speaking?"

He knows she just wants to ease the tension, and usually, he would've gone with it. A few minutes ago, he would have gone with it as well, stoned as he has been. But sobering up feels kind of heavy for him, like the weight of the world is coming back to him, like he suddenly needs to tell Jade of every one of his feelings before he's back to normal, before he closes up again.

She just needs to know about this. He gets a whole lot closer to her, both still sitting on the floor, holding hands. They never have been too far apart from each other, but now he's definitely all up in her personal space – not that she complains.

Intently, he says: "No. It isn't, I promise. I do love you so incredibly much. You know, Jade..." He looks into her eyes and just continues, without thinking much, without hesitating, just right out of the depths of his heart: "I always try to be a good person. I don't want people to dislike me. I don't want people to get angry with me. But that makes me behave like a person I'm not." Always just pleasing people around him.

"You are the first person in my life... that's just okay with me. I can just be who I am, who I truly am, and know you will always accept me. You are able to even take my weird sides, my... wrong sides." She hasn't even really stopped when he suddenly asked her about smoking weed. Instead, she was right there with him. He honestly probably wouldn't have dared to try it out if it wasn't for Jade. Which his parents would totally misunderstand. But she just lets him feel free to try everything, to explore life.

"You can handle me being imperfect. You still love me. I show you my real self all the time and you love it." He even fights with Jade and she may get angry at him often, but she can handle it. She can actually handle him just the way he is, explodes quickly, but also easily calms down and takes him with her all the time. It's weird and amazing to never have to be afraid of what you say or do around a person because they might get angry, but still love you all the same. "You are the only one who knows the real me, and loves me. Even my parents hate the person I really am."

Jade has just listened to him, but quickly cuts in, as he says that last thing in a sort of desperate voice: "They don't."

"They do," Beck says. "In front of them, I'm only truly myself when it's about you and they hate it. They hate me."

Jade pulls her hands out of his, but only to put them onto his cheeks, taking his face. "They don't, Beck. They don't."

And though at this moment, he feels terrible about his parents because he does sometimes doubt if he can truly be himself around them, Jade is able to calm him down again. Just the look in her eyes, her rough voice.

He decides and knows it's true: "I don't care, as long as you love me. You love me, don't you, Jade?"

The funny thing is that he doesn't need her to answer. She doesn't say it often but he also doesn't need to hear it often. And to prove exactly that, he says: "I see it in your eyes." He lies his own hands on her hip, which she immediately moves forward to meet them at least a tiny bit. "I see it in the way you react to my touch." He leans forward and kisses her, before he breathes: "I see it."

She breathes back: "I do love you, Beck."

They kiss again, then he whispers: "I love you, too. You are everything. You truly are."

And while they kiss another time, she lets go of his face, just to let her hands wander over his body. Before he knows it, he lets himself fall back and pulls Jade over himelf, lost in deep kisses.



Beck feels sober again after they had sex. The drug can't be out of his system yet, but the effects must be gone for the better part. He is sure, Jade feels the same.

And while they are still lying next to each other on the floor again, both still catching their breath, he thinks again about what he just told her.

Well, he has to clear something up. Sure enough, most of what he said in his still sobering stage, was the absolute truth. He might have never told Jade before, how much she actually means to him, might have not even known that clearly before, but yes, she is the one who made him the person he is today. The person that's just himself.

But telling her that everything is alright as long as she loves him? That sort of puts pressure on her. That's almost like saying he would kill himself if she would ever leave him. He never wants to put her under pressure like that.

He just wants to get into it, wants to tell Jade about that, when the girl already sits up and says: "Well, that was some trip."

He has to smile, as he sits up as well. It certainly was. And he could imagine doing that again some day. Though: "If we ever smoke pot again, possibly together with other people, make sure we are alone when it gets back out of my system."

Because everything before was fun (even the panicky feeling, looking back on it), but that sudden urge to get all serious with Jade, to talk to her like that? It's fine around her, but to imagine that happening with other people? The thought irks him a little.

Jade promptly smirks again. "Don't want anybody to see the real you?"

He has to smile as well and kisses her. God, he loves her so much.

Even more so, when she runs her hands through his hair after the kiss: "I'll keep babysitting you." How can that promise somehow sound so loving and beautiful?

They share another kiss, before he finally says: "You know... I do know my parents love me. All of me." Even though he sometimes doubts how much they like his weirder and darker sides, how much they would love to ignore them. They might not like everything about him; they still love him.

Anyway... "But... you are still the person who made me find my real self and who makes me feel safe enough to be exactly that."

At least around her, he lets everything out, he speaks all his thoughts, he tells her about his darkest desires.

She takes his face in her hands again, looking him deep into the eye, as she says in a scolding manner: "Don't be so cheesy."

And yet, she kisses him softly, and even softer come the words: "I love you, Beck."